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S64 Universal Claims

[Image: ak46-j10.png]

[Image: 0XJkcN5.png]
Czechoslovakia PROFILE || UPDATE || RAGE. Rage 
[Image: luketd.gif]


The Following Users can claim the TPE next to their username for S63 Season Predictions

Check the spreadsheet here:

If you have any problems message me or levidian

(Clean) Andrei Kostitsyn - 6
3lewsers - 7.5
5ympathies - 9.5
aaronwilson - 11
ACapitalChicago - 7
Accka - 10.5
Ace - 9
AgentaSmith630 - 6
Aleris - 8
Amidships - 8.5
Arkz - 7.5
artermis - 11
Asked Madden  - 10
Avakael - 8.5
Azjha_59 - 6
Badwolf - 8
BasedMinkus - 12
bbjygm - 6
bbp - 6.5
bdu754 - 10
BenDover - 10
Benpachi - 8
Bfine - 7.5
bjkman - 6
bk1689 - 7
Blasoon - 8
blastmeaway - 9.5
bluesfan55  - 8.5
Bongo - 10
boom - 8
brickwall35 - 8
Briedaqueduc - 7.5
Bubba Tree  - 9.5
Buster - 11
By-Tor - 6.5
C9Van - 9
caltroit_red_flames - 6.5
CampinKiller - 9.5
canadice - 10.5
canes2112 - 9
CapnCooper - 6
CaptainCamel - 9
Carpy48 - 9.5
CD12 - 6.5
CementHands - 7.5
charlieconway - 9.5
Chris-McZehrl - 5.5
ckroyal92 - 9
Count Chocula - 7.5
CptGoosar - 8
CptSquall - 6.5
crazylemire - 8.5
CrazyMojito - 9
Crunk - 11
Damienj10 - 5.5
dankoa - 11
DarkCanuck29 - 7
Dewalt27 - 9
Dextaria - 8.5
dhoop - 7
dogwoodmaple - 11
Dr. B1gMack - 9
Drokeep - 7.5
DrunkenTeddy - 9
Durden - 9
efischermann - 8
Emeril - 7
enigmatic - 11.5
EricNCSU - 9.5
Evil_AllBran - 8.5
Evok - 11.5
Exilate - 11.5
Eynhallow - 6.5
Faelax - 8.5
Fantobens  - 6.5
Festinator - 8.5
fetchwell - 9
fever95 - 6
FinnRhys - 6
Fishy - 11.5
Fitted2106  - 4
FlappyGiraffe - 11
Fluw - 6.5
Fourfour - 7.5
G2019 - 7.5
gaby - 8
Gaia Mormont  - 6
GCool - 10
Geekusoid - 9
Gifter of bikes - 7.5
Goilers  - 8.5
golden_apricot - 8
GoonerBear - 11
Gordon Bombay - 9.5
Grapehead - 6.5
greencityny - 6.5
grimreaper - 10
grok - 9.5
Grum - 11
gurbs - 9
Gwdjohnson - 10.5
HabsFanFromOntario - 8
Halkohol - 7.5
Hallsy - 9.5
HanTheMan_ - 10
High Stick King - 8.5
Highhaschdi - 9
Hockeyiscool - 9
honkerrs - 9.5
Hoovuh - 6
Hordle - 7
hotdog - 9
Huck24 - 9
Inf1d3l - 8
James Truong - 10
jay2233 - 9
JayWhy - 11
Jearim - 6.5
jeffie43 - 12.5
Jepox - 11
Jericson - 9
JKortesi81 - 6.5
JNH - 9.5
JR95 - 10.5
JSS331 - 12.5
JT3 - 9.5
juke - 9.5
Julio Tokolosh - 8
Jumbobone19 - 9.5
JumpierPegasus - 8
Juniped - 10.5
JuOSu - 9.5
KaleSalad - 8.5
karlssens - 7
Katth - 7.5
KenitohMenara - 7
kentakira - 8.5
kenvald - 8.5
Keven - 11.5
Kierkan - 9
kikish18 - 8
kingtag1999 - 4.5
Kraagenskul - 6.5
krazko - 9.5
Kyamprac - 8
Kylrad - 9.5
Laser - 9
LB3737 - 10.5
leafs1997 - 7
Leafs4ever - 7.5
leafsftw1967 - 13.5
Leoben - 12
Leppish - 6
lespoils - 7.5
leviadan - 10.5
lilstifler - 10
lime - 10
lmao - 11
LordBirdman - 11
Lorec - 10
Luketd - 13.5
Lukstins88 - 8.5
MamaB - 6
marco999 - 10
mastersheep - 10.5
Matteo - 8
Mazatt - 9
McAl95 - 11
mcpumpkin - 8.5
MDavidson - 8
Mediocre_Fred - 6.5
Memento Mori - 10
mer - 11
Merica - 8
Michiganonymous - 4.5
micool132 - 8.5
Mike izzy - 7
MN_Moosey - 9
monochroma - 8
Mook - 10
Mooney - 7
Mooty99 - 8
MP7 - 10.5
Mr. Finland - 11
Muerto - 10
Muford - 7.5
Mutedfaith - 8
MyLittleHexx - 6.5
natedoeshockey - 8
Nerio - 10.5
Nhamlet - 12
nhlbeastmode_7777 - 5
Nictox - 8.5
Nike - 8.5
NorwegianDemon - 10.5
notorioustig - 10
notoriousTRON - 9
NTG - 5
O4L - 10
Off - 5
Ohtaay - 11.5
Opera_Phantom - 11
OrbitingDeath - 7.5
Otrebor13 - 10
pauadrian - 9
Pickle Juice - 11
ProjectSaint - 5
puolivalmiste - 10.5
Pythonic - 11.5
qWest - 10.5
r1c3bowl22 - 10
Rabidsponge21 - 12
ragnar - 7.5
Rangerjase - 9.5
Rankle - 9
RashfordU - 11
Raven - 9.5
raymond3000 - 11.5
RedCapeDiver - 11.5
Redderder15 - 8.5
reid - 10.5
RenoJacksonHS - 11.5
Renomitsu - 8.5
retuperkele - 8.5
Rich - 12.5
roastpuff - 9.5
Ronniewalker - 11.5
RotticuScott - 11
Ruggsy - 9
rum_ham - 11
SabresFan - 9.5
sakrosankt - 10
Salming - 7.5
samsung virtual assistant - 11
Sburbine - 10.5
SchwarzNarr - 10
scrufdaddy - 10.5
SDCore - 10
Sebster - 10
Segi - 9.5
Sergeantens - 6.5
Serpe x 13 - 10.5
SewingWithNancy - 7
SeymourSnatches - 8
SFresh3 - 10.5
simo_393 - 9
Sivart - 11
Skeleton Party - 10.5
sköldpaddor - 10
slashacm - 8
slothfacekilla - 11
Snuffalupagus - 5.5
Sopath - 9.5
soulja - 11.5
Spartan - 9
SpartanGibbles - 7
spooked - 6
st4rface - 8
StadiumGambler - 7
steelhead77 - 9.5
steveoiscool - 10
sulovilen - 10
sve7en - 10.5
Symmetrik - 8
TacocaT 2 - 5
takethehorizon - 9
Talls - 10
taterswc - 8
Tayjay - 11
Tesla - 11.5
Thatguy91 - 8
the5urreal - 10
TheCC - 9.5
TheDangaZone - 7.5
thelastheraclid - 9.5
ThiefOfCheese - 6.5
Thunder39 - 11
Thunfish - 11
Toast - 9.5
Tomen - 11
TommySalami - 9
tommytightpants - 8
traphag - 11
trashae - 11.5
Trautner - 11.5
trella - 9
tweedledunn - 9
Tylar - 10.5
UberBJ - 8
unconfident69 - 9
Urq660 - 9.5
ValorX77  - 6
Vandy - 6
Vaxlare - 10.5
Velevra - 10.5
vic03 - 10
Vikian - 8.5
Visceralpotamus - 9
WannabeFinn - 8
wearingabear - 10
Whitecap - 8
WildfireMicro  - 6.5
Will3 - 4
William Brooks - 8.5
WithTheMoose - 10
Wumaduce - 10
XLeafer - 7
Yagoyi - 10
Your Mothers Favorite Goalie - 11.5
Z-Whiz - 10.5
zaynzk - 6
zeagle1 - 9
Zombiewolf - 10.5
Zoone16 - 10
ZootTX - 6

[Image: 0XJkcN5.png]
Czechoslovakia PROFILE || UPDATE || RAGE. Rage 
[Image: luketd.gif]

(This post was last modified: 03-23-2022, 10:52 AM by leviadan.)

The following users my claim 1 TPE for their S63 Sarmad Khan vote! Those that did not vote for me did not receive TPE.  Biggrin

