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S29 Championship Week S29

TASK ONE: (worth 3 TPE)

Welcome back for overtime here in game 5 of the Western Conference first round between the Texas Renegades and Edmonton Blizzard. We are just over five minutes into this overtime period and it has been a thriller to this point.

Edmonton carries up the puck, Chico Salmon passes over to Pedro Sarantez who shoots! BIG SAVE by Ogorodnikov!

Now Texas flies into the Edmonton zone led by captain Liam Kinsler. Kinsler is bumped off the puck but able to recover and get it back.

Kinsler pulls up, stunning just about everyone on the ice. He looks over across ice where he dishes a nice saucer pass to Sterling Knight who shoots....

AND HE SCORES!!!!! Sterling Knight ends the game off a beautiful dish from Kinsler! The Texas Renegades survive and are taking this series to 6 games!

The Edmonton crowd is absolutely stunned. The underdog Renegades are not making this series an easy one, and Knight's goal has shown that.

See you in a couple of days for game 6!

TASK TWO: (worth 3 TPE)

A standout player during the regular season for the Calgary Dragons was Nicholas Pedersen. No longer a rookie, Pedersen really took the next step this season as he finished second on the Dragons with 48 points on 17 goals and 31 assists. Also a huge key in Pedersen's game throughout the regular season was his +/- number, which finished at a solid +6.

All three of the stats above have been translated to Pedersen's playoff performance. He has been a point per game player as he helped lead his team to the finals. In 16 games played, Pedersen has 16 points. Thus far, he has an even 8 goals and 8 assists. Also, Pedersen has kept up a solid +/- as he currently holds a +5 rating.

The 16 points for Pedersen are currently tied for first on the team. The 8 goals scored in the playoffs are tied for first on the Dragons as well. THe +5 rating for Pedersen is good for third on the Dragons. When analyzing all of the stats, it is obvious why the Dragons are doing so well and why they are in the finals.

If the Dragons want to win it all this season, they are going to need Pedersen to keep this production up. If he does, he will be up for finals MVP, and look for Pedersen to be in the MVP contention for seasons to come.

TASK THREE: (worth 3 TPE)

The pivotal moment we will be revisiting is in game 6 of the first round series between the Texas Renegades and Edmonton Blizzard. With the game tied at 3 early in the third period, Clayton Goode of the Blizzard scored to put the Blizzard ahead, who never looked back and went on to win the game and the series.

But what if Goode did not score? Instead, let's imagine that Rick James of the Texas Renegades scored that go ahead goal. James would have netted it, celebrated with the team, and the Renegades may have been the ones who were celebrating by the end of the game.

To really get deeper into this scenario, we also need to understand the future implications had the Renegades won the game. With that game ending the series in six, the Renegades could have taken it to seven games had it been James, and not Goode, who scored that third period goal.

Once the Renegades took it to seven games, truly anything could have happened. The Renegades could have gained a ton of momentum and took it on the road to move on to the next round. Unfortunately, Renegades fans will never know what could have been. It is fun to imagine the "what ifs" but in the end, we only know what actually happened.

TASK FOUR: (worth 3 TPE)

Krysztof Kowalski never thought he would experience the greatest feeling in the world of holding the cup. It had been his dream since he was a young boy in Poland. But now, it has happened, and he gets to do whatever he wants during his day with the cup.

Back in Poland, he went to the capital of Warsaw where thousands gathered to celebrate the day with Kowalski. At the parade, Kowalski stood atop a tall float with the cup overhead. The thousands of fans cheered, donning their mix of red and Texas Renegades attire.

It was an experience Kowalski would never forget. But the moment he truly could not wait for was back at his home. With his family and close friends at his home, they drank Kowalski's favorite American beer, Busch Light. While his friends hated the American beer, it did not matter to Kowalski because he was having so much fun.

It truly was the perfect day for Krysztof Kowalski. Not only did he get to celebrate with his close friends and family, but with the entire city of Warsaw.

In the end, Kowalski could not wait to bring the cup back to Texas. In Texas, Kowalski would give it up to whomever was next. Kowalski could just think about what he will do next season when he gets it again.

task one:

"There's just over 2 minutes remaining in the second period here in Hamiltion, and the Dragons have a 2-0 lead over the host Steelhawks in a tied Challenge Cup finals series. Simons and Anrikkanen line up in the Hamilton zone for the faceoff, and Anrikkanen wins it clean toward the half wall. Pedersen picks up the loose puck and cuts quickly toward the slot....fires a shot, off of Cant....right to Zoidberg! Zoidberg SCORREEESSSSSSSSSSSSS! Sachimo Zoidberg picks up the loose puck on the unlucky bounce off of Brandon Cant and buries it. Tanner had no chance on that one, as Zoidberg was left all alone to the side of the cage and ripped it home, and the Dragons are up THREEEEE to nothing! It's never too late for a comeback, but all of the momentum is with the Calgary Dragons right now. They're firing on all cylinders and look to have this game well in hand."

task two

task three

task four:

Before game seven of the Challenge Cup Finals, rough and tumble stay at home defender Jack Burton addressed his teammates in the Seattle Riot locker room. "Just remember what ol' Jack Burton does when the earth quakes, and the poison arrows fall from the sky, and the pillars of Heaven shake. Yeah, Jack Burton just looks that big ol' storm right square in the eye and he says, "Give me your best shot, pal. I can take it."

