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S40 Championship Week

Task 4

TASK SEVEN: [Image: Parm_Special.jpg]

Task 9

Bonus question: Who scores the Cup-winning goal? (NOTE: This question will be graded at the conclusion of the winning-game sim of the Challenge Cup Finals, even if that happens before the conclusion of Championship Week.)

Terrance Nova

[Image: Wally.png]


TASK ONE: Your player has been invited to do color commentary for Game 1 of the Finals. (Un)fortunately, your player’s decided to drink a bit before making this guest appearance. In at least 150 words, write a transcript of the opening commentary of the game and your player’s introduction.
(213 words)
Ah Christ, I should not have drank so much. Why did I ever agree to this. Ah well, let’s get this overwith. Howdy everyone, it’s your boy Alexander Zajac back again with another Memorial Cup—wait, no—Challenge Cup Finals commentary! That’s what it is, I’ve had a bit too much to drink before this. So who the fuck do we have playing this year? Minnesota again and uuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhh Calgary. Hey, Calgary stole my Garrett from me. YOU GIVE HIM BACK YOU HEAR ah nevermind I’m yelling again. Okay, puck has dropped and now we’re going to commentate some fuckin hockey yeah the fuckin boys. Why the fuck are people dancing right now the game just fuckin started sit the fuck down. I wonder if anyone will cut me off with these drinks, there is the open bar downstairs after all. I just realized I forgot the opening lineups but uhhhhhhhhhh oh fuckin well. Man Calgary is a really nice place but the Saddledome is fuckin old as fuckin fuck. Man it is so fuckin late, I think I might just pass out. You know what, this game can commentate itself. Night y’all.

(Somewhere behind the broadcast booth, the head of production slams his head into a desk.)

He’s passed out, isn’t he?

TASK TWO: Who is your choice for the unsung hero of the S40 playoffs up to this point? Must be at least 150 words and include at least two statistics in support.
(175 words)
If we’re talking about unsung heroes these playoffs, then look no further than Calgary goaltender Richard C. Hocolate. The veteran netminder finds himself in yet another Challenge Cup Final, and he’s certainly not dropped the ball. Even though this is coming out after the Dragons won the cup, Hocolate posted a 0.922 save percentage and a 2.57 goals against average, miles ahead of Minnesota’s starting goalie. Although he had some relatively shaky games earlier in the playoffs (examples being games 2 and 4 against Winnipeg), he was able to bounce back and help the Dragons to win the Challenge Cup. On the forward front, Calgary forward Mike Izzy has been huge for them so far. Playing on the second line, Izzy is formidable on both sides of the puck. He’s not afraid to pass the puck and feed his teammates with 11 assists, and he’s certainly not afraid to throw the body around with his 50 hits. These two are just small cogs in the machine that helped Calgary to win season 40’s Challenge Cup.

TASK FOUR: Unscramble the names of these four players who will be competing in the Challenge Cup Finals. Send the answers to me by forum PM. You will not get credit for posting the answers in this thread. Please make the subject of the message “CW Word Scramble." [Grading: 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer]

TASK SIX: Both of the goaltenders in the finals have put up a remarkable battle for their teams to get them this far. Between the two starting goaltenders, who wins the goalie battle, and will it be enough for them to bring their team home a Cup win? Justify your decision in at least 150 words with at least two goalie statistics and one team statistic.
(166 words)
Both goaltenders in this series have proven themselves worthy of backstopping their teams to the Challenge Cup Finals. Calgary’s Richard C. Hocolate (12-6-1, 2.57 GAA) and Minnesota’s Olli O’Koivu (11-9-0, 2.79 GAA) have been around for a while, and both know the importance of having good goaltending this late in a playoff run. However, I feel like Hocolate has the advantage over O’Koivu coming in to the finals. For starters, Hocolate’s stats make him the more consistent goalie going in. Another reason why I believe Hocolate has the advantage is the team he’s on. Without disrespecting Minnesota, Calgary’s offense is the better offense to support a goaltender. Calgary’s top line of Kurczewski (6G, 18A), Garrett (9G, 13A), and Forsberg (12G, 7A) features three of the top point scorers in the SHL. The Dragons aren’t a top heavy team, either. Other players on the team such as Izzy (6G, 11A) and Augustus (3G, 8A) provide that defensive punch that Calgary so desperately needs to support their goalie.

TASK NINE: Trivia! Send the answers to me by forum PM. You will not get credit for posting the answers in this thread. Please make the subject of the message “CW Trivia.” [Grading: 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 for each correct answer.]

