Best of luck with your expansion team! My IA ass always thought you were a cool dude! Makes me regret going IA leaving the NEW lr behind after all the years, but thats life sometimes. Cheers for the kind words and once again the best of luck mate!
08-29-2020, 11:35 PMhotdog Wrote: buckle up for this jumbled mess sorry i've had a couple of alcoholic beverages and if i've learned anything from my time in NEW it's that i should use this occasion to WRITE MEDIA instead of trade draft picks.
also i'm still in the LR and i'm not going anywhere so none of this shit is as final as it's gonna sound.
you may notice that i often bounce between 3rd person and 2nd person references in the following paragraphs. whatever fuck you
first and foremost, of course, has to be @Ace. Ace is one of my closest friends in the whole league and the fact that we won't be constantly DMing is one of the bigger adjustments i'll have to get used to in this next chapter. Ace reached out early in S46 and we hit it off immediately to the point where I knew that NEW was about to be a perfect home for me. the perfect match - him, a typical (homer) bruins fan and me, the atypical (not a homer) bruins fan. Ace saw in me what fairly few did at the time, the potential to be a key figure around the site, and traded up to ensure he was able to take me in the S47 draft. An accelerated trajectory landed me in the war room and the co-GM spot pretty early on, another testament to Ace's belief in me. Since then, I'm so unbelievably proud of what we were able to build in New England. It's weird that ace is now stepping aside, too, but our influence there will remain for a long ass time. We were almost always on the same page about what people to bring in to the team and although we never wound up winning a cup, we had sustained success throughout that time on the "ice" and, even more important to me, built an incredible locker room. none of that would've happened without Ace, and i've got a tremendous amount of gratitude. I owe ace a ton (more in the symbolic sense though, i'm not gonna like give him draft picks or good trades or stuff like that) and even though we're going separate ways now, I imagine we'll remain quite close friends as we continue along our SHL paths. update: he already asked me who i'm picking at 4oa in this draft and i told him to fuck off lol
When i think of my time in New England, Ace obviously comes first, but there's a 1b tier of people that have been extremely important to the NEW experience over the last year+ of my life there. The dynamic duo of @goldenglutes and @5ympathies have to be mentioned first here, as they were among the goofiest on the wolfpack during my time - a quality i place a lot of value on. can always count on them to goof it up with me, which is truly the essence of my existence, and i'm extremely grateful that they helped keep that locker room a really enjoyable place to be, they always kept the locker room lubricated and running smoothly During the process of writing this media, i looked back at the conversations on the day i joined the locker room. the very first person to greet me was 5ym, and it was such a meaningful message - "hey" - so powerful, to me. Two more of my closest friends in the whole league right here, and when I think of the good times in the early-to-middle days of NEW it's guaranteed that these two are involved. It sucked to be trading you guys last season, but it is impossible to trade my mother fucking memories. and any memory that involves these two is guaranteed to be a good one. do more podcasts.
To the man of too many fuckin names - @bbjygm, yogurt loaf, slap mcshotty, spread mcsheety, slog mchoggy, the slaptain - we entered the league in the same draft and you, too, i consider to be one of my closest friends in the whole league. I truly mean it when I say that your creativity is absolutely unparalleled around the SHL. from the hot potato to the tracker system to the secret beans project i hope we some day unveil to gordiebot to basically anything you can get your hands on - it's all amazing. many people (me) have silly ideas but you're the only one with enough dedication to actually see these through (except the beans one but we can return to that when the time is right lol) and i commend you for it. thank you for sending me moose pictures - i remember that was one of the very first things we bonded over when we were both new to the team - and please continue to do that. I don't talk about too much real life shit with that many people from SHL but I always enjoyed hearing about your interests (professional and otherwise) - there's no one i'd rather sit through the late end of a 5 hour time difference for. fuck, that sentence is shit. there's no one i'd rather talk with at 2 am when it's 9pm for them and i'm tired but i really enjoy the conversation so i stay up late for. fuck. you know what i mean.
i don't wanna do capital letters anymore, fuck capital letters.
