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S30 Regular Season PGS Thread

St. Louis Scarecrows (4-2-2) vs Vancouver Whalers (5-2-1)
Score: St. Louis 4 - Vancouver 0

Starting Line up

St Louis
Left Wing|| Center || Right Wing
Casper Ek || Eugen Feist|| Joe Kurczewski

Defense|| Defense
Danny Foster || Rhaegar Targaryen

Kyle Wahlgren

Left Wing || Center || Right Wing
Conklin Owen || Jone Ross || Ace Redding

Defense || Defense
Theodore Graham || Brynjar Tusk

Maximilian Wehner


The rematch from last years 4 star cup. St louis vs Vancouver. A game that promised to be a good one to watch. Sadly for the Whaler fans it was a good game to watch, but only if you were a fan of the opposition. The puck dropped, and here's what happened.

1st Period
A fairly even first period between these two teams. The amount of shots were low but the action was not. The Whalers coming out playing a physical game, they tried to drive the tempo of the game by making it a physical one and trying to wear down the Scarecrows. There was 1 powerplay per side but not much generated for either team. Not a very active period otherwise.

2nd Period

With the start of the 2nd period, you could tell thing's were begining to ramp up a bit for St louis. The shots started to pile up, they began to control the puck more and the tempo of the game seemed to almost start to shift in their favour. It wasn't until late in the 2nd that the scoreless tie was broke, but after that, it was as if the flood gates opened for them.

St. Louis Scarecrows , Eugene Feist 4 (Danny Foster, Casper Ek) at 16:13
Our first goal of the night, after a flurry of shots in the offensive zone by St louis lead by Casper EK, and several block by Theodore Graham the puck was tipped by EK over top, where he than go the puck to Danny foster who found Eugene Feist to tuck home the first goal of the game.
[Image: giphy.gif]

St. Louis Scarecrows , Kelly Rivet 2 (Joe Kurczewski) at 17:34 (PP)
After the shot came in after the face off win in the defensive zone, Rivet found himself suprisingly with the puck, cycled the net and shot it home. He seemed almost dumb founded at his luck but they don't ask how, but how many.
[Image: PHadLhw.gif]

3rd Period

This is the period the game ran away from the Whalers. St louis dominanted them completely and utterly. On the shot clock alone out shooting them 15 to 4. Even by the start of the 3rd, the shots were 15-6, this period just added insult to injury. Thankfully only 2 goals were produced for the Scarecrows for the Whalers defense, but the game was over by the 3rd goal midway through the period.

St. Louis Scarecrows , Taylor Stach 1 (Rhaegar Targaryen) at 10:37
Taylor stach picked the puck up in the defensive zone, after a nice outlet pass from Rhaegar and decided he was doing this all on his own. Up the wing. Bend the stick. Make the shot. Goal. He puts the puck low far side on the goalie and turns to give us this wonderful highlight celebration. I think the Whalers maybe remember this one.
[Image: tumblr_mdsnxlwl171qelb7ro1_r1_500.gif]

St. Louis Scarecrows , Rhaegar Targaryen 2 (Danny Foster, Frans Erichsen) at 15:38
The last goal of the night was a booming shot from the defense man Targaryen which somehow made it through. We can see on the replay it hits a Whalers defender and richochets down leaving the Goalie Wehner with no chance at all.
[Image: ddnsh1.gif]

3 Stars
1 - Rhaegar Targaryen (STL) G: 1 || A:1 || PTS: 2 || Minutes Played: 21:15
A complete game from the defense man. Chipping in Offensively and shutting down defensivley, give this player the 1st star for the game.
2 - Taylor Stach (STL) G: 1 || A: 0 || PTS: 1 || Minutes Played: 11:11
His wrist shot goal was a thing of beauty and celebration alone may have swayed the voters to make this player our 2nd star of the game.
3 - Eugene Feist (STL) G: 1 || A: 0 || PTS: 0 || Minutes Played: 17:38
A solid game from Feist, while still playing some good hard minutes against the Whalers notches him a spot as the 3rd star of the night.

Quick Game Summary

A final Look at the stats and even at a few of the last games, one thing is clear when looking at this Vancouver team, they need more shots. They are getting hammered in the differential in shots for and against and the lack of offense being produced is starting to show.

[Image: Bieksashot.gif]

When anazlying the rest of the stats for the game all in all things seemed like trade offs more than anything. The Whalers were the more physical team, but paid the price with penalties. Faceoffs were close, but the blocked shots were fairly noticeable for the Whalers. It's scary to think if night in and night out if their players weren't blocking as many shots as they do, how much rubber their poor goalies would actually see at the end of the day.

Team Stat
St. Louis Scarecrows - Hits : 14 - Faceoff Wins : 42 - Blocked Shots : 4 - Penalty Minutes : 6
Vancouver Whalers - Hits : 27 - Faceoff Wins : 39 - Blocked Shots : 10 - Penalty Minutes : 12

Game Link

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[Image: 9sKIbXE.png]

<div align="center">Detroit Falcons @ <span style='color:#150567'>Vancouver Whalers</span></div>
<div align="center">(Game #29)</div>
<div align="center"> Falcons 2-4 Whalers </div>
<div align="center">Game Link</div>

<div align="center">[Image: XcGHnLJ.jpg]</div>

<div align="center">[Image: QektwhG.png]</div>

<u><div align="center">Starting Lineups</div></u>

<div align="center"> Falcons Detroit Falcons Falcons </div>

<b><div align="center">Hans Moleman - Nucky Toohoots - Alex Berkis
<div align="center">Prince Daniel James  - Jari Sinikka</div>
<div align="center">Jeremy Anderson</div></b>

<div align="center">Whalers Vancouver Whalers Whalers </div>

<b><div align="center">Conklin Owen - Jon Ross - Ace Redding 
<div align="center">Theodore Graham - Brynjar Tusk</div>
<div align="center">Maximilian Wehner</div></b>

<div align="center">
Brief Synopsis

Two teams on opposite ends of the scoring face off in a game not quite Vancouver's style. The home team struggled early on and through the beginning of the second period. Giving up more shots than they would have hoped and allowing two early second period goals. Offensive defenseman Connor MacDonald scored a sliding goal in the middle part of the second period which ignited a scoring run that would put Vancouver on top for the rest of the game and would lead to the pulling of Falcon's Goaltender Jeremy Anderson.

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Game Summary

Scoring has not been the forte of the Whalers this early season. Struggling to put more than two goals in the net in normal fashion. The Detroit Falcons have made it their job to light the lamp and outscore their opponents this season. Coming into the game with the Whalers the Falcons were hovering around scoring 3.5 goals per game. The Whalers have been a stalwart defensive team only allowing 2.89 goals per game. How would this play out in this clash between East and West?

The first period played much into the hands of the Whalers. Who were the more aggressive team and focused a lot on bodying the Falcons players off the puck and denying good chances. This worked as the Falcons did not score a goal in the first period. But the Whalers also failed to put a tally on the board. This hard hitting period was a harkening back to the old days of hockey where physicality ruled.

The second period was very much a fast, high scoring game like the Detroit Falcons have been used to playing. They struck early and frustrated young goaltender Max Wehner by hitting the twine and putting the Falcons up 2-0 with goals by Alex Kepka and the every interesting Viktor Nerokov. These goals seemed to put Vancouver in a deep hole but young offensive defenseman Connor MacDonald dug them out with a sliding goal that hit the back of the net. An acrobating play that made the Whalers dig deep and surge for a lead with goals by Ace Redding, Brynjar Tusk and OG Bobby. The youth of Vancouver showed what they have as they propelled the team to a 4-2 lead late in the 2nd period. Causing the Falcons to pull their goaltender Jeremy Anderson. Veteran SMJHL goaltender Sivy McSieve came in for the maligned Anderson.

The third period was a goaltender show. With the newly entered Sivy McSieve stopping every shot that came his way. But young German goaltender Wehner matched him shot for shot. As the game ended in a 4-2 win for the Vancouver Whalers, propelling them on top of the standings in the Western Division.

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Game Highlights In Photo

<div align="center">1st Period</div>

<div align="center">[Image: 200.gif]</div>
<div align="center">Vancouver's Ieuan Llewellyn and Detroit's Alec Derin go at it in the first period.</div>

<div align="center">2nd & 3rd Periods</div>

<div align="center">[Image: GOAL.gif]</div>
<div align="center">Alex Kepka scores first goal of the game on a sloppy shot.</div>

<div align="center">[Image: tumblr_nd66udiVuH1t5m6epo1_500.gif]</div>
<div align="center">Connor MacDonald slides into the new as he scores after crashing the goal. Starting a Vancouver goal rush.</div>

<div align="center">[Image: nhl_g_howard_b1_576.jpg]</div>
<div align="center">Detroit Goaltender Jeremy Anderson looking on after being pulled giving up 4 goals in the 2nd period.</div>

<div align="center">3rd Period</div>

<div align="center">[Image: tumblr_ng38kvTeCy1tl7ygpo1_500.gif]</div>
<div align="center">Vancouver Goaltender Maximilian Wehner celebrating after shutting out Detroit the rest of the game to seal a Whalers win.</div>

<div align="center">
Post-Game Interviews with Vancouver's Connor MacDonald and Adam Kaiser

[Image: 10407170-large.jpg]

Interview Your goal in the second period seemed to be the spark for the Whalers. What do you think of your place on this team?

Connor MacDonald: It felt really good to get the team going and back into the game with us sitting down by 2. I saw an opening and took the shot. I can't claim to have done anything fancy out there, just want to get the puck to the net in one piece to generate opportunities. If it goes in, Bonus!

I mean I am a rookie coming into this season so I don't expect 1st line minutes by any stretch. The coaches and management know where I will fit best, and I will contribute to the line up where ever possible. I feel like I am a more offensively minded player so I try and play to my strengths. I want to give the team excuses to move me up the line up and put my out there during the big moments. I want to be that guy to help get those goals and wins we need.

Interview Vancouver seems to be pulling out some clutch win this season. Do you feel like this team likes to live on the edge?

