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S30 Regular Season PGS Thread

<div align="center">[Image: 2dttbns.jpg]</div>

<div align="center">ON TONIGHT'S BROADCAST:
Game 18 of Season 30 of the SMJHL....

Detroit Falcons VS Halifax Raiders
Goal 3 Falcons VS raiders 1</div>

Barton: Y'know, before the start of the season --
Cooter: Ah, jeeze, here we go again --
Barton: -- shut-up, let me get this out; so before the start of the season, you and I made a bet about which upwardly predicted team would flop out, and I gotta say, man, it's looking like I'm gonna win that $500 pool.
Cooter: This is the point in time where I remind you that we are not even one week into season 30.
Barton: I know, I know, but for all the top talent Halifax has in their defensive lines, their offensive pushes and their special teams are abysmal, and this game, the third match-up between these two teams, really highlights how many holes Halifax is failing to plug in their leaky, slowly-sinking ship.
Cooter I don't know, man, I'm thinking that's a bit prematurely harsh.
Barton: [laughs] You think?
Cooter: Yeah, man. I think, I think Halifax is in need of some big line adjustments, but the talent, for all its relative inexperience, is definitely there. Over the last three games, you've had guys like Alex Reed, currently a third liner, and Reed Laing, a fourth liner than moonlights on the third, coming together and producing massively well thanks to some great chemistry with their big-numbers defensive guys and gals. You've got guys like Joey Ryan, second line center, putting up points too. The left wing spot seems to be the one in need of most repair, and oddly, the spot filled with the most hopeful draft picks.
Barton: Draft busts, you mean.
Cooter: I think it's a little early to call 'em busts, is what I mean.
Barton: Well, whatever, let's roll the audio tape. For those of you tuning in to our web broadcast, we have video highlights for you to watch as well, the web address URL is; the phone number for you to call in at, since we'll be taking calls later on in the show, is 800-XXX-XXXX, or you can tweet us -- is that the correct parlance?
Cooter: I'm pretty sure tweeting is the verb, yeah.
Barton: You can tweet us on Twitter at @CootsandBooms.
Cooter: Can I roll the tape?
Barton: You can roll the tape, buddy.

Quote:Well this is a rough start for Halifax, Detroit has been making it their puck these first few faceoffs here on the Raider's home ice -- but oh! Here's Reflieux with a nasty backhand robbing Zjang of the puck in the Halifax offensive zone, can he do something with it? Oh, and shot by Toucher, but off the skate of Erik Muller, and another quicksilver wrister by Reflieux himself but just wide of the net! Azarov to collect behind the Falcon's net as Anderson stays in his crease, and another attempt at a shot, Azarov trying to dump the puck in on the short post, but the post isn't cooperating with him tonight; Berzins attempts to intercept the post rebound, but it's spirited away and passed to Alex Reed who winds up for a cannon of a shot, but it goes wide! Anderson is sliding back and forth along the post trying to keep Halifax scoreless as the shots just keep on raining down like a summer thunderstorm, and it looks like Reed Laing has managed to scrum it off the mess of Detroit defenders trying to grind it at the boards, but -- wow, Edvins Berzins not having any of that as he ploughs into Laing for a thorough open ice hit that has Laing on his back like a beached whale. Laing is -- Lang is getting up OK, but we have a whistle here now, Matthew Shea with gloves off knocking the helmet of Berzins, who isn't having any of it, choosing to let the linesmen put a stop to Shea's nonsense early. Shea, obviously upset with Berzin's lack of enthusiasm -- attempting to flick Berzins in the nose? I don't know Carl, this is some playground nonsense, if you ask me --

<div align="center">[Image: qhlSH08.gif]</div>

Quote:-- and yeah, Shea getting two for roughing, unfortunately not another two for acting like a five-year-old child, leading the Falcons into a powerplay now; with Halifax's poor opening track record with penalty killing, Hocolate had better be ready for the forthcoming assault, even if it's only for two minutes.

Barton: I mean, really? Really?
Cooter: I am the literal opposite of surprised this is your first highlight of the game.
Barton: Yeah, but, what the hell is he even doing? Do you see how hard Berzin is eyerolling at this idiocy? I can feel his eyeroll without even looking at the tape, that's how much shade Berzin is throwing at Shea on the ice in that moment.
Cooter: It was dumb, Shea successfully drew a penalty with the hit, yay Falcons. Can we move on?
Barton: Yeah, I guess we can move on.

Quote:It's off to the sin-bin with Flower for a double-minor -- the refs showing their extreme displeasure at what was essentially a friendly clubbing in return for what must've been some effective chirping on the part of Detroit's Konstantinov, if the grin he's wearing right now is any indication...

... nothing but a ticking time bomb, the way Detroit's powerplay is running the show out there right now. The score's already 1-0 in the Motor City's favor, but they're playing like they're hungry for more, which is more than I can say of Halifax's penalty kill right now. Although, maybe I spoke to soon? That's Zjang now, mysteriously shooting the puck down into Halifax's zone, teammates no where in sight, so we'll be meeting them for a face-off now back in Detroit's defensive zone. And now, an annoyed, over-eager Zjang, being tossed out of the circle by the referees. Hippo and Reflieux for the face-off, and Hippo wins it easily, tying up Reflieux's body and stick&nbsp; long enough to kick the puck to James, James taking it up the ice into neutral territory. It's a two-on-three now, in Halifax's favor, despite the power play, James coming down the right, looking for Hippo -- finding him, and Hippo fumbles the pass of his skate, but not badly enough, because -- goal! That's a power play goal for Hippo, behind the backs of the entire Raider's defensive line, Hocolate badly misjudging James' intent to shoot from the right slot. What a beaut of a goal!

<div align="center">[Image: giphy.gif]</div>

Cooter: So I want to try something.
Barton: What do you want to try?
Cooter: You want to use this to talk about how bad the Raider's penalty kill is, right?
Barton: Well -- yes, that is chiefly among the things I chose this clip to illustrate.
Cooter: So how about I talk about the Raider's PK, and you talk about the Falcon's powerplay?
Barton: Oh, fine. By all means. You still want me to go first?
Cooter: Yep.
Barton: Detroit's power play is abysmal.
Cooter: Oh, wow, Barty, I'm surprised you can actually admit that out loud!
Barton: It is! I can be unbaised! They're producing next to nothing, which is particularly unfortunate because they're averaging highest in the division, if not the league, so far for drawing penalties. St. Louis is not far behind, but compared to St. Louis, Detroit is producing nothing -- a scant overall 16% for 5 successful attempts on 30 produced powerplays thus far, including the game against Halifax tonight. St. Louis? St. Louis has a whopping 30% for 7 successful attempts on 23.
Cooter: Yeah, OK, but --
Barton: But nothing. Tonight's match-up featured the weakest powerplay conversion team in the division against the worst penalty killing team in the division, and so while talking about what Detroit might do to even up its powerplay conversion is certainly a lively academic pursuit, Halifax still couldn't stop them. Each match-up so far, Detroit has pushed in one goal on a powerplay, regardless of their conversion stats.
Cooter: OK, OK --
Barton: Ipso facto, the Raiders still suck ass.
Cooter: OK, buddy, this is my part of the coverage now.
Barton: Fine, you talk about the Raiders sucking ass, then.
Cooter: Let's, for the sake of exploring the faults of Halifax's PK special teams, look again at the conference leader St. Louis. Halifax's PK problems are deceptive, and I think boil down to being the result of hiding in plain sight -- Halifax's PK defense is unexpectedly statistically problematic. When you take the two-man teams of Shea and Lindstrom as one unit, Battle and Banning as the second unit, and compare them to their counterparts on the Crows, a few things become readily apparent. In Halifax's game against Detroit, Shea and Lindstrom were favored as the go to PK d-men 65% of the time. That same duo is weaker in on-ice endurance, puck handling, and drastically weaker in checking than the best the Crows can put out. Their back-up in the form of Battle and Banning? Not that much better, fairing a full seven to eight points worse per skill set than the best possible defensive PK the Crows have to offer, matching only in their ability to handle the puck. Offensively on the PK, Halifax is surprisingly better matched. But despite being lauded as a defensive powerhouse, Halifax's penalty kill vulnerabilities stem almost entirely from behind the blue line.
Barton: I gotta say, I'm surprised.
Cooter: It's not an irreparable problem, but it's definitely one that's in desperate need of workshopping by Halifax GM David Bowman and their coaching staff, and soon.
Barton: Next clip?
Cooter: Next clip.

Quote:Well, there's just about six minutes here left in the 3rd, and boy are these boys and girls playing ping-pong tonight!  And we're back down in Halifax's offensive zone, and Flower and with his winger from another mother Kaiser, trying to make magic happen in their zone last minute to tie up the game here, and oh, hip-check from Brodangleschlong has Flower off-kilter, but the pass is picked-back up by Kaiser who takes a shot and-- deflected with a rebound off a flailing swipe of Anderson's glove! What a mess down there in Detroit's crease!

<div align="center">[Image: giphy.gif]</div>

Quote:But Hippo now pushing down the ice, unable to shake Halifax's defenders, but able to take a lucky shot anyway -- it flies well wide of the net! Trouble for the Raiders, now, Detroit stacked and fully set-up, Zjang first to the puck along the boards, with a desperate backhander that bounces off Berzin's skate -- which Berkis, which Berkis puts away! Goal Detroit! Goal Detroit! The game is now three-to-one with five minutes left in the third period! Death knell for Halifax, if this game were a turkey, it'd be time to take her out of the oven.

