Ok so taking a crack at this but do not know which way to go by it as I know little to nothing about any prospect in this draft. Obviously needing some cash so I thought to myself, "hey why not find out what am I up against". So here I am scouting the S57 prospect thread for myself and making a buck or two with it. So not knowing any kind of team needs or even what a "good" player build should resembles, I will start from the beginning and start digging into player/users. I think money is a key aspect to building a solid player and obviously to do so, activity plays a role in there.
Bare with me as this may take some time since I will be starting from the very first draft illegible entry over on page three:
Right Defense - Hanke's Spride or user Jables was created on August 14th and currently has $900k dollars in his bank account. Has not made an update page so I presume that is a no no for his stock. Spride is up to what I can only presume is 155 tpe. Safe to say he will not be a top 10 pick.
Left Defense - Arsene Leclerc or user spooked was created on who cares! The guy has over $31m dollars in his bank account, clearly he is not at his BBQ in the SHL. Definitely a top 5 pick in this draft. Leclerc is up to 170 tpe.
Center - Rob Wright or user Snuffalupagus also not at his BBQ has an outstanding bank account with $59m dollars. He currently has 167 tpe and sure fire top 5 prospect.
Right Defense - Rude Sniff or user Dude was created on.....starting to see a trend here and its not looking very good for my personal stock. Dude has over $30m dollars and a player with 170 tpe
Right Defense - Sven Sjögren or user McDonaldsPlayPlace seems to be to his first BBQ! He was created on August 16th and yes he does have an update page showing a total of 165 tpe and is also a millionaire with $1m shl dollars in his bank account.
Left Wing - Anna Pontecorvo or user AnnaH was created on August 16th and has $800k dollars in her bank account, she has created an update page showing a grand total of 169 tpe.
Left Defense - Ruggs McOoooh or user Ruggsy was created on August 18th who currently hold $900k dollars in the bank. Update thread is up and running as he already has 177 tpe. Good job! Seems to be some kind of artist as I see a couple posts related to graphics. Earning the money in other ways instead of media,
Left Wing - Cal Cutta or user CJPJD created on August 18th as well and is currently broke with $0 dollars. Guess that is a notch better than myself who is already in the negative bank balance. Showing an update page and has 162 tpe to show for it.
Right Defense - Ti Cuir or user Felbel12 has created also on August 18th with $0 shl dollars too. No update page equals probably no draft able!
Goalie - Jon St. Ark or user Arkz my archenemy is the only other goalie (to my knowledge) in this draft! Creatd on August 18th with $1,4m dollars in the bank. Update page showing a cool 174 tpe.
Left Wing - Freyja Hellström or Calliope created on August 5th and has just a tad over $1m dollars. Very nice update page showing 177 tpe and currently our tpe leader of the class,
Center - Shootsy Scores or SHLTutorial created May 15th (bizarre) and had no money! He does have 161 tpe and an update page.
Center - Dusty Williams or Canuckmale1988 created on April 11th and has $-500 dollars. Wierd one here as he has already retired a player by the name of Center - Justin Smith and still has not created an update page for either player for that matter. Someone throw the guy a life preserver!
Center - Jonathan Granström or user Halkohol created on August 16th and has currently $1,2m dollars. Sitting tied in first with regards to tpe in this class for a total of 177 tpe.
Center - Wally Herman or user Wally Herman created on August 19th and is just over $1,6m dollars. Has written a couple media pieces has tried to create an update page, well there is one that is labelled that way but nothing in it. Safe to say he stands at 155 tpe.
Right Wing - Patrick Kane Jr or user Matt777 created August 19th and has no money to show for it. No update page either and thats right probably also a no draft as well.
Right Wing - Thomas Duddy or user Duddy is definitely not at his BBQ, some might say he is the cook! Riley veteran here but with only $1m bucks. Maybe some bad investments in the past. Surprisingly no update page at the moment so I presume he has a 155 tpe build.
Left Wing - Robert Danner or user Bashman created on August 18th and stands in with $1m dollars to his name. No update page no draft!
Right Wing - John Mimis or user Pocket created on August 21st and has no money and no update page! Enough said!
Right Defense - Captain Holt or other wise known as NinenineHolt created on August 22nd and has $1m dollars to his credit. Has an update page showing 162 tpe.
Left Defense - Ren-Ekelemchi Shimizu-Okoli or user ProjectSaint has a nice stack, like $12,8m dollar stack. Has 165 total tpe and safe to say a top 5 pick. Would have to get someone to repeat that name aloud to me please.
Right Defense - Spencer Spaulding or user drinkingmaryjane (must taste awful) created on August 25th and hs $1m bucks to spend at his desire. Has an update page boasting 160 tpe.
Right Wing - Judd Bracket or user wizard (I like the name) created on August 26th. Has no money but does sport an update page which shows us a total of 158 tpe. What happened there?