The premier early user in that LR was @Flareon - flare has dropped off a bit in activity but i haven't forgotten how important his presence was in the early days, often being the loudest voice in the room (in a good way) alongside me and ace. flare was incredibly significant in forming that locker room into what it became, and i miss flare's presence in that room more than anyone else whose activity has waned. i mean, he's fine, he's like alive and shit and he still talks. but he used to talk a lot more and i loved it. anyway, absolutely foundational piece of the NEW experience and someone who i'd always want to share a conversation with. flare and i did one (1) episode of a podcast back when i was a nobody scrub rookie, ranking all of the SHL teams' brandings. we made notes and plans for a second episode but it's been over a year since the first and something tells me we aren't getting around to it anytime soon. but we had great chemistry and that podcast could've been a smash hit if we like gave a shit or tried harder lol.
for the rest of the thing i'll go roughly chronologically. when i joined the team, @Mavfatha and @Raven were the big swinging dicks. I looked up to them and a lot of my early time in the locker room was spent hoping that these two in particular would like me. don't know if it worked tbh. Gotze and Ulrich were peaking right around when i stepped into the coGM spot and I was so happy to have those two great players to work with and those two great users behind the scenes. Raven's bum ass went IA and he can now be found leading his own expansion team in ISFL, and Mav moved on to texas, but these two were the people i looked up to the most when I joined the team. The other oldies on the team when i joined were @"AndrewWarren13" and @Moosecop - AW, thank you for being so quiet as a co-GM because it made me seem like i was doing the world just by talking more than you did lolol - in all seriousness, Leitner was a stud for the Wolfpack for a long ass time and i'm glad you and ace patched things up recently. Moosecop has been the epitome of a team player for the wolfpack ever since I arrived and there's not much more you can ask for from a player who eventually will go IA. i'm glad we're teammates in ISFL and I thank you for putting in the good words on my behalf to get me drafted there.
@gordieboom was the other key user when i got drafted to NEW and his voice resonated significantly in the locker room. I've told gordie this before, but his "Morning!" messages every morning were always a kind touch that were sorely missed when gboom stepped away for a bit. I'm glad gordie is back on the site and I hope he continues strong with his player - gordie is a major asset to this site when he's active and the SHL is a better place with gordie in it. I guess here i can thank gordiebot for keeping the spirit of gordie alive in his absence The other pieces that joined when I joined were @The__Y-man__100 and @Lunatyck - you two helped make the S47 draft class special (alongside the S46 class already there) - and this formed the core for the rest of the team that progressed from there. Lunatyck i was sad to see PB go but just know that you're responsible for some of the most enjoyable media ever churned out on this site, to this day. Thanks for popping into the locker room still once a month when we tag you lol. Y__man it was a pleasure to have you as my linemate for most of our time in NEW and i wish you all the best in NOLA (unless you play buffalo in the finals, if that's the case then i wish me all the best) and beyond!
shoutout to NEW legend Hugh Manatee.
S48 was my first draft as co-GM and ace was on a flight or some shit so i was thrown into the fire straightaway. we took Piotr Horvat with the first pick, under ace's instruction, but I was on my own for the rest. The first one, let's be honest, I fumbled, selecting Ravyn Tedisko. But i was super happy to select my EVO partner in crime, @ProjectSaint, in the third round. Though we wound up sending EVO to texas pretty early on, PS still stuck around in the locker room, joining us for jackbox and other shenanigans.
Playoffs start monday?
The fuck?
This league is wank?
honestly it's a fucking shame that at this point, this is all we can remember from that legendary event. i remember exactly where i was for that, sitting in a coffeeshop with people fucking gawking at me because i was cracking my ass up by myself typing at the laptop. fuck, that shit was so funny. my least favorite thing that happened in my entire tenure in NEW was ace deleting that fucking channel grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
pause here for remembrance of noah konn lmao.
the next big move we made was to bring in @StamkosFan, who would again be a foundational piece for the next several seasons. Wagstrom will go down in history as one of the absolute highest earners, and Stammer was a huge addition to the locker room culture. My favorite memory will be talking stammer out of demanding a trade like 3-4 different times JK stammer's contributions to the team were overwhelmingly positive and while the topics of conversation ranged vastly, the quality of conversation was always high. shoutout to kombucha. also i like to imagine there is an alternate universe where my tests of Wagstrom getting 80+ points in S54 came true instead of the shit season that we churned out. who knows what the rest of that universe looks like but it's out there somewhere.