As the game got heated, deadlocked at zero late in the second period, Burton put a thunderous check on West Kendall's Slappy McDoodle, causing gloves to go flying in every direction as a full on line brawl erupted. By the time things settled down, the officials decided to add the final 2 seconds of the second period onto the third, and the players headed to the locker rooms. With most of the physical players serving 15 minutes in penalties, the third period was a quiet, back and forth affair, and the game went into overtime, still tied at zero. Seattle's coach, Christoph Klose, spoke to his team during the intermission. "Play smart, play safe, and god dammit Jack, stay in your own zone. If you cross their blue line, I'm stapling you to the bench for the rest of your natural life."

Eight minutes into overtime, Jack Burton snatches up a rebound in his own zone and blazes up ice. The Seattle crowd goes wild as the rugged defender puts on a stickhandling clinic before casually dumping the puck into the gaping maw of the net. Seattle wins, 1-0, and captures their second Challenge Cup!

Jack Burton, hero of game 7, is the second player to touch the Cup. The crowd erupts again as the grizzled hero raises the chalice above his head. As he skates by that dweeb Pierre McGuire, he grabs the microphone and announces his intentions:

"Okay. You people sit tight, hold the fort and keep the home fires burning. And if we're not back by dawn... call the president. This Cup is coming with me back home to California, and we're having dinner at the Dragon of the Black Pool in San Francisco China Town."

Task one:
This playoffs, take home your own huggable version of Steelhawks rookie call-up, Casper Jakobsson!

[Image: ufTAC4o.jpg]

Task two:

[Image: L9jeRQ9.jpg]

TASK THREE: (worth 3 TPE)

The moment: Dean Colt scores the series-clinching goal for Hamilton in game 6 against the West Kendall Platoon. This goal, obviously pivotal, clinching a current cup final team their berth into the second round, could have played out in an incredibly different fashion. West Kendall, who had been slipping in their two previous showings, dropping games 4 and 5 3-1 and 5-2, put up a great fight to take this one to overtime. Had it, instead of Colt, been the Platoon’s Ales Smirnov who scored the overtime goal, it could have had a monumental impact on not just that series, but the playoffs as a whole. A West Kendall team who had clearly regained some of the momentum they lost for games 4 and 5 could take the Hamilton Steelhawks to 7, and it wouldn’t be a stretch to imagine them taking the series. A West Kendall who find the momentum to take Hamilton to 7 and take the series are a West Kendall who would have met Toronto with energy and fight. A fired up West Kendall versus a well-rested but maybe rusty Toronto team, out of the habit of playing after they swept Minnesota in round 1, would certainly have been an interesting match-up to witness. Obviously we’ll never know what would have been, but if Dean Colt hadn’t scored that overtime goal in game 6? It could very well be the Platoon in the final right now.

Word count: 240

TASK FOUR: (worth 3 TPE)

Unlike how he spent his cup day after taking the Four Star Cup home with the Montreal Militia in S28, Bennett Jones chose to spend his cup day with family in Wales this time. While he commented that he would have liked the opportunity to have shared this cup day with his former coach and the young players coming up through the same system to which he owes so much, Jones pointed out that he also owes a lot to his Aunt Aneira. The speed with which Jones moves on the ice played a crucial component in the Wolfpack’s successful cup run. It only seemed fitting then, that he should take the cup to the speedtrack where he spent so many of his summers training. Being surrounded by family isn’t going to put a crimp in Jones’ style. A little bit older this time around, he joked that there may be less consumption of juice and cereal out of the cup, and more champagne this time. For a celebration like this one, I don’t think anyone faults the young forward for a little indulgence. With a public celebration at the speedtrack, and then an intimate evening at home with family - where an amusing blend of Finnish, Welsh, and Norwegian are being spoken - makes for a great cup day. Hopefully Jones will see several more as the young forward is still ramping up toward the prime of his career.

Word count: 238

Task 1 - Written
268 words

We're back in Minnesota's defensive zone for a faceoff after that icing by Reginald Howard. Dane Rowe will be up against Chernika Banananov as Toronto are up 1 nothing. Rowe wins the faceoff and the puck goes to Barney Stinson, passes across to Lukas Johnson who takes the puck to the boards. He passes to Nicholas Flamel and it's intercepted by Gerrard. Minnesota will have chance to even it up here half way through the 1st period. Gerrard passes to Banananov who shoots past Stinson and zones in on Hater. Banananov shoots!!! But misses the net and bounces into the corner. Banananov attempts to recover the puck but is checked by Johnson who scrambled to get back on defense. Johnson grabs the puck and quickly passes it up ice to King who dekes left of Howard and takes it into Minnesota's defensive zone. Reay goes in for a check but misses King from an amazing deke. This guy's spectacular. Howard closes in on King, King throws the puck in front of Andersson, Rowe's open and he SCORES!!! number 89 Dane Rowe with his first ever playoff goal. What a tip past Andersson I mean, D'amour was all over him and he sees the open slot and takes it. King notices and makes a hard pass to Rowe who catches it with his stick to make a deflect in the net. Andersson had no chance on that one. It just happen to quick to even know what was going on. Rowe comes up big for the stars and gives them the lead, 2 nothing here in the 1st period.

