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S45 Championship Week

Task 1:
The LA Panthers had a solid year despite much of the league predicting the playoffs. We managed to slip in at 4th position to play Edmonton in round 1, although that was as far as we could make it. Much of our future relies on on replacing our regressing stars, Max Wachter and Matthew Leetch, as well as filling the holes left by Mattias Enqvist and Gvidas Kaslauskas. But the main thing we need right now is a top defender. The only real top pairing defenseman currently on the team is Jon Toner, who was relied on heavily in S45. James Johnson and Maurice Picard are solid top 4 options but that seems to be where they will stay, and Matthew Leetch continues to fall down the depth chart in his old age. A true #1 defenseman would be a massive addition to this Panthers team. Examples: Ludwig Koch Schroeder, Alexis Metzler, Isak Odegard, etc

Task 3:
1) Both guys are excellent players and both have the experience of coming from an excellent culture, championship team in Calgary. But for me I have to give the edge to Joe Kurczewski. Joe seems to have the intangibles that perhaps Augustus does not. When you think of Kurczewski you think of success. He's a guy that has won and performed at every level and just seems to know what it takes to win.

F - Joe Kurczewski: As previously mentioned, this guy knows how to win. One of the best two way forwards of all time. First name on the list.
F - Roman Augustus: Has had a spectacular season and playoffs and a large reason the Platoon have managed to make it back to the finals.
F - Dani Forsberg: Has been one of the top players in the league over the past few seasons, and although his physicality is not what it once was, he still knows how to produce.
D - Tor Tuck: Has broken out in a big way over the last few years. One of the top D in the league, if not the top.
D - Ludwig Koch Schroder: Defensive rock. If not for this guy the Platoon likely don't win a Challenge Cup or have had the success they have had in recent years.
G - Beaujeux Biscuit: Tough to choose between Biscuit and Tuck, but Biscuit has the experience and pedigree on his side, so I'm going with Biscuit.

3) I'm gonna go with Rex Kirkby. This young gun has had an excellent start to his career and is clearly the heir apparent to Ludwig Koch Schroder. With most of the Platoon's D regressing or retiring, this is a prime time opportunity for Kirkby to step up and show that it's his turn to be one of the top defensemen on this team.

4) Both sides have excellent GM's pulling the strings. Karlssens has a ton of experience and Keygan alongside him has helped to turn Edmonton into a powerhouse. Although I don't know much about Wongy, I think the advantage has to go to West Kendall due to JR95. He runs the sim for the SMJHL so clearly knows his way around Simon T, and seems to know how to get every ounce out of the roster he has.

Task 4: Sent

Task 6:
Jon Toner still has a lot of things on his bucketlist to accomplish before he retires. In Juniors Toner was pretty happy with what he accomplished, although still wishes he could have picked up an individual award. He managed to win a 4 star cup with Kelowna in his last season, and is potentially one of the greatest Raiders defenseman of all time, also being named captain in his final season before being traded to Kelowna. So far in the SHL Toner has had a mixed bag of success. He has made the playoffs in every season since being called up (S42 - present), but only made it past the first round once. He also managed to make the all-rookie team in his rookie season. For his first three season his offensive totals hung around 25-30 points but broke out a bit this year in S45, posting 39 points. In the future his main goal is to help the Panthers to a Challenge Cup, as well as be in the competition for the top defender in the league award, although more realistically he would be happy to be a consistent name on one of the 3 all-star teams.

Task 10:
The Panthers season ended disappointingly with a first round loss to the eventual champions, Edmonton Blizzard. Toner cleared out his locker the following day and spent a few days processing the loss. Since then he has visited his junior city of Halifax, visiting with some old friends as well as his billet family during his time there. He then went home for a few weeks to his hometown of Killarney, Ireland to visit his family and a few childhood friends. After that he returned to Los Angeles to work out and train and prepare for the IIHF tournament where he is currently representing Ireland, off to a 3-0 start and chasing their 4th straight gold medal. Following the tournament he will again return to Los Angeles to prepare for the S46 SHL season, which includes on and off ice training, as well as attending the rookie camp and welcoming in his newest teammates coming up from junior.

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Credits to OrbitingDeath, Tweedle, Incite, Wasty, and Slothfacekilla for sigs!

Player Profile | Update Page
(This post was last modified: 02-11-2019, 10:55 PM by c00kies.)

TASK 1: (Written, 3 TPE)
Most of us did not reach the Challenge Cup finals in S45 which means that most teams have more work to be done. in 150 words or more describe what (or who) your team is missing in order to make the Challenge Cup series. Is it a role on the ice that needs to be filled? Is it a specific player? Is it a locker room leader? Must include a mention of a build attribute for either a specific player that you think would complete the team, or the type of player that you think you could use.

The Dragons were hit hard in the expansion draft, so there are spots to fill. However, the Dragons on a young, talented, up and coming team, so they shouldn't scrap that to win now. With that said, the Dragons could use a #1 play making center (99 passing would be ideal) to play with sniping wingers. The defense also took a hit, and the Dragons could use a couple steady d-men there (99 defense) to help out an already stingy defense, and one that could provide offense and quarterback the powerplay (90 PH, 95 passing) would help out while the young forwards continue to develop into solid players, yet might lack the finish and dominance of more mature teams. The Dragons have good leaders too, but with the potential loss of long-time lockerroom presence of Esa, there might be an opening for a more mature player to come in and help fill the void left by him and the other star players. The Dragons are not a win-now team, but they are close to being a perennial threat, and I feel these pieces could elevate the Dragons and even speed up the mini-rebuild.

