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Monarchs Game Notes - Game #50-66
(This post was last modified: 07-11-2024, 03:15 AM by eddiesnothere.)

(Note: These game recaps are copies of write-ups produced for the Monarchs discord, some content (mostly the pings of individual players) have been removed.)

Game #50 vs. Atlanta Inferno: 5-2 Win

Time to terrorize another East Coast team.

Billy Herrington and Dan Johnson score early to give Atlanta the early lead, but it's Emil Egli who gets us on the board. That gets us going.

In the 2nd, Meta Knight gets #33 off a great effort from Koivu, and that sets the tone for the 3rd. Kove scores midway into the period, and then it's the Gordie Gibbles Show, as he scores two last-minute goals, just 30 seconds apart.

Ally Mathieson deserves a big heap of the credit for this win, stopping 39/41 for a .935 save percentage. These wins matter, it's more climbing of the ladder, beating good teams. We're finally playing up to our weight again.


Game #51 vs. Winnipeg Aurora: 7-2 Win

For the team with the lowest budget in the league, a late-season sellout feels really good, and it gets the playoff atmosphere going against a division rival.

So the building goes supernova when Nevek Kove scores on the power play to make it 1-0. They're just as loud when his former partner, Jules Florsch, makes it 2-0.

In the 2nd, Kevin Kim scores to pad the lead, but the Aurora aren't going too quiet. Ekholm-Gunnarsson scores on a power play to get them within 2.

That's as close as they'll get. Oles Kobliska pads the lead early in the 3rd. When James Ward-Prowse scores, it doesn't take long for Gibbles to score his 20th goal of the season to make it 5-2. Emil Egli and Binko Koivu finish off the game, and the cheering fans get a great one.

Jeff Newman gets a good night to post a .929 sv%, but this is the Julian Florsch game. He scores a goal and three assists to get his team over an old foe, and it must feel good that this is win #5 of a growing streak.


Game #52 vs. Hamilton Steelhawks: 4-3 Win

Of all the teams to try and break the streak up, our biggest challenge yet is a scrappy young bunch from Ontario.

Activity Check scores the first of the game nine minutes in. Kevin Kim ties it up, but clearly, we're gonna have a tough game on our hands.

It's Boho Biscuit, an old friend, who scores late in the 2nd, and now we're getting nervous. When Jani Manty scores early in the 3rd, some fans head for the exits. They should know by now that it's not smart to do that.

Jules Florsch, still hot from last night, scores to make it 3-2. Who else but Meta Knight ties it at 3, and it's the rookie Gordie Gibbles who makes it 4-3. That's all it takes.

Our first big struggle is out of the way, and along with it, we're made aware of two big milestones in the future. Meta Knight is 3 goals from 300, and only so many points away from #700, a major milestone. Hai Nam Hoang is looking down at #500 of his career. It's time to get some points up for these two titans.


Game #53 vs. Winnipeg Aurora: 5-3 Win

Hello again, COLD friend.

Against Winnipeg, we start fast, as Kevin Kim scores 2 minutes in, and Binko Koivu collects goal #25, but the Aurora score soon after to get within one.

It's pretty much the same story in the 2nd. Binko's 2nd of the game gets us a 2-goal lead, but it lasts just 21 seconds, thanks to that darn Lias character again. Not to worry, Meta Knight gets in tight and scores to make it 4-2.

41 seconds into Period 3, it's Knight again with #36. Even though Poiklm scores to make it 5-3, that's how it stays to end it.


Game #54 vs. Winnipeg Aurora: 5-0 Loss

Aw dangit.

No goals tonight, we just can't get anything going on offense. Newman needs a break at this point, time for Mathieson to get some action as we inch towards the playoffs.

Still #299 for Knight.


Game #55 vs. Toronto North Stars: 4-1 Win

It's a cold night in Toronto where magic happens.

21 seconds in, Toronto's on the board with a goal from Junior the Second. it takes 16 minutes before Kove sends Gato and Knight into the zone.

" here's a great lead pass, it's a two on one for the Monarchs! Here's Gato! In... Shoots! Save made- rebound! HE SCORES! THERE IT IS! THAT'S #300 for Meta Knight! Look at the bench!"

It's a lively bench. Kim nearly yanks Knight's arm out of his socket. We've still got a game to win.