CM: I feel like we have a good solid system we play by. Being a team with so much new blood injected into the line up having some structure to our game to get everyone familiar to the pace of this level of hockey and learn how we each play is a good way to go about things. Could we use some more offense? Sure I totally believe we could, but I am expected to help generate that, so I need to step up more to help us reach that goal.

Interview Were you overwhelmed at all with a player the caliber of Hans Moleman coming at you in this game?

CM:It's always hard playing against the more experienced players, but if I let that bog me down mentally then I will fall behind fast. Realistically I treat every player the same, and just tell myself to always out work them. It could be the top players or the 4th liners, doesn't matter, I'm playing 110% and driving the play if I can. No time to worry about names and numbers to much.

Interview What are your goals for this SMJHL season?

CM: Two so far! Or you mean something else? Haha! Well, what it all boils down to is winning the cup. I'd love to be able to hoist the cup this year if possible and want to help the team to do so.

For personal goals? I Guess just grow as a player. Improve my skills, grow my game, and be a key contributor to my team. I'd love to challenge for Rookie of the Year, of course and am always watching the other top D men numbers as well. Like any player I have my eyes set on the SHL and although I may not be a 'household' name, I want to prove to teams I'm worth taking early in the draft.

[Image: abUZGnC.jpg]

Interview  What are your goals in the SMJHL this season?

Adam Kaiser: I want to develop as much as possible this season. Id love to get 25 points, and be the guy who is relied on to quarterback our powerplay.
Vancouver seems to live on the edge in a lot of it's wins. Do you think that is part of this teams personality or would you want to change it? If we were at the bottom of the league I think it might be something we'd want to change, but we aren't. It's a tight race right now but we are second in our division. It would be nice to break away from the pack a little bit, but if it ain't broke don't fix it.

Interview  The Detroit Falcons have a pretty deadly top line. Being a defender for the Whalers, what has been your impression of their top scorers in Hans Moleman and Nucky Tohoots?

AK: They've been hot so far this season for sure. I'm not gonna say it's all been luck so far but I will say that none of the Whalers defensemen are intimidated or play any differently when they're on the ice.

Interview After a hard fought game like this, what is your favorite way to kick back?

AK: I'm pretty new to Vancouver but it's so nice to be able to go hang out by the ocean and just regroup. Some days this game is as hard on you mentally as it is physically. An hour or so watching the waves beat up against the rocks and I'm mentally back to 100%. Just unbelievably therapeutic.

Interview Are you happy with the way your goaltending has played this season?

AK: Wehner had been a nice surprise. That's not saying we weren't confident in him but he's definitely blown everyone's starting expectations for a rookie out of the water and he's showing no signs of slowing down.

Links has a disappointing season so far, but he's the best tender in the league. He'll bounce back and when he does watch out. He's going to have the best snipers in the league pulling their hair out in no time.

Three Stars

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Ace Redding (VAN)
1 Goal, 1 Assist, 4 Hits, 22:18 Minutes Played

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Connor MacDonald (VAN)
1 Goal, 1 Assist, 2 Hits, 18:30 Minutes Played</div>

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[Image: Plymouth-Whalers-centre-Ryan-Hartman-Ren...halers.jpg]
OG Bobby (VAN)
1 Goal. 1 Assist, 17:36 Minutes Played</div>

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Final Score
Knights 4-5 raiders
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Kelowna Knights at Halifax Raiders Game 34

Kelowna Knights
Anatoly Yanovich - Dieter Dominique – Geronimo Otto
Ty Justice – Cara Hohenberg
Max Smith-Frey

Halifax Raiders
Flower – Jean-Luc Reflieux – Kaiser
Blake Battle – Mathew Shea
Richard C. Hocolate

Game Link


Thank you for joining us on the Post Game Show, we saw Kelowna make the trip to Halifax. Kelowna entered today with a (4-3-1) record in their first 8 games of the season. Halifax's record was (3-4-1) in their first 8, putting them tied for last with Detroit. Both teams came into this game losing 2-1 the night before, Halifax in Colorado, and Kelowna falling to Montreal. This game was the first in a home-home series, the next game Halifax heads to Kelowna.

1st Period

With both teams coming off losses two nights ago, both teams aimed to come out strong. Halifax managed to do this scoring 3 goals in the first period. Fred Toucher started off the scoring:

Quote: We have a face-off in the Knights’ end, Beau Brent lining up against Jean-Luc Reflieux. Beau Bent ties him up, they battle for the puck, Bent gains possesion, loses posseion, Battle picks up the puck and shoots a one time, Toucher gets the rebound and skates left, fires and HE SCORES! Fred Toucher with the goal at 5:26; his second career goal

<div align="center">[Image: giphy.gif]</div>

Kelowna looked to bounce back after going down by 1 in the first 5 minutes. But their eagerness caused them a penalty for hooking at 8:18 when Kornel Kasparek hooked a Raider vying for the puck. This put the Raiders on the 5-4, and saw many chances where a power-play goal was imminent.

Quote:Reflieux wins the face-off back, Lindrstrom picks the puck and fires but Andriana Starsota dives in front of the shot! Lindstrom regains the puck and drives the net with Starsota out of the way, he shoots but SMITH-FREY stops the puck with a miraculous save!

Max Smith-Frey managed to stop three shots-on-goal during the powerplay. The next goals came 30 seconds, starting at 12:24. Solaire Azarov manage to score off the one-timer following a face-off win by Alex Reed.

Quote:Solaire Azarov’s goal puts the Raiders up 2-0. Victor Lindstrom has the puck now, moving up the ice, Wilhelm huber with a huge hit on Lindstrom causes him to lose the puck. Pietra Volkova gains the puck and advances moves pass the blue line, some fancy footwork, she shoots and SHE SCORES! Halifax Raiders up 3!

The mood in the Scotiabank Centre grew very physical with Halifax holding the three-goal lead. Kelowna’s Geronimo Otto tried dumping the puck but it went over the glass and resulted in a delay of game penalty. Halifax was unable to capitalize on the powerplay, perhaps downshifting gears since going up 3-0. The next goal came in the last seconds of the 1st period:

Quote:Alex Reed carries the puck across the blue line, but the ref blows the play dead, off-sides is the call. Reed and Justs Sirmais line up in the neautral zone, 0:32 seconds left in this period, Reed is tied up and and Michael Burrows gathers the puck. The right winger carries the puck into the offensive-zone, he breaks through, he shoots and scores with 9 seconds left! They call the 3-lead, “hockey’s most dangerous lead” for a reason.

<div align="center">[Image: giphy.gif]</div>

<div align="center"> Knights 1-3 raiders </div>

2nd Period

The 2nd period proved to be quite an affair. To start the period off Halifax scored another goal, 3:25 into the period. Set up by Matthew Shea and Joey Ryan, Blake Battle increased the lead to 4-1. After giving up 4 goals, Kelowna’s coach replaces Max Smith-Frey with Jason Aittokallio, the first overall pick in the SMJHL draft. Kelowna’s Kornel Kasparek was called for interference at 3:59, sending Halifax back to the powerplay.

Quote:Niklas Flower with the puck on his stick crosses the blueline into Kelowna’s zone, he let’s a shot rip but Aiitokallio blocks it, Flower gains the rebound and backhands it in for his first career goal! Flower puts Halifax up 5-1!

Tensions were at an all time high after Halifax went up 5-1. 14:30 in 2nd Period: Alex Reed carries the puck into the neutral zone, across the ice Justs Sirmais hits Reed, and goes after the puck, Azarov tries stopping him but uses his stick and is called for hooking. At the same time Pietra Volkova is called for high sticking Yanovich, which Wilhelm Huber responds by skating across the ice and hitting Volkova into the boards. Alex Reed takes exception and hits Huber into the boards, Yanovich comes to his teammate’s defense and tries fighting Reed. Greta Iversen skates into the huddle and drops her gloves, she grabs the first Knight she can and starts fighting.

Quote:It’s the UFC in Scotiabank Centre, people are getting hit into the boards! There’s Greta Iversen skating to the commotion, she drops her gloves! She grabs Justs Sirmais and starts laying haymekers like she’s Floyd Mayweather! Sirmais responds and they’re tangoing!

They separated the two before any blood was drawn, which irked Iversen even more. She reportedly mouthed an explicit remark to the ref, resulting in Iversen being ejected from the game. In total, 8 penalties were called, 32 penalty minutes were called for this altercation. Raiders’ fans were pumped, as the Scotiabank Centre’s atmosphere was electric as Raiders went on the penalty kill. They were quickly quieted by Kelowna’s second goal of the night:

Quote:Beau Bent lines up across Reed Laing, Bent wins the face-off, and passes the puck to Dominique who let’s it rip, and he scores! The lead is cut to 3!

<div align="center"> Knights 2-5 raiders </div>

3rd Period

On a 5-3 powerplay, Dieter Dominique scored his second of the night at 7:19 in the third. That marked two unanswered goals since going up 5-1 in the second. The crowd was silenced once more at 8:48:

Quote:There’s a race for the free puck, Wilhelm Huber gains control of it and drives for the net, he shoots and he scores! The lead is cut down to 5-4!

<div align="center">[Image: Ov4cQIF.gif]</div>

These fans in Halifax were confused and frustrated that their team’s 5-1 lead was cut to 5-4 following 3 unanswered goals. Hocolate managed to hold the lead and give his team the much needed victory.

<div align="center">Final Score
Knights 4-5 raiders </div>

<div align="center">Three Stars

Dieter Dominique

“Don’t call it a comeback” Dominique started the Knights’ scoring rally by notching two goals. This leadership by the Centerman earned him the 1st star of the game. Even with his team down 5-1, Dominique put the team on his back and cut that lead to 5-3. This leadership inspired the Knights to get back in the game and give it their all. In addition, Dominique put on a marathon in terms of minutes played -- at 24:45 minutes played, he led skaters in minutes played. His production, leadership, and endurance earned him first star.

Blake Battle

A goal, an assist, and a win; earned Battle the 2nd star of the night. Battle helped set the game’s tempo early on by assisting Toucher on the first goal, five minutes into the game. Being in Halifax’s top-pairing, Battle was counted on in all situations and his help contributed to squashing Kelowna’s comeback attempt. The top-paring defenseman kept his team calm in a dire situation where some would otherwise panic. For this, he earned the 2nd star.

