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Another Addition of Whale Talk with the RdNk

[Image: whalerNormfinal_zpsdd71e5cd.jpg]
Well hello again hockey fan’s this is the RdNk coming to you live from RdNk studios in beautiful downtown Vancouver.

Let’s get right to it. The Whaler’s have won yet another 2 hockey games and sit at 4-0 on this young season. I have to tell you that I’m not sure to many folks would have guessed that this young group would be the only undefeated team at this point. The Vancouver hockey club is playing great defense and receiving timely goals from almost anyone In the lineup at any given point. The captain leads the way with 10 points, Hahya comes in second with ten of his own. Which is pretty good, but the stat that really jumps out at you is the +/- on the club. The Whaler’s don’t have a single player on the roster with a minus to their name.

:impact: VS Whalers
The game between the Montreal Impact and your Whalers was dressed up to be the Defensive prowess of the Impact vs the Offense of the Whalers. Most people will tell you that defense wins championships. Just ask Valentine and Cerilli they will gladly let you in on that secret.

Well the game started out as a feeling out process by both teams. A number of great open ice hits from both sides were dished out.
[Image: Ryan_zpsbfaf53fc.jpg]
James Ryan laying out a member of the impact

[Image: lucic-hit-on-spacek.jpg?w=300]
Swerin doing what Swerin paid to do

[Image: Vancouverinjury2_zps6a5b75d7.jpg]
Hayha being helped off the ice after taking a vicious open hit in the neutral zone

[Image: Whalersleavetheice_zps304d3df6.jpg]
The first period had the crowd wanting more but neither team was able to solve the others defense. During that first intermission the Whalers went in to the locker room feeling pretty good about themselves as they were able to hold off the highly regarded Impact squad.

[Image: cody-hodgson-being-dumped-in-minny.jpg]
The second period started and almost immediately off the first face off an ill advised tripping call was issued to the Impact . The whalers Jumped on this opportunity and from then on the Vancouver squad was step for step with the impact. At the end of the night the Montreal team and its fans were left with the sick feeling that they let this one slip away. Montreal seen nine Power play chances but were not able to do much with the opportunities.

RdNk grade for the game c+…As mentioned before on the show. The amount of penalties this team is taking is going to catch up with them eventually. The team is playing loosy goosey hockey and one can only wonder who and when will make them pay.

[Image: team-plane_392.jpg]
We were unable to get any interviews from the players as they vacated the locker room immediately following the victory and hopped on the plane for Prince George to face Mr. Ask and his squad.

The team arrived in Prince George at around 3:00 AM and were on the ice that morning for the teams optional pre-game skate for 11:00AM. Every player on the roster took part in the practice. This has become a very tight group in a very short period of time.

The players did seem a little tired from the night before ,but I received the impression that they were man for man and woman ready to play. The firebirds jumped on the Whalers early and often in this one to get it started,but they weren’t able to capitalize.

Until Ben Michal broke the ice and opened the scoring for the Firebirds.
[Image: eric-staal-scores-a-goal.-thumb22435263.jpg]
The whalers tried to get something started of their own but the Goaltending clinic that Ask was demonstrating seemed to fluster the Vancouver team.

All the while the Whalers own backstop was putting on a show of his own. The Whalers tied the game before the end of the first period with a shorthanded goal.
The Firebirds really took it to the Whale in the second. The strong defensive play displayed by the whalers and Tending of Viltonen kept the team in the game. Second period ended 1-1. The Whalers were showing obvious signs of tiring as the parade to the penalty box continued .For a brief few minutes it looked like finally the glass slipper had broken on Cinderella and the Whalers would finally pay their dues for the sin bin trips.

