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PT #2: How Well Do You Know Your Teammates?

So not too long ago, our hero, Lady, and savior Georgette Pel yodled the following four questions about her person into the echo chamber that masquerades as the Halifax Raiders locker room:

1. Fave TV Show?
2. How many paddles do I go through in a season?
3. Who am I super buddies with on the team?
4. What is my spirit animal?

Eventually, some of her teammates replied (more than strictly necessary, but fuck it, the more the merrier). Let's see who guessed this random shit about her best!

Fave TV Show?

Laing: The Knick.
Goonkova: She can't stop bringing dogs home, so maybe something on Animal Planet? Pit Bulls and Parolees?
Dick Chocolate: Game of Thrones, people like that show apparently.
JLR: AHS or Orange Is the New Black... Or maybe Walking Dead?
Reeder: South Park

THE CORRECT ANSWER: jfc you guys, GHOST BROS (Ghost Adventures). COME ON.

How many paddles do I go through in a year?

Laing: 25...she slashes a lot
Goonkova: Peller can lose her temper. I'm gonna go with 15.
Dicky Chocolate: I'm gonna guess about 7.
JLR: Not many being that you're a goalie.
Reeder: About 40, between bad games, losing your temper, and just tossing the stick.

THE CORRECT ANSWER: So far this season? 4. Puts me on track for about 10. Points to Dicky and JLR on this one -- the rest of you should be ashamed; paddles are way more durable than your spindly little biscuit shooters.

Who am I super buddies with on the team?

Laing: Pel doesn't really have friends.
Goonkova: Dicky.
Dick Chocolate: Uh, me, obviously.
JLR: Her roomies, Hocolate, or me, of course. Smile
Reeder: Lainger -- can always count on her to party.

THE CORRECT ANSWER: My roomies are frankly the sisters I never asked for. Buddies, though? Hmm. While I do let Laing talk me into way too much shit I shouldn't do, and while JLR and I got the Q connection and can kill time easy as pie, I gotta say Dicky. Goalies just understand each other.

What's my spirit animal?

Laing: Falcon...she's quick as fuck.
Goonkova: Usually pretty cordial, always willing to work hard, and kind of crazy in a good way, but can snap at times... I'm gonna go with a horse, maybe?
Dicky Chocolate: An ocelot. They're the best. Just say the word ocelot. It's great.
JLR: A serval or a short beaked common dolphin.
Reeder: A panther (cuz she's a sex panther).

THE CORRECT ANSWER: Cougar (although points for ocelot, serval, and panther for all being in the generally correct category).

  1. Favourite TV show?
  2. If they were an animal, what animal would they be?
  3. Favourite thing about game day?
  4. Closest friend on the team?
Mia Landvik's guesses:
  1. 90210
  2. there's no better person to say a wolf for
  3. getting shit done out there on the ice, knowing that he did his best
  4. Makinen
Jasper Clayton's guesses:
  1. Russell loves watching MLP with Clayton so it's his favourite show
  2. his favourite animal is a pony because Clayton has indoctrinated him
  3. Favourite thing about game day is watching MLP with Jasper
  4. closest friend is Clayto
Jakob Tanner's guesses:
  1. Celebrity Boxing
  2. Manbearpig
  3. Getting to smash the other team against the boards
  4. Tanner's teddy bear
Nathan Russell's answers:
  1. Deets has been making me watch the Voice lately, and I guess it's pretty fun
  2. A wolf, obviously
  3. Other than playing hockey, trying not to laugh at the ridiculous pre-game dance parties
  4. Reid or Makinen

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Favourite color? Teal
Favourite TV show? The Office
If they were an animal, what animal would they be? Paul Blart
Favourite breakfast food? Waffles

Favourite colour? Blue
Favourite TV show? Trailer Park Boys
If they were an animal, what animal would they be? Eagle
Favourite breakfast food? Eggs and Bacon

Favourite color? Green
Favourite TV show? South Park
If they were an animal, what animal would they be? Barracuda
Favourite breakfast food? Hash browns

Favourite color? Green
Favourite TV show? Rick and Morty
If they were an animal, what animal would they be? Lion
Favourite breakfast food? Breakfast skillet

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Favourite colour? Green
Favourite TV show? Degrassi
If they were an animal, what animal would they be? Dog
Favourite breakfast food? Cereal

Favourite colour? Red
Favourite TV show? Glee
If they were an animal, what animal would they be? Doggo
Favourite breakfast food? Oatmeal

Favourite colour? Black and white
Favourite TV show? SpongeBob SquarePants
If they were an animal, what animal would they be? Dog
Favourite breakfast food? Pancakes with syrup, 3 strips of bacon and hash browns.

