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Captaincy, Contract and IIHF Presser Busy week for Nik Scholz

ready to be graded

<div align="center"> :admirals: Captaincy :admirals:
[Image: Leon+Draisaitl+NHL+Draft+Round+1+CLtJSWLp2_kl.jpg]
Portland's newest captain, Nikolaus Scholz.

With the retirement of line 1 center and inaugural captain Yousef Scherbluk it was time for a new name to step up and take the reins of captaincy in Portland. Late last week Portland Admirals GM Zach Miller announced that it would be none other Neumunster, Germany native Nikolaus Scholz. The hulking German center was drafted 17th overall in the season 25 entry draft by the Portland Admirals with what would turn out to be the young expansion teams first ever draft pick.

S24 Kelowna [SMJHL] 52GP, 5G, 9A, +4
S25 Portland [SHL] 50GP, 10G, 16A, -5
S26 Portland [SHL] 50GP, 14G, 21A, -15

S25 Germany [IIHF] 12GP, 0G, 0A, -1
S26 Germany [IIHF] 13GP, 1G, 4A, -1

Despite a rather quiet season statistically in Kelowna Scholz made the immediate jump to the SHL as one of several “true rookies”, however due to the wealth of quality centers in Portland that year Scholz received sheltered minutes on the wing so he could work on his faceoffs. He crushed his output from the previous season despite playing fewer games and went on to finish #7 in rookie scoring that season. In season 26 Scholz returned to the center position behind Yousef and once again crushed his personal bests in points, goals and assists. In season 27 Scholz will return the center pivot position and will look to build on his totals once more.

:admirals: Contract :admirals:
Nikolaus Scholz just minutes after signing his contract extension.

Fresh off the heels of naming Nikolaus Scholz the new captain of the Portland Admirals, GM Zach Miller spent little time resigning the playmaking center. Entering what would be the final year of his entry level contract, Scholz and Portland agreed to a 5 year $20 million extension which will keep Scholz in Portland black and gold until season 32.

Germany IIHF Team Germany Finish Germany
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Close, but yet so far. Scholz and team Germany settle for silver after losing to the Russians 5-1.

Despite a very strong performance in the round robin, quarters and semis, team Germany didn’t have what it took to beat the high flying Russians in the gold medal game earlier today and finished the tournament with a silver medal. Team Germany led all teams in scoring in the round robin games with a whopping 39 goals for on their way to a 7-2-1 record and 21 points, 2nd only to team Canada. The majority of the damage was done by Rider Clitsome who scored 8 goals in just 10 games, leading all players in the tournament. In the medal rounds they dispatched of team Finland and team Sweden with a pair of 5-2 wins to earn a spot in the gold medal game, but lost 5-1 to Russia in the final game. Due to the wealth of quality centers on team Germany, including fellow season 25 draftee Travis Kudleychuk, Scholz was simply a role player on the 4th line this time around, finishing the tournament with 5 points.</div>

Scholz will now open up the floor for questions concerning any of the topics above.

Interview How excited were you to be named the new captain of the Portland Admirals? Were you expecting it?
I was thrilled when I heard the news. I knew I was likely in the running along with some other stellar names on the team, but management kept it relatively quiet until the final announcement was made at the press conference. It definitely came as a bit of a shock.

Interview Do you feel that Portland management has a lot of confidence in you as a young leader in the Locker Room?
Certainly. Our team is bursting with young talent and who better to lead them then one of their own?

Interview You just signed a contract that will keep you in Portland for the next 5 years. How do you expect the Portland Locker Room and season performance to go for those next 5 years
With each passing year our locker room becomes more and more active and I can't wait to see where it'll be next season, let alone 5 seasons from now! We recently signed potential free agent future superstar Beau Ballard to a 3 year deal and it's only a matter of time until more free agents look to Portland as a suitable home. As for our season performance the two go hand in hand. As we acquire more active talent through the draft or via free agency to surround our constantly growing core the wins will come.

