1. What is your activity level on a scale of 1-10?
Im pretty active, probably around a seven or an eight.
2. If you could get drafted along side one other player from your draft class, who would it be?
I would probably say Alex Winters or Nate Forseberg. Both of them have been really active in our team's discord and we've had a lot of time to bond.
3. Training/Equipment gets expensive in the SHL, how much effort are you willing to put in to get SHL bucks?
I've actually been working on getting my article and graphics production up so that I can stockpile a little bit for when I am in the SHL and need money, but I'm pretty dedicated to keeping my training and equipment money flowing.
4. Tell us something about yourself. What is your favorite NHL Team? What hobbies do you have outside of the SHL? Have you played hockey?
My favorite team is the Blue Jackets, probably second favorite is the Predators. I like to go fishing, but that doesn't happen very often so I think my favorite pass time is probably playing games with my friends.
5. Do you play video games? If so, what kind of games? PC, console, or both?
I play a little bit of pc, but mainly xbox. I don't really limit myself to any genre, but my favorite game is probably just whatever NHL game is current and I sprinkle in some fps games when I'm not playing those.
1. What is your activity level on a scale of 1-10?
Probably 7, or 8.
2. If you could get drafted along side one other player from your draft class, who would it be?
My Tele-bro Nictox.
3. Training/Equipment gets expensive in the SHL, how much effort are you willing to put in to get SHL bucks?
I'm a writer by hobby, so writing is a big help. I've also designed a bit of stuff, entered the logo contest. From what I remember the equipment wasn't worth nearly as much as it cost the last time I jumped from SMJHL to SHL, but I'd be willing to pump out some long articles and a few sigs here and there.
4. Tell us something about yourself. What is your favorite NHL Team? What hobbies do you have outside of the SHL? Have you played hockey?
Dallas Stars. I enjoy reading, writing, video games, and lutherie (guitar building). I've played stick and puck, and taking a "learn to hockey" class is one of my goals for the next year.
5. Do you play video games? If so, what kind of games? PC, console, or both?
PC, XBox, PS4. Mostly Overwatch recently, but NHL, Madden, FIFA, Forza are all big in my house.
1. What is your activity level on a scale of 1-10?
I'd say a 7
2. If you could get drafted along side one other player from your draft class, who would it be?
King. He's good, he's dedicated, and he's a physicist too
3. Training/Equipment gets expensive in the SHL, how much effort are you willing to put in to get SHL bucks?
Enough to keep maxing out, I hope
4. Tell us something about yourself. What is your favorite NHL Team? What hobbies do you have outside of the SHL? Have you played hockey?
I'm a Habs fan, never played hockey myself, I can't skate for shit. Other than the SHL, I play a lot of music (guitar, mandolin and the like) and know (or want to) everything about Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire, actually)
5. Do you play video games? If so, what kind of games? PC, console, or both?
I play NHL on PS4 when my roommate isn't gone with it. I play a lot of Crusaders Kings II, Game of Thrones mod too.
08-08-2018, 10:34 PM(This post was last modified: 08-08-2018, 10:35 PM by Alaska.)
1. What is your activity level on a scale of 1-10?
About a 7. I like to think that I'm pretty active, but I definitely know I'm not the most active in the class.
2. If you could get drafted along side one other player from your draft class, who would it be?
Either Andrew Martin or Igantius Blunt. These are guys I feel like I've gotten to know well from the locker room, and I think our players work well with each other.
3. Training/Equipment gets expensive in the SHL, how much effort are you willing to put in to get SHL bucks?
I think I've been doing well on getting media out there this year, and I think that's something I can continue to do at the next level. Considering trying to make a podcast as well for those bucks.
4. Tell us something about yourself. What is your favorite NHL team? What hobbies do you have outside of the SHL? Have you played hockey?
I'm a big Red Wings fan, have been for all my life. I enjoy reading and cooking outside of the SHL. I did play hockey through high school, but just play men's league now.
5. Do you play video games? If so, what kind of games? PC, console or both?
I do, I tend to play a variety of grand strategy games, sports management (EHM and OOTP), and some FPS games. Mostly PC now, but I still have a console I break out once in a while.
Alex Winters (retired)
Matej Winters (retired)
Dominik Winters S45 Jesster Trophy Winner Challenge Cup Winning Goal Club: S52
1. What is your activity level on a scale of 1-10?
A 10. I'm checking into the site pretty much several times a day and even more than that on Discord.
2. If you could get drafted along side one other player from your draft class, who would it be?
Wolfhard Richter/PlasticBowl
3. Training/Equipment gets expensive in the SHL, how much effort are you willing to put in to get SHL bucks?
I have built myself a nice little bit of cash in the bank already, and am fully willing to keep building on that through media + my current job as a backup updater.