Task 3: (Written, up to 5 TPE)
Pick up to 5 topics below to write about! Each topic is worth '1' TPE. Each answer must be 50 words or more.

1. Both teams brought in star centers to help them win a challenge cup in S45. Edmonton traded for Joe Kurczewski while WKP added Roman Augustus. Which player will be more valuable for their team in this upcoming series and why?

Edmonton is stacked, but Joe has led the way and continues to be their leader in the playoffs as well. His 9 goals and 19 points are tops for the Blizzard in the playoffs, and his continued scoring will make a huge difference in this series and push Edmonton to the top.

2. Between both rosters, create an all Challenge Cup starting lineup! (D, D, F, F, F, G) and in 50 words or more explain alittle about your selections.

F- Joe Kurczewski- The best, all- around player in the league, makes for a perfect center.
F- Roman Augustus- Another ex-dragon, Roman is a beautiful passer, but he also brings physicality (83 PO hits)
F- Dionyz Vyskoc- Plays fewer minutes than Roman, but still puts up 9 goals and is a threat on the powerplay with 4 PPG and 7 PPP.
D- Ludwig Koch Schroder- The leader for the Platoon, but not just off the ice, but also on it with a team-leading 24 points. He is the most dangerous threat of either team
D- Connor Tanner- Another d-man with great offensive instincts, he also is a timely, clutch player, with 3 GWG in the playoffs.
G- Tommy Tuck- Could have gone with either goalie here, but Tommy is a consistent goalie who never costs his team a game with a weak goal, and seems to come up with big saves at the right time. He is a winner.

5. Scout for 1 of the teams in the finals and give them a report on the what area's on there roster can be exploited in the upcoming series.

The WKP are a very strong team, which is why they are in the Finals, especially being the 2nd highest scoring team in the league. However, one big flaw is that they own the 3rd worst GAA at 3.30, which is cause for concern going up against the #1 scoring offense. Additionally, though not a weakness on its own, the Platoon like to spread out their ice time, and give the bottom pairing and lines quite a bit of time. This becomes a concern against a high flying Blizzard offense that can take advantage of the bottom lines and score some easy goals. This issue also means the Platoon might have to remove one of their biggest strengths (depth) and try to match top lines more often, but I don't think theirs is good enough to beat the top-6 of the Blizzard. Finally, Biscuit was subpar in the net in the season, posting a .902 save % and a 3.13 GAA, which will only be further tested by the Blizzard. I can't see Biscuit stealing wins, so he's got to try his best just to keep them in the game and not give up that bad goal.

TASK 4: (*CASUAL MEMBER SPECIAL* Send answer in PM, up to 3 TPE)
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TASK 6: (Written, 3 TPE)
Every player has a bucket list of things they want to accomplish before they retire. In 150 words or more write about the things you have completed on your bucket list and some of the things not yet accomplished.

In a young career, Shooter has already won an SHL championship, which is the biggest achievement you can get. Additionally, he scored an OT goal in the Finals (game 5), which is another thing he wanted to do. He has also led his team in scoring in one season, so that's another plus. However, Shooter wants more than that. He wants to lead the league in goals scored, he wants a 6 goal game, but most importantly, he wants a three-peat. Three-peats are rare, but becoming a dynasty would mean a lot to Shooter. Additionally, although the game 5 OT goal was nice, Shooter wants an OT GWG in game 7 (or at least the deciding game) of the Championships, as he wants to be that guy you can rely on. One final bucket list item would be to retire after playing his whole career with the Dragons, as it would be the perfect career if he can win Cups with only the Dragons and never put on another sweater...and hopefully be honored with a banner in the Parm.

Task 10 (Written, 3 TPE)
Your player is out of the playoffs! Whether this is because the team didn't make it, or you have been eliminated, or you won the cup, in 150 words or more write about what your plans are for the offseason!

It was a rough season for the Dragons, to fall short and miss the playoffs. Shooter McGavin is a huge piece moving forward, so he has a tough off-season ahead to make sure the Dragons return, especially with key departures to elite players. Shooter is moving from a depth piece to a core piece, so he's going to have to really push hard this summer, which includes golfing only every second day now. Shooter led the Dragons in goals, but he knows he needs more, so he is going to be using his hockey stick on the green, but also focus on accuracy shooting. He also wants to be an all-around threat, and that includes passing the puck too, and to do this, Shooter has set up a mini golf course that will force him to get the ball into tight spaces, just like passing into the slot. A better McGavin should help the Dragons return to the playoffs.

Task 1: +3

The Pride assembled a group of elite defensemen to patrol their zone this season, but offensively we were very inexperienced. With several rookies debuting in S45, and most of the others only in their 2nd season, it was too much to ask of players who have been thrown to the
wolves so to speak. So we’re missing that offensive punch that teams need to get to the next level in this league, and we’re missing it at the center ice position especially. Leshaun King seems to have stalled in his development, while Goku Muerto is progressing wonderfully, but lacks the experience to be a true number 1 just yet. We need a player who can play center, who isn’t young so they can bridge the gap until Muerto ascends to the 1st line. We’d really like to get a player who is particularly good at face offs as well, because we were one of, if not the worst face off team in the league.

Task 3: +4

1- You’d expect Joe Kurczewksi to continue his trend as a known playoff performer, a guy who loves the spotlight, and those big game moments. No knock on Augustus, because there’s no questioning his talents. Both of these guys are very close on and off the ice, so it’s really hard to say if there will be any difference in value to their team.