[Image: leblaVa.gif]
Shoutout to @adamantium for the sig! <3


TASK ONE: Your player has been invited to do color commentary for Game 1 of the Finals. (Un)fortunately, your player’s decided to drink a bit before making this guest appearance. In at least 150 words, write a transcript of the opening commentary of the game and your player’s introduction.
Hey there fans at home and in the area. It's great to be here. Well, actually... I gotta say something. Is it great to be here? We are here for the Simulation Hockey League finals, I guess, but it just feels like even those who are tuning in, and playing tonight, aren't really here. Are any of us even "here"? Nah, man, we're not. No one is here, and I gotta wonder about those who actually think they are. I mean, the freakin' gall of that line of thought, you know? Like, hey, I'm so fucking here I'm going to be a dick wad to everyone else around because this is all the real deal, and I'm going to keep pounding you like the never ending surf because it's a big fuckin' deal. It's a bit of a bummer, to be honest. Like, let's admit that none of it is real, and move forward, and we can all just hang out and have some fun, and realize, hey, those people I thought sucked, maybe they're not so bad after all, because after all, we're all here for the same thing, right? I get it, it's a pipe dream, and it's never happening. But fuck if it isn't nice to consider, ya know? Alright, I've said enough, I'd better stand down now... stumbles off set and collapses into a puddle of his own piss

TASK TWO: Who is your choice for the unsung hero of the S40 playoffs up to this point? Must be at least 150 words and include at least two statistics in support.
Looking over the post season performance so far, in context of how much credit players receive related to that success, Terrance Nova stands out to me as an unsung hero on the Minnesota squad. A center's primary task is to generate possession for his squad from the dot, and Nova has done that with a high level of success. His 53% face off win is good enough for is 5th in the playoffs. We all know C's take on a lot of defensive responsibility in today's SHL, and Nova stands strong again, ranked at second in post season play for this season. His physicality has been part of that, 30 hits put him squarely at 10 in the post season. While it's his strong 2 way play that really places him in "unsung hero" territory for me, he hasn't been a slouch offensively, either, notching 10 points in 13 games. Nova has been a big part of the Chief's success this season, and despite the fact that he may never receive the most attention, those who know the game know he's earned respect in this run up to the cup.

TASK FOUR: Unscramble the names of these four players who will be competing in the Challenge Cup Finals.

TASK SIX: Both of the goaltenders in the finals have put up a remarkable battle for their teams to get them this far. Between the two starting goaltenders, who wins the goalie battle, and will it be enough for them to bring their team home a Cup win? Justify your decision in at least 150 words with at least two goalie statistics and one team statistic.
Richard C. Hocolate and Olli O’Koivu have both been absolutely instrumental in getting their respective teams in a position to claim a berth in the finals. While the line between the two is hasn't been large, both in the regular season and in the post season, but I'd say there is a pretty clear delineation between the two. From where I'm standing, it's Hocolate who has been the better player (although that's not to discredit O’Koivu in anyway). A 2.40 GAA is fantastic, the best in the post season, and to boot, Hocolate's save percentage has been off the charts, at 0.928. O’Koivu’s GAA isn't lagging too far behind at 2.45, but with a save percentage of 0.914, it's plain to see that's a result of more support in front of him, rather than a hotter hand. The fact that Hocolate's 403 shots against, greater than O’Koivu's 382, supports that theory- O"Koivu has the better protection. O'Koivu will keep his team in it with his play, but Hocolate is going to elevate his team to glory in the end.

TASK NINE: Trivia! Send the answers to me by forum PM.

Bonus question: Who scores the Cup-winning goal?
Terrance Nova, unsung hero extraordinaire.

[Image: tZTGSGj.png]
[Image: 2AFxw6o.png]

TASK ONE: Your player has been invited to do color commentary for Game 1 of the Finals. (Un)fortunately, your player’s decided to drink a bit before making this guest appearance. In at least 150 words, write a transcript of the opening commentary of the game and your player’s introduction.

Hey there, you beautiful bastards! Welcome to KGO-TV’s (ABC 7) coverage of the Challenge Cup Finals! This is the one, the only, the least likely player to be drunk but still here anyways to commentate, Joseph Lombardi. And today we have the uhhhhh introduces a very bad Minnesota accent Minnesota Chiefs versus the introduces a really bad Canadian accent Calgary Dragons in Game 1 of the Challenge Cup Finals. Minnesota has shocked everyone by getting this far, and the reigning champions hic are looking to retirain theyre crownnn. But, da dragonz are gonna try wit all dere might to get dat cup back to Calgary. Dis series gon be a real gud one, u kno? So don’t hide yo kids, hide yo wife. Get em out to watch da coverage of da CHALLENGE CUP FINALZ on KGO-TV ya bastardos. It gonna be really very bigly HUUUUGE
154 words
TASK TWO: Who is your choice for the unsung hero of the S40 playoffs up to this point? Must be at least 150 words and include at least two statistics in support.
One unsung hero of the playoffs has to be Jon Tellofsen. The Minnesota rookie defenseman has been playing well, and looks like a future star for the Chiefs. He has played like a grizzled veteran, not like a young rookie. The man hasn’t been afraid to get physical. Jon has delivered 16 hits, which is pretty good for an offensive defenseman. That shows that Tellofsen isn’t afraid to get physical. He also has great timing. Jon has a +2 plus minus. He’s been on the ice at the right time. Then, there’s his point total. Jon has 4 points, pretty impressive for a defensive player averaging 12 minutes a game. Jon’s also been shooting well, as established by his 50% shooting percentage, which is the best on the team. In closing, people should appreciate Tellofsen more often, as he’s been playing well for the Chiefs, and he’s going to be a future star for them in a couple seasons.
159 words

TASK SIX: Both of the goaltenders in the finals have put up a remarkable battle for their teams to get them this far. Between the two starting goaltenders, who wins the goalie battle, and will it be enough for them to bring their team home a Cup win? Justify your decision in at least 150 words with at least two goalie statistics and one team statistic.

