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Detroit Falcons S50 Interested Prospects Thread


I'm Nour, Co-GM of the Detroit Falcons. After a disappointing exit in the most recent SMJHL Playoffs, we’re looking to gear up for a retool and a revitalization of our franchise through a dedication to the new blood we bring into the team! We’re looking to go into this season with high hopes but careful planning as we re-tool and get back to chasing a title as soon as possible.

So! To reach our goals for the Detroit Falcons future, we want to know you a little better before Draft Day arrives! Below are some questions for you to answer that’ll help us get a feel if you’d be a good fit here! If you have any questions about the team, our experience as members of the Falcons organization, or are just looking for a little advice about the site, always feel free to PM me or my Head-GM, @notorioustig

[b]Do you have any previous sim league experience?[/b]

[b]How much time do you think you'll be able to make for the SHL on a weekly basis?[/b]/size]

[b]What do you spend time doing on a daily basis? Favorite games? Favorite chips? What NHL team are you into?[/b]

[b]You can spend 1-5 seasons in juniors. Most elect to spend 2-3, but you may want to spend more time because you actually like juniors, or you might spend less because you are ambitious and want to make it to the SHL as fast as possible. How long do you think you'll spend in the J? [/b]

[b]Do you use Discord? If not, are you open to using it?[/b]

[b]Do you have any interest in being a Falcon? [/b]

[b]Anything you'd like us to know going into this draft?[/b]

[b]Who is your Smash Bros main (if applicable)?[/b]

[b]Share your best joke or meme[/b]

Thanks for answering and all the best in the S50 SMJHL Draft!

[Image: bjobin2.png]
[Image: 9tINabI.png][Image: c97iD9R.png]

**First GM in SMJHL history to win 3 Four Star Cups back-to-back-to-back**

Do you have any previous sim league experience?
Possibly. What's it to you?

How much time do you think you'll be able to make for the SHL on a weekly basis?/size]
Too much for my own good.

What do you spend time doing on a daily basis? Favorite games? Favorite chips? What NHL team are you into?
I work. I game. I spend too much money on shiny pieces of cardboard. There are too many questions here. You're scaring me.

You can spend 1-5 seasons in juniors. Most elect to spend 2-3, but you may want to spend more time because you actually like juniors, or you might spend less because you are ambitious and want to make it to the SHL as fast as possible. How long do you think you'll spend in the J?
This is a question that is kinda weird to me. Like... once I get drafted to the SHL... it really depends on my team and/or your ability to negotiate with them.

Do you use Discord? If not, are you open to using it?
I still use Floppycord. Clearly the superior product.

Do you have any interest in being a Falcon?
I am physically unable to skree. Will that be a concern?

Anything you'd like us to know going into this draft?
The airspeed velocity of a European unladen swallow is about 24 miles per hour or 11 meters per second.

Who is your Smash Bros main (if applicable)?
Waluigi. Simply the best.

Share your best joke or meme
Inhale Pee, waw is dis?

[Image: Zoone16.gif]

[Image: 9QVaMRC.png] [Image: canybyK.png] [Image: sXDU6JX.png]

Do you have any previous sim league experience?
u dun know
SHL, nsfl, pbe
How much time do you think you'll be able to make for the SHL on a weekly basis?/size]
Enough time to be a TPE whore
What do you spend time doing on a daily basis? Favorite games? Favorite chips? What NHL team are you into?
I have school and tennis. fav games r chel n fifa 13
love me some cape cod waffle sea salt chips
big blues fan (55)
You can spend 1-5 seasons in juniors. Most elect to spend 2-3, but you may want to spend more time because you actually like juniors, or you might spend less because you are ambitious and want to make it to the SHLHow long do you think you'll spend in the J?
2-3 seasons
Do you use Discord? If not, are you open to using it?
broski u know I’m on discord
Do you have any interest in being a Falcon?
Anything you'd like us to know going into this draft?
nah fam we Gucci
Who is your Smash Bros main (if applicable)?
Marth, baby
Share your best joke or meme
all da nugg shit

