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S47 PT #1 - The Big 4

I've joined this website in novembre 2017 a few days before the s38 SMJHL draft. Leafs4ever seems a name who is mentionned quite a lot in here but I've not been around long enough to judge myself. Here are the 4 members in my Mount Rushmore since joining :

1)Eggy216 :He's the backbone of this website. Without his good leadership and hard work, this league wouldn’t be this succesful. He has to oversee a lot of things and I can't imagine the amount of time he put into the SHL. I'm not looking for the day he steps down.

2)Avakael : I believe he's the one who created fantasy leagues in the SHL. What a great idea, I almost honestly enjoy following my pool more than looking at my players results. Things were a lot better before he step down.

3)Mike Izzy : He made PTs and CWs a lot more creative. These tasks used to get repetitive a lot before he took the job and even though they are a pain in the ass he makes them more enjoyable.

4)bojo : The bojo box is absolutely amazing and I wish it had more exposure as it took me a while to find it. He's currently working on a new bank system and making updating easier. A crucial member who constantly makes the league better.

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1) Pushkin
- Who else has had more involvement in the league indirectly than the siamese cat of bojo? I think it's safe to say that without accepting it, approving it, or acknowledging it, poosh has become the defacto league wide mascot.
2) The Old Guard
- Doesn't have to be a specific face, just an old solider looking fellow to signify the death of all the cranky ass original SHL member who despite complaining til the cows came home, have passed away into the sands of time.
3) Rainbow Dash
- A two for one as we both honour the somewhat enthusiastic my little pony avatar use we have seen over the years and to give the nod to the commish Eggy himself for being a steady force for the league leadership.
4) jcink
- We have to for sure pay tribute to the OG website that this league leaned on for so many seasons and although maybe not the ideal website to do it on, it still got the job done until the league could change and evolve into what it is today.

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Alright, here's my big mount rushfour. I know like 4 people here that aren't on my team so this is perfect.

@slothfacekilla you know, every Mount Rushmore needs a face that doesn't really belong. The real Mount Rushmore has 3 really great presidents who had an impact on the United States on a worldwide scale. And then there's Teddy fucking Roosevelt who said "hey let's not destroy these parks" and apparently that's on the same scale as ending slavery, being the first president, or writing the Constitution. Jimmy Slothface takes the Teddy Roosevelt spot on the mountain because quite frankly he's the best representation for what the Halifax Raiders have embodied so far. I'll leave the meaning behind that up to you. 

@Kalakar Matt Kholin is easily the Abraham Lincoln of the Raiders. In our trying times, we have needed a beacon of light, and Matt Kholin is the only forward on the team from S45 that has yet to disappoint us. To any rookies/sophomores who read that, I made it pretty fuckin clear that I'm only talking about my draft. Anyways, Matt Kholin will lead us to the promised land before being shot by a KGB agent for his past crimes. Godspeed you magnificent bastard.

@bilbo Dom Montgomery is the George Washington of our team. He's been here since...idk before I got here. He's been here for a hot minute.  Dom is the unquestioned leader of the Raiders and has helped us turn a corner from laughable dumpster fire to laughable fucks who somehow win one series in the playoffs every year. Baby steps. Like George Washington, Dom will probably give us great advice when he leaves for the big boy league, only for us to ignore it completely and slowly descend into hatred. 

@Im_A_Boonana Gaspard Boone would be the Thomas Jefferson of the Raiders but then he got traded and my heart broke into a million pieces. So instead, Boone will be the Thomas Jefferson of the North Stars because we traded for him the next day. I made Boone my Thomas Jefferson because historically, Thomas Jefferson was known for giving cookies to his favorite founding fathers. That's why Benjamin Franklin was so fat. Don't believe me? Read a history book.

I have chosen my Mount Rushmore as Tig Murphy, Cedric Robinson, Hippo Passamus, and Espen Knutsen Jr. 

For the reasons why. This management team in Detroit Falcons all of these guys have helped me get through to become the player I am today. All of these players have inspired me, and have instilled the skill to keep going, and always keeping getting better. I remember the first time I got in here. Tig was the guy to pick me up before the draft, I had some issues in family life, Tig trusted I would come back and drafted me with the 60th overall pick. I am happy that I am back on track, and glad to be apart of this great organization in Detroit Hippo Passamus has always been the guy to show me around what I need to do, and what I should do rating wise. Tig helped me with my buying equipment, and helping me get my skills. Cedric has been a guy of encouragement for me, he has always been a guy who just helps me get through adversity. Espen has been great at teaching me what I need to do on the ice as a player, and the IQ behind the game of what I should do.

I am glad I get to be apart of the Detroit Franchise.

@.bojo - for everything he did for the site, especially the bojo-box, without which, looking up player stats would be very cumbersome. He's also looking into making the bank and updates easier to handle.