Michael Burrows

Two points, a goal and an assist were not enough to complete the comeback. The right winger who gets fewer minutes than Kelowna’s top-6 made the most of his time on the ice, and made an argument for being elevated. His goal with 9 seconds left in the game stopped Halifax’s 3-0 run. Even at the end of the game, in the third period, Michael Burrows helped assist Kelowna’s 4th goal. With limited ice-time, Burrows played the second biggest role in the comeback attempt. </div>

Final Take

This wraps up the 11th day of the season. A tumultuous ride where we saw 9 goals resulted in both teams donning (4-4-1) records. Halifax’s Pietra Volkova and Niklas Flower, both scored their first career goals. Wilhelm Huber records his first goal, and Dieter Dominique’s two goals place him at 5g through nine games. These two teams face-off in Kelowna in two days. Both teams have demonstrated what they’re capable of and we can expect an exciting contest.

Reed Kobo - Winger - #33
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Elijah Jones - Winger - #33 Retired
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Toivo Kosonen - Defenseman - #33 Retired
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Prince George Firebirds Firebirds 5 at Kelowna Knights Knights 3
Game Link
Brief synopsis of the game
While Max Smith-Frey took the reins today instead of Jason Aittokallio, the Kelowna Knights still put up absolutely everything they could possibly muster today, but eventualy fell short to an incredible performance from Ben Waters and Toms Shnekisen against the absolute onslaught of Kelowna.
Long summary of the game
1st period
Right out of the gate, Kelowna dominated the game, but Prince George backstop Ben Waters made them look silly with save after save. Now let’s drop straight into the action at 14:35 of the first period with commentator Freddy Stevens.
Quote:Justs Sirmais wins the faceoff in the defensive zone. He lays it off to Horvat. Horvat skates into the neutral zone, passes it to Burrows who skates it into the Firebirds zone. 3 on 2 here, as Burrows makes the pass to Sirmais. Sirmais… fails his pass, quite dissapointing for the Kelowna- OH HORVAT INTERCEPTS IT! He passes it back to Sirmais, Sirmais moves into the zone – OH HE LOSES THE PUCK! BURROWS PICKS IT UP, SHOOTS, DEFLECTED BY HORVAT WIDE! PICKED UP BY KASPAREK… [b]IT’S IN, KELOWNA SCORES! WHAT HUSTLE FROM KELOWNA AS THEY NEVER GAVE UP ON THE PLAY AND FINALLY GET ONE PAST WATERS! [/b]
The rest of the period is quite uneventful, but the period ends as Kelowna has a 1-0 lead and has outshot Prince George 11 to 5.
2nd period
We’ve already got some action midway through the first minute of the 2nd period, so let’s drop in at 0:27 with Freddy once again.
Quote:Bent wins the faceoff in the offensive zone. Passes to Wilson, over to Kasparek, Kasparek passes ba- INTERCEPTED BY POLLAK! He outlets it to Wolf in the neutral. Wolf skates past the blue line, he passes to jako- INTERCEPTED BY STARO- AND IT’S BACK IN FIREBIRDS POSSESSION! Monkey lays it off to Jakobsson, NoRetornable.. Shoots.. [b]IT GOES IN OFF JAKOBSSON! WE’RE TIED 1-1![/b]
For a while in the 2nd period, The shots are being traded as momentum continues to build back on the Firebirds’ side. But a period of dominance in the 7th minute leads to Kelowna regaining the advantage, and us dropping you back with Freddy at 7:43 of the 2nd period.
Quote:Faceoff won by Sirmais in the offensive zone, lands on Dominique’s stick. He passes it back to Sirmai-OH WHAT A STOP BY WAT- [b]DOMINIQUE SINKS THE REBOUND! A QUICK 1-2 PUNCH BY SIRMAIS AND DOMINIQUE, AND KELOWNA LEADS ONCE MORE![/b]
Kelowna, now with momentum, starts to dominate the game, shooting shot after shot at Waters, who keeps his team in it with save after save. At this point in the game, it definitely seems like Kelowna has this in the bag. Let’s drop you into the game at 15:47 of the 2nd period.
Quote:Monkey dumps it into the Kelowna zone. Prince George’s 3rd lines coms onto the ice, along with their 2nd pair of Kottbulle and Norstrom. Smith-Frey retrieves the puck and gets it over to Starosta, who passes it to Kasparek in the neutral zone. OH WHA-KOTTBULLE STEALS THE PUCK! Passes straight to Riccardelli in the Knights zone, passes to Shnekinsen. Kottbulle, Shenkinsen, Riccardelli. [b]Shoots! SCORES! WHAT A PLAY BY PRINCE GEORGE TO STEAL THE PUCK AWAY AND SINK IT TO TIE THE GAME! [/b]
The next 3 minutes has only 1 shot to show for it, but maybe the next shot is going to be an important one. Let’s drop you in at 19:42 of the 3rd period to find out…
Quote:Prince George sends out the 4th line to close out the period, and the 3rd pair for now. Kelowna keeps their 3rd line on, there’s only 18 seconds left. Young squares up vs Sirmais in the slot. Young wins the faceoff. [b]GUTLER ONE-TIMES IT FOR A GOAL! KELOWNA WASN’T EXPECTING IT, AND PAID THE PRICE!
3rd period
Kelowna comes out absolutely dominating, but only 3 of their many many shots in the first 5 minutes actually hit Waters, as all the others are either blocked, hit the post or miss the net. Time to drop in at 5:18 of the 3rd period in Kelowna’s zone to see if Prince George can extend the lead.
Quote:3rd line on the ice for both teams, but kelowna is putting on their 1st pair in their own zone. Watkins wins the faceoff, gets it to Norstrom. Justice hits him, the puck is loose but picked up by Savage. Savage gets it back to Norstrom, who gets it across to Shnekinsen.. [b]SCORES! PRINCE GEORGE IS UP 4 TO 2![/b]
Jason Aittokallio is brought in as Smith-Frey has given up 4 goals on 17 shots. The momentum is split between Kelowna, who is fighting to stay in the game, and Prince George, who wants to end it. Let’s drop into the game as Kelowna has the chance to bring it within 1 in Prince George’s zone.
Quote:Dominique wins the faceoff and sends it Hohenberg. Late hit from Savage on Dominique, and Hohenberg gets it to Otto, back to Dominique. Justice now has the puck, he sends it to Hohenberg, who makes a wonderful pass to Yanovich.. [b]SCORES! ANATOLY YANOVICH BRINGS IT BACK WITHIN 1![/b]
Now with momentum, Kelowna starts putting pressure on Waters, but he keeps his team in the lead as we head toward the final stretch of the final period of an amazing, dynamic and crazy match. In the Knights zone, Prince George has a chance to put this game away.
Quote: Dominique goes early, he’s ejected from the faceoff, Yanovich takes his place. Hmm.. now Watkins goes early, we’ll see 2 wingers go at it on the faceoff as Riccardelli steps up to the plate. Riccardelli wins the faceoff, sends it to Kottbulle, who’s pass is stormed by Yanovich. Pass to Otto, who loses it to Obrana in the Firebirds zone! Outlet pass to Shnekinsen, who goes to Riccardelli. Riccardelli skates into the neutral zone, into the knights zo- OH HE’S SMASHED BY SHIROBOKOV! Obrana retrieves it, 1-2 between Kottbulle and Obrana, sends it to Shnekinsen.. [b]SCORES! HIS SECOND OF THE PERIOD! ABSOLUTELY DOMINATING GAME FOR HIM![/b]
Now with momentum, Prince George continues to put the pressure on, despite their probably unsurmountable lead, and it ends the way it last was, at a 5 3 score.
Gutler’s goal to end the 2nd period absolutely demoralized the Knights, as what looked like a manageable situation turned into a panicky one as soon as that puck went into the net. Kelowna let their guard down, and were punished for it by conceding to a 4th liner. The goal put pressure on Kelowna to tie it up, and with each shot being saved again and again by Waters, the 39 shots put up by Kelowna were a testament to the wasted effort that the Knights put in to winning this game.
3 stars of the game:
3 – Toms Shnekinsen (PGF)
He has to be one of the 3 stars. With 3 points on the night, and 2 very important goals, an argument could be made that Shnekinsen deserves the 1st, as he had by far the most influential game of his short SMJHL career. Unfortunately, he only seemed to show up when his name was called, and didn’t really stand out defensively.
2 – Tapper Kottbulle (PGF)
Was a big part of that important 3rd line chemistry, despite being on a defensive pair. He made an important steal and managed to force some plays on the Prince George end that were key in ensuring the victory today.
3 – Joseph Riccardelli (PGF)
Despite only having 1 point, the eye test could easily tell you how much this kid was all over the ice. He may not have directly participated in many goals, but he was huge in setting up the rush that would result in them. He had a lot of hustle today, and proved to everyone who doubted him that he isn’t as bad as he was in preseason.

[Image: ili5NZ2.png]


<div align="center">#33: Detroit Falcons at Montreal Militia</div>

<div align="center">Falcons 6-4 Militia</div>

Game Link

The Detroit Road Show heads to Montreal to face the Militia, a battle of two of the weaker teams to start SMJHL S30. Behind a three-point night from Hans Moleman, the Falcons picked up a crucial road victory in a 6-4 offensive explosion.

MONTREAL, Que. :: In a battle of the bottom two teams in the SMJHL’s East division, the Detroit Falcons outlasted the Montreal Militia for a 6-4 victory.

Hans Moleman led the way for the Falcons, involved in half of the team’s six goals. The leading point-getter from last season’s Detroit squad, Moleman scored a second period goal and added two assists on the evening.

Detroit overcame abysmal special teams play to secure the victory. All of Montreal’s goals came with a man advantage, as the Militia converted on four of their six power play opportunities. Meanwhile, the Detroit power play - the worst in the league entering the game - struck paydirt just once in five tries.

