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Thank you Colorado Kruger and Zbynek Announce The Decison

<div align="center">Thank You Colorado
Thank you Colorado. The two of us still remember the day that we were drafted. Butterflies in our stomachs quickly turned into excitement to put on the Mammoths jersey. Pulling that sweater over our heads and fitting the ballcap was a moment that neither of us will ever forget. And the same thing managed to happen again to the both of us--the same moment, the same feeling. This time, in a West Kendall jersey. And it all started at training camp.

[Image: ZzVKU4x.png]

Zbynek: I’ll never forget walking off that plane when I first arrived in Colorado. I was the last of the 3 players they selected that year so there wasn’t much hype about me. I remember Larsson and Rambo being called by fans for autographs, but no one calling out to me. That was the moment that something changed in my head. I wanted to make a name for myself. I remember that training camp, trying to keep up with all of these guys that I had been watching on my 32” TV just a year earlier. I’ll never forget how welcoming Titova was and how much she tried to help me fit in, but that first season wasn’t fun. I had what I felt was a lackluster year points wise, and just felt like I was never really involved in the team. 20 points as a rookie may not sound too bad to some people, but it left me wanting more and wondering if hockey was what I wanted to do for my life.

Then came the S34 SMJHL draft. I remember us getting this kid, Finn Krüger, I remembered seeing some of his highlights and thinking, “hey, this kid could be good.” Then came the S34 training camp where I got to meet all of our draftees. Everyone seemed cool and excited to be with the team, then I got to meet Krüger. We only talked for a moment, but I remember leaving that conversation excited to play hockey, something I lacked the season before. Soon enough we were best friends. He got me and how I felt about the game. We rented a modest 2 bedroom apartment together, which was often a post practice hangout spot where the boys always felt welcomed. All of this translated onto the ice. I had what ended up being my best SMJHL season to date. We both knew that we had instant chemistry. It was like we were twins. We knew where the other was and what he was thinking. We dazzled the league with highlight reel passes and plays. All of this, plus the stellar seasons from all of our veterans quickly turned Colorado from pretender to contender.We came into the playoffs ready to fuck some shit up, but ended up losing to Prince George in what was a hard fought series full of close games. I was upset, but I knew there was next season.

Then all the attention turned to the S35 SHL Entry Draft. Just a year earlier I had been taken by the West Kendall Platoon. We had the 3rd overall pick this season. I still remember my countless conversations with the head office in West Kendall, telling them that this kid is the real deal and that he will be a superstar at every level of play. Then came the night. I don’t know who was more excited to hear “Finn Krüger” when West Kendall made their selection. I was watching back home and let out a scream “YES!” I called him later that night and told him how excited I was that he was coming to the Platoon, but I felt like there was still a void in the Colorado dressing rooms. It was too quiet. It seemed like people just weren’t having fun. It was at this time that I asked for a trade out of Colorado. Our GM told me that it would be a big loss to the team but I felt like my mind was made up. I told him I wouldn’t tell anyone so that it wouldn’t hurt my value, but of course one of the first people I told was Finn. We talked for hours and hours, and somehow, he changed my mind, then I remembered the SMJHL draft. I was a nobody when I came here. No kids ever wanted my autograph or even know who I was. Now I was one of the top players in the SMJHL, all because of Colorado. And Krüger. Before he came I was playing hockey because it was my job, but now, now I'm playing because of my love for the game again, and for that, I will be forever grateful. When S35 rolled around, I lost a good friend of mine to the SHL in Zinaida Titova, this also meant there was a void at the captaincy role. Not trying to be cocky, but I was 99% sure that either Finn or I would end up being named captain, and I felt guilty when it was me. I came so close to stepping down so that he could be captain, but then it kicked in to me that if my team wanted me to be their captain, I was going to be their captain. It helped a lot having Finn with the primary A. I still feel like we both had a C on our jersey this past season.

