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König -- season end presser.

1634 words ready for grading! :)

Hey gang, It's been a great first season for me at PGF.

I'd love for you guys to post some questions and I'll answer them. Nothing is off topic so fire away.


<a href='index.php?showuser=2565' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-52'>dizzyDC</a>

1) How do you feel you personally did your rookie season? Better than expected? Worse?

2) What are you doing to be getting ready for the draft? Any teams you specifically hope draft you?

3) What are your thoughts on pickles?

1) I think I had a really successful rookie season, for what it was. 23 points is not so bad for a player with no TPE. It sucks our playoff run was cut short but I am happy about how my player performed when everything is all said and done.

2) So far, I have just been keeping my activity level the same, gathering TPE and filling out team's IP threads. I am really excited for a couple teams, namely Minnesota, LA, Manhattan and West Kendall.

3) Pickles are a passion of mine. Not those shitty bread and butter pickles. I would go smash every jar of bread and butter pickles if I could. Whoever invented those is a plague to humanity and sandwiches everywhere. Personally, Claussen is my favorite brand of pickles as they cold pasteurize their pickles as opposed to a heat pasteurization process that most other brands use and that adds to the flavor and crispness of their pickles. If you haven't tried Claussen, I highly suggest you pick up a jar. Look for them in your local supermarket's refrigerated foods section!

(now where's my money at Claussen. I did not sign that endorsement for nothing!Wink

<a href='index.php?showuser=2638' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-17'>TheDangaZone</a>

1) Is there anything you regret about your player?

2) How do you feel you did this season as a rookie?

3) How enjoyable of a season was it?

1) No, not really. I think everything is panning out as I had hoped. I did not score as many goals as I would have liked but I wouldn't really call that a regret.

2) I felt like I did okay. I contributed a lot, was the highest rookie scorer on my team, and was 2nd in total shots blocked in the league. Our playoffs were short-lived, but I am over all happy with my rookie season.

3) It was a blast! Really, really glad I joined this league and have been able to meet all the awesome people I have!

<a href='index.php?showuser=1250' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-3'>Whikadoodle</a>

1. What do you think PGF's biggest need is going into next season?

2. Do you have an expectation of what number you should go in the Draft this season?

3. Does PGF still do the annual ice cream social?

4. Would you support the team moving back to Regina?

5. If you could create a franchise (either at the SHL or SMJHL level), where would it be, what would it be called, and what would the team be known for?

1. Scoring depth. I think we were really good on the defensive side of the the puck and our goaltending was really sharp but we have almost no depth scoring. We lost so many games by 1 goal it was kind of the theme of the season for us, unfortunately.

2. Honestly, I have no idea. This is all just speculation at this point but I have a few people telling me I could be in the top 5-7 but we shall see how accurate that is come draft time. :lol:

3. We do! It was short lived this season but we had it!

4. I love the Regina Force logo and I would not fight the move if thats what the General Mangers and Owners wanted to do.

5. I think Chicago, Washington DC, or Baltimore would be interesting places for an SHL franchise. Not really sure what I would name the team. It would depend on the area. I know Chicago has one of the biggest craft beer scene in the country so maybe the Chicago Brewers.

<a href='index.php?showuser=2699' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-67'>Evok</a>

1) What are you looking forward once drafted on the SHL?
2) Anything scaring you?

1) Getting to know more awesome people!
2) No, not really. I'm really excited for the draft and can not wait to see where me and the rest of my draft class go!

<a href='index.php?showuser=2614' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-3'>Clint Eastwood</a>

1) Judging off the post season, looks like PGF has a lot of problems. They seem to have a Montreal-like team where a big chunk of the team relies on their goalie Artom Zhumbayev along with a one line team. What is PGF's biggest set of needs?

2) For the SHL team, what position do you think you'll be picked at? (ballpark it)

3) What are your top 3 SHL teams you want to go to as of now? Teams you don't want to go to?

4) Who's the better German? You or Shirobokov?