The Falcons struck first in the contest, as Alexis Metzler scored 3:25 into the game. Montreal quickly equalized, as Cleo Green’s tenth career goal leveled the game. Kaspars Berzins and Alex Kepka both notched goals for Detroit to give the Falcons a 3-1 lead before Green struck again with 3:58 remaining in the first period to cut the edge in half.

Montreal tied the game once more 8:33 into the second period on Laraque Obama’s goal. However, the Militia’s backs were broken as Detroit scored three consecutive goals in the second period. Alex Berkis, Cikgnar Konstantinov, and Moleman all lit the lamp in the second period

This three-goal blitz chased Stephen Harris out of the Militia net, giving way for Jeff Kirkstone. Kirkstone saved 14 of the 15 shots he faced in 24 minutes of action, but the damage had already been done.

Montreal drew one goal closer in the third period, as Johnny Watson scored his second goal of the season. However, Detroit netminder Jeremy Anderson saved 13 of the 14 shots he faced in the final 20 minutes to preserve the victory.

Q&A with Detroit's Alexis Metzler

Q1: Congratulations on your first career goal in the SMJHL. What was your emotions and reaction to that moment?

It's pretty cool. I've had a couple in the pre-season and a few assists, but nothing for keeps yet. Everyone was fired up that we got the first goal tonight, the advantage is really important mentally and helps re-enforce the idea that tonight's going to be a good one.

Q2: You also assisted on the power play goal in the second period. Your team won tonight despite pretty poor special teams play. Moving forward, what adjustments do you need to make to improve both on the power play and the penalty kill?

I know the penalty kill wasn't great tonight- normally, we're a lot better than that. The long term probably has really been the power play; I know I've not managed to personally make much of a contribution on it. We've simply got to keep practising and keep building a more dynamic powerplay plan, and eventually we'll see results.

Q3: It's been a slow start to the regular season for Detroit, but the team looked very promising in the preseason. Do you think a win like tonight's can help put the team back on the right track, or are there still issues that need to be settled before this team can win consistently?

Wins are always important. I know we're not that far off track right now; we're still 2nd in the east after tonight, and there's no reason why we can't do this every night. I don't put it down to drama; half the team still only has about 30 games in the SMJHL. We're all trying to work together to understand each other better to get better results on the ice. I don't see any reason why we can't score 6 goals every night when we all finally click together.

Three Stars

Third Star - Alexis Metzler, Detroit: The rookie defenseman notched his first career goal and threw in an assist for good measure.

Second Star - Cleo Green, Montreal:
Oddly enough, the only two-goal scorer in a game that featured ten scores. Green did his damage in less than 13 minutes of ice team.

First Star - Hans Moleman, Detroit: A three-point night for the pride of Springfield, USA led the way for the Falcons.


First Time for Everything: Three players scored their first career goals in the offensive extravaganza. Along with Metzler, the 15th overall pick in the S30 SMJHL entry draft, Cikgnar Konstantinov and Laraque Obama earned their first professional goals. Konstantinov was a third-round selection for Detroit, while Montreal signed Obama as a free agent following the draft.

See You Again: After a day off, these two teams will meet again in Detroit. Only time will tell how that meeting will go.

Bouncing Back: After a pair of poor starts, Detroit stuck with rookie Jeremy Anderson in net over veteran Sivy McSieve. Anderson rewarded the team for its patience, making 26 of 30 saves in the game. Anderson improved to 4-2-0 on the season with tonight’s victory.

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Nikolai Evans
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<div align="center">Game #31(Game Link)

Vancouver <span style='color:#150567'>Whalers Whalers<span style='color:#54C571'>(5-2-0)atPrince George Firebirds Firebirds(3-4-0)</span></span>

Score: Whalers 3 vs Firebirds 4 SO

Here we are in the Prince George Sports Colosseum to see the Firebirds and Whalers play against each other for the first time this season. The Vancouver Whalers dominated the Firebirds pretty hard this season with winning all 4 games. A win seems like almost an impossible thing for Prince George considering that the Whalers have a 4 game winning streak.
Vancouver owned the first period with 2 goals on 11 shots. The Firebirds were only able to score once on 6 shots. The penalties were the exact opposite of the goals in the first period, 2 for PGF and 1 for VAN. The second period was very interesting. Prince George dominated this period in terms of shots but only managed to find the back of the net 1 time while shooting 11 times. The Whalers managed to score a short-handed goal which should have infuriated the PGF Coach. The Firebirds manged to add 12 shots and 1 goal to the statistics, while Vancouver only managed to shoot 6 times. After being tied for 60 minutes the game was decided by a shootout in favor for Prince George.

[Image: unerv6ts.jpg]


7:52 of 1st period GOAL 1 to 0 Prince George Firebirds Firebirds
[Image: giphy.gif]
A pass from Connor MacDonald is intercepted by Joseph Riccardelli in the neutral zone. He passes to Shnekinsen who enters the Vancouver zone. Prince George cycles the puck from Shnekinsen to Norstrom to Riccardelli to Savage who finally sees an open Watkins. Nice pass to watkins who has some time with a nice deke and a really nice snapshot that ends with the puck in the back of the net. GOAL

8:24 of 1st period GOAL 1 to 1 Vancouver Whalers Whalers
[Image: tumblr_nko6gclEyQ1r7exryo1_500.gif]
Here comes Vancouver's response just 30 seconds after the first goal. Brynjar Tusk retrieves the puck after a missed shot by Karl Hertzberg and passes the puck to Ace Redding in the neutral zone. Ace feeds Jon Ross with a pass who then quickly proceeds to distribute the puck to Theodore Graham in the Prince George Firebirds zone. Graham passes to Redding who has a tough battle with a Prince George defender but still manages to get the puck somehow to Owen. Owen loses his balance while shooting. GOAL

12:46 of 1st period GOAL 2 to 1 Vancouver Whalers Whalers
[Image: giphy.gif]
Power play for Vancouver and Jon Ross wins the face-off versus Joseph Riccardelli in the Firebirds zone. Ross passes back to his Defender Connor MacDonald who instantly gives the puck to Redding. Redding with a one-timer that misses the net. Owen scoops up the free puck and beats Waters low blocker. GOAL

6:25 of 2nd period GOAL 2 to 2 Prince George Firebirds Firebirds
[Image: tumblr_ls94wuXjgy1r21bjmo1_500.gif]
Connor MacDonald dumps the puck into Prince George's zone to get a line change going. Savage retrieves the puck and passes to Levi Watkins. Watkins builds up speed while entering the neutral zone and it seems like this might be a breakaway. It truly will be a breakaway because Vancouver currently changes their lines. Watkins is off to the races only Wehner is infront of him. A nice quick shot that lets us hear the goal horn. GOAL

10:27 of 2nd period GOAL 3 to 2 Vancouver Whalers Whalers
[Image: FavoriteNiftyAzurevase.gif]
Icing by Hylytyr NoRetornable while PGF has a power play. Jon Ross wins face-off versus Joseph Riccardelli in Prince George Firebirds zone and passes to Theodore Graham who skates along the boards and centers the puck to Redding who scores the first shorty of his career. GOAL

12:30 of 3rd period GOAL 3 to 3 Prince George Firebirds Firebirds
[Image: giphy.gif]
Pass by Corey Bearss is intercepted by William Norstrom in Prince George Firebirds zone. Norstrom quickly passes to Toms Shnekinsen in the neutral zone. 2 on 1 situation for the Firebirds. Shnekinsen passes to Riccardelli who skates a bit. Shoots.................. Shnekinsen gets his blade on the shot and scores. GOAL

Shootout GOAL 4 to 3 Prince George Firebirds Firebirds
[Image: g288.gif]
Hylytyr NoRetornable with a beautiful Game winning shootout goal.


Goalie Matchup:
[Image: 6vlcxkab.jpg]
To clarify some of the categories first. Good saves are saves that have NOT resulted in a rebound and bad rebounds are rebounds that have resulted in the opposing team having possession of the puck. The goalie matchup was clearly won by Wehner. He was better in every category than Waters except the one which mattered most in this game and that was shootout shots blocked. Sadly for Wehner a really good performance was not awarded with a win.

<div align="center">Unsung Hero:</div>
Ben Waters had a good performance even though he was outclassed by his opponent's goalie .He still had a really good game and was clutch when he had to be it. Him stopping the last shootout attempt of the Whalers allowed PGF to win the game.

[Image: KSelich.gif]
Thank you all for the amazing sigs & player cards
Germany Citadelles  Stampede [Image: vhY18i8.png][Image: Raptors.png][Image: gs89eGV.png] [Image: eE2UQZC.png] Stampede Citadelles Germany

3. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 5 (Maximilian Wachter, Alexis Metzler) at 16:25
5. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 6 (Steven Stamkos Jr., Brynjar Tusk) at 19:48
8. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 7 (Brynjar Tusk, Alexis Metzler) at 13:55
9. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 8 (Anton Fedorov, Mikelis Grundmanis) at 15:12
10. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 9 (Dickie Pecker) at 19:43 (Empty Net)

<div align="center">Game #21

Firebirds vs Falcons
Game Link</div>

<div align="center">Story of the Game</div>
Pregame: Open - Welcome to Detroit, Michigan and the Jet Blue Airways Arena for the first of the six game series between the overall pre-season chumps, Prince George Firebirds and the overall pre-season champs, Detroit Falcons. It is day 7 of the regular season and the preseason seems to be a good indicator for the Firebirds success at 1-4-0, but Detroit seems to have cooled off having a 3 point edge over the Firebirds with a game in hand at 2-2-1 after losses to St. Louis, Halifax, and Kelowna (SO).