<div align="center">[Image: giphy.gif]</div>

Barton: For such a scrummy game, with so much play on the boards, I feel like over-all, the experience of the game was relatively bloodless. I picked the final decent battle on the part of Halifax for the last game highlight, which despite a desperate push, still wound up producing an offensive turn-over which resulted in the final Detroit goal.
Cooter: It's true -- the 3rd period had both Detroit and Halifax running at half-steam. While Halifax pulled it together enough to battle a bit in the second, the strong push on the part of Detroit during the first really payed off, despite low over-all energy, since it was that first push that got the Falcons the two points, and the first push that sucked the marrow from the bones of the game.
Barton: I mean, these two teams are gonna be meeting a lot in the future.
Cooter: That they are.
Barton: Do you have high hopes for these two teams generating the kind of rivalry that creates good hockey?
Cooter: I do, actually, because like I said before --
Barton: The potential is there?
Cooter: Exactly, and also? While Halifax played some pretty tired hockey this match-up, they're known to be a pretty vivacious team. Give them a week or two to recoup, and I guarantee come weeks two and three, we'll be seeing much better hockey coming out of the SMJHL in Nova Scotia.
Barton: If you say so, buddy. Now to the phones!

[Included: Highlight reel, story of the game, descriptions of the goals, team stats breakdown and analysis]

Game #57 Montreal Militia (3) vs Detroit Falcons (6)
Game Link

<div align="center">Starting Lineups
LW- Nolan Angello C- Filip Granlund RW- Brennan Kennedy
LD- Ilmari Maatta RD-Viatcheslav Orlov
G- Jeff Kirkstone

LW- Hans Moleman C- Nucky Toohoots RW- Alex Berkis
LD- Prince Daniel James RD- Jari Sinikka
G- Sivy Mcsieve</div>

In their first match-up after the headline deal that sent Nerokov to Montreal, Detroit and Montreal will find out who won this trade. Nerokov will play wing on Montreal's second line, and Vikstrom will play wing on Detroit's third line. We'll see who wins tonight's battle, but the current favorites are the Falcons, as they've gone 3-0 against the Militia this season, with 15 goals for and 8 goals against.

Player Watch
Detroit: With 2 goals and 6 assists in the first three match-ups, Hans Moleman will be expected to carry the Falcons to another victory. When he faces off against the Militia, magic happens. I would expect no less from him tonight.

Montreal: Zack Zyvleski has 4 assists in the first three games against the Falcons, so I would keep an eye on him to see what plays he can muster up to help his team get their first win against Detroit.

Period 1
-An interception by Toohoots in the neutral zone leads to goal scored by Hans Moleman for Detroit at 4:08. The goal comes shorthanded after the Brodangleschlong hooking penalty at 2:28. Score is 1-0.
-Several turnovers between Bailey and Vikstrom leads to Detroit's second goal scored by Zach Evans at 13:55. Score is 2-0.
-A loose puck collected at the blue line after a blocked shot leads to a goal scored by Prince Daniel James for Detroit at 14:30. Score is 3-0.
-An interception by Jeziak leads to offensive zone possession which puts Montreal on the board with a goal scored by Laraque Obama at 14:52. Score is 3-1.
-A precise pass from behind the net leads to a goal scored by Hans Moleman for Detroit at 17:07. Score is 4-1.
-That last goal rattled Jeff Kirkstone's confidence, coach will be replacing him with Stephen Harris.

Period 2
-Stephen Harris starts the powerplay attack with a long pass into the neutral zone, this leads to a goal scored by Ilmari Maatta for Montreal at 3:38 as a result of the Moleman interference call at 3:19. Score is 4-2.
-Detroit scores after an offensive zone faceoff at 5:49 by Alex Berkis on the powerplay after the Orlov high sticking penalty at 5:29. Score is 5-2.

Period 3
-After sustained offensive zone possession by Montreal, Zack Zyvleski scores a powerplay goal at 2:20. Powerplay comes after Brodangleschlong's roughing minor at 2:02. Score is 5-3.
-A loose puck is collected by Detroit after a blocked shot, and Hans Moleman completes his hat trick at 2:58 to seal the game. Score is 6-3.

Statistical Breakdown
Detroit led in shots through all three periods, and it appeared that Montreal never put up much of a fight. The Montreal defense let through 39 shots, and the shots they did block were left as rebounds for Detroit to pick up and shoot again. Montreal put up 27 shots on Mcsieve, but it wasn't enough to come back and fight for a much needed win.

Poweplay/Penalty Kill
Montreal's powerplay was perhaps the only impressive stat on their sheet tonight, as they scored two timely goals for a 40% success rate on tonight's powerplay. They also did a good job of locking down on the penalty kill, allowing only one goal on seven penalties. Detroit should consider working on their powerplay strategy in order to get it higher than 14.29% for the next game.

Three Stars
3. Jari Sinikka 0/3/+3
This defenseman was all over the ice in an effort to get his team another win. He provided some well-timed passes that turned into scoring opportunities, and picked up three helpers in tonight's game. Another solid performance by Detroit's #1 D-man.

2. Nucky Toohoots 0/3/+4
Toohoots had a busy night with Moleman, feeding him the puck as much as possible. He also won some key faceoffs on the powerplay that turned into goals. Nucky Toohoots would've been the first star tonight, if not for...

1. Hans Moleman 3/2/+4
Moleman had his first hat trick of the season, and had another monster game against the Montreal Militia. He tore their defense apart, jumping on rebounds and putting pressure even on the penalty kill. If Hans Moleman can put up that kind of performance every night, he could lead his team all the way to the Four Star Cup. Expect big things from him as the season series continues between Detroit and Montreal.

<div align="center">Vancouver Whalers @ Montreal Militia

Final Score
Whalers 2-1 Militia
Game Link

Starting Lineups

Vancouver Whalers

Conklin Owen - Jon Ross - Ace Redding
Theodore Graham - Brynjar Tusk
Triforce Link

Montreal Militia

Nolan Angello - Filip Granlund - Jason Forbrook
Ilmari Maatta - Viatcheslav Orlov
Stephen Harris

Game Recap

Day 3 saw a rematch of the Day 1 encounter between the Militia and Whalers, a game that the Militia won 5-3 in Vancouver. The Whalers returned the favour in Montreal though, running out 2-1 winners. Let's take a look at the game period by period.

Period 1

The opening period got off to a quick start, as it took only 8 seconds for the referee to send Viatcheslav Orlov to the penalty box for a nasty high stick on Brynjar Tusk. The Whalers were unable to generate any shots during the PP, with Connor MacDonald making the most noise durin the two minutes, laying out two big hits.

It was more than 6 minutes in to the game when a goalie was tested for the first time. Marcos Maciel won the draw for the Militia, and he was picked out in front of the net by Henrik Vikstrom, but Triforce Link was up to the task of denying his quick shot. A penalty to Adam Kaiser followed as the Militia took control of the game, but Link was solid between the pipes, denying Johnny Watson multiple times.

Near the middle of the period saw Stephen get his first big workout of the day. He blocked away a vicious OG Bobby slapshot, and pulled off a tremendous save on the rebound as Olson Stuart threw the puck back towards the goal. Ace Redding was the next to be denied a goal, after MacDonald sent him through on goal after intercepting Nolan Angello's loose pass.

The Whalers were able to hold off another PP opportunity for the Militia after Olson Stuart was sent to the box, but when Alfred Holiday was penalised for holding with 3:20 to play, they weren't quite so lucky. Watson lost control o the puck in the Whalers zone, but Wesley Wells was able to keep the play alive. His shot whizzed by the goal, and Link was unable to get across in time to prevent Brennan Kennedy's wraparound from sneaking in to the net, breaking the deadlock to give the Militia the lead.

1. Montreal Militia , Brennan Kennedy 1 (Wesley Wells, Johnny Watson) at 18:21 (PP)

The period came to a close with little extra activity, both teams entering the locker room to an awakened Montreal crowd.

Goals for this period are 0 for Vancouver Whalers vs 1 for Montreal Militia.
Shots for this period are 6 for Vancouver Whalers vs 8 for Montreal Militia.

Period 2

Much like the first period, this one started off with a penalty to a Montreal player. Jason Forbrook was the culprit, and this time the Whalers made no mistake with the man advantage. It was a little more than a minute in to the PP when the Militia were caught making a poor line change that allowed Conklin Owen a breakaway, an opportunity he did not squander. Link stopped the puck behind the net for Holiday, who found a streaking Owen with a long outlet pass, and he found the top corner with ease, leaving Harris screaming at his defense for leaving him so exposed.

2. Vancouver Whalers , Conklin Owen 1 (Alfred Holiday, Triforce Link) at 1:21 (PP)

Filip Granlund registered what would be 1 of only 3 shots on target in the period for Montreal shortly after the equaliser, his quick wrist shot being snared by the glove of Link. Harris stayed strong at the other end, stopping Olson Stuart and then Levi Kubrak twice in quick succession. The opening ten minutes of the second period saw little else of note, as both teams struggled to generate opportunities.

Whalers' goon Ieuan Llewellyn found himself in the penalty box for hooking after 13 minutes, a place he has developed a knack for finding. The Militia sustained heavy pressure in the Vancouver zone for the duration of the penalty, but some hard work from the PK unit and a couple of excellent saves from Link ensured the score stayed level. Watson in particular couldn't believe it when Link blocked what appeared to be a sure goal.

