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S72 PT #1: Above-Average Ambassador

SECOND PROMPT: Lias isn't really worried about making the team anymore, he's pretty sure he's solidified his spot in the lineup. Obviously he doesn't want to take anything for granted, but that kind of job security does mean he feels better about spending his off-seasons working on really specific aspects of his game and trying to nail down the little things, since he seems to have gotten most of the big ones right. In addition to all of that, he thinks it's important to develop yourself mentally, to pay attention to your mental health and give yourself space to breathe in the middle of all of that go go go ALL HOCKEY ALL THE TIME that you get during the season. It's important for your job to not be your entire life all the time, and Lias is a big believer in spending his off season time improving himself as a human being, doing charity work, giving back to the community and all that. When it gets to the preseason, he always comes in feeling refreshed and ready to get going, and that clarity of mind helps him make the most of those preseason games that technically don't matter. Lias sees them as a way of testing the waters - he doesn't do anything crazy that'll get himself injured right before the season, but he does like to keep an eye on people on other teams, see how they've improved, see if there have been any big changes to the way they play.

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It is Thursday night, Sydnew Shaw is at the rink. Practicing alone as she stayed late after the optional skate. Or well she thought she was alone. Two weird looking things appeared in the stands. It did not look like Joe, the security guard. Sydney approached them and the chatted for a bit. She was not sure where they came from, but one thing was certain, they knew nothing about the amazing sport of hockey. Shaw got them laces up in some rental skates and took them onto the ice. She spent hours teaching them how to skate and slowly explaining the rules of the game. They did not seem to understand well so she had them play each other one on one. The goal is to get the puck into the net (that had small cardboard cutouts in front of them). They had fun, and at the end of the day, thats all that matters.

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Player Prompt
Willow spends a lot of time getting herself into top shape for the season via a series of intense workouts. The first thing she does is intense altitude training back in the mountains of Sweden so that when she gets back down to Regina she’s in peak cardio shape so that her stamina during the games doesn’t run out at any point during t he game. While her roster spot isn’t on the line, Willow plays every game and every shift like her roster spot is dependent on it so that she never gets complacent and lazy. If she’s not giving 100 percent effort all the time then she’s not playing the game right. Even in preseason when the games matter little she’s blocking shots and throwing hits while either up or down by three goals because the stuff you do in the preseason really comes through once you hit the regular season. She’s a bit of a workhorse in that regard.

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okay so what we need to do to teach these forigners how to play the great game is to make sure they understand how the game is really suppose to be played. and that is with incredible physicality and agression. i want these extra terestrials to be out there chucking nucks every shift. this isnt some game where things like skills and tallent can be allowed to run ths show. by teaching them to play the game tis way we will ensure two things. tjhe first is taht most teams will not touch them, not just because they will have some racist tendencies in their signings, but mainly because these goons will not fit the style that most teams want. this will increase the number of players who we can sign and ensure that out team iwll me just better year in and year out than most teams in the lague. this wil 100% work and will be gerat.

For my whole life I thought I only needed one thing in my life.. to be more accomplished than Shorsey. But as I mature, and realize he's never going to be on my level, priorities change. Now my purpose for the next season is to best the Maine Timber. They ruined my chance to be a back-to-back Four Star Champion and I will never forgive them for that. This entire preseason I have never worked harder in my life chopping every single tree on my 42 acre property in Newfoundland. I have developed a strength unknown to simulated man and I will harness everything I have built up to not only win another Four Star Cup but to vanquish the Maine Timber. I also did like some hockey stuff too I guess and worked on trying to shoot the puck a little better.. But the most important part is no more trees on my property.

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Big Thanks to @Sburbine & @Carpy48 for the dope graphic!

During the off-season, I like to go on cruises, drink tequila shots and margs, and put on weight at the buffet. This season seem like I did too much margs and buffet. I may have to change shit up if I don’t want to keep sucking. It was pretty cool walking around the ship with the challenge cup tho. You know how much marg that thing holds? Spoiler: it’s a lot. Like too much. I had to keep getting refills because it got hot. No one like a hot marg, hold on let me make sure this mark isn’t getting hot, it’s not. I think I have a problem. I need help. Someone get me a marg. Hello? What the fuck are you looking at? No you can’t get a picture with my marg trophy, I won’t this for uh, something. And get your kids away from me, do I look like the fucking soft serve ice cream machine!? No. NO! Fuck you! You’re the ass hole! I’m on vacation! I don’t come up to you and bother you when you are on vacation from the jerk off factory! Jesus Christ…..where my fucking drink?!

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PLAYER PROMPT - Preseason Prep

Written Task:  Tell me about your player's preseason routine. How do they get ready for training camp? How seriously do they take the preseason? Are they going all out to keep an iron grip on their roster spot? Do they coast to save their strength for the real games? Somewhere in between? (150+ words)

For the first time in his young career, Levin did not go back to Pratteln this off-season - at least, not for long. After 2 weeks to visit family and friends, he returned to North America to do some off-season training with the new development coach of the San Francisco Pride, newly retired goalie Caleb Hayden. A few of the young guns of the team, such as newly acquired Mercedes Baylé, and fellow draftees Logan Webb and Dominik Winters, were also present for some guidance on how to approach this coming season, and how to better refine their play-style. Levin worked hardest on physical conditioning, and he felt that at the end of the camp, he had a bigger spring in his first steps when accelerating, and his puck possession skills were also getting better. He hopes this could help Great Falls recover from last season, when nothing was going right - but he also knows the division for the upcoming season will be very competitive... As he's now one of the oldest players on the Grizzlies, his teammates voted him to be the team captain for this season. Levin was humbled by this vote of confidence, and swore to do everything in his power to help out the franchise.