The next two i'll mention go together as a unit for me again, as we selected them in consecutive drafts out of the STL organization. In the S49 draft, we had no first rounders but did have pick 17, the first selection in the second round. I knew we wouldn't get the "top" players in the class but I focused my scouting towards the attainable range and in that range i found a gem - @JaytheGreat aka jakub bruchevski. this was the first draft i did actual serious scouting and I stumbled across jay - he was lower in TPE because he signed up later but through my earliest conversations with him (i just scrolled all the way back in our PMs in discord lol) i could tell he was going to be a steal at 17. Spent the draft hoping he'd be there and was really happy that he was. This paid off extra when we moved to FHM, as Jay was the only one on our team who'd had experience with it. he was a huge help in getting us ready for the switch. also shoutout to jay for being a Good Person and starting a job in a hospital in the middle of a pandemic. Jay's counterpart was another Scarecrow, Sacha Dangelchek, @acdangel. In the deep S50 reddit draft, we again sat without any first round picks or even second round picks. still, i tried my best to find talent late in the draft and holllyyyyyyyy shit did i find one in dangel. his TPE earning isn't top of the line, but he's been the most reliable and present contributor to the LR that we've had. in the NEW LR, the most messages are from me and ace, third is someone i'll mention later, and fourth is dangel. dangel is one of the realest motherfuckin dudes i've had the pleasure of getting to know in SHL, and getting to select him 37th overall is one of my favorite achievements as coGM in NEW. dangel and i share a lot of tastes, including music and tv shows, and he's again one of my closest friends in the league. earn more TPE dangel you lazy bum!
also in the s50 draft we drafted omenolson lmaooooooo remember that guy? want to be extremely clear that that pick was ace's idea, not mine :D
In S51 we scooped up my good buddy @Jabs. Jabs is a PBE guy but will check in once or twice a season with NEW to see how everything is going. jabs is a beaut and i've enjoyed our feeble attempts to teach him anything about hockey since he's joined the league lol.
In S52 we had 5th overall and i was ecstatic that we were able to land @kenvald - the user who deserves to be, and i hope will be, the next GM of the wolfpack. Kenvald is going to be an excellent SHL manager, he's got the responsibility, brightness, and perspective to shine in this role. kenvald is a joy to have around the LR and i'm really happy that we were able to take him. when both of the GMs suddenly are no longer the GMs of a team, it's a real blessing to be able to have someone like ken sitting around ready to help lead the team in to the future. kv also has made a name for himself as being one of the best and most accurate updaters in the league; that's the acuity that'll translate well into management. sucks that you may now be my rival, i don't like that.
it was around this time that we brought in my favorite addition to the wolfpack family, ass fuckin clap himself. @Acsolap was my GM in juniors on Anchorage, taking me in the 3rd round. ass took a chance on me when many other teams didn't see potential, and as I've stated elsewhere before, I owe the fact that I'm still here in SHL today to landing in Anchorage on assclap's team, and he knows how much credit i give to him. Anyway, his player red kirby fuckin sucks and tanks whatever team he's on but we were still excited to bring him into the fold. for me, it was a special experience being able to bring in my SHL daddy to my team. assclap has something mean to say about nearly everyone so i know how lucky i am to be one of the select few on his "nice" list. it sucks that Kirkby didn't get the kind of individual success we had both hoped for in NEW, but adding someone like that to the team is always a W no matter what.
Around this time we brought in another member of the Armada family in @LairdButler. I've had the pleasure of sharing rooms with Hanson since he entered the league and i'm glad we made it to a sim engine that allows Hanson to be the physical presence that he wanted. I'm really glad we finally got to play together as teammates this season! Another player who i'm honored to be able to call a teammate of mine is Anders Christiansen - @NorwegianDemon - who I hope to see in the Hall of Fame one day. Will always be special to me that I played alongside a player of AC's caliber.
next up is the funniest dude (besides myself of course) in that locker room - @Zomp. such a curious case, that zomp. such a tough nut to crack. there were a tonnnnnn of players i liked a lot in that S53 draft, but i couldn't be happier that this is the one we got. despite being in the LR for a shorter amount of time, it's zomp who is third in messages in the discord server. a lottttttt of these come at midnight/1am when he's fuckin ripped off the whiteclaw. and man oh man those drunk zomp nights are the funniest memories i have from this team. zomp is an absolute gem and such a wild ride (in an incredibly positive way) - i really hope he learns to cook pasta some day. zomp the next time i'm in NH i'll hit you up and you can give me and ace a "drive" in one of your cars "under the speed limit" and it'll be a fuckin blast eh. zomp youre the funniest dude in the SHL - never change.
at this point i regret to inform the readers that the tipsyness has turned into tiredness and i'm calling it quits for the night. i love to do the stream of consciousness thing and the Trulys really help bring it out. i'll continue this tomorrow. you won't really know or care because you're reading this all at once anyway so you don't know when i wrote it. you also won't really know or care because no one is actually reading this.
ok i'm back let's do this. it's now tomorrow.