3lewsers 1
5ympathies 1
aaronwilson 1
academydropout 1
ACapitalChicago 1
Accka 1
Acsolap 1
advenny4 1
AgentSmith630 1
Air Crou 1
ajwllmsn 1
Amidships 1
Arkz 1
Asked Madden 1
bbjygm 1
bdu754 1
Benpachi 1
Bfine 1
bjkman 1
bk1689 1
brickwall35 1
Briedaqueduc 1
Bubba Tree 1
Buster 1
By-Tor 1
C9Van 1
CampinKiller 1
Canadice 1
CapnCooper 1
CaptainCamel 1
Carpy48 1
CementHands 1
charlieconway 1
Count Chocula 1
CptGoosar 1
CrazyMojito 1
Crunk 1
ctots 1
Dangles13 1
dankoa 1
DarkCanuck29 1
Dextaria 1
Dhoop 1
Drokeep 1
Durden 1
efischermann 1
enigmatic 1
Evil_AllBran 1
Evok 1
Eynhallow 1
Festinator 1
fever95 1
FlappyGiraffe 1
Flowseidon 1
Fluw 1
G2019 1
gaby 1
GCool 1
Geekusoid 1
Gifter of Bikes 1
goilers 1
goldenglutes 1
GoonerBear 1
Gordon Bombay 1
gurbs 1
Gwdjohnson 1
HabsFanFromOntario 1
HanTheMan_ 1
High Stick King 1
Highhaschdi 1
hockeyiscool 1
honkerrs 1
hotdog 1
Huck24 1
Inf1d3l 1
James Truong 1
jay2233 1
jaypc8237 1
Jepox 1
Jericson 1
JohnnyPatey 1
joshuacorcorantwitch 1
JSS331 1
JT3 1
Julio Tokolosh 1
Jumbobone19 1
juniped 1
JuOSu 1
KaleSalad 1
Kasterborous 1
kentakira 1
kenvald 1
Keven 1
Kraagenskul 1
krazko 1
Kyamprac 1
leafs1997 1
Leafs4ever 1
leafsftw1967 1
lespoils 1
leviadan 1
lilstifler 1
Lime 1
lmao 1
Locagiess 1
LordBirdman 1
Lukstins88 1
MamaB 1
marco999 1
mastersheep 1
Matteo 1
Mazatt 1
mcpumpkin 1
Memento Mori 1
mer 1
micool132 1
Mr. Finland 1
MrMom 1
Muerto 1
Mutedfaith 1
Naki 1
natedoeshockey 1
Nerio 1
Nhamlet 1
Nike 1
NorwegianDemon 1
notorioustig 1
notoriousTRON 1
O4L 1
Ohtaay 1
Omniscius 1
Opera_Phantom 1
OrbitingDeath 1
Otrebor13 1
petralikesbaseball 1
Pickle Juice 1
puolivalmiste 1
qWest 1
r1c3bowl22 1
Ragnar 1
RAmenAmen 1
Rangerjase 1
Rankle 1
RashfordU 1
Raven 1
raymond3000 1
Redderder15 1
reid 1
RenoJacksonHS 1
Renomitsu 1
retuperkele 1
Rich 1
Rindiee 1
RomanesEuntDomus 1
Ronniewalker 1
Ruggsy 1
sakrosankt 1
Salming 1
Sburbine 1
SchwarzNarr 1
Scrufdaddy 1
SDCore 1
Sebster 1
Sergeantens 1
Serpe x 13 1
SewingWithNancy 1
Seymour 1
SFresh3 1
Shylo_Moxii 1
Skeleton Party 1
sköldpaddor 1
SlashACM 1
Snuffalupagus 1
Sopath 1
SpartanGibbles 1
spooked 1
st4rface 1
StadiumGambler 1
Steelhead77 1
steveoiscool 1
sulovilen 1
sve7en 1
Symmetrik 1
takethehorizon 1
taterswc 1
Tesla 1
Thatguy91 1
the5urreal 1
Thelastheraclid 1
thiefofcheese 1
Thunder39 1
Thunfish 1
Toast 1
Tomen 1
tommytightpants 1
traphag 1
trashae 1
Trautner 1
Trempale 1
tweedledunn 1
Tylar 1
UberBJ 1
unconfident69 1
Urq660 1
ValorX77 1
Vandy 1
Vaxlare 1
Vikian 1
visceralpotamus 1
WannabeFinn 1
Wearingabear 1
Whitecap 1
WithTheMoose 1
Yagoyi 1
Your Mothers Favorite Goalie 1
Z-Whiz 1
zaynzk 1
zeagle1 1
Zombiewolf 1
Zomp 1
ZootTX 1

[Image: rwKCnr6.png]
(This post was last modified: 03-14-2022, 09:28 PM by leviadan.)

The following users may claim 1 TPE for completing mPT0 : Where do you summer. Thank you for taking a moment to imagine a nice summer day at the tail end of what was a cold, wet winter.  Cool

.Laser 1
3lewsers 1
5ympathies 1
aaronwilson 1
academydropout 1
ACapitalChicago 1
Accka 1
Acsolap 1
advenny4 1
AgentSmith630 1
Air Crou 1
ajwllmsn 1
Aleris 1
Arkz 1
artermis 1
Asked Madden 1
AW13 1
Azjha_59 1
bbjygm 1
bdu754 1
Benpachi 1
Bfine 1
bjkman 1
Blasoon 1
bluesfan55 1
Bongo 1
brickwall35 1
Briedaqueduc 1
Bubba Tree 1
By-Tor 1
C9Van 1
caltroit_red_flames 1
CampinKiller 1
Canadice 1
canes2112 1
CapnCooper 1
CaptainCamel 1
Carpy48 1
CementHands 1
charlieconway 1
Citizen of Adraa 1
CptGoosar 1
CptSquall 1
Crazylemire 1
CrazyMojito 1
Crunk 1
ctots 1
Dangles13 1
dankoa 1
DarkCanuck29 1
Dextaria 1
Dhoop 1
Dindog 1
dogwoodmaple 1
doritomancer 1
Drokeep 1
dude_man 1
Durden 1
efischermann 1
enigmatic 1
Evil_AllBran 1
Evok 1
Eynhallow 1
Faelax 1
Festinator 1
fever95 1
Fitted2106 1
Flowseidon 1
Fluw 1
G2019 1
gaby 1
GCool 1
Geekusoid 1
Gifter of Bikes 1
goilers 1
golden_apricot 1
goldenglutes 1
Gordon Bombay 1
gurbs 1
HabsFanFromOntario 1
HanTheMan_ 1
Henrik 1
High Stick King 1
Highhaschdi 1
hockeyiscool 1
honkerrs 1
hotdog 1
Huck24 1
Inf1d3l 1
James Truong 1
jay2233 1
jaypc8237 1
JayWhy 1
Jepox 1
Jericson 1
JKortesi81 1
JohnnyPatey 1
joshuacorcorantwitch 1
JSS331 1
JT3 1
Julio Tokolosh 1
Jumbobone19 1
JuOSu 1
jzkitty21 1
KaleSalad 1
karlssens 1
KenitohMenara 1
kentakira 1
kenvald 1
Keven 1
Keygan 1
kikish18 1
Kraagenskul 1
krazko 1
Kyamprac 1
Kylrad 1
LB3737 1
leafs1997 1
Leafs4ever 1
leafsftw1967 1
Leatherneckmike 1
Leppish 1
leviadan 1
lilstifler 1
lmao 1
Locagiess 1
LordBirdman 1
luke 1
Lukstins88 1
MamaB 1
marco999 1
mastersheep 1
Matteo 1
Mazatt 1
McAl95 1
mcgriddleluver 1
mcpumpkin 1
Memento Mori 1
mer 1
Merica 1
micool132 1
Mooty99 1
Mr. Finland 1
MrMom 1
Muerto 1
Mutedfaith 1
natedoeshockey 1
Nerio 1
Nhamlet 1
Nike 1
NJBadApple 1
NorwegianDemon 1
notorioustig 1
notoriousTRON 1
Opera_Phantom 1
OrbitingDeath 1
Otrebor13 1
petralikesbaseball 1
Pickle Juice 1
Punk42AE 1
puolivalmiste 1
qWest 1
r1c3bowl22 1
Ragnar 1
RAmenAmen 1
Rangerjase 1
Rankle 1
RashfordU 1
Raven 1
raymond3000 1
Redderder15 1
RenoJacksonHS 1
Renomitsu 1
retuperkele 1
roastpuff 1
RomanesEuntDomus 1
Ronniewalker 1
RotticusScott 1
Ruggsy 1
sakrosankt 1
Salming 1
Sburbine 1
SchwarzNarr 1
Scrufdaddy 1
Sebster 1
Sergeantens 1
SewingWithNancy 1
Seymour 1
SFresh3 1
Shylo_Moxii 1
sköldpaddor 1
Snuffalupagus 1
Sopath 1
spooked 1
st4rface 1
StadiumGambler 1
Steelhead77 1
steveoiscool 1
sulovilen 1
supertardis101 1
sve7en 1
Symmetrik 1
TacocaT 2 1
takethehorizon 1
taterswc 1
Tayjay 1
Tesla 1
The Roope Hintz Effect 1
the5urreal 1
Thelastheraclid 1
thiefofcheese 1
Thunder39 1
Thunfish 1
Toast 1
Tomen 1
traphag 1
trashae 1
Trautner 1
Trempale 1
tweedledunn 1
Tylar 1
UberBJ 1
unconfident69 1
Urq660 1
ValorX77 1
Valpix 1
Vandy 1
Vaxlare 1
vic03 1
Vikian 1
visceralpotamus 1
Vulfzilla 1
Wearingabear 1
Whitecap 1
WithTheMoose 1
Yagoyi 1
Your Mothers Favorite Goalie 1
Z-Whiz 1
zaynzk 1
zeagle1 1
Zombiewolf 1
Zomp 1
ZootTX 1

[Image: rwKCnr6.png]

The following users can claim the TPE next to their username for S63 IIHF Predictions
Congrats on USA for gold, Swiss for silver, and Canada for bronze. and JImmy Wagner for leading the IIHF in points for the round robin