Both Richard C. Hocolate and Olli O’Koivu are top goalies. Both of them have been playing amazing throughout the regular season and the postseason. But only one of them is better. That man is Hocolate. He’s been surperior to O’Koivu throughout the postseason. His save percentage (0.928) and goals against average (2.40) have been the best goalie stats in the playoffs so far. O’Koivu’s goals against average is close to Hocolate’s (2.45), but his save percentage (0.914) is substantially worse than Hocolate. Yet another great stat for Hocolate is that he’s faced the second-most shots during the postseason (403). He’s been weathering the storm. Meanwhile, O’Koivu has only faced 3i2 shots. O’Koivu also has 5 losses, two more than Hocolate. Rick’s outstanding keeping has led the Dragons to a 3 game win streak, and the Dragons had a four game win streak before. Hocolate has obviously been the better player over the postseason, and don’t be surprised if he lifts the cup.
163 words
I’ve sent you Tasks Nine and Four pris


Armada Steelhawks Switzerland

Armada Specters Wolfpack Steelhawks Forge Switzerland

Scarecrows pride Chiefs Riot Stars Blizzard Ireland

ty to @High Stick King @EvilAllBran and @Ragnar for the sigs

TASK ONE: Your player has been invited to do color commentary for Game 1 of the Finals. (Un)fortunately, your player’s decided to drink a bit before making this guest appearance. In at least 150 words, write a transcript of the opening commentary of the game and your player’s introduction.

"Hello everyone, this is Finn Kruger of the West Kendall Platoon welcoming you to, uh... this is game one, right? Yeah, game one of the Season 40 Simulated Hockey League finals. Calgary's back in the finals, and those poor sons of bitches just can't seem to get a grasp on glory, can they? I've got a lot of friends on that team, shame they can't seem to stop choking every year. Maybe this will be the one."

"Uh, what else... returning for their second appearance in a row is the Minnesota Chiefs, also known as the killers of hopes and dreams down in Miami. Seriously, when will those fucks ever stop being good? It's getting old getting beaten in the first round by those guys... people always say that if you're going to lose to anyone, it should be the guys who go to the cup, but fuck that. Still hurts as much as normal."

"I don't know... no, no, no--you don't get to yell at me for drinking before this! You're the one who asked me to come onto this shitshow and try to be all friendly--you knew damn well I'm still hurting from that Minnesota loss. Folks, the producers are screaming in my earpiece for me to get off air and I suppose I can indulge them just this one time. So, that's Finn Kruger, signing off. Remember me as I was."

TASK TWO: Who is your choice for the unsung hero of the S40 playoffs up to this point? Must be at least 150 words and include at least two statistics in support.

It's Odegard. Of fucking course it is. Everyone's been saying it's Odegard since this prompt came up and for good reason. He's been the unsung workhorse of the Minnesota back end for the whole year. This playoffs, he's been bananas. Though Minnesota inevitably lost the series and the cup, it wasn't for a lack of trying, and Odegard spent the entire postseason trying his best. The young defenceman walked away with 11 points in 20 games, 33 hits throughout the post-season and 29 shots blocked--the most shots blocked on his team, with the next closest being Eero Hamalainen, 25 shots blocked. Odegard's been a physical workhorse willing to throw his body on the line for his team, and he's also proven himself perfectly capable in offensive situations. Add to that his grueling penalty kill time and you've got yourself a kid who loves him team and is willing to put everything he's got out on the ice for them. How the hell could it not be Odegard?

TASK FOUR: Unscramble the names of these four players who will be competing in the Challenge Cup Finals.


TASK SIX: Both of the goaltenders in the finals have put up a remarkable battle for their teams to get them this far. Between the two starting goaltenders, who wins the goalie battle, and will it be enough for them to bring their team home a Cup win?

The numbers say that O'Koivu's got the edge here, finishing with a .906 SV% to Hocolate's .903 SV% to end the regular season--which, granted, it's a razor-thin edge for O'Koivu to have but sometimes that's enough. However, Hocolate's got O'Koivu beat in the GAA department with a 2.78 to O'Koivu's 2.85 to end the regular season. Of course, regular season doesn't mean as much as people like to put stake in--for further proof, just look at the West Kendall Platoon--but it's a measure worth looking at. They're both excellent playoff performers who've managed to look good and deadly through two rounds, but we all know damn well that the Finals are a different beast and that Minnesota's already proven they have what it takes to win. My heart and my experience against Minnesota has taught me that O'Koivu is a rat bastard of a netminder, but he's a rat bastard of netminder who's also damn good at what he does. O'Koivu's got the edge and so does Minnesota.

Edit: Boy did this not age well.

TASK NINE: Trivia!


Bonus question: Who scores the Cup-winning goal?

Joe Kurczewski

[Image: MvfRxO2.png]
sigs by me bitch


TASK ONE: Your player has been invited to do color commentary for Game 1 of the Finals. (Un)fortunately, your player’s decided to drink a bit before making this guest appearance. In at least 150 words, write a transcript of the opening commentary of the game and your player’s introduction.