If the first period was the period of high sticking - with three penalties called for the infraction - the second was the coming out of the hooking call, with all penalties given that designation in the period. The last was Ilmari Maatta giving the Whalers a third chance to score on the PP with around 3 minutes to play. Adam Kaiser came close, and Owen had a chance to score his second PP goal of the night, but Stephen Harris said no, and the Militia saw the penalty out.

In the final minute, Travis Jeziak stole the puck from Patrick Kilgore, and the Miltia set up in the Whalers' zone. Montreal moved the puck around, with Kristofer Hallfredsson eventually finding Brennan Kennedy in the slot, but his one-timer missed the net with only 1 second left on the clock.

Goals for this period are 1 for Vancouver Whalers vs 0 for Montreal Militia.
Shots for this period are 7 for Vancouver Whalers vs 3 for Montreal Militia

Period 3

There was a hitting frenzy to begin the third, with both teams trying to establish physical dominance. Jaylor Toast lit up Ace Redding, followed by Redding getting some revenge with a huge hit on Watson. Ilmari Maatta let Theodore Graham know he was in a game too, connecting with two big checks in the space of 13 seconds.

Triforce Link showed his preseason form early in the third, standing strong against multiple onslaughts in order to keep his team level. Filip Granlund tried three times to put the puck beyond Link, but Link was up to the task each time, leaving Granlund shaking his head in disbelief. Link's lightning reflexes were on show as well, as he adjusted well to a Laraque Obama deflection that would have beaten most goaltenders.

Alfred Holiday went to the box for the second time 7 minutes in, but the Militia failed to capitalise, with every shot on Link's net sailing high or wide.

It was just before the halfway point of the period that the lamp was lit once again. In a play eerily similar to Vancouver's first goal, there was a mix-up during Montreal's line change, allowing a breakaway. Link gathered the dumped puck, Connor MacDonald zipped it out to OG Bobby, who deked Harris out of his skates and slipped it home. The home crowd was stunned in to silence as the Whalers' celebrated, with goaltender Link picking up his second assist of the night.

3. Vancouver Whalers , OG Bobby 2 (Connor MacDonald, Triforce Link) at 9:52

Montreal almost got themselves back in to the game a minute later, with sustained pressure culminating in a Watson slapshot that Link was able to stop and cover. From the resulting face off, the Whalers carried the puck up the ice, and forced Harris in to a smart double save, as he denied Jon Ross and Carl Farris from doubling the lead.

With 6 minutes to play, Hallfredsson made things even more difficult for Montreal, earning a two minute trip to the box. Due to some poor shooting though, Vancouver could not put the game out of reach, and Hallfredsson exited the box with 4 minutes to play and the deficit just at one.

With only a minute left on the clock, the Militia found themselves with one last opportunity to send the game to overtime. As Harris was pulled from the net, Montreal gained position in the Vancouver zone. Toast shot wide of the goal, but Angello was able to recover the puck along the boards. He cut inside and fired a wrist shot high, but Link saved and held to force a face off. Ross won the face off for the Whalers, and they were able to clear the zone to hold out for a 2-1 win.

Goals for this period are 1 for Vancouver Whalers vs 0 for Montreal Militia.
Shots for this period are 6 for Vancouver Whalers vs 6 for Montreal Militia.


[Image: johnnygoal.gif]
Brennan Kennedy opens the scoring

[Image: ovi-high-stick1.gif]
Olson Stuart high sticks Johnny Watson

[Image: MATT-HENDRICKS-huge-hit-hockey-hit-body-check-gifs.gif]
Ilmari Maatta hits Theodore Graham

[Image: sydney-crosby-goal-b.gif?w=640]
OG Bobby scores the game winning goal

Team Stats


Whalers 13-18 Militia

The Militia were the more physical of the two teams on the night, though the hit totals were on the low side overall.

Faceoff Wins

Whalers 44-34 Militia

Vancouver totally dominated the draw all night long, with the center on their first, second and third line all posting over 50%, with Jon Ross' 15/25 the most impressive of the bunch.

Shots Blocked

Whalers 7-4 Militia

With the contest being such a closely fought affair with a low number of shots (19 for Vancouver, 17 for Montreal), preventing the other team from testing your goaltender is incredibly important. Vancouver blocked a huge 7 shots on the night, something Triforce Link will have been incredibly thankful for.

Three Stars

3rd Star - Brennan Kennedy Militia
1G, 1P, 1S, 10:09 minutes

Despite being on the losing side, Brennan Kennedy made the most of his limited ice time, scoring Montreal's only goal of the night with his only shot.

2nd Star - Triforce Link Whalers
16 saves from 17 shots - (0.941), W, 60:00 minutes

Triforce Link had a great performance in between the pipes for the Whalers, allowing only 1 goal on 17 shots. Steady as a rock in the preseason, his experience was on show once again as he helped lead his team to victory, and he perhaps was hard done by not receiving the first star award.

1st Star - OG Bobby Whalers
1G, 1P, +1, 3S, 2H, 12/22 FO, 15:24 minutes

OG Bobby had a great night, picking up the GWG, performing solidly in the draw, and putting his body about for a couple of hits. The second line center, in his rookie year in the SMJHL, eastablished himself well with a good all-around performance here, and will be looking to continue onward and upward from here.

<div align="center">St. Louis Scarecrows Scarecrows - Halifax Raiders raiders
3 - 1

Game 2

<b><u><div align="center">Akeson shines as Crow power play produces</div></b></u>

That was the story here tonight at the Scottrade Centre for the season home opener where the rebuilt Halifax Raiders took on the former champs, the St. Louis Scarecrows.

Halifax had an incredible season in S29, thanks in large part to rookie (and first round SHL draft pick) Jean-Luc Reflieux, but it wasn't enough as they were eliminated in the first round by the - you guessed it - St. Louis Scarecrows. The team entered the off-season as many SMJHL team do - with the Four Star Cup in mind. The draft class was deep and they made excellent picks to create a very well-rounded team.

St. Louis, on the other hand, had a more successful season in S29 where another rookie and top-scorer, Frans Erichsen, helped lead the team to a Four Star Cup championship victory.

But that's all the past! And we're here for the now - or the future - S30 season opener!

Halifax handed St. Louis 7 powerplays tonight and the Scarecrows capitalized on 2 of them. No-Long-Rookie-Sensation Frans Erichsen added another goal 11-minutes into the third period, but not but 30 seconds later, Halifax struck back cutting the lead to 2. It was all for not, unfortunately, as St. Louis came away with the 3-1 win and started the season just as they finished it - winning.

Some choice moments from tonight's action

<div align="center">[Image: Pass-Seguin3284.gif]
It's gotta be Wahlgren's insane saucer pass, halfway down the rink leading to a Scarecrow powerplay goal</div>

Wahlgreen was a very important cog when he was drafted by St. Louis. He will be their number one (and pretty much only) goalie this year and the pressure will be high! Tonight, however, Wahlgren shined with this beautiful pass.

<div align="center">[Image: 854298135.gif]
Joey Ryan's hat trick of penalties in the first period (including a double minor) lead to a bit of frustration on the rookie's face[i]</div>

Before he was drafted, each team knew Joey Ryan was a bit of a... [i]personalitiy
. The young rook had a bit of a temper tantrum after being called for a double minor roughing penalty in the first period that led to the opening goal from Dos Diablo.

<div align="center">[Image: 3+Leary.gif]
Akeson collects a messy rebound and puts in the game-winning goal</div>

Nathan Akeson was an offensive terror on the ice tonight. This being his first SMJHL game had him nervous, but one the ice he was a man possessed... by a man who wants to get points. Akeson went 1-2-3 (2 points on the powerplay) and became the game's first star. He had a hand on each St. Louis goal and is quickly becoming a league-wide favourite.

Who won't be mentioned on anyone's 3-stars list
It's gotta be Halifax Raider - Reed Laing.

Sure, he was only playing 3rd and 4th line, but it still allowed him to rack up 5 shots on goal and 3 hits (two of which were on St. Louis defensemen that led to odd-man rushes), and 20+ minutes of ice time. For those reasons, Reed Laing is my Unsung Hero. I believe if Halifax utilizes this heavy forward on their first or second line (a dream come true for the young man) he could make some sustainable stats and get Halifax some Ws.

A closer look at some of the facts about tonight's game
71.43 v. 100: The penalty kill percentage for the Raiders and Scarecrows, respectively. It was thanks to Joey Ryan and Alex Reed's penalties that the Scarecrows had a 2-0 lead going into the third period. Halifax will have to tighten this up if they're going to contend for that coveted Four Star Cup.

44 v. 28: Face offs won by each team; St. Louis and Halifax, respectiely. It seems that the Raiders' centres didn't have the easiest of nights paired against the hometeam's own centres. Feist (14/23) against Reflieux (8/20) was a good match up as each won the most for their team. But it was face offs leading to possession time that won this stat for the Scarecrows.

4 x 20+: The number of Raider players that went 20+ minutes in tonight's game. The Raider coaching staff has done a great job at spreading the minutes over their team so players aren't dying of exhaustion midway through games. St. Louis, on the other hand, only had two players over 20 minutes (Rivet @ 25 and Landry @ 20). Giving these Raider rookies a chance to play is going to help them grow as both individuals and a team.

That's it for me. PEACE BITCHES!