2-    LKS, Tanner, Joe K, Augustus, Fletcher, and Tuck  
This starting lineup was easy to make cause I just took the best players and put them together. These 5 players are all elite, and combining them seems unfair to the rest of the league doesn’t it? The best of the best ladies and gentlemen, the all Challenge Cup Starting Line.

3- This is really an astounding group of players to choose from, and they’re all packing the talent to be a difference marker for their team. Dayymo Ralchankinov, Viktor Valentine, and Piotr Czerkawski were all teammates of mine in Montreal though, and I know exactly how talented they are. These three are absolute beauties in the strictest sense of the word. They can do everything out there, dish a pass, snipe, celly, lay the smackdown, and god damn it they rock!

4- The GMs in the finals this season are absolute trash compared to SFP for sure, but I guess if I’m supposed to compare them against each other… how can you not give the edge to JR and wongy? They got the hardware to prove it too. Keygan is v smelly, but karlssens is v cool so I am torn, but JR and wongy are both not smelly and are cool so… ez win for WKP.

Task 4: +3


Task 5: +3

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Task 10: +3

Now that my rookie season in the SHL is over I’m going to head back home to PEI to start the offseason. It was an especially rough season because the team as a whole couldn’t catch a break to build some momentum, so some time to relax at my beachside cottage is sorely needed. Can’t get much further apart in North America than San Francsico and PEI, so I’m not looking forward to the flight honestly. I’m sure I’ll have some of my old friends over for a few bonfires while I’m there as well, because I love having a beer by the fire and I really miss those guys. Once I’m ready to get back to training it will be every single day, and it will be hard. Right now I’m just not cutting it as a top 4 SHL defenseman, so I am determined to do whatever it takes to prepare myself for the challenge next season.

Total +16

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Highlanders Highlanders

Aurora Argonauts Stars Battleborn Czechia
(This post was last modified: 02-11-2019, 08:06 PM by caltroit_red_flames.)

TASK 1: (Written, 3 TPE)
Most of us did not reach the Challenge Cup finals in S45 which means that most teams have more work to be done. in [u]150[/u] words or more describe what (or who) your team is missing in order to make the Challenge Cup series. Is it a role on the ice that needs to be filled? Is it a specific player? Is it a locker room leader? Must include a mention of a build attribute for either a specific player that you think would complete the team, or the type of player that you think you could use.
As a member of the Edmonton Blizzard I did make the finals, but that doesn't mean I think we can't improve. The Blizzard could certainly use some help on defense. The top 5 are great, but Viktor Valentine is a really big anchor for an offensive minded defenseman like Chippy Chiclets to lug around all game long. At only 350 allocated TPE Valentine had only 80 defense and 80 passing, meaning he wasn't much of an asset on offense or defense. The strength of the top four helped mitigate this but Chiclets and Valentine still managed to be the only minus players on the Blizzard at the conclusion of the playoffs. Addtionally on offense Tony Pepperoni was playing a substantial number of minutes despite being less than 900 TPE. This can be improved during the offseason with natural growth considering Pepperoni is only a S43 player, but with neither scoring or defense at 99 yet he still isn't quite where we need him to be to be getting number of minutes that he did. (175 words)

Task 3: (Written, up to 5 TPE)
Pick up to 5 topics below to write about! Each topic is worth '1' TPE. Each answer must be [u]50[/u] words or more.

1. Both teams brought in star centers to help them win a challenge cup in S45. Edmonton traded for Joe Kurczewski while WKP added Roman Augustus. Which player will be more valuable for their team in this upcoming series and why?
2. Between both rosters, create an all Challenge Cup starting lineup! (D, D, F, F, F, G) and in 50 words or more explain alittle about your selections.
3. 12 young players (S40 or higher) are competing in this championship series! Which young talent has a chance to capture the spotlight on the leagues grandest stage and why?
4. Between Edmonton's (karlssens and Keygan) and West Kendall's (JR95 and Wongy) which set of GM's have the tactical/Managerial advantage in this series and why?
5. Scout for 1 of the teams in the finals and give them a report on the what area's on there roster can be exploited in the upcoming series.
1. Between Roman Augustus and Joe Kurczewski I have to think that Augustus will be more valuable to the Platoon than Kurczewski will be to the Blizzard. Augustus still isn't regressing yet and is playing on the 1st line while Kurczewski is regressing and is playing 2nd line minutes. On top of that I see Kurczewski being a more grindy player than Augustus and I personally think hits are overrated. (69 words)

2. Osisin Fletcher and Roman Augustus are all around offensive dynamos that I think have already shown that they're top line centers through and through. Teddy Cuddles is an elite goal scorer carrying the 2nd line for the Blizzard with his shot. Ludwig Koch Schroder is the best defenseman in the league and Connor Tanner is the best defenseman on the Blizzard. Beaujeaux Biscuit just squeaks at the goalie award for me over Tuck. (73 words)
F - Oisin Fletcher
F - Roman Augustus
F - Teddy Cuddles
D - Ludwig Koch Schroder
D - Connor Tanner
G - Beaujeaux Biscuit

3. 12 young players (S40 or higher) are competing in this championship series! Which young talent has a chance to capture the spotlight on the leagues grandest stage and why?
Probably Tony Pepperoni. Pepperoni has been given the chance to be a part of something great in Edmonton and with him getting close to 10 minutes a game that's a lot of time to make something happen and be the difference maker we know he can be at this early stage in his career. The 3rd and 2nd line are just as important as the 1st line. (67 words)