@Eggy216  - for keeping a growing league running smoothly. I don't envy his job - it's a very hard one and there will always be people saying, you're doing it badly, but let's be honest, Eggy has done prety well.

@Nobody - for basically making sim sports his life. The guy is not only a rookie mentor, SHL and IIHF GM, and the SMJHL commisioner, he's also one of the sites admins. And as if that's not enough yet, he's also writing university projects about sim hockey.

@JNH - I wasn't around to experience this, but from what I hear, JNH once basically ran the league on his own for a while. He was commisioner for both leagues at some time and basically the only rookie mentor there was.

[Image: outlaws2.png]  [Image: switzerland2.png] [Image: monarchs.png]  Mathias Seger #15 | Player page | Update page [Image: outlaws2.png] [Image: switzerland2.png] [Image: monarchs.png]
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Sigs by Donini, RainDelay, Fever and OrbitingDeath

@"luketd" : the amount of work he puts in on all the spreadsheets is crazy and I am very grateful that he does. I love all the statistics and stuff he puts out and the tpe tracking is amazing. He is a community hero for sure.

@.bojo : I recently found the bojo box and it blew my mind, it keeps me striving for new goals and milestones to reach and the work he does with the banking system looks really nice.

@Mike Izzy : does great work around the league and spreads joy on the forums. A formidable member and a cornerstone for this community, recognition with a Head is well deserved.

@Grapehead @tweedledunn  : two great guys that took a flyer on me in the draft and I'm greatful for that, they get to split the last head. I don't know what the others look like so theese two will contrubute with handsomeness and good looks.

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Eggy - Keeps it all together. Puts up with more than almost anyone and let's face it, you have to have a fairly thick layer or two of skin to deal with all of the personalities and drama on this site and in the league. Somehow he managed to do it for quite a while. No Mt. Rushmore is complete without him.

King - In my time on the site, he has to be the one who rose to the top at a rapid pace and looked to be a future hall of famer. Sadly, he didn't fizzle out or fade away. He straight up vanished. In the case of "What could have been," he has to be on here.

Asspancakes - It's my mountain. This guy could have been something special. I mean he was something special, and this is a special mountain. Legend in his own right.

Bojo - He's done a lot and ha a machine named after him. Fair play.

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@Eggy216 This is a no brainer. The site would not function without him, He's put so much work into the SHL and we all saw what happened the last time he was away... He does all this work without ever being online!

@DrunkenTeddy While I said the site would not function without eggy. There would not be a site without Teddy. He's poured so much time into the site, a lot of which most people won't even notice. (until he breaks the site again...)

@Pris . The rookie mentor to rule them all. Rookies have a question and pris is there before anyone else can even react. not only that but she was also decent at making PTs!

@.bojo I don't think I need to say much more than "The bojo box" here. He also wins extra point on my list for the jokes and pushkin. 

It isn't easy picking just 4 members here and there's a bunch more members that could easily be up there with little argument from anyone. It's not just that they put in a ton of work for the site, but also that they are just great people in general. <3

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@Wasty - Drafted me in S20 and probablh the user I've interacted with ever since. He is an excellent GM and was great to work with. Dude has done a ton of graphics works for teams and players around the league. All-time winningest G.M.

@Leafs4ever - Guy has been around since the beginning and been a huge part of the league for a long time. He was a great G.M. with the Jets and has always built excellent players. He may be the best at creating defenseman the league has ever seen. He's also done a ton for the league behind the scenes.

@Eggy216 - Eggy has been an incredible commissioner and it's obvious that he cares a ton about the SHL. Eggy built a very active team with the New England Wolfpack and was great as a general manager. His players have been excellent but the main reason hes here is for his work as SHL commissioner.

@slothfacekilla - Why not throw one for the future on here. Sloth has been a great presence in the Raiders locker room since he was drafted and is one of the brightest prospects in the entire SHL. He's a very cool dude and one of the people on the site that I've really enjoyed interacting with recently.

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(This post was last modified: 04-28-2019, 06:32 PM by Kylrad.)

Having been on the SHL now for quite a long time, too long, longer than most on the site but still not OG level long i've seen plenty of people pass through the SHL and make big impacts whether it be to the league as a whole or to me personally.  While I can't comment on the people who may have had huge or bigger impacts in the 12 seasons of SHL prior to be joining here are some that i've found to have a big impact on SHL becoming what it is today and be worthy of the SHL Mt Rushmore

One of the main first commish's when I first joined SHL, he had a more unique commishing style compared to most but I think it was very effective and he did a lot of great things while running the league

Another former commish, park had a mastery of not actually doing anything but making it seem like he was doing things and keeping everyone happy, now this is a skill i can immensely respect. He had some great shl changing ideas that are still used today, but more importantly he was great at being able to steal others ideas and then modify them and claim them as his own, a valuable skill

Two members that have done a lot of shit in the league, but they can take up the final two heads mainly for being responsible for the abomination/brilliance depending who you ask of the S20 class and recruitment as well as future classes. Because of this the league has been ruined/greatly improved depending who you ask and the league has massively changed because of them

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[Image: Kylrad.gif]

@Leafs4ever - An original founder of the league, Leafs is also the only member who has been around for all forty-seven seasons of this league's existence. On top of that, he is the league's longest serving commissioner and is synonymous with the Winnipeg Jets franchise.

