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S48 PT #5 - SHL Appreciation Week

The most favorite posts of mine were the original Top-100 posts that were made by Abdeezy, giving me the most in-depth analysis of the players in the league at the time, and because of it I wanted to get involved right away. The fact that he by himself was able to create a comprehensive list and write about every player, AND even compare them to NHL players that are currently in the league was pretty incredible. I am not sure if there has been a single piece of media that I have seen on here that has compared to the top-100, just based on the fact that nobody has really been able to take out the time to do that kind of in depth analysis. Possibly some of the scouting report medias, but even then there isn't nearly as much research that goes into that. Either way I am glad I was able to take it over and I am sad that we don't have as much of that kind of stuff in the league.

Alonzo Garbanzo Final Tallies (Among Defensemen):
2nd in Goals (208), All-Time Assists Leader (765)*, All-Time Points Leader (973), 3rd in Hits (2587), All-Time Blocked Shots Leader (1882)*
*All-Time Leader Among All Skaters
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[Image: IeEV7Iv.png]

I've been part of the site for way too long, and there's been a bunch of great memories. I was fortunate to get a lot of GMing opportunities early on, and I took over as GM for the Firebirds midway through S4. We went on an absolute tear for the rest of the season, ultimately winning the Challenge Cup with guys like Witz and Fisher on the team. I then got the chance to GM the Hamilton Steelhawks and while I wasn't be best GM, I took pride in building a team with solid group of guys. I loved that team, and one of my biggest regrets in the SHL is not sticking around long enough to be there for the S11 Challenge Cup win. Shoutout to @Otrebor13 for being a wonderful co-GM throughout this time.

When I returned from inactivity in S19, I was drafted to the Kelowna Knights, where I met some great people. including @Muerto, @Jedi, @Count Chocula, @micool132, @Narconis, and so many others. The activity in that LR was incredible, and all those late night Chatzy talks are some of my best memories on the site. After moving up to the SHL, I spent the rest of Eriksson's career with the North Stars. Though @JNH built some powerhouse teams, we were unable to win in the playoffs until S35, when @Cynthia and @Winter is Coming finally brought Toronto its first cup. That Cup run was an exhilarating experience, and it felt so nice to be rewarded for all the time and effort I'd put into that player and that team.

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07-19-2019, 10:08 AModdly_colored_beef Wrote:
07-19-2019, 08:13 AMTomasnz Wrote: @Carpy48  beat me too it. Goalie lounge is the part of the SHL that has helped me carve out a little space that I can connect with players across the league who I don't share a lockerroom with. I think it's been great cause on a team we tend to be the only ones thinking and talking about goalie builds and SIM theory.

The history of that room was to bring together the ten active goalies from the s46 class.. was pretty good at that and in S46 we actually opened it up to all goalies. And I think it has been amazing to be part of since then.

Some insights we have had as a community.
- zero endurance builds really are feasible for goalies.
- puck handling might be severally under rated for goalies.

So.. going to call out my fellow s46 survivors, @Fluw @chetib  and maybe @oddly_colored_beef ?

And the say thanks to all the great goalies that have joined us from around the league.
@.bojo @Carpy48 @TheFlash @"MantoRune" @bluesfan55 @grok @Kmarko @Tate @Ask ... And there are more of you but I only know your player names or discord handles.

If there are any goalies out there that would like to join. You are most welcome. And likewise, you can come and go so anyone who wants to rejoin can message me or anyone of the goalies above.

I'm still around, just not very active on discord. Can't believe we've already gone through 4 seasons since our draft, our class broke records.

Glad to hear you are still around. Looking forward to facing you in the SHL!

[Image: tomasnz.gif]

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I appreciate the help I received from @WannabeFinn @ztevans @Avakael and @sarmo . They helped me a lot during my times in Detroit and I'm glad to be part of the organization today. Without them, I would probably have not stayed in this league. I had a good player and become the GM of thanks to them.

Being a GM isn't an easy job in this league but it was fun and kept me active in the SHL because with the help of my friend @Waters , we were able build the best LR in the league. @grok @karey @JSS @notoriustig @Fantobens @Snussu @Mayuu and so many others friends. You guys are amazing and I'm lucky to be part of this group. It can be frustrating to GM because STHS is not a great sim engine and can bs us but talking to you guys everyday made me happy.

@Tomen I appreciate that you brought me back to Buffalo. Hopefully we can win many cup together. The LR is awesome and I'm happy to be there.

[Image: capybar22_600.png]

I love @esilverm he's my best friend

[Image: capybar22_600.png]

I came into SHL already knowing quite a few people who were involved here. My best friends on the site like @Buster, Teztify and Toast were all people I had done wrestling roleplaying sites with before and grown close with, and Buster is one who I've many times called my absolute best friend. So ultimately, that effects who specifically I've grown close with on the site as well.

I would say the first person I truly befriended was @JayTee who isn't around anymore. He and I clicked. We had a same naming device, both named Josh and going by our initials JT and JY. We liked similar music, he critiqued rap and I learned a lot from him that way. We talked all the time, and while we talk less now, we still check in from time to time.

From there, @Keenan was a huge part of my life for a while. He and I were always talking in Edmonton, usually about sim related things but also sprinkling in some personal life stories.

I'll always love @Tylar and his whimsical personality, and the time he thought Harry was talking about eating a dead seal from a zoo.

Nowadays, I love my entire Rage locker room. I can't tag them all, but @39alaska39 is very similar to Keenan for me, and @luke is a lot like JT. Great people, great friends. Altogether I love them all, but just a few I've been able to say I'm close with along the way.

An old man's dream ended. A young man's vision of the future opened wide. Young men have visions, old men have dreams. But the place for old men to dream is beside the fire.
[Image: DOF5tXM.png]
[Image: tjyuut.jpg] 
Thanks to Jackson, Copenhagen, and Harry Hans!

(This post was last modified: 07-20-2019, 01:59 PM by Evok.)

- Have you met a person or a group in the SHL that you are friendly with? or someone that you appreciate here on the site? give them a shout out and tell us why you appreciate them! (*Tag anyone relevant to the topic)

There's a lot of people on the SHL that i met. it's kinda weird to think about it but well that's it. The first people i 'met' from SHL are my IRL friends @Shmurph and @Bobby Watson. i knew them before hand so idk if it count really. Afterward, i met @Zoone16. It's a weird story but basically we worked in the same field and soon after ended up working together for the past 2 years. As of yesterday, we are not working together however. After that i met @enigmatic, we went to watch hockey games together which was quite fun. I don't think i met anyone else from my area. Last year, i went to New York where i had the chance to meet @storm and @maxcrazy. We went to a Mets game, courtesy of another sim leaguer that doesn't seems to be here cause i can't tag him. I also got the chance to eat out with @iamslm22 while i was there. I saw @storm another time when he came to Montreal with his friends. The last group of people i met was when i went to florida for @TheDangaZone wedding. I first saw @ztevans on the way down in NC, then i met TDZ, @BadWolf and @JKortesi81 at the wedding. One of the best memory i'll have. On the way up, i met with @Pris for a quick breakfast in NY state before i had to head back home.

Seriously meeting all these people was a wonderful experience and i would have never met them without the SHL.

Username: ADwyer87

There's to many to really to fit in one post but I'll try from the get go i fit right into the Detroit LR, even though most active when I was sleeping i spent my morning catching up on all the messages. Almost instantly I also caught some flack for doing stupid shit like TD the updater head and defending my team mate with vigor.
Quite fast it became clear that I wanted to go to Buffalo as well. With prominent members of Buffalo in the Detroit LR coaching and guiding the new members. Fortunately it came true for me and I got to be apart of the first ever cup with the franchise, something that's really really special. I truly believe that if it wasn't for the amazing locker room the management put together. Something that also kept me competitive along the way was the incredible class of s43. So without further ado here's a list of everyone I can think of while being drunk.
@Snussu @grok @JSS @Waters @WannabeFinn
@TheWoZy @Mordaciious @Fantobens @notorioustig @dankoa @Baelor Swift @ztevans @"luketd" @King
@Good_Ole_Kimmy @Tomen @Avakael @karey @esilverm @White Cornerback @TnlAstatine @gillon @Sleepy @nour @Chris-McZehrl @Zombiewolf @kit @teztify


pbe pt

[Image: Too9kfy.png]
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(This post was last modified: 07-20-2019, 06:34 PM by Pingy Pingu.)

07-14-2019, 03:11 AMcpetrella Wrote: - Have you met a person or a group in the SHL that you are friendly with? or someone that you appreciate here on the site? give them a shout out and tell us why you appreciate them! (*Tag anyone relevant to the topic)

I have met a lot of great people and great friends on the SHL and sim leagues in general from my 'Crows brothers to my fantastic teammates in Edmonton. Without those guys, I would not be this active in sim leagues and I probably would have gone inactive at some point. But at this point, I can truly say that my best friends on the SHL and in sim leagues in general is the Nipple Nuggey squad. The discord is just a cesspool of shitposts and dumb memes but I wouldn't have it any other way. We are all really close in there and there's always voice chats going on literally every single day, whether it be for gaming or just chatting. Nipple Nuggey is a great place where I get to talk to my best friends on here every day and it's where I spend my most time in discord. Shoutouts to @SlashACM @"luketd" @caltroit_red_flames @Blastmeaway @MyLittleHexx @Clint Eastwood @bluesfan55 @Good_Ole_Kimmy @efiug @nykonax @esilverm @Pingy Pingu @FuzzSHL @Serpe x 13 @Scrufdaddy @Nictox and @MCP_ ( @Dude too, we love and miss you man, hope all is well) <3

@"cpetrella" <3

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"Bring back Pingy Pingu Lunga Gumba esq. And I mean bring him all the way back. I want every thread on this forum that involves even a modicum of salt to get razed to the ground by our most notorious shitposting penguin. I want every thunderdome to drown in ABAGABA spam and a signature that doesn't end. I want the userbase of this fine league to cower in terror, slinking about the forums and making as little noise as possible for fear of attracting the Shitpost Slenderman. When some poor immigrant from the NFL sim blunders into the forum and makes an angry post about how his player slipped to the early second round despite having done ALL the rookie tasks(!), let the veteran survivalists stare in horror and pity while the newbie rages. They will know it is only a matter of time before @Pingy Pingu descends upon his post like a ravening wolf and obliterates his tread, reducing it to a radioactive waste-dump of unintelligible spam. They will not interfere, for Pingy is our immune system. Because he can take it. Our Dark Knight of Shitposting"

Sig credit to @WannabeFinn @JSS @Mordaciious @Mayuu @TommySalami
                                              Falcons banner credit to @karey

Quote:Tell us about some of the most enjoyable moments you have had on this site. (*Tag anyone relevant to the topic)

I think the first really memorable moment and enjoyable one was the draft. Everyone was really nice, polite and worked with me to help me get my player build the way I wanted it to and off on the right foot. I think the first two people to reach out to me and help me were @King and @hhh81. Ive gotten around the site a lot better these days and yeah I get King gets some hate but if it weren't for his help when I first joined, I don't know if I'd have stuck with it.

Quote:Have you met a person or a group in the SHL that you are friendly with? or someone that you appreciate here on the site? give them a shout out and tell us why you appreciate them! (*Tag anyone relevant to the topic)

So this deserves a little bit of backstory, I've been doing forumside games like SHL for years. Mainly political ones. But regardless of where I go, I am usually the shy one in the group. So when teams in the SHL started asking me if I was active or going to be active in their locker rooms, I told the truth. I like to sit back and take it in. I contribute when things pique my interest and sometimes I just like to watch and chip in an lol from time to tine. I don't know if that contributed to me falling to the Stampede at pick 51 but I can honestly say I am so glad to be among some caring, decent humans. From @karey and @WannabeFinn who were the first people to comfort me after learning about the passing of my mom to @Tomen, @hhh81 and everyone else in the Buffalo Locker Room who I may not have had a longstanding convo with. But I appreciate all of you and all you are and continue to do for me to make my experience here an amazing one.

[Image: YQkXo45.png]

Quote:- Tell us about some of your favorite SHL posts of all time. what were they about? what did you enjoy about them? how did they turn out!? (*Tag anyone relevant to the topic)

All of my favorite SHL posts involve extremely dramatic shit storms so for this point task allow me to tell you about the first major thunderdome shit storm of my simulation hockey league career which was the portland rookie contract shit storm you see it all began with a thread titled something like "wally comes on men" which detailed how wally had renegotiated agreed upon rookie contracts after realizing that the team didn't have as much cap space as he thought and I believe all the rookies were okay with this but it's possible that he did it without their knowledge either way it's not cool and hundreds of replies poured in with some serious indignation and blah blah blah anyway I spent that entire day of work f5ing the thread and basking in the dramatic glow and in fact that night I was playing d&d and was talking about the drama and that's how @[keygan] was recruited to sim leagues true story anyway later that day the portland co general manager @tweedledunn got on and made a video where he went through the thread in a humorous manner critiquing the jokes and memes and such and then posted it as a podcast and said to split some of the pay with the rookies who had their pay docked LMAO so anyway that was hilarious and one of my favorite SHL posts of all time and it re-ignited the shit storm so we got several hundred more juicy posts so ya enjoy this incredible piece of SHL history and a major piece to one of the greatest posts of all time:

Jack Tanner (D) - [Player Page] [Player Updates]

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[Image: Beaver.gif]
One sig is tweed's and the other was a karlssens/Copenhagen collab

AC | Bank | Claims

For all I talk about how I can't wait to retire Metzler in a few seasons and enjoy the time off, there's so many people here that are cool as fuck that I wouldn't want to lose contact with. I'm gonna start with WannabeFinn. He was the GM of Detroit when I first showed up, and despite us having had no conversation before the draft, he took a guess on me at 15th overall in a draft that ran into the 90s. I'm glad I paid off, and I'm glad I was in Head Office when it was time to find a new GM for Buffalo and was able to push his application above everyone else's. Winning the Challenge Cup together (and we might be about to get another one) was the best shit.

I also want to should out Zach. We don't chat much anymore because we don't have any shared discord servers, but if there's anyone I still want to share an LR with again, it's him. Glad he made the hall of fame.

I'd keep adding people indefinitely, but I'm short on time and already past the word requirement.

@WannabeFinn @ztevans

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The Simulation Hockey League is a free online forums based sim league where you create your own fantasy hockey player. Join today and create your player, become a GM, get drafted, sign contracts, make trades and compete against hundreds of players from around the world.