Hi! & who are you?
I'm Nike. My player is to be named later.
Nice, What position do you play?
RW i suspect. Why would you like to be a part of the Raiders organization?
I wouldn't. I'm not playing in SMJHL Do you stand with Toivo?
I don't know what that means. Would you want to be a part of our discord chat? Our actually locker room can be kinda like a desert sometimes.
I only do LRs. If LR sucks, so does team. We have a lot of returning players, are you okay with potentially playing limited minutes in your first season?
Yes because I'm not playing at all. What do you want to achieve with your player/in the SHL?
Cups, Glory, Girls Will you defend Pris?
No idea. Have you been involved with anything like this before?
Yes, twice before. What do you expect in your junior league team?
I don't expect anything because I won't have one. Komarov might be getting kicked out of Kaisey & Flowers place, are you okay with him crashing on your couch?
I don't own a couch.
Would it kind of weird you out if you witnessed your teams captain screaming at his fathers portable gravestone for 45 minutes before a game?
Nope, superstitions are supersitions
Our goalies are alcoholics, are you confident in them?
Yes, I don't care about winning or losing. Anything else?
b]Hi! & who are you?[/b]
Vbottas Nice, What position do you play?
LW Why would you like to be a part of the Raiders organization?
Vbottas Do you stand with Toivo?
no Would you want to be a part of our discord chat? Our actually locker room can be kinda like a desert sometimes.
maybe We have a lot of returning players, are you okay with potentially playing limited minutes in your first season?
no What do you want to achieve with your player/in the SHL?
everything Will you defend Pris?
no Have you been involved with anything like this before?
no What do you expect in your junior league team?
everything Komarov might be getting kicked out of Kaisey & Flowers place, are you okay with him crashing on your couch?
i dont have a couch Would it kind of weird you out if you witnessed your teams captain screaming at his fathers portable gravestone for 45 minutes before a game?
yes Our goalies are alcoholics, are you confident in them?
no Anything else?
Quote:Originally posted by MWHazard@Sep 21 2016, 01:30 PM
[b]Our goalies are alcoholics, are you confident in them?
I'm German. I expect the goalies to drink heavily.
Why would you like to be a part of the Raiders organization? Bottas and Alex
Do you stand with Toivo? who
Would you want to be a part of our discord chat? Our actually locker room can be kinda like a desert sometimes. sure
We have a lot of returning players, are you okay with potentially playing limited minutes in your first season? sure
What do you want to achieve with your player/in the SHL? Win
Will you defend Pris? who
Have you been involved with anything like this before? yup
What do you expect in your junior league team? fun
Komarov might be getting kicked out of Kaisey & Flowers place, are you okay with him crashing on your couch? on the floor
Would it kind of weird you out if you witnessed your teams captain screaming at his fathers portable gravestone for 45 minutes before a game? no
Our goalies are alcoholics, are you confident in them? if our defense is sober
Anything else? nope
"“HA HA! THIS GAME WILL NEVER END! I POSSESS THE SOUL OF EVERY GOALIE ON TEAM B!! CREW 4 LIFE!! SIGN WITH EDMONTON FOR THE CUP!!!” cackled Belial as he placed a Fedora on his head." SMJHL Commisioner S17-S26 Calgary Dragons GM S14-S23
Cyanide Registered
S11, S18 Challenge Cup Champion
Posts:1,239 Threads: 16 Joined: Mar 2012 Reputation:9
Pronouns: Undisclosed
Why would you like to be a part of the Raiders organization? Alex
Do you stand with Toivo? Who?
Would you want to be a part of our discord chat? Our actually locker room can be kinda like a desert sometimes. Sure
We have a lot of returning players, are you okay with potentially playing limited minutes in your first season? Yep
What do you want to achieve with your player/in the SHL? Scott Stevens trophies
Will you defend Pris? Who?
Have you been involved with anything like this before? Long time
What do you expect in your junior league team? Dead LR
Komarov might be getting kicked out of Kaisey & Flowers place, are you okay with him crashing on your couch? Nope, he sleeps in the bathtub
Would it kind of weird you out if you witnessed your teams captain screaming at his fathers portable gravestone for 45 minutes before a game?Nope, complete normal
Our goalies are alcoholics, are you confident in them? As long as the defence is drunk as well
Anything else? nope
Credit to Wasty Credit to Sulovilen
BigTittySmitty Registered
S17, S37 Challenge Cup Champion
Posts:5,046 Threads: 128 Joined: Aug 2012 Reputation:4
Discord: BigTittySmitty#7242
Pronouns: Male
Why would you like to be a part of the Raiders organization? Because Bottas
Do you stand with Toivo? who?
