I would say my most enjoyable moment has been coming back and starting over with a new player. I was heavily invested in my first player, but I soon burnt out as I was a part of many different leagues. Coming back here and having this be my only focus has been amazing, from being drafted by the expansion Lions in the SMJHL and getting to know @DanbyRem , @Justice , @TnlAstatine and the many other Lions, to being called up to Calgary in my rookie season and talking with everyone in that locker room. There's to many to list, but it's been an incredible experience joining such a storied franchise and having so many people around to talk to. I have had a bit of a rough go the last couple months, but the whole Dragons family has been around and it's been awesome the support I have got from complete strangers.
07-14-2019, 12:25 PM(This post was last modified: 07-14-2019, 09:56 PM by hhh81.)
Quote:- Tell us about some of the most enjoyable moments you have had on this site. (*Tag anyone relevant to the topic)
The most rewarding moments for me on SHL thus far involve the Colorado Raptors. After joining fairly close to the S44 SMJHL Draft, I didn’t really know what to expect. I knew there were a group of teams with picks 8-10 who were very interested in potentially adding me to their teams, and Colorado was the team who ended up taking a chance on this media-writing first gen. My experiences with @39alaska39 and @Good_Ole_Kimmy as GMs are largely why I stayed on SHL. When I joined it was a fairly low point in my real life (going into month six unemployed after getting my master’s), but SHL became a community where I felt some community. Getting to meet users like @wumaduce , @Tomen, @Esso2264, @InciteHysteria, and yes, even @Troy_McClure03 gave me some new friends in this weird ass imaginary sports thing we do. That Meme Team 1.0 run to the Challenge Cup Finals my rookie season is still some of the craziest fun I've had (even moreso than getting the call up and winning a Four Star Cup with Buffalo in S46, sorry @WannabeFinn).
I’ve said it recently, but I hope to be for Colorado what @TML99 (okay maybe more like @JKortesi81) is/was for St. Louis. I’m in my dream job (much sooner than I ever expected), and I plan to stay around for a good long time, helping other people have as great a juniors experience as I have had. Also, I'm still bitter @JKortesi81, but you already knew that you STHS savant.
On that note, you all have @WannabeFinn to blame for me being here. I knew him from HFBoards (cringe at scary Internet noises) and when I saw him post on r/bluejackets saying this place was cool, it got me to show up here. Ironic enough that I ended up on his SHL team when all was said and done, no?
There are plenty of other great people I want to shout out--@karey and @teztify for being fucking sweethearts that made me enjoy my Buffalo experience, @Zombiewolf for sharing his taquitos even when he doesn't want to, @Pris for being one gem of a badass nerd and locker room presence, and an additional shoutout to Esso--my S44 brother and Meme Team fun buddy. Maybe one of these days STHS will stop hating @JayWhy and we can kick each other's asses in the Eastern Conference Finals?
Thank you karey, OrbitingDeath Ragnar, and sköldpaddor for sigs!
Have you met a person or a group in the SHL that you are friendly with? or someone that you appreciate here on the site? give them a shout out and tell us why you appreciate them! (*Tag anyone relevant to the topic):
I have known samee for quite a while now, if I recall correctly, approaching 4 years now! Samee is just a great guy, as he drafted me during his, questionable, tenure as the general manager of the Seattle Riot, over other goalie Kata Vilde, at 11th overall. Now, I think we can say that that was the correct choice :p.
@ml002 ML drafted me as a Firebirb, even though I was previously an inactive, during the 3rd round! He believed I would be a gem in the rough, and he was correct! ML is also extremely nice, as he and Acsolap constantly remind me of the nuggets I owe after I made a bet, but nonetheless ML is just a great person.
@bluesfan55 as a fellow blue boi he’s pretty cool
@"MantoRune" Manto and I have been good friends for about a year now, and I was ecstatic when he joined the SHL! Such a friendly fellow.
06-11-2021, 05:33 PMKenitohMenara Wrote:
Welcome to the hall, Ben!
Have you met a person or a group in the SHL that you are friendly with? or someone that you appreciate here on the site? give them a shout out and tell us why you appreciate them! (*Tag anyone relevant to the topic)
I went inactive after I joined and I don't really want to talk much about that part since it was utterly disappointing but some guys from then who made it great were @JKortesi81 @caltroit_red_flames and @Blastmeaway who I still consider to be some of my closest friends on the site.
On the crows the following guys have been total babes and are super supportive and I love them all. @Nictox @TML99 @scruffsmcguff @FuzzSHL @gordieboom @Mika_Kandinsky @Serpe x 13 @fever95 @Huck24 @BrewskyBoy @eddiesnothere @MrStennett. I hope that is all of you guys. Yelling SCARECROW NOISES to confuse our enemies has never been more exciting. Also being able to captain a team that means so much to my time on this site is one of the most rewarding things.
The developer community is also great to be a part of. Guys like @DrunkenTeddy, @nubbedindaribs, @"luketd", @.bojo, @Nobody , and a few others that have already been named are pretty cool and working on the site has been pretty fun. Plus discussing my failures in my search for an internship has never been better.
