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PT # 3 - Settling In

Interview with Sarmo

1. What are you most excited about coming back into the SMJHL? Do you expect the Falcons to have success?
I feel like we have a solid group of forwards that will help us go far and i cant wait to get back on the ice.

2. Do you have any personal on-ice goals that you are expecting to accomplish this season?
I just want to do the best i can, play a pure two way game, generate offense and play good team defense.

3. Do you have a favorite teammate in the locker room that i should try to get to know better?
I have known Maxy, Merica and deener for a while, they are all great people and we understand each other but at the end of the day everyone that is in the lockerroom are in it together, we should all get to know each other over the course of the season.

4. Will Detroit win the four star cup?

I believe we can win the cup but we will need a little work on defense and goaltending. We have good forwards up front but i believe defense wins championships, as long as we keep progressing as a team and build chemistry we will be fine. Ill also be willing to play back on defense if it is necessary.

[Image: ho-lee-smokes-iihf.png]
Thanks Jove for my sig

Thank you TML99 for the interview!!

1) What should the expectations be for my rookie season in St. Louis? Also, what are the expectations for the team this upcoming season?

I can say when I started my rookie season in St Louis I had high expectation for what I would do, I really realized that I would have to put in work to get as much tpe as possible in order to see some results in the sim. My advice is to not get discouraged if you are not seeing the results you expect, just keep working hard and it will pay off. In terms of this season I think CRUTCH and I both have some vey high expectation, we have some big guys comping back down and I think our D core is super strong not to mention having Wally between the pipes. We think we can be true contenders this season, and we can't wait for it to get under way!

2) Coming from Germany, what advice could you give me to fit in with the guys in the locker room from different nationalities? Follow up question, what's it like living in St. Louis?

My advice is just be active and create conversations you will find the you will fit in right away we love when guys can bring a new unique aspect to the locker room. I know it's very biased but I think we have one of the best locker rooms in the SMJHL we have tunes bumping in the discord all the time some dope emojis thanks to crutch, and many amazing members always willing to help out or spark up a conversation.

3) How did you personally adjust to the league during your rookie season and is there anything I can learn from your experiences as a rookie?

I sorta touched on this in the first question but really you get a good feel for the league in your first season imo things flew by and I got to know a lot of cool people right away, I was in a massive draft class so I think this helped a lot, i got to learn how the sim worked early on and I adjusted my game and my expectations around that although my performance has never been all that good I try my best.

1. How do you feel the re-branding of Montreal Worked out?

I think in the long-run it's turned out pretty well. When the re-brand was first announced it was pretty terribly received, for a lot of reasons really. I think the biggest thing that's made it better is the fact that they re-did the logo recently because the new logo looks so much better than the old Militia logo did. Whether or not people are happy with the name that was settled upon for the team's new brand, it was just awkward to have a hockey team and an MLS team with the exact same name in the same city.

2. Are they any rookie hazings I should know about?

I'd tell you about them, but I think it's better you find out for yourself. I will say this - I hope you aren't afraid of bats.

3. How do you think Management has faired building this team?

I think they've done really well. With so much turnover every season in the SMJHL, it can be kind of difficult to plan for the long-run. But having worked with Ballerstorm for four seasons, I can tell you right now that he's one of the best in the business. He's great at every part of building a successful team, be it drafting well, signing key free agents, making those big trades, what have you. Added on to that you have the dedication of Copenhagen, always willing to work hard to improve the team in any way you can, and it's one of the best tandems in the league for sure. Don't be surprised to see Montreal atop the standings again this season.

4. Why does every thread is about Eggy?

I think it's because clearly deep down everyone loves me and wishes they had the chance to spend more time with me, and by making every thread about me they feel like they can get just a little bit closer to me.

Thanks Eggy!

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Credit to Wasty
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Credit to Sulovilen


My interview with Juice/Bure:

Quote:What advice do you have for a new rookie in Vancouver?

Get to know everyone in the LR, it's pretty common for alumnis to pop in here and there as you can plainly see. A lot of us here know what we're doing and can definitely help you, not that you really need any. This goes for any LR as well but just have fun, this is a great chance to get to know everyone before the draft and leave good impressions.

What expectations do you have for Bure this season?

I'm expecting a similar season. Honestly, another 60 point season is a long shot, I'd be ecstatic to see another season with 60+ points but who really knows? Ive raised my strength stat quite a bit so I'm interested to see how strength affects the decision making formula. I'm expecting around a 55~ point season, I'd hope for around 65 but I'll take anything around 60.

What do you think is the biggest weakness in Bure's game going into this season?

Nothing. Straight up, not being cocky. I don't think there's anything I don't like about Bure. Bure's been physical as of late due to his 30+ increase in checking, his new strength will also help the HIT category. My scoring is at 87 for a "playmaker" although I've never truly been a playmaker Bure's career.