4. Most would probably say JR and Wongy get the advantage, but from seeing first hand how much testing Keygan does and Karl's knowledge of the sim I have to go with the Blizzard management on this one. There's just too much effort going into the lines for them to not be given the tactical advantage. (55 words)

5. Scout for 1 of the teams in the finals and give them a report on the what area's on there roster can be exploited in the upcoming series.
The Platoon are a really great team up and down the roster but what can probably be exploited is a a defensive player named Karsten Kadinger. Kadinger is a S39 defenseman playing on the 2nd pair at 900 TPE. He doesn't have 99 in any attribute and has only hit over 85 in 2 (scoring and defense). That small difference over the course of 7 games can go a long way. (71 words)

TASK 4: (*CASUAL MEMBER SPECIAL* Send answer in PM, up to 3 TPE)

Sadley, little Tammy was not the same after the recess peanut butter cup accident of S44. Her parents took her to the pediatrician where they labeled the incident a 'trauma' and prescribed Clonazepam to help Tammy cope.. The doctors visit cost her parents $100 dollars!... how many recess peanut butter cup packs could little tammy have bought with that $100 if each pack cost $2 dollars?

** Note: To receive credit for this task you must send the answer to me by forum PM. Do not post the answer in this thread as you will not get credit.. Please make the subject of the PM “CW Special” [Earn up to 3 TPE for this task. 2 TPE for participation, 1 additional TPE for the correct answer] [u]Also[/u], please make sure to add this assignment to your post to inform the grader that you have completed this task.
Sent PM.

TASK 6: (Written, 3 TPE)
Every player has a bucket list of things they want to accomplish before they retire. In [u]150[/u] words or more write about the things you have completed on your bucket list and some of the things not yet accomplished.
Brady McIntyre's bucket list is probably shorter than most players' bucket list. Because he wants to spend his entire career in Edmonton he isn't worried about getting a big contract or being the a journeyman. His goals before he retires are simply the following: 1. Win a Challenge Cup, 2. Win a Scott Stevens Award, 3. Spend his entire career in a Blizzard uniform, 4. Win a Four Stars Cup, 5. Win a WJC gold, 6. Win an IIHF gold. Unfortunately Brady will never be able to compete in the WJC ever again so his dreams of winning WJC gold will never happen. However the IIHF gold and Challenge Cup are still possible and he's hoping to make both happen this season! He's already won a Four Stars Cup and has no plans of leaving Edmonton so the real issue is the Stevens award. That'll be a tough one indeed. With a long time left in his career it's definitely still possible, but probably not on the 2nd pairing. (169 words)

Task 10 (Written, 3 TPE)
Your player is out of the playoffs! Whether this is because the team didn't make it, or you have been eliminated, or you won the cup, in 150 words or more write about what your plans are for the offseason!
Brady missing out on the finals would suck, but he's been there before with the Blizzard. He'd do exactly what he's done every time before. Go home to his gym and start training for the coming season. The regular season is really long and it really wears on your body. When the offseason comes you can finally start to bulk up again. You can put on some real muscle, work on your skating technique and get a harder shot. On top of all that he'd probably have some talks with the GMs in Edmonton. He's tired of losing in the playoffs and although there can only be one winner and it's hard to be the only one, he's tired of it not being the Blizzard. Some moves would definitely need to be made to bring in more all stars. Maybe a player like Roman Augustus or Gary Grease, both players that he hasn't had the chance to play with yet but would absolutely love to. (165 words)

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[Image: vHNIXVO.png][Image: 639861613880541184.png] Cal Juice [Image: 639861613880541184.png][Image: RyzkmSj.png]
[Image: Eo2nBCt.png] Tomas Zadina
[Image: tkMQzhf.png] Brady McIntyre
[Image: ice-level.svg]

2. Task 1:
I think the Wolfpack are close, even though they are in a kind of weird space right now but I think the addition of some defensive defenseman will be key in the success going forward for the Wolfpack. They have scorers and they have a great goalie, but they have a difficult time letting a lot of shots get to the young Austrian netminder. With that in mind, I think Leitner will be the goalie for a long time but only if they find ways to not let every single puck at him. A defender with plus puck handling and defense would be wonderful as they could block shots and deliver some hits on opposing forwards. I think the team overachieved maybe with a playoff berth this past season in a transition period but it went smoothly and the team can look ahead to delivering a lot of wins to the New England faithful. I expect the team to continue pursuing and growing a nasty defense and with the other pieces around, including the best young goalie in the league, the WOlfpack should reign supreme in the near future!

3. Task 4, PMed Mike Izzy

4. Task 6:
Leitner has a few things on his bucket list and here they are. Leitner wants to have his bank account full of money. So far, Leitner has a negative bank balance and that is pretty sad but given time and effort, the bank could get more funds and allow for more equipment and training. My second wish for Leitner is to be regarded amongst the elite goalies in the league, both in the SHL and in the IIHF with Austria. I think given time this is very possible and with bucket list wish number one, number 2 should allow for more future success with the future growth. My 3rd and final wish for Leitner is for team success. I really want to win a championship in the league with Leitner whether it be in New England or elsewhere but preferably New England. I will do my part in ensuring success for my team by being the best goalie possible!

[Image: bgwUtVZ.png]

(This post was last modified: 02-11-2019, 08:21 PM by gaby.)