5) Have you ever been raped by a set of people dressed up as Spongebob and Patrick?

6) Do you have a fetish with Bob Barker?

7) If Nour was an official religion, would you go to church every Sunday?

1) You are not wrong. We need scoring depth. I think we were really good on the defensive side of the puck this season but we lost too many games by 1 or 2 goals. Scoring really needs to be addressed by the GMs this upcoming draft.

2) 5-7 about that. I would not be surprised if I went higher or lower. It all depends on teams needs and If they like me or not.

3) Top 3: LA, Minnesota, Manhattan/West Kendall. Bottom 3: Toronto, Toronto, and Toronto.

4) Me, duh.



7) Hell, I would be the Pope.

<a href='index.php?showuser=177' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-3'>Ace</a>

1) Pick your top 10 players and predicted destinations in the upcoming SHL draft.

2) Do you expect to go back to PGF next season? What about the season after that?

1) This is tough. But here goes:

1) Prettyburn - Whoever has 1 OA
2) Evok - Whoever has 2 OA
3) Nour - Whoever has 3 OA
4) Ace - Wolfpack because of the history
5) Danga - One of Manhattan, Minnesota, or Los Angles
6) Me - One of Manhattan, Minnesota, or Los Angles
7) Danny - One of Manhattan, Minnesota, or Los Angles
8) Loco - Seattle
9) Downski - Toronto
10) Clint - Buffalo for the lulz.
Honorable mentions:
Victory - Texas
rowser - West Kendall

2) I do think I will play at least 1 more season in PGF. Maybe two, depending on the needs of the SHL team that drafts me.

<a href='index.php?showuser=2643' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-3'>DannyMethane</a>

Let’s say you have an ax. Just a cheap one, from Home Depot. On one bitter winter day, you use said ax to behead a man. Don’t worry, the man was already dead. Or maybe you should worry, because you’re the one who shot him.

He had been a big, twitchy guy with veiny skin stretched over swollen biceps, a tattoo of a swastika on his tongue. Teeth filed into razor-sharp fangs, you know the type. And you’re chopping off his head because, even with eight bullet holes in him, you’re pretty sure he’s about to spring back to his feet and eat the look of terror right off your face. On the follow-through of the last swing, though, the handle of the ax snaps in a spray of splinters.
You now have a broken ax. So, after a long night of looking for a place to dump the man and his head, you take a trip into town with your ax. You go to the hardware store, explaining away the dark reddish stains on the broken handle as barbecue sauce. You walk out with a brand new handle for your ax.
The repaired ax sits undisturbed in your garage until the next spring when, on one rainy morning, you find in your kitchen a creature that appears to be a foot-long slug with a bulging egg sac on its tail. Its jaws bite one of your forks in half with what seems like very little effort. You grab your trusty ax and chop the thing into several pieces. On the last blow, however, the ax strikes a metal leg of the overturned kitchen table and chips out a notch right in the middle of the blade.

Of course, a chipped head means yet another trip to the hardware store. They sell you a brand new head for your ax. As soon as you get home with your newly-headed ax, though, you meet the reanimated body of the guy you beheaded last year. He’s also got a new head, stitched on with what looks like plastic weed trimmer line, and it’s wearing that unique expression of “you’re the man who killed me last winter” resentment that one so rarely encounters in everyday life.

You brandish your ax. The guy takes a long look at the weapon with his squishy, rotting eyes and in a gargly voice he screams, “That’s the same ax that slayed me!”

Is he right?

Well, first off, If I had killed a man with an axe, there is no way I would take its broken remains covered in his blood with me on an excursion into town and then lie and tell people its bbq sauce. I wouldn't bring it with me at all. That's just bad axe murder practice. And no, you used a gun to kill him not an axe and at that point you replaced the axe head and handle with new pieces. So I guess, technically, that wasn't the same axe you used on him.

<a href='index.php?showuser=2644' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-17'>Loco</a>

[Image: 51Zu5zbzWDL.jpg]

No, I'm sorry. Do you need help finding your parents again? Undecided

Thanks for all the questions guys! I have fun answering them!

