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07-18-2019, 06:40 PMSwegButthole Wrote: The SHL does have a mob mentality, however this time im not really against it based on his comments.

I have the mentality that its better to let idiots spout their nonsense instead of trying to silence them, that way everyone can see how dumb they are. Trying to silence people are just going to give them a victim complex, something that has been obvious here in Sweden recently in the swedish elections the last couple of years.

I agree with the point made in the media about the mob mentality JRuutu, i dont agree with the case though. IMO just take the L before its too late, it can only get worse from here.

I don't think anyone tried to silence penknight though. You could say certain people would like to silence penknight's critics, that's obviously been implied, but I only saw people commenting on the stupidity of penknight's comment. He wants to act like he's been silenced, but the guy has been dying for attention like this since he arrived, and he's certainly lapping it up from a few kind souls benevolent enough to fight for his freedoms. It's just really frustrating to see anyone try to make penknight out to be any sort of victim here, while ignoring the people who actually had their experience here negativity impacted from his behaviour. Like I've said before though, it's not so much the original comment, but his attitude to being called out that has left the bad taste in my mouth. Ugly should've just held the L.

[Image: Z21MZ56.jpg]
Highlanders Highlanders

Highlanders Specters Usa
(This post was last modified: 07-18-2019, 07:01 PM by Samsung virtual assistant.)

07-18-2019, 06:55 PMGrapehead Wrote:
07-18-2019, 06:40 PMSwegButthole Wrote: The SHL does have a mob mentality, however this time im not really against it based on his comments.

I have the mentality that its better to let idiots spout their nonsense instead of trying to silence them, that way everyone can see how dumb they are. Trying to silence people are just going to give them a victim complex, something that has been obvious here in Sweden recently in the swedish elections the last couple of years.

I agree with the point made in the media about the mob mentality JRuutu, i dont agree with the case though. IMO just take the L before its too late, it can only get worse from here.

I don't think anyone tried to silence penknight though. You could say certain people would like to silence penknight's critics, that's obviously been implied, but I only saw people commenting on the stupidity of penknight's comment. He wants to act like he's been silenced, but the guy has been dying for attention like this since he arrived, and he's certainly lapping it up from a few kind souls benevolent enough to fight for his freedoms. It's just really frustrating to see anyone try to make penknight out to be any sort of victim here, while ignoring the people who actually had their experience here negativity impacted from his behaviour. Like I've said before though, it's not so much the original comment, but his attitude to being called out that has left the bad taste in my mouth. Ugly should've just held the L.

Ya i edited it during your reply to include ganging up. Simply ganging up on someone will always bring defenders who will defend purely for the sake of it.

yeah i get it Grape, i understand uuuuu

[Image: ezgif-6-09c631572c.gif]

(This post was last modified: 07-18-2019, 07:06 PM by Grapehead.)

SwegButthole Wrote: Ya i edited it during your reply to include ganging up. Simply ganging up on someone will always bring defenders who will defend purely for the sake of it.

yeah i get it Grape, i understand uuuuu


[Image: Z21MZ56.jpg]
Highlanders Highlanders

Highlanders Specters Usa

07-18-2019, 07:06 PMGrapehead Wrote:
SwegButthole Wrote: Ya i edited it during your reply to include ganging up. Simply ganging up on someone will always bring defenders who will defend purely for the sake of it.

yeah i get it Grape, i understand uuuuu


Im quitting the SHL Rant

[Image: ezgif-6-09c631572c.gif]


07-18-2019, 04:22 PMcaltroit_red_flames Wrote:
07-18-2019, 04:15 PMsköldpaddor Wrote: It isn't just about "that person." And honestly, it's not even really about me personally, it's about setting the standard for the culture we want to exist in, so maybe someday my daughter doesn't have to hear some guy tell her that she shouldn't pursue her dream job. Maybe this one guy being an asshat isn't going to actually change my life, but when we're surrounded by that kind of attitude, how do we choose which people to call out and which ones not to? It's about drawing a line and saying "this attitude is not okay and I am not going to be silent and shrug it off and pretend it is okay just so I don't make somebody feel bad about their antiquated bigoted views." If we don't call it out when we see it, we send the message that it's okay, or at the very least that it isn't something we're willing to stand up for. Why should this guy get a free pass (especially when he has demonstrated that he is absolutely unwilling to admit that he might be wrong about this, and just decided to double down and say even worse things when he was called out)?

Hugely agree on the daughter part. I love my fiancee and I hope some day I'll have a daughter I love even more. If either of them got told they should stop pursuing their dream job because they have a vagina I'd probably go BALLSistic.