Task 1
Here in Tampa Bay we're not looking to compete for the Challenge Cup for at least an another 4-5 seasons. A new management team took over the mess left by the ancient regime and had no choice but to go for a full rebuild. This past season was year one of this rebuild and now with Lombardi and Redding gone next year should be even tougher for the Barracuda. Toivo Kosonen might leave in free agency leaving Ti-Guy Emond as their best d-man, you just know you're in trouble. But the most important thing right now is to bring great character guys, not results on the ice. David Fantobens has been an amazing add and already a leader in the dressing room. Flacko Lagerfield is a franchise player and the Cuda needs to build a line around him in the future. A young playmaker center should be the priority to feed him the puck.

Task 3
1. It has to be Roman Augustus. Edmonton is so deep Joe K could go MIA and they would barely notice anything. The only way for WKP to win this series is Augustus playing the best hockey of his life. An above average performance won't cut it. He has to bring the offense while shutting down the opponent's best offensive players. Not an easy task

D Ludwig Koch Schroder
D Tor Tuck
F Dani Forsberg
F Roman Augustus
F Joe Kurczewski
G Beaujeaux Biscuit

Between the pipes, I'm going with the more proven guy. 2x Challenge Cup champ and winner of the last 3 gold medals in IFFHL, the guy is just a winner. LKS is one of the best d-man in the league and paired with someone like Tuck that would make an amazing shut down d-pair who can also contribute offensively. Chemistry is everything for forwards, so I'm going with 3 guys who used to play on the same team in the past.

4. This one is pretty easy in my opinion. It has to be the West Kendall GM's. They're going for their 3rd Finals in a row and with how random STHS can sometimes be, you know they're doing something right tactics wise. Edmonton is just stacked, a 5 years old could coach this team and have success. They deserve praise to build that team though.

Task 4

Task 6
When I created my player, I wanted to go with a physical defensive d-man (a number 5-6) . I wasn’t looking for individual trophies or becoming a superstar. I just wanted to play a small role on a good team and win the Challenge Cup as much as possible. I also wanted to reach the 100M in my bank account and I'm almost half way there. Well that was the idea at first but now with a better understanding of how things work some of those objectives changed. The way I'm building Ti-Guy there's not a single contending team that will be interest in him, my guy is pretty much a goon who pretty much is a nuisance for his own team. Until he retires, my plan is to join rebuilding teams who needs a tank commander and when they're ready to compete I'll go somewhere else. I see myself staying in Tampa for a while and trying to win many Turd Ferguson.

Task 10
Ti-Guy is used to have his season ending earlier than most only making the playoffs once since making it in the SHL. This offseason won't be any different, he will go visit his family for around 2 weeks. He won’t watch the playoffs and use this time to relax and visit some friends. After that break, he will start his training in the gym. He will work into improving his strength and cardio. He might take for the first time some boxing classes as he didn’t appreciate getting his ass kicked so much this last season. He plans to watch some video tapes all offseason long of his play. You can always do better and watching some of his mistakes and finding ways to fix the issues is part of the job. His hockey IQ is pretty solid and those videos help him tremendously.  And 2 weeks before training camp, he will hit the ice again and hopefully improve his skating.

[Image: opt6vpu.jpg]
(This post was last modified: 02-11-2019, 10:59 PM by Slappydoodle.)

Task #1

The Calgary Dragons having come off an unprecedented run of Challenge Cup success, heretofore undreamt of in league history, have entered into a minor rebuild period. Many of the elements of the next cup champions are already in place. Kata Vilde is the franchise goalie that every organization wishes they had. Mike Izzy will be a superstar for another decade. Maksimov and Driftwood will be locking down the blue line against all invading forwards and making them wish they had never ventured into the Big Parm in the first place.

If the team could be said to be missing anything, it could only be Lil’ Manius. The up and coming Winnipeg Jets winger could be the missing piece that pushes this current Dragons team over the line to immortality. His focus on scoring and physical play can both give us the spark we need and provide a gritty physicality that will make teams tremble as they lace up their skates

Task #3

1. As all teams must acknowledge their basic inadequacies, with the exception of the Calgary Dragons of course, the West Kendall Platoon and Edmonton Blizzard both went out of their way to add Dragons players to their respective rosters in order to have a chance at succeeding in this years Challenge Cup Championship. The Edmonton Blzzard added league superstar Joe K and the Toonzas added his running mate, former defenseman turned center, Roman Augustus. I couldn’t say which is more important as all Dragons are of equal import.

Part 3
Florence Clijsters is the young player with the greatest chance of making an impact in this series. She is dynamic and driven to an extent that few others could match. Combining all the useful characteristics of a successful SHL player, she is basically the model from which all future p,Ayers should be cast.

Task #4
PM sent

Task #6

Otis B. Driftwood is a man of vision, forward thinking and intuitive. He has accomplished a great many things thus far in his life, but has a number still to experience. He, of course, won a Challenge Cup in his rookie season. Otis has smoked a Cuban cigar while pissing on the grave of Fidel Castro. He has shared a pitcher of martinis with the Dalai Lama while sitting on the beach in Bora Bora. He has sniffed Alex Mack’s finger. He once spent a wild weekend with Kathy Bates and Abe Vigoda on a boat floating somewhere in the Gulf of Mexico with a full bar and a whole lot of baby oil. Although his memories of that particular weekend are sketchy at best he does wake in a cold sweat at times smelling Fish and pining for something lost. Yes, it has been a memorable and meaningful life thus far. Yet there is still more to be experienced. Otis has not yet beat up Beaujeaux Biscuit or left a floater in God McZerhl’s toilet. He still awaits the day when he can show Nikolai Evans the Polaroids of of his mother, father and that donkey that one time down in Tijuana. Yes, there are still pleasures to be had in this life.