[Image: cd6sM5U.gif]
arigato to everyone for the dope sigs <3

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How do you feel you personally did your rookie season? Better than expected? Worse?

What are you doing to be getting ready for the draft? Any teams you specifically hope draft you?

What are your thoughts on pickles?

[Image: GkHz3HI.png]

[Image: T8nB5Dn.png][Image: KXZ8h4k.png]

Is there anything you regret about your player?

How do you feel you did this season as a rookie?

How enjoyable of a season was it?

Also so sad its over bud :(

[Image: thedangazone.gif]

Congrats on completing your first season!

1. What do you think PGF's biggest need is going into next season?

2. Do you have an expectation of what number you should go in the Draft this season?

3. Does PGF still do the annual ice cream social?

4. Would you support the team moving back to Regina?

5. If you could create a franchise (either at the SHL or SMJHL level), where would it be, what would it be called, and what would the team be known for?

What are you looking forward once drafted on the SHL ? Anything scaring you ?

[Image: Evok.gif]

[Image: merha.gif]

Judging off the post season, looks like PGF has a lot of problems. They seem to have a Montreal-like team where a big chunk of the team relies on their goalie Artom Zhumbayev along with a one line team. What is PGF's biggest set of needs?

For the SHL team, what position do you think you'll be picked at? (ballpark it)

What are your top 3 SHL teams you want to go to as of now? Teams you don't want to go to?

Who's the better German? You or Shirobokov?

Have you ever been raped by a set of people dressed up as Spongebob and Patrick?

Do you have a fetish with Bob Barker?

If Nour was an official religion, would you go to church every Sunday?

Pick your top 10 players and predicted destinations in the upcoming SHL draft.

Do you expect to go back to PGF next season? What about the season after that?

Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights
[Image: VZtEodi.png]
[Image: 1n0REYx.png]

RIP Dangel. See you on the other side, brother

Let’s say you have an ax. Just a cheap one, from Home Depot. On one bitter winter day, you use said ax to behead a man. Don’t worry, the man was already dead. Or maybe you should worry, because you’re the one who shot him.

He had been a big, twitchy guy with veiny skin stretched over swollen biceps, a tattoo of a swastika on his tongue. Teeth filed into razor-sharp fangs, you know the type. And you’re chopping off his head because, even with eight bullet holes in him, you’re pretty sure he’s about to spring back to his feet and eat the look of terror right off your face. On the follow-through of the last swing, though, the handle of the ax snaps in a spray of splinters.
You now have a broken ax. So, after a long night of looking for a place to dump the man and his head, you take a trip into town with your ax. You go to the hardware store, explaining away the dark reddish stains on the broken handle as barbecue sauce. You walk out with a brand new handle for your ax.
The repaired ax sits undisturbed in your garage until the next spring when, on one rainy morning, you find in your kitchen a creature that appears to be a foot-long slug with a bulging egg sac on its tail. Its jaws bite one of your forks in half with what seems like very little effort. You grab your trusty ax and chop the thing into several pieces. On the last blow, however, the ax strikes a metal leg of the overturned kitchen table and chips out a notch right in the middle of the blade.

Of course, a chipped head means yet another trip to the hardware store. They sell you a brand new head for your ax. As soon as you get home with your newly-headed ax, though, you meet the reanimated body of the guy you beheaded last year. He’s also got a new head, stitched on with what looks like plastic weed trimmer line, and it’s wearing that unique expression of “you’re the man who killed me last winter” resentment that one so rarely encounters in everyday life.

You brandish your ax. The guy takes a long look at the weapon with his squishy, rotting eyes and in a gargly voice he screams, “That’s the same ax that slayed me!”

Is he right?

[Image: dannymethane.gif]
[Image: DrbPYHV.png][Image: UDyqktK.png]
[Image: S7jeR9I.png]

[Image: 51Zu5zbzWDL.jpg]

júnior Guarda
Throat Goat

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