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Conklin Owen Post Draft Presser Owen fielding questions from the media

I think I'd like to give the ol' media presser a try. Never done one, and with equipment purchasing right around the corner, I want to go ahead and pad my bank account. So here we go.

Feel free to try hitting any topic up... SHL/SMJHL or otherwise. Thanks in advance for your questions, I'll answer as best as I can. Without further ado...

Questions Please...

You sir, up front:

Quote:Originally posted by ByrdeMan+Jul 20 2016, 11:29 AM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1' id='QUOTE-WRAP'><tr><td>QUOTE (ByrdeMan @ Jul 20 2016, 11:29 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->What are your thoughts on joining a controversial franchise like the Renegades?

Are you prepared for the backlash that many members might give you due to the fact of being part of the Rene family?[/b]

Let me put it like this... I feel like the Thunderdome here is a bit of a microcosm of this league as a whole. The first time I walked in there, it seemed to me that it was a lot like prison. You either become someone's bitch, or you kick someone's ass on the first day. The way I see it, the Renegades are the type of guys who'd pick the baddest mother in the room, and stomp a mud hole into the back of his head, and they'd keep stomping until they were wearing shit socks. I feel pretty damned good about being part of that family. If anybody wants to talk smack to me simply because I'm a Rene, I know it'll be some no good, low life, jabroni just talking noise. That doesn't bother me one damned bit.

Quote:Originally posted by ByrdeMan@Jul 20 2016, 11:29 AM<br />What were your expectations for the draft? Did you expect to be here or somewhere else?
Tell ya the truth, I'm shocked... shocked that I ended up falling all the way to 16. I expected to go 1st round. I didn't have lofty hopes of being 1st overall, or even top 5... but wow, 2nd round? I'd heard some chatter about other teams taking me earlier. I even had a team straight up ask me if I'd play for them, in the "unlikely case" I dropped to them. I said yes, mind you- Well I dropped, and what'd they do? Called some other jack wagon's name. That GM knows who he is, and he'd better know that I'm comin' for him now.

Next... you, sir, with the feathers:

Quote:Originally posted by belgarat@Jul 20 2016, 11:30 AM<br />What was the Aaron Rodgers waiting in the green room like?  Were you happy the Renegades drafted you?
Man, it kinda sucked. Hell if I'd known it'd take so long for someone to pick me, I would have grabbed a 2nd round of food. Falling outside the first pissed me right off, it was hard not to let it show on my face. Am I happy TX took me? Abso-fucking-lutely. I know a lot of those guys (as former Whalers) anyway, one I've even been friends with since high school. I knew they weren't a bunch of Howdy Doody looking guys who like to sit around and play patty cake, so I knew I'd fit right in. I can't say that for every other team out there.

Quote:Originally posted by belgarat@Jul 20 2016, 11:30 AM<br />Will you be playing with a chip on your shoulder having been passed on by that many teams?

We're glad you fell to us, the chatzy was lit up with disbelief that had happened. welcome to Texas my man.
The chip on my shoulder is about as big as the state I've been drafted to play in. It's huge, SHL, huuuuuge-ah. Appreciate the welcoming, glad as hell to be here.

Onto you, Whalers GM Jack Durden:

Quote:Originally posted by Durden@Jul 20 2016, 11:37 AM<br />What did you think of your post-season with the Whalers?
I felt like it felt awesome. I'll be the first to admit my production in the regular season wasn't where I wanted it to be. I had a few slash games here and there, but overall, it was lacking... and not for trying, either. I was grinding, but there was nothing doing.

Then, the playoffs hit. Suddenly, the puck felt more live off my stick. I was seeing things slowing down... which seems crazy looking back. I guess everything that I'd been working on was finally coming together. I thought that push would really boost my momentum in the draft, we saw how that turned out... Now I'm hoping- and working my ass off- that it'll carry over to S30.

Quote:Originally posted by Durden@Jul 20 2016, 11:37 AM<br />Are you looking to jump to the Renegades or play another season or two for Vancouver?  How stoked are you to get to play with Jack Durden?
Would I like to jump straight into the SHL game? You bet. The notion of realizing a dream is hard to resist. However, is a first year jump viable, and best for me? Frankly, no. I'm at 300 TPE just now. Clearly I've still got a ways to go to get my feet under me and make the jump. I'll work up to that 350 mark, dominate the competition at this level- hopefully win a 4 Star, then regroup after the season.

