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Introduction to Sebastian Strange

First Article - Double Pay Please

<b><u><div align="center">Sebastian Strange Joins the SMJHL</div></u></b>

<div align="center">[Image: JBennDallas_672x412.jpg]</div>

Almost out of nowhere Sebastian Strange has joined the SMJHL, but one thing is for sure, his talent can not be denied. The 6’2”, 210-pound sniper is almost as quick footed as they come for an untrained rookie and he has an almost contagious enthusiasm for the game of hockey that can envelope a locker room.

However, that’s not his best quality, that’s his down to earth nature and realizing it will take effort, lots of effort to make the big leagues, but he’s up to the challenge. Take a look at a brief interview with Sebastian and make your own opinions:

Q: So why here, the SMJHL and why now?

A: I heard the SMJHL is the best junior league in the world, so that’s were I want to be, playing with and against the best, as that’s the only way to really challenge yourself and improve to be the best yourself. As for why now, because its time, time I took that next step forward in my goal of being a dominant player one day in the SHL, because let’s be honest, isn’t that every kids dream?

Q: So what is your goal in the SMJHL this year?

A: To learn and do what the coaches tell me to do. I’m not going to tell you score 20 or 30 goals or whatever you might normally hear from a sniper, because that will come on its own, if I do what the coach’s tell me. They know this game better then I do, so I need to do whatever it takes, which I will.

Q: Is there a SMJHL Team you want to join?

A: At this point, not really, as I don’t know the teams that well. Though I have talked with a couple people as soon as I signed up, but I’m still feeling out everything and I will make a decision tomorrow, as I don’t want to miss out on too much, as pre-season has already started.

Q: Do you feel you have missed out on somethings not being part of the draft and preseason?

A: I try not to look at what I might have missed, because I can’t change that, but what I have instead ahead of me, which is to prove myself to the team I sign with and my fellow teammates and the league.

Q: For prospective SMJHL teams, what can you tell them about yourself?

A: I’m a hard worker, I know it takes effort and energy to succeed in this league, and I am willing to put that effort in. I know I have to prove that, because actions speak louder then words, but all I ask is that I am given the chance to do that and I promise you I won’t disappoint.

Q: Does it matter to you what line you play on?

A: Nope, I missed the draft and at this point I am sure GM’s already have their rosters full, so if that means I have to be a fourth line grinder and prove to the coach’s what I can do then so be it. At the end of the day, I just want to play.

There you have it folks, Sebastian is looking at an opportunity to prove himself and by the looks of it could be a nice addition to a SMJHL’s teams roster this season.

To help make this easier on all you prospective GM’s, here are some of Sebastian’s characteristics:

Skating, Puck Handling, Scoring (65) – Sebastian is a sniper and the core of that is being able to skate fast, not lose control of the puck, when checked or when receiving a pass and lastly being able to pick the right spots on the goalie when shooting or deflecting the puck

Endurance (60) – Just slightly below the above attributes, Endurance is key for a sniper if you want to play big minutes, like on a top 1 or 2 line and on the power play, which Sebastian is hoping to earn by seasons end.

Strength (55) – Strength should not be overlooked as a sniper, as you often have to fight again bulking defenders to get to your spot on the ice, when checked or in front of the net for a deflection and the only way to win that spot is strength against strength.

Passing, Defence, Penalty Shot (50) – Though a sniper is about scoring he also needs to help the team, which includes passing when he doesn’t have a clean shot, getting in front of a shot if it will help prevent a goal and lastly when it comes down to deciding a game in a penalty shot situation.

Faceoff, Checking (40) – Sebastian is not a center and therefore will likely never work in this skillset (face-offs). Checking on the other hand is something Sebastian has to work on, but it doesn’t come easy for him, as he would much rather be in a good defensive position, then physically dislodge the puck from the opposing player.

Hopefully that makes it easier for you GM’s and Sebastian looks forward to hearing from you all!

But before we let you go we had some questions from our fan mailbag:

Q:Any long term goals for Sebastian Strange?

Strange : My long term goals are to have a successful SHL career, but that is a long ways away. My more immediate plans are to prove to my teammates that I will battle with them throughout the year and together hopefully we can accomplish something special.

Q:If you had to compare yourself to one NHL player who would it be and why?

Strange : Great question, and this might sound weird (even strange...) but I think of myself as a Jagr type of player, nose to the grindstone and day in and day out works his butt off to be the best he can be, never giving up.

Q:Have you considered playing for team Canada one day?[/b]

Strange: You always dream of playing for your country, but that is an honour I have to earn, so I am going to try and take the first steps towards that a day at a time.

Q:How many season do you hope to play in the SMJHL before being called up to the SHL?

Strange: At least a couple, maybe even three, as I want to be skilled enough to make an impact when I finally earn a roster spot in the bigs

Q:How do you plan to stand out among a strong S28 Rookie class?