Task #10

This particular offseason, coming off a playoff free season, Otis B. Driftwood has a mission. He needs to fill the missing pieces of his soul and become a man in full. Only then, having crossed the Rubicon and becoming karmically whole will he be able to assume the mantle of leadership and help carry the Dragons to the next Challenge Cup that awaits them. In order to fulfill this destiny and enable this growth, Otis must go to the Arctic. The vision came to him in a dream. Sitting outside a yurt puffing on a long clay pipe, contemplating the sunset. Allowing the cold to permeate his body and soul. The occasional jingle of a reindeer’s collar bells. The smell of the ceremonial herbs with which a local shaman has anointed him. In this place, in this sparse world of day to day survival, he will find those missing keys to unlocking the mystery of inner peace and fulfillment.

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TASK 1: (Written, 3 TPE)
Most of us did not reach the Challenge Cup finals in S45 which means that most teams have more work to be done. in [u]150[/u] words or more describe what (or who) your team is missing in order to make the Challenge Cup series. Is it a role on the ice that needs to be filled? Is it a specific player? Is it a locker room leader? Must include a mention of a build attribute for either a specific player that you think would complete the team, or the type of player that you think you could use.

Well what does Toronto need to make the finals? For Simon T to not fuck us. The biggest issue for Toronto this past season was not the current roster, the pieces were all there and on paper they were a team that should have performed a hell of a lot better than they did but the lines just did not click after the trade deadline trades. Heading into the future Toronto's main need will be a goalie to take the reins from the aging McFadden, and hopefully they will actually turn up during the playoffs unlike a certain goalie....

Another Issue facing the team is the lack of youth, Toronto had massive success back in the S39 draft but now only have one promising young player from after that draft, their prospect pool is also looking surprisingly barren. This upcoming draft will be a very important moment for the future of the team.

Task 4:

TASK 6: (Written, 3 TPE)
Every player has a bucket list of things they want to accomplish before they retire. In [u]150[/u] words or more write about the things you have completed on your bucket list and some of the things not yet accomplished.
Bucket list item number one: Win something a cup. Whilst Bergen has an IIHF gold to his name after being part of the S41 Team UK IIHF team which won the nations first gold medal, he's hoping he can add a challenge cup to the list sooner than later.

While he may never be a part of the triple gold club, yet alone the quadruple gold club, Bergen has his eyes one an equally exclusive club. The quadruple silver. All he needs is to make the challenge cup finals. Bergen reached the four star cup finals twice and walked away from both empty handed. He also reached the finals of the WJC twice, again falling at the final hurdle. He also owns a silver medal from the S40 IIHF campaign. A loss in the final of the Challenge cup would secure the place in the quadruple silver club after reaching the finals of all four major tournaments and walking away a loser. A great way to sum up Bergen's average career so far

Task 10 (Written, 3 TPE)
Your player is out of the playoffs! Whether this is because the team didn't make it, or you have been eliminated, or you won the cup, in 150 words or more write about what your plans are for the offseason!
Bob Bergen is not the sort of player that lays low or relaxes in the off-season. He has a very long list of activities he partakes in during the off-season. The most notable is of course the IIHF tournament, along side that he also works with Team UK to help grow the sport back in his home country.
Bergen has also turned up to every SHL and SMJHL draft since his career started, he takes great pride in getting to know all the newcomers to the league and ensures he makes time to welcome them all.
During the little time away from hockey Bergen has a successful traditional British pub chain that he owns in Toronto which has seen business boom over the past couple years.
When Bergen finally finds time to relax he spends it back home in the UK, however he makes sure he's never far from an ice rink and always makes time to drop in for the odd game or two.

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Task 1: 

Most of us did not reach the Challenge Cup finals in S45 which means that most teams have more work to be done. in 150 words or more describe what (or who) your team is missing in order to make the Challenge Cup series. Is it a role on the ice that needs to be filled? Is it a specific player? Is it a locker room leader? Must include a mention of a build attribute for either a specific player that you think would complete the team, or the type of player that you think you could use.

Our season was cut short after being eliminated by the Texas Renegades in the second round. In my opinion, that roster could have been a contender for the challenge cup, which just goes to show how great of a team that they have built over in Texas. As we head into next season however, the Winnipeg Jets find themselves losing many key forwards due to retirement, free agency, and expansion. These players include Jets legend Zach Evans, Crossfit Jesus, Kyle Kylrad, and Nicholas Williams. This means that the team is losing nearly two full forward lines, which could be a problem. The Jets will be looking to fill these holes internally through young players like Ola Wagstrom, Lil' Manius, and Ignatius Blunt. They could also look to add some more forwards in free agency to shore up the depth in the bottom six as well. The defense remains as solid as ever, as Grease nears his maxed out build, McClure continues his steady rise to stardom, and the elite veterans Max Weber and Spitfire stick around for another season of hockey. (181 words)

Task 4

Pick up to 5 topics below to write about! Each topic is worth '1' TPE. Each answer must be 50 words or more.