@jkrever - Another league founder, Krever played a huge role in keeping the league alive during it's early years. He was also the founder and long-time general manager of the Toronto North Stars.

@Spangle - Spangle was another long term SHL commissioner, and is also the founder of the Manhatta Rage franchise. His time as commissioner also coincided with my time as GM and some of my favorite seasons on the site.

@JackCross - The SHL and SMJHL simmer from season 17 to season 27, JackCross set the standard for what a simmer is expected to do. He was really the first simmer to set a consistent schedule, and actually follow that schedule.

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A. Let us know the 4 members who you believe should be on the SHL's Mount Rushmore! and in 150 words or more explain why you chose them.

@ml002 Ml drafted me and without him its fair to say that I would have binned the SHL off pretty early on. He drove the chat in the Anchorage locker room, was awake at all hours of the day to answer stupid questions and is generally a straight up awesome dude. We give him plenty of shit in the locker room but this guy is the heart and soul of that Armada team.

@JayWhy Drafted into the Armada in the same draft as me. Was a bit quiet or aloof at first but once he warms up he is a wealth of knowledge and advice whether you want it or not. Hard not to take heed of the sites longest simmer and even though Manhattan sucks and he'll ruthlessly pay you out for things out of your control he is great to have around the team.

@ej27 Captain, leader, legend. Like JayWhy has knowledge for days. Unlike JayWhy is a lovely person. Made my life as a GM easy, 10/10 would draft again. 

@Mac Has a bit of a checkered history on the site but I didn't have any background with him when he was signed as a free agent into the Armada and we have always got along. Got passed over at the SHL draft but recreated and came back for a full SMJHL term. Not always the most active but is great when he is around and never complains about his role in the team.

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Credit to Ml002, King, Wasty, Carpy, Bruins10, Rum_Ham, Turd Ferguson, Ragnar and Enigmatic for the sigs.
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I haven't been here all that long, just the one season so far, but I guess this is sort of a hybrid answer between B and C - it's people who have influenced me a lot in my first season, some of whom joined the same season I did, some of whom just helped me figure out what the hell I was doing. It was real hard for me to narrow it down because so many people just in my rookie class alone have been so great, but here are a few of them. 

@jjaybs / @lizzywho -- I think of them kind of as a unit because they're the reason I joined up here. They're amazing friends and great at helping me figure out what I'm doing and are always down for a bunch of wild narrative plotting which I love. I love them both dearly and there's nobody else I'd rather make pinterest boards with. I will make a weird hybrid of their faces, like Two-Face, and put them on the mountain. 

@SecondSucks22 -- Jax is a great presence on discord and here on the site and has been so nice to me since pretty much day one and I am all about people being nice to me. 

@SDCore -- All the same stuff I said about Jax - we might have all three gotten drafted to different teams in both drafts now and all three play on different world teams, but we're the three horsepeople of the S47 apocalypse now or something like that. 

@Zoone16 -- Drafted me and let me play with my friends and has been so incredibly helpful as I've figured out how to build my player. He's terrific at communicating with all of us as a team, whether it's daily updates on games or just making sure we know when somebody gets a first goal, etc. Seriously, could not have asked for a better first impression or for a more welcoming locker room. I love playing for KEL, and Zoone is a big part of that!

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. : [Image: zS2lCMp.png] : .

A. Let us know the 4 members who you believe should be on the SHL's Mount Rushmore! and in 150 words or more explain why you chose them.

@Eggy216 is the easy one for everyone on here, but I’d like to get some extra points for having to deal with him for so long. From his spam post in Detroit to winning multiple cups with him, and sharing our love/hate relationship with the Bills, he is the glue that holds this site together.

@[Mike Izzy] I don’t know, and have never really engage with him at all, but, every where I look this guy has his name on everything, and I’m certain behind the scenes he is just as passionate about this place and always trying to make it better.

@.bojo I had the glory of drafting him with his netminder and getting to know him, nobody can hijack a thread with one liners like this guy, that should warrant his head on mount Rushmore alone, but also all the time and effort he has put in this site.

@ArGarBarGar drafted big Morenov and I got to know him around the Impact place, and again, what can you say about the guy that hasn’t already been said. From the Top 100’s to keeping track of the leagues history, this guy has put in work around here for the rest of us to enjoy and we should be thankful.

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