Strange : There is so much talent out there that the only way to separate yourself is by listening to the coaches, doing what they ask and working hard, day in and day out. If you want it bad enough you have to work harder then the next guy, because their just as good as you are or they wouldn't need in this league.

<b><div align="center">Finally we have some Breaking News!!</div></b>

Sebastian Strange has decided and finally accepted a contract from the St.Louis Scarecrows!

Sebastian mentioned he had many quality offers and was torn between teams, but the deciding factor came down to a couple main factors.

The first was helpfulness of TML99 and the rest of the Scarecrows, answering any questions i had, not that the other teams didn't also show the willingness to help, TML99 just went above and beyond to make sure i knew where to go and what to do. That was awesome!

Lastly, it came down to the offer. I wasn't looking for 1st line minutes, because i'm not skilled enough yet to take on that role against seasoned veterans, this would just expose my weaknesses which i need time to work on. Ideally, I was looking for top 6 minutes and Power play time, which a couple teams offered.

I also wanted a max dollar contract to help with training and unfortunately, that could not be offered by all teams.

So in the end, it comes down to where i felt most comfortable and that was St.Louis!

~1350 words

Nice job! Towel

Just a tip, your first media is worth double, so if you can, try and stretch it out some more.

Great first step in the league!

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[Image: 95lCCDx.png]

[Image: iXI1ET6.png]

Thanks, i will try and do that tomorrow, but now it time to get some sleep Smile

Your off to a great start!


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Quote:Originally posted by Bishop@Mar 21 2016, 12:27 AM
Thanks, i will try and do that tomorrow, but now it time to get some sleep Smile

One thing that many do is open it up for questions from the audience. Some of us will ask normal questions and others.... well you'll see. Wink

[Image: SS19INy.jpg]

[Image: d9J5DHT.png]  [Image: 16PgOBm.png]


Great first article dude!

Like jaladolar said your first article is worth double pay, sometimes it helps to add more content if you open it up to the forum for questions Smile


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[Image: qp9sjzw.png] [Image: QPhJjnn.png] [Image: cz7Q1LV.png] [Image: RapExQb.png] [Image: sXGJ3Yn.png]
[Image: aasdAwo.png]

Canada Update Thread | Player Page Canada

Welcome Bishop

[Image: 2JcMUJm.png]

Thanks everyone for the feedback!

I am officially opening this thread up for questions, but I am at work so don't expect immediate replies, though I will reply to all questions prior to making my decision on where I will be playing this season.

Great read, would love to have you on our team Smile

Evan Winter
Edmonton Blizzard
Player Page - Update Page

[Image: winter-500.png]

Interview Any long term goals for Sebastian Strange?
Interview If you had to compare yourself to one NHL player who would it be and why?
Interview Have you considered playing for team Canada one day?
Interview How many season do you hope to play in the SMJHL before being called up to the SHL?
Interview How do you plan to stand out among a strong S28 Rookie class?

[Image: giphy.gif]

[Image: qp9sjzw.png] [Image: QPhJjnn.png] [Image: cz7Q1LV.png] [Image: RapExQb.png] [Image: sXGJ3Yn.png]
[Image: aasdAwo.png]

Canada Update Thread | Player Page Canada

Strange article.. Hmm
Ilike Good luck, man! Help us make this draft class a blast.

[Image: 0OAAUwi.png]

Thank you for the questions and the delay in me getting back to you (work has been busy).

Any long term goals for Sebastian Strange?

Strange : My long term goals are to have a successful SHL career, but that is a long ways away. My more immediate plans are to prove to my teammates that I will battle with them throughout the year and together hopefully we can accomplish something special.

If you had to compare yourself to one NHL player who would it be and why?

Strange : Great question, and this might sound weird (even strange...) but I think of myself as a Jagr type of player, nose to the grindstone and day in and day out works his butt off to be the best he can be, never giving up.

Have you considered playing for team Canada one day?

Strange: You always dream of playing for your country, but that is an honour I have to earn, so I am going to try and take the first steps towards that a day at a time.

How many season do you hope to play in the SMJHL before being called up to the SHL?

Strange: At least a couple, maybe even three, as I want to be skilled enough to make an impact when I finally earn a roster spot in the bigs

How do you plan to stand out among a strong S28 Rookie class?

Strange : There is so much talent out there that the only way to separate yourself is by listening to the coaches, doing what they ask and working hard, day in and day out. If you want it bad enough you have to work harder then the next guy, because their just as good as you are or they wouldn't need in this league.

Plug your answer into the OP so you can get paid for them Cheers

I will be making my announcement on what team I will be signing with tonight when I get home from work.

I want to add it to the OP and giving my reasons as it will be a really tough choice as there are many great teams and all of them sound promising.


In an effort to not miss any playing time and to assist my team as much as possible I have accepted the contract offered by the Scarecrows!

I will post my reasons later, but it was extremely close


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