Finally the shitposters aka the Nip Nugs. Though I just recently joined this group, @SlashACM @"cpetrella" @efiug @bluesfan55 @Good_Ole_Kimmy have accepted me and are constantly remind me of their status as "stuff". But don't worry I did something worse...
HUGE shoutout goes to @Segi who I consider to be a great friend but manages to fit in none of the groups mentioned above. Looking forward to growing Switzerland as an IIHF team with you!!
To any people who didnt get named and feel they should've, it is my fault I'm sorry.
Pass Forfeit (D) ● Player Profile
Special thanks to Blitz, jhockey, Ragnarr, and sulo for the gorgeous sigs <3
07-14-2019, 01:19 PM(This post was last modified: 07-14-2019, 01:40 PM by DeletedAtUserRequest.)
- Tell us about some of your favorite SHL posts of all time. what were they about? what did you enjoy about them? how did they turn out!? (*Tag anyone relevant to the topic)
Media has always been a big part of Izzys overall experience on the site and ive always appreciated a great topic. Some of my favorite posts as a young player were revolved around @Rabidsponge21 who did a complete TPE breakdown post of every player in the SHL! it was long! it was detailed! and after you read it there was no more questions about anything TPE related. This post had each persons average TPE rate per day and broke each players rates into tiers where you could see where you stood amongst your team and the rest of the site. Having it broken down into ave TPE per day made the playing field even.. a 10 year vet and a 3 season newbie can now stand side by side on activity and site work ethic and be compared fairly. He also did a great post on the hard hitters of the league which got me all pumped up! In the S30's being a power forward was an endangered species.. there wasnt much love for that position so seeing a post breaking down the grinders was exciting.
From my own experience i enjoyed revealing the shady transpirings of HO during the MMBA underground fight tournament. I also got comfort in being honest with the site when i accidently kidnapped and lit Marty the Mammoth (colorados mascot) on fire. i regret my role in that accurance. #SorryMarty
There have been plenty of great people I've met through the SHL. I've been lucky to meet people through the teams I've been a part of, namely the Crows, the Jets, and Team USA. Then there are a few fringe groups, like the colorful personalities in Nipple Nuggey and the highs and lows in the Bruins chat. I'm not going to tag everyone involved because that's a mess and I'll miss some people.
However, I am going to tag the OG for this appreciation post. @SlashACM was one of the people who reached out to me when I was brand new on the site as he was scouting for the Crows. I don't generally reach out to new social opportunities, but he pulled me into a game of Civ with the Nipple Nuggey guys and he called me on my joke GM application for WJC team USA (now I'm the Federation Head). From there, he got me involved with NSHL where I played for his team and recorded a podcast with him. Now as chance would have it, we're on the same line in the CHL so we get to start this ride all over again.
I appreciate my buddy Slash for pulling me deeper into this crazy simulation world than I would have gone on my own.
Have you met a person or a group in the SHL that you are friendly with? or someone that you appreciate here on the site? give them a shout out and tell us why you appreciate them!
Now I don't really know what I can say about users I appreciate. I love the Anchorage LR I guess...but you know who I absolutely don't appreciate? @Waters
This guy has been nothing short of an absolute clown ever since I arrived. As you can see in this image, Waters enjoys summoning my stats with the Scraper Bot in Anchorage just so he can humiliate and insult me and my player. This emotional abuse is unacceptable, and probably a key reason as to why my player had such a sub-par season.
Finally, Waters is a known racist whose crude remarks in the Hamilton Discord server cause much distress. One such example, that is most definitely not a joke taken out of context for the sake of a meme, is when he criticized the Montreal Canadiens drafting policy for drafting minority players. I mean, what gives? One of the Habs' best-ever draft picks and personalities was a minority (I, of course, am referring to Max Pacioretty, whose mother is of Mexican origin). Absolutely unacceptable stuff from someone who I had previously thought was a good person.
To wrap up, I am infinitely grateful to both @Waters and @nour for convincing @thatdamnmcjesus to take a punt on me at second overall, and also to the entirety of the Anchorage Armada locker room for being chill as fuck. I'm not gonna tag all of you cuz I'm too lazy you're all great.
07-14-2019, 02:55 PM(This post was last modified: 07-14-2019, 02:55 PM by Waters.)
07-14-2019, 02:44 PMGwdjohnson Wrote:
Have you met a person or a group in the SHL that you are friendly with? or someone that you appreciate here on the site? give them a shout out and tell us why you appreciate them!
Now I don't really know what I can say about users I appreciate. I love the Anchorage LR I guess...but you know who I absolutely don't appreciate? @Waters
This guy has been nothing short of an absolute clown ever since I arrived. As you can see in this image, Waters enjoys summoning my stats with the Scraper Bot in Anchorage just so he can humiliate and insult me and my player. This emotional abuse is unacceptable, and probably a key reason as to why my player had such a sub-par season.
Finally, Waters is a known racist whose crude remarks in the Hamilton Discord server cause much distress. One such example, that is most definitely not a joke taken out of context for the sake of a meme, is when he criticized the Montreal Canadiens drafting policy for drafting minority players. I mean, what gives? One of the Habs' best-ever draft picks and personalities was a minority (I, of course, am referring to Max Pacioretty, whose mother is of Mexican origin). Absolutely unacceptable stuff from someone who I had previously thought was a good person.