Platoon Rob Wright Battleborn

<div align="center">Game #35
Firebirds Prince George Firebirds @ <span style='color:gray'>Colorado Mammoths
Game Link

<div align="center">Story of the Game</div></span>
Pregame: Open - Welcome to you tonight in the Mile High City, Denver, Colorado for the halfway point of eight game season showdown of the visiting Prince George Firebirds and the home Colorado Mammoths! It's white jersey night for the Mammoths here in the Pepsi Center as they seek to hold their 2-1 series lead this season over the surging Firebirds in their home reds. After 3 games, Colorado have out shot the Firebirds 57 to 49 and we think that that could be a major turning point for the Firebirds as their shot count has been rising steadily over the last 3 games, which have all been wins.

Pregame: Keys to the Game - With that note, the Firebirds to win this one they have to keep the following points in mind and keep up what they have been doing over the past 3 games to keep this win streak alive.
  • Pull Away: The Firebirds have given it their all the last 3 games to get their wins. But it could have easily been 3 losses and not 3 wins (2 OT). Ben Waters stats DO NOT look spectacular at this point in the season, but he has 4 wins in 4 decisions now so you need to give him a firm lead and make sure he gets that 5th win and give him something to lean on.
  • You Can't Score If You Don't Have The Puck: If the Firebirds can dominate the face off circle then they can dominate in puck possession. The Mammoths just do not have the skill down the center of their lineup to compete with Prince George. The Firebirds need to not take this for granted, if they start giving up the puck then they WILL be in trouble and the series will go in the the Mammoths favor.
  • Be Aggressive. B-E Aggressive!: Be aggressive. Make the game feel oppressive to them. Keep their shots low and your shots high. If they pull their goalie at the last minute, you put that in net. Be ruthless and shut them down. The Firebirds seem to be having an issue from playing behind, they are falling behind and are playing from there too much and as they should and as a result their last two games were wins that had to come from their last minute efforts. It's always good to put pressure on the opposing team at the last minute to score, but take that and apply it throughout the WHOLE GAME to get better results.
Game: Lineup - The teams are coming together for the opening face off and we have the same lines as the last showdown. Prince George with their regulars of Wolf, NoRetornable, and the team leader for points and goals at center, Jakobsson. The assist machines of Monkey and Pollak set to defend Waters in net.

Colorado meets them at center with their standard starters; Stamkos Jr. in the center protected on either side by the top two hitters on the team at the wings, Browski and McGraw. Dover and O'Dooley fill in in the back giving the all clear to Rudnikova in net as the puck is dropped to start the game.

<div align="center">[Image: mqdefault.jpg]</div>

Post-Game: Firebird Gifs of the Game - In this game, the Firebirds were dominant, even though the score of the game doesn't necessarily indicate that. We're going to look at the following highlights to see what they did well and what they should take forward.

<div align="center">[Image: UntriedIllustriousChimneyswift.gif]</div>
This little highlight here is what set the pace of the game for Prince George. They weren't laying on the shots, but they were opportunistic with every change they got. Let's see this tapper as NoRetornable makes it 1-0 Firebirds.

Quote:...After an embarrassing possession from the Mammoths with no shots making it to net after 3 solid minutes in the zone, Prince George regroups and heads down the ice looking fine and fresh. Pollak shoots it up to Monkey from their own zone. Monkey sees an opening and will keep it himself, with a little room he moves down. Sees Wolf pushing down for a quick high slot shot. But it seems like it will just deflect low Off Of Dover's Leg RIGHT INTO THE WAITING HANDS OF NORETORNABLE FOR A GOAL! NoRetornable! Rudnikova never saw him coming. NoRetornable gets his first goal of the season and that makes it 1-0 Firebirds!

<div align="center">[Image: BlackAcrobaticAndeancat.gif]</div>
This first highlight is as much a feat of skill as it is a huge flash of luck. Wolf gets a no angle pass from Jakobsson and just chips up a prayer to put it in as Rudnikova just NEVER gets that glove up high enough to stop the shot. Let's hear that sweet call...

Quote:...Entering the zone neither team has an advantage, they are both setting up as best they can Obarna is throwing it down low to get off for a quick one-man change to get some rest. Jakobssen fumbles it a bit playing on the boards to keep possession and let the defender get set. Ooohh, Hylytyr might be held there we'll see how the ref reacts as Jakobssen throws it to Wolf who is barely above the line and.. OH THAT'S IN! ITS IN! Wolf put that puck in from the corner of the trapezoid. That no angle shot is in net as it deflects right off the goalies glove. Everyone seems shocked about that one. But it makes it 2-0 Firebirds...

<div align="center">[Image: AfraidHarmfulFantail.gif]</div>
On the way to this win Waters faced less than 10 shots all night. Nine overall with fourteen more be blocked by his players in front of him. So each shot that made it to him HAD to be saved, let's look in to this highlight and see his night.

Quote:The Mammoths are in the zone now, putting a little unfamiliar pressure on the Firebirds right now. Waters hasn't seen a shot on goal since 17:45 of the FIRST period. The Firebirds shot suppression working wonders here tonight. Yakikov keeps it in and shoots it down low as he goes off. Browski cradles it and heads behind the net. A defender at either side. Browski looks up to his closest friends. Has McGraw if he can get it past the defender. He Does! McGraw Tips The Shallow Pass On The Net. WHAT A SAVE FROM BEN WATERS! FLASHING THE GLOVE! STARING DOWN BROWSKI AND MCGRAW! He stays perfect through this game, only facing 4 shots so far in the game...

Post-Game: Wrap Up/3 Stars - An extraordinary performance tonight from Prince George taking it 3-1 with Ben Waters getting the win. Let's take a look at the three starts of the game to see how it shakes down.
  • 3rd Star: Firebirds Sven Wolf - 1 Goal, 2 Shots, + 1
  • 2nd Star: Mammoths Matthew Leetch - 1 Goal, 3 Shots, 3 Hits
  • 1st Star: Firebirds Casper Jacobsson - 2 Points (1 Goal, 1 Assist), 5 Shots, 21/29 Face Offs, +2

Kelowna Knights vs Montreal Militia

Knights backup goalie Max Smith-Frey had a great night helping them outscore the Militia 4 to 1!

[Image: tGBpFCe.png]

Max Smith-Frey Interview:
Interview You've been called KEL forever backup, how are you feeling after tonight?
“People can say whatever they want; it’s not going to hurt my feelings. I can only control what I can control, and that’s myself and the attitude that I bring every single day to the rink. I’m just going to use this as a tool to push myself to getting back out there.”

InterviewThe game was right after your birthday. How did you celebrate?
Nothing special. My wife Olga cooked a tasty cake, we had a dinner at home and drank some tea.

Interview Can you give advice to younger goalies? How do you gather energy before a game?
There is no ultimate answer to this question. Goalies are individualist people. Each goalie makes what’s good to him. If something helps a goalie, it’s not given that it would help another one. I think that the most important things to me is keeping on working hard on myself.

Militia power play problems:
The power play, what’d most see tonight from it and what adjustments are Militia fans hoping to come out of this game with? Well, they obviously lost the game on specialty teams, both the power play and penalty kill. Regarding the power play the Militia had too many unforced errors. They won enough pucks when the Kights did pressure them. The Knights did a good job not letting the MIlitia set up and you have to win those pucks. Once the Militia got set up they didn’t do – in my opinion – a good enough job of finding a way of getting pucks to the net.

[Image: fm4oNHu.png]    Aurora  norway  Raptors     [Image: YHC5qMO.png]
[Image: 47986_s.gif]


Game 59 Link
Vancouver, BC
St. Louis Scarecrows (8-4-3) 2
Vancouver Whalers (9-5-1) 0
W - Kyle Wahlgren (8-4-3) 26 saves
L - Maximilian Wehner (4-3-1) 22 saves
Three Stars of the Game

1st Star - Kyle Wahlgren
2nd Star - Kelly Rivet
3rd Star - Maximilian Wehner

While St. Louis was coming off a 3-2 overtime loss to Prince George, Vancouver returned home after a 3-1 loss to Colorado. Both teams respectively near the top of their divisions, neither has seized an overall consistency. While St. Louis turned to Kyle Wahlgren, rookie goaltender, for the 15th straight game, Vancouver looked back on Maximilian Wehner for the start as him and Triforce Link have been rotating regularly.

The first period opened and the Whalers would not delay by pressing the pace immediately. While unable to connect on any solid scoring chances the Scarecrow defense, as well as Wahlgren would allow rebound opportunities. Meanwhile, on the other end of the ice, Wehner simply seemed as a fixture out there til nearly the ten minute mark as the Scarecrows struggled to generate any offense and once they did Bill Cirocco would get called for a hooking call.

The best scoring chance coming on the power play would be a sequence that fans would see Wahlgren sprawling for a glove save after leaving a juicy rebound that was almost stamped for the back of the net. Only seconds prior Kelly Rivet would throw his body in front of a rifle from the point by Theodore Graham. Miraculously fighting off the Whalers, the intermission horn would blow to a scoreless first period and the shots would be 11 to 4 in favor of the Whalers.

[Image: Elliott1.gif]

Entering the second the Scarecrows knew they needed to find a bit more urgency in creating opportunities if they were going to work one by the Whalers defense. After Cody Bearss took a holding penalty the St. Louis power play was able to finally push through and work the puck in rhythm. Off a quick pass from Rivet, Dos Diablo would slide the puck over to DarrylL Landry to bury a cannon just under the crossbar and take the Scarecrows into the second intermission up 1-0.

[Image: 160202%20Landeskog%20goal.gif]

Leaving the locker room, following a rousing speech by Ieuan Llewellyn, the Whalers looked primed to tie this game on home ice. Just 1:37 into the third, Llewellyn would square off with Jason Visser. A tilt to remember, the two pummled one another until both ultimately were split apart and led to the box.

