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Boring Media: TPE Discrepancies Broken Down
(This post was last modified: 11-18-2018, 08:35 PM by Dude.)

A quick edit for clarity: a plus means you have too much TPE applied to your build, a minus means you have too little TPE applied to your build.

It's no surprise every team in the league is affected by this. Human error is a plague and no one can escape it. As Updaters, it's our job to save you from yourselves, catch your mistakes and right them, keeping the league safe another day from your own ignorance. We are not immune to mistakes either, however, and we've unearthed countless errors in player's updates far too late. This article will breakdown the discrepancies by team (in the SHL only) and attempt to explain away many of these findings. No one source should be blamed, we're all at fault, we can only try to improve with the knowledge we will gain by reading this boring as fuck article. I've decided that the most boring article ever written by the most boring man ever should look as boring as its contents and author so there will be no formatting done in this article.

As a dislaimer: No one on this list should see their TPE discrepancy and immediately apply that to their update. The numbers you see could be flawed themselves and you should not jump to the conclusion that you deserve that 44 TPE you're missing, or that you should immediately remove that 15 TPE you've overspent. These numbers do not tell a complete story. Anyone that does this will just be refused and laughed at in the Updater Discord channel. Mostly by me.

First I will rank the top 5 teams under a few categories.

Most Audits Needed

1. New England Wolfpack: 10 Audits
2. Buffalo Stampede: 9 Audits
3. Minnesota Chiefs: 9 Audits
4. Los Angeles Panthers: 8 Audits
5. Texas Renegades: 8 Audits

Fewest Audits Needed

1. Hamilton Steelhawks: 2 Audits
2. Seattle Riot: 4 Audits
3. Toronto North Stars: 4 Audits
4. West Kendall Platoon: 4 Audits
5. Winnipeg Jets: 4 Audits

Highest Net Discrepancy

1. San Francisco Pride: -123 TPE
2. West Kendall Platoon: +64 TPE
3. Los Angeles Panthers: +56 TPE
4. Seattle Riot: -55 TPE
5. Texas Renegades: +48 TPE

Lowest Net Discrepancy

1. Toronto North Stars: -1 TPE
2. Minnesota Chiefs: +16 TPE
3. Calgary Dragons: +17 TPE
4. Hamilton Steelhawks: +19 TPE
5. New England Wolfpack: +22 TPE

Highest Single Player Discrepancy

1. Karsten Kadinger: +66 TPE
2. Chippy Chiclets: +65 TPE
3. Kelly Rivet: -64 TPE
4. Finn Larsson: -55 TPE
5. Brett Kennedy: +44 TPE

As you can see, the errors go both ways. We have huge discrepancies in either direction with some (most) teams playing way over their claimed TPE count and others (just a few) playing well under their claimed TPE count. The same goes for players.

As you saw in the last ranking, we have four players playing with at least a 50 TPE discrepancy in their build either over or under their claimed TPE count. What could be the cause of this? Three of these five players are in their regression stages. Dealing with that big of a change leaves a lot of room for errors. Taking a cursory glance at just Brett Kennedy, however, I can see this is not the case. He did his first regression post correctly and it was applied correctly, so this is not the case with his overage. There must be something else lurking in his updates. Finn Larsson is an interesting case as he hasn't been active since June. His regression post was properly written by Grapehead and properly applied by Bobby Watson, so again, there must be something else to point to. We won't know until we dig deeper.

There are a number of other interesting cases in this list of players that need audited:

Viktor Marius: +0 TPE: He was just suspended, fined, and penalized for having a huge overage of TPE and he's kept himself clean since then. In light of all of this information, should he have been hit so hard for his mistakes? I would think not. Maybe I just miss that 1m I was fined when his issues came to light.
Roman Augustus: +12 TPE: Captain Head Office has a not insubstantial TPE overage. I wonder if he knew all this time?
Jax Aittokallio: +20 TPE: The semi-new Rage General Manager has a nice even 20 TPE overage. Is he intentionally boosting his player to help his horrible team or is it just a convenient coincidence? Who cares.