TASK TWO: Who is your choice for the unsung hero of the S40 playoffs up to this point? Must be at least 150 words and include at least two statistics in support.

How can it not be Isak Odegard? The young defenseman doesn't get enough regongnition behind big names like Caelum, Garbanzo, Shirobokov. He doesn't put up the points quite like Garbanzo and Caelum, but he's arguably the most important cog in the Chiefs defense. and don't forget this guy was only drafted in S36. For a young guy to put up this kind of performance is outstanding. He's got 11 points, only a few behind Garbanzo and Caelum, and he had 33 hits, behind only Shirobokov. He was a shot blocking machine though, leading the team with 29 blocks. Not only that, he also logged the most penalty kill time of any Chiefs defenseman, though not a jaw dropping performance from the PK, they saw the ice 32 times in the 7 games of the finals, Odegard being able to log that much time, adequately, is the reason the finals weren't over much sooner.

TASK FOUR: Unscramble the names of these four players who will be competing in the Challenge Cup Finals. Send the answers to me by forum PM. You will not get credit for posting the answers in this thread. Please make the subject of the message “CW Word Scramble." [Grading: 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer]


TASK FIVE: Create an infographic breaking down and comparing the teams’ performances for one of the games of the finals. Must include at least five sim statistics and both team logos.

[Image: Yr2DCle.jpg]

TASK NINE: Trivia! Send the answers to me by forum PM. You will not get credit for posting the answers in this thread. Please make the subject of the message “CW Trivia.” [Grading: 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 for each correct answer.]


Bonus question: Who scores the Cup-winning goal? (NOTE: This question will be graded at the conclusion of the winning-game sim of the Challenge Cup Finals, even if that happens before the conclusion of Championship Week.)
Louie Garrett

[Image: symmetrik.gif]

Prince George Firebirds GM (S34-S36)
Toronto North Stars GM (S37-S43)
[Image: symmshl.gif]

TASK ONE: Your player has been invited to do color commentary for Game 1 of the Finals. (Un)fortunately, your player’s decided to drink a bit before making this guest appearance. In at least 150 words, write a transcript of the opening commentary of the game and your player’s introduction.

Hey, sup guys, don't forget to like, comment and subscribe to your bro Craig here. Wait til you see this cracker of a game between the Dragons and wait, the Dragons and, the crips and bloods. My money is on the bloods to take this one, as they have more stuff where it matters, including that big dick in net, and nothing beats a BBC. The crispy Crips will have to counter with some of their high powered offense, like that Strange guy and that buttery flaky crust guy, Flacko I think? And how defense they have that one guy with like a stop sign in his name (Ødegård), so you know nobody will get past him. Well, the Dragons do have that Joe Kach- kachu- ahh...chooo guy who has been terrific all playoffs. Get this, the Dragons also have a forward named Izzy, he must be Will Smith's favorite player; getting Izzy with it nanananananana hahaha. Omg omg...I don't care how good this guy is, but the Dragons also have someone called Hunky Monkey!! He's my chunky monkey pal, so I think the Bloods will win just because of the zoo on defense. And now back to sports with Craig!!! Hey wait, that's me (gets cut off wait too late, in more than one way).

TASK TWO: Who is your choice for the unsung hero of the S40 playoffs up to this point? Must be at least 150 words and include at least two statistics in support.

My unsung hero has to be Esa Anrikkanen. In a reduced role, the grandpa is still being very productive and clutch for the Dragons. In 19 games with the Dragons, he has put up 6 goals, which is good for a tie for 4th on the dragons, but he is the only one to do that playing less than 20 minutes a game. Most importantly, two of Esa's goals are game winners, which is half a series of wins from a supporting player. This is truly invaluable in the playoffs, as the top guns get all the focus and you really do need others to step up and help out. Additionally, Esa has also assisted on two goals for a total of 8 points. His veteran experience stands out in his great discipline as well, as games can get physical and players can get under your skin, but Esa has remained cool and only taken two penalties (4 PIMs). This reliable, disciplined depth scorer is a big reason why the Dragons have an opportunity to win the Cup!

TASK FOUR: Unscramble the names of these four players who will be competing in the Challenge Cup Finals. Send the answers to me by forum PM. You will not get credit for posting the answers in this thread. Please make the subject of the message “CW Word Scramble." [Grading: 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer]

- Done

TASK SIX: Both of the goaltenders in the finals have put up a remarkable battle for their teams to get them this far. Between the two starting goaltenders, who wins the goalie battle, and will it be enough for them to bring their team home a Cup win? Justify your decision in at least 150 words with at least two goalie statistics and one team statistic.

Both goalies are solid, but I give the edge to Calgary's Dick. The most important statistic (aside from wins) is save percentage, and he out-duels O'Koivu with a .922 save percentage versus O'Koivu's .909 save percentage. Both goalies have gotten one shutout, which is an instant win for their teams, so that's a wash. The next stat I want to look at is penalty kill success, as goalies are your most important killers and make a huge difference when shorthanded. Calgary has almost an 82% rate, while the Chiefs are about 10% worse at 72%. This impacts the playing style of both teams, as Calgary can be aggressive and go for the puck, knowing they can kill it off, while the Chiefs might have to be more passive to prevent easy goals. Two other small stats that I've noticed is that Richard has 2 assists to O'Koivu's goose egg, which is representative of Richard's ability to transition the puck. This could lead to fewer dump ins by the Chiefs, but they shouldn't be too worried. Finally, Hocolate has remained cool under pressure, but O'Koivu has taken a penalty. I know it's minor, but it could be a sign that one goalie can keep up his composure better than the other one. With the two teams being evenly skilled, I think Hocolate might push Calgary over the edge in a long, tight series.