Pregame: Keys to the Game- For the Firebirds to win this one they have to keep these points in mind and change up their gameplan so they can get over their struggles and begin to compete in the league.
  • 16 Shots A Win Does Not Make: Having sub-twenty shots a game just isn't going to win you games consistently no matter how good you can suppress shots. Especially not against a team that averages almost 34 shots a game. Having a high shooting percentage is great, but these kids need to get the pucks to the net.
  • Same Goes For the Other Team: Having your opponent at twenty shots a game isn't bad, but that might not be a realistic goal for an opponent that averages 8 more shots a game than you. They shouldn't stray from their shot suppression It's not a bad goal to keep them low by relying on your centers to win faceoffs and your big guys to control the boards.
  • Get the Special Teams ON THE ICE!: All around the Firebirds have had a better set of outings with the special teams units on less opportunities, but they can't rely on just this to get them through. They need to make those chances happen. Get around guys, draw a hook or a trip. They need to take penalties, not take five and six a game. Their last game they did a good job taking more and giving less, and that was their only win, so we'll see if that trend can continue.
Game: Lineup - The teams are coming together for the opening face off and we have the following lines. Detroit starting out with their standard line of center - Nucky Toohoots, with wings Alex Berkis and Hans Moleman

Prince George sending out line up their first line locks: The relatively new signing at wing, Sven Wolf, his wing partner, Hylytyr NoRetornable, both centered by Casper Jakobsson.

Some bit of time and 10 goals later...

Post-Game: Firebird Gifs of the Game - In this game, there were some good take aways, great takeaways, and a disheartening loss for the Firbirds, let's take a look at some key plays in this game to see what went on...

<div align="center">[Image: SplendidGrotesqueEmeraldtreeskink.gif]</div>
We start off on one of the worst takeaways from the game here at around the 18:30 mark of the first period, Ben Water was just simply not ready for the barrage of shots that he would face against Detroit and it would leave him out of position for a near wraparound goal. Let's go in for the call..

Quote:...Nucky Toohoots wins another faceoff in his own zone against the Falcons, throws it back to Metzler, dances around the Prince George forecheck and shoots a clean 2-line pass up to&nbsp; Moleman. Moleman has an edge going around the Prince George defender. Moleman Sliding Around The Back Of The Net. He Has A Shot! BEN WATER IS OUT OF POSITION HE CAN'T GET BACK! THE SHOT! AAAaannndd it goes widddeeeee.....he just threw it parallel to the goal. Moleman has been everywhere tonight and just looks dejected after missing that gimme...

<div align="center">[Image: SnoopySinfulJackal.gif]</div>
We come back here to see Casper Jakobsson's 2nd goal of 3 on the night, on a blind pass from Tapper Kottbulle, Jakobsson is able to sway it out of the air for another goal. Throwing up a prayer

Quote:...Solid pressure on right now for the Firebirds, if only they can get a shot off, they seem to having trouble controlling and keeping the lanes open for a shot. Prince George slides down. Obrana throws it down to Kottbulle to cycle, but the whole of Detroit follows. There is a mismatch in the defense! No One Picks Him Up, Jakobsson Is All Alone Slashing In! KOTTBULLE PUTS UP A PRAYER ACROSS THE CREASE! IT'S IN!!! JAKOBSSON HAS HIS 2ND OF THE NIGHT AFTER BATTING DOWN THAT SPECTACULAR PASS! Anderson never say whim coming, nothing he can do. 2-1 Firebirds!

<div align="center">[Image: CompleteSpiffyFirebelliedtoad.gif]</div>

Now having 2 goals, you just knew that Jakobsson was going to work hard for the hat trick. Here he leverages great positioning and a good team forecheck on the power play to be behind the entire Detroit defense for that hat trick.

Quote:...Just a bit of time left on this power play as Detroit regains possession and begins to get it out of the zone for a last minute line chan...Wait a minute, Selich comes out of nowhere and tips the&nbsp; pass from the Detroit player's stick before he can leave the zone. It Lands Near The Half-Wall, Monkey Picks It Up. No Offside Has Been Called! Play Continues! Jakobsson Picks Up On It. He's Down Low. THE PASS IS ON HIS STICK! SHOT! REBOUND! THE REMAINING PLAYERS&nbsp; CRASH IN! SHOT! ANOTHER REBOUND! ANDERSON IS HIT BY HIS OWN PLAYER! HE CANT GET BACK! One Last CHance? The DEFENDER IS HANDCUFFED, HE CANT GET IT AWAY! GOAL! HAT-TRICK JAKOBSSON! *huff* WHAT A SERIES OF EVENTS! PURE CHAOS! A few hats drop to the ice from visitors and some respectful Detroit fans, but no one in the house in Red is happy about this one. It is now 4-6 Detroit, will this turn around their night? Let's find out...

Post-Game: Wrap Up/3 Stars - It was an entertaining game tonight with a hat trick a piece from both teams from Jacobbson and Moleman.leading to a season high in goals from both teams. We'll leave you with the three stars of the game with this high-scoring affair. Let's see where they stack up.
  • 3rd Star: Falcons Alex Berkis - 3 Points (1 Goals, 2 Assists), + 1
  • 2nd Star: Falcons Hans Moleman - 3 Goals, 7 Shots, +1
  • 1st Star: Firebirds Casper Jakobsson - 4 Points (3 Goals, 1 Assist), 7 Shots, 3 Hits, +2

<div align="center">Vancouver Whalers (0-1-0) at Montreal Militia (2-0-0)
[Image: Vancouver+Canucks+v+Phoenix+Coyotes+1Wz7EetjI4Ql.jpg]
Game Link, Game 8
Goal FINAL SCORE Goal 2 Whalers - Militia 1 Goal FINAL SCORE Goal</div>

<div align="justify">With the young season at hand, it was strange for the Montreal Militia to be facing a familiar Western Conference foe for the second time in 3 games, but that was the case as Vancouver came to town, ready to avenge the home embarrassment that took place on opening night just 2 days ago. In a low-scoring game that saw plenty of missed opportunities and, conversely, relied on a few key opportunities being converted to goals, the Whalers eked out a win to even the series between the inter-conference rivals at 1 a piece, with the final score at 2-1. This 8 game regular season series looks to be a tight one after the result seen here, with both teams vying for their own conference title to hope for the chance to face off again in the 4-Star Cup Finals.</div>

<div align="center">3 Stars of the Game

3rd Star - Jon Ross, Whalers
[Image: 164255400_slide.jpg]</div>

<div align="justify">Ross played a fantastic defensive game, winning 5 of 7 faceoffs in his own end to get the puck out of his own zone. This helped him achieve a faceoff win percentage of 60%, and with 2 hits that resulted in 1 turnover, Ross stood his ground and led his team defensively with his time on the ice. On that note, he also gave others a rest, taking the 3rd most minutes on the Whalers tonight.</div>

<div align="center">2nd Star - Connor MacDonald, Whalers
[Image: ku-xlarge.gif]</div>

<div align="justify">MacDonald did everything you could ask of a defender tonight. His one solid hit resulted in a turnover (though he himself couldn't hold onto the puck afterwards), and the 2 shots blocked resulted in one "rebound" shot being gloved by Link and the other hitting the post due to lack of good aim from the body. Leading OG Bobby with the assist for the game winner gives MacDonald the final nod.</div>

<div align="center">1st Star - Triforce Link, Whalers
[Image: Markstrom2.gif]</div>

<div align="justify">No rebound chances. There were zero rebounds to be had for the Militia, who made their money on second chance goals with 2 in the first game of the season against Link, one of those being the game winner. Link proved to be on another level tonight, making 2 plays off blocked shots from his defense for saves and positioning himself on the 3rd to make the puck hit the post instead of giving a big hole to shoot toward. Vancouver should be proud of him, because without Link, this game goes to the Militia, as they outshot the Whalers (17 shots on goal + 7 blocked shots for Militia versus 19 shots on goal + 4 blocked shots for Whalers ).</div>

<div align="center">Stat of the Night: Hits
[Image: tumblr_inline_mnqc0xPBB11qz4rgp.gif]</div>

Whalers - 13 Hits, 10 resulted in loss of puck, 4 resulted in turnovers
Militia - 18 Hits, 13 resulted in loss of puck, 2 resulted in turnovers
<div align="justify">Vancouver wasn't the more aggressive team, per se, as they only had 13 hits to Montreal's 18, but their hitting efficiency was definitely better, resulting in a better defense. The Whaler's 30.77% turnover rate is far superior to Montreal's 11.11%, and the loss of puck rate shows the same disparity with Vancouver dislodging 76.92% of pucks from people they hit versus Montreal's 72.22%. This sort of physicality is what makes or breaks close games, ones that come down to defensive battles and other non-offensive aspects of the game, and the Militia weren't able to purely outman Vancouver with the body. Hits do not correlate to effective physical play, and this display in stats proves that. If the Militia had that 30% turnover rate, there would be close to 6 turnovers (a +4 turnover difference) for the Militia that would have resulted in 4 more opportunities on offense. This could have led to the game tying goal, as the Militia had their best hitting in the 3rd period with both turnovers happening then.</div>

Highlight reel combined into the 3 stars of the game, minimum of 3 graphics

Game 34: Kelowna Knights Knights vs Halifax Raiders
Score: Kelowna 4 - Halifax 5

Game Link
The game was 60 minutes of high scoring hockey between two evenly matched teams. It came all the way down to the final minutes almost featuring one of the biggest comebacks of the season. The Knights clawed back into the game from a 5-1 deficit to get the game to 5-4 with eight minutes’ left. Unfortunately for the Knights, the Raiders locked it down and held onto the lead to take it 5-4 in regulation.

1st Period

The first period was a high scoring affair for the Raiders, featuring three of their five goals, as well as one from the Knights. The first goal came 5:48 into the game off a shot from Fred Toucher. The Raiders had been holding the puck in the Knights end for a significant amount of time when an errant shot from Blake Battle found its way on net being easily pushed behind the net by Max Smith-Frey, where it was picked up by Battle. The entire Raiders and Knights team had decided to change up lines giving a chance for Battle to find Blake Fenrir at the blueline in the confusion. Fenrir then made a quick pass across the blue line to Toucher for a one timer. Touchers shot flew just under the blocker of Smith-Frey finding the back of the net.