There are plenty of reasons to explain away all of these issues in a player's build. My spreadsheet isn't perfect either and may be sending false positives. Let's take a look at how it works:

This is a Dermot Lavelle's slot in the spreadsheet:
[Image: aqlVS8R.png]
On the left you can see the input area and the "Audit" readout. On the right you see the player's information from country of origin, their rookie status, and body size down to their attributes. The updaters input the player's build, their bank, and their total claimed TPE. The formula below the "Audit" readout calculates the total TPE applied to the player's build, the partial attributes, and the player's bank and compares it to the player's claimed TPE. If there's a discrepancy between the two, the "Audit" readout appears. With every new update, any issues that occur will be seen by the updater with minimal effort so they can address the issues as they happen, preventing the need for audits in the future... Provided they do their jobs correctly from here on (not that we have been perfect to this point).

As I said, the spreadsheet isn't perfect. The formula that calculates a player's build is very dependent on string length. Take a look at this screenshot:
[Image: XWKeQJS.png]
Can you spot the difference? Obviously the TPE discrepancy is much higher, but his input fields are exactly the same. Or are they? If you look at his face offs stat, you'll notice I erased the space between "Face" and "Offs" shortening the string by 1. This changed the attribute output to the right from 85 to just 5 creating a huge discrepancy.

Now obviously we've already found and fixed all of the obvious errors like this one. There were at least 5 players that I can remember with this exact issue where they didn't have the space between "Face" and "Offs" on their page creating silly errors. I don't believe all the possible issues will be that obvious, and I doubt we've solved them all. Some of these huge discrepancies may be due to an unknown issue in my amateur code that we haven't found yet. We'll see as we get into this exciting backlog of audits what changes need to be made.

The Data:

Buffalo Stampede: 9 audits
Conor McGregor: -2 TPE
Dermot Lavelle: -1 TPE
Fredrich Koenig: +1 TPE
Jordin FourFour Jr.: -5 TPE
Konstantin Kostoyevskiy: +4 TPE
Luke Atmey: +4 TPE
Quick Mafs: +1 TPE
TJ Bayley: +38 TPE
Viktor Vorkämpfer: +2 TPE
Net TPE Discrepancy: +42

Calgary Dragons: 6 audits
Adam Kaiser: -1 TPE
Casey Creller: +3 TPE
Chuck Goody Jr.: +7 TPE
Ostap Maksimov: +5 TPE
Otis B. Driftwood: -9 TPE
Roman Augustus: +12 TPE
Net TPE Discrepancy: +17 TPE

Edmonton Blizzard: 6 audits
Chippy Chiclets: +65 TPE
Cory Knouse: +8 TPE
Ensio Kalju: -3 TPE
Henrik Vikstrom: -20 TPE
Patrick Diehl: -25 TPE
William Goddard: +5 TPE
Net TPE Discrepancy: +30 TPE

Hamilton Steelhawks: 2 audits
Angelo Odjick: +1 TPE
Baron O'Beefdip: +18 TPE
Net TPE Discrepancy: +19 TPE

Los Angeles Panthers: 8 audits
Ben Holtby: +3 TPE
Jean-Luc Reflieux: +37 TPE
Joshua Woodcroft: +6 TPE
Karno Gronkjaer: +10 TPE
Matthew Auston: -13 TPE
Matthew Leetch: +5 TPE
Maurice Picard: -5 TPE
Maximilian Wachter: +13 TPE
Net TPE Discrepancy: +56 TPE

Manhattan Rage: 5 audits
James Dekens: -4 TPE
Reginald Rove: -2 TPE
Tokek Takshak: +5 TPE
Jax Aittokallio: +20 TPE
Ryan Mason: +9 TPE
Net TPE Discrepancy: +28 TPE