TASK NINE: Trivia! Send the answers to me by forum PM. You will not get credit for posting the answers in this thread. Please make the subject of the message “CW Trivia.” [Grading: 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 for each correct answer.]

- done

Task 4: Done
Task 9: Done

[Image: blurrybad.jpg] [Image: zomboy3.png]
Thank you Brandon, Fish, GeckoeyGecko, Karey, Kit, takethehorizon, and Ragnar for the sigs!
[Image: Pw202QP.jpeg]

Player Page || Update page

Quote:TASK ONE: Your player has been invited to do color commentary for Game 1 of the Finals. (Un)fortunately, your player’s decided to drink a bit before making this guest appearance. In at least 150 words, write a transcript of the opening commentary of the game and your player’s introduction.

please note that while Ross comes off as a friendly guy, he is actually an angry drunk.

*hick* Good day all you bums too lazy to have a job that stay at home to watch the finals of a SIMULATED HOCKEY LEAGUE! I mean, Ladies and Gentleman. Today we have the start of the finals, thank fuck. *hick*. Seriously, I have better things to do with my time than get wasted and try and turn 1s and 0s into something you SIMPLETONS will understand. NEVERTHELESS, we have the Farquad Dragons doing battle against the Inappropriate Team Names! Both teams have played well so far, I think...well, they did make the finals. So ya both teams have played well enough to *hick* make the *hick* ..jeeeesus I need another shot. What? I can't do that on air? good thing I brought some back glue!

*Ross proceeds to take a big wiff of the glue bottle*

WOOOOOWWEEEEEE. so ya, Calgary Minnesota gets started TODAY to find out who is the BEST of the BEST of the BESTEST BEST. You know if I had to put money on it, I'd bet on Calgary, no reason at all. I'm not salty. Minny didn't ABSOLUTELY RUIN MY HOPES AND DREAMS 2 YEARS STRAIGHT!

*sobbs into glue bottle*

Quote:TASK TWO: Who is your choice for the unsung hero of the S40 playoffs up to this point? Must be at least 150 words and include at least two statistics in support.

My choice for unsung hero may be a bit of an odd one but I definitely think it can be justified. I think Adam Kaiser has played a huge role in the Dragons success despite his rather poor stat line entering the finals. As it stands he has just 5 points in 12 games and a -2 rating. What people don't always consider is the level of competition he has faced in those 12 games. In the first 2 rounds Calgary played Texas and Winnipeg, 2 of the most deadliest offensive units in the league. Kaiser was front and center on the Dragons 1st D pair, 1st power play pair and 1st penalty kill against the best offensive players this league had to throw at him. And he has been absolutely wearing them down. Through those 12 games he has a staggering 45 hits ,even more impressive when put up against his 17 hits taken. It has cost him some penalties, 8 of them to be exact, amounting to 16 penalty minutes in 12 games. One thing is for sure though, he has been getting under his opponents skin and although he may not be coming up on the score sheet, I don't think the Dragons make it this far without Kaiser.

Quote:TASK FOUR: Unscramble the names of these four players who will be competing in the Challenge Cup Finals. Send the answers to me by forum PM. You will not get credit for posting the answers in this thread. Please make the subject of the message “CW Word Scramble." [Grading: 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer]

1. avoopktsmmsia
2. kdiogdaaser
3. cujzirkeekows
4. srkovoobhdfireo


bonus question: Terrance Nova

Task 4 sent via PM

Task 9 sent via PM

Quote:TASK ONE: Your player has been invited to do color commentary for Game 1 of the Finals. (Un)fortunately, your player’s decided to drink a bit before making this guest appearance. In at least 150 words, write a transcript of the opening commentary of the game and your player’s introduction.

Rob: Good evenning laddies and gentallmans! This is Robbort Phalps of the Hamiltoon Steelcocks. I ull be dooin the commentry for toneights game betwon tha stupid calgary dragons and the dum minnysoda chefs.

Bob (play by play guy): Alright Rob, let's take it easy on the mic there, you just talk into it, no need to plant your lips on it.

Rob: Yah yah yah okay. opening lineups! Right uhhhh okay ya we gots a buncha guysss here... *burp*.... excus meh.. so Nova is dere at centerr for the chefs and kurcz... kurrrrrrccc... kurakasi.. fuck... uh is in the maddle fer tha draguns. They hab some uddder gais too like gaarrrrett, hes hot, and like forrrrrssburger. and goalies. oh and that o'koy guy in net ya. yeah the chefs look gud too with uh ya choco-latte. mmmm... i need some fuckin french toast.. *thump*

Bob: Well uhh, there you have it, our starting lineups... And it looks like Phelps is leaving the broadcast booth. He must have been serious about the french toast...