check yourself there too

3lewsers - 5
5ympathies - 3.5
aaronwilson - 4
ACapitalChicago - 4.5
Accka - 2
Ace - 5
AgentSmith630 - 4
Amidships - 3
Arkz - 5
artermis - 4
Asked Madden  - 3.5
Azjha_59 - 3
bbjygm - 4
bdu754 - 4
Benpachi - 3
Bfine - 3.5
bk1689 - 4
Blasoon - 4
bluesfan55  - 4
Bongo - 2.5
brickwall35 - 5
Briedaqueduc - 3.5
Bubba Tree - 3
By-Tor - 3
C9Van - 3.5
CampinKiller - 3.5
canadice - 4
canes2112 - 3.5
CapnCooper - 3
CaptainCamel - 4
Carpy48 - 3.5
CementHands - 4
charlieconway - 3
CptGoosar - 2.5
CptSquall - 3
crazylemire - 3
CrazyMojito - 3.5
Crunk - 3.5
Damienj10 - 3.5
DarkCanuck29 - 4.5
dhoop - 4
dogwoodmaple - 3
DrB1gMack - 3
drokeep - 3.5
DrunkenTeddy - 3.5
Durden - 3.5
efischermann - 3
enigmatic - 5
Evil_AllBran - 4
Evok - 4.5
Eynhallow - 3
Festinator  - 3.5
Fitted2106  - 4
Fluw - 2.5
G2019 - 3
gaby - 3
Gaia Mormont - 4.5
Geekusoid - 4
GoonerBear - 3
Gordon Bombay  - 3
Grapehead - 3.5
Grum - 3.5
gurbs  - 5.5
Halkohol - 5
HanTheMan_ - 2.5
High Stick King - 4
Highhaschdi - 5.5
hockeyiscool - 5.5
honkerrs - 4
Hordle - 3
hotdog - 4.5
Huck24 - 3.5
Inf1d3l - 2.5
James Truong - 4
jay2233 - 3
Jepox - 2
JKortesi81 - 4
jnh - 3.5
joshuacorcorantwitch  - 3
JSS331 - 5
JT3 - 3.5
juke - 2.5
Julio Tokolosh - 3
Jumbobone19 - 3
Kalesalad - 3.5
karlssens - 4
Katth - 3.5
kentakira - 3.5
kenvald - 4
Keven - 4
Keygan - 4
Kierkan - 4.5
Kraagenskul - 4
krazko - 3.5
kyamprac - 3.5
Kylrad - 2.5
LB3737 - 4
leafs1997 - 4
Leafs4ever - 4
leafsftw1967 - 4
Leppish - 3.5
lespoils - 3.5
leviadan - 3
lilstifler - 2
lmao - 4.5
Luketd - 3.5
Lukstins88 - 3
MamaB - 2.5
marco999 - 3
mastersheep - 3.5
Matteo - 3
mcpumpkin - 4
Memento Mori - 3.5
mer - 3.5
micool132 - 3.5
Mooney - 4
Mr. Finland - 3.5
Muerto - 4
Mutedfaith  - 4
natedoeshockey - 2.5
Nerio - 4.5
Nhamlet - 4
Nike - 4
NorwegianDemon - 3
notorioustig  - 4
notoriousTRON - 3
NTG - 3.5
O4L - 4
Ohtaay - 3.5
Opera_Phantom - 3
OrbitingDeath - 4
Pickle Juice - 4
puolivalmiste - 3.5
qWest - 3.5
r1c3bowl22 - 2
Rangerjase - 3.5
Rankle - 3
RashfordU - 4
raymond3000 - 4.5
Redderder15 - 3
reid - 3.5
RenoJacksonHS - 3.5
Renomitsu - 5
retuperkele - 3.5
Rich - 4
Ronniewalker - 3.5
rotticusscott - 2.5
Ruggsy - 3.5
sakrosankt - 3
Salming - 3
Sburbine - 4
SchwarzNarr - 6
scrufdaddy - 4
Segi - 2
Sergeantens - 2.5
Serpe x 13 - 5
Seymour - 3
SFresh3 - 3
sköldpaddor - 5
slothfacekilla - 2.5
Sopath - 4
Spartangibbles - 5.5
spooked - 5
st4rface - 3
steelhead77 - 3.5
steveoiscool - 3.5
sulovilen - 3
sve7en - 6
Symmetrik - 3
TacocaT 2 - 2.5
taterswc - 4
Tesla - 3.5
Thatguy91 - 5
the5urreal - 3
TheCC - 4
thelastheraclid - 3.5
ThiefOfCheese - 3.5
Thunder39 - 4
Toast - 3.5
TOmen - 4
tommytightpants - 4
Trashae - 3
tweedledunn - 3
Tylar - 4.5
UberBJ - 4.5
unconfident - 3
Urq660 - 2.5
ValorX77  - 3.5
Vandy - 3
Vaxlare - 4
visceralpotamus - 4.5
Vulfzilla - 3.5
Wearingabear - 2.5
Whitecap - 4.5
WithTheMoose - 6
Yagoyi - 3
Your Mothers Favorite Goalie - 3.5
Z-Whiz - 2.5
zaynzk - 2.5
Zombiewolf - 5
Zoone16 - 3
ZootTX - 4.5

[Image: 0XJkcN5.png]
Czechoslovakia PROFILE || UPDATE || RAGE. Rage 
[Image: luketd.gif]

(This post was last modified: 03-15-2022, 02:50 PM by leviadan.)

The following users may claim 3 TPE for completing PT0 : Read the Room. Thank you all for the feedback! I read everyone's response and it helped me make a few valuable decisions. Cheers!

.Laser 3
.simo 3
3lewsers 3
5ympathies 3
aaronwilson 3
academydropout 3
ACapitalChicago 3
Accka 3
Acsolap 3
adison 3
advenny4 3
AgentSmith630 3
Air Crou 3
ajwllmsn 3
Aleris 3
Arkz 3
artermis 3
Asked Madden 3
AW13 3
Azjha_59 3
bbjygm 3
bdu754 3
Benpachi 3
Bfine 3
bjkman 3
Blasoon 3
brickwall35 3
Briedaqueduc 3
By-Tor 3
C9Van 3
caltroit_red_flames 3
CampinKiller 3
Canadice 3
canes2112 3
CapnCooper 3
CaptainCamel 3
Carpy48 3
CementHands 3
charlieconway 3
Citizen of Adraa 3
CptGoosar 3
CptSquall 3
Crazylemire 3
CrazyMojito 3
Crunk 3
ctots 3
Dangles13 3
dankoa 3
DarkCanuck29 3
Dextaria 3
Dhoop 3
Dindog 3
dogwoodmaple 3
Drokeep 3
Durden 3
enigmatic 3
Evil_AllBran 3
Evok 3
Eynhallow 3
Faelax 3
Festinator 3
fever95 3
Fitted2106 3
Flowseidon 3
Fluw 3
G2019 3
gaby 3
GCool 3
Geekusoid 3
Gifter of Bikes 3
goilers 3
golden_apricot 3
goldenglutes 3
Gordon Bombay 3
grok 3
gurbs 3
HabsFanFromOntario 3
HanTheMan_ 3
Henrik 3
High Stick King 3
hockeyiscool 3
honkerrs 3
Hordle 3
hotdog 3
Huck24 3
Inf1d3l 3
James Truong 3
jay2233 3
jaypc8237 3
JayWhy 3
Jepox 3
Jericson 3
JKortesi81 3
JohnnyPatey 3
joshuacorcorantwitch 3
JSS331 3
JT3 3
Julio Tokolosh 3
Jumbobone19 3
JuOSu 3
jzkitty21 3
KaleSalad 3
karlssens 3
Kasterborous 3
KenitohMenara 3
kentakira 3
Keven 3
Keygan 3
kikish18 3
Kraagenskul 3
krazko 3
Kyamprac 3
Kylrad 3
LB3737 3
leafs1997 3
Leafs4ever 3
leafsftw1967 3
Leatherneckmike 3
leviadan 3
lilstifler 3
lmao 3
Locagiess 3
LordBirdman 3
Lukstins88 3
MamaB 3
marco999 3
mastersheep 3
Matteo 3
Mazatt 3
McAl95 3
mcpumpkin 3
Memento Mori 3
mer 3
micool132 3
Mooney 3
Mooty99 3
Mr. Finland 3
MrMom 3
Muerto 3
Muford 3
Mutedfaith 3
natedoeshockey 3
Nerio 3
Nhamlet 3
Nike 3
NJBadApple 3
NorwegianDemon 3
notorioustig 3
notoriousTRON 3
O4L 3
Opera_Phantom 3
OrbitingDeath 3
Otrebor13 3
petralikesbaseball 3
Pickle Juice 3
Punk42AE 3
puolivalmiste 3
qWest 3
r1c3bowl22 3
Ragnar 3
RAmenAmen 3
Rangerjase 3
Rankle 3
RashfordU 3
Raven 3
raymond3000 3
RenoJacksonHS 3
Renomitsu 3
retuperkele 3
Rich 3
roastpuff 3
RomanesEuntDomus 3
Ronniewalker 3
RotticusScott 3
Ruggsy 3
sakrosankt 3
Salming 3
Sburbine 3
SchwarzNarr 3
Scrufdaddy 3
Sebster 3
Sergeantens 3
Serpe x 13 3
SewingWithNancy 3
Seymour 3
SFresh3 3
Shylo_Moxii 3
sköldpaddor 3
Snuffalupagus 3
Sopath 3
spooked 3
StadiumGambler 3
Steelhead77 3
steveoiscool 3
sulovilen 3
supertardis101 3
sve7en 3
Symmetrik 3
TacocaT 2 3
takethehorizon 3
taterswc 3
Tayjay 3
Tesla 3
the5urreal 3
Thelastheraclid 3
thiefofcheese 3
Thunder39 3
Thunfish 3
Toast 3
Tomen 3
traphag 3
trashae 3
Trautner 3
Trempale 3
tweedledunn 3
Tylar 3
UberBJ 3
unconfident69 3
Urq660 3
ValorX77 3
Valpix 3
Vandy 3
Vaxlare 3
Vikian 3
visceralpotamus 3
Vulfzilla 3
Wearingabear 3
Whitecap 3
WithTheMoose 3
Yagoyi 3
Z-Whiz 3
zaynzk 3
zeagle1 3
Zombiewolf 3
Zomp 3
ZootTX 3

[Image: rwKCnr6.png]

The following members who submitted a mock draft may receive the following TPE for the S64 Mock Draft. This includes 0.5 for each correct prediction and 3 TPE for participation. The highest correct tally was 10. The TPE for GM's is 6.0 (this includes average/participation).

The draft order can be found here. If you submitted multiple mocks, your first one is counted. If you have any questions or concerns with your grade please PM me on Discord.