The second goal, also by Halifax, was scored by Solaire Azarov 12:24 into the game. The play started with Justs Sirmais of the Knights being thrown out of the faceoff dot, and Michael Burrows coming in to replace him. With an easier opponent in the drawing, Alex Reed won the faceoff cleanly to the stick of Azaire. Azaire let go a quick shot from the top of the circle

The third goal came 30 second later for Raiders. This one was Pietra Volkova's first career goal. The puck was brought into the zone by Azaire who left a drop pass for Viktor Lindstrom. Lindstrom threw the puck across the ice to Reed, who one timed it right back. Lidstrom then continued this impressive show of passing by one time it to Azaire in the corner, who then sent it right back to Lindstrom who had move to the half boards. All of these passes had muddled the Knights defenders enough that Volkova could easier find an opening in the slot. Lindstrom hit her with the pass. Volkova took one step then ripped a shot right under the glove of Smith-Frey.

[Image: BROWNGOTW1.gif]
Volkova's first career goal at 12:55 into the first period

The fourth goal gave the Knights a much needed tally just moments before the first intermission. An errant pass attempt by Reed was intercepted by Vasily Horvat in the neutral zone, who poked checked it straight to the stick Burrows. Burrows grabbed the puck and deked through two defenders then ripped a shot into the top left corner of the net. This made the game 4-1, bringing the Knights to within three going into the intermission.

[Image: Tyler+Seguin+Slap+shot+goal.gif]
Burrows goal at 19:51 into the first period

2nd Period

The second period featured another high scoring affair, with three goals. The first came only 3:25 into the period. It arose from a two on one with Battle and Matthew Shea coming in on the defense. Battle threw the puck over to Sea in the neutral zone. Shea skated the puck into the zone and ripped a wrist shot on net. The shot hit one of the Cara Hohenburgs in the face, knocking her down. Battle was tied up with the Hohenburg up until the shot and the puck dropped right on his stick. Battle slid the puck past Smith-Frey for a goal. Hohenburg was not injured on the play and would return the next shift.

[Image: Okposo_Ehlers_OT.0.gif]
Battle’s goal at 3:25 into the second period

The sixth goal of the game came a minute later at 4:27 into the period on a Raiders powerplay. The goal was scored by Niklas Flower making it the first of his career. The goal began with the puck being carried into the Knights’ zone by Kip O’Callahan, who promptly lost control of it. It was picked up by Lindstrom in the corner, who sent a blind pass into the slot. It was received by Flower, who ripped a shot blocker side. The puck rebounded straight back to Lindstrom. Lindstrom took a quick peek around before deciding to pass it back to Flower, who had now moved up to the hash marks alongside the boards. This time Flower would make no mistake, burying straight it over the glove of Smith-Frey. This made the 5-1 less than 25 minutes into the match.

[Image: vinnysanj1.gif]
Flower’s first career goal 4:27 into the second period

10 minutes later at 14:49 Dieter Dominique scored on the power play to make it 5-2. This goal arose only 4 seconds into the power play. Bent won the draw straight to Dominique. Dominique made no mistake, like usual, and ripped the puck straight over blocker of Richard C. Hocolate.

3rd Period

The third period got very interesting this game. The Knights were able to score two more goals making the final ten minutes of the game very tight. The first goal of this period came at 7:19 on the power play again. This goal was scored by Dominique, making it a multi goal performance for him. The play started with a long stretch pass by Aitokallio, who had been put in to replace Smith-Frey, to Adriana Starosta in the neutral zone. Starosta then left a drop pass for Dominique, who was skating up the middle with a full head of steam. Dominique then pulled off a beautiful goal, deking right between the Raiders defenders before going in on goal and making another move on the goalie. Hocolate had no chance of stopping this wonderful move by Dominique making the game 5-3.

[Image: StTRe3X.gif]
Dominique’s second goal of the night at 7:19 into the third period

The Knights would then get another goal just over a minute later to pull within one. The goal came courtesy of Wilhelm Huber, marking his first tally of the season. The play started off an errant shot by Shirobokov. The shot missed an rimmed around the boards. Huber, who had just got on the ice, was in prime position along the boards in the Raiders end to pick up the puck. Huber fired a slap shot on net which hit the shoulder of Hocolate before flipping softly into the net.

[Image: MacMillanGoalUNDWisconsin.gif]
Huber's first career goal at 8:48 into the third period

This is where the scoring in the game would end, leaving a final score of 5-4 in favour of the Raiders.

Three Stars
3: Michael Burrows: 1G, 1A, 2S
Burrows was a large part of the Knights attempted comeback. He chipped in a goal and an assist earning himself third star of the game.

2: Blake Battle: 1G, 1A, 4S
Battle had himself an exceptional game. Without him the Raiders would not have been able to hold onto this game. This earned him the third star of the game.

1: Dieter Dominique: 2G, 5S, 3H
Dominique had a huge game. He showed that he is one of the most elite players in the SMJHL with his performance tonight. It was a well earned first star for him with his 2 big goals.

Player Page --- Update Page
[Image: twils.gif]
Picture credit to Allen, Jenny, enigmatic, Wasty, ckroyal92, 701, and EJ

300+ Career Goals, 750+ Career Points
5th All-Time Goals Scored for WKP,
8th All-Time Goals Scored for SEA/TBB
3rd All-Time in Playoff Points
17th All-Time in Goals

6 Consecutive 50+ Point Seasons, 7 Total
Quote:"idc if ur naked if ur holding that cup" -Jenny

<div align="center">Game #7 - Militia Montreal Militia (3) Militia vs raiders Halifax Raiders (5) raiders

Game Link

[Image: FYuWs18.png]

Hello and welcome to Sportsnet Central with Carly Agro and Jackie Redmond! Tonight we are taking a look back at game number seven on the SMJHL schedule where the Halifax Raiders played host to the Montreal Militia. This game was a very exciting one, featuring a ton of shots on goal and a fair share of goals. Let's jump straight to the action early in the first period!

JR: Nearly two minutes into the opening frame, Raiders defenseman, Blake Battle carries the puck into the Montreal zone and drops for Jean-Luc Reflieux before accepting a return pass. Battle with a cross-ice pass to his defensive partner Matthew Shea and he rips a bullet by Stephen Harris to put Halifax up 1-0!

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CA: And Halifax draws first blood in this contest but let's skip ahead to the three and a half minute mark where the Raiders take the first penalty of the game. Reed Laing sits in the sin bin for two minutes or less on a hooking minor and the Militia will look to take advantage of the extra ice. Jason Forbrook feeds a pass to Wesley Wells who skates into the Halifax zone and sets the powerplay up. He spots a wide open Filip Granlund in the slot! Hocolate robs him there, flashing the leather to keep the Raiders up 1-0 but Montreal keeps pressing. Zach Zyvleski finds Ilmari Maatta who wires a shot but Blake Battle lays out for a shot block and the Raiders are able to kill that early penalty.

JR: Some good early pressure there on the powerplay from Montreal but they are not able to capitalize. Skipping ahead now to the six minute mark of the opening period with the Raiders on a powerplay of their own. Hocolate stops the puck behind his net for Alex Reed following a Montreal dump-in and Reed finds a streaking Victor Lidstrom at center ice, looking to catch the Militia on a bad change. Lidstrom wheels into the attacking zone and lets a cannon loose that beats Harris over the shoulder to put Halifax up 2-0!

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CA: Great start to the game for Halifax who are in the driver's seat now and look to increase that lead before the midway point of the period. A draw deep in the Raiders zone won by Jean-Luc Reflieux and he swipes the puck back to Greta Iversen. She skates with the puck prior to dishing off to her defensive partner, Victor LIdstrom up at the red line. Lidstrom moves into the attacking zone and dishes off to Reflieux but his shot misses the net and takes a funny bounce off the end boards right to Solaire Azarov. Azarov is denied by Harris but he finds his own rebound in the corner and wraps it around behind Harris to light the red lamp and put the Raiders up 3-0!

JR: About five minutes to go in the period and things start to get a little chippy, Josh O'Brien catches Matthew Shea with his head down, delivering a bit hit and Brennan Kennedy punishes Battle into the boards just a few seconds later, trying to give Montreal a spark late in the period. That doesn't seem to work although as Hocolate has stood tall for the Raiders but Colin Banning takes a hooking penalty with a couple minutes left to go in the period.

CA: Montreal has a glorious chance to close the gap here late in the first period and set up on the powerplay. Wesley Wells feeds Johnny Watson and he drops it off for Nolan Angello and he wires a snap shot that Hocolate steers to the corner with a pad save. Watson jumps on the rebound, circles to the front of the net and fires but Hocolate swallows it up. Halifax takes a 3-0 lead to the dressing room, despite being outshot 15-8.

JR: Moving to the second period, it was a much different story with no goals scored and fewer shots finding their way on goal. Halifax took two penalties while Montreal took one of their own but this period was played much tighter than the offensive outburst in the first twenty minutes.

CA: Nearly three minutes in, Reed Laing picks off an intended pass by Henrik Vikstrom and the Raiders are off to the races! Laing dishes Fenrir in the Militia zone, to Fred Toucher, down to Hunter Johnson and back to Laing in the slot, ROBBED BY HARRIS! The rebound finds it's way to Toucher and he is denied by Harris as well.

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JR: Granlund wins a draw near center ice back to Viatcheslav Orlov and he wheels up ice, cuts into the Halifax zone and BAM! Battle lays him out! What a bone-crunching hit there!

CA: The physicality has really amped up in this period but the Raiders are looking for more here with nearly six minutes gone, Reflieux steps over the Montreal line and drops for Banning as he heads for the front of the net. Banning with a slap pass that Reflieux one-times and a blocker save by Harris and the rebound comes to Banning, threaded to Azarov and back to Reflieux for another one-timer but Harris is up to the task once more and he smothers it.

JR: Jump to the halway mark of the period now, Angello with a hard shot that Azarov blocks and Vleo Green fires wide. It comes back to Angello and he misses wide too but Watson fires right on and Hocolate denies that scoring chance.

CA: Five minutes to go in the middle frame and Battle carrying the puck is hit hard by Wells along the boards and he quickly fires a shot but it's wide. Watson tries his luck but Reflieux blocks that one and Battle takes another hard hit along boards by Wells once more and Pietra Volkova keeps the physical play going with a bit hit on Watson. Toivo Kosonen and Banning deliver hits as well as things start getting chippy with Halifax with a big lead late in the period.