To wrap up, I am infinitely grateful to both @Waters and @nour for convincing @thatdamnmcjesus to take a punt on me at second overall, and also to the entirety of the Anchorage Armada locker room for being chill as fuck. I'm not gonna tag all of you cuz I'm too lazy you're all great.
These screenshots are doctored and I’d like to protest this defacement of my character
07-14-2019, 03:18 PM(This post was last modified: 07-14-2019, 03:18 PM by Narconis.)
- Have you met a person or a group in the SHL that you are friendly with? or someone that you appreciate here on the site? give them a shout out and tell us why you appreciate them! (*Tag anyone relevant to the topic)
@JNH was the first SHL GM I got to know on the website when he interviewed me before the S20 SHL draft. I was drafted into the Toronto Northstars and thus started the SHL journey. JNH was the GM and I stuck around for a few seasons enjoying my time in Toronto. There were a lot of cool personalities in that clubhouse. @Jedi was quickly one of the guys I got to know the best. We’ve chatted a ton and even did some podcasts. @micool132 deserves recognition here as well for being part of that Toronto crew I got to know the best. Then of course there is @Nike, the main reason I eventually left Toronto (right before they won their first Cup). Nike and I did a weekly podcast and he gave me tips on my player build. Apparently I live in the same city now as his sister does.
This one is really easy to me. My three favourite people on this site are also people from my draft year and people that I interact with on an almost daily basis. First and foremost is my team mate Dale Miller, or Duck Moose as hes called in Vancouver @dmills3 I dont know what got us talking originally but since he joined the team we formed the bash brothers and have had eachothers backs the whole time. The second and third are Gunnar Soderberg and Corey Kennedy @sköldpaddor and @SDCore Which is amazing considering our draft positions too. Theyre just amazing people all in all and I cant wait to see how we all manage in the coming seasons. Who knows maybe down the road we'll all get to form a Lebron style super group, but I highly doubt that. Im closer with these people than I am some of the people I know IRL.
- Have you met a person or a group in the SHL that you are friendly with? or someone that you appreciate here on the site? give them a shout out and tell us why you appreciate them! (*Tag anyone relevant to the topic)
So many great persons on this site, the first mention would go to all my former teamates in Kelowna during my 2 times there.
My first introduction to the site was made easy by my first SMJHL GM @Muerto. He drafted new guys first on our team and the result was a really tight glued group. Everyone wanted to perform and have fun, we got to enjoy chatting on chatzy a lot and overall it was a really good social experience. I am happy to be his teamate right now as he is overall a cool headed guy and being a bit older than me both IRL and in the league he feels like a mentor to me.
Then, in the GM approach, @JNH was also a person I enjoyed to play for and felt grateful to for drafting my first player in the SHL, the thing I remember the most about him were when he went out partying and had good stories to tell. I went inactive and couldn't enjoy the real SHL life but I'm sure I would have enjoyed the time I would have spent in Toronto.
@Narconis Another player I have to give a shoutout is Barney Stinson. We had a very similar experience at the time on the site being both new, both defenseman, both drafted in Kelowna and somewhat under the radar and then he went on to be a great member of the website. I had lots of fun experiencing the league with him as we both got drafted in Toronto after our rookie seasons. Also, he always tags me in his stuff so I had to return the favor here But yeah he always seemed like a dude I would be great friend with in real life.
- Have you met a person or a group in the SHL that you are friendly with? or someone that you appreciate here on the site? give them a shout out and tell us why you appreciate them! (*Tag anyone relevant to the topic)
There are some people I would like to thank. I was initially hesitant when coming here. Everything was very foreign and overwhelming at first. @Acsolap reached out to me and brought me on as an unsigned rookie and helped me make heads and tails of everything along with @Tomen. Without the guidance and tutelage of those two I don't know if I would still be here on the website currently.
Secondly, the guys in the Armada locker room who's humor and friendship keeps me coming around the old watering hole. While everyone in the locker room is great, chiefly amongst them for me are @Gwdjohnson and @frithjofr. We have had long conversations going into the midnight hours and I hope we can maintain the friendship moving forward.
07-14-2019, 08:19 PM(This post was last modified: 07-14-2019, 08:23 PM by jjlangabeer.)
I have met a lot of people through out my time here, some through short stints, others through friendships or short versions of that off the site. I would easily say that my Kelowna and West Kendall Platoon days were the most prosperous in that re-guard. During my years in Kelowna and West Kendall I met a lot of great SHL friends in @Jenny, @ej27, @alexLight, @Pris, @.bojo and so on. Easily too many to mention. I have talked to them a lot on discord, won a couple championships with I believe all of them and still keep those teams as one of my highest loved destinations. They were the ones to that after a long 3 to 4 year absence that reminded about how much fun this community can be and I enjoyed every second of it. I look forward to getting the chance to play with a lot of them again down the road.
S41 Challenge Cup Finals Game 7, Game Tying and Game Winning Goals.