Favourite colour? Red
Favourite TV show? Game of Thrones
If they were an animal, what animal would they be? Dog
Favourite breakfast food? Pancakes and Bacon

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Isaac Kaiser's Answers

Favourite TV Show?
Game of Thrones

How many sticks do you go through in a year?
2 (because you never take shots)

Closest friend on the team?
Lainger (Reed Laing)

If they were an animal, what animal would they be?
Platypus (because damn you ugly)

Colin Banning's Answers

Favourite TV Show?
Game of Thrones

How many sticks do you go through in a year?

Closest friend on the team?
Colin Banning

If they were an animal, what animal would they be?

Georgette Pel's Answers

Favourite TV Show?
Impractical Jokers (couldn't rightly say if its his favorite, but I walked in on him watching an episode of it on his phone after a shitty period, and he was laughing so hard I thought he might vomit)

How many sticks do you go through in a year?
30 or so (most of them breaking in practice or in games; I know he dropped the flex to help really whip his wristers this year, might not have been the right move, though)

Closest friend on the team?
Colin Banning (but they're not really in a great place right now. They were really good buddies, though, I'm hoping whatever weird mess they're in weathers the storm well, considering they're both going to wind up in Toronto together)

If they were an animal, what animal would they be?
A horse (Hardworking, moves well, great to watch, and by turns unruly and really goddamn stubborn)

~*~*~Alex Reed's Answers~*~*~

Favourite TV Show?
Game of Thrones (currently, have to go with GoT, but if it was ever it would be something like Breaking Bad)

How many sticks do you go through in a year?
40 (because I'm ASSUMING I break a lot which is why I don't score much. Gotta blame the lumber)

Closest friend on the team?
Despite their fallout, it would still be Colin Banning because he's the one who sees through Reed's bullshit (like a family member would), but of course he would never admit that publicly right now...

If they were an animal, what animal would they be?

<a href='index.php?showuser=2265' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-3'>LosGlennos</a>

Favourite thing about game day?
The Ice Girls

If I was an animal what would I be?
A hamster, it's fluffy but hurts like hell when it bites you.

My dream teammate?
Garbanzo, because.. Who wouldn't

Craziest thing you've ever seen him do?
Figure skating dressed up like a banana singing the theme tune from the teletubies.

Women want to be with him because?
He's in touch with his feelings.

<a href='index.php?showuser=2267' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-17'>Waters</a>

Favourite thing about game day?
Watching Waters cry about not being the future

If I was an animal what would I be?
A... Gopher? Idfk

My dream teammate?
Randy Randleman probably

Craziest thing you've ever seen him do?
He once started a game. Absolutely insane I tell you.

Women want to be with him because?
He's the future of HAM.


Favourite thing about game day?

If I was an animal what would I be?
A cougar because he is secretly a 40 year old woman on the prowl.

My dream teammate?
Ludwig Koch Schröder, cause then he'd have a D man who's actually good.

Craziest thing you've ever seen him do?
Shotgun a bottle of nyquil while taking percosets

Women want to be with him because?
60% of the time he works every time.

<a href='index.php?showuser=2182' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-10'>JR95</a>

Favourite thing about game day?
The hotdog stand out front has great game day deals.

If I was an animal what would I be?
A party animal

My dream teammate?
Jon Ross obviously

Craziest thing you've ever seen him do?
I saw him picking his nose a few times.

Women want to be with him because?
Who doesn't want to be with a nose picking party animal?

Actual Answers
My favourite thing about game day?
The Ice Girls

If I was animal what would I be?
Probably a Labrador or something.

My dream teammate?
Chadathy Brodangleschlong

Craziest thing you've seen him do?
The figure skating banana incident probably. When you lose a bet you do what you have to do.

Women want to be with him because?
I'm a future star player.

Nicholas Pedersen:

Favourite TV show?

The Alex Mack Show, its a reality show based on Alex Mack's real life, without the cameras.