Minnesota Chiefs: 9 audits
Bobby Watson: +2 TPE
Charlotta Caspari: +3 TPE
Derrick Glover: +5 TPE
Isak Ødegård: +4 TPE
Rurik Razin: -4 TPE
Noro Wozy: +10 TPE
Sinn Nolan: +4 TPE
Sterling Slaughter: -2 TPE
Terrance Nova: -6 TPE
Net TPE Discrepancy: +16 TPE

New England Wolfpack: 10 audits
Cameron Dubois: +14 TPE
Soren Kierkegaard: -2 TPE
Xander Green: -3 TPE
Kristaps Ball: +1 TPE
Mainio Makinen: -4 TPE
Manuel Gotze: +2 TPE
Mia Landvik: +6 TPE
Mikke Laukkanen: +15 TPE
Rafe Ulrich: -3 TPE
Thaddeus Prince: -4 TPE
Net TPE Discrepancy: +22 TPE

Seattle Riot: 4 audits
Alexander Zajac: -2 TPE
Clint Eastwood: -4 TPE
Isaac Cormier-Hale: -48 TPE
Joseph Lombardi: -1 TPE
Net TPE Discrepancy: -55 TPE

San Francisco Pride: 6 audits
Dakota Reid: -3 TPE
Finn Larsson: -55 TPE
Ray Bork: +1 TPE
Kelly Rivet: -64 TPE
Kyler Gill: +1 TPE
Luisa Koller: -3 TPE
Net TPE Discrepancy: -123 TPE

Texas Renegades: 8 audits
Brett Kennedy: +44 TPE
Cam Ouellette: -4 TPE
Colton Hagan: -1 TPE
Liam O'Callaghan: +2 TPE
Marcus Nyquist: -6 TPE
Mikhail Petrikov: +18 TPE
Reece Artois: -3 TPE
Walter Hobbs: -2 TPE
Net TPE Discrepancy: +48 TPE

Toronto North Stars: 4 audits
Carter Manning: +1 TPE
Chris York: +1 TPE
Mercer Church: +2 TPE
Markus Kane: -5 TPE
Net TPE Discrepancy: -1 TPE

West Kendall Platoon: 4 audits
Dionyz Vyskoc: +3 TPE
Karsten Kadinger: +66 TPE
Edgars Skalde: +5 TPE
Florence Clijsters: -10 TPE
Net TPE Discrepancy: +64 TPE

Winnipeg Jets: 4 audits
Andrew Hawkins: -2 TPE
Ignatius Blunt: -15 TPE
Maurizio Arrivabene: -3 TPE
Spitfire: -7 TPE
Net TPE Discrepancy: -27 TPE

1628 Words
Ready for grading

[Image: T8nB5Dn.png][Image: KXZ8h4k.png]
[Image: duderino.gif]

Clint Eastwood, Jun 10 2018,  09:36 AM Wrote:Can't buy love, but love can buy a lot.

Interesting to see

                                           Finland Update Page  Interview  Player Page  Wolfpack

                                           [Image: Snussu.gif]
                                                 Thanks to everyone made sigs to me!!!! (Gif made by myself)

How, in the name of the saggy balls of McZ's original player, is my build exactly right. Tongue

[Image: avakaelsig.gif]


Smjhl article next please

[Image: FJPVyys.png]
(This post was last modified: 11-18-2018, 10:05 AM by JayWhy.)

Well I found mine. When I added +87 to my build, I put Strength from 75 to 80 and the attribute was supposed to be at 70 at the start, but was listed at 75 for some reason. It was probably a mistype error, but is good for exactly 20 TPE difference in the build.

These things are difficult, because the math can look exactly right and it's just where something was mistyped and we have no historical record of if it's the player page had it wrong (which easy to hit the wrong attribute accidentally in those) or if it's the player themselves who typed in the wrong thing (I could've easily copy and pasted what I was doing for other attributes and not noticed it) and it comes down to just one number somewhere along the lines.