JR: The period ends with the Raiders leading 3-0 on the scoreboard and Montreal winning the shot battle 10-8 in that period and 25-16 overall. Halifax should be feeling good going into the final period while the Militia should be looking to make some adjustments to get back in the game.

CA: Nearly four minutes gone in the third period now and a face-off deep in the Montreal zone, Reflieux beats Watson on the draw and the puck comes back to Shea. He looks for a shooting lane but can't find one, pass to Reflieux at the side of the net and he wastes no time in firing it into the yawning cage to make it 4-0 for the Raiders!

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JR: Skip ahead to six minutes gone in the final frame and the Militia are pressing deep in the Halifax zone, Orlov to Angello and he takes a big chop across the wrist from Shea! Montreal will head to the powerplay as Shea will sit in the box as the result of a two minute slashing penalty.

CA:Nathan Russet with the puck deep in Halifax territory, passes off to Watson, he circles around and fires one wide but picks up his own rebound and fires again. Big pad save by Hocolate and the puck dribbles to Wells who hammers a hard slap shot that Hocolate turns aside with the blocker and Russet finds the rebound, fires and Hocolate swallows that up to keep the shutout alive.

JR: Great pressure on that powerplay by the Militia by Hocolate keeps them off the scoresheet. Nearing the halfway point of the period with almost nine minutes gone and the Raiders are putting the pressure on again. Kip O'Callahan with the puck behind the Montreal net, skates around front, shoots but it misses high and wide. Lidstrom hammers a slapshot but it misses the net as well but the puck ricochets right into the slot where Alex Reed takes a snap shot. And he puts it over Harris' shoulder to bulge the twine and make it 5-0 Halifax! Harris is pulled from the net in favour of Jeff Kirkstone following that goal.


CA:Now we're down to just over seven minutes left in the game and Montreal has yet to solve Hocolate but they have the pressure on in the Halifax zone. Granlund dumps it in deep as the Militia make changes, Hogan Miller picks it up but his pass is picked off by Orlov who sends it across to Granlund. He fires it wide but gets it right back and wraps it around the net just underneath a sprawled Hocolate. Granlund scores to give the Militia some life late and bring the defecit down to 5-1!

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JR: That late goal definitely has given Montreal some life and let's see if they can build off of that and get back into this game. About a minute later, they are pressing again and have control in the Raiders zone, Maattaa to Orlov to Vikstrom and he drops it back to Maatta. He feeds it over to Marcos Maciel who drops for Orlov as the Militia look for an open lane. Orlov plays give and go with Maatta and the shot comes off the stick of Maatta. It beats Hocolate through the five-hole to make the game 5-2!

CA: Time ticking down in the game now and Lidstrom takes a hooking penalty. Zyvleski picks the puck up behind his own net following a Blake Battle dump-in and he sends a long stretch pass to Maatta at center ice. Maatta accelerates into the Raiders with puck control, drops it for Vikstrom and heads for the front of the net to provide a screen. Vikstrom winds up and fires a howitzer that beats Hocolate high blocker side to make it 5-3!

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JR: The final buzzer sounds to end the game as the Halifax Raiders take it by a score of 5-3. Montreal made it interesting late but it was just too little, too late for the Militia in this exciting, high-octane offense game.

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Kelowna Knights vs Vancouver Whalers

Knights rookie Trevor Wilson had a great night helping them outscore the Whalers 3 to 1!

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Interview with Trevor Wilson:
Interview Any pregame rituals?
I like to spend a good hour making sure my tape and wax job is perfect.

Interview What's your favorite article written about you so far?
Knee jerk reaction to Wilson's Hot Streak is an amazing article. It may be my favourite of all time. Also, shout out to the Game 4 Post Game Show author, twils, for considering my second goal to be a goal of the year candidate.

Interview Ever considered playing goaltender?
I tried playing goalie back in the minor leagues, but it turned into me rushing the puck up the ice by myself. I'm a natural born forward, no way can I fathom trying to stop pucks from going into the net.

Interview If you could fight any player in the league, who?
Easily Waters, there's no question about it. His ego is writing cheques that his body can't cash.

Problems in the box:
VAN will have to find a more disciplined way to answer KEL's physicality in the future; while the Whalers certainly answered every attempt the Knights made to physically intimidate them, the Whalers simply can't be taking penalties due to physical play, and if the Whalers do, they've got to be taking Knights players to the penalty box with them.

That requires a stiff upper lip and maybe even some turning of the other cheek to the stufft that the Knights seem to specialize in, because there's standing up for yourself when push comes to shove, and then there's getting distracted by it, and I would argue that the Whalers may have gotten a bit distracted by KEL's shenanigans.

There's something to be said for being sneaky dirty and being opportunistic in one's retaliation after playing whistle-to-whistle, and it's far more important that the Whalers work their physicality into out-grinding the Knights in puck battles and out-grinding the Knights to the inside of the slot and the front of the net.

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Prince George Firebirds vs Colorado Mammoths- Game 3
Linky Mclinkerson

This is the first game of the season for both the Mammoths and the Firebirds. In Pre-season action they met 3 times, with the Mammoths taking all three games as they outscored the firebirds 9-4 and outshot them 65 to 56.

Lets see who wins tonight.

1st period

Berard Gutler snipes a goal 15:56 into the first period, it was assisted by Casper Jakobsson, and Green Bastard.

Mammoths have a power-play in the dying seconds of the period
Penalties :
Frederick Boone (PGF) for Slashing (Minor) at 19:41

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End of the first period
shots 5 to 3 PGF
Score 1 to 0 PGF

2nd period

The second period was a penalty feast for both sides as the Mammoths went on the power-play five times during this period and gave the firebirds 1 power-play. The score stays the same 1 to 0 but the shots are much different. The Mammoths now lead the shot category 13-9.

3rd period

The Mammoths score their first goal of the season as Steven Stamkos Jr, tips one past Ace Dafoe on the power-play, the goal was assisted by Maverick O'Dooley and Ben Dover.

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Stamkos in front of the net prior to the goal

Tord Yvel scored the game winning goal which was assisted by Cash Money and Trev Legend.

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Ekaterina Rudnikova and Ben Dover Celebrating the victory

Three Stars

1. Ben Dover
21:52 MP, 1 assist, 4 shots 1 hit 1 blocked shot

2.Tord Yvel

3.Ace Dafoe
22 saves out of 24 shots, kept his team in the game despite getting outshot by 10+ shots

TSN Turning Point:
The goal by Steven Stamkos JR. Tied the game up, first power-play goal of the season. had 6 opportunties prior to it, couldn't beat Dafoe despite outshooting the firebirds by a shit ton. Also gave the team some confidence to go and bury another one.

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<div align="center">(#38) Halifax Raiders raiders vs. Kelowna Knights Knights

Game Link

After seeing each other in Halifax for a game that got real ugly real fast, the Raiders and the Knights met again last night as the Knights brought it back to Kelowna. Kelowna would come on top in a game that effectively saw a shootout in the first period and may mark the beginning of a few recurring narratives this season.

<div align="center">Starting Lineups:

Halifax Raiders raiders

Jean-Luc Reflieux - Niklas Flower - Isaac Kaiser

Blake Battle - Matthew Shea

Richard C. Hocolate

Kelowna Knights Knights

Dieter Dominique - Anatoly Yanovich - Geronimo Otto

Ty Justice - Cara Hohenberg

Max Smith-Frey

Game Recap:

In a game full of leftover enmity from the last match-up between these two teams, it was little surprise the night would start off with reckless play and heavy penalty-taking. The first period saw five different players hit the back of the net, three from Kelowna and two from Halifax. However, it also saw seven different players take penalties, including a roughing minor at just six seconds into the game by Halifax centerman Jean-Luc Reflieux. While the second period was comparatively uneventful, with another Kelowna goal and another Halifax penalty, it was the third period that would excite and sadden Kelowna and Halifax fans, respectively. After a hooking penalty on the Halifax captain, Colin Banning, the Knights were able to convert when it counted, solidifying their lead off a goal by rookie defenseman Kornel Kasparek that would eventually be the game-winner.

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PSN 3 Stars of the Game

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1. Blake Battle raiders - The Raiders’ star defenseman put up a goal and two assists in a valiant effort to salvage his team’s first- and third-period meltdowns. Contributing to every single Halifax goal scored, it’s easy to realize the impact he’s had on his team, and how large a hole the Raiders would have dug themselves into last night without him.

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2. Dieter Dominique Knights - The Kelowna captain scored the goal that would put the Raiders behind going into the second, and contribute to the morale attack that would ultimately only allow them to score one goal against Kelowna’s offensive onslaught.

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3. Beau Bent Knights With a goal and an assist, it’s little wonder Bent would find himself on the Three Stars list of a scoring-focused game. Bent laid a hit in an effective manner to force a turnover that would eventually lead to the first of many Kelowna goals on the night.

<div align="center">8 Thoughts: </div>

Of course, after every game, we have eight thoughts, four for each of these teams, to consider about the matchup and the players involved moving forward. Here are eight thoughts on the Halifax Raiders and the Kelowna Knights.

1. The Raiders are starting to establish themselves as one of the more aggressive and reckless teams in the SMJHL on the ice. Their last matchup with Kelowna resulted in a massive line brawl that included four different Raiders taking penalties, with alternate captain Greta Iversen ejected from the game. Last night’s game was no different - Halifax took four penalties in the first period alone, from many who are starting to look like repeat offenders. While the strong style of play could intimidate some of their weaker opponents, the Raiders have to be careful to not let this aggression manifest into too many penalties, otherwise they’ll be giving up far too many short-handed opportunities this season.

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Hard hitting by defenseman Hunter Johnson on Kelowna left wing Geronimo Otto.