Correct answers for 19-22:
19: Over
20: Central
21: Round 1
22: Detroit (Falcons)

.simo 4
3lewsers 4
5ympathies 7
aaronwilson 4
academydropout 7
ACapitalChicago 4
Accka 4
advenny4 7
Aleris 7
Arkz 4
artermis 4.5
Asked Madden 7
AW13 4
bbjygm 4
bbp 5.5
bdu754 7
BenDover 5.5
Benpachi 4
Bfine 5
bjkman 8
bk1689 4
Blasoon 7
bluesfan55 7
brickwall35 7
Briedaqueduc 7
Buster 5.5
By-Tor 7.5
C9Van 5
CapnCooper 7
CaptainCamel 7
Carpy48 7
CementHands 4
charlieconway 4
Chris-McZehrl 5
ckroyal92 7
Count Chocula 4
CptGoosar 5.5
Crazylemire 5.5
CrazyMojito 6.5
Crunk 7
ctots 6
damienj10 5
Dangles13 7
dankoa 6
Dewalt27 7
Dextaria 7
Dhoop 4
Drokeep 5.5
DrunkenTeddy 7
Durden 4
efischermann 7
enigmatic 4
Esso2264 7
Evil_AllBran 4
Evok 7
Eynhallow 5
Fantobens 4
Festinator 4
fever95 5
FlappyGiraffe 4
Flowseidon 7
Fluw 5.5
G2019 7
gaby 7
GCool 4
Geekusoid 5.5
Gifter of Bikes 6
goilers 4
GoonerBear 8
Gordon Bombay 7
Grapehead 5
Grum 4
gurbs 7
HabsFanFromOntario 7
Halkohol 7
High Stick King 4
Highhaschdi 5
Huck24 7
Inf1d3l 7
James Truong 7.5
jay2233 7
JayWhy 7.5
Jepox 7
JohnnyPatey 7.5
Jorec 7
JSS331 7
JT3 5.5
juke 4
Julio Tokolosh 5.5
Jumbobone19 7
juniped 8
JuOSu 7
KaleSalad 7.5
karlssens 5
Katth 5.5
KenitohMenara 7
kentakira 4
kenvald 7
Keven 7
Kierkan 5.5
kikish18 4
Kraagenskul 4
krazko 7
Kyamprac 7
LB3737 7.5
Leafs4ever 4
leafsftw1967 7
Leatherneckmike 4
Leppish 7
leviadan 4
lilstifler 7
lmao 4
LordBirdman 6.5
Lorec 4
MamaB 4
marco999 7
Matteo 6
Mazatt 7
mcpumpkin 6
Memento Mori 7
mer 7
Merica 5
micool132 7
Mooty99 7
Mr. Finland 7
natedoeshockey 6.5
Nerio 4
Nhamlet 7
NJBadApple 7.5
Nobody 5
NorwegianDemon 7
notoriousTRON 7
Opera_Phantom 7
OrbitingDeath 7
Otrebor13 7
petralikesbaseball 4
Pickle Juice 4
Punk42AE 4
qWest 7
r0tzbua 4
r1c3bowl22 7
Ragnar 4
RAmenAmen 7
Rangerjase 4
Rankle 7
Raven 4
raymond3000 7
Redderder15 4
RenoJacksonHS 7
Renomitsu 7
retuperkele 5.5
Rich 7
roastpuff 5
RomanesEuntDomus 7.5
Ronniewalker 6.5
Ruggsy 7
rum_ham 7
sakrosankt 7
Salming 6.5
Samsung virtual assistant 4
Sburbine 7.5
SchwarzNarr 5.5
Scrufdaddy 7
Sebster 6
Sergeantens 4
Serpe x 13 7
SewingWithNancy 4
Seymour 4
SFresh3 7
Shylo_Moxii 5.5
Skeleton Party 4
sköldpaddor 7
SlashACM 7
Sopath 7.5
StadiumGambler 6.5
Steelhead77 4
steveoiscool 6
sulovilen 6.5
sve7en 7.5
Symmetrik 4
taterswc 4
Tayjay 4
Tesla 7
Thatguy91 4
The Roope Hintz Effect 6.5
the5urreal 7
Thelastheraclid 4
thiefofcheese 4
Thunder39 7
tommytightpants 7
traphag 4
trashae 5.5
Trautner 7
Trempale 5.5
tweedledunn 4
Tylar 7
unconfident69 7
Urq660 4
ValorX77 5.5
Vaxlare 7
vic03 4
visceralpotamus 4
WannabeFinn 6.5
Wearingabear 5.5
Weretarantula 4
WithTheMoose 5.5
wumaduce 7
Z-Whiz 7
zaynzk 7
zeagle1 7
Zombiewolf 4
Zomp 7
Zoone16 6.5
ZootTX 7

[Image: 1rdovVs.gif]

[Image: X6NDpNM.png][Image: 6eXcLdf.png]

The following users can claim the TPE next to their name for Primetime #1, where the winners were Chicago, Montreal, and Seattle on the March 21st sim.
.Laser    1.5
3lewsers    2.5
5ympathies    1
aaronwilson    1.5
ACapitalChicago    2
Accka    2
Acsolap    1
advenny4    2
AgentSmith630    1.5
Air Crou    1
ajwllmsn    2.5
Aleris    2
Amidships    2
Ant    2.5
Arkz    2
artermis    1.5
Asked Madden    2
AW13    2.5
Azjha_59    1.5
bbjygm    2.5
bbp    1.5
bdu754    2.5
Benpachi    2.5
Bfine    2
bjkman    1
bk1689    1
Blasoon    2.5
brickwall35    2.5
Briedaqueduc    1
Bubba Tree    1.5
Buster    2
By-Tor    1
C9Van    1.5
caltroit_red_flames    2
CampinKiller    2
Canadice    2
canes2112    2
CapnCooper    2
CaptainCamel    2
Carpy48    2
CementHands    2.5
charlieconway    1
Chris-McZehrl    1.5
Citizen of Adraa    1.5
Count Chocula    2
CptGoosar    2.5
CptSquall    1.5
Crazylemire    2.5
CrazyMojito    1.5
Crunk    1.5
ctots    2
Cyclo    1.5
Dangles13    1.5
dankoa    2.5
DarkCanuck29    2
Dextaria    1.5
Dhoop    2
Dindog    2.5
doritomancer    1.5
DrB1gMack    2
Drokeep    1
DrunkenTeddy    1.5
dude_man    2.5
Durden    1.5
efischermann    2
enigmatic    1
EricNCSU    1.5
Esso2264    2.5
Evil_AllBran    1
Evok    2.5
Exilate    1.5
Eynhallow    1.5
Faelax    1.5
Festinator    1.5
fever95    1.5
FlappyGiraffe    2
Flowseidon    1
Fluw    2
G2019    2.5
gaby    1.5
Gaia Mormont    1.5
GCool    1.5
Geekusoid    1.5
Gifter of Bikes    1.5
goilers    1.5
golden_apricot    1.5
goldenglutes    2
GoonerBear    1.5
Gordon Bombay    1.5
Grapehead    2.5
greencityny    2
grok    2
Grum    1.5
gurbs    1
HabsFanFromOntario    2.5
Halkohol    2.5
HanTheMan_    1.5
Henrik    1.5
High Stick King    2
Highhaschdi    1.5
hockeyiscool    1.5
honkerrs    1
hotdog    1
Huck24    2
Inf1d3l    1.5
James Truong    1.5
jay2233    2
jaypc8237    2.5
jaypc8237    2.5
JayWhy    1
Jearim    1
Jepox    2
Jericson    2
JKortesi81    1.5
JNH    2
JohnnyPatey    2
Jorec    2.5
JSS    2.5
JSS331    1
JT3    1
juke    1.5
Julio Tokolosh    2
Jumbobone19    2
juniped    2.5
JuOSu    2
KaleSalad    1
karlssens    2
Kasterborous    2
Katth    2.5
kentakira    1.5
kenvald    2
Keven    1.5
Keygan    1
kikish18    1.5
Kraagenskul    1.5
krazko    2
Kyamprac    2
LB3737    1.5
leafs1997    2
Leafs4ever    1.5
leafsftw1967    1.5
Leatherneckmike    1.5
Leppish    2
leviadan    2.5
lilstifler    2
Lime    1.5
lmao    2
LordBirdman    1.5
Lorec    2
luke    2.5
Lukstins88    2
MamaB    1.5
marco999    1
mastersheep    1.5
Matteo    2
Mazatt    2
McAl95    2
mcgriddleluver    2
mcpumpkin    1
Memento Mori    2.5
mer    1.5
Merica    2
micool132    1
Mooty99    2
MP7    1
Mr. Finland    1.5
Muerto    1
Muford    1
Mutedfaith    1.5
MyLittleHexx    2
natedoeshockey    1.5
Nerio    1.5
Nhamlet    2
Nike    2.5
NJBadApple    2
Nobody    2
NorwegianDemon    1.5
notorioustig    2
notoriousTRON    2
O4L    2.5
Ohtaay    1.5
Omniscius    2.5
Opera_Phantom    1.5
OrbitingDeath    1.5
Otrebor13    2
petralikesbaseball    1.5
Pickle Juice    1.5
ProjectSaint    2.5
Punk42AE    1.5
puolivalmiste    1
Pythonic    1.5
qWest    2
r1c3bowl22    2
Ragnar    1.5
RAmenAmen    2
Rangerjase    1
Rankle    1.5
RashfordU    1.5
Raven    1.5
raymond3000    1
Redderder15    1
RenoJacksonHS    2.5
Renomitsu    2.5
retuperkele    1.5
Rich    1
Rindiee    2.5
roastpuff    1.5
RomanesEuntDomus    1.5
Ronniewalker    1.5
RotticusScott    2
Ruggsy    1
rum_ham    1
sakrosankt    2
Salming    2
Sburbine    2
SchwarzNarr    1.5
Scrufdaddy    1.5
Sebster    2.5
Serpe x 13    1.5
SewingWithNancy    2
Seymour    2.5
SFresh3    1
Shylo_Moxii    2.5
sköldpaddor    2
SlashACM    1.5
Snuffalupagus    1
Snussu    2
Spartan    2.5
SpartanGibbles    2.5
spooked    1
StadiumGambler    1.5
Steelhead77    1.5
steveoiscool    2
sulovilen    2
SuperNatural    2
supertardis101    1
sve7en    2
Symmetrik    1.5
TacocaT 2    2.5
takethehorizon    1.5
taterswc    1.5
Tesla    2
The Roope Hintz Effect    2
the5urreal    1.5
TheCC    2.5
TheFlash    1.5
Thelastheraclid    1.5
thiefofcheese    2.5
Thunder39    2
Thunfish    2.5
Toast    2
Tomen    1.5
tommytightpants    2
traphag    2
trashae    1.5
Trautner    1.5
Trempale    2.5
tweedledunn    1.5
Tylar    2
UberBJ    2.5
unconfident69    2
Urq660    2.5
ValorX77    1.5
Valpix    1.5
Vandy    2
Vaxlare    2
Velevra    2
vic03    2.5
Vikian    2
visceralpotamus    2
Vulfzilla    2.5
WannabeFinn    1.5
Wearingabear    1
Weretarantula    2
Whitecap    2
Will3    2
WithTheMoose    1.5
Wongy    1.5
Yagoyi    1
Z-Whiz    2
zaynzk    2.5
zeagle1    2.5
Zombiewolf    1.5
Zomp    1
ZootTX    2

[Image: unknown.png]

UsaScarecrowsBlizzardSpecters | [Image: specterspp.png][Image: spectersupdate.png] | TimberArmadaSpectersFinland

[Image: cainbanner_35.jpg]

The following people may claim 1 TPE for completing mPT #1: Over the Glass. From live animals, to weapons, to Nickelodeon slime, I have contacted the appropriate authorities. Thank you.