[Image: kc858XL6i.jpg]

With the arena pumping, the goalie pulled and minutes on the clock, the Whalers best chance of the game came as Redding picked the puck off the boards and had a two on one in front of him. Faking the pass, Foster over committed leaving Redding to deke back to his forehand for an open corner of the net. Out of position, Wahlgren blindly lunged towards the short side managing to get his glove open enough to knock down the puck and cover it with his blocker.

Seconds later, Rivet would notch his second point of the game and St. Louis would be on its way back home with a hard fought victory and the third shutout of the year only 15 games into the season.

Three Stars

1st Star - Kyle Wahlgren - He keeps notching amazing performances and is slowing proving that all the hype is real in regards to his solid potential looking forward. With three shutouts, St. Louis is starting to notice that goalie need was a mere afterthought once they picked up this young stud.

2nd Star - Kelly Rivet - What can be said that hasn't been. Goals, assists, blocked shots... Simply been a machine at the quarter pole of the season and we don't see him changing that.

3rd Star - Maximilian Wehner - It's hard to argue the youngsters effort. Matched his opponent, but just didn't get the goal support he need to notch the W. Wehner will see the tide turn soon here as the offense will search to find some momentum.

[Image: Wally.png]


<div align="center">Game 54: Detroit Falcons v Halifax Raiders
Game Thread
[Image: OgZd70o.png][Image: FQ9TBWP.png]
[Image: LXTbnEu.png]


DET- Rising Hippo (Alexis Metzler, Wiljian Zjang) at 2:58 (1st)
HAL- Solaire Azarov (Colin Banning, Alex Reed) at 19:27 (1st)
DET- Hans Moleman (Marc Leclerc, Alexis Metzler) at 19:43 (1st)
HAL- Niklas Flower (Victor Lindstrom, Greta Iversen) at 1:12 (PP) (2nd)
HAL- Jean-Luc Reflieux (Niklas Flower, Blake Fenrir) at 11:33 (2nd)
HAL- Reed Laing (Blake Battle, Matthew Shea) at 8:41 (3rd)
DET- Alex Berkis (Alexis Metzler, Hans Moleman) at 17:32 (3rd)


HAL- Greta Iversen for Roughing (Minor) at 6:30 (1st)
HAL- Pietra Volkova for Slashing (Minor) at 10:24 (1st)
DET- Henrik Vikstrom for Holding (Minor) at 12:34 (1st)
DET- Cikgnar Konstantinov for Interference (Minor) at 19:44 (1st)
HAL- Alex Reed for Cross-checking (Minor) at 5:48 (2nd)
HAL- Hunter Johnson for Hooking (Minor) at 14:12 (2nd)
HAL- Hogan Miller for Roughing (Minor) at 16:23 (2nd)
HAL- Alex Reed for High Sticking (Minor) at 4:53 (3rd)
HAL- Toivo Kosonen for Delay Of Game (Minor) at 11:23 (3rd)
DET- Hans Moleman for Tripping (Minor) at 14:44 (3rd)

The Game</div>

Halifax was too much for Detroit last night, defeating the Falcons 4 goals to 3 in a tense, penalty filled game at the Scotiabank Centre. The Raiders dominated possession of the puck, winning more than twice as many faceoffs in the third period as Detroit, and finishing with an impressive teamwide 61.54% faceoff winning percentage for the game.

The game started badly for Halifax, ceding two goals in the first period to the Falcons. The second goal was scored just 16 seconds after the Raiders own first goal, with a bad pass by Isaac Kaiser being intercepted by veteran Alex Berkis and eventually sent to Hans Moleman, who put it home past Halifax goaltender Georgette Pel for his 6th goal of the season.

A costly interference call against Cikgnar Konstantinov of Detroit at the very next faceoff, however, gave the Raiders the opportunity to level the scores at 2-2 early in the 2nd period, and the war continued until Halifax broke through again in the 12th minute; a defensive blunder by Alec Derin putting the Raiders in a 2 on none situation in the slot, and an easy goal for Jean-Luc Reflieux.

The game did not improve any further for Detroit, with a goal by Reed Laing putting the game out of reach despite a final effort by Alex Berkis to redeem himself near the end of the third, and the game ended with a Halifax victory and with many unresolved questions for the Falcons on the viability of their special teams. Detroit went none out of seven against a very average Raiders penalty kill, and gave up a goal themselves in only three power plays, and currently have both of the worst power play and penalty kill percentages in the SMJHL.

<div align="center">The Crucial Point</div>

Halifax was severely demoralized after the second goal by Detroit in the first period, and could have very easily rolled over; instead, they rallied. An excellent hit by Prince Daniel James on Niklas Flower left him out of position and unable to corral the puck before Victor Lindstrom. A crafty pass by Lindstrom enabled the just-hit Niklas Flower to score the game tying goal, and fired up the Raiders bench for the rest of the game.

<div align="center">3 Stars</div>

The third star goes to Colin Banning of Halifax, who was dominant on the ice as a defenseman for the Raiders in a game where the points were widely shared across the Halifax Roster. Colin Banning gained an assist on the first Raiders goal of the game, blocked three shots, and made five strong hits.

The second star goes to Rising Hippo of Detroit, who scored the first goal of the game and was a very strong presence for the Falcons on the forecheck. Rising Hippo had five shots on goal, and four hits among an otherwise largely lacklustre Detroit outfit.

The first star goes to Alexis Metzler of Detroit, who assisted on all three goals scored by the Falcons. Alexis Metzler had two shots on goal, including an unlucky effort that hit the crossbar of the net, and blocked two shots including one in the crucial cross-period powerplay that enabled the Raiders to equalize the game at two goals all.

[Image: avakaelsig.gif]


<div align="center">Game 37</div>
<div align="center">Montreal Militia 3 Militia vs Falcons 4 Detroit Falcons</div>

<div align="center">Game Link</div>

<div align="center">Starting Lineups
LW- Nolan Angello C- Filip Granlund RW- Brennan Kennedy
D- Ilmari Maatta D- Viatcheslav Orlov

LW- Hans Moleman C- Nucky Toohoots RW- Alex Berkis
D- Prince Daniel James D- Jari Sinikka</div>

<div align="center</div>
The Militia looked to bounce back after losing their first game to Detroit only a couple days prior to this. Coming into the game with a 4-5 record, they had looked to reach the .500 mark, but luck didn't seem to be on their side this night. The Falcons cruised to a 4-3 victory as the Militia were left wondering what had went wrong.[/align">

1st Period</div>
It didn't take long for the scoring to start as Nucky Toohoots notched his 3rd goal on the season past Militia goalie Stephen Harris only 47 seconds in.

Quote:And the puck lands right on Toohoots' stick, here he comes blazing down the ice...Fakes, Harris drops, Toohoots with a blister wrist shot into the top right hand corner, 1-0 Detroit

Henrik Vikstrom replied 7 and a half minutes later to even it up at 1.

Quote:Jaylor Toast to Vikstrom, back to Toast, back to Vikstrom, one timer. Vikstrom scores! We're all knotted up at 1.

That only lasted a few minutes as the Falcons came back with another one if their own. Toohoots managed to pot one more to end the period at a score of 3-1 Detroit.

<div align="center">2nd Period</div>
The 2nd period was fairly quiet until with just over 5 minutes left, Johnny Watson was screening Falcons goalie Jeremy Anderson when Jason Forbrook let a low shot rip from the point that Watson deflected home. 3-2 Detroit.

<div align="center">3rd Period</div>
Fans were still lined up at the concession stand when Nucky Toohoots scored his 3rd goal of the game only 16 seconds into the 3rd.

Quote:Here come the Falcons into the zone, Sinikka to James, James over to Moleman, to Berkis, back across to Sinikka. Sinikka to Moleman, Moleman shoots through a crowd. And it's in off Toohoots stick! Toohoots scores his 3rd of the game, but where are all the hats? The arena looks barely half full.

Ryan Vas scored his first of the season with just over a minute left in the final frame, but it was to little to late as the finale whistle blew the game ended. Detroit 4, Montreal 3.

<div align="center">3 Stars of the Game</div>
3rd Star - Jason Forbrook Militia - 0G,2A,2P,1S,1H,1SB - Forbrook contributed to his team quite a bit this night. Any time he was on the ice you noticed him. He was end to end wether it was defending in his own zone, or generating scoring chances in the offensive zone.

2nd Star - Jari Sinikka Falcons - 0G,2A,2P,1S,0H,0SB - Sinikka finished at an impressive +3 in the game. He had 2 beautiful assists on the night including setting Toohoots up for his hat trick. Despite what his stats might suggest he had quite a presence in the defensive zone as well, with numerous stick checks, or tieing the right man up.

1st Star - Nucky Toohoots Falcons - 3G,0A,3P,4S,0H,0SB - Toohoots had his best game of the early season on this night. Scoring a hat trick as well as consistently being in the right spot at the right time. His head was on a swivel all night and his stick was always on the ice looking for the pass.

[Image: Bk1689.gif]

<div align="center">[Image: 10yfkgy.png][Image: 2wcqpp3.png]
<a href='' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'><div align="center">St. Louis Scarecrows vs. Prince George Firebirds</div></a>
<div align="center">0-1</div>

Tonight's game started in the first period with Casper Ek of the St. Louis Scarecrows picking up an early interference only eight minutes into the match. Prince George collapsed on the opportunity and pulled ahead by one goal off of the goal scoring prowess presented by Karl Hertzberg. He received the helpers from Josh O'Brian and Tyrone Savage.