Playing with Durden is going to be sick. He was a guy who fell, just like me. He knows what it's like to grind out the days of training to climb the ladder. I'm going to be paying close attention to what he does, and I'll be a professional in no time. We're going to have some fun out on the ice, too. Fans had better watch once I get there, you won't want to miss it.

Go ahead, gentleman with the black eye:

Quote:Originally posted by GCool@Jul 20 2016, 02:43 PM<br />What's the Texas LR been like the first day or two? Is it about what you expected / more / less?
It's been fantastic, better than expected. Everyone has been very welcoming, I've already met guys I'd honestly never spoken to or of in the first day. When I was drafted the chatzy was going crazy, it felt pretty kick ass to see these guys rooting for me to keep falling (as selfish as their intentions were). I certainly took their level of stoke to heart, so I'll be pushing that much harder for this team moving forward.

Quote:Originally posted by GCool@Jul 20 2016, 02:43 PM<br />Are you going to be rooting for your fellow Renegades draftees next year in the SMJHL, or will it be business as usual?
That truly is a tough question. I'm having trouble reconciling being "teammates" with guys who I'm most likely still going to be facing several times a year on opposing SMJHL teams. I think I'll have a higher level of respect for my fellow Renegades... but I highly doubt it's going to be enough stifle the competitive spirit I have. If they're not on my team- the Whalers, they're not really my teammates once the SMJHL season starts. I'm more or less still hoping to kick their asses. We'll just be more likely to go for a beer after than before.

The flip side of that is, of course, that I'll have Whaler teammates who are eventually going to be heading to opposing SHL teams. I guess that's easier to deal with, because I haven't had to face off against those guys... so I imagine that once we all move up, I'll remain friends with them off the ice, but I'll have no mercy once we leave the Whalers' Locker Room.

Quote:Originally posted by GCool@Jul 20 2016, 02:43 PM<br />Did you follow the big leagues much before you were drafted? Will being drafted garner more attention from you now?
Honestly, I really didn't follow a whole lot. My rookie season in the juniors was more or less spent with me playing catch up. Having joined after the SMJHL entry draft, I had to capitalize on the maximum amount of PT I could in less time. It really was a bit overwhelming, so I kept my focus mostly on the SMJHL, and myself. Once we lost in the finals, to those filthy Scarecrows, I started to check out the SHL more. Once the draft drew closer, I really started getting familiar with the teams. Now that I'm invested, I'll be following the Renegades, and probably our rivals. I've still got shit to accomplish in the SMJHL though... so it likely won't receive my full attention.

Ma'am, with the Panda:

<!--QuoteBegin-Kevin "Juice" Bieksa+Jul 20 2016, 11:06 PM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1' id='QUOTE-WRAP'><tr><td>QUOTE (Kevin "Juice" Bieksa @ Jul 20 2016, 11:06 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Interview What do you think of the new Vancouver Whalers logo? Whalers[/b][/quote]
I think that we were probably due for a change. Not to say that our old uniforms sucked... it's just that it's a look which has been pretty consistent, and it needed a little refreshing. I like the new look, it's sleeker, a little more refined. I'm glad we didn't make a radical departure... I heard some rumors out there that we'd be doing a complete 180 color wise, but I think your team colors are part of your identity- they're not meant to change often, if ever. We're hoping it's just another little factor that pushes us just harder enough to hoist the cup at season's end.

Go ahead, minstrel:

Quote:Originally posted by Banjo@Jul 21 2016, 08:51 AM<br />What are your short term goals with your player?  What are your long term goals with your player?
Short term, dominate at the SMJHL level. I should be up at the 350 player cap early in the season, so I should be able to put up some pretty solid production. Hopefully between myself and Jon Ross, we can elevate our team's level. Last year I was just trying to get everything figured out, and adjust. This next year it's about being at the pinnacle of play. Another 7th place finish in the regular season would be a huge disappointment. Anything short of winning the finals will be a disappointment.