Armada Monarchs Germany

Armada Steelhawks Switzerland

Armada Specters Wolfpack Steelhawks Forge Switzerland

Scarecrows pride Chiefs Riot Stars Blizzard Ireland

ty to @High Stick King @EvilAllBran and @Ragnar for the sigs

Do you have any previous sim league experience?
I unfortunately don't have any experience with any subscriber identification module league

How much time do you think you'll be able to make for the SHL on a weekly basis?/size]
between 0 minutes to 10080 minutes a week

What do you spend time doing on a daily basis? Favorite games? Favorite chips? What NHL team are you into?
First some questions: What is time? In a physical sense? In psychological terms? What does time do? How does it work? Can it be transcended? Time in many ways is like space. In physics, time and space are woven together, like a fabric upon which all matter lies. At the limits, near the speed of light, movement in time is yoked to movement in space. As spatial speed increases, temporal speed slows. Recent quantum physics, in the area of non-local phenomena, suggests that both time and space are not as they appear on our scale of existence. It appears that particles, separated in both space and time, interact, in a simultaneous manner. Indeed, in one of the strangest experimental effects, the future may causally impact the past (the implications of that one will make your head spin). Distant particles are somehow connected, are somehow not distant. It is as if the space and time between did not really exist, nor the proposed distinction. Rather, these physicists (cf. Yakir Aharonov, Jeff Tollakson, and Menas Kafatos) suggest that perhaps there is an underlying singularity or unity to matter, across both time and space. Many spiritual traditions, philosophies, songs, and so on have suggested similar ideas: "We are one, heartache to is a battlefield" Pat Benatar.
Beyond funny ‘80's rocker references, such notions are at the heart of spiritual practices, across the various world traditions, even mainstream Christianity which proposes that God exists outside the bounds of time. This is why my Christian friends have already been forgiven for sins not yet committed. I like this belief of a god outside of time. Indeed, the practice of stepping outside the bounds of space and time, of opening consciousness to grasp the infinite, of allowing the infinite and the singular to fold into an infinitely increasing and decreasing wave, beyond the notion of quantity itself—embracing the unity of the infinite...I think this is where meditation may lead (I don't meditate myself, so I can't tell you with any certainty).
So what is time? On a psychological level, time is quite malleable as well. When life speeds up, time slows down, such as at moments of great threat—traumas that require a slower arena for the will to act. If you are about to be hit by a car, time should slow down for you, allowing you perhaps to jump or duck (if there is time of course). Anyone with panic disorder will tell you that their 10-15 minute long panic attacks actually feel eternal. Of course things are not that simple. Time goes slowly when one lacks meaning as well. Think back to the old clock on the wall of your last class of the week back in high-school.
Like most of the things we discuss in this blog - time is experienced in a fractal manner, as is space. Searches across (memory-based) time and space tends to be carried out in fractal (branch-like) patterns. For example: If I asked you to search memory for happy times in your life, you could answer based on a year-by-year basis (ah yes! To be 18 again...), a month-by-month basis (October was a great month for me this past year), week-by-week (last week was a good one here), day-by-day, hour-by-hour, and so on (this minute is not as good as one I had 10 minutes ago). Psychotherapists count on this in their work everyday, as therapy unfolds within relational time - exchange-by-exchange, on the quarter-hour, session-by-session, and across the phases of treatment.
I don't know what time is, beyond a mysterious self-similar backdrop upon which we lead our lives. It is intricately woven across the scales of observation - from the quantum level to the phenomenological time of cultural revolutions. I do also know, on a deeply practical level, that each moment in time carries the potential for great integrity within our lives. If we can become aware of moments as they flow by, focusing our intention on just that awareness, we can connect to a thread beyond time: A thread of meaning that attaches moments together, moments separated in a branchlike way through fractal time. This thread may be strengthened, like a rope that holds an anchor of security within a complex world. I am me, right now, and also the sad 5 year-old boy who had to put his frog back in the pond on a family camping trip, and the teen-ager at a good concert, and the young man doing my first official session of therapy on my own, and I am me on my wedding day, with the ring on my middle-aged finger the same as the one being placed upon my hand. Across fractal time, we are more truly ourselves. Perhaps this is what we experience on our way to death? The weaving of our personal quilts of moments in time, big and small, all bound together. Perhaps time slows into death, approaching an asymptote, unyoking itself from our current experience of time and reaching down into the timelessness of quanta, some quantum afterlife? Perhaps it is this singularity that the physicists grasp when they look at the edges of scale - of huge and tiny. Perhaps they are glimpsing in their experiments what the wise shamans have known all along through a different means? A oneness at the bounds of existence, beyond the veil of the infinite pile of ticks and tocks that we use to structure our existence.