While we won't be exactly changing the builds just yet for everyone, I would advise anyone who sees themselves on the list to double check your updates and audit yourselves as well. It never hurts to double check, and maybe you'll catch where something went wonky a little easier since you would've been the one to do the update anyway.

EDIT: Found Gecko's as well. He added an extra 5 in this update as he had +37 and 5 banked, but added 47 in total instead of the 42 he had to spend. Funny enough, he nearly overcorrected it later on his latest update trying to put strength to 63 when it was already above it.

An old man's dream ended. A young man's vision of the future opened wide. Young men have visions, old men have dreams. But the place for old men to dream is beside the fire.
[Image: DOF5tXM.png]
[Image: tjyuut.jpg] 
Thanks to Jackson, Copenhagen, and Harry Hans!


Wow you're right this is boring

[Image: cooldudeam1234.gif]
(Sig Credit: toedragon84)


could the small minus discrepancies be due to banked tpe? For example, I'm listed as -2, but I have two banked at the moment that would account for that

 [Image: 2v10l6s.png]

11-18-2018, 07:17 AMAvakael Wrote: How, in the name of the saggy balls of McZ's original player, is my build exactly right. Tongue

Bribing the right people clearly.

[Image: 4zfXx6o.gif]
[Image: 9sKIbXE.png]

11-18-2018, 12:45 PMYurt6 Wrote: could the small minus discrepancies be due to banked tpe? For example, I'm listed as -2, but I have two banked at the moment that would account for that

If you had read the entire boring article you would know we do count banked TPE.

[Image: T8nB5Dn.png][Image: KXZ8h4k.png]
[Image: duderino.gif]

Clint Eastwood, Jun 10 2018,  09:36 AM Wrote:Can't buy love, but love can buy a lot.

Bump to draw attention to the edit I made for clarity.

[Image: T8nB5Dn.png][Image: KXZ8h4k.png]
[Image: duderino.gif]

Clint Eastwood, Jun 10 2018,  09:36 AM Wrote:Can't buy love, but love can buy a lot.

So just to be clear, this is just running the TPE claimed vs. the build correct? Not an actual audit of the individual PT's, including double claims, overage in PT cap like what was done for me, correct?

11-18-2018, 08:48 PMkarey Wrote: So just to be clear, this is just running the TPE claimed vs. the build correct? Not an actual audit of the individual PT's, including double claims, overage in PT cap like what was done for me, correct?

Exactly. Actually after talking to you I've come up with an idea to look for double claims and standardize auditing like we talked about. You're keeping me young and working, Karey, and I thank you for it.

[Image: T8nB5Dn.png][Image: KXZ8h4k.png]
[Image: duderino.gif]

Clint Eastwood, Jun 10 2018,  09:36 AM Wrote:Can't buy love, but love can buy a lot.

You say boring but I like stuff like this.

Also surprised mine is correct lol

[Image: JbAlQ9E.png]

11-18-2018, 09:31 PMDude Wrote:
11-18-2018, 08:48 PMkarey Wrote: So just to be clear, this is just running the TPE claimed vs. the build correct? Not an actual audit of the individual PT's, including double claims, overage in PT cap like what was done for me, correct?

Exactly. Actually after talking to you I've come up with an idea to look for double claims and standardize auditing like we talked about. You're keeping me young and working, Karey, and I thank you for it.

I can see you're taking efforts to help this league, thats awesome. I'm sorry to add to your pile lol, but it shows good character you are still willing to put in the effort!

11-18-2018, 09:33 PM.bojo Wrote: You say boring but I like stuff like this.

Also surprised mine is correct lol

The only reason mine is correct is because @Tomen audited me fairly recently. Maybe two seasons ago? In true ztevans fashion I was actually shorting myself TPE, because God forbid I ever do myself a favor on anything.

I still fully expected to make the list anyways because I suck at math.

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