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S75 PT#2: Bobby Oh-Boy Due: Monday, February 26th @ 11:59pm PST

Option 2:

My player, Edžus Ozolins is not the best skater either, though he’s able to keep up with the SHL standard in that department. To train the strength of every push he does, he goes kickboxing every week, reinforcing the strength of his legs to have powerful movement when skating. Edžus doesn't believe in calm skating, he thinks it should consume power and energy, not that you should “let yourself slide”. Because the day the ice doesn't want to slide you anymore, you’ll stop, but your legs will never give you up and never let you down. Edžus’ secret training, though, is shooting a puck on the goalie’s helmet at team practices and running away from said goalie after they start chasing him… Goalies don't exactly go fast so that could explain why Ozolins isn't the best skater…This method is injury-proof as there is no such thing in the SHL, so don't hesitate to take dangerous shots on your goalies to just scare ‘em for the bit and run away from them when they menacingly approach.

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