If they were an animal, what animal would they be?

a Sloth. Loves the character in the goonies, and they sit around all day eating.

Favourite thing about game day?

After games is when the Alex Mack Show comes on, so that is always fun.
Dream teammate?

When searching the interwebs for a dream teammate, I look no farther than VLAD McZ. Nothing makes me happier than getting unsolicited advice on how to run the Dragons, and McZ was more than happy to comply, often suggesting he play on every line, and sometimes even floated the idea of cloning himself 2 times so he can play all the forward positions at ones. yes?

Favourite breakfast food?

2 English Muffins for a base layer, so I can eat whatever bland food that won't make my stomach later when I am going to town on Chicken Parms, while watching the Alex Mack show.

Hunter Wong:

Favourite TV show?

Family Guy

If you were an animal, what animal would they be?


Favourite thing about game day?


Dream teammate?


Schnitinfritz Jagr:

Favourite TV show?

Baywatch, but with Hasselhoff replaced with a Chicken Parm

If you were an animal, what animal would they be?

A Dragon!!!...eating a chicken parm

Favourite thing about game day?

Winning!!!...and the pre, during, and post-game parm.

Dream teammate?

A human-sized chicken Parm


Esa Anrikkanen:

Favourite TV show?

East Bound & Down. Current: Game of Thrones.

If you were an animal, what animal would they be?

An Alaskan Grizzly: Fish a lot then sleep for 6 months straight. Occasionally claw someone's face off during the tourist season.

Favourite thing about game day?

Pre-During-Post game chicken parms. Followed by Pre-During-Post game dumps.

Dream teammate?

Teemu Smulander (RIP)

---> ParmBorg Highlights <---
[Image: cgv4vCv.png] Goal[Image: 95lCCDx.png]
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#1 All-Time SHL Goal & Point Scorer 
- First 2,000 TPE Player in SHL History - 
- First 400 Goal Scorer in SHL History -
- Only 500 Goal Scorer in SHL History -
- First GM to Win 5 & 6 Challenge Cups -
Esa Anrikkanen Award - SMJHL ROY - Est. S34
Vidrik Onoprienko Award Winner - S45

Dragonite[Image: 271.png][Image: 291.png][Image: 321.png][Image: 401.png][Image: 42banner2.png][Image: r-Wt4-AB350oooo.png] Dragonite

Favourite colour? Brown
Favourite TV show? SpongeBob SquarePants
If they were an animal, what animal would they be? Orangutan
Favourite breakfast food? Bacon!

Favourite colour? Hot Pink Hmm
Favourite TV show? Goon
If they were an animal, what animal would they be? Hippo
Favourite breakfast food? Bacon

Favourite colour? Hot Pink Hmm
Favourite TV show? Friends
If they were an animal, what animal would they be? Alpaca
Favourite breakfast food? Oatmeal

Favourite colour? Red
Favourite TV show? German Sports Report. Germany wins always at football. Must be nice to watch.
If they were an animal, what animal would they be? A wolf! Seems kind of German
Favourite breakfast food? Cold meats and bread

Actual Answers:
Favourite colour? Blue (0/4)
Favourite TV show? Dexter (0/4)
If they were an animal, what animal would they be? Bear (0/4)
Favourite breakfast food? Oatmeal (1/4) Smile

[Image: IAP8v68.png]

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Jason Aittokallio's Answers

Favourite colour? Red
Favourite TV show? Game of Thrones
Dream teammate? :-? Reggie WIlliams Ninja
Favourite breakfast food? Bacon

1.5/4 As much as I wanted to put Williams for dream teammate, I had to go for Klose. Half a mark for bacon as it's a key part of the Scottish fry up.

VLAD McZehrl's Answers

Favourite colour? red ... women color for their problem Ninja
Favourite TV show? how i can kill McZ
Dream teammate? all other than McZ
Favourite breakfast food? EGGS, SAUSAGE & NEEDLES

1.25/4 Got the colour right, but interesting reasoning. As good as Klose is, he isn't every player, so no points there. Eggs and sausage earn a half mark, but a quarter gets taken off for the needles.

Greta Iversen's Answers

Favourite colour? Blue
Favourite TV show? The Office
Dream teammate? Pietra Volkova
Favourite breakfast food? Waffles

0/4 Reasonable guesses, no points here though.