Quote:TASK TWO: Who is your choice for the unsung hero of the S40 playoffs up to this point? Must be at least 150 words and include at least two statistics in support.

Casey Creller is 100% my choice for unsung hero of the playoffs. The dude gets 0 attention what-so-ever, but he played 19 minutes a game and came out of the playoffs with a solid +8. Despite having only 3 goals in the playoffs he managed 1 game winner and did a fantastic job killing penalties all season long. Creller has come a long way since being drafted in the 2nd round of the S36 SHL entry draft by the calgary dragons. Despite his passing weakness, he has turned into an extraordinary player. It's a shame he doesn't get powerplay time. He looks built for the powerplay. This playoffs though, he was a big reason the dragons made it all the way to the finals and he got himself a cup ring for his efforts, but like I said, I doubt many people are talking about Creller. To me though, this playoffs just shows even more so that he is a big player who can keep up in this league.

Quote:TASK SIX: Both of the goaltenders in the finals have put up a remarkable battle for their teams to get them this far. Between the two starting goaltenders, who wins the goalie battle, and will it be enough for them to bring their team home a Cup win? Justify your decision in at least 150 words with at least two goalie statistics and one team statistic.
To me I think the obvious choice for the better goalie between Hocolate and O'Koivu is O'Koivu. The guy can absolutely stand on his head and steal a series, he does the right things to get the job done. That being said, goaltending isn't all about the goalie, it has a lot to do with the guys in front of him, the defense of the team. So when you go and look at the stats, I think some people will give the edge to Hocolate, but he is facing shots from the outside and his team gives up less quality scoring chances than the Chiefs do. So if it was me and I'm picking up just the goalie I would be taking O'Koivu. If I was choosing a D core plus Goalie, I'd go with the dragons and Hocolate. So while I think O'Koivu is the better goalie, I don't expect it to be enough to bring Minny a cup.

[Image: DrunkenTeddy.gif]

[Image: Tqabyfh.png]  |  [Image: sXDU6JX.png]

Quote:[b]TASK ONE: Your player has been invited to do color commentary for Game 1 of the Finals. (Un)fortunately, your player’s decided to drink a bit before making this guest appearance. In at least 150 words, write a transcript of the opening commentary of the game and your player’s introduction.[/b]
"Thanks guys, welcome everyone to <city that Game 1 will be played in> and what a pleasure it is for me to do the color commentary for this game, let me tell you. Now in this game we have the Minnesota Chiefs who are defending their title against the Calgalry, Cargarly, fuck. Against the Dragons from some place in Canadia. This should be a really fun series to watch because there are players on both teams that are really good such as, um, uh, wait hold on I got this, um, sorry, uh, Zach Evans? No wait that's Wippineg. Winnipeg. Okay so trust me there are great players on both teams and this will be a really, incredibly great series to watch and holy shit when are they going to drop the puck this is taking fucking forever. Oh shit sorry the producer is yelling at me for saying the fuck word on TV. Oh. Whoops I did it again. [laughs] Yeah, he's not happy with me. Oh finally here we go, the teams are lined up and we're about to get underway!"

183 words

Quote:[b]TASK TWO: Who is your choice for the unsung hero of the S40 playoffs up to this point? Must be at least 150 words and include at least two statistics in support. [/b]
The unsung hero for these playoffs has got to be Mike Izzy of the Calgary Dragons. He's built a strong reputation as a gritty, hard-nosed player who will crush you with bone-rattling checks and then punch your face into submission. But during this playoff run he's been pitching in quite nicely at the offensive end of the ice with 10 points in 12 games, 8 of which are at even strength. He's still getting his hits with 24 and killing penalties having logged 28 minutes with a man down but the improvement on the score sheet is new and hasn't gotten enough credit. For comparison, last playoffs he had 0 points in 4 games, the playoffs before he had 7 in 17, and the playoffs before that he had 0 in 7. In addition, his goals have been quite timely - none moreso than his game winning goal in Game 5 of the first round that eliminated the Texas Renegades.

160 words

Quote:[b]TASK FOUR: Unscramble the names of these four players who will be competing in the Challenge Cup Finals. Send the answers to me by forum PM. You will not get credit for posting the answers in this thread. Please make the subject of the message “CW Word Scramble." [Grading: 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer][/b]


Quote:[b]TASK SIX: Both of the goaltenders in the finals have put up a remarkable battle for their teams to get them this far. Between the two starting goaltenders, who wins the goalie battle, and will it be enough for them to bring their team home a Cup win? Justify your decision in at least 150 words with at least two goalie statistics and one team statistic. [/b]

It's definitely true that the goalies have been standing on their heads this postseason and they're a major reason these teams have advanced to the finals. Hocolate is sporting a 0.928 save percentage with a 2.40 GAA which are both best in the playoffs while Olli O'Koivu is not far behind with a 0.914 save percentage and a 2.45 GAA (3rd and 2nd, respectively). It's really going to be a toss up but I think that Dick C. Hocolate is going to win the goalie battle. Though his defense has done a worse job than Minnesota's at suppressing shots and limiting opportunities, I think that he'll come through for them. I figure they'll be slightly outshot most games (Calgary is averaging 29-30 shots a game and Minnesota is averaging 29-30 shots against per game while Minnesota is averaging 33 shots a game and Calgary is averaging 33-34 shots against per game) and so they'll, by definition, need him to make more saves than O'lli Okoivu to take the series and the championship.

