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Sir Devoir scouts Mercedes Baylé

Hello guys and gals and everything in between WildfireMicro here with a story media Collab between me and @Bayley. I know that I should do more BAP Recap, but I just have not gotten the energy or motivation to do it as of late. However, I decided to do this quick story media with Bayley just to get some kind of media out there. This will be a story about my player Sir Devoir doing a scouting session of their player Mercedes Baylé. I decided to post this as is because it is long enough. So without any further ado let's begin:

Quote:HEY GRADER BAYLEY SAID I COULD TAKE THE PROFITS! Got it? Ok sorry for yelling.

 Sir Devoir: "hello there, and appropriate greetings to you. My name is Sir Devoir"

Mercedes Baylé: "Nice to meet you, I am Mercedes! I have not really been to Baltimore before, it's not too bad here, I mean, it's just the airport."

Sir Devoir: "ehh it's close to the bay, so you get all kinds of crabs and fish"

Mercedes Baylé: "Yeah, I bet. Well, I definitely look forward to meeting more people. Tell me a little about what you do around here, Sir."

Devoir: "oh! I am the Goalie. The one who gets peppered a lot"

Mercedes Baylé: "Oh, that's a tough position. I am usually the goalie's worst nightmare. Well, I want to be anyway."

Devoir: "don't mistake me for being callous, glory has just been hard to find in Baltimore as of late"

Mercedes Baylé: "I have seen that a little bit. You have some pretty good players on the team, it'll just take some time to get there, I think. I think goalies during a rebuild have the toughest job, so I applaud you for that."

Devoir: "thank you. I live in the woods not too far from here in a big log cabin"

Mercedes Baylé: "Oh, that's awesome. Are we going to the rink today? I think I had a meeting with hhh today or something. I have no idea what the plan is exactly."

Devoir: "probably yeah. I am not completely involved in the war room processss"

Mercedes Baylé: "Ah gotcha! Tell me a little about the Platoon!"

Devoir: "well we got quite a few unique characters here, including a guy named Lord Raiden who claims to be an immortal god and honestly sometimes makes me question why he plays hockey"

Mercedes Baylé: "Well, sounds like an interesting bunch! This is a super nice arena."

Devoir: "indeed! Sometimes I forget my humble beginnings at the carnival"

Mercedes Baylé: "At the carnival, you say? I really have no idea how that would be. Tell me about it, you tickled my curiosity!"

Devoir: "I was born in a Japanese carnival with my sister Annabelle. She was a fortune teller, while I was eventually used as The Amazing Gallade Goalie under the watchful eye of my former master King Bozo- don't laugh, his real name was Haru"

Mercedes Baylé: "I feel like people call me Bozo sometimes too, so I don't judge at all either. Sounds like you come from a pretty diverse background. I always love about hearing where people come from! Thank you for sharing."

Devoir: "I got into playing hockey as a true professional after Bozo got a heart attack and I was sent along with my sister to get jobs. I decided to go to a hockey academy."

Mercedes Bayle: "That's a tough situation, but it gives you a really good reason for playing and powering through times where it's a lot harder to put on the pads!"

Devoir: "was a bit hard to go into the academy and convince them I was serious"

Mercedes Baylé: "Oh of course, I had a similar thing too. No one took me serious which is sad, but I totally understand why."

Devoir: "first I had to show them that I was an independent Pokemon, and not just some random Gallade who wandered into the academy"

Mercedes Baylé: "Oh yeah, you had some similar things you had to do! You had to prove that you can fit in and not be treated differently. I completely get it!"

Devoir: "see this marking on my neck? It is to show that am an independent Pokemon and cannot be legally caught"

Mercedes Baylé: "I am sure you fought your battles. I swear that pun was not intended at all. It just came to me, I am sorry about that!!"

Devoir: "heh yeah the "legally" part doesn't stop some people from trying, though every Poke ball won't try to capture me once it scans the marking"

Mercedes Baylé: "Well, I promise, I did not bring any Pokeballs with me, I don't even have a Great Ball or Ultra Ball with me, I promise."

Devoir: "they wouldn't work anyways, but thank you"

Mercedes Baylé: "Absolutely, so what are we doing today?"

Devoir: "Maybe I can see what you can do. You are a skater right?"

Mercedes Baylé: "I am, I like to score goals. Are you going to let me score on you?"

Devoir: "for right now I am going to see if you can get a shot through me"

Mercedes Baylé: "Is this a scouting test? I am definitely in. I brought my stick and my skates just assuming you would need some of that, so I am ready to go!"

Devoir: "that's good! What do you think of our practice rink?"

 Mercedes Baylé: "This is an awesome arena. I could see myself playing here for sure! It's got so much stuff to it. I love all the little details. It is the little stuff to me that I notice most."

Devoir: "the main rink is getting cleaned, or we would see about doing it there"

Mercedes Baylé: "Oh for sure, I will have to go over there. Can we see it or is it off limits right now? I'd love to do all of the touring that I can to see as many things that I can."

Devoir: "it's getting deep cleaned after some kid spilled a bunch of mountain dew on there as a prank, so you'll see it tomorrow. It was honestly a really stupid prank"

Mercedes Baylé: "Oh no, that's awful! How could people be so careless"

Devoir: "just some kids who wondered if they could turn the rink green"

Mercedes Baylé: "I mean, that would be pretty cool. Wait, is that how Boise's field for football is blue? So, are you supposed to be scouting me? What do you want to know about me? I am sure you *want *to know a lot!"

Devoir: "well I already learned quite a bit about your background, so get your pads on and try to get one passed me"

Mercedes Baylé: "Oh watch me, I can definitely score. I did my research."

"interesting, let's see how good you are!"

The scouting test itself was quite a tough one for Baylé, as they are only able to get a couple of shots past Devoir despite Devoir not bringing his absolute best so as to conserve energy. Eventually Devoir steps away from the net and addresses Baylé:

"Not bad Mercedes"

Mercedes Baylé: "Eh, I didn't even do as well as I wanted to."

Devoir: "well that's the difference in experience. I've been in the majors for a few years and you are still a first year Juniors player"

Mercedes Baylé: "i still have a lot to learn. I'm not happy with this season. I have a lot to learn still."

Devoir: "that's how it is. I'm confident you can improve though"

Mercedes Baylé: "I have to, I have to score a lot of goals. That is how I am going to make it in this league. That is what I am good at."

Devoir: "I'm sure you will. Well I say it's time for you to talk to the GM, so I'll see you later"

Mercedes Baylé: "Oh, now I am nervous. Thanks for the fun!"

Devoir: "you're welcome. Goodbye!"

Thank you all for reading and I hope to see you all on the ice!

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