Task 2 - Written
295 words

Player: Pedro Sarantez

Pedro Sarantez started the season with Minnesota and played with them for 26 games, racking up 25 points. He saw himself being traded to the Edmonton Blizzards halfway through the season and without a doubt, was great for his points. He only played 23 games but happened to collect 32 points to add to his career and a great start with his new team.

During all the action of the playoffs, he was a dynamic player throughout round 1 and round 2. He went in hard to give his team the victories everytime, producing 14 points in only 13 game.

Another great stat he had in the regular season was his plus/minus, having +32 along with Theo Kane who also had +32. Having players like them on your team adds value beyond words.

In the playoff, he managed to stay up over even with a +4 under his belt. Might have been a little low compared to in the season but no matter what it is, it's always great to stay positive in a nervous situation we call playoffs.

Minutes Played
His minutes were one of the highest on his team. Even though he was there for half a season, he had played 527 minutes for the Blizzards and in total, had 1249 minutes from Edmonton and Minnesota combined. He also had a higher average minutes played with Minnesota with 27.76, Edmonton 22.92.

The playoffs are a critical time for any player and having them on or off the ice can sometimes make history or an terrible fate. Sarantez 299 minutes in 13 games well having an average of 23.00 per game. Still lived up to his name well being a high valued player and a great new asset for Edmonton.

Task 3 - Written

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Andren Akerson (Present)
Adrik Baranov (S55 to S70)
Rurik Razin (S32 to S44)
Roy Razin (S17 to S32) (HOF/Rage HOF)
Audun Wissink (S5 to S15)

TASK ONE: (worth 3 TPE)

Graphic: Come up with a giveaway item! It could be a rally towel, a playoff themed poster, a t-shirt, even a bobblehead! Must include a team logo

[Image: NHFp87H.png]

TASK TWO: (worth 3 TPE)

Graphic: Make a graphic comparing the MVP of the playoffs so far with his or her performance last playoffs (or during the regular season if they didn’t make the playoffs last season). Must include at least 3 stats, a player render and the team logo

[Image: CAuImkS.png]

TASK THREE: (worth 3 TPE)

Graphic: Create a mockup of the front page of a newspaper with the result of what you think the most important game in the playoffs has been so far. You will not be marked on what the article says, if you choose to include the article. Feel free to write nonsense, you’ll be graded on the overall look of the mockup.

[Image: uqCv81k.png]

TASK FOUR: (worth 3 TPE)

Written: Your player has won the Challenge Cup! Write 200 words about what he or she does on his or her Cup day. (This applies even to players whose teams didn’t make the playoffs)

Allen's day with the Challenge Cup would be the epitome of all things Challenge Cup. First thing is first, I'd eat a huge ass breakfast of Apple Jacks right out the top of that mother fucker. As soon as that's done, I'd take it with me to the bathroom where I'd take my morning constitution and rest my cell phone in the cup so I wouldn't have to hold onto it. From there, we would head to the strip club where all the toothless ladies with stretchmarks would assuredly be all over my championship dick. From then on, we'd do an absurd amount of cocaine and have weird orgies. Hopefully midgets would be involved and I'd get to shove the Challenge cup up a girls' ass. After that, we'd go to In N Out or Del Taco and get smashed on some food. I think I'd rather go to In N Out because their burgers are the fucking best, but the In N Out's in Texas are shaky at best, so we'd probably go to Del Taco. We'd go to bed cuddling (I'd be the big spoon, of course) and I'd have a wet dream about the Challenge Cup. Word.


The goal I will be writing about occurred in Game 6 of the Texas Renegades, Edmonton Blizzard series. Frederick Muller was fighting for the puck in the corner. Digging against the boards grinding against his opponents Muller vicious fought for control of the puck. Things were getting physical when the puck broke free and headed across the ice. Muller sprinted across the ice knocking the snow that have built up on the blade of his hockey stick. Reaching the blue line he begin to handle the puck back and forth sprinting down the ice. As he reached center ice sweat begin to sting his eyes as he looked down towards the net. Struggling to see the net through the sweat and the fog that had become to form. Then Frederick Muller reach deep into his soul and aim for the net and released the puck with the utmost accuracy and the puck trickled into the empty net.