2. The leadership group in Halifax has stepped up to the plate with a clear message: “don’t touch our players.” Captain Colin Banning and his alternates for the night, defenseman Matthew Shea and winger Pietra Volkova, all played with residual spite from the last game; Volkova and Banning would both find a way to get a point in that distressingly abrasive first period. All three took excessive penalties, but leave Kelowna with the clear message that they’ll be protecting their players no matter the cost.
3. This game saw new Halifax signee Georgette Pel enter a game in relief for the very first time. While she started in the last set of games, the 36 minutes she played last night came in the tail end of a meltdown by veteran Richard C. Hocolate, during which he let in 4 goals on only 16 shots. Needless to say, Pel’s appearance in relief, while not completely shut-down, may be the precursor to her starting to see a lot more ice time.
4. If Halifax defenseman Blake Battle has to drag the Raiders kicking and screaming into the playoffs, he will. The star blue-liner improved to 5-5-10 with another multi-point game last night, showing the world exactly why he’s on his team’s first pairing in a fairly deep pool of defensemen. He currently sits behind only Jean-Luc Reflieux, Halifax’s star center, for best scorer on the Raiders.

5. Kelowna and Halifax may be starting to see a rivalry develop between two of their top prospects from this season’s draft. Kelowna defenseman Kornel Kašpárek and Halifax left winger Pietra Volkova, both taken within their respective teams’ first three picks in the draft, have been seen developing some sort of friction in the weeks after the draft. When interviewed about each other, both offered compliments that were quickly veiled with spiteful words about each other’s play, and this has already begun to manifest on ice. Volkova broke her goal drought against Kelowna two days ago in Halifax against her Czech competitor, but Kasparek would not let himself be dissuaded. Kasparek would proceed to score against Volkova’s Raiders last night, leaving many to wonder whether this back-and-forth between the two of them will continue all season.
6. With nearly 40 SOG in the game, it’s no wonder six different Knights were able to find their way onto the scoreboard tonight. Kelowna has begun to establish itself as a high shooting team, and as evidenced by tonight’s game, they’re able to convert well. Expect there to be a lot more blowouts like this one in Kelowna’s future - they’ll be using them to their advantage in their quest to repeat at the top of the Western Conference.
7. Ty Justice, in his first season as a send-down after being taken third overall by the West Kendall Platoon, is looking every bit like the star Kelowna expected him to be after being taken first overall in last season’s SMJHL draft. With a two-point game last night, Kelowna’s alternate captain continues to prove both his draft rankings and his reliability to the rest of the league.
8. Kelowna went 2-for-7 on their power play, sparking questions as to whether their power play unit is producing enough. Against a reckless team with the proclivity to give up many shorthanded opportunities, Kelowna needed to be able to convert much better than they have been. Despite the fact that this will get masked in light of last night’s overwhelming victory, analysts will be pointing this failure to produce in golden situations next time the game doesn’t go in their favor as well.

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<div align="center">Game #44(Game Link)

Vancouver <span style='color:#150567'>Whalers Whalers<span style='color:#54C571'>(6-3-1)in Vancouver vs Prince George Firebirds Firebirds(5-5-0)</span></span>

Score: Whalers 2 vs Firebirds 1 SO

Welcome to the Pacific Coliseum where we will a battle between 2 teams from BC. The Prince George Firebirds and the Vancouver Whalers. Prince George currently leads in the rivalry with 1 win on home ice. Today might be the day for the Whalers to bring this rivalry to a tie one their own home ice.
The first period was a really even battle between this 2 teams. Each team generating at least 10 shots. Vancouver had the upper hand though with scoring 1 goal. They also had the only penalties in this period with 3. Penalties were the only highlights in the second period to be honest. Every team was able to shoot the puck on the net but none had success. The Whalers dominated the Firebirds in the third period but were not able to score a goal. Prince George punished the Whalers inability to score by scoring themselves on 1 of the 2 shots they had.
The game was eventually decided by a shootout in favor for the Whalers.

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1:21 of 1st period GOAL 1 to 0 Vancouver Whalers Whalers
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Just 1:21 in the game and we already have a goal.Corey Bearss intercepts a pass by Tapper Kotbulle in the neutral zone. Spots an open OG Bobby. Bobby shoots immediately. Obrana was just able to block that shot before any damage was done. Bobby is able to retrieve the puck around the hashmarks shoots. Stuart is able to get his blade on the shot and scores! GOAL

2:38 of 3rd period GOAL 1 to 1 Prince George Firebirds Firebirds
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Puck is dumped in Prince George Firebirds zone by Brynjar Tusk to get some air in the lungs. Karl Hertzberg retrieves the free puck and passes to Obrana in the neutral zone. He moves into the Vancouver zone and rop passes the puck back to Hertzberg. Skates towards the net and passes back to another defender named Kotbulle. Kotbulle sees Obrana and gives him the puck. Obrana with a huge slapper that is wide. Boone is able to retrieve the puck, shoots and SCORES ! GOAL

Shootout GOAL 2 to 1 Vancouver Whalers Whalers
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Conklin Owen and Patrick Kilgore are able to beat Ben Waters with some beautiful shootout moves to secure the win for the Whalers. Owen does it with a nice backhander. Kilgore beats Waters with a quick shot above his left shoulder.

Goalie Matchup:
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At first it seems like Waters won the goalie battle but once you look at some more in depth stats like his Good Saves% you are able to see that Link had the upper hand in this battle. One should still not think that this was a bad performance for a goalie. In fact this should be one of the best goalie performances of this season by Waters. You could argue that Waters had to face way more difficult shots than Link. Both goalies still had a very high bad rebound % of 100%. It is amazing to see that none of these resulted in a goal. Waters still fell short in a clutch category in this game and that is his SO% which was 0 to Link's 50%. Waters did all he could to keep his team in this game but there is only so much a single person can do.

<div align="center">Three Stars:</div>
3rd Star: Triforce Link (VAN) 16 saves from 17 shots - (0.941), 3 Rebounds, 13 Good Saves
Link had a really good performance today which is awared with the 3rd star of this game. He was very clutch vor VAN in the shootout and put them in a place to succeed with blocking 1 shot. Under 20% of his blocked shots are rebounds that is very good % in that statistic and of course his 94% save procentage.

2nd Star:
Frederick Boone (PGF) 1G, 1Shot, 100% Shot%, 6 HIts ,50% FO%, 1 Intercepted Pass
Boone truly deserves this 2nd star. He had a stellar performance with scoring the game tying goal which gave PGF 1 point out of this game. He truly was a physical presence this game laying out 6 hits which places him 1st in the hits department. He also won 50 % of his face-off and intercepted 1 pass.

1st Star:
Ben Waters (PGF) 29 saves from 30 shots, SV%: 96,97% , 8 Rebounds, 21 Good Saves
Ben Waters and Frederick Boone combined were the only reason PGF made it to the shootout. Waters had a phenominal game. Maybe just a tad too many rebounds but I think the reason was that Vancouver had a lot of high quality scoring chances. The statistics this game that were not superb for Waters are his SO%. Other than that this should be Waters best performance of this season.I mean almost 97% save procentage is just crazy good.

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Germany Citadelles  Stampede [Image: vhY18i8.png][Image: Raptors.png][Image: gs89eGV.png] [Image: eE2UQZC.png] Stampede Citadelles Germany

3. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 5 (Maximilian Wachter, Alexis Metzler) at 16:25
5. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 6 (Steven Stamkos Jr., Brynjar Tusk) at 19:48
8. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 7 (Brynjar Tusk, Alexis Metzler) at 13:55
9. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 8 (Anton Fedorov, Mikelis Grundmanis) at 15:12
10. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 9 (Dickie Pecker) at 19:43 (Empty Net)

St. Louis Scarecrows @ Prince George Firebirds

The #1 St. Louis Scarecrows taking on perhaps the hottest team in the league at the moment in the Prince George Firebirds. It was a low scoring affair and most people could have predicted that based on the starting goalies, let's have a look:

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Ben Waters #31

One of many spectacular goalies coming out of the S30 SMJHL draft, Ben Waters has had trouble finding a rhythm with his team. It seems when he is on, the team is off, and vice versa. Life as a rookie goalie can be frustrating, especially when you don't seem to be in sync with the rest of your team. Waters had a wonderful 5-0-0 record leading into the game but below average numbers otherwise. Prince George certainly win or lose as a team, and it shows in the record and underlying numbers of their now starting goalie Ben Waters. Although Waters was very motivated for this game, facing off against fellow rookie and long time rival Kyle Wahlgren.

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Kyle Wahlgren #30

The top SMJHL goalie heading into the game, Wahlgren has shown he is a step above not only those in his draft class, but also those already experienced in the league. He leads the league in wins, save percentage, goals against average, and shutouts showing to all that his draft position was no mistake. While the rest of the Scarecrows have played very well to support Wahlgren and do their part in getting the wins, Wahlgren has truly been the early season MVP. Heading into the action Waters may have still had something to prove, but for Wahlgren and the ‘crows it was just another game on the schedule.

First Period

The first period fast paced and gave the goalies time to shine between the pipes. The teams traded penalties in the first half with Boone going for interference and Diablo sitting for a hook, neither of which resulted in a goal. After back and forth action throughout the period, a faceoff in the PGF zone resulted in the first goal. Willy Mack won the draw to Bill Cirocco who fired the puck on net, Waters came up with the save but Eugene Feist grabbed the rebound and showed incredible patience before ripping home the opening goal.

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Second Period

The second opens with some early pressure from St. Louis which draws a hooking penalty on Shnekinsen, and while St. Louis didn’t capitalize on the man advantage, they did get a couple of chances on Waters. Shortly after the penalty expired though a point shot from Dos Diablo was deflected in front of the net by Taylor Stach putting St. Louis up 2-0

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Prince George got a wake-up call from the goal and right off the center ice faceoff Tapper Kottbulle breaks into the St. Louis zone and tries to go five-hole on Wahlgren. The puck bounces off Wahlgren’s pad, and Joseph Riccardelli pots the easiest goal of his career.

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Third Period

Prince George could not find any momentum going into the third, and St. Louis completely smothered them the rest of the way. PGF also found some penalty trouble, taking 2 minutes on 3 separate penalties in the third. Finally with about 5 minutes left the Firebirds got a glorious opportunity to tie the game as Michael Young found himself alone in front of the net with the puck on his stick. However, Kyle Wahlgren was up to the task and the rebound was iced to stop the pressure.

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Final Score

St. Louis Scarecrows - 2 @ Prince George Firebirds - 1

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