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David Benson joins DGA!

Deener Gold Agency is proud to have on board our second client, David Benson!

<b><div align="center">David Benson</b>

[Image: TS_MEDIA_H_11_allstar.jpg]


CK = Checking: 50
FG = Fighting: 25
DI = Discipline: 70
SK = Skating: 82
ST = Strength: 77
EN = Endurance: 80
DU = Durability: 50
PH = Puck Handling: 82
FO = Face Offs: 78
PA = Passing: 80
SC = Scoring: 86
DF = Defense: 71
PS = Penalty Shot: 50

[Image: n3ltte.png]

David Benson, former first overall pick of the Toronto North Stars, is a generational player expected to join the SHL this season for his rookie campaign. A stud winger, Benson took the league by storm in his draft year, earning the honors of the first to have his name called during the biggest day of his life.

Benson is a great guy on and off the ice. A real character leader, he takes care of his teammates and will be the North Stars captain one day. For a franchise that has gone cupless, they will be in good hands for seasons to come with Benson at the helm of the ship.

David Benson is the real deal. And he is now a part of the Deener-Gold Standard.


Interview You are a former number one overall draft pick with a heavy burden on you to turn a spurning franchise around. What does Dave Benson aim to achieve by the time we reach this point in the off season next year?

Next year I have a year with the North Stars under my belt. I already assume I will have helped the team clinch a playoff spot and win rookie of the year. Nothing less to be honest. No need to be humble, I'm just confident.

Interview Being that you are such an important part of this team and league, and a future face of it, why the Deener-Gold standard?

Why not? Deener is a big name around the league and a friend growing up, I wouldn't want anyone else representing me. I had been considering other agencies prior to this, then Deener came along and opened up his player agency and I honestly am glad I waited it out. I immediately contacted him expressing interest.

Interview What can the Deener-Gold Standard provide you that you otherwise feel you may not have been able to focus on yourself?

Added perks, stability and support. While I do a good job of negotiating myself, I feel like the support of the Deener-Gold Standard behind me will ensure I'm always making the best choices for my career. I know Deener's always got my back and will fight tooth and nail for every perk necessary in my contract.

Current Client List:

David Benson

The Carl Mountain


<div align="center">The Deener-<span style='color:yellow'>Gold<span style='color:black'> Standard Agency
Apply here:</div>

04-14-2020, 09:49 PMbluesfan55 Wrote: 28 is old you fucking moron

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