.Laser 1
3lewsers 1
5ympathies 1
ACapitalChicago 1
Accka 1
Acsolap 1
advenny4 1
AgentSmith630 1
Air Crou 1
ajwllmsn 1
Aleris 1
Amidships 1
Ant 1
Arkz 1
artermis 1
Asked Madden 1
AW13 1
Azjha_59 1
bbjygm 1
bdu754 1
BenDover 1
Benpachi 1
Bfine 1
bjkman 1
Blasoon 1
bluesfan55 1
brickwall35 1
Briedaqueduc 1
Buster 1
By-Tor 1
C9Van 1
caltroit_red_flames 1
CampinKiller 1
Canadice 1
canes2112 1
CapnCooper 1
CaptainCamel 1
Carpy48 1
CementHands 1
charlieconway 1
Chevy 1
CptGoosar 1
Crazylemire 1
CrazyMojito 1
Crunk 1
ctots 1
Dangles13 1
dankoa 1
DarkCanuck29 1
Dextaria 1
Dhoop 1
dogwoodmaple 1
doritomancer 1
Drokeep 1
DrunkenTeddy 1
dude_man 1
Durden 1
efischermann 1
enigmatic 1
Evil_AllBran 1
Evok 1
Eynhallow 1
Festinator 1
fishy 1
Fitted2106 1
FlappyGiraffe 1
Flowseidon 1
Fluw 1
G2019 1
gaby 1
GCool 1
Gifter of Bikes 1
goilers 1
goldenglutes 1
GoonerBear 1
Gordon Bombay 1
Grapehead 1
gurbs 1
HabsFanFromOntario 1
HanTheMan_ 1
Henrik 1
High Stick King 1
Highhaschdi 1
hockeyiscool 1
hotdog 1
Inf1d3l 1
James Truong 1
jay2233 1
jaypc8237 1
JayWhy 1
Jepox 1
Jericson 1
JKortesi81 1
JohnnyPatey 1
joshuacorcorantwitch 1
JSS331 1
JT3 1
Jumbobone19 1
JuOSu 1
KaleSalad 1
karlssens 1
kentakira 1
kenvald 1
Keven 1
Keygan 1
kikish18 1
krazko 1
Kyamprac 1
LB3737 1
leafs1997 1
Leafs4ever 1
leafsftw1967 1
Leatherneckmike 1
Leppish 1
lespoils 1
leviadan 1
lilstifler 1
Lime 1
lmao 1
LordBirdman 1
Lorec 1
Lorec 1
Lorec 1
Lorec 1
MamaB 1
marco999 1
Matteo 1
Mazatt 1
McAl95 1
mcpumpkin 1
Memento Mori 1
mer 1
micool132 1
Mooney 1
Mooty99 1
Mr. Finland 1
Muerto 1
Muford 1
Mutedfaith 1
natedoeshockey 1
Nerio 1
Nhamlet 1
Nhlbeastmode_7777 1
Nike 1
NJBadApple 1
NorwegianDemon 1
notorioustig 1
notoriousTRON 1
Ohtaay 1
Opera_Phantom 1
OrbitingDeath 1
Otrebor13 1
Pickle Juice 1
ProjectSaint 1
Punk42AE 1
puolivalmiste 1
Pythonic 1
r1c3bowl22 1
Ragnar 1
RAmenAmen 1
Rangerjase 1
Rankle 1
RashfordU 1
Raven 1
raymond3000 1
ReaperComePepegaAim 1
RenoJacksonHS 1
Renomitsu 1
retuperkele 1
Rindiee 1
roastpuff 1
RomanesEuntDomus 1
Ronniewalker 1
RotticusScott 1
Ruggsy 1
rum_ham 1
sakrosankt 1
Salming 1
Sburbine 1
SchwarzNarr 1
Scrufdaddy 1
Sebster 1
SewingWithNancy 1
Seymour 1
SFresh3 1
Shylo_Moxii 1
sköldpaddor 1
SlashACM 1
Snuffalupagus 1
Snussu 1
spooked 1
StadiumGambler 1
Steelhead77 1
steveoiscool 1
sulovilen 1
supertardis101 1
sve7en 1
Symmetrik 1
TacocaT 2 1
takethehorizon 1
taterswc 1
Tayjay 1
Tayjay 1
Tesla 1
The Roope Hintz Effect 1
the5urreal 1
TheCC 1
TheFlash 1
Thelastheraclid 1
TheSparkyDee 1
thiefofcheese 1
Thunder39 1
Thunfish 1
Toast 1
Tomen 1
tommytightpants 1
traphag 1
trashae 1
Trautner 1
Trempale 1
tweedledunn 1
Tylar 1
unconfident69 1
Urq660 1
ValorX77 1
Valpix 1
Vandy 1
Vaxlare 1
vic03 1
Vikian 1
visceralpotamus 1
Vulfzilla 1
Wearingabear 1
Weretarantula 1
Whitecap 1
Will3 1
WithTheMoose 1
Wongy 1
wumaduce 1
Yagoyi 1
Z-Whiz 1
zaynzk 1
Zombiewolf 1
Zomp 1
ZootTX 1

[Image: rwKCnr6.png]

The following peeps can claim the TPE next to their name for Hat Trick #1. 1 TPE for participating, 1 TPE for one correct answer, and 1 additional TPE (for 3 max) for getting all 3 right.
Answers were yes/yes/yes

.Laser    2
.simo    2
3lewsers    3
5ympathies    3
aaronwilson    2
ACapitalChicago    2
Accka    2
Acsolap    2
advenny4    2
AgentSmith630    1
Air Crou    2
ajwllmsn    2
Aleris    1
Amidships    2
Ant    2
Arkz    2
artermis    2
Asked Madden    2
AW13    3
Azjha_59    3
Bayley    3
bbjygm    3
bdu754    3
Benpachi    3
Bfine    1
bjkman    2
bk1689    2
Blasoon    3
brickwall35    3
Briedaqueduc    2
Bubba Tree    2
Buster    2
By-Tor    2
C9Van    3
caltroit_red_flames    2
CampinKiller    2
Canadice    2
canes2112    1
CapnCooper    2
CaptainCamel    3
Carpy48    2
CementHands    3
charlieconway    2
Chevy    2
Chris-McZehrl    2
Citizen of Adraa    2
ckroyal92    2
Count Chocula    2
CptGoosar    2
CptSquall    3
Crazylemire    2
CrazyMojito    2
Crunk    3
ctots    2
Cyclo    2
Dangles13    2
dankoa    2
DarkCanuck29    2
Dextaria    3
Dhoop    3
doritomancer    2
DrB1gMack    3
Drokeep    2
DrunkenTeddy    2
dude_man    3
Durden    2
efischermann    2
enigmatic    2
EricNCSU    2
Esso2264    3
Evil_AllBran    2
Evok    2
Exilate    2
Eynhallow    2
Faelax    3
Festinator    2
fever95    2
FlappyGiraffe    3
Flowseidon    2
Fluw    2
G2019    2
gaby    3
Gaia Mormont    2
GCool    2
Gifter of Bikes    2
goilers    2
golden_apricot    2
goldenglutes    3
GoonerBear    2
Gordon Bombay    3
Grapehead    2
greencityny    3
grok    2
Grum    3
gurbs    2
HabsFanFromOntario    2
Halkohol    2
HanTheMan_    2
Henrik    2
High Stick King    2
Highhaschdi    2
hockeyiscool    2
honkerrs    2
hotdog    2
Huck24    3
Inf1d3l    2
James Truong    2
jay2233    2
jaypc8237    3
JayWhy    3
Jearim    1
Jepox    2
Jericson    3
JKortesi81    2
JNH    3
JohnnyPatey    2
Jorec    3
JSS331    3
JT3    3
juke    2
Julio Tokolosh    2
Jumbobone19    3
juniped    3
JuOSu    2
KaleSalad    2
karlssens    2
Kasterborous    2
Katth    2
KenitohMenara    2
kentakira    3
kenvald    2
Keven    3
Keygan    2
kikish18    2
Kraagenskul    3
krazko    2
Kyamprac    2
LB3737    2
leafs1997    3
Leafs4ever    2
leafsftw1967    2
Leatherneckmike    3
Leppish    3
leviadan    2
lilstifler    2
Lime    2
lmao    2
LordBirdman    2
Lorec    1
luke    2
Lukstins88    2
MamaB    2
marco999    3
mastersheep    2
Matteo    3
Mazatt    2
McAl95    3
mcgriddleluver    2
mcpumpkin    2
Memento Mori    3
mer    2
Merica    3
Michiganonymous    2
micool132    3
Mooty99    2
MP7    3
Mr. Finland    2
MrMom    2
Muerto    2
Muford    2
Mutedfaith    3
MyLittleHexx    2
natedoeshockey    3
Nerio    2
Nhamlet    3
Nike    3
NJBadApple    2
Nobody    3
NorwegianDemon    3
notorioustig    2
notoriousTRON    2
Ohtaay    2
Omniscius    2
Opera_Phantom    2
OrbitingDeath    2
Otrebor13    2
petralikesbaseball    2
Pickle Juice    2
ProjectSaint    2
Punk42AE    2
puolivalmiste    3
Pythonic    2
qWest    2
r1c3bowl22    3
Ragnar    3
RAmenAmen    2
Rangerjase    2
Rankle    3
RashfordU    2
Raven    2
raymond3000    2
Redderder15    3
RenoJacksonHS    3
Renomitsu    2
retuperkele    2
Rich    2
Rindiee    3
roastpuff    2
RomanesEuntDomus    2
Ronniewalker    2
RotticusScott    1
Ruggsy    2
rum_ham    2
sakrosankt    3
Salming    2
Sburbine    2
SchwarzNarr    2
Scrufdaddy    2
Sebster    2
Serpe x 13    2
SewingWithNancy    3
Seymour    3
SFresh3    2
Shylo_Moxii    2
sköldpaddor    2
SlashACM    1
Snuffalupagus    2
Snussu    3
Spartan    2
SpartanGibbles    2
spooked    2
StadiumGambler    2
Steelhead77    2
steveoiscool    1
sulovilen    2
supertardis101    2
sve7en    2
Symmetrik    2
TacocaT 2    3
takethehorizon    3
taterswc    1
Tesla    2
The Roope Hintz Effect    2
the5urreal    2
TheCC    2
TheFlash    3
Thelastheraclid    2
thiefofcheese    3
Thunder39    2
Thunfish    2
Toast    2
Tomen    2
tommytightpants    3
traphag    2
trashae    2
Trautner    2
Trempale    2
tweedledunn    2
Tylar    2
UberBJ    2
unconfident69    2
Urq660    2
ValorX77    2
Valpix    2
Vandy    2
Vaxlare    2
Velevra    2
vic03    2
Vikian    2
visceralpotamus    1
Vulfzilla    2
WannabeFinn    2
Wearingabear    2
Weretarantula    3
Whitecap    2
Will3    2
WithTheMoose    2
Wongy    3
Yagoyi    1
Z-Whiz    3
zaynzk    2
zeagle1    3
Zombiewolf    3
Zomp    2
ZootTX    2