I will always and forever only have nice things to say about @SAwful. Sawful came to the Armada so I had early access to him and I knew pretty much immediately he would be an amazing fit in New England. Of all the people i've met in SHL, Sawful is way up there among the people who most remind me of myself; i think we have immensely similar personalities and senses of humor. As such, i like him a lot, because i like myself; our jokes in the discord are typically in lockstep and it's great to have a sawful around to keep any bit going strong. Another gem to have in the LR, any time is a good time when Sawful is around. These younger players like sawful and the last few I've mentioned were one of the hardest parts of applying for an opportunity elsewhere, knowing that I won't be the one that gets to stick around in charge when these guys are the new superstars of the league.
@bluesfan55 you're the most gullible person in the league and i will always cherish the fact that you can be punked at the drop of a hat; in addition, your enthusiasm for the team since joining has been contagious and I love the amount of wolfpack pride you display despite only playing here for one season. mvdh will be a special player in wolfpack green and they're lucky to have you and your clutch goals for a long time to come. if Atlanta isn't the one winning challenge cups then i hope it's new england; and if it's new england winning cups, i know the goals are gonna be coming from your stick.
@Eggy216 i've always enjoyed our talks about professional things and it was cool to bring you onto the team this season even if you're a washed up bum now the fact that we attended the same conference before we (virtually) knew each other is the craziest coincidence i've encountered since joining this league. Again, like some others, it'll be an honor to be able to say we were teammates and i wish you all the best in finishing up your dissertation.
Right before this season we had the opportunity to bring in one of (subjectively) my favorite and (objectively) the best people in the entire league in @bilbo. Bilbo was still around in the NEW locker room and i got to know them pretty well long before they were on the team. I was the biggest fan since then, and NEW management spent several seasons hoping you'd eventually hit free agency so we could swoop in and add them to the team; finally getting the opportunity to trade for Montgomery before this season felt like the culmination of a long-in-process storyline, but i'm glad bilbo the person was around the LR before then. the kindness that emanates from bilbo is unrivaled around the league and the way that they truly wish well for everyone else in the league is a special trait.
@Paq i was trying to figure out the nice things to say about you and i couldn't figure out the genesis point for our relationship. I guess know you from PBE but we were never on the same team? I think it was just that you were in the Florida locker room back in the heyday and i was like oh shit i rock with this dude he's awesome? i think that was it? anyway, it's well known i'm a big fan and i was delighted we had the chance to bring you into NEW via the trade last offseason - another great person who makes any locker room a better place.
@Clean Andrei Kostitsyn i have an incredible amount of admiration to your dedication to the bit and i really really hope someone can help you track down sergei. good luck with no update strike for ace as Grand Manager. the day when you were in voice chat playing requests on recorder was one of my all time favorite days from the NEW experience.
Continuing the on-ice trend of young studs is the awesome S55 class we just brought in. @Zema and @Fluw are both incredible people who both bring an incredibly positive energy to the locker room. It sucks that I won't get to reap the benefits of these two players but they liven the room with their enthusiasm and I appreciate them a whole lot for that. the other young prospects like @Cyanide and @Brandon and @eMLBCommish and @Nobody are great people as well and i wish them all the best in their futures in New England!
i think that about wraps everything up. i've been part of NEW for over a year of real life time, which is insane to say but also makes sense because that is how time works. that place felt like home to me, and maybe that's because i made myself at home there, but i know it's all the people that wound up there that really made it such a great place. it was a really tough decision to leave and i hope that in my own new team I can build a team and a locker room that is as special as NEW.
completely unrelated to all of this but since i'm posting a thing publicly i want to post this thing publicly. if anyone else is still isolating pretty heavily b/c of pandemic things and feels like they're the only one, just know that you're not alone. i've still barely done anything in the last months besides go to the grocery store, and my instagram feed lately has basically been 100% pictures of people i know irl going out to bars and restaurants and all that shit. i'm not calling out people who are doing that, i'm sure they're being safe and it's totally fine, but as someone who isn't doing those things (i've been making frequent trips back home to help my parents move and my dad has had (and beaten) cancer but now has a compromised immune system so i've been extremely cautious in everything i've done for that reason) it's a weird feeling to be observing all that on social media right now. but if anyone else out there is still isolating for whatever reason and feeling similar feelings when they check social media, it's a comforting thought to know that you're not the only one feeling those feelings - if you're one of those people and you wanna talk just hit me up and we can discuss, i don' think there's any way around those feelings but speaking personally i can say it's really uplifting to know there are others out there feeling it too.