Shout out to ml002, schultzy, slashacm, tedward!
[Image: blastmeaway.gif]

[Image: f4IDm9I.jpg] I [Image: specterspp.png] I [Image: czechup.png] I [Image: gs89eGV.png] I [Image: f4IDm9I.jpg]
[Image: 0XJkcN5.png]

09-05-2018, 10:04 PMBeaver Wrote: Wow look what the PT affiliation has done to our pristine league.
12-19-2018, 12:31 AMBeaver Wrote: I personally blame the PT affiliation for handing out massive amounts of free TPE to all these players, inflating the TPE they're at when they get called up.
[Image: Capture21.PNG?width=400&height=90]

07-18-2019, 05:30 PMjRuutu Wrote:
07-18-2019, 04:44 PMbluesfan55 Wrote: The fact that someone I used to respect is now defending pk makes me sad

Sure, we may have pushed that dipshit away, but Cal said the truth: he wasn't willing to change. I don't think anyone wants to push away anyone else, but when you say shit like he said, and then double down on that, get the fuck out of my league. I'm lucky enough to have women (ej and peebs) as my teammates, and I'm pretty sure they'd rip pk to shreds if he didn't leave the pride discord first because we have women on our team (and jiggly). Why anyone would defend him, to me, is inconcievable.

I´m not defending PK, just openly wondering why so many blindly throw rocks at the guy and don´t feel bad at all when he leaves the site. Was everything done correctly when that is the end result? Is the standard now to thunderdome the shit out of anyone who says something controversial or idiotic and then keep going until the user leaves?

I didn’t thunderdome the guy but I personally feel like, if you don’t want to change and keep labeling people on the site who are pretty friendly and nice the opposite, you shouldn’t be here. Simple as that. Sure, he was active, but mostly everyone disagreed with what he said and wasn’t afraid to point it out to try to change his views (at least I think so)

Armada Monarchs

Armada Steelhawks Switzerland

Armada Specters Wolfpack Steelhawks Forge Switzerland

Scarecrows pride Chiefs Riot Stars Blizzard Ireland

ty to @High Stick King @EvilAllBran and @Ragnar for the sigs

07-18-2019, 05:20 PMsköldpaddor Wrote:
07-18-2019, 05:05 PMhotdog Wrote: no because the only thing that's gonna get this type of reaction is misogyny, racism, homophobia, etc. totally fine with those being left unsaid lol

This exactly. "Different opinions" are things like "I prefer everything bagels instead of plain bagels" not "this person is a lesser person and doesn't deserve the same opportunities and options in life because of their gender/race/orientation." That's not just having a different point of view, that's bigotry and when one person thinks it, maybe it doesn't seem to make a difference, but when more people are given the idea that it's okay, it starts to add up. The only way you change that BS as a society is to call it out when you see it. If he had just been willing to even remotely concede that this is a not-okay attitude to have, I would have been fully willing to move on from it, but he decided to be antagonistic and belligerent instead, so I am under no obligation to sacrifice my principles and shut up just so he doesn't feel bad.

If he doesn't want to be labeled as and treated like a bigot, he should stop being a bigot.

This comment sums everything up and should really be the end of the conversation. Anyone who can't understand this is just beyond me.

[Image: 5PYmCAe.png]
[Image: doubtfulalpha.gif]
[Image: 0XJkcN5.png]
[Image: vHNIXVO.png][Image: 639861613880541184.png] Cal Juice [Image: 639861613880541184.png][Image: RyzkmSj.png]
[Image: Eo2nBCt.png] Tomas Zadina
[Image: tkMQzhf.png] Brady McIntyre
[Image: ice-level.svg]

pee pee poo poo

07-18-2019, 06:40 PMSwegButthole Wrote: The SHL does have a mob mentality, however this time im not really against it based on his comments.

I have the mentality that its better to let idiots spout their nonsense instead of everybody ganging up/trying to silence them, that way everyone can see how dumb they are. Trying to silence people are just going to give them a victim complex, something that has been obvious here in Sweden recently in the swedish elections the last couple of years.

I agree with the point made in the media about the mob mentality JRuutu, i dont agree with the case though. IMO just take the L before its too late, it can only get worse from here.

Sweg for president tbh

[Image: ml002.gif]
Credit to Copenhagen, Wasty, FlappyGiraffe, InciteHysteria, and caltroit_red_flames
 [Image: MM4nqx6.png] [Image: Niz2wua.png][Image: egAspOO.png] Knights
[Image: GZ9XvkA.png]


07-18-2019, 06:40 PMSwegButthole Wrote: The SHL does have a mob mentality, however this time im not really against it based on his comments.

I have the mentality that its better to let idiots spout their nonsense instead of everybody ganging up/trying to silence them, that way everyone can see how dumb they are. Trying to silence people are just going to give them a victim complex, something that has been obvious here in Sweden recently in the swedish elections the last couple of years.

I agree with the point made in the media about the mob mentality JRuutu, i dont agree with the case though. IMO just take the L before its too late, it can only get worse from here.