172 words

[quote]TASK NINE: Trivia! Send the answers to me by forum PM. You will not get credit for posting the answers in this thread. Please make the subject of the message “CW Trivia.” [Grading: 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 for each correct answer.]


Jack Tanner (D) - [Player Page] [Player Updates]

[Image: mH3z832.png]

[Image: Beaver.gif]
One sig is tweed's and the other was a karlssens/Copenhagen collab

AC | Bank | Claims

TASK ONE: Your player has been invited to do color commentary for Game 1 of the Finals. (Un)fortunately, your player’s decided to drink a bit before making this guest appearance. In at least 150 words, write a transcript of the opening commentary of the game and your player’s introduction.

GR - "Hello sports fans and welcome to TSN That's Hockey. I'm your host Geno Reda and tonight we have a special guest with us tonight, none other than long time Blizzard center Nikolaus Scholz. How you doing tonight Scholzy?"
NS - "[burp] I'm doing great Geno. My team just got bumped by the Jets in game 7 for a second straight season, but I'm here now taking in what should be an exciting game 1 of the Challenge Cup Finals"
GR - "Certainly not the end your Blizzard were looking for. So what do you think we should look for in Game 1 here? Who is your player to watch?"
NS - "A lot of beauties on both teams Geno, a lot. On the Dragons I'll have to go with Special K. That dude has really stepped up after the regression to the longtime franchise centerpiece Randleman and continues to amaze. On the other end I have to go with my fellow draftee Lord Pretty Flacko. He's older now, but in his prime he put up INSANE numbers Geno, just ridiculous. No doubt he wraps up his career top 5 in career points.
GR - "Wow that's quite the praise. Well there you have it, Nik's picks for Game 1. Let's head down to ice level with Ray now"
NS - [muffled] "Anywhere I can grab a beer around here?"

TASK TWO: Who is your choice for the unsung hero of the S40 playoffs up to this point? Must be at least 150 words and include at least two statistics in support.

My choice for unsung hero of the S40 Challenge Cup Playoffs would have to be Fedor Shirobokov of the Minnesota Chiefs. While he's not the flashiest defender in the finals, he's been an excellent blue liner for the Minnesota Chiefs who find themselves in back to back finals. His most notable stat that exemplifies this is his +/-, which sits at +10 after 20 games, the best rating in the SHL post season. Secondly, his 22 blocks and 56 hits given a [somewhat] reduced role is nothing to scoff at. He's made the most of his 20.12 minutes per game and has been great fixture on the Chiefs blue line. Lastly, his 7 points land him within the top 10 in defensive scoring in the post season. Not an amazing stat, but given his stay at home role I think it shows that he's not quite as one dimensional as others are lead to believe and he can certainly chip in while still being a shutdown defender.


TASK FIVE: Create an infographic breaking down and comparing the teams’ performances for one of the games of the finals. Must include at least five sim statistics and both team logos.

[Image: sNQsifw.png]


[Image: IAP8v68.png]

pride Armada  Player Page || Update Page  Germany pride


[Image: Mo71n9R.jpg]


[Image: WALllRF.png]



[Image: Z21MZ56.jpg]
Highlanders Highlanders

Aurora Argonauts Stars Battleborn Czechia

TASK ONE: Your player has been invited to do color commentary for Game 1 of the Finals. (Un)fortunately, your player’s decided to drink a bit before making this guest appearance. In at least 150 words, write a transcript of the opening commentary of the game and your player’s introduction.

Hello everyone and welcome to the S40 Four Star Cup where the Detroit Falcons face the Kelowna Knights. There is a bunch of players with weird names in this final series so let’s a close look at them. Here you’re looking at Papa Huligans who got his name to replace his name to compensate for the missing daddy in his life. There is also Hypolact Asia who is destined to marry the only fat Asian women in this world. The last player for the Falcons is Cameron Carter II where the 2 stands for where Detroit will end up in this final. Kelowna has Deku Izuku and I don’t have anything to add to that. Before the puck drops, I want you to turn your attention to all the beautiful girls that are in the stands with us tonight for this game. I hope I can get a couple of them to come back to my place after the game. Finally, let’s not forget that the only reasons why Detroit is in the finals is because the Firebirds couldn’t make it to the playoffs this year.
186 words

TASK TWO: Who is your choice for the unsung hero of the S40 playoffs up to this point? Must be at least 150 words and include at least two statistics in support.