Moving into the second we saw an action packed roller coaster of twenty minutes with the teams going hard in the paint to turn the tides of the game. The teams traded penalties back in forth with Foster picking up two minors for high sticking and holding.

The third period really sealed the deal on a game that was definitely worth the admission price, because the fans got to see two of the games best go toe-to-toe in a hard hitting heavyweight brawl. With the Scarecrows gaining steam and being on the verge of a couple scoring chances, Jakobsson went into fellow veteran Danny Foster. The two duked it out on the ice for a good amount of time, and both teams were on their toes for the last few minutes of the game. To St. Louis's dismay though, they couldn't ride the coat tails of momentum and the game finished in a Prince George Victory, 1-0.

Tonight's Turning Point

Tonight's turning point was in the middle of the third period when Casper Jakobsson and Danny Foster dropped the gloves. This was a huge fight and stirred both teams to create an action packed defensive showdown to finish the night.

Player Comparison

Scarecrows - Danny Foster - Scarecrows

Foster had one of the most impresive physical night of the season so far. Putting up a crazy eleven penalty minutes as well as five hits and one shot blocked, he undoubtedly had the biggest skater presence in this low scoring game.

Firebirds - Tyrone Savage - Firebirds

Savage isn't a player who gets much time in the spotlight, but his Game 51 performance was a great show to watch. In some regards he played physically, similar to Foster, but also added two shots and an assist to complete his night.

Three Stars

1st Star - Ben Waters Firebirds

Waters is the upcoming star goaltender for the Firebirds who has already made himself a name as one of the top young players in his class. A shutout night was the perfect way to close out his performance.

2nd Star - Kyle Wahlgren Scarecrows

Our second star is also a goaltender, and is one of the other premier youngsters in the S31 SHL class. Wahlgren has all the makings of a great individual and had a still night despite losing the game.

3rd Star - Karl Hertzberg Firebirds

Finally, Karl Hertzberg rounds off the big three. Hertzberg really delivered with a goal, shot, shot blocked and two hits in what was an all around solid game for him. His continuous development will make him a name to remember.

The shot opened up to a Fox Sports One banner, and then zoomed in on a radio desk, where world-renowned sportscasters Jay Onrait and Dan O’Toole sat, headsets on, and faces lit up with s**t-eating grins.

Jay: Hello out there to all our long time watchers, listeners and subscribers and welcome to an impromptu edition of the Jay and Dan Podcast, airing live on Fox Sports One – but tonight, we have something completely different in store for you.

Dan: That’s right Jay. It’s been the bane of our existence since we’ve come to Fox to unleash our podcast on ‘Murica. Getting sponsors for the pod!

Jay: Right you are Dan. The ball has been dropped many times, from ‘Bouqs’ to ‘MeUndies’, but finally today, we are happy to tell you all that the Jay and Dan Podcast has finally gotten a sponsor!

Fake applause is heard and an audible “**** yeah!”.

Dan: Our good friends at the SMJHL, that’s right, every Canadian’s favorite pastime - hockey, have kindly agreed to sponsored our pod as long as we perform a few play-by-plays over the course of the season! Not a bad deal at all!

Jay: It’s certainly better than having to hear you guess fake DJ names or ramble on about your RV travels in Canada. Is this still the Summer of Dan?

Dan: And definitely far better than hearing you talk about whacking off on airplanes.

Jay: Always a good time. My record is four, by the way. So without further ado, let’s begin our first recap!

The monitor behind the pair flashes up a swanky SMJHL graphic, and away we went.

<div align="center">Game 4: Detroit Falcons Falcons vs Kelowna Knights Knights

Game Link</div>
Jay: First up, in a battle between the beautiful versus the ugly, Kelowna versus Detroit, we have the Falcons heading into British Columbia to take on the Knights!

Dan: This is both teams opening game of the SMJHL season, and both are looking towards the future as they try to integrate one of the largest rookie draft classes in league history.

<b><div align="center">First Period</div></b>
Jay: Jason Aittokaillio – top pick in the recent draft makes the start for the Knights, and my absolute favorite name in all sports – Sivy McSieve gets the duke for the Falcons!

Dan: You just can’t make a name like that up, Jay. Mrs. McSieve must be so proud.

Jay: This game stars rather quiet until the third minute, when another of my favorites – BRODANGLESCHLONG takes two for hooking.

Dan: I wish I only got two for hooking. Hey - he might be related to my 4th grade math teacher – same name if you will believe it!

Jay: Nothing doing on that power-play for the Knights, but pick it up a few minutes later and they’re all over the Falcons. After a series of shots, a nice tic-tac-toe passing play from Bent to Shirobokov back to Bent then to Wilson results in a goal for the right winger!

Dan: You could feel the determination that nothing was going to stop Wilson’s efforts as he picks up his own missed shot and fires it over the outstretched arm of McSeive. Wilson was a second round draft pick for the Knights this entry draft.

<b><div align="center">1. Kelowna Knights , Trevor Wilson 1 (Beau Bent, Fedor Shirobokov) at 8:22

Kelowna 1 - Detroit 0</div></b>
Jay: You want goals?? We got goals! Detroit powerplay, and on a blast from the point by Konstantinov, Rising Hippo deflects it beautifully top cheese and the game is tied!

<b><div align="center">2. Detroit Falcons , Rising Hippo 1 (Cikgnar Konstantinov, Zach Evans) at 14:54 (PP)

Kelowna 1 – Detroit 1</div></b>
Dan: But only 31 seconds later, after absorbing a mammoth sized hit from PDJ – Geronimo Otto absorbs a double back and forth play from ~DEITER Dominique and inserts his first goal of the season into the Falcons net.

Jay: I’ve got something to insert in YOUR net, Dan.

<b><div align="center">3. Kelowna Knights , Geronimo Otto 1 (Dieter Dominique, Fedor Shirobokov) at 15:25

Kelowna 2 – Detroit 1</div></b>
Dan: From a hero to a goat, in less than a period, Trevor Wilson has his errant clearing pass picked off by Viktor Nerokov and a few passes later, Jack Evans, another rook - torches Aittokallio to even the score.

Jay: The look on Wilson’s face says it all as he left his fellow greenhorn netminder out to dry there.

<b><div align="center">4. Detroit Falcons , Zach Evans 1 (Alexis Metzler, Viktor Nerokov) at 19:13

Kelowna 2 – Detroit 2</div></b>
Dan: But things go from bad to worse, as somehow, seriously HOW because I don’t believe it - the Falcons score six seconds later on a ripper from Jari Sinikka!

Jay: Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaari Siiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiikaaaaaaaaa! Yet another rookie, in fact, the third overall pick from this year’s draft! But I have seriously no idea how they scored that quickly, Aittokallio must be shell-shocked after that one.

<div align="center">5. Detroit Falcons , Jari Sinikka 1 (Viktor Nerokov) at 19:19

Detroit 3 – Kelowna 2
<b><div align="center">Second Period</div></b>
Dan: The second starts off all Falcons and continues that way until the 13:42 mark of the period, when Trevor Wilson destroys Nerokov with a hit, steals the puck and rifles it home!

Jay: From the penthouse to the doghouse to the penthouse – Wilson is clutch there beating McSeive for his second in as many periods. What a beauty.

<div align="center">6. Kelowna Knights , Trevor Wilson 2 (Beau Bent, Adriana Starosta) at 13:42

Detroit 3 – Kelowna 3
Dan: Nothing much more to note before the third, one of the most lopsided periods I’ve ever seen in my life.

<b><div align="center">Third Period</div></b>
Jay: You thought two goals in 6 seconds was crazy, this period saw the Falcons outshoot the Knights 19 to zip! If not for Aittokaillio, this one would have been a blow out!

Dan: I’ve seen some uneven periods in my lifetime, but never seen anything like this. Is the sim broken?? It’s like Big City Ken running rampant over these guys – they hold all the power!

Jay: Trust me - Berkis and Hippo were flying out there, had almost 10 shots between them that period but come up dry. Heading to bonus hockey.

<b><div align="center">Overtime</div></b>
Dan: The teams play some good old 4 on 4, but to be honest both squads look tired and could only muster 5 shots between them in the frame.

Jay: They really should consider moving to 3 on 3 because that is the milkshake that brings all the boys to the yard.

Dan: Heading to a shootout!

<b><div align="center">Shootout</div></b>
Jay: First shooter for the Knights is Adriana “Don’t call me Aaaaaaadriaaaaaan” Starosta, and with a slick dangle and roof job she gives the Knights the lead!

Dan: Nothing doing from there, both goalies lights out and heading to the final chance for the Falcons and Alex Berkis, who led both teams in shots today with an astounding nine! He slowly makes his way into the zone, cuts left and tries a snap shot but is turned away by the number one pick in the draft – Aittokallio!

Jay: And that makes the Knights GM look a halfway genius! 40 saves tonight including an incredible pad save there on Berkis!

<div align="center">Penalty Shot by Hans Moleman for Detroit Falcons - Stopped by Jason Aittokallio
Penalty Shot by Adriana Starosta for Kelowna Knights - Goal!
Penalty Shot by Cikgnar Konstantinov for Detroit Falcons - Stopped by Jason Aittokallio
Penalty Shot by Cara Hohenberg for Kelowna Knights - Stopped by Sivy McSieve
Penalty Shot by Alex Berkis for Detroit Falcons - Stopped by Jason Aittokallio

Final Score (Shootout)
Kelowna 4 – Detroit 3

Three Stars: 1. Trevor Wilson (2G) 2. Zach Evans (1G 1A) 3. Viktor Nerokov (2A)
Dan: Hell of a way to start the season for number one star Wilson and the Falcons, whereas Evans and Nerokov, the other two stars of the game for the Knights, pick up a point as well so that 30 hour bus ride home will at least be somewhat jovial.