4. Tell us something about yourself. What is your favorite NHL Team? What hobbies do you have outside of the SHL? Have you played hockey?
I'm an Oilers fan and know what it means to suffer because of it. My non-SHL hobbies are mostly gaming and playing hockey + ball hockey as well as goalie coaching.
5. Do you play video games? If so, what kind of games? PC, console, or both?
I'm a pretty big gamer, mostly console (XBox One + Switch) although I do play a little bit of console (mostly LoL). I'm ass at multiplayer shooters but I do love a good RPG.
1. What is your activity level on a scale of 1-10?
About an 8. I am on pretty much daily but not all the time
2. If you could get drafted along side one other player from your draft class, who would it be?
Ignatius Blunt
3. Training/Equipment gets expensive in the SHL, how much effort are you willing to put in to get SHL bucks?
I always have bank
4. Tell us something about yourself. What is your favorite NHL Team? What hobbies do you have outside of the SHL? Have you played hockey?
I work in the restaurant/bar biz. I am a dad of 2 teenagers. I am an Oilers fan. I like to golf, play poker, play video games. I played hockey from the time I was 3 yrs old until I was about 29.
5. Do you play video games? If so, what kind of games? PC, console, or both?
I have xbox1, PS3, and switch. I don't play many PC games. Chel, skyrim, Zelda, MarioKart, Dynasty Warriors are my current faves
08-09-2018, 12:24 PM(This post was last modified: 08-09-2018, 12:24 PM by Schultzy.)
08-08-2018, 09:42 AMDrunkenTeddy Wrote:
[b]1. What is your activity level on a scale of 1-10?[/b]
[b]2. If you could get drafted along side one other player from your draft class, who would it be? [/b]
[b]3. Training/Equipment gets expensive in the SHL, how much effort are you willing to put in to get SHL bucks?[/b]
[b]4. Tell us something about yourself. What is your favorite NHL Team? What hobbies do you have outside of the SHL? Have you played hockey? [/b]
[b]5. Do you play video games? If so, what kind of games? PC, console, or both?[/b]
1. See my post count <-----------
2. I would like to be drafted with Blues (mason) and the idea of both of us returning to Hamilton where our Hall of Fame careers won several Cups, sounds like the best possible outcome for both of us.
3. I'm committed to earning my contract...I'm not looking to get $500k a year anymore. I plan on being a star player and need to be paid like one.
4. I use to manage an ice rink so I drove the zamboni and played pickup after hours. I'm married with no kids and I work as a defense contractor. I also have 8 months left on my federal grand jury service. I've been a Caps fan since 1995.
5. I have a PS4. Typically I only play NHL and R6 Siege but lately I have been playing Black Ops 3 because it was free but I don't like the game as much as I enjoyed Ghosts.
1. What is your activity level on a scale of 1-10?
Probably 8 or 9. I've done all the PTs so far, and weekly training. I also have discord open 24/7.
2. If you could get drafted along side one other player from your draft class, who would it be?
Probably Aleister Cain. He's definitely the most active in our discord, and he loves banter.
3. Training/Equipment gets expensive in the SHL, how much effort are you willing to put in to get SHL bucks?
I like to write, so I'll be able to make more than enough doing that. I like to think I'm good at it too, so that keeps me motivated.
Plus the $$$ isn't half bad either.
4. Tell us something about yourself. What is your favorite NHL Team? What hobbies do you have outside of the SHL? Have you played hockey?
My favourite team: Ottawa Senators. I carry this burden with me daily..
Hobbies: Board games (I'm addicted), video games, soccer, hockey. I played hockey from age 8-22, but gave it up recently because of too many concussions. I still play pond hockey casually though.
5. Do you play video games? If so, what kind of games? PC, console, or both?
Absolutely! I grew up as a console gamer, but built a PC recently so I mostly game on that. I also have a Switch for party games/ exclusives.
I'll pretty much play anything, especially if I have people to play with.
1. What is your activity level on a scale of 1-10?
2. If you could get drafted along side one other player from your draft class, who would it be? Wolfhard Richter looks like hes going to be a cracking player. Would certainly make a good defensive partner.
3. Training/Equipment gets expensive in the SHL, how much effort are you willing to put in to get SHL bucks? I am intensely competitive. In the words of Ricky Bobby 'You're either first or you're last'
4. Tell us something about yourself. What is your favorite NHL Team? What hobbies do you have outside of the SHL? Have you played hockey? Canucks (end me). Skiing and boozing are probably the main occupations of my life outside of work.