My choice for the unsung hero in the S40 SMJHL playoffs up to this date is second pairing defenseman Papa Huligans from the Detroit Falcons. When you look at the Detroit Falcons in these playoffs up to this point, your MVP would probably be either Sebastien Primeau or Flacko Lagerfield who has been outstanding in the first two rounds. Coming into the final, Papa Huligans has scored 3 goals and got 6 assists for a total of 9 points and a +5 since the beginning of the playoffs. Huligans also has 11 blocked shots in the first two rounds of the S40 Four Star Cup. Those stats are good, but not mind-blowing when you compared them with other players on the team. However, the main reason why I think Papa Huligans is the unsung hero doesn’t stand in those numbers, but mostly in how clutch he has been for the Falcons up to this point. Indeed, all three goals he scored where in the most important moments of the game, two of them are game-winning goals and the other one is a game-tying goal, which shows that Papa is there in the moment where the Falcons need to seal the deal.
201 words

TASK FOUR: Unscramble the names of these four players who will be competing in the Challenge Cup Finals. Send the answers to me by forum PM. You will not get credit for posting the answers in this thread. Please make the subject of the message “CW Word Scramble." [Grading: 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer]

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TASK SIX: Both of the goaltenders in the finals have put up a remarkable battle for their teams to get them this far. Between the two starting goaltenders, who wins the goalie battle, and will it be enough for them to bring their team home a Cup win? Justify your decision in at least 150 words with at least two goalie statistics and one team statistic.

The two goalies going against each other in the S40 Four Star Cup are Damien Blackfyre for the Kelowna Knights and Sebastien Primeau for the Detroit Falcons. In the first two rounds, Sebastien Primeau has clearly been the best goalie of the two. Primeau has a 2.26 GAA to Damien Blackfyre 3.18. Sebastien Primeau also take the edge in save percentage with a 0.916 to Blackfyre 0.891. Primeau also beat the second-ranked team in the league, the St. Louis Scarecrows, in five games while Blackfyre took six games to eliminate the Colorado Mammoths who came out sixth in the regular season. Sebastien Primeau has probably been the best player in the league since the beginning of the S40 playoffs. All those points lead to the conclusion that the Detroit Falcons and Sebastien Primeau will win the goalie battle. However, I don’t think this is going to be enough to win the cup, because the Kelowna Knights have the best all-around team. They scored 3.83 goals per game since the beginning of the playoffs to Detroit 3.36. They are also buzzing on the powerplay with a 30.00% conversion rate to Detroit 15.56%. In the end, I think the Knights offensive power will get the better of the Detroit Falcons.
208 words

TASK NINE: Trivia! Send the answers to me by forum PM. You will not get credit for posting the answers in this thread. Please make the subject of the message “CW Trivia.” [Grading: 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 for each correct answer.]

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Who scores the Cup-winning goal? (NOTE: This question will be graded at the conclusion of the winning-game sim of the Challenge Cup Finals, even if that happens before the conclusion of Championship Week.)

Sebastian Strange

Nor Ge
norway Citadelles

Salzberger Lillehammersson
norway Inferno World Falcons

Anders Christiansen
[Image: inferno.png] [Image: dragons.png] [Image: wolfpack2.png] [Image: stars.png] [Image: Dxdffra.png] [Image: hGKuRrv.png] [Image: sAx3Llh.jpg] [Image: firebirds.png]


"With us tonight we have rookie defender Liam O'Callaghan of the Seattle Riot who was in the news this past summer for his messy contract negotiations. Glad to have you, Liam".
"Welcome to the stick puck thing you loud sonofabitches! Tonight we have a matchup between the big scary ass fire lizards from Cal-gu-rhey and the Native American Chiefs from Mini-soda."
"Um, you seem to be quite boisterous tonight Liam. What is the occasion"?
"It's the gotdamn playoffs ok? Get off my back man, if I want to have a few Guinnesses before I leave my home in the morning then I damn well will. Anyways, the play has started and it looks like the Dragons defender is on a roll! Kaiser walks it in over the line and blasts a slapper at O'Koivu. Kaiser is a well travelled defender and one of the most handsome people I have played with".
"Uh, yeah... so back to the game Liam..."

159 Words


Terrance Nova has often been overlooked on a deep Minnesota squad but this playoffs the centre has really been vital to their success. Nova is 5th in the playoffs for face-off percentage with 53%, second in plus-minus and 10th in hits with 30 in 13 games. While Terrance has not gone super Nova offensively, he sits in 12 with a respectable 10 points in 13 games with 6 goals; 2 of which are game-winners and tied for the most in the league. The physical, two-way style of Nova really shines in these playoff games and is paramount to wins. A team cannot win without the meat and potatoes players who bang and crash and generally make life a living hell for the other team's superstars. So while the superstar forwards might be scoring and the goalie might be playing out of this world while the defence play rock solid, you can never have enough Nova's in your lineup.

158 words

PM Sent


Richard C. Hocolate has been the best goalie in the playoffs by far. Hocolate's .928sv% and 2.4 GAA is stunning, even though Olli O'Koivu has a .914sv% and a 2.45 GAA which is impressive in itself, Hocolate is just too good to beat. Calgary will win this series on the back of one of the best goalie performances in a while. One area that will be the dagger in Minnesota's cup aspirations is their weak penalty kill numbers. Calgary has a very good penalty kill and they kill off eighty-five percent of their shorthanded situations while the Chiefs only manage to fend off about seventy-six percent when down a man. The Chiefs will have to play very disciplined hockey if they wish to make a serious run at the Cup and we all know how high tempers can flare during the postseason. The Chiefs have been quite good at suppressing shots and they are the defending champs so it really could go either way but my money is on the Dragons.

171 words

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