Jay: No private jets for the minors, I’m afraid. Maybe they can borrow your RV, Dan? And there you have it, thank you to our new sponsor, the SMJHL, and were already looking forward to our next recap show, where we get to take a gander at a delicious Canadian matchup between Montreal and Halifax!

Dan: The donairs versus the poutines – who takes it??

Jay: Oh my bum will take both. Tune in next time!

Colorado Mammoths vs Vancouver Whalers - Game 52
Score: Colorado 1 - Vancouver 3

Starting Line up
Left Wing|| Center || Right Wing
Master Maguku|| Steven Stamkos Jr.|| Frontdoor McGraw

Defense|| Defense
Ben Dover || Maverick O'Dooley

Ekaterina Rudnikova

Left Wing || Center || Right Wing
Conklin Owen || Jon Ross || Ace Redding

Defense || Defense
Theodore Graham || Connor MacDonald

Triforce Link


So here we have our 4th meeting this season by these two teams. The Mammoths came into this game having lost the previous 3 meetings, being outscored by the Whalers 13-7. They are still looking for their early season success and are hoping to use this division match up to hopefully turn around their fortures. From interviews ahead of the game it seemed as they were posed to come out of the gate swining and using the Whalers inability it seems some games to properly generate shots.

1st Period
1. Colorado Mammoths , Frontdoor McGraw 4 (Steven Stamkos Jr., William Goddard) at 3:59 (PP)
Catching the Whalers on an aggressive PK the Mammoths pushed back quickly and with a nice little back and forth with the puck are able to squeek one through Link early in this game. The game seemed like maybe this was the one that the Mammoths would push back the whalers and with this early goal seemed to set an early tone on their bench.
[Image: HospitableBoringIndianskimmer.gif]
2. Vancouver Whalers , Conklin Owen 6 (Jon Ross, Ace Redding) at 14:53
After suffering some of the barrage of the Mammoths the top line of Whalers found themselves on a rush back the other way and through a beauty pass and hard stop from Owen they were able to tuck this one home to tie the game up and hopefully sap some of the momentum of the Mammoths heading into period 2 soon.
[Image: loochwas1.gif]

2nd Period
3. Vancouver Whalers , Adam Kaiser 2 (OG Bobby, Corey Bearss) at 9:19 (PP)
The one thing that seemed to keep the Whalers in this game as it ran later and later is their usually dominant powerplay and with the few oppertunities the Whalers had they made sure to capitalize. Kaiser found himself a little bit of room open down the side and let one rip Squeeking it by the Mammoths goaltender.
[Image: gonchar9.22.15v2.gif]

3rd Period

4. Vancouver Whalers , Connor MacDonald 3 (Jon Ross, Conklin Owen) at 7:07 (PP)
Again the Whaler struck on the powerplay. MacDonald this time showing off his skills with his shot on the man advantage threading the puck through the defender and wristing the puck home. If it weren't for timely goals like this the game would have been a different story.
[Image: 4BYi1hv.gif]
Post game Report:
Even with the Mammoths abosolutely dominating in shots over the Whalers by an almost 3-1 ratio, the performance of Link and the Whalers powerplay took what opportunities it had to put this game away. The Mammoths are now 0-4-0 vs. the Whalers this season being outscored 16-8. Will they find an answer for their conference rivals before the season is done? We shall have to wait and see.

3 Stars
1 - Triforce Link (VAN) .969% ||W 5-2-0
A super human effort to keep this game what it was. More than deserving of the 1st star for this game, Links back must be sore after carrying his team through this game to victory.
2 - Conklin Owen (VAN) G: 1 || A: 1 || PTS: 2 || Minutes Played: 16:11
Tucking a goal in, and setting up another while continuing to play some good minutes Owen was able to chip in where needed to push his team to victory.
3 - Jon Ross (VAN) G: 0 || A: 2 || PTS: 2 || Minutes Played: 21:46
If there was a cookie monster version of someone who eats up minutes that would continue to be Jon Ross for the Whalers. Serving up goals like he's trying to make tips, this Center keeps pushing this team towards W's with his presence on the ice.

Team Stat
Colorado Mammoths - Hits : 17 - Faceoff Wins : 31 - Blocked Shots : 5 - Penalty Minutes : 8
Vancouver Whalers - Hits : 16 - Faceoff Wins : 45 - Blocked Shots : 9 - Penalty Minutes : 20

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[Image: 9sKIbXE.png]

(Game #56)Prince George Firebirds Firebirds 3 vs. St. Louis Scarecrows Scarecrows 2 F/OT

Prince George, BC, Canada. – The 56th game in the SMJHL this season was the 4th meeting of the season between the Firebirds of Prince George, and the St. Louis Scarecrows. The Firebirds had the slight edge in the season series heading into the game, going 2-1 against St. Louis so far with a shootout victory and a 1-0 victory two days earlier. The 4th matchup between the two teams would be another exciting affair, with Prince George coming up with a big overtime win in a game that was dominated at times by the Scarecrows. Let’s get into the highlights.

In the first period, the Scarecrows, perhaps fired up a bit from the shutout loss in their last game, struck early in the game, scoring in 45 seconds. Here’s the play by play:
Quote:Obrana with the puck and he’ll dump it into the St. Louis zone. Rivet goes back into the corner to get it. He’ll pass it up the boards to Akeson, and Akeson brings it right into the Firebirds zone. He’s a got a lane and he’ll take the shot and it goes wide. The puck travels back to Landry at the point. Landry takes a quick shot and it’s blocked by Obrana. The puck slides right over to Rivet who keeps it in at the line, and he sends a quick pass down to Akeson. Akeson skates in a goal, fakes a forehand shot and quickly goes to the backhand and HE SCORES! NATE AKESON THE ROOKIE SENSATION SCORES HIS 7th OF THE SEASON TO PUT THE SCARECROWS UP 1-0!

And less than a minute into the game , its Akeson from Rivet and Landry, giving the Scarecrows the quick lead. The Scarecrows would still be buzzing in the period and eventually they’d breakthrough again:

Quote: Danny Foster with the puck over the line into the Prince George zone as both teams are making a change. Foster passes the puck over to Stach who’s going hard to the net. He pulls up and shoots it wide. The puck goes around the boards back to the point where Celej picks it up. Celej takes a quick wrister and he scores! Wow. Nick Celej with the first goal of his young career, a quick wrister that goes five hole, and St. Louis is up 2-0!

Nick Celej gets his first SMJHL goal assisted by Stach and Foster at 6:53 of the period. St. Louis would hold a killer edge in shots this period, but Prince George would find some daylight of their own before the period ended. With Eugene Feist in the box for a double minor on a boarding call, it’ll be the Firebird Captain who gets them on the board.

Quote: Prince George still on the power play, and Obrana will dump the puck into the St. Louis zone as the team changes. Kyle Wahlgren steps behind his net to stop the puck. He leaves it there for Targaryen. Targaryen under pressure, tries to send it up ice and the pass is picked off by Pollak. Pollak sends the puck across to Monkey who finds a man in front and they score! The captain Casper Jakobsson with a power play goal brings the Firebirds within one, and they have some life.

Jakobsson’s 7th of the season comes on the power play and cuts St. Louis’ lead in half. That would bring us to the end of the first period, as the Scarecrows dominated in possession and lead in shots 13-5, but they only had a one goal lead. Ace Dafoe was doing all he could to keep Prince George in the game at the time. The second period saw only eight shots and there was only one goal, but it was a big one for the Firebirds.

Quote: Feist lines up to take the draw against Jakobsson after the icing by Reine. Feist is a little too feisty and the linesman throws him out. Kurczewski takes the draw for him. Jakobsson wins it cleanly back to Hunky Monkey at the point. Monkey slides it quickly over to his partner Pollak. Pollak fakes the shot and sends the puck over to NoRetornable over on the halfwall. NoRetornable skates out and lets go a quick shot and HE SCORES. I don’t think Wahlgren saw it, he may have been screened by his own guy. But it doesn’t matter, the score is all knotted up at 2!

NoRetornable’s second goal of the season assisted by Monkey and Jakobsson draws the game even. That would be it for scoring during regulation. The Firebirds would outshoot St. Louis 5-3 in the second, but the Scarecrows came out flying again in the third. It would be all for naught as Ace Dafoe made save after save to keep this game even at two a piece. St. Louis would outshoot Prince George 8-4 in this period, but couldn’t solve Dafoe. As a result, this game headed to overtime, where an unlikely hero would be crowned:

Quote: Kevin Sousa lines up against Jason Visser in the St. Louis zone. Puck is dropped, gets caught up in their skates, but Sousa moves it over to Michael Young. Young loses the puck but gathers it back. Young with it now, winds up and shoots it wide. Obrana is there to pick up the puck down low. He’ll send the puck to Sousa in the slot. Sousa sends it over to Kottbulle at the point. Prince George is cycling very well and St. Louis can’t seem to keep up right now. Kottbulle slides the puck across to Obrana. Obrana sends it down back to Sousa. The puck jumps over his stick and goes into the corner. Sousa corrals it and skates towards the front of the net. He’ll take a shot and its blocked by Danny Foster. The puck goes back towards the point, kept in by Kottbulle. Kottbulle takes a shot of his own and he’s blocked by Foster as well. Loose puck in front of the net and THEY SCORE. Kevin Sousa finds the puck before anyone else, puts it top shelf over Wahlgren, and that’s the ball game folks! Prince George wins it, in ooooovvveerrrtimeeeee.

