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The Legacy of Aronne Zamloch

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First Article and Not ready for grading
<div align="center">Mic check 1..2..1....2... *cough* Ahemmm
Good evening folks and welcome to tonight episode of Scouting Central. We have a special treat for you all this evening *drum roll*, the player you've all been waiting for Aronne Zamloch. Now I am sure you are all aware of who this Austrian sniper is, for those that don't you may know him by his nickname SSG 69, nicknamed after the standard miltary issue sniper rifle. Aronne was born and raised in Austria to a poor family. They struggled to get by and provide to pay for his hockey growing up. That is when Gustav Berger came in. He funded the boys hockey career and honed his skills. The spent hours upon hours rifling pucks at targets with extreme precision. At a young age of thirteen he won the accuracy competition in all of Austria. He was leader goal scorer every season aside from the year he had to take off due to personal issues at home. His offensive prowess is almost matched by his willingness to put in the extra mile in his own zone. Introducing Aronne Zamloch!
[Image: 25z2mv9.jpg]

Interviewer:Welcome Aronne, please have a seat

Zamboch: Thanks for having me Doug.

Interviewer: Well lets get right into it as we have multiple questions for you tonight. What do you feel was your biggest reason for your success?

Zamboch: Well Gustav would have to be the reason. Without him I wouldn't even be able to play hockey. He is basically an investor in children. He sees potential in children and offers fiances to help hone and develop their talents. In return he asks for compensation only if you make it big with your gifted abilities. The place we would practice most is a vast lake because whenever I would miss the corners of the net it was a long skate to retrieve the puck.

[Image: 153896r.jpg]

Interviewer: Sounds like your skating also was improved with this method! What do you feel you can bring to a team coming in as a free agent?

Zamboch: Definitely my offensive play. My ability to find seams in defense men and goaltenders. I feel as though my mind reacts naturally before even I know what I plan to do. It all just comes naturally to me

Interviewer: That is quite the trait to have! What would you say your biggest accomplishment is thus far?

Zamboch: Probably my 78 goal campaign last season I was actually playing with a team that was two years above my age. I remember one game where I went on to score 7 goals with 7 shots.

Interviewer: You must have been quite the hot shot at school. Was it difficult having a social life and playing/practicing hockey the way you did?

Zamboch: I had to take priorities. Someone invested their earnings into me and it wouldn't be right if I didn't give everything I had in return. So no my social life wasn't affected but that is because my life was and still is hockey. I live breathe and sleep hockey. I remember as a child falling asleep with a hockey stick in my hands because I was pretending to stick handle as I fell asleep. More than anything I am just grateful for the opportunity.

Interviewer: A classy response for a classy player. Any idea where you might sign?

Zamboch: I'm given all teams a look to see where I might best fit in. I'd rather go help a team that really could appreciate me as opposed to a team whose scooping me up so others can't. I just love to play, and wherever I feel I can best achieve that will be the team I choose

Interviewer: What do you feel is your biggest weak or thing that can prevent you from moving forward?

Zamboch: There is a lot of things that generally prevent a person from being successful, one is ego. You have to keep your attitude positive but not cocky. Also staying on top of training is huge! I really need to focus on just working hard and keep myself at the peak of my ability

Interviewer: I appreciate your time and lets wrap this up by taking some questions from the audience!</div>
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Question:There's a stereotype that european snipers tend to be disruptive forces in the locker room or lazy individuals. How do you intend to break that stereotype?

Zamboch: Good question though I feel that is as you stated just a stereotype. I am a hard working player both ends of the ice. I train hard to make sure I have enough energy to help on both ends of the rink. As for the locker room; I am a very friendly person. I might be a bit quiet at times, but that is because I am deep concentration about that days game. I feel I play best if I focus on what I need to bring to help the team most. So to break the stereotype I'll simply remain myself as I fit neither of those assumptions about european snipers.

Question:Coming in a week after the draft puts you at a bit of a TPE disadvantage with your rookie classmates. Do you think you have the perseverance to make up for your late start?
Second question: Would you rather go to a team where you're likely to win, or one where you're likely to get more playing time and have a greater impact?