The Answers

Favourite colour? Red
Favourite TV show? Rick and Morty
Dream teammate? Christoph Klose :-x
Favourite breakfast food? Full Scottish Breakfast

Nikolaus Scholz answers questions about Ivan Koroviev:

Favourite colour? Red, color of Mother Russia.
(Current) Favourite TV show? Friends.
Favourite thing about game day? Post game drinks: win or lose, we hit the booze.
Favourite breakfast food? Porridge. [Presumably meaning goulash!]

Winston Windsor answers questions about Ivan Koroviev:

Favourite colour? Probably some disgusting Russian colour, like orange.
(Current) Favourite TV show? Judge Judy.
Favourite thing about game day? Rubbing it in Karpotsov's face that he's the better player.
Favourite breakfast food? Apple pie.

Jackson Rogers-Tanaka answers questions about Ivan Koroviev:

Favourite colour? Blue.
(Current) Favourite TV show? Hockey Night in Canada.
Favourite thing about game day? Pre-game and post-game drinks.
Favourite breakfast food? Vodka?!

Koro's answers:

Favourite colour? Red, colour of Mother Russia.
(Current) Favourite TV show? Stranger Things.
Favourite thing about game day? This season... seeing Broadway murder the league.
Favourite breakfast food? Vodka!


If they were an animal, what animal would they be? a golden retriever
Favourite thing about game day? getting out there and doing his best
Closest friend on the team? Makinen
Dream teammate? Eide


If they were an animal, what animal would they be? A cat
Favourite thing about game day? The pregame meal
Closest friend on the team? lil
Dream teammate? mitch marner (totally has to be an SHL player but w/e)

And eggy:

If they were an animal, what animal would they be? Dog
Favourite thing about game day? Breakfast
Closest friend on the team? Lizzy
Dream teammate? engine

The correct answers are:

The car ride to the arena
Makinen (Finnish pride!Wink and


Favourite colour?
Favourite TV show?
Closest friend on the team?
Dream teammate?

Kez's Answers:
Karl Hertzberg

McZ Answers:
German folks garden music

Gaia's Answers:
Game of Thrones

Correct Answers:
Red, and White

[Image: HansSHL.gif]

Favourite TV show?
If they were an animal, what animal would they be?
Dream teammate?
How many sticks do you go through in a year?



Favourite TV show? Definitely 90210
If they were an animal, what animal would they be? A lamb
Dream teammate? He's already got me, so... idk, Matt Lewis-Flood?
How many sticks do you go through in a year? Probably, like, 100. Always snapping that shit with his brute force.


Favourite TV show? Some anime about birds.
If they were an animal, what animal would they be? A Pigeon
Dream teammate? Jasper Claytoff
How many sticks do you go through in a year? 17


Favourite TV show? - GOT
If they were an animal, what animal would they be? - Sheep
Dream teammate? - Formx
How many sticks do you go through in a year? - 2

Raven's Correct Answers:

Favourite TV show? How I met Your Mother
If they were an animal, what animal would they be? A Raven!
Dream teammate? The toplad Tomen!
How many sticks do you go through in a year? About 60 a year.

Jenny: 0/4
Eggy: 0/4
Lil: 0/4

That feeling when nobody knows you :c

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Thank you Fever, sköldpaddor and OD for the amazing sigs!
Heart  Militia Montreal Impact/Militia Militia-Old Heart

Favourite colour? Blue
Favourite TV show? Game of Thrones
Closest friend on the team? Me
Favourite breakfast food? Dildos

Favourite colour? Black
Favourite TV show? Game of Thrones
Closest friend on the team? Jedi
Favourite breakfast food? Cereal

Favourite colour? Blue
Favourite TV show? Game of Thrones
Closest friend on the team? Jedi
Favourite breakfast food? Bacon

Favourite colour? Purple
Favourite TV show? Game of Thrones
Closest friend on the team? Jedi
Favourite breakfast food? I don't eat breakfast

[Image: WuRZxKN.png]
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Quote:Originally posted by grimreaper@Oct 17 2016, 04:53 PM

[b]The Answers

Favourite colour? Red
Favourite TV show? Rick and Morty
Dream teammate? Christoph Klose :-x
Favourite breakfast food? Full Scottish Breakfast[/b]


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