~157 words


Slappy McDoodle was definitely a surprise this 29th season. Slappy had an amazing season having 223 hits in 50 games for an average of almost 4.5 hits per game. Along with his physical game his offisive game also vastly improved, he averaged 0.8 points per game. Those points consisted of 16 goals and 25 assists for a staggering 41 points. Slappy also exhibited good defensive skills on the ice and that was reflected with his plus minus, that being a plus 3 for the season. Although Slappy’s amazing regular-season could not carry into the playoffs. The West Kendall platoons postseason was cut short when they ran into the Hamilton Steelhawks in the first round. Granted the platoon fought them in six games they still fell short of beating the Steelhawks. Slappy himself struggled in the postseason only averaging 0.16 points per game with zero goals and one assist in the entire 6 games played. Slappy’s defensive game was also off once the playoffs began, his plus-minus after the six games resulted in Slappy Being a minus 6. Slappy was still somewhat physical in the postseason averaging 3.3 hits a game, but not as good as his near 4.5 per game average during the regular season. Another stat that jumps out in the postseason as being impacted, is his shots per game. During the regular season Slappy was averaging 2.4 shots per game but once the postseason began his average diminished to 1.8. Slappy McDoodle had a fantastic regular season but as the postseason begin Slappy skills seem to diminish as did was the Platoons hopes of a long post season.

~270 words


The pivotal moment that I am choosing to write about was when Randy Randleman scored in the third period of game 7 between Edmonton and Calgary. What if Randy had made a bad pass as opposed to a game-winning goal it could have resulted in Frederick Mueller having another amazing empty-net goal. What if losing that series really was Randy’s fault. Would Randy ever live it down if it really was “Randy’s fault”? If the Blizzard had somehow mustered up the strength to thwart Randleman’s offensive prowess and score of themselves allowing Mueller another empty-net goal they could have drastically changed the SHL finals. More than likely Edmonton would be reinvigorated to defend the challenge cup in the finals. Would another round of the playoffs have brought more life into Theo Kane, Chico Solomon Jackson Rogers-Tanaka? As for the Dragons, Esa would begin crying to his doctor about how is performance-enhancing chicken parm sandwiches failed him. He would also more than likely fire the entire coaching and training staff. Alex Mack would continue his never-ending vagina safari. And I believe the Steelhawks would come into the finals with a little more fear in their eyes as they realize they were facing the defending champions. One thing that would be probably be the same for the SHL finals if it Edmonton represented the west versus Calgary, the jet lag from would be about the same.

~234 words


So Big Manius has in his possession of the challenge cup for the second time in his career and you want to know how he’d spend the day with it. First he would start off the day by filling it with milk then pour in some cereal and then enjoy his breakfast. Once Manius is finished with his breakfast he would need to follow that with a mimosa drunk from The Challenge Cup. After that he would drive around Winnipeg with The Challenge cup riding shotgun, with Manius’s newborn child, Little Manius bathing in the Cup. After dropping the child at daycare (Baby Momma will have to get him later) it’s off to the strip club with the challenge cup. At which point breasts of various sizes would be jammed into the Challenge Cup. After that Manius would probably do some charity work, the Jets like him to do that so he would visit a children’s hospital with the challenge cup. Once the charity work is completed in the cup as disinfected. It would be off to dinner and Manius would like to have a shrimp cocktail served in the challenge cup as an appetizer. After the cocktail is finished the cup would need to be quickly clean so it can be used as goblet for the rest of his meal. After that it would time for a good cigar and no the cup would not be used as an ashtray. After the cigar it would be off to bed to sleep with the cup yet again.

~257 words

Jets Falcons norway

[Image: bonk.gif]
Sigs by @FlappyGiraffe,  @Steelhead77,  @ToeDragon84, @slothfacekilla, @Wasty and other dude I need to find your name

Lil' Manius

Big Manius


Task 1:
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Task 2:
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Task 3:
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Task 4:
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StarsnorwayRenegades // PLAYER PAGE || UPDATES \\ RenegadesnorwayStars


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Bubba Nuck is a rugged defenceman who previously played on the Hamilton Steelhawks, now he sits ready to do everything in his power to eliminate his former team from the playoffs. Nuck bounced around the SHL a bit and had stints at forward before finally settling back into his familiar role on defence and the results are surely something that made Calgary happy with the transition.

Nuck managed to score 33 points in 50 games this year and has only ramped up production in the playoffs with 16 points in 16 games which makes him tied for team lead. Nuck looks to have sacrificed some shot blocks in exchange for offence, his 61 in the regular season were good for second while in the playoffs he has fallen to third and only has 15 in 16 games. I'm sure the coaches will take the offence but having over a block a game goes a long way in the win column. As of right now Nuck has the exact same plus minus in the playoffs as he did in the regular season. Plus fourteen. Considering he has that in 34 less games is very impressive and it further shows that Nuck is ramping up his play in the playoffs. Can Nuck be the catalyst that knocks the Steelhawks out of the playoffs?


Theo Kane has just scored his 6th goal of the playoffs and his teammates are screaming as they leap over the boards to join the 5 players already cheering with their goalie Jakub Aittokallio. Kane has continued his torrid pace since well into the playoffs and Edmonton has just eliminated the Calgary Dragons and is poised to make some history. Last season marked the first time an SHL goalie had won the Challenge Cup 3 times and now Jakub has a chance to win his 4th and further cement his already legendary career.

"I don't really think he even thinks about that stuff. He just wants a chance to win, winning is all that matters to him and the team. We've battled hard to get here but we know there is so much more to go if we want to be crowned champions."

An excited Jackson Rogers-Tanaka delivers that quote when asked about his goalie's possible milestone victory. Aitto's laser like focus is on display as he gives us a brief interview, the same focus that has allowed the Blizzard to dominate the league for the better part of a decade. The kind of focus that you only hear about in stories or in the movies, that is the kind of focus found on the entire Edmonton roster as they prepare to face an old foe from the East.