[Image: 1rdovVs.gif]

[Image: X6NDpNM.png][Image: 6eXcLdf.png]

Hat Trick #2 Fixed Claim: Unfortunately answer #2 was not correctly graded for everybody so these would be the correct tpe claims. The older post has been deleted.

The following peeps can claim the TPE next to their name for Hat Trick #2. 1 TPE for participating, 1 TPE for one correct answer, and 1 additional TPE (for 3 max) for getting all 3 right.
Answers were yes/no/yes

.Laser    3
3lewsers    2
5ympathies    2
aaronwilson    2
ACapitalChicago    1
Accka    2
Acsolap    2
advenny4    2
AgentSmith630    2
Air Crou    1
ajwllmsn    2
Aleris    2
Amidships    2
Arkz    2
artermis    2
Asked Madden    2
AW13    1
Azjha_59    2
bbjygm    2
bdu754    2
BenDover    2
Benpachi    2
Bfine    2
bjkman    2
Blasoon    1
brickwall35    2
Briedaqueduc    2
Bubba Tree    2
Buster    2
By-Tor    2
C9Van    2
caltroit_red_flames    1
CampinKiller    2
Canadice    2
canes2112    2
CapnCooper    2
CaptainCamel    2
Carpy48    2
CementHands    3
charlieconway    3
Chevy    2
Chris-McZehrl    2
CptGoosar    1
CptSquall    3
Crazylemire    2
CrazyMojito    2
Crunk    2
ctots    2
Dangles13    2
dankoa    2
DarkCanuck29    2
Dextaria    3
Dhoop    2
dogwoodmaple    2
doritomancer    2
DrB1gMack    2
Drokeep    2
DrunkenTeddy    2
dude_man    2
Durden    2
efischermann    2
enigmatic    2
Evil_AllBran    2
Evok    2
Eynhallow    2
Festinator    2
fever95    2
fishy    2
Fitted2106    2
FlappyGiraffe    2
Flowseidon    2
Fluw    3
G2019    2
gaby    2
GCool    3
Gifter of Bikes    2
goilers    2
golden_apricot    2
goldenglutes    2
GoonerBear    1
Gordon Bombay    2
Grapehead    2
greencityny    3
Grum    2
gurbs    2
HabsFanFromOntario    2
Halkohol    2
HanTheMan_    2
Henrik    2
High Stick King    2
Highhaschdi    2
hockeyiscool    2
honkerrs    2
hotdog    2
Huck24    2
Inf1d3l    2
James Truong    2
jay2233    2
jaypc8237    3
JayWhy    2
Jepox    2
Jericson    2
JKortesi81    2
JNH    2
JohnnyPatey    2
joshuacorcorantwitch    3
JSS331    2
JT3    3
juke    3
Jumbobone19    3
JuOSu    2
KaleSalad    2
karlssens    2
Kasterborous    2
kentakira    2
kenvald    2
Keven    2
Keygan    2
kikish18    2
Kraagenskul    2
krazko    2
Kyamprac    2
Kylrad    2
LB3737    2
leafs1997    2
Leafs4ever    2
leafsftw1967    2
Leatherneckmike    2
Leppish    2
lespoils    2
leviadan    2
lilstifler    3
Lime    2
lmao    2
LordBirdman    2
luke    2
MamaB    2
marco999    3
mastersheep    3
Matteo    2
Mazatt    2
McAl95    2
mcpumpkin    2
Memento Mori    2
mer    2
micool132    2
Mooney    2
Mooty99    2
Mr. Finland    2
Muerto    2
Muford    2
Mutedfaith    2
MyLittleHexx    2
natedoeshockey    2
Nerio    2
Nhamlet    3
Nhlbeastmode_7777    2
Nhlbeastmode_7777    2
Nike    2
NJBadApple    2
NorwegianDemon    2
notorioustig    2
notoriousTRON    2
NTG    2
O4L    3
Ohtaay    2
Opera_Phantom    2
OrbitingDeath    3
Otrebor13    2
petralikesbaseball    2
Pickle Juice    3
ProjectSaint    2
Punk42AE    2
puolivalmiste    3
Pythonic    2
qWest    2
r1c3bowl22    2
Ragnar    1
RAmenAmen    2
Rangerjase    2
Rankle    2
RashfordU    3
Raven    2
raymond3000    2
ReaperComePepegaAim    2
Redderder15    2
RenoJacksonHS    2
Renomitsu    2
retuperkele    2
Rich    2
Rindiee    2
roastpuff    2
RomanesEuntDomus    3
Ronniewalker    3
RotticusScott    3
Ruggsy    2
rum_ham    2
sakrosankt    2
Salming    2
Sburbine    2
SchwarzNarr    2
Scrufdaddy    2
Sebster    2
Sergeantens    2
Serpe x 13    3
SewingWithNancy    2
Seymour    2
SFresh3    2
Shylo_Moxii    2
sköldpaddor    2
SlashACM    2
Snuffalupagus    2
Snussu    2
Sopath    2
Spartan    3
spooked    2
StadiumGambler    3
Steelhead77    2
steveoiscool    2
sulovilen    2
supertardis101    2
sve7en    2
Symmetrik    2
TacocaT 2    2
takethehorizon    2
taterswc    3
Tayjay    2
Tesla    2
The Roope Hintz Effect    2
the5urreal    2
TheCC    2
TheFlash    2
Thelastheraclid    3
TheSparkyDee    2
thiefofcheese    2
Thunder39    2
Thunfish    2
Toast    2
Tomen    2
tommytightpants    2
traphag    2
trashae    2
Trautner    2
Trempale    2
tweedledunn    2
Tylar    2
unconfident69    1
Urq660    2
ValorX77    3
Valpix    2
Vandy    2
Vaxlare    2
Velevra    2
vic03    2
Vikian    2
visceralpotamus    2
Vulfzilla    2
WannabeFinn    2
Wearingabear    2
Weretarantula    2
Whitecap    2
Will3    2
WithTheMoose    2
Wongy    2
wumaduce    3
Yagoyi    2
Z-Whiz    2
zaynzk    2
zeagle1    2
Zombiewolf    2
Zomp    2
ZootTX    2

[Image: 1rdovVs.gif]

[Image: X6NDpNM.png][Image: 6eXcLdf.png]
(This post was last modified: 04-04-2022, 11:40 AM by Lorec. Edited 1 time in total.)

The following may claim the tpe listed next to their name for pt #1: all or nothing