5. Do you play video games? If so, what kind of games? PC, console, or both? I have a PS4 which I use regularly although lately I have been playing more single player games than online.
Credit to Ml002, King, Wasty, Carpy, Bruins10, Rum_Ham, Turd Ferguson, Ragnar and Enigmatic for the sigs.
1. What is your activity level on a scale of 1-10?
7.5 2. If you could get drafted along side one other player from your draft class, who would it be?
Wolfhard Richter 3. Training/Equipment gets expensive in the SHL, how much effort are you willing to put in to get SHL bucks?
I would like to say alot, but honestly trying to get a job to negate some of the media effort required 4. Tell us something about yourself. What is your favorite NHL Team? What hobbies do you have outside of the SHL? Have you played hockey?
Florida, Video Games and Marching Band, Nope.
5. Do you play video games? If so, what kind of games? PC, console, or both?
1. What is your activity level on a scale of 1-10?
I'd say a solid 7, most active on discord tbh
2. If you could get drafted along side one other player from your draft class, who would it be?
Love my brother Dank Boija, we talk daily outside SHL as well!
3. Training/Equipment gets expensive in the SHL, how much effort are you willing to put in to get SHL bucks?
I'm not going to miss a single EQ/Training, that's one of the goals I set for myself. I'm actually looking to start making sigs.
4. Tell us something about yourself. What is your favorite NHL Team? What hobbies do you have outside of the SHL? Have you played hockey?
Don't have a favorite team in SHL, used to be Avalance since Forsberg played there. Now I mostly follow old Frölunda players.
I play vidya games on the regular, now a day mostly Warframe but looking forward to Anthem and Artifact a bunch.
Never played hockey cause I never learned how to skate without my ankles breaking, love to watch it though!
5. Do you play video games? If so, what kind of games? PC, console, or both?
PC games 99% of the time, I'll play anything tbh.
I'm in EU though so pings to NA servers are crap.. RIP
1. What is your activity level on a scale of 1-10?
2. If you could get drafted along side one other player from your draft class, who would it be?
I do not have a preference on who I would be drafted with. Knowing someone going into the new locker room would rock, but I don't need that
3. Training/Equipment gets expensive in the SHL, how much effort are you willing to put in to get SHL bucks?
I am willing to put as much effort as need be to make some cash. I'd probably write articles as ideas come to me, or if I'm low on cash, crank one out to afford training. Would rather pump out stuff regularly, but I am still good for crunch time.
4. Tell us something about yourself. What is your favorite NHL Team? What hobbies do you have outside of the SHL? Have you played hockey?
My favourite hockey team is by far the Flames, followed by the Leafs. the other hobbies I have aside from the SHL are following up on hockey and baseball news, working out, and playing some video games. I have played hockey for 11 years.
5. Do you play video games? If so, what kind of games? PC, console, or both?
I play video games. Mainly stuff like NHL, or other sports game. Also play some stuff like Monster Hunter or COD Zombies. Mainly play on console, don't really have a PC that can handle games.
1. What is your activity level on a scale of 1-10?
easy a 9.66
2. If you could get drafted along side one other player from your draft class, who would it be?
3. Training/Equipment gets expensive in the SHL, how much effort are you willing to put in to get SHL bucks?
as much as I have to. Maybe a little more. I intend on attending every training session until I die. Old and withered by a river.
4. Tell us something about yourself. What is your favorite NHL Team? What hobbies do you have outside of the SHL? Have you played hockey?
My favourite NHL team is the Oilers. Hail McJesus. I work in a Casino. It entertains me. I had 3 older brothers who played hockey so I basically grew up in an arena. But I've never technically played ice hockey. I understand the game very well though.
5. Do you play video games? If so, what kind of games? PC, console, or both?
I'm a randomer. I like Nintendo. Not gonna lie. big fan of the fantasy games and cartoony ones. Zelda Breath of the Wild recent addiction.
1. What is your activity level on a scale of 1-10? 7
2. If you could get drafted along side one other player from your draft class, who would it be? Not sure, there are few, shultzy, Kez but primarily I want to draft with any other players that will be active and build their players
3. Training/Equipment gets expensive in the SHL, how much effort are you willing to put in to get SHL bucks? Plenty I pretty much waste a hour a week of life babbling about the SHL for those SHL bucks
4. Tell us something about yourself. What is your favorite NHL Team? What hobbies do you have outside of the SHL? Have you played hockey? Blackhawks and I am an old man with a family so I am not allowed to have hobbies outside the SHL. Unless you consider be coach on my kids hockey team a hobby.
5. Do you play video games? If so, what kind of games? PC, console, or both? I do play some primarily PC but I do go to the console every now and again