"Hey no pushing!" A teacher is heard admonishing her 5th grade students in a class room that is painted a dull grey like a perpetually overcast day. About 40 students are crammed into a room designed for 20, all 80 eyes are focused at the front of the room where recent Challenge Cup victor, Cody Black is standing with his new trophy. Black has chosen to spend his day with the cup in schools all across his province of Manitoba.

"I have always loved hockey above all else and I told myself if I ever won a Cup I would do a quick tour in my home province. I figure if I can convince even one of those kids to take up hockey then I have done what I set out to do. I want to be a great ambassador for the sport like Gordie Howe and help to grow it as big as possible."

It might be working, all of the children are in awe and are begging to touch the chalice atop the desk. Seeing all of these young children so interested in what their guest speaker has to say bodes well for the future of hockey at least in rural Manitoba. Hopefully we see other athletes take notice and do their part to help spread the joy of their sports to the youth of tomorrow.

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[Image: d9J5DHT.png]  [Image: 16PgOBm.png]


TASK ONE: (worth 3 TPE)

[Image: oQ6xv4l.png]

TASK TWO: (worth 3 TPE)

Robert Andersson had an amazing S29 regular season, not only comparred to S28, but also league-wise. a save percentage of 91.7%, he was 2nd in the league behind Jakob Tanner. His GAA of 2.37 puts him in 3rd behind earlier mentioned Tanner, and also future Hall-of-famer Jakub Aittokallio.

Andersson also managed to get 31 Wins to lead Minnesota to a presidents trophy, a feat only accomplished 3 times the last 10 seasons. Earlier mentioned Jakub Aittokallio won 32 back in season 27, and Lauris Prikulis won 31 back in Season 22.

He also managed to get 2 points.

In the playoffs, this was a whole different story though.

Andersson showed that he was still young and without much playoff routine, as he went well below the big 90% threshold, ending up at 89.3sv%.
His GAA went up to a whopping 3.66 goals per game. This despite having one triple OT game, and another single OT game to drag the average down.

So, How did Andersson do in the Win department in the playoffs? Well, poorly. Not a single win this year. Though it surely isn't all on him, he did let in a lot of goals in two of the games, not giving his teammates a reasonable chance to win. 0-2-2 was the final record for the swept Chiefs goalie.

And not a single point. Shame.
[Image: shame-GOT.gif]


About 200 words

TASK THREE: (worth 3 TPE)

[Image: moA0W4c.png]

TASK FOUR: (worth 3 TPE)

If Minnesota would have won the S29 cup.

The temperature is off the charts as star goaltender Robert Andersson brings the Cup back to his hometown of Skellefteå, Sweden! The first ever Skellefteå native to win the prestigious tournament, and in a town of about 70 000 hockey crazed natives, that is BIG. The day starts as Andersson lands on Skellefteå Airport, located a couple of miles outside of the city. The small parking lot is crowded and it is total chaos. Everyone wants to catch a glimpse of what's happening.

After a couple of photos with some of the Skellefteå Elite, Andersson gets in a limo with flags picturing the Chiefs logo waving as they drive, they get to Skellefteå Kraft Arena, where the local team plays. At this time there are even more photos and a meet and greet with the fans. This goes on for 3 hours before it is time to go downtown, where a stage has been set up. The celebrations are about as big as they were when Skellefteå AIK won the Swedish Hockey League.

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After that, Andersson goes to his childhood community of Kåge, about 10 miles outside of Skellefteå, to meet the kids of his old school, something that was really appreciated by the community.

After this, Robert says goodbye to the journalist, to go to a secret location, with who is unclear.

229 words

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We’re back for the third period of Game 6 between the Edmonton Blizzard and the Texas Renegades! Renegades lead 3-2 as they look to fight off elimination with this game.

The players take their places on the ice and the ref drops the puck! It seems as though Edmonton’s coach lit a fire under his team as they are quick on the puck. Kane wins the face-off for his team and works the puck back to Winston Windsor, who starts the push. Windsor passes the puck up to Sarantez, who works his way around the Renegades defense, breaking into their zone.

Sarantez spots Kane trailing behind him and drops the puck for him. Kane meets it and fires off a quick wrist shot…


He can’t hold on to it and the puck bounces back out… and it seems that the Renegades just can’t jump on it! Windsor speeds up to the puck and fires off a nasty slap shot!




Jakub Aittokallio was not only a stand-out player for the Edmonton Blizzard, he was the MAN this season. Every game from him just seemed to be another legendary performance for him as he put up the best numbers across the league and was able to cross a few things off his career bucket list, reaching quite a few nice milestones.

Unfortunately, not everything can be perfect in someone’s career all the time. While Aitto is one of the best, he definitely didn’t see his run through the regular season continue as the Blizzard chased their repeat.