We started the year off hot. I remember all the talk about how I had blossomed into one of the top goal scorers in the SMJHL, what people may not have noticed off the bat was that it was all because of Finn. He was feeding me the puck and I was finding a way to get it in the back of the net. Teams were scared of us. We made it all the way to the top and held top spot in the league and we didn’t plan on looking back, everything was going perfect, but once we hit our peak, we lost control and ended up barely making the playoffs. We played Prince George in the first round and managed to get revenge and knock them out. Then came the #1 seed St. Louis Scarecrows up against us, the lowest seed. A classic David vs Goliath matchup. We managed to win that series in 7 games after a deciding match that saw the game go into triple overtime. We made the finals. Finally. We were so close to bringing the cup back to Colorado, then everything fell apart. We got swept, and for the most part, in embarrassing, lopsided games. We had come so close, just to be thrown aside into the large pile of teams that get the participation ribbon.

I was asked a few questions about what I would be doing after the loss, would I be moving up to the SHL and saying goodbye to this city, or coming back for one last shot at the Four Star Cup. When asked by the West Kendall GM, who did I turn to? Finn and I talked once again, for hours, for days, about what we would do. One thing we knew was that we would be doing this together. We were either both staying in junior, or both moving up. After a season like we just had, we didn’t want to throw off our chemistry. All of the past 3 seasons leads up to the decision that I am making today.

[Image: Drew+Doughty+2008+NHL+Entry+Draft+Round+...AFZksl.jpg]

Krüger: My first moments on Colorado ice were tumultuous at best. I was a nothing, nobody German defender who’d been lucky enough to gain the attention of a Colorado team in the midst of a rebuild, and as such, there wasn’t a soul who really knew my name. Camp consisted of me hanging on for dear life to Nikky [St. Croix] and hoping to try to make friends with the rest of the vets. Folks like Larsson and Titova made the transition period a lot easier, but no one ever really seemed to sit on my wavelength like Vratislav Zbynek. Didn’t matter whether I was making superstar passes or fucking up every opportunity I had, Zybby always seemed to know just what was going on. And by God, did I love having someone around who just got it. By the end of my rookie season, we’d rented out an apartment and had started living together. As hockey players tend to do, I should say. The boys would always come over post-workout and we’d play some FIFA or something. Just hang out. It was everything I hoped my life as a pro would be and more.

To say my first season was successful would be… I mean, it would be a blatant lie if you asked me. If you asked my fans, they would tell you I had a pretty decent rookie season. There’s… a certain stress that comes with being a top five pick that I think got to me a lot during that rookie year. Between that and the ‘A’ on my chest, I was going home and trying not to think about everything that was weighing down on me. But I made it. Managed to snag a few points for myself, managed to make myself look good for the scouts. We couldn’t get past the first round of the playoffs, but that was what it was. I wasn’t there to be beasting out on people, I was there to play my game and enjoy my life. Yeah, I wanted a cup. I still want a cup. But for me… I don’t know. Getting to play period is a dream.

And then there was the S35 SHL Draft. The big one. The one that everyone who comes to this league is constantly preparing themselves for. I’d talked to all of my veteran teammates about their teams--Zina with the Riot, Zybby with the Platoon, Lars with the Dragons. I’d spoken to different clubs about different possibilities. For a while, I thought that I might end up in Hamilton. But the night came and I sat at the event with my draft-eligible friends--Aleksandrov. Garrett. Phelpsy, Odjick, and Bennett. Watching Odjick and Phelps go top two was a moment I’ll never forget. And then I heard my name. To the West Kendall Platoon. Management had talked to me, said they would try their hardest to get me and that they wanted me there. I remember those words, they wanted me. And now I was theirs.

I got a call from Zybby that night. He might’ve been more excited than I was.