1. Both teams brought in star centers to help them win a challenge cup in S45. Edmonton traded for Joe Kurczewski while WKP added Roman Augustus. Which player will be more valuable for their team in this upcoming series and why?
2. Between both rosters, create an all Challenge Cup starting lineup! (D, D, F, F, F, G) and in 50 words or more explain alittle about your selections.
3. 12 young players (S40 or higher) are competing in this championship series! Which young talent has a chance to capture the spotlight on the leagues grandest stage and why? 
4. Between Edmonton's (karlssens and Keygan) and West Kendall's (JR95 and Wongy) which set of GM's have the tactical/Managerial advantage in this series and why? 
5. Scout for 1 of the teams in the finals and give them a report on the what area's on there roster can be exploited in the upcoming series.

1. I would say that the acquisition of Joe Kurczewski was more valuable for Edmonton, than West Kendall's acquisition of Roman Augustus. This is because Kurczewski has been the first line center on multiple cup winning teams in the past, and also because of the fact that I am doing this late and Edmonton has already won. (57 words)

2. For my all challenge cup starting roster, I would choose Tommy Tuck as my goalie. This is because he had a record setting year for the Blizzard in the regular season, and hasn't stepped off the gas in the playoffs. For my forwards I would choose Dani Forsberg, Oisin Fletcher, and Joe Kurczewski. For my defense I would choose Tor Tuck and Ludwig Koch Schroder. (66 words)

3. I believe that Tommy Salami is the young player most likely to steal the spotlight in the finals. This is because the Blizzards top veteran forwards will be taking all of the tough matchups from the best players on the Platoon, leaving young Tommy to feast on lesser competition. He is also one of the top earning players from his draft class, and is close to stardom himself. (68 words)

4. I believe that the general managers of the West Kendall Platoon have the advantage in this series against Keygan and Karl's Edmonton Blizzard. This is because the duo of JR and Wongy have been to 3 finals in a row, and have been dominant in both the regular season and playoffs over that time. (54 words)

5. Looking at the rosters, I can't find any glaring weaknesses in Edmonton's roster, which is a credit to their general managers. After checking out the West Kendall Platoon's roster, I would say that it wouldn't hurt for them to grab another top 4 defenseman, around 1200 tpe. This would really push them over the edge, and give them a better chance against Edmonton. (63 words)

Task 4:

Sent PM to Mr. Mike Izzy

Task 10: 

Your player is out of the playoffs! Whether this is because the team didn't make it, or you have been eliminated, or you won the cup, in 150 words or more write about what your plans are for the offseason!

My players plans for the offseason is to earn as much tpe as possible, and get ready for next season. Also, depending on how the Winnipeg Jet's season 46 SHL entry draft goes and how the Jets fare in free agency, Gary Grease could be seeing himself switch to playing center rather than defense. This is because the Jets have lost a fair amount of top forwards recently, and a maxed out 7'7" center to roll out after Visser's line may be what the Jets need to be successful if they can not pick up some young forwards in the near future. It would definitely hurt the defense long term which makes Grease hesitant about the move, as current top 4 Winnipeg Jet defensemen Max Weber and Spitfire will be retiring in the near future. It would be up to young guns Slip McScruff and Troy McClure III to hold down the blueline if this position switch were to happen. (160 words)

Task 6:

When Gary Grease first started out in the SHL, his bucket list was to win a challenge cup, become a GM, and to win individual awards. Fortunately for Grease, he has already achieved all 3, through a lot of luck and being in the right place at the right time. Gary Grease won the challenge cup back in S44 with the Winnipeg Jets, and also became the general manager of the Winnipeg Jets a season prior in S43. To date Gary Grease has won two individual awards as well - the Aiden Richan (breakout star) in S43, and the Turd Ferguson (most penalty minutes) in S45. With all this accomplished fairly earlier in his career, Gary Grease has expanded to his bucket list to win multiple challenge cups, as well as multiple Scott Stevens trophies (leagues top defenseman). I feel that Gary Grease will be in a decent position to achieve both, as his build will peak after one more season of development, and should remain at that peak for at least another 6 seasons after that. (176 words).

[Image: wMFFUe4.gif]

Barracuda S56 1st Overall Barracuda

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[Image: CsnVET2.png]  Barracuda Russia Barracuda  [Image: c8B2LE3.png]

Task 1:
I'll be honest. My current team the Specters seemed like they weren't even on the ice last season. None of the players gave any effort, the coach didn't show up and I am not sure how true it is but some people think that the GM was actually playing for another team. So I really feel that in order for the team to have a better season and have a chance at the challenge cup we have to fix those issues. Players have to show up, the coaches have to coach and the team actually has to be in the league. In all reality though I think the thing we need that we are lacking right now is a true #1 defenseman. I think we have a good top 6 forward group, a decent bottom 6, a good mix of young and old defensemen, and a good young goalie but they lack that true #1 defenseman that will help your team every night.

Task 3:
I've gotta give the edge to Augustus. The guy was a key part of my fantasy dominance for the entire season and I have no other metrics to go off of because I don't want to spoil myself on the ending before completing this evaluation. I just feel that with how Stacked Edmonton is that Augustus is going to be the bigger factor for his team in the grand scheme of things.

C: Joe Kurczewski
RW: Roman Augustus
LW: Oisin Fletcher
D: Ludwig Koch Schroder
D: Tor Tuck
G: Beaujeaux Biscuit

I like this starting lineup against any of the last 3 combinations possible. The forwards are like a firing squad that can beat you in so many different ways and also are extremely experienced in the playoffs. On the back end you have LKS and Tor Tuck who are two of the best defensemen in the league period. Put them together and you have a defensive duo that can score and shut down the best forwards in the game. I chose Biscuit for my team last season and I want him again this season. He is the best goalie in the SHL in my opinion and yes while team tactics and some sim luck have produced fantastic seasons for other goalies the last few seasons and the finals haven't been kind to biscuit the last 2 seasons I still believe he is the best there is.