Through several games against the Renegades and the Dragons, Aittokallio struggled. He wasn’t able to match the numbers he put up in the regular season and saw himself fall to a 90.8 save percentage in the post-season. Through the Blizzard’s 13 games he also was held to a 2.76 GAA. While not terrible, it definitely wasn’t what Edmonton fans were hoping for from him. Aittokallio made a point to fight off retirement by being named a star several times during the season, but was only named first star once through the 13 games. However, the team stood behind their man, and were possibly eliminated for that very reason.



Let’s be honest, going into the first round, not too many people expected that the Texas Renegades would be able to go punch-for-punch with the Blizzard, the team looking for their repeat.

Just a season ago the roles were certainly reversed, but with Texas’ future in jeopardy due to moves made seasons before, the team had to start moving talent to retool before it was too late. A weaker Texas simply stood no chance against a team that has been relatively the same since their last run. That wasn’t the case though.

Poor performances from some players on the team and especially their goalie, Jakub Aittokallio, led the Renegades to taking the series to Game 6. They almost extended the series but collapsed in the third period, letting Edmonton score twice in two minutes, which led to the Blizzard moving on.

What would’ve happened if Texas had held on in the third and extended the series? Well, it’s very reasonable to say they would’ve taken the series. It’s unlikely they would’ve beat the Dragons, but they would’ve been able to make a run in the post-season and get credit for eliminating the champions. Who really knows what would’ve happened, but that just showed how important every single period is in hockey.



In S28, the Edmonton Blizzard were fortunate to win the Challenge Cup. On the roster was a group of close agents who had seen it all in the league, and now they had won it all together. One of those agents was the agent of Brett Broadway, who was riding Cloud 9 after winning his first championship in his first season, even if he was the back-up goalie for the team.

On his day with the Cup, Broadway made sure to head back to St. Paul, MN to celebrate the championship with his friends and family. Broadway comes from a big hockey family, with older brothers Justin and Shane being stars in the Premier Hockey League. They were both there for their little bro as was the rest of the family. The day was spent simply with a family get-together with friends, celebrating lake-side with a bar-b and various water fun stuff. Lots of people got their opportunity to get their picture with Brett and his Cup, so hopefully Broadway will one day work his way to the top and make sure that everyone who got the pictures and so on have something of value. It’s certain that he has had one heck of a start though!


[Image: BrettBroadway.gif]
[Image: Hunter.png]

This CW sucked.

TASK ONE: (worth 3 TPE)

Jackson Rogers-Tanaka grabs the puck in the neutral zone and moves it into the Texas Renegades zone. He looks from side to side and notices Pedro Sarantez, so he makes a flat, on the stick pass to him to open up the other side of the ice. However, Pedro Sarantez loses the puck like a dummy. The loose pick is retrieved by Kristoffer Ruud of Texas Renegades. He looks up ice and sees Vladimir Lidstrom wide open in the in neutral zone. He passes him the puck and Vladimir Lidstrom moves it in deeper into the Edmonton Blizzard zone. But Vliddy gets confused and loses the puck. But Jack Durden is right there to retrieve the puck and keep the play going. Durden looks around, hoping to make something happen. He looks to his BAD line partner in Geoffrey Allen and gets it over to him. Allen takes a shot towards the net. Yuri Boyka is out in front causing chaos and having a nice active stick out there. Boyka deflects it… IT’S IN THE NET! IT’S IN THE BACK OF THE NET AND TEXAS TAKES A FOUR TO THREE LEAD!!!

TASK TWO: (worth 3 TPE)

Jack Durden has been working hard on his defensive game, and it showed during the regular season. While playing on the top line and putting in a lot of time on the penalty kill, he still managed to put up a +16 over his 50 games played. He also increased his assist production thanks to being on the BAD line with Boyka who had 21 goals. The combination of Durden’s passing and Boyka’s goal scoring paid off and allowed the two to really inflate their point totals. Durden did not continue this play in the playoffs, and it contributed to Texas not moving on to the next round. Durden was a minus 4 in the playoffs, but did manage to put up 8 points in 6 games played. This means Durden was on the ice for 12 goals in these playoffs, in just 6 games. While the offensive numbers were not the greatest, he did much better scoring than being defensive this year. Durden’s lack of defensive play contributed to an unfortunate, early exit. Durden is hoping that he can continue to improve his defensive game and help even more in the upcoming season. The offensive game will follow soon after.

TASK THREE: (worth 3 TPE)

Game 6 of the Edmonton Blizzard and Texas Renegades was unfortunately the exit point for the Renegades, but could’ve been the turning point of the series if it went a bit different. Each game in the series so far had been a 1 goal game. Scores were four to 4 Edmonton, 5 to 4 Texas, 4 to 3 Edmonton, 3 to 2 Edmonton, 3 to 2 Texas, and then the last, anomaly of a game, where Edmonton won 5 to 3. With each game being decided by a single goal, if Texas had won game 6, the series would’ve been tied 3 to 3, and we’d likely have another close game. This close game, Texas could’ve won. With this one game, the Renegades could’ve even the series, forced another close game, and taken Edmonton’s place in the conference Finals against Calgary. During the season series, Texas and Calgary each took 3 wins away from their 6 meetings. This might have led to a completely different outcome for the SHL Finals. While the end result might have not changed because of how dominant Calgary has been, but I guarantee that Texas would’ve had a much better outcome if that one game had come out different.