.Laser    3
3lewsers    3
5ympathies    3
ACapitalChicago    3
Accka    3
Acsolap    3
advenny4    3
AgentSmith630    3
Air Crou    3
ajwllmsn    3
Aleris    3
Amidships    3
Arkz    3
artermis    3
Asked Madden    3
AW13    3
Azjha_59    3
Bayley    3
bbjygm    3
bdu754    3
BenDover    3
Benpachi    3
Bfine    3
bjkman    3
Blasoon    3
bluesfan55    2 TPE (under word count)
brickwall35    3
Briedaqueduc    3
Buster    3
By-Tor    3
C9Van    3
caltroit_red_flames    3
CampinKiller    2 TPE (under word count)
Canadice    3
canes2112    3
CapnCooper    3
CaptainCamel    3
Carpy48    3
CementHands    3
charlieconway    3
Chevy    3
CptGoosar    3
Crazylemire    3
CrazyMojito    3
Crunk    3
ctots    3
Dangles13    3
dankoa    3
DarkCanuck29    3
Dextaria    3
Dhoop    3
Dindog    3
dogwoodmaple    3
doritomancer    3
Drokeep    3
DrunkenTeddy    3
dude_man    3
Durden    3
efischermann    3
enigmatic    3
Evil_AllBran    3
Evok    3
Exilate    3
Eynhallow    3
Festinator    3
fever95    3
fishy    3
Fitted2106    3
FlappyGiraffe    3
Flowseidon    3
Fluw    3
G2019    3
gaby    3
GCool    3
Gifter of Bikes    3
goilers    3
golden_apricot    3
goldenglutes    3
GoonerBear    3
Gordon Bombay    3
grok    3
HabsFanFromOntario    3
HanTheMan_    3
Henrik    3
High Stick King    3
hockeyiscool    3
hotdog    3
Huck24    3
Inf1d3l    3
James Truong    3
jay2233    3
jaypc8237    3
JayWhy    3
Jepox    3
Jericson    3
JKortesi81    3
JNH    3
JohnnyPatey    3
JSS331    3
JT3    3
Jumbobone19    3
JuOSu    3
KaleSalad    3
karlssens    3
Kasterborous    3
kentakira    3
kenvald    3
Keven    3
Keygan    3
kikish18    2 TPE (under word count)
krazko    3
Kyamprac    3
LB3737    3
leafs1997    3
Leafs4ever    3
leafsftw1967    3
Leatherneckmike    3
Leppish    3
lespoils    3
leviadan    3
lilstifler    3
Lime    3
lmao    3
LordBirdman    3
Lorec    3
MamaB    3
marco999    3
mastersheep    3
Matteo    3
Mazatt    3
McAl95    3
mcpumpkin    3
Memento Mori    3
mer    3
micool132    3
Mooney    3
Mooty99    3
Mr. Finland    3
Muerto    3
Muford    3
Mutedfaith    3
natedoeshockey    3
Nhamlet    3
Nhlbeastmode_7777    3
Nike    3
NJBadApple    3
NorwegianDemon    3
notorioustig    3
notoriousTRON    3
NTG    3
Ohtaay    3
Opera_Phantom    3
OrbitingDeath    3
Otrebor13    3
Philliesphan96    3
Pickle Juice    3
ProjectSaint    3
Punk42AE    3
puolivalmiste    3
qWest    3
r1c3bowl22    2 TPE (under word count)
Ragnar    3
RAmenAmen    3
Rangerjase    3
Rankle    3
RashfordU    3
Raven    3
raymond3000    3
RenoJacksonHS    3
Renomitsu    3
retuperkele    3
Rich    3
Rindiee    3
roastpuff    3
RomanesEuntDomus    3
Ronniewalker    3
RotticusScott    3
rum_ham    3
sakrosankt    3
Salming    3
Sburbine    3
SchwarzNarr    3
Scrufdaddy    3
Sebster    3
Sergeantens    3
Serpe x 13    3
SewingWithNancy    3
Seymour    3
SFresh3    3
Shylo_Moxii    3
sköldpaddor    3
SlashACM    3
Snuffalupagus    3
spooked    3
StadiumGambler    3
Steelhead77    3
steveoiscool    3
sulovilen    3
supertardis101    3
sve7en    3
Symmetrik    3
TacocaT 2    3
takethehorizon    3
taterswc    3
Tayjay    3
Tesla    3
The Roope Hintz Effect    3
TheCC    3
TheFlash    3
Thelastheraclid    3
TheSparkyDee    3
thiefofcheese    3
Thunder39    3
Thunfish    3
Toast    3
Tomen    3
tommytightpants    2 TPE (under word count)
traphag    3
Trautner    3
Trempale    3
tweedledunn    3
Tylar    3
unconfident69    3
Urq660    3
ValorX77    3
Valpix    3
Vandy    3
Vaxlare    3
vic03    3
Vikian    3
visceralpotamus    3
Vulfzilla    3
Wearingabear    3
Weretarantula    3
Whitecap    3
Will3    3
WithTheMoose    3
Wongy    3
Yagoyi    3
Z-Whiz    3
zaynzk    3
zeagle1    3
Zombiewolf    3
Zomp    3
ZootTX    3

[Image: manh_sig6.png?width=499&height=542][Image: lebedev-sig.gif]
(This post was last modified: 04-04-2022, 11:40 AM by Lorec. Edited 1 time in total.)

The following may claim the tpe listed next to their name for PT#2: Deficit

3lewsers    3
5ympathies    3
ACapitalChicago    3
Accka    3
Acsolap    3
advenny4    3
AgentSmith630    2 (under word count)
Air Crou    3
ajwllmsn    3
Amidships    3
Ant    3
Arkz    3
artermis    3
Asked Madden    2 (under word count)
AW13    3
bbjygm    3
bdu754    3
BenDover    3
Benpachi    3
Bfine    3
bjkman    3
Blasoon    3
Bongo    3
brickwall35    3
Briedaqueduc    3
Buster    3
By-Tor    3
C9Van    3
CampinKiller    3
Canadice    3
canes2112    3
CapnCooper    3
CaptainCamel    3
Carpy48    3
CementHands    3
charlieconway    3
Chevy    3
ckroyal92    3
CptGoosar    3
CptSquall    3
Crazylemire    3
CrazyMojito    3
Crunk    3
ctots    3
Dangles13    3
dankoa    3
DarkCanuck29    3
Dextaria    3
Dindog    3
dogwoodmaple    3
Drokeep    3
DrunkenTeddy    3
Durden    3
efischermann    3
enigmatic    3
Evil_AllBran    3
Evok    3
Eynhallow    3
Faelax    3
fever95    3
Flowseidon    3
Fluw    3
G2019    3
gaby    3
GCool    3
Gifter of Bikes    3
golden_apricot    3
goldenglutes    3
GoonerBear    3
Gordon Bombay    3
HabsFanFromOntario    3
Henrik    3
High Stick King    3
hockeyiscool    3
honkerrs    3
hotdog    3
Huck24    3
James Truong    3
JayWhy    3
Jepox    3
Jericson    3
Jimmysmo27    3
JKortesi81    3
JohnnyPatey    3
JSS331    3
JT3    3
Julio Tokolosh    3
Jumbobone19    3
JuOSu    3
KaleSalad    3
karlssens    3
kentakira    3
Keven    3
Keygan    3
kikish18    3
krazko    3
Kyamprac    3
LB3737    3
leafs1997    3
Leafs4ever    3
leafsftw1967    3
Leatherneckmike    3
lespoils    2 (under word count)
leviadan    3
lilstifler    3
Lime    3
lmao    3
Lorec    3
marco999    3
mastersheep    3
Matteo    3
McAl95    2 (under word count)
mcpumpkin    3
Memento Mori    3
mer    3
micool132    3
Mooney    3
Mr. Finland    3
Muerto    3
Muford    3
Mutedfaith    3
natedoeshockey    3
NJBadApple    3
NorwegianDemon    3
notorioustig    3
notoriousTRON    3
Ohtaay    3
Opera_Phantom    3
OrbitingDeath    3
Otrebor13    3
petralikesbaseball    3
Philliesphan96    3
Pickle Juice    3
Punk42AE    3
puolivalmiste    3
Pythonic    3
qWest    3
r1c3bowl22    3
Ragnar    3
RAmenAmen    3
Rangerjase    3
Rankle    3
RashfordU    3
Raven    3
raymond3000    3
Redderder15    3
RenoJacksonHS    3
Renomitsu    3
retuperkele    3
Rich    3
Rindiee    3
roastpuff    3
RomanesEuntDomus    3
Ronniewalker    3
RotticusScott    3
rum_ham    3
sakrosankt    3
Salming    3
Sburbine    3
SchwarzNarr    3
Scrufdaddy    3
Sebster    3
Sergeantens    3
Serpe x 13    3
Seymour    3
SFresh3    3
Shylo_Moxii    3
sköldpaddor    3
SlashACM    3
Snussu    3
Sopath    3
Spartan    3
spooked    3
StadiumGambler    3
Steelhead77    3
steveoiscool    3
sulovilen    3
supertardis101    3
sve7en    3
Symmetrik    3
takethehorizon    3
taterswc    3
Tayjay    3
Tesla    3
the5urreal    3
TheFlash    3
Thelastheraclid    3
TheSparkyDee    3
thiefofcheese    3
Thunfish    3
Toast    3
tommytightpants    3
traphag    3
trashae    3
Trautner    3
Trempale    3
tweedledunn    3
Tylar    3
unconfident69    3
Urq660    3
ValorX77    3
Valpix    3
Vandy    3
Vaxlare    3
Vikian    3
visceralpotamus    3
Vulfzilla    3
WannabeFinn    3
Wearingabear    3
Whitecap    3
Will3    3
WithTheMoose    3
Wongy    3
Yagoyi    3
Z-Whiz    3
zaynzk    3
zeagle1    3
Zombiewolf    3
Zomp    3
ZootTX    3

[Image: manh_sig6.png?width=499&height=542][Image: lebedev-sig.gif]

The following players may claim 1 TPE for completing mPT #2: Dress Code. Congratulations to the 9 of you that said "nude" in some form. Honestly? Way fewer of you than I thought.