Could this be the season that Rex Kirkby finally sheds the monkey off his back and wins a championship? I think that Kirkby has to step up, claim this as his championship and end his awful finals losing streak. The guy needs it, 2 SMJHL losses and then an SHL finals loss last season. I don't know if the kid can handle another loss so it is time for him to shine bright for the platoon and end the cycle.

I think you have to give the advantage to WKP when it comes to management. They have gotten to the finals a few times in recent history and while they haven't always been able to finish it off that experience pays off in a tight battle for the finals. However I do think that just the pure build of the Blizzard roster is going to be what separates the two teams in the end.

Honestly I think this is going to be a case of aging veterans on the front end for the WKP and youth on the back end. You need a youth infusion up front as your older forwards are starting to regress and lose some of their step. While I think the Edmonton forwards will be able to take advantage of that and push odd man rushes the other way and with the youth on the WKP blueline that could be disastrous for Mr. Biscuit.

Task 4:
Sent PM

Task 6:
My SHL bucket list has had a few items checked off already. First I got to play on a top pairing during my rookie season with the Pride and I was top 10 in blocked shots during my rookie season. In year 2 I increased my point production even though I spent much less time on the ice due to hard training. I think going forward my goals are simple. I want to be the defender that no coach wants to have to scheme against. I think that with hard training I can reach that point in my career and I can't wait to help the Specters shock the SHL this season. I would also like to lead the SHL in shots blocked and help my goalies lead the league in GAA and Save % by laying the boom on anyone who dares enter my area of the ice. I may look like a pylon but this pylon will poke the puck free and send it to a teammate while you are still skating towards the net. Or I'll slide over just in time to make sure the puck never gets to the goalie at all.

Task 10:
Well with the expansion draft now over I have to say I am going to be spending the offseason talking to reporters and moving from San Francisco to New Orleans. It is definitely going to be a culture shock going from living in Oregon, to living in Anchorage for 2 years, then to San Francisco for 2 years, and now on to New Orleans for what will hopefully be my final destination for my career. I look forward to meeting my new teammates, getting onto the practice ice and gelling with these guys in anticipation of building a contender the likes of which haven't been seen straight out of expansion since maybe the Panthers all the way back towards the beginning of the SHL. I really truly believe that this offseason will give me a chance to chill, relax, and smoke some weed before getting back on the ice and giving the city of New Orleans a reason to be excited about hockey!

[Image: mTgAyCs.png]

TASK 4: (*CASUAL MEMBER SPECIAL* Send answer in PM, up to 3 TPE)

PM Sent

TASK 6: (Written, 3 TPE)
Every player has a bucket list of things they want to accomplish before they retire. In [u]150[/u] words or more write about the things you have completed on your bucket list and some of the things not yet accomplished.
For my bucket list I've got a few things. As an SMJHL player there's still many things I want to do for my career. I want to win a Four Star Cup with Kelowna before I head up to the Tampa Bay Barracuda for one, and I want to try and lead the league in points next season. I led the league in goals last season so that was something I could easily check off my list. Once I get to Tampa I would like to try and win the rookie of the year award. Eventually I want to become a leading scorer in the league and win as many awards as I can. Lastly sometime in my career I would like to win a Challenge Cup, hopefully with Tampa Bay. This completes my bucket list that I would really like to complete during my hopefully long and illustrious career in the Simulation Hockey League. (150 words)

Task 10 (Written, 3 TPE)
Your player is out of the playoffs! Whether this is because the team didn't make it, or you have been eliminated, or you won the cup, in 150 words or more write about what your plans are for the offseason!
My player, Nolan Sawchuk, unfortunately was eliminated along with the rest of his teammates down in the Simulation Major Junior Hockey League on the Kelowna Knights. His plans for this upcoming offseason are very simple. He is heading back to Iceland to visit his parents and family friends that he hasn't seen in a while. He just plans to chill and hang out with people he hasn't been able to hang out with for quite a while, and just generally have a nice time relaxing before he has to start training again for next season. After he visits Iceland, he's going to head over to Norway to visit teammate Nikolas Klaus and his family, as the two have grown quite close together during the two seasons they have played together. They have some exciting plans to relax before training starts for next season, but they are still focused on improving and having a great season next season with Kelowna. (159 words)

TASK 1: (Written, 3 TPE)
Most of us did not reach the Challenge Cup finals in S45 which means that most teams have more work to be done. in [u]150[/u] words or more describe what (or who) your team is missing in order to make the Challenge Cup series. Is it a role on the ice that needs to be filled? Is it a specific player? Is it a locker room leader? Must include a mention of a build attribute for either a specific player that you think would complete the team, or the type of player that you think you could use.
For this task I will explain for both Kelowna and Tampa Bay. For Kelowna, the core is already in place and we're ready to make a run for the championship for next season. If our team keeps training and improving as they did this past season we'll be looking good heading in to the upcoming season. As for Tampa Bay, we need a lot of pieces in order to even think about making the playoffs. We've got a few good prospects and established pieces, but we're desperately in need of many good players as we head in to the next season. Another locker room leader would be really useful to have to get the team pumped, but we also are in need of some high quality skill players that can help us win games. All in all, as a team Tampa Bay may look weak at the moment, but a few seasons down the road we'll look really good. (159 words)

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Championship week is now closed.

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