Left Wing - Zdanke Beranek or user ToeDragon84 has just a shade under $30m bucks in his bank account. This draft is proving to be a tough one as numerous veterans around with stacked bills in their accounts. Our leader thus far with 185 tpe!
Left Wing - Jarmo Kekäläinen or user TheFlash is another veteran of the SHL and hold just over $14m dollars in his bank account. Another one to hit the 185 tpe bar and shares the class lead with Beranek.
Right Wing - Tokkulu Lakkamaa or user dmuda11 has $7,6m dollars and joins his fellow veteran SHL'ers to our draft class. He also boasts a healthy 185 tpe build for the class 3 way tie.
Right Defense - Brian Vrieze or user Beef joined the shl September 3rd and has no money. Has an update page which is a good sign and has a total of 161 tpe.
Left Wing - Bás O'Bigbers or user Sopath has $5,5m dollars and is currently filling out Carolina Kraken Interested Prospects thread. This is another name I will need help to pronounce in the future. His 181 tpe puts him in 2nd place of the class tpe wise but 3 of his peers are tied with 185.
Center - Victor Fedorov or user Serpe x 13 has just over $43m dollars in his bank account and an update page with a total of 160 tpe. Will have to up his game if he wants to compete with the rest of the returning vets from this class.
Left Wing - Dwayne Gretzky or user 3lewsers created on September 4th and has 300k dollars. Dwayne currently has 161 tpe and a very bad hairdo.
Goalie - Yanno Rosejac or user Demolish or Demo for short created on September 5th and has a bank account of a grand total of 100k! Ouchies, please help in that regard. Best time to start pumping my own tires, I currently have an impeccable update page consisting of 166 tpe. Young goaltender who is devoted to the trade and sport. His backstopping career began at a very young age and therefore knows a thing or two about the fundamentals of goal tending. Sim or not this should be a major asset in the development of Rosejac. Willing to go to any team as long as the starting role is up for grabs or at least in the next season. Everyone wants a starting gig!
Right Wing - Jannik Hansen or user dkhan_36 created September 2nd and has 500k dollars to show for. He also has no update page and therefore probably no future in the SMJHL.
Right Defense - Jari Heikkinen or user Allegiant another veteran in the class but with only $140k in the bank. Although I see many articles written in the past few days so that amount will go drastically up. His update page shows a total of 160 tpe.
Center - Pablo Salvatici or user Jepox has $16,5m dollars and also knows his way around the site and forums. He also joins the elite of the class with 180 tpe.
Left Defense - Wen Baters or user Waters also a veteran who checks in with only $197k dollars and an update page at 180 tpe.
Left Defense - Chad Alfa or user mbhockey5 created on September 8th and has $0 dollars to his name. No update page and presumably 155 tpe.
Right Wing - Tyler Burnett or user DatSmolBoi created June 1st and has 500k dollars in his account. Update page created and shows a total of 164 tpe. He also has an already retired body to his credit by the name of Right Wing - Eric Bennett
Left Defense - Matty Sandeen or user TheBigSandeenie joined yesterday and has no money, but, that is about to change as I have already seen a couple of media posts by him and also already has an update page with a total of 164 tpe applied to it.
Right Defense - Franz Zipfel or user Erebus also created yesterday and has no cash to his name. However an update page has been already created and has 158 tpe.
Right Wing - Kyle Murray or user Jimmysmo27 created yesterday and has no update page yet. has $500k dollars in the bank.
Right Defense - Farley Hank or user Beebob created yesterday and has been active with already no cash and an update page done. He has 162 tpe.
Left Defense - Sean Gatez or user SewingWithNancy yes you guessed it also created yesterday and has no money too. His update page shows 164 tpe and already is dipping into 2x media posts.
Right Wing - Noah Johns III or user Noah Johns created November 29th and has $1,8m dollars to his name. Third times a charm? Already on his third player or evem third generation player as the two prior had the same name! No update page and guessing 155 tpe...looks like another fail! Maybe when he creates Noah Johns #?????? whatever he might get it right.
Left Defense - Bořek Podlezl or user Price0906 joined today as we speak! No money but off to a great start with already an update page created and 161 tpe.
A grand total of 44 prospects in this years SMJHL draft class, for now that is, as there are still candidates trickling in as we speak. So here are the top TPE earners of the S57 draft class.
Beranek-185 TPE
Kekkalainen-185 TPE
Lakkamaa-185 TPE
Obighers-181 TPE
Salvatici-180 TPE
Waters-180 TPE
Granstrom-177 TPE
Hellstrom- 177 TPE
St.Ark- 174 TPE
McOoooh- 171 TPE
Sniff- 170 TPE
Leclerc- 170 TPE
Honorable mention Rosejac 166 TPE
Yikes not sure if I should even leave myself there sitting at #13!