Kevin Sousa’s first of the season came at the right time for the Firebirds, who are now 8-5-1 on the season. St. Louis drops to 7-4-3. Prince George is now 3-1 against the Scarecrows this season, with two victories coming in bonus hockey time. Let’s dive into the stats for this game.

STL: 24
PGF: 15

STL: 22
PGF: 19

STL: 24
PGF: 38

Blocked Shots
STL: 8
PGF: 2

Penalty Minutes
STL: 6
PGF: 6

The stats tell the story of a fantastic night by Ace Dafoe, after a shaky start, to pick up his first victory of the season. St. Louis outhit, outshot, and for stretches of time outplayed Prince George, but it was all for naught as the two points go to the Firebirds.

Three Stars
1. Firebirds Casper Jakobsson (1g, 1a)
2. Firebirds Barak Obrana (1a)
3. Firebirds Johnny Pollak (2a)

[Image: JKortesi81.gif]

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Game 41: Detroit Falcons Falcons vs Kelowna Knights Knights
Score: Detroit 1 - Kelowna 2

Game Link
The game was a low scoring affair between two evenly matched teams. This was a game marred with controversy. Both the first and second goal by the Knights are highly controversial, but were called goals anyway. It took until the last 5 minutes of the game for a deciding goal to be scored by the Knights in controversial fashion. The Falcons desperately tried to claw back to a tie, producing plenty of quality opportunities, however they fell short.

1st Period

The first period featured one of the three goals. It came of great shot from the bottom of the circle by Viktor Nerokov at 7:40 into the first period. Nerokov’s chance came after the Falcons worked the pucked around in the Knights end for a while. The play started with the puck being carried into the zone by Zach Evans. Evans promptly lost the puck, however it was picked back up by Jari Sinnika. Sinnika wheeled the puck behind the net and into the opposite corner then fired a pass back to the blue line Prince Daniel James. James corralled the puck, took a look around, then fired it back across the blue line to Evans. By this time all of the Falcons and Knights have set up in the Knights end. Evans fired a shot on goal, but it hit the shin pad of Knights defender, Cara Hohenburg. The puck deflected right onto the stick of Nerokov, waiting at the bottom of the circle. Nerokov fired right over the blocker of Jason Aitokallio and into the back of the net, putting the Falcons up 1-0.

[Image: giphy.gif]
Nerokov’s goal at 7:40 into the first period

2nd Period

The second period featured the same amount of action in the goal scoring column as the first, however this time in the Knights favour. This goal came 2:09 into the period on the penalty kill. It was Dieter Dominique’s 7th goal of the season. This goal featured play by three of the Knights top players, Shirobokov, Justice, and, obviously, Dominique. The puck was brought into the zone by veteran Fedor Shirobokov. Shirobokov then dished it off to Justice, who made a fancy pass into the corner for Dominique. After a couple more passes between the veterans, the puck found it’s way back to Dominique. Dominique had some speed coming across the ice. The Falcons goalie went down Dominique was easily able to shoot it in. There is some controversy over this goal as apparently Dominique’s skate was in the crease, but the it was called a goal anyway.

[Image: brett_hull_remembered_for_taintedgoal.jpeg]
Dominique’s goal at 2:09 into the second period

3rd Period/Overtime

The third period featured another controversial, this time scored by Michael Burrows at 16:48 into the period. Burrows skated up the left side of the ice and dumped the puck into the far corner, as he continued around behind the net. The puck took a weird bounce off a stanchion and deflected behind the net to an unsuspecting Burrows. Burrows barely had time to react and got a foot on it. The puck bounced straight upwards off Burrows skate, over the net and hit the McSieve in the back before ending up in the net. The play went straight to review to look at if Burrows kicked the puck. After a long 10-minute review it was determined to be a good goal, putting the Knights up 2-1. The Knights were able to hang on to this controversial lead the rest of the way, giving them a big win over the Falcons.

[Image: giphy.gif]
Burrows’ goal at 16:48 into the third period

Three Stars
3: Viktor Nerokov: 1G, +1, 4S
Nerokov was the only player on the ice able to beat Aitokallio tonight. Without him the Falcons wouldn’t have even had a chance to win the game. This earned him third star of the game.

2: Dieter Dominique: 1G, +1, 2S
Dieter scored the short handed goal that allowed the Knights to tie up the game. He opened the score sheet for the Knights, and like usual played an important role for his team. This earned him second star of the game.

1: Jason Aitokallio: 95.5SV%, 1GA
Aitokallio had a big game for the Knights, allowing only one goal on 22 shots. He stole this stole game with some big saves at key moments in the game. He was awarded first star for his effort.

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[Image: twils.gif]
Picture credit to Allen, Jenny, enigmatic, Wasty, ckroyal92, 701, and EJ

300+ Career Goals, 750+ Career Points
5th All-Time Goals Scored for WKP,
8th All-Time Goals Scored for SEA/TBB
3rd All-Time in Playoff Points
17th All-Time in Goals

6 Consecutive 50+ Point Seasons, 7 Total
Quote:"idc if ur naked if ur holding that cup" -Jenny

<div align="center">Game 65: Kelowna Knights v Detroit Falcons
Game Thread
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[Image: VqfuGpg.png]


KEL- Anatoly Yanovich (Michael Burrows, Beau Bent) at 8:49 (PP) (1st)
KEL- Justs Sirmais (Kornel Kasparek, Cara Hohenberg) at 13:07 (PP) (1st)
DET- Nucky Toohoots (Alex Berkis, Prince Daniel James) at 3:29 (2nd)
DET- Alex Berkis (Marc Leclerc, Alexis Metzler) at 8:48 (2nd)
DET- Hans Moleman (Alex Berkis, Nucky Toohoots) at 2:20 (PP) (3rd)
DET- Hans Moleman (Jari Sinikka) at 13:38 (3rd)
KEL- Trevor Wilson (Beau Bent, Kornel Kasparek) at 18:29 (3rd)
DET- Cikgnar Konstantinov (Zach Evans, Edvins Berzins) at 19:23 (Empy Net) (3rd)


DET- Chadathy Brodangleschlong for Interference (Minor) at 7:29 (1st)
DET- Erik Muller for Hooking (Minor) at 12:47 (1st)
KEL- Trevor Wilson for Hooking (Minor) at 5:20 (2nd)
DET- Marc Leclerc for Holding (Minor) at 11:57 (2nd)
KEL- Adriana Starosta for Interference (Minor) at 15:21 (2nd)
KEL- Fedor Shirobokov for High Sticking (Minor) at 18:42 (2nd)
KEL- Fedor Shirobokov for Hooking (Minor) at 1:13 (3rd)

The Game</div>

Detroit recovered after a bad start to defeat the Kelowna Knights 5 to 3 last night in a shellacking at the Jet Blue Airways Arena last night. The Falcons, looking to build on recent successes, crushed Kelowna in many areas including hits, face-offs, and shots on goal as Hans Moleman continued to build a case for multiple individual awards at the end of the season.

The game began with Detroit's customary poor special team performances, with a pair of penalties to Chadathy Brodangleschlong and Erik Muller resulting in power play goals for the Knights, the 6th and 5th goals of the year for Anatoly Yanovich and Justs Sirmais respectively. An impressive textbook performance by Jason Aittokallio thwarted all attempts to equalize before the end of the first period.

Detroit found their groove in the second period, with Aittokallio finally missing a catch, and Nucky Toohoots taking advantage on the rebound to beat him and score their first for the game. It was followed just a few minutes later by a brutal slapshot from Alex Berkis, and the scored were levelled at two goals each.

Kelowna completely lost control of the play in the third period, with an early power play goal by Hans Moleman setting the pace. Hans followed it up with a second goal ten minutes later, which was the eventual game winner. The Knights eventually finally replied with just 91 seconds to go, but pulling Jason Aittokallio backfired in the final minute, resulting in an empty net goal by Cikgnar Konstantinov. The win places Detroit as the top team in the eastern conference, ahead of St Louis on game wins. Kelowna retains their place at the top of the western conference, and at the top of the overall league.

<div align="center">The Crucial Point</div>

The game could have gone either way in the final period, but a hooking penalty by Fedor Shirobokov put Detroit on the power play. Falcons fans, wary of the teams terrible special teams play this season, would have been uncomfortable with this, and would have been frustrated with a terrible offside call thirty seconds in; but a team effort by all five skaters on the ice (Sinikka, Daniel James, Toohoots, Berkis, Moleman) resulted in the lead taking goal. If Detroit's 1st line looked happy, perhaps even surprised to have scored on the power play, in truth they were ecstatic, and fired up to the point where they dominated the play for the rest of the 3rd period.

<div align="center">Three Stars</div>

3rd Star- Nucky Toohoots had a goal and an assist on this game, and was on the ice for a third goal. He won nearly 80% of his 24 face offs and was a big part of why Detroit was dominant in the 3rd period.

2nd Star- Alex Berkis attained a goal and was important for two assists, resulting in his second third point game in the last week.

1st Star- Hans Moleman scored 2 goals, including the eventual game winner, and was responsible for 8 of the 39 shots on goal by Detroit this game. He also completes the Detroit 1st line's presence as the 3 stars of the game.

[Image: avakaelsig.gif]

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