(212 words)

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Chiefs Monarchs Lions Berserkers Switzerland Blizzard pride Panthers Grizzlies

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Special thanks to @Carpy48, @Chevy, @Turd Ferguson, @fever95 and @enigmatic for the signatures!

Jiggle E. Puff has taken this most recent off season very seriously. He is entering his final season of juniors hockey for his career, and he needs to be in the best shape of his life to lead his Quebec City Citadelles to glory. He has been so serious that he put his singing career on hold for the year to focus on his hockey. Instead of going on another pokemon world tour, he stayed in Cerulean Cave with his mentor, Mew Two, to train up in all attributes. He got stronger by rolling boulders, improved his speed by swimming up and down the river, worked on his puck handling and skills by skating around wild pokemon, and improved his shooting by targeting all the zubats that live in the caves. Jiggle is hoping that this hard work pays off and he can return to the form he was in his rookie year so he can end his juniors career on a high note.

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S58 Elias Armia Award Winner

Player Prompt
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Credit to @Symmetrik
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Written Task: The night before opening day, your player is contacted by extraterrestrials. They have seen broadcasts of this hu-mon sport of "Ho'Kii" and want you to teach their crew the rules. How does your player teach the game? Are the aliens any good at it? (150+ words)

Aksel's all about growing the sport and has done clinics in Manhattan, back home in Norway, and elsewhere around the world when he's been contacted, so interacting with people who know nothing about the sport isn't anything new to him. When the aliens came into the Manhattan arena, strange interpreter doing the work to explain their desire to learn hockey, Aksel has been more than happy to take on that task. The aliens had watch the rest of practice, and then Aksel and a few others stayed back, enough for a scrimmage. They didn't have any skates that would fit the extraterrestrials, but they morphed their feet to approximate a skate and that was good enough. The explained that they were well fortified and an injury on the ice wouldn't phase them, and they were around the right size for Aksel and the others' sticks. The first 30 minutes they spent just on skating drills, and when the aliens where comfortable enough they added a puck to the mix. The aliens had to go, but promised to return for a scrimmage another time.

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gay heghog

Egli was having an incredibly hard time sleeping the night before the home opener. He was having vivid dreams that he couldn't quite remember when he woke up. Around 4:00am he decided to say fuck it - he backed a bag and decided to head to the arena early to skate out the jitters and start the day early. It was the time of morning where everything is eerily quiet - like a sound you could barely notice just stopped and left you with an ill feeling of emptiness. The streets of Edmonton were blanketed in a cool blue light and the crisp air felt cool and and clean as he breathed in and out in rhythm with his gate.

Suddenly, Egli happened upon a small group of fans - they were wearing Blizzard jerseys and we're pretty stoked to meet Egli. They kept droning on about "Ho'Kii" and asking to learn more about the game. Egli didn't really think anything of it, he just assumed they were Finnish or something. But he did offer to bring them along for a stick and puck so he could warm up his legs. 

Pretty early on Egli started to get some weird vibes. It could have been their accents, or possible the fact that they all had seven fingers and white irises, but Egli decided to just skate off the ice and head back home for a nap.

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Written Task: Tell me about your player's preseason routine. How do they get ready for training camp? How seriously do they take the preseason? Are they going all out to keep an iron grip on their roster spot? Do they coast to save their strength for the real games? Somewhere in between? (150+ words)

Smurfunkel Dothe of the Quebec City Citadelles always makes sure to take steps before the season to prepare for the rigor of the regular season and the post season. He lives in Norway in the offseason and is a huge fan of the hot springs and ice baths that are littered all over his home country. He begins his morning by fasting until 1pm and during the time he is fasted will head to the local gym and get a lift and some cardio in. After his very intense workouts he walks back home and heads to the woods behind his house where he knows of a cold river he can soak in to give his muscles added recovery. Dothe goes harder than he should in the offseason and often hears about it from team trainers and coaches but is what works for him so he continues to do it .

Words: 150

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Sig By @enigmatic

At this stage of his long, long career, Xavier Doom has settled into a comfortable routine. His roster spot is always secured until he’s ready to retire, so there isn’t anything going on in the preseason that worries him in that aspect. Instead, he comes to the rink in the preseason to hang out with his long time teammates, and he makes extra time to start to bond with the newest additions to the Specters’ roster be it new prospects getting the call up to the big leagues, new players brought into the organization from trades, or a free agent signing. Doom doesn’t put much stock into the preseason games. They don’t matter, and most teams just try out “wacky” line combos and go at 75% just to shake any rust off or to see if they can catch lightning in a bottle with some interesting pairings. With all of that in mind, Doom just has a lot of fun playing the sport he loves with some new and old teammates and enjoys himself. He doesn’t know how many of these moments he has left, so as a result he’s living in the moment. (194)

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Prompt 2

Even though Sophie Bordeleau is pretty entrenched as the first-line centre on the Calgary Dragons, she still takes her preseason routine really seriously. As a player who's a bit undersized compared to the people she's playing against, honing that speed and skill is critical for keeping up her playmaking abilities. Another reason to go hard is to show her place as a locker room leader and set an example for the younger players, set accountability that every player earns their spot. With a Dragons roster in the midst of the rebuild, it's important for the team to have veteran leadership to lead the way, and players like Bordeleau, Tom Pedersen, Chad Nickelback, Magnus Liljestrom, Rhys Pritchard, Hank Stopper and others are excellent pieces to shepherd the team into a new era. Finally, it's just fun to get back out there on the ice, even for preseason games, and after a summer without competition it's a great feeling to be able to play games again.

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