TASK FOUR: (worth 3 TPE)

Wow. The feeling of getting through a long season, and coming out on top is incredible. It’s hard enough to do well in the season, but to win in the playoffs is a whole other thing. For my day with the cup, I’d start off with my family and I eating a big bowl of cereal out of the cup. I’d probably stick to something awesome, like chocolate cheerios. Those things are amazing. After that I’d definitely be taking it back home to share the glory of it with my old hockey club from when I was growing up and learning the game. I figure we could get together for a pick up game and then celebrate with the cup at the end. Then be typical us and go out to eat at the local Chinese buffet to re-fuel. It was never good for us, but we never cared. After that I’d take it out to see some of the adoring fans and reward those that stood by us through hard times. We all know that while we play the game, these people go crazy over it. Might as well give them a day with the cup too. Then I’d go home, kick my wife to the couch and let it sleep in the bed with me.

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Jack Durden:

Season 24 - *4 Star Cup Champions - Vancouver Whalers*
Season 36 - *Challenge Cup Champions - Texas Renegades*
Season 36 - *Anton Razov Trophy Winner - Playoff MVP - Texas Renegades*
Season 41 - *IIHF Gold Medalist - Team United Kingdom*
Season 41 - *Triple Gold Member*
**Vancouver Whalers Hall of Fame**
**Texas Renegades Hall of Fame**
**Hall of Fame Member**

TASK ONE: (worth 3 TPE)
Game 1 in Edmonton between your Blizzard and the visiting Texas Renegades. Through 3 periods we have tie game 3-3 after a tally late in the 3rd by German winger Nik Scholz.
Aaaand the puck drops for the first overtime period of the S29 SHL playoffs. 48 seconds in and the Texan defender Pal Vikingstod takes a minor for roughing, your Blizzard are going on the man advantage.
Boyka and Berger line up for the draw as Boyka quickly wins one in his defensive zone off a very clean draw. The texan defender tries to throw it up the boards but it is kept in play but it is kept in play by deadline acquisition Velevra. He moves it down the wing to the Koroviev who makes no mistake as he wips in through the crease to a wide open Miles Berger. He throws it on net and it is... IN! The crowd erupts as Berger wins it in overtime for the home team just 1 minute in to overtime! What a fantastic start to the playoffs for your Edmonton Blizzard!

TASK TWO: (worth 3 TPE)
There have been many standout performances in season 29, but one stands above the rest and that is the work of Theo Kane. Appearing in all 50 regular season games Kane tallied an incredible 67 points, including an insane 31 goals. To add to his already startling numbers he also led the team and most of the league in hits with 204 on the season. Could he continue his dominant two way play in the playoffs?
After the 1st round he didn't have quite the impact many would have hoped, but he was critical in the near comeback performance in round 2 as the Blizzard erased a 3-1 series deficit against the Dragons, but ultimately lost in game 7. Through 13 playoff games he tallied 11 points, including 5 goals and 42 hits. Pro-rate that to a 50 game "season" and he falls short of the numbers he posted in all major categories during the season, however those were extremely lofty expectations to begin with. With respect to his teammates he once again led all Blizzard in hits, was 2nd on the team in goals and 3rd in total points so although he may have "fell" from his season performance he was still an absolute force not to be reckoned with during the post-season. Had the Blizzard managed to complete the comeback he may of had a challenge cup finals performance for the ages, but we'll never know :(.

TASK THREE: (worth 3 TPE)
When discussing pivot moments in the season 29 playoffs there are several that come to mind. Obviously had the Blizzard completed the 3-1 series deficit and won game 7 we'd have quite the story on our hands, but sadly that's not the case. Likewise in the East, had the North Stars completed their 3-1 deficit comeback we'd have a case for most pivotal moment, but once again that is not the case.
An interesting one, although quite a stretch, is the 3rd game of round 1 between the Toronto North Stars and the Minnesota Chiefs. The Chiefs were the early favourite to win the eastern conference, let alone the round one series, so when the North Stars jumped out to a 2-0 series lead off a pair of commanding 6 goal wins many were left scratching their heads. Game 3 had a much different look to it though. Rather than being decided within the first couple periods, this game took 3 overtimes to decide the winner. As we all know it was ultimately the North Stars that prevailed and took a 3-0 series lead, but what if the Chiefs won? Spin that 3-0 series deficit in to a much more manageable 2-1 going in to game 4 and we could have a VERY different series. Furthermore they could use that big triple overtime win as a spark to win game 4 and force a series tie. Sadly for Chiefs fans (and a large percentage of SHL brackets) that was not the case.