.Laser 1
3lewsers 1
5ympathies 1
academydropout 1
ACapitalChicago 1
Accka 1
Acsolap 1
advenny4 1
AgentSmith630 1
Air Crou 1
ajwllmsn 1
Amidships 1
Ant 1
Arkz 1
artermis 1
Asked Madden 1
AW13 1
bbjygm 1
bdu754 1
BenDover 1
Benpachi 1
Bfine 1
bjkman 1
Blasoon 1
Bongo 1
brickwall35 1
Briedaqueduc 1
Buster 1
By-Tor 1
C9Van 1
CampinKiller 1
Canadice 1
canes2112 1
CapnCooper 1
CaptainCamel 1
Carpy48 1
CementHands 1
charlieconway 1
Chevy 1
CptGoosar 1
CptSquall 1
Crazylemire 1
CrazyMojito 1
Crunk 1
ctots 1
Dangles13 1
dankoa 1
DarkCanuck29 1
Dextaria 1
Dhoop 1
dogwoodmaple 1
Drokeep 1
DrunkenTeddy 1
Durden 1
efischermann 1
enigmatic 1
Evil_AllBran 1
Evok 1
Eynhallow 1
Festinator 1
fever95 1
fishy 1
Flowseidon 1
Fluw 1
G2019 1
gaby 1
GCool 1
Gifter of Bikes 1
golden_apricot 1
goldenglutes 1
GoonerBear 1
Gordon Bombay 1
Grapehead 1
gurbs 1
HabsFanFromOntario 1
HanTheMan_ 1
Henrik 1
High Stick King 1
Highhaschdi 1
hockeyiscool 1
honkerrs 1
hotdog 1
Huck24 1
Inf1d3l 1
James Truong 1
JayWhy 1
Jepox 1
Jericson 1
JKortesi81 1
JohnnyPatey 1
joshuacorcorantwitch 1
JSS331 1
JT3 1
Julio Tokolosh 1
Jumbobone19 1
JuOSu 1
KaleSalad 1
karlssens 1
kentakira 1
kenvald 1
Keven 1
Keygan 1
kikish18 1
krazko 1
Kyamprac 1
LB3737 1
LB3737 1
leafs1997 1
Leafs4ever 1
leafsftw1967 1
Leatherneckmike 1
lespoils 1
leviadan 1
lilstifler 1
Lime 1
lmao 1
Locagiess 1
LordBirdman 1
Lorec 1
MamaB 1
marco999 1
mastersheep 1
Matteo 1
McAl95 1
mcgriddleluver 1
mcpumpkin 1
Memento Mori 1
mer 1
micool132 1
Mooty99 1
MP7 1
Mr. Finland 1
MrMom 1
Muerto 1
Muford 1
Mutedfaith 1
natedoeshockey 1
NJBadApple 1
NorwegianDemon 1
notorioustig 1
notoriousTRON 1
Ohtaay 1
Opera_Phantom 1
OrbitingDeath 1
Otrebor13 1
petralikesbaseball 1
Philliesphan96 1
Pickle Juice 1
Punk42AE 1
puolivalmiste 1
Pythonic 1
qWest 1
r1c3bowl22 1
Ragnar 1
RAmenAmen 1
Rangerjase 1
Rankle 1
RashfordU 1
Raven 1
raymond3000 1
Redderder15 1
RenoJacksonHS 1
Renomitsu 1
retuperkele 1
Rindiee 1
roastpuff 1
RomanesEuntDomus 1
Ronniewalker 1
RotticusScott 1
Ruggsy 1
rum_ham 1
sakrosankt 1
Salming 1
Sburbine 1
SchwarzNarr 1
Scrufdaddy 1
Sebster 1
Sergeantens 1
Seymour 1
SFresh3 1
Shylo_Moxii 1
sköldpaddor 1
SlashACM 1
Snussu 1
Sopath 1
Spartan 1
spooked 1
StadiumGambler 1
Steelhead77 1
steveoiscool 1
sulovilen 1
supertardis101 1
sve7en 1
Symmetrik 1
TacocaT 2 1
takethehorizon 1
taterswc 1
Tayjay 1
Tesla 1
The Roope Hintz Effect 1
the5urreal 1
TheFlash 1
Thelastheraclid 1
thiefofcheese 1
Thunder39 1
Thunfish 1
Toast 1
tommytightpants 1
traphag 1
trashae 1
Trautner 1
Trempale 1
tweedledunn 1
Tylar 1
UberBJ 1
unconfident69 1
Urq660 1
ValorX77 1
Valpix 1
Vandy 1
Vaxlare 1
vic03 1
Vikian 1
visceralpotamus 1
Vulfzilla 1
WannabeFinn 1
Wearingabear 1
Weretarantula 1
Whitecap 1
WithTheMoose 1
Wongy 1
wumaduce 1
Yagoyi 1
Z-Whiz 1
zaynzk 1
zeagle1 1
Zombiewolf 1
Zomp 1
ZootTX 1

[Image: rwKCnr6.png]
(This post was last modified: 04-07-2022, 12:32 PM by SlashACM. Edited 2 times in total.)

The following users can claim the TPE next to their name for Primetime #2, where the winners were Minnesota, Atlanta, and Edmonton on the March 28th sim
.Laser    2
3lewsers    1.5
5ympathies    1.5
aaronwilson    1
ACapitalChicago    1.5
Accka    1.5
Acsolap    1
advenny4    1.5
AgentSmith630    1.5
Air Crou    1
ajwllmsn    1.5
Aleris    1.5
Amidships    1.5
Arkz    1.5
artermis    1.5
Asked Madden    2
AW13    1.5
Azjha_59    1.5
bbjygm    1
bdu754    1
BenDover    2
Benpachi    2
Bfine    1.5
bjkman    1
Blasoon    1
brickwall35    1.5
Briedaqueduc    1.5
Bubba Tree    1.5
Buster    1.5
By-Tor    1
C9Van    2
caltroit_red_flames    1.5
CampinKiller    1.5
Canadice    2
canes2112    2
CapnCooper    1.5
CaptainCamel    1.5
Carpy48    1
CementHands    2
charlieconway    1
Chevy    1.5
Chris-McZehrl    1.5
CptGoosar    2.5
CptSquall    1.5
Crazylemire    2
CrazyMojito    2
Crunk    1.5
ctots    1.5
Dangles13    1.5
dankoa    2
DarkCanuck29    1.5
Dextaria    1.5
Dhoop    2
dogwoodmaple    2
doritomancer    1.5
DrB1gMack    1
Drokeep    1
DrunkenTeddy    1
dude_man    1.5
Durden    1
efischermann    1.5
enigmatic    1.5
Evil_AllBran    1.5
Evok    2
Eynhallow    1
Festinator    1.5
fever95    1.5
fishy    1
Fitted2106    1.5
FlappyGiraffe    2
Flowseidon    1.5
Fluw    1.5
G2019    1.5
gaby    1.5
GCool    1.5
Gifter of Bikes    2
goilers    1
golden_apricot    1.5
goldenglutes    1.5
GoonerBear    1
Gordon Bombay    1.5
Grapehead    1.5
greencityny    1.5
Grum    1.5
gurbs    1.5
HabsFanFromOntario    1.5
Halkohol    2
HanTheMan_    1.5
Henrik    1.5
High Stick King    1.5
Highhaschdi    1.5
hockeyiscool    1.5
honkerrs    1.5
hotdog    1.5
Huck24    1
Inf1d3l    1.5
James Truong    1.5
jay2233    1
jaypc8237    1.5
JayWhy    1.5
Jepox    1.5
Jericson    1.5
JKortesi81    2
JNH    2
JohnnyPatey    1.5
joshuacorcorantwitch    1.5
JSS331    2
JT3    1.5
juke    2
Jumbobone19    1.5
JuOSu    1.5
KaleSalad    1.5
karlssens    2
Kasterborous    1.5
kentakira    1.5
kenvald    2
Keven    1.5
Keygan    1.5
kikish18    2
Kraagenskul    1.5
krazko    1.5
Kyamprac    2
Kylrad    1
LB3737    2
leafs1997    1
Leafs4ever    2
leafsftw1967    1
Leatherneckmike    2
Leppish    2
lespoils    1
leviadan    1.5
lilstifler    1.5
Lime    1.5
lmao    1.5
LordBirdman    1.5
luke    1.5
MamaB    1.5
marco999    1.5
mastersheep    1.5
Matteo    1.5
Mazatt    1.5
McAl95    1.5
mcpumpkin    1.5
Memento Mori    1.5
mer    1.5
micool132    1.5
Mooney    2
Mooty99    1.5
Mr. Finland    1.5
Muerto    1
Muford    2
Mutedfaith    2
MyLittleHexx    1.5
natedoeshockey    2
Nerio    1.5
Nhamlet    1.5
Nhlbeastmode_7777    1.5
Nhlbeastmode_7777    1.5
Nike    1
NJBadApple    2
NorwegianDemon    1.5
notorioustig    1.5
notoriousTRON    1.5
NTG    2
O4L    1.5
Ohtaay    1.5
Opera_Phantom    1.5
OrbitingDeath    1
Otrebor13    2
petralikesbaseball    1.5
Pickle Juice    1
ProjectSaint    2.5
Punk42AE    1.5
puolivalmiste    1.5
Pythonic    2
qWest    1.5
r1c3bowl22    1.5
Ragnar    1.5
RAmenAmen    1.5
Rangerjase    2
Rankle    1.5
RashfordU    1
Raven    1.5
raymond3000    2
ReaperComePepegaAim    1.5
Redderder15    1
RenoJacksonHS    1
Renomitsu    1.5
retuperkele    1.5
Rich    1
Rindiee    2
roastpuff    1
RomanesEuntDomus    1.5
Ronniewalker    1.5
RotticusScott    1
Ruggsy    1.5
rum_ham    1.5
sakrosankt    1.5
Salming    1.5
Sburbine    1.5
SchwarzNarr    1.5
Scrufdaddy    1
Sebster    1
Sergeantens    1
Serpe x 13    1.5
SewingWithNancy    1.5
Seymour    2
SFresh3    1
Shylo_Moxii    2
sköldpaddor    1
SlashACM    2
Snuffalupagus    1.5
Snussu    2.5
Sopath    1.5
Spartan    1.5
spooked    2
StadiumGambler    1.5
Steelhead77    1.5
steveoiscool    1.5
sulovilen    1.5
supertardis101    1.5
sve7en    1.5
Symmetrik    1.5
TacocaT 2    1
takethehorizon    1.5
taterswc    1.5
Tayjay    1.5
Tesla    1.5
The Roope Hintz Effect    1.5
the5urreal    1.5
TheCC    1
TheFlash    1.5
Thelastheraclid    1.5
TheSparkyDee    1.5
TheSparkyDee    1.5
thiefofcheese    1.5
Thunder39    1.5
Thunfish    1.5
Toast    2
Tomen    1.5
tommytightpants    1.5
traphag    1.5
trashae    1.5
Trautner    2
Trempale    1.5
tweedledunn    1.5
Tylar    1.5
unconfident69    1.5
Urq660    1
ValorX77    1.5
Valpix    1
Vandy    1.5
Vaxlare    1.5
Velevra    1
vic03    1.5
Vikian    1
visceralpotamus    2
Vulfzilla    1
WannabeFinn    1.5
Wearingabear    1.5
Weretarantula    1.5
Whitecap    2
Will3    1.5
WithTheMoose    1.5
Wongy    1.5
wumaduce    1.5
Yagoyi    1.5
Z-Whiz    2
zaynzk    1.5
zeagle1    1.5
Zombiewolf    2
Zomp    1
ZootTX    1

[Image: unknown.png]

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