In the 2nd, it's quiet until Kove scores off a great pass from his former partner. In the 3rd, the same combination scores the same way. It's Hoang who finishes the game off with an empty netter.

It's a big night for Mathieson too. 27/28 is good for a .964 save percentage, but that game pick is most definitely going on the Knight Family mantle.


Game #56 vs. Edmonton Blizzard: 6-4 Loss

Small victories in big losses.

Hai Nam Hoang reaches 50 assists on the season tonight in the 1st. Mu Wisconsin collects his 20th of the season himself. Later, Hoang gets goal #30 and Koivu gets assist #40

We can cherry pick if we feel like it.


Game #57 vs. Los Angeles Panthers: 6-2 Win

Hello old friends. Does it feel good coming back home?

Alexi Piastri scores 5 minutes in with a great power play goal. When Knight takes a holding penalty, they look to try again, but Hai Nam Hoang steals it from his good buddy and powers in to score a shorthanded goal. On the same penalty, Jay O'Neal shoots an attempt from the red line that looks like a clear until it hops over Stun Gun's pads. Though Prpich scores to make it 2-2, it's clear this team is rattled.

We press in the 2nd. Knight makes up for his penalty-power play with a goal. In the 2nd, Koivu scores on the power play, Kobliska gets his 20th on a shorthanded chance (of course), and Knight cashes in on the PP to end the game. It's a statement win against the cream of the division. Certainly something we need.


Game #58 vs. Los Angeles Panthers: 6-1 Win

Did we not just do this?

It's a fast start as usual, with our offense clicking like a Model T. Mu Wisconsin starts the scoring 2 minutes in. Hai Nam Hoang cashes in to make it 2-0, and the rookie Gibbles gets it done midway through the period to make it 3-0.

In the 3rd, it's quiet until the final minute, when a bad giveaway by Nathan Meagher gives the puck away in the final seconds, and he scores with just miliseconds to spare.

In the 3rd, our depth takes care of business. Spack Jarrow scores early on, and Emil Egli wraps things up. In the dying moments, Andren Akerson ruins the shutout bid.

Which sucks for Jeff Newman, looking for a big win, but he still posts a .958 save percentage, so he can't complain. It's a game where everyone can be happy about something.


Game #59 vs. Chicago Syndicate: 4-1 Loss

I have several Tummy Hurts voodoo dolls in my office.


Game #60 vs. Philadelphia Forge: 3-2 OT Loss

Time for a big playoff-sized test.

Kevin Kim, as he tends to do, scores early in the period, to cap off a gritty, grimy period of play. The 2nd sees a Koivu get on the board, but it's not ours, so that's not great.

It's the 3rd that makes this game special. In a penalty-filled game, Antonio Flusso scores on the PP to make it 2-1. Not detered, when we get a chance, Nevek Kove blows the puck past PACK, and that's big. Though we fall in OT to the likely-MVP, we have a lot to pat ourselves on the back for. We fought this great team to a draw, in some ways. That bodes well for the future.


Game #61 vs. Seattle Argonauts: 4-1 Win

Back at home, the gauntlet begins. We're some points back of the New Orleans Specters for a divisional win. It's also a big deal of a game. This will be win #34, which would leave no doubt that we're a winning team this season, no OTLs to get in the way of the conversation.

And we get off to a great start. 50 seconds in, a rocket from Lazer Gato gets us aboard. 3 minutes later (exactly), it's Gordon Gibbles streaking in to score his 23rd. 6 minutes in, it's Kim again who scores to make the lead 3

In the 2nd, Gato AGAIN scores to make it 4-0 on the power play. The 3rd changes nothing, aside from a Seattle goal to make it 4-1.

Ally Mathieson's .950 save percentage locks us into a winning season with style. Now, it's all about keeping this momentum going.


Game #62 vs. Calgary Dragons: 7-2 Win

Pre-empting the obvious, Yea, we don't start great.

Arthur Kaliyev scores 4 minutes in and we don't really get going. It takes until the 2nd, and a 2-0 deficit, for us to wake up.

But boy, do we wake up.

Gordon Gibbles scores to make it 2-1, and the Florsch ties it 20 seconds later. 2 minutes later, Gato fires a shot that beats Montagne. 2 minutes later, Gato, from exactly the same spot, from exactly the same setup, beats Montagne again. She smashes her stick into a million pieces, and her night is over. Kevin Kim makes Perfection welcome in net with a goal, his 25th, to end the period.

