Oh hello, it's me again, with another exciting job opportunity! With @Caleb having informed us of his intention to step down as head of the SMJHL All-Star committee, we’re looking to hire someone new to take the helm! Job requirements and tasks include working with the SHL All-Star Head to select a host team & All-Star Logo Contest to decide on 1st place and 2nd place logos, running ballots for the SMJHL All-Star Game rosters, and 2 All-SMJHL lines and 1 All-Rookie line at the end of the season.
To apply for this job, please send myself or any other member of SMJHL Head Office a message either here on the site or on Discord! There's no set format for this application, but if you have any prior skills that would be applicable in this position, or exciting ideas for the department, please feel free to mention that and anything else you might find relevant.
Pay is $6,000,000 per season. Applications will close Tuesday, September 10th at 11:59 PM Pacific.