TASK FOUR: (worth 3 TPE)
For Nik Scholz's cup day he'd start with the overrated and hugely enjoyable cereal breakfast out of the cup. Ideally he'd have his cup day in his hometown of Neumünster, Germany, in which case he'd organise his family and friends to visit for the big day. They'd start with the obligatory photos where everyone stands beside the cup and smiles, and then the eventual raise it over your head photo as the guests get a little saucy. By the time the evening rolls around and the younger crowd disperses, the real fun would begin. The stuff you swear didn't happen, but sadly there's photos to prove it. Including getting lucky with the cup at the end of the night. Naturally Scholz would get in the fun, before things settle down for the night. The next day he'd return it, full of dismay as his day with the cup as reigning champion has come to an end. Fortunately season 30 is just around the corner and the thirst to taste glory a 3rd time quickly replaces the sadness.
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If Kjell won the cup, he would obviously bring it to his hometown in Norway. To start the day, it would definitely be sugary sweet breakfast at the family restaurant. Kjell has a sweet tooth so nothing traditional or savory that morning. Then it would be time to have fun. They’re a port town, known for this ridiculous concert where everyone floats on the river, so he’d definitely do that—float in the water with the Cup, sunglasses on, just bask in it, maybe listen to some music if there was anyone playing that day. His best friend Bennett would be there, if he wasn’t to sad his team lost… But he’d probably be there. Probably for that early part of the day it would just be his family and Bennett. Then it’s back to the restaurant for more food. They’d close the restaurant for the day for celebrating, and everyone would hang out there and eat good food and pastries, and then probably play road hockey out front. Once it finally got dark, and all the older family went to bed, the younger family members and friends would go down to the waterfront, maybe have a bonfire, but mostly just hang out and drink and tell stories.

[207 words]


We are back here in West Kendall following that icing penalty by Ales Smirnov. The Hamilton Steelhawks are now lining up in their offensive zone for a faceoff. They could be mere seconds away from pulling off a spectacular comeback after losing the first two games of the series.

It looks like its Dean Colt lining up against Oliver Pettyfer. Colt is by far the better man in this area of play. Here's to hoping that defense can hold up for the Platoon.

And the puck is on the ice, brief struggle but Colt finally gets it out to Ziepins. He gets rid of it fast to Zarins. It looks like he's about to get boxed out, but he gets it back to Colt who is open on the other side of the net! He shoots!

He scoooooores! Schmidt stretched awkwardly across the net to get to it, but was a split second too late!

The Steelhawks are moving on after being down 2 games early in the series. What a way to pull out the series win!



Jakob Tanner, goaltender for the Hamilton Steelhawks, finished the regular season with a save percentage of .926, first among starting goalkeepers (but one one-thousandth behind Minnesota backup Mathias Lundgren). He came third overall in wins with 28. He also came in first among starting goalies with a 2.17 GAA.

It is obvious that Jakob had a stellar season, but how is he squaring up with the best in the SHL? If the fact that he made it to the SHL finals doesn't tell you, maybe his stats will. He's kept up a .908 save percentage, tied for second at the writing of this article. His GAA has gone up to 2.69, but that average is still spectacular when you see the offenses he has faced. He's faced 524 shots during these playoffs, more than another other goalkeeper...about 70 more than Calgary's Hunter Wong.

The stress has been piling on the Hamilton goalkeeper. Being the man in the net for a playoff team is stressful enough, but put on top of that five overtime games, two long series, the first a comeback, and the second a dogfight...and you have got one stressful post-season. It takes one special goalie to take stay strong in the net through all of that. Lucky for Hamilton, they've got that man in Jakob Tanner.



With so many people looking back at the Renegades/Blizzard series, let us look further up. The Edmonton Blizzard are coming off a championship season. With a team that made few changes since their last run, what if Edmonton was able to beat Calgary in game seven of their second series?

That gives us a new championship matchup as the defending champions, the Edmonton Blizzard, take on the Hamilton Steelhawks. Would Edmonton have been able to keep up with Hamilton in the finals? Well, it's safe to say that the Blizzard don't have nearly the offensive firepower as the Calgary Dragons. I strongly believe that the reason Calgary has won during the series is because of the constant onslaught of shots that they have forced Jakob Tanner to defend.

Don't get me wrong, the defending champions would have been able to put a fight. With Theo Kane leading the offensive charge, and possibly the greatest goaltender in the history of goaltenders in Jakub Aittokallio, they could have taken it far. The series would have ended earlier though. I believe that had it been Edmonton vs. Hamilton in the final, Hamilton would have been able to end the series in six games, not the seven they are currently facing with the Dragons between them and the Challenge Cup. By the end of it, Hamilton would reign supreme, Edmonton would continue the customary post championship descent, and Calgary would head back to the drawing board to come back stronger next season...and win the Challenge Cup.



Wendell Luna smiled as he landed in his hometown of Charlotte, North Carolina. This day had been a long time in the making. His entire life had been building to the moment that he could walk off the plane at home with the Challenge Cup in his hands. As he walked through the airport a few fans who recognized him cheered, but he purposely had not told his fans the time that his plan would land. After walking for quite some time he finally saw his parents, his brother, and some of his greatest friends. These were the people that he wanted to celebrate with. Being a simple man there were no crazy stunts planned, no parades or anything. Luna hugged his mom and dad. His friends congratulated him on achieving a dream they had once all planned to achieve together when life was simpler. This is what he wanted to do with his cup day, and no one would change his mind. A good home cooked meal with his family and friends, an autograph signing outside one of his favorite local restaurants, and then a nap...yes a nap...because after one ridiculously long season, it was time for one...and it was going to feel nice.


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