Almost on the money but

07-18-2019, 04:21 PMFlareon4043 Wrote: "Silence encourages the tormentor, not the tormented"

-Some quote I saw a while ago

[Image: 5PYmCAe.png]
[Image: doubtfulalpha.gif]
[Image: 0XJkcN5.png]
[Image: vHNIXVO.png][Image: 639861613880541184.png] Cal Juice [Image: 639861613880541184.png][Image: RyzkmSj.png]
[Image: Eo2nBCt.png] Tomas Zadina
[Image: tkMQzhf.png] Brady McIntyre
[Image: ice-level.svg]

07-18-2019, 10:39 PMWhite Cornerback Wrote: pee pee poo poo

da fuq u say

Shout out to ml002, schultzy, slashacm, tedward!
[Image: blastmeaway.gif]

[Image: f4IDm9I.jpg] I [Image: specterspp.png] I [Image: czechup.png] I [Image: gs89eGV.png] I [Image: f4IDm9I.jpg]
[Image: 0XJkcN5.png]

09-05-2018, 10:04 PMBeaver Wrote: Wow look what the PT affiliation has done to our pristine league.
12-19-2018, 12:31 AMBeaver Wrote: I personally blame the PT affiliation for handing out massive amounts of free TPE to all these players, inflating the TPE they're at when they get called up.
[Image: Capture21.PNG?width=400&height=90]

07-18-2019, 04:54 PMWaters Wrote:
07-18-2019, 03:36 PMjRuutu Wrote: At the same time it´s still ok for the group to keep throwing rocks at the guy who said ´gross shit´. When is it going to stop - when are those people getting called out for being just as toxic? PenKnight now has a certain reputation not just in SHL, but in other leagues as well - bit harsh ´punishment´ for saying what you think, no?  

People in the past had a lot thicker skin than people today, these days people just wait and wait just to get offended about something.
Actually about as just as a punishment gets
It's almost as though he got a taste of his own medicine and didn't like the taste? You can't say "women shouldn't do sports broadcasting because they're women, every time they're on I change the channel, I blame Bettman" and not expect people to throw that back in your face. The majority of the comments given on that Thunderdome were basically "I don't like when penknight says these sexist comments, he really needs to grow the fuck up, I blame Bettman"

[Image: xVW1vec.png]

 [Image: OgNASDg.png] |  | [Image: JvdaXOj.png]
[Image: lUeg4KM.png]
(This post was last modified: 07-19-2019, 01:33 AM by PenKnight.)

I haven't really said word one about any comments so you all have no clue.
The point is this...

PenKnight made a broad statement and some jokes that were taken out of context.
PenKnight started the conversation telling a story about how he was in Boston and 4 Irish Police Detectives flashed their badges and told him to move his car.
PenKnight joked calling the Irish, Mickeys and the Italians, Wops.
Nobody has said word one about those derogatory comments that were jokes.
Next PenKnight called broadcasters on sports shows hookers because they dress just like the hookers here in Vegas.
I have lived in Vegas over 20 years so I know how hookers dress.

A few days later PenKnight decided to resign his Player and from the site in general.
However, you idiots can't stop talking about the issue and making threads about it.
The case is closed and those who think they are right have won.
Let it go already and move on with your Simulation Fun or Simulation Lives.

This will most likely be my last post.
I had fun on the site and for the most part I thought I was being positive having fun with everyone.
I wrote many articles about players putting them in a positive light.
I made a mistake and decided to take action and pay the consequences.
I really do not see what the problem is.

Hope you all can try to sit back and enjoy your lives and stop trying to think your way is right and that you can change the world.
I also never personally attacked anyone or called them out or a bad name.
The Podcast War stuff was something that Mike Izzy started and I broadened the scope.
Other Podcasters were supposed to get involved in the fight but over 90% of the site couldn't get grasp the comedy of the podcast war posts so I stopped doing them.
Oddly enough you can see how the 2 minutes of hate from the 1984 movies are exactly how this site or simulation society reacts.

07-19-2019, 01:28 AMPenKnight Wrote: I made a mistake and decided to take action and pay the consequences.
I really do not see what the problem is.

Except you didn't do any of that, you could have came on to the 30+ page post and say "I'm sorry I said those things" even if you actually weren't and I guarantee people would have dropped it, instead you ghosted for days, then came on and played the victim.

[Image: xVW1vec.png]

 [Image: OgNASDg.png] |  | [Image: JvdaXOj.png]
[Image: lUeg4KM.png]

07-19-2019, 01:34 AMSecondSucks22 Wrote:
07-19-2019, 01:28 AMPenKnight Wrote: I made a mistake and decided to take action and pay the consequences.
I really do not see what the problem is.

Except you didn't do any of that, you could have came on to the 30+ page post and say "I'm sorry I said those things" even if you actually weren't and I guarantee people would have dropped it, instead you ghosted for days, then came on and played the victim.

You're ruining his victim mentality.

[Image: FJPVyys.png]

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