Zamboch: Another solid question, I have had the drive my whole life to be the best I could be. I haven't trained this hard or this long to fall behind because someone might have an advantage. It just will require me to shoot harder, skate faster, and play stronger than the rest. Though the first week will take a hit, in the long run I'm sure I can pull ahead. For your other question, it isn't so much winning or ice team but a team I feel will help shape me into the player I've trained to be. I'm looking for a team that will mold me into the best player and hopefully the most feared sniper in the league. I have been pushed my whole life playing against other players that were supposed to be better than me and succeeded. Team chemistry isn't only an on ice thing but management as well. So I will definitely be in talks with the teams I feel best fit my style

Question: Are you a Panthers fan?

Zamboch: I don't cheer for any team in particular. I don't want my personal preferences affect me in anyway. My dream isn't to play for one team but to play for a team. The panthers are great, as are all other organizations! Though yes my tattoo does have palmtrees and hockey stick in it does not mean anything about what my team choice is!

Question: Walk us through a typical morning of Arrone Zambach

Zamboch: Well now we are getting personal! A typical morning for me is to usually wake up first. Then I would begin with a run usually down to the pro shop to get my skates sharpened. The distance is about 5km both ways. After returning home, I generally turn on the hockey highlights while I make myself a hearty breakfast typically involving eggs. Usually after an hour or so I would head out to the lake and do 10 laps to get warmed up. I would then proceed to use my one puck and stick handle around the lake a few times dodging the bumps as obstacles. After that the it was target practice. I only use one puck so that way if I miss I have to go and retrieve it. Generally first ice time of the day I'll spend about 3 hours if it isn't too cold of course

Questions:What song(s) do you listen to in order to get hyped for a game?
What is your favourite pre-game meal?
Any superstitions?

Zamboch: I have a list of song I could say for hype before pre game. I will gladly list a few; I love gonna go far kid, In too deep was a childhood favourite, basically anything by the offspring to be honest, Till its gone by yelawolf is good too. Favourite pre game meal is easy, had me a bowl of KD everyday of the week man, provide me with a chocolate muffin and you got the perfect pre game meal for me! I do have one "superstition" but I refer to it more of a ritual. I have to first get changed up to my bottoms including skates then go stand outside by the rink until 10 minutes before game. The other one I have to hit the cross bar in warm up with a slap shot! Something about the ringing of the cross bar before game just hypes me up!

Interviewer: Hold up just a minute, I just received word that you have actually accepted a contract offer while on the show?!

Zamboch: Indeed I was fortunate enough to receive offers from many great teams. After speaking with all of the general managers and co general managers. I was able to reduce my list to a few teams. I spoke with my agent about what option would best fit my needs. After a long discuss before the show I had him contact the two teams that we felt would fit best. He narrowed it down for me to the single best fitting team. I am excited for the chance to play for a well renown organization, and cannot wait to contribute anyway I can. The team that I decide to sign with is none other than the Kelowna Knights! I can't wait to lace up for them, and prove that I will be willing to work harder than everyone to be the best I can.

Interview There's a stereotype that european snipers tend to be disruptive forces in the locker room or lazy individuals. How do you intend to break that stereotype?

“The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. ... There are neither beginnings nor endings to the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning.”

[Image: HFFO.gif]



Interview Coming in a week after the draft puts you at a bit of a TPE disadvantage with your rookie classmates. Do you think you have the perseverance to make up for your late start?

Interview Would you rather go to a team where you're likely to win, or one where you're likely to get more playing time and have a greater impact?

(also Cheers solid first article, welcome to the league)

Interview Are you a Panthers fan?

RIP Mac & 701


Walk us through a typical morning of Arrone Zambach.

“The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. ... There are neither beginnings nor endings to the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning.”

[Image: HFFO.gif]



What song(s) do you listen to in order to get hyped for a game?
What is your favourite pre-game meal?
Any superstitions?

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[Image: d9J5DHT.png]  [Image: 16PgOBm.png]




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