What are your thoughts on the Whaler's draft?

Pretty gud. We only drafted 2 guys, you and Sabres. You 2 need to chill though.

Thoughts on having a pair of Enforcers in Vancouver?

The welsh guy whose name I cannot spell or say is defintely not someone I want to face off with in the future. Seppo or whatever his name is just seems like some scrub to me Wink

If you were commissioner for a day, what's the first thing you would change in the SHL?

Nothing at the moment. When the time comes around I get my panties in a twist, yeah I'll probably be mad and pout but there isn't anything that I'm annoyed with at the moment to chance things. The Detroit situation doesn't matter to me as I'm not in the SMJHL and most of those players will probably suck in the playoffs.

What was it like winning the Cup in New England?
Anticlimactic. I felt bored sweeping Edmonton. No excitement. I was expecting a hard fought battle to the end, I was given another sweep on a team that quieted down after 3 losses. Cup is great but I don't feel like I deserved it

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Riot Player Page Riot
Militia Update Page Militia

An Interview With Detroit Falcons GM Dankoa

Q What are your expectations for the Falcons this season?
A: My aim for this season is for us to use the regular season to find our feet, grow together as a team so that by the time playoffs roll around we'll be a considerable force. We're made up of maybe 80% rookies so we'll need a little more time than most other teams to grow but by the end of the season with the players we have we should be dangerous.

Q: Which team do you consider to be your biggest rival and why?
A: I think traditionally Detroit's biggest rival is Montreal, but I think more now it's Halifax simply because they're the favourites to win it all this year and that's what we plan on doing, so I think that'll be a big one for us.

Q: What is the most appealing part of the SHL for you? How about the least appealing?
A: Definitely the most appealing part of the SHL for me has been GMing, getting to meet a lot of new people through it and taking a team through things like the draft and making trades. The least appealing is probably the political side of it that's caused so much shit lately with arguments and whatever, people read way too deep into some of the things that happen lately and need to take a step back and relax some.

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Sig Credits: Gorlab and Kylrad

1. Is there any form of Hazing I should be aware of?
The rookies actually have to do all the veterans PTs. Nah, I'm just kidding. Here with the Knights we are a supportive group with no hazing of the rookies. The rookies are a welcome addition. Plus it's kind of hard to do hazing over the Internet.

2. Which player do you look up to in the league?
I don't really know who's a quality two way forward in the SHL. So I'm not too sure about this one. I know that Jeff Dar is the greatest two way player of all time, and I put him in a few of my articles last season, so I guess I'll say Jeff Dar.

3. Do you have any personal goals for this season?
For this season I'd like to win a Four Star Cup, obviously. We had a disappointing end to last season, by being swept. As for individual goals, I'd like to provide some solid leadership on this team. On the ice, I'd like to finish in the top 5 for point scorers.

Thanks twils!

An interview with Pietra Volkova of the Halifax Raiders!

1.) What was the biggest surprise for you during your rookie season in the SMJHL?

Definitely my production (or rather, lack of it, I suppose). I didn't expect to go in and destroy the sim, but I also didn't exactly expect to literally go streaks of games and games without scoring a single point, especially given that I was towards the top of my draft class in TPE. My rookie season was definitely a lesson in patience.

2.) What do you think is the biggest advantage to playing for the Raiders as opposed to the other teams in the SMJHL?

The Raiders are a stacked team. We have seventeen send-downs. We're going to have well-distributed lines. I think the biggest advantage I personally have playing for the Raiders is that on-ice, I just have so many options. The first line is me, Ryan, and Reflieux. My defenders are Banning and Battle. All of them are fantastic passers and scorers in their own right. Whichever way I'd like to go, I have the option to get a nice pass or send one off and I know a goal will make its way in.

3.) Is there anything you wish in hindsight you'd done differently as a rookie in the league?

I wish I hadn't set my weakness to defense. That definitely impeded my production. In addition, I wish I had gotten my name out there a little bit more over the course of the regular season? Gotten to know people... Maybe then I wouldn't have had to scramble to put up a 10.5k word presser to catch the attention of GMs in the week before the draft.

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Wolfpack Canada Battleborn

Interview With Rain!!!

Hey Rain you two just gave me an offer I couldn't refuse. so I gotta know why did you guys try so hard to get me?

Your player build fit exactly what we needed. It was a no brainer when you entered the league that we needed to sign you asap as you fit our team needs.

I see we are a top contending team. what efforts are you gonna make to win it all this year?

Score more goals than our opponents - sign more actives

do you see any of your players called up if so how do you plan on remaining a strong contender?

Potentially, pending on SHL team needs we could lose a few more this season, but it's most likely we will lose more players next season making it crucial to bring in hungry prospects who want to take over jobs. We will only get better and stronger if we keep acquiring players who want to contribute to the team needs now, then play larger roles in the future.

Thanks for your time and Go Whalers Go! Whalers

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