45 seconds into the 3rd, Knight scores. Kim lodges another in 13 minutes later, but this game was over the second Montagne's stick made contact with the post. It's a rout, and it feels oh-so-good. Jeff Newman gets to relish this victory, it's a welcome sign and one of the last few times he'll see the home ice for the regular season.

6 points out from New Orleans.


Game #63 vs. San Francisco Pride: 6-3 Win

It's okay if you want to wince beforehand. Just remember to open your eyes.

Our battle with the defending-cup champs beings well, as Hoang scores on the power play early, and Gibbles follows up shortly after. Though Dominic Winters scores to halve the lead, it's alright.

7 minutes in, it's party time again.

"...Smokes with the clearing attempt, HERE'S KOIVU WITH SPEED! He's got a 2-on-1 with Knight! Is this it! Koivu... to Knight! HE SCOOOOORES! IT'S SEVEN HUNDRED POINTS FOR THE META! LISTEN TO THIS CROWD!"

The milestone puts a dampen on the news that that assist is #50 on the season for Koivu. The crowd is electric until Winters scores to make it 3-2. In the final ten seconds, Julian Florsch takes a chance and buries it to get the lead to 2 again.

In the 3rd, we lock it up. Kim scores to make it 3. When Webb cuts the deficit down, it's Knight who finishes it off with an empty netter.

What a show this is. Mathieson is stellar, with a .917 save percentage and some key saves at key points. Jules Florsch puts his 50th assist in and has 4 points on the night. Big win.

4 points out from New Orleans.


Game #64 vs. Manhattan Rage: 4-1 Win

Let's enjoy the bright lights of the Big Apple!

And we do! Though Aksel Fiske tags us early with a goal 41 seconds in, Julian Florsch and Binko Koivu get us the lead on the power play.

In the 2nd, Florsch, who is on a TORRID hot streak by this point, gets #32 late in the frame.

In the 3rd, we lock it down, and Koivu scores his 2nd. Big win.

2 points out from New Orleans.


Game #65 vs. Seattle Argonauts: 8-1 Win

On the table tonight: A franchise record. In the 50-game era, the Monarchs' franchise-high water mark remains S11's 38 wins. We've never come that close in the 66-game era until now. History is here for the taking.

The usual crew gets us going. Florsch (shorthanded) and Kevin Kim score in the 1st, with Kobliska (not shorthanded) scoring later in the frame.

In the 2nd, Hoang scores goal #35 a minute and 22 seconds in, but shortly after Seattle gets on the board. No sweat, Emil Egli will get a dagger goal later in the period.

And we pull away in the 3rd, as Hoang collects another, Gato wires a shot in, and Wisconsin gets a goal in the 15th minute.

#39. Uncharted territory. And now we enter a crazy situation.

Game #66 means a lot. If we win, it's win #40 on the season, and it means we edge by the Specters for home-ice advantage in our locked-in series against New Orleans. If we lose, they take 2nd place in the division, and get home ice. We're completely even on points. It's essentially Game #0 of the playoffs.


Game #66 vs. New Orleans Specters: 7-2 Win

It's a must win game despite the playoffs not starting for a week. All hands on deck for the biggest game of the season against a hard-fought opponent.

And we wipe the floor with them. Though they strike first with a Frazier strike, Julian Florsch and Hai Nam Hoang strike on the power play. Less than a minute later, Hoang scores a goal of his own. It's point #100 for the Viet center.

19 seconds after that, Jules strikes again, with his 35th of the season.

The Specters are seeing ghosts. Abdi Smokes, who hasn't scored since Game #11 against Montreal, puts one in to make it 4-1.

Though Dusty Rhodes closes the gap in the 3rd early, it's a death rattle. Kove strikes on a power play blast. Smokes scores AGAIN, doubling their goal total over the season in just 2 periods. Finally, who else but Kobliska gets our last goal of the regular season. The game ends, and the crowd erupts.

Ally Mathieson is big for us in this win, with a .933 save percentage. Bernard Lodge looks ragged at the end of this game. And we have a little bit of an edge heading back into the playoffs.

(Word Count: 2422)

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