Long term, naturally it's to climb the ladder in the SHL. Clearly I'm not heading straight to the 1st line... I've got a hell of a long way to go. I've got a good foundation, but there's a whole house to build! My ultimate goal is to be a prolific scorer who follows in the footprints of the greats. I must make the HOF to consider my career a complete success.

Quote:Originally posted by Banjo@Jul 21 2016, 08:51 AM<br />Any fun stories from draft night?
Welp, tell ya the truth, there wasn't a whole lot of opportunities for me to "create" any stories. Everyone else at my freakin' table was gone way before I was, so it was just me, sitting there, waiting. The real story? Those bacon wrapped scallops they had. Those things were so god damned good. Wonder if I can get that guy to come cook for me?

Quote:Originally posted by RHolder71@Jul 21 2016, 08:10 PM<br />When do you think you will get a chance with the big club!&nbsp; Who are you looking forward to playing with most?
I imagine that it will likely be in S31, but really it could even be S32. I try not to focus too much on the future, because other than improving myself, I have no control over where and when I get moved up. I'll be working every day as though that is the day it's going to happen- and when it finally does, I'll be ready. Could be this season, could be in 2 seasons. All I know is, it's only a matter of time until I'm dumping pucks into SHL goal tenders' nets.

<!--QuoteBegin-RHolder71@Jul 21 2016, 08:10 PM
What is your favorite Rick James song?[/quote]
I'd like to tell you it's some deep cut to show what a big fan I am of my former fellow WNY native... But ultimately I can't lie- it's Super freak, through and through. I should probably work on changing that though, huh?

Thanks everyone, that's all the questions I'll be taking for now. This went very smooth for the first one, which makes me think I'll be doing some in the future. It was a real pleasure being able to address each of your questions as they came in. Have a great night, everyone.

[Image: tZTGSGj.png]
[Image: 2AFxw6o.png]

What are your thoughts on joining a controversial franchise like the Renegades?

Are you prepared for the backlash that many members might give you due to the fact of being part of the Rene family?

What were your expectations for the draft? Did you expect to be here or somewhere else?

[Image: 336.jpg]

What was the Aaron Rodgers waiting in the green room like?

Were you happy the Renegades drafted you?

Will you be playing with a chip on your shoulder having been passed on by that many teams?

We're glad you fell to us, the chatzy was lit up with disbelief that had happened. welcome to Texas my man.

[Image: iUd7IJE.png]
[Image: rhodes.png]


What did you think of your post-season with the Whalers?

Are you looking to jump to the Renegades or play another season or two for Vancouver?

How stoked are you to get to play with Jack Durden?

Update PageWhalers | Monarchs | Player Page

[Image: T96UlnW.png]

Jack Durden:

Season 24 - *4 Star Cup Champions - Vancouver Whalers*
Season 36 - *Challenge Cup Champions - Texas Renegades*
Season 36 - *Anton Razov Trophy Winner - Playoff MVP - Texas Renegades*
Season 41 - *IIHF Gold Medalist - Team United Kingdom*
Season 41 - *Triple Gold Member*
**Vancouver Whalers Hall of Fame**
**Texas Renegades Hall of Fame**
**Hall of Fame Member**

What's the Texas LR been like the first day or two? Is it about what you expected / more / less?

Are you going to be rooting for your fellow Renegades draftees next year in the SMJHL, or will it be business as usual?

Did you follow the big leagues much before you were drafted? Will being drafted garner more attention from you now?

[Image: OaSEcaw]

Interview What do you think of the new Vancouver Whalers logo? Whalers

All-time New England Wolfpack scorer
[Image: Derisraka.png]
[Image: 38718_s.png]
[Image: rW2c4Vz.png][Image: B4x6AQm.png]
[Image: YztPk3T.png] [Image: 6by0kBi.png]

What are your thoughts on the free agency auctions conducted by Clitsome and Moushey? Do we need more or less auctions in the league going forward?

[Image: 0QGickG.png]

Riot Player Page Riot
Militia Update Page Militia

What are your short term goals with your player?

What are your long term goals with your player?

Any fun stories from draft night?

When do you think you will get a chance with the big club!

Who are you looking forward to playing with most?

What is your favorite Rick James song?

I've closed the question period, thanks to those who contributed. This article is ready for grading.

[Image: tZTGSGj.png]
[Image: 2AFxw6o.png]

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