[Image: hartnell-250t.jpg]
The team went into the dressing room to regroup and re-coup as they dodged some heavy ammunition from the Firebirds. The third period started pretty much the same as the second . Until the Firebirds in the same fashion as the last game. With an ill advised penalty taken by the opposing team. The Whalers found themselves with yet another gift horse coming there way. A Power play was issued which resulted in the SEXY Valentine getting a feed and blasting a puck over the shoulder of netminder Edwin Ask.Putting the Whalers ahead for good.
[Image: 10-29-canucks-capitalsx-large.jpg]
A shot of Valentine posing for her recent photo shoot for the vaity fair calendar
[Image: wayne-gretzkys-wife.jpg]

Vancouver seemed to get an infusion of energy from that play and were able to hold off Prince George the rest of the way. Vancouver jumped back on the plane with the points and the victory. You need to know that the goaltending battle between Ask and Viltonen was unreal both backstops giving it there all. With Ultimately Viltonen coming away with yet another W.

After the game I caught up to a couple of the Whalers players and this is what they had to say.

[Image: Murayinterview3_zpsc0b3eb8a.jpg]
Whalers defenseman Angelo Cerilli
"HAHAHAHAHA I love this locker room, I love this team, another great day still undefeated team! Oh and "This team is going to kill me with all these penalties me and Samu could barely walk after that game."

You can see folks the team is quite loose and having some fun.
The captain grinning like a little schoolboy chimed in with this beauty.

[Image: browninterview_zpsf6b32d7c.jpg]
Whalers Captain Dave Smith
sweet deal 4-0 ladies and gentlemen.... NICE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!

If Ask is the problem........ we are the solution

[Image: pingpongduel_zpsff725cab.jpg]
Soon after Dave And Angelo got into a heated game of Ping-Pong to cool down.
The conversation was quite interesting, but we will save that for another day. The Whalers are 4-0 and seem to be getting more and more confidence in their play with each outing. Oh yes i almost forgot...I want to give a quick shout out to n to James Ryan the 7th round draft choice of the whalers this season. James is quietly putting himself into some conversations and definately has taken a number of folks by surprise with his impressive 2 goals and 3 helpers to start the season...Atta boy James. Maybe we can get a quote or two from James in one of the upcoming editions of the show.

Alright that’s it from the studios this has been another production of Whaler talk with your host the Rdnk . Reminding you to Spay or neuter your cats and dogs, keep your stick on the ice and of course may all your women be easy and trashy.

Good night now Popcorn

why am I losing at ping pong LOL

My hand eye co-ordination should be sexy with my 8 goals and 2 assists Smile

C - Kenji Yoshimura  Panthers Kenji Yoshimura Updates Panthers
[Image: BigTittySmitty5.gif]

Credit to Wasty and Steelhead for the sigs - thanks dudes!

Eh hem clearing throat...Just between you and me...I think he cheats Wink

He does cheat, How do you think he got that A instead of you or I Hoperle? huh huh? haha


Word Count: 1174
Professionalism/Thoroughness: 9/10
Interest: 9/10
Form: 8.5/10

Payment: 650k

Comments: Good read, few errors with grammar/spelling

[Image: NCQjJT2.png]
Berserkers     -       syndicate      -     Berserkers

It's pretty obvious i didn't leave my feet on that check lol

The conversation was quite interesting, but we will save that for another day. The Whalers are 4-0 and seem to be getting more and more confidence in their play with each outing. Oh yes i almost forgot...I want to give a quick shout out to n to James Ryan the 7th round draft choice of the whalers this season. James is quietly putting himself into some conversations and definately has taken a number of folks by surprise with his impressive 2 goals and 3 helpers to start the season...Atta boy James. Maybe we can get a quote or two from James in one of the upcoming editions of the show.

Alright that’s it from the studios this has been another production of Whaler talk with your host the Rdnk . Reminding you to Spay or neuter your cats and dogs, keep your stick on the ice and of course may all your women be easy and trashy.

Good night now Popcorn[/QUOTE]

I'd like to say thanks for the shoutout first of all. You know it's all for the organEYEzation u know, just gotta play hard on the ice and handle yourself profesionally of the ice you know for the organization you know they drafted me you know and put their faith into my abilities you know, i'm extremely happy with my play so far you know and i think the organEYEzation is happy with the way the entire team is playing you know, pass shoot score you know that's what me and my linemates have been doing passing, shooting, scoring and then Cellying hard you know.

Ha You Know... right... and umm Popcorn

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