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Thoughts on free agents
(This post was last modified: 01-12-2019, 07:56 AM by jRuutu.)

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Since the weekend is coming, I think it´s time to share again. This time around I want to talk about free agents and players who openly come out and say they will be testing the market after the season is over. You guys suck, why don´t you just ask for a trade if you want a change of scenery?

How big your ego has to be when you say something along the lines of: ´I like to play here and all that, but I will be testing the free agency after the season to see what kind of offers I get´. The GM has to sit there with mouth open and pat you on your back: ´there there, it´s ok and I totally support your decision and I-i-i think everybody should test FA at some point, it´s a fun experience´.

You know the GM can´t really say what he or she is really thinking, because your soft ass will leave for sure at that point,´uuuu, I guess I won´t be coming back then with that kind of attitude´, nobody wants you back, you were thinking about leaving for free moment ago. So selfish and so egoistic, expect your current team to be supportive about testing free agency, unreal.

´But I don´t care what they think´, why don´t you just ask for a trade then you melon head?  

Total mystery to me how free agency testers and free agency, in general, has such a positive vibe. There is no shame in abandoning the team that invested in you and your player, all that time and nothing back in return? Wow. Then we can all wonder why some teams manage to stay on top and why is it so hard for some teams to climb higher in the standings. Maybe because these teams at the top manage to get valuable assets for free, assets that they would not be able to get without paying a heavy price that in result make them be a not as good team more than likely. The teams on the bottom are the ones who usually lose, they could use that return for the talented player who left and joined another team for free.  

´But it´s part of the game and it´s my right´

True true, but you are a real piece of something, if you want to play in the same team with a friend or two, talk to your GM and ask for a trade. If you don´t like it in the team you are in right now, ask for a trade. Do you ever think about what will happen if more people do whatever I´m going to do next? You should, we now have a culture that promotes users to act like 6-year-olds.

Pathetic, how about you grow a pair and try to make the league be a better place and not leave for free, maybe someday free agents and free agency testers are laughed at instead of multiple teams coming after them with open arms and so many users supporting the idea of testing free agency. As a side note, no wonder why we have every league joining forces with each other, one PT goes for six different leagues soon, people complain how they don´t have the time to write 150 words, hey I got an idea for you - how about you don´t try to be in seven different leagues if you don´t have the time, lazy bums.

These attitudes go hand in hand, ´I want to have fun, I want to play with my friends, how I win does not matter at all as long as I´m having fun´ - soft.

That is all I have to say now, thank you.

(620) Ready to be graded!

I think it’s pretty clear a lot of these people are just doing it for the media payout. How many people who make free agency rankings actually leave their team? Not a lot..

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Why have contracts at all?

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01-11-2019, 05:47 PMWannabeFinn Wrote: I think it’s pretty clear a lot of these people are just doing it for the media payout. How many people who make free agency rankings actually leave their team? Not a lot..

Sure not all and maybe there has been more free agents in the past, but at least in the teams I have been - the free agency factor has been present more than just for easy money on articles.

01-11-2019, 05:53 PMml002 Wrote: Why have contracts at all?

I know right? Why not just do fantasy draft every few seasons.

01-11-2019, 05:53 PMml002 Wrote: Why have contracts at all?

no draft and no contracts imo

[Image: 34964_s.gif]
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01-11-2019, 05:53 PMZombiewolf Wrote: [Image: giphy.gif]

01-11-2019, 05:56 PMEggy216 Wrote: [Image: giphy.gif]

[Image: giphy.gif]
(This post was last modified: 01-11-2019, 06:01 PM by jRuutu.)

01-11-2019, 05:58 PMkit Wrote:
01-11-2019, 05:53 PMml002 Wrote: Why have contracts at all?

no draft and no contracts imo

That idea is something that would not surprise me at all if they bring it in.

if a player is seriously looking at free agency, gms will talk to the player. these FA articles dont mean jack shit to the gm of the player when they havent had a real chat. if a gm feels theres a chance he loses a player, the smart thing he will do is trade the player, or if they think theyre that key they make the team more attractive for him to stay. its part of the gms job.

Free agency, free being the key word.

[Image: SS19INy.jpg]

[Image: d9J5DHT.png]  [Image: 16PgOBm.png]

(This post was last modified: 01-11-2019, 06:13 PM by jRuutu.)

01-11-2019, 06:03 PMSamee Wrote: if a player is seriously looking at free agency, gms will talk to the player. these FA articles dont mean jack shit to the gm of the player when they havent had a real chat. if a gm feels theres a chance he loses a player, the smart thing he will do is trade the player, or if they think theyre that key they make the team more attractive for him to stay. its part of the gms job.

But there is only so much you can do if you are in the rebuild or barely making playoffs category as a team, if the player comes out and says I´m testing free agency and post these articles, value can´t be too high?

01-11-2019, 06:09 PMDangles13 Wrote: Free agency, free being the key word.

100% selfish move.

fucking stellar. excellent. absolutely brilliant.

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sigs by me bitch


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You don't get to choose where you're drafted, if you couldn't leave in free agency you basically become an owned commodity and slavery is illegal here.

[Image: SS19INy.jpg]

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