Interview Who do you get along with the best in Portland?
I find I get along to an extent with everyone on the team, however if I had to pick one name I'd lean towards Sven Karlsson. The two of us have had very similar career paths thus far and I expect to see that continue as we both grow to become successful centermen. That and he is just so gosh darn nice. Sick sig maker to boot.

Interview Portland has struggled for their first couple of seasons in the SHL. When do you think your team will be able to compete?
I can't really disagree here, we certainly have had our share of growing pains thus far, but it'll only get better as our team continues to grow. Our biggest discrepancy is the lack of a big name point producer and high end goaltender, but Nevzorov will emerge as a stellar 'tender soon and the offensive talent up front will follow shortly after.

Interview What's your favorite thing about being named captain?
I guess it'd have to be getting recognized for the hard work and dedication. I know a captain should be humble, but it was pretty awesome to be named captain of the first (and likely last) team I'll play for.

Interview What are you NOT looking forward to after being named captain?
NOTHING! nah just kidding, there is definitely a few things that come to mind. As captain my name will be one of the first to come up if we are unable to turn our potential into a contender. Nothing I can't handle though.

Interview Any advice to players entering their first season?
Get active! activity is without a doubt the number one part of having a successful and more importantly enjoyable career in the SHL. Get involved with your LR, write the odd media piece and keep up to date with the state of league. It all counts.

Interview Favorite food?
Yikes, tough to pick just one. Going to have to go with a nice steak and broccoli.

Interview What are your expectations this season for both you and the team?
Fortunately as the basement dweller the last two seasons there's no where to go but up right? Honestly my expectations aren't set to high. We are still trying to find our identity in the difficult western conference so if we happen to rock the basement again next season I wouldn't be too disappointed. As for myself I'd like to improve on my numbers from last year, specifically my god awful +/-. Tough to move up the standings if one of your players logging over 20 minutes a game is an ugly -16.

Interview What's your take on the team's three newest draftees? (Kowalski, Wachter, Mason)
Given that the draft was right around the holidays I didn't pay as much attention as I should have. After getting to know our draftees a little more in the Admirals LR I'm pleasantly surprised. Kowalski has injected a ton of activity in to our LR and well worth the #1 overall pick. Wachter and Mason were relatively unknown to me prior to the draft, but I'm glad we were able to nab them. We desperately needed wingers and the two of them should make a significant impact in the near future.

Interview Do you think Portland pulling off the signing of stud free agent Beau Ballard helps make it a more appealing destination?
Without a doubt, in fact I already touched on this in one of the earlier questions. Hopefully Beau is the first of many to make their way to Portland in the near future as we turn the Admirals in to a contender for years to come.

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pride Armada  Player Page || Update Page  Germany pride

How excited were you to be named the new captain of the Portland Admirals? Were you expecting it?

Do you feel that Portland management has a lot of confidence in you as a young leader in the Locker Room?

You just signed a contract that will keep you in Portland for the next 5 years. How do you expect the Portland Locker Room and season performance to go for those next 5 years?

Who do you get along with the best in Portland?

Portland has struggled for their first couple of seasons in the SHL. When do you think your team will be able to compete?

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Congratulations on the captaincy, on the contract, and on the silver.

The German team did extremely well and you should be proud of yourselves! Cheers

What's your favorite thing about being named captain?

What are you NOT looking forward to after being named captain?

Any advice to players entering their first season?

Favorite food?

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sigs by ToeDragon84
[Image: Jpcs9tG.png]

What are your expectations this season for both you and the team?

What's your take on the team's three newest draftees? (Kowalski, Wachter, Mason)

Do you think Portland pulling off the signing of stud free agent Beau Ballard helps make it a more appealing destination?

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I'll leave it open until tonight and then get to answering em.
also pity bump.

[Image: IAP8v68.png]

pride Armada  Player Page || Update Page  Germany pride

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