Would you want to be a part of our discord chat? Our actually locker room can be kinda like a desert sometimes. discord?
We have a lot of returning players, are you okay with potentially playing limited minutes in your first season? I'm a defensive center. Do you really think I'm top 6 material?
What do you want to achieve with your player/in the SHL? ultimate defensive forward
Will you defend Pris? who?
Have you been involved with anything like this before? i don't understand the question
What do you expect in your junior league team? bottas!
Komarov might be getting kicked out of Kaisey & Flowers place, are you okay with him crashing on your couch? no
Would it kind of weird you out if you witnessed your teams captain screaming at his fathers portable gravestone for 45 minutes before a game? yes
Our goalies are alcoholics, are you confident in them? can they stand?
b]Hi! & who are you?[/b] Cloud Strife. A guy from a video game franchise that's not well know.
Nice, What position do you play? The big D
Why would you like to be a part of the Raiders organization? Because it's the best team in the league.
Do you stand with Toivo?Why wouldn't you.
Would you want to be a part of our discord chat? Our actually locker room can be kinda like a desert sometimes. yeah sometimes
We have a lot of returning players, are you okay with potentially playing limited minutes in your first season? I'm here to have fun.
What do you want to achieve with your player/in the SHL? To be the top D-man and win the championship!
Will you defend Pris? I'm the right man for the job.
Have you been involved with anything like this before? Yeah. in browser games where there's forums like this to read to coordinated attacks and stuff (Grepolis)
What do you expect in your junior league team? To go all the way to the top.
Komarov might be getting kicked out of Kaisey & Flowers place, are you okay with him crashing on your couch? Well I don't have a couch or bed for that matter. I usually sleep on the floor. If he doesn't mind then can come and stay.
Would it kind of weird you out if you witnessed your teams captain screaming at his fathers portable gravestone for 45 minutes before a game? I'v seen weirder thing than that.
Our goalies are alcoholics, are you confident in them? Thank god it's not only me.
Anything else? No. I think that covered everything.
Hi! & who are you?
hi i am Terrance Nova aka sarmo aka respected goat Nice, What position do you play?
i intend to play the right wing and occasionally defense Why would you like to be a part of the Raiders organization?
I think it is a sound organizaion and i like the name Do you stand with Toivo?
y not? Would you want to be a part of our discord chat? Our actually locker room can be kinda like a desert sometimes.
ofcourse, when Khan was active, i was known to be a great locker room guy We have a lot of returning players, are you okay with potentially playing limited minutes in your first season?
yes that is fine as long as it doesnt hurt my morale or progression What do you want to achieve with your player/in the SHL?
Be a hall of famer and be known as a reliable plus player on the ice Will you defend Pris?
ill defend whoever you want me to if you draft me Have you been involved with anything like this before?
yes What do you expect in your junior league team?
Have patience andd do my best to win Komarov might be getting kicked out of Kaisey & Flowers place, are you okay with him crashing on your couch?
ill be there when my homies call Would it kind of weird you out if you witnessed your teams captain screaming at his fathers portable gravestone for 45 minutes before a game?
i try to see things from everyones perspective Our goalies are alcoholics, are you confident in them?
maybe in games yuh but not with my one night stands Anything else?
maybe in the future
Nice, What position do you play?
I play defense, mainly on the left side
Why would you like to be a part of the Raiders organization?
My best friend lives in Halifax and tells me its a great place. Also, I hear this organization is great.
Do you stand with Toivo?
Of course
Would you want to be a part of our discord chat? Our actually locker room can be kinda like a desert sometimes.
We have a lot of returning players, are you okay with potentially playing limited minutes in your first season?
Ill do whatever the team needs me to do to help us win
What do you want to achieve with your player/in the SHL?
I want to help my team become a dynasty
Will you defend Pris?
Have you been involved with anything like this before?
No but ive watched a few friends mess around with this
What do you expect in your junior league team?
I expect great team success
Komarov might be getting kicked out of Kaisey & Flowers place, are you okay with him crashing on your couch?
Ill go out an get a futon
Would it kind of weird you out if you witnessed your teams captain screaming at his fathers portable gravestone for 45 minutes before a game?
Everyones got their own pre game rituals and i dont judge
Our goalies are alcoholics, are you confident in them?
I hear alcohol keeps the senses sharp
Anything else?
Pair me with a very good defensive RHD, and we will be unstoppable