The next call I vividly remember getting from Vratislav Zbynek was news of his trade request. He wanted out. I won’t say that didn’t hurt, because it hurt a lot. This was the guy that was my best friend and I was about to lose him. I told him that I understood his concerns, that I would support regardless of where he landed, but… selfishly, I also spent hours trying to convince him to stay. It was probably the wrong thing to do, if I were to call myself a good friend. But it worked. And he stayed. And then we had one of the most kick-ass seasons together in the next year. He managed to find every pass I could get on his tape and put it in the back of the net. We beat every goalie in the league at least once, there wasn’t an arena that didn’t hear ‘GOAL, by number 89, Vratislav Zbynek! Assisted by Number 8, Finn Krüger!’ He wore the ‘C,’ I wore the ‘A,’ and we kicked ass and took names. All because I selfishly wanted him to stay. And if given the opportunity, I would do it again. My first season was fun, but this season was indescribable. Because I had my brother with me.

We got our revenge on Prince George (and we helped rookie Colton Hagan get past his old team). We pulled off the biggest upset a team can pull off--the six seed Mammoths beating the one seed Scarecrows. That series took the life out of all of us, but I’ll be damned if we didn’t bring that life back. When Scrabble scored the game winner in triple overtime… I’ve never heard the bench that loud. I’ve never heard a rink boo so feverishly. They always say that the only feeling better than your home crowd cheering you is the away crowd booing and cursing at you. And guess what? They’re right. We’d done it. We’d slogged and fought our way to the finals. Against the Whalers, a team with a lot of my friends and with the most dangerous lines in the league. And what did we get for all that effort?


Not even a win.

We got swept by an outstanding Vancouver team. A few overtime games, don’t get me wrong, but a sweep is a sweep. I remember that post-finals exit interview, calling it ‘embarrassing,’ and ‘shameful.’ It didn’t matter to me that we played our game and still gave them a bit of a run. We got swept. And at the end of the day, that’s all that really mattered. You don’t get props for losing in overtime. I was fuming. I was angry and I was hurt. I’d let my emotions get the better of me during that series. And, as much as I hate to say it, I wanted out. I was ready to walk into Magique’s office during the offseason and request a trade to somewhere that would win me a cup--I dreamed of it, practicing what I was going to say to the guy when I got in there. West Kendall offered to bring me up if I wanted to be brought up. Said I was welcome on the squad when I was ready.

I still wanted that trade. But, like always with my big decisions, I talked with my best friend Vratislav Zbynek. He asked if I was moving up. I said I was certainly thinking about it. But at the end of the day, we wanted to do what we were going to do together. From game one, I haven’t found myself doing anything without involving Zybby in some way, shape or form. And a decision like this was no different than the decision to make a pass. With his help, with my thoughts, and with the sage advice of everyone in my life, I’ve come to a decision.

Thank you Colorado. You turned both of us from no-name, shy kids who liked to play the beautiful game of hockey, into two of the top prospects for the West Kendall Platoon. You have done so much for the two of us, that we think it is time we do something for you. We’re coming home for one last ride. One last season. One last shot at glory. And we’re taking the Four-Star Cup with us. We hope you’ll be there for every step of the journey, because God knows that we are ready for one last shot at SMJHL immortality.

Split between myself and <a href='index.php?showuser=2587' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-17'>adamantium</a>

Best of luck to you both. Thank you so much for helping me to develop in my rookie season, and I hope to be drafted by West Kendall so I can continue my career with you guys!

[Image: leblaVa.gif]
Shoutout to @adamantium for the sig! <3


I love the both of you and WKP is so lucky to have you both. 💖💖💖💖💖

[Image: galatix2.gif]
by @NUCK @QuantumCowboy @engimatic @GLU @FlappyGiraffe @karey

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Hold on a second, this isn't the discussion of whether or not samee is a

[Image: izzy.PNG]

Good. Smile

Looking forward to killing each other in the playoffs one last time before we do it in the SHL.

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Great article Beaty/Adam! Can't wait to play with you Platoon

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[Image: cgv4vCv.png]|[Image: 95lCCDx.png]|[Image: KgwtJeY.png]

Chants enter the arena....

Beaty's gonna kill you, Beaty's gonna kill you. Congrats man!

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[Image: CFJ1.gif]

Thanks to prettyburn, TML, Carpy, JNH, Jepox, Engi, Karey, Flappy, Skolpadder, Mook, DollarAndADream, Smirnov and Toe for the sigs.

Crossfit's First Career SHL Goal, 4. Manhattan Rage , Crossfit Jesus 1 (Pedro Sarantez, Nucky Toohoots) at 5:51

Devitt's First Career SHL Goal, 5. Calgary Dragons , Prince Devitt 1 (Barry Batsbak 21, Mike Izzy 14) at 10:43


Stoked to have you on the team!!!!.........oh wait. Fucc.

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Please take care of it. Here are some helpful links just in case.

Algonquin College Student Support Services - 613-727-4723
Crisis Text Line - Text 'HOME' to 741741
Distress Centre Ottawa and Region - 613-288-3311
Good2Talk - 1-866-925-5454
Kid's Help Phone - 1-800-668-6868
Mental Health Hotline Ontario - 1-866-531-2600
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 1-800-273-8255

Click here for a list of crisis centres within Canada
Suicide Prevention Resource Centre
Suicide Awareness Voices of Education

If you have the contact info to your local mental help centres, let me know!

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sigs by me bitch


"I was pissed ,and then.....

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It's always great to draft friends together. Really happy to have both of you on the team Platoon

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Good luck in West Kendall guys!

Armada Monarchs

Armada Steelhawks Switzerland

Armada Specters Wolfpack Steelhawks Forge Switzerland

Scarecrows pride Chiefs Riot Stars Blizzard Ireland

ty to @High Stick King @EvilAllBran and @Ragnar for the sigs

So I didn't get around the replying to this last week due to being busy, but also because I wanted to let it really sink in over a few days. Adam, Beaty, You two have been among the most important people in my tenure in Colorado and I want to show my appretiation to both of you.

<a href='index.php?showuser=1984' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-3'>Beaty</a>, you were among the first people I talked to when I took the Colorado job. The locker room was pretty dead when I joined Jay back in the beginning. We really had nothing going on in there outside of you and <a href='index.php?showuser=2436' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-17'>galatix</a>. I felt the pain for both of you. Playing on a team that was essentially an echo chamber. Not being able to feel like you belonged to part of a team. And it sucked a lot to see both of you either suffering from wanting to possibly leave or just ignore the team as a whole. And it, ultimately, was my goal to mold this locker room into a place you can all be proud of being part of and be overjoyed to say, "I am a Colorado Mammoth!" in the future. So, in a not so subtle way, you are the foundation of this team. You have always been a class person to this organization and I am happy to call you my friend. Thank you for sticking with Colorado and I hope the changes in this locker room have rekindled your love for the Mile High City and you are, indeed, happy to be a Mammoth.

Speaking of changes to the locker room. Nothing changed the dynamic of the locker room like the S34 SMJHL draft. <a href='index.php?showuser=2587' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-17'>adamantium</a>, you were chiefly the leader of that group. Since joining this team you have bled Mammoths colors and been a driving factor in making this team what it is today. You've been someone that I can talk to about everything, SHL related and not, and you've been such a great teammate to everyone on the Mammoths. You are one of the biggest reasons this team is so much different than S32. Your attitude towards the team has been contagious in the locker room. Every single player, alumni, gm or ex-gm has been caught by your enthusiasm for this team. I'm very lucky to say that my first ever pick in the SMJHL was the legend Finn Kruger. You are a shining example of what bringing the right people into a locker room can truly achieve. Thank you for being everything you have been in Colorado and will continue to be as the seasons fly by.

With all that out of the way. I am so excited, and frankly surprised, that I will get to have you both on our team one more year. Deciding to stay down shows exactly the type of people both of you are to the core. You're selfless and team first. We're all lucky to have you on our team. Thank you once again, from myself and everyone else in the Colorado locker room.

Let's go Mammoths!

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