You can spend 1-5 seasons in juniors. Most elect to spend 2-3, but you may want to spend more time because you actually like juniors, or you might spend less because you are ambitious and want to make it to the SHL as fast as possible. How long do you think you'll spend in the J?
8 season

Do you use Discord? If not, are you open to using it?
I can probably train my carrier pigeon to use it if this is what your team use

Do you have any interest in being a Falcon?
I mean i'd be any animal, realistically. Not having to work anymore? heck yeah?

Anything you'd like us to know going into this draft?
Much like the iconic bald eagle, the peregrine falcon suffered heavily in North America from the widespread use of the pesticide DDT. The chemicals accumulated in falcons' prey, killing the adult birds and weakening the shells of their eggs. The species nearly went extinct before DDT was banned, but it has since recovered and was removed from the endangered species list in 1999.

Who is your Smash Bros main (if applicable)?
Piranha plants, because it joined the crew before waluigi

Share your best joke or meme
I'm taking this really seriously, this is not the time to joke or share meme. it's serious interessed prospect.

[Image: Evok.gif]

[Image: merha.gif]

Do you have any previous sim league experience? Yes SHL and SBA

How much time do you think you'll be able to make for the SHL on a weekly basis?/size] enough to be able to do all pt tasks

What do you spend time doing on a daily basis? Favorite games? Favorite chips? What NHL team are you into? work, fifa, Jalapeno Ms. Vickies, Montreal Canadiens, Fifa Franchise

You can spend 1-5 seasons in juniors. Most elect to spend 2-3, but you may want to spend more time because you actually like juniors, or you might spend less because you are ambitious and want to make it to the SHL as fast as possible. How long do you think you'll spend in the J? 2-3

Do you use Discord? If not, are you open to using it? yes, 5oulja

Do you have any interest in being a Falcon? sure, why not

Anything you'd like us to know going into this draft? I am Zlatan

Who is your Smash Bros main (if applicable)? captain falcon

Share your best joke or meme

[Image: hqdefault.jpg]

[Image: pnI7R5r.png]

(This post was last modified: 09-25-2019, 12:05 AM by Shmurph.)

Do you have any previous sim league experience?
not sure this shit is really sim league so I will say no

How much time do you think you'll be able to make for the SHL on a weekly basis?/size]
way too much

What do you spend time doing on a daily basis? Favorite games? Favorite chips? What NHL team are you into?
Video games, board games, all kind of games :D. For the chips it's the All Dress Ripples, they are so great! Go Habs Go!

You can spend 1-5 seasons in juniors. Most elect to spend 2-3, but you may want to spend more time because you actually like juniors, or you might spend less because you are ambitious and want to make it to the SHL as fast as possible. How long do you think you'll spend in the J?
probably 3, depends on the Chiefs needs

Do you use Discord? If not, are you open to using it?

Do you have any interest in being a Falcon?
Why not

Anything you'd like us to know going into this draft?
Teams that don't contact people they draft are poo poo. Don't be poo poo

Who is your Smash Bros main (if applicable)?
Mr Game and Watch all the way!

Share your best joke or meme
[Image: 34qkq1.png?width=361&height=455]

Do you have any previous sim league experience? Joined in 2017, played a little with Hans Oldrich (retired) and on GOHML for a little while before taking a break till now. Made myself a recreate.

How much time do you think you'll be able to make for the SHL on a weekly basis? I'll try to pop in most days of the week, unless I've mentally checked out due to physical exhaustion.

What do you spend time doing on a daily basis? Favorite games? Favorite chips? What NHL team are you into? I'm usually out at college, getting fit. I've been playing STO recently as well, so that's been a focus. Favourite chips? Walkers (or is that the other type of chips?)

You can spend 1-5 seasons in juniors. Most elect to spend 2-3, but you may want to spend more time because you actually like juniors, or you might spend less because you are ambitious and want to make it to the SHL as fast as possible. How long do you think you'll spend in the J?

2-3 seems sufficient!

Do you use Discord? If not, are you open to using it?


Do you have any interest in being a Falcon?

Returning to an old team, of course!

Anything you'd like us to know going into this draft?

I like turtles.

Who is your Smash Bros main (if applicable)?


Share your best joke or meme

My life

Do you have any previous sim league experience?
Nada, Nope, No, Not at all, Unfortunately not
How much time do you think you'll be able to make for the SHL on a weekly basis?/size]
Aloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot I have like 30-40 hours on a good week, 0 on a bad week
What do you spend time doing on a daily basis? Favorite games? Favorite chips? What NHL team are you into?
Reading, videogames, talking to people I think our my friends, looking at goat pics. Fav game prob Overwatch. Fav chip is cool ranch doritos or bbq potato chips. I don't watch the NHL .-.
You can spend 1-5 seasons in juniors. Most elect to spend 2-3, but you may want to spend more time because you actually like juniors, or you might spend less because you are ambitious and want to make it to the SHL as fast as possible. How long do you think you'll spend in the J?
idk cause I dk but I do know that it's gonna more than 4
Do you use Discord? If not, are you open to using it?
Do you have any interest in being a Falcon?
I just want to get drafted to a good team .-.
Anything you'd like us to know going into this draft?
I own a plot of land in Vietnam that I haven't even seen with my own eyes so there might be some random person just living there
Who is your Smash Bros main (if applicable)?
Lucina, cause no one likes Marth anymore >____<
Share your best joke or meme
I don't have one

Do you have any previous sim league experience?
Yup RIP Mike Hunt got me a cup
Also nshl for that absolute stomp of a first season

How much time do you think you'll be able to make for the SHL on a weekly basis?/size] 30+ I am very bored at work

What do you spend time doing on a daily basis? Favorite games? Favorite chips? What NHL team are you into? games video games or this like all day as for chip presidents choice buffalo blue cheese my gfs got me playing modded to fuck minecraft but I prefer dota

You can spend 1-5 seasons in juniors. Most elect to spend 2-3, but you may want to spend more time because you actually like juniors, or you might spend less because you are ambitious and want to make it to the SHL as fast as possible. How long do you think you'll spend in the J?
I dont really know but maybe 3-4 I guess depending how much tpe I wanna save
Do you use Discord? If not, are you open to using it? yup AtlasHunter#7227

Do you have any interest in being a Falcon?
Sure my dude
Anything you'd like us to know going into this draft?

Who is your Smash Bros main (if applicable)?
Sitting at the bottom and spamming falcon punch because I dont know how to play
Share your best joke or meme
Damn I cant find it again but dominos Zimbabwe with the tank

[Image: il_fullxfull.2951208976_e3ir.jpg]

[Image: zFE0mSA.png] [Image: HKi05IH.png] [Image: KS8UYv9.png]

Do you have any previous sim league experience?
Yes, 5 seasons so far in the PBE where I have been banker, updater, head updater, co-GM majors, GM minors.  Plus I've joined a few other sim leagues recently.

How much time do you think you'll be able to make for the SHL on a weekly basis?
Enough to complete all the TPE opps and hang out in the LR.

What do you spend time doing on a daily basis? Favorite games? Favorite chips? What NHL team are you into?
Apart from work and family: sim leagues, online OOTP (baseball) leagues, reading, movies.  NJ Devils!  Favorite games: Mass Effect, Elder Scrolls series.  Chips - any.

You can spend 1-5 seasons in juniors. Most elect to spend 2-3, but you may want to spend more time because you actually like juniors, or you might spend less because you are ambitious and want to make it to the SHL as fast as possible. How long do you think you'll spend in the J?
Can't lock in at this point.  Less time if my SHL team really needs me.  More time if they can wait and things are going that well in juniors.

Do you use Discord? If not, are you open to using it?
Yes, I do.

Do you have any interest in being a Falcon?
I don't really know anything about the Falcons yet, but I'm open to going to any team where I can gel with the team to have fun and win some games.

Anything you'd like us to know going into this draft?
I'm a bit of an unknown quantity coming into the draft, but I'm a near max earner in the PBE and very dedicated to my team and the league in general.  I plan to do the same here.  If taken high, I'll try hard not to disappoint.  If taken much lower, I will show the doubters they were wrong.

Who is your Smash Bros main (if applicable)?
NA - my son used to play a lot.  Not me.

Share your best joke or meme
What's the difference between a chicken?  One of its legs is both the same.

Do you have any previous sim league experience?

How much time do you think you'll be able to make for the SHL on a weekly basis?
as much as needed. my site presence is limited to when it needs to occur, but you know that.

What do you spend time doing on a daily basis? Favorite games? Favorite chips? What NHL team are you into?
i don't need to answer this, u already know

You can spend 1-5 seasons in juniors. Most elect to spend 2-3, but you may want to spend more time because you actually like juniors, or you might spend less because you are ambitious and want to make it to the SHL as fast as possible. How long do you think you'll spend in the J?
Whatever's necessary. Three is a nice number, but it sort of depends on who drafts me and when they need me. I'll stay down as long as is needed.

Do you use Discord? If not, are you open to using it?
yerrrrrrr lmao

Do you have any interest in being a Falcon?
i've got personal connections to the team, so it would certainly be nice. but no hard feelings either way.

Anything you'd like us to know going into this draft?
nothing you don't already know.

Who is your Smash Bros main (if applicable)?
snake. crawl tech gang assemble.

Share your best joke or meme
ben waters

[Image: MvfRxO2.png]
sigs by me bitch


Do you have any previous sim league experience?

Hell year Nour. you know it.

How much time do you think you'll be able to make for the SHL on a weekly basis?/size]

daily if possible.

What do you spend time doing on a daily basis? Favorite games? Favorite chips? What NHL team are you into?

Lays flavors, St Louis Blues, EU4, NHL series, youtube and such.

You can spend 1-5 seasons in juniors. Most elect to spend 2-3, but you may want to spend more time because you actually like juniors, or you might spend less because you are ambitious and want to make it to the SHL as fast as possible. How long do you think you'll spend in the J?

However long im needed/my SHL team needs.

Do you use Discord? If not, are you open to using it?

Absolutely, you have mine.

Do you have any interest in being a Falcon?

Yeah giving a different team a go is always interesting.

Anything you'd like us to know going into this draft?

This time I will be on the scoresheet more.

Who is your Smash Bros main (if applicable)?


Share your best joke or meme

[Image: 8GjLmg0.gif]

[Image: 3GX9nYb.png]
[Image: CptSquall.gif]


Do you have any previous sim league experience?

Yeah I’ve been around the block

How much time do you think you'll be able to make for the SHL on a weekly basis?/size]

Couple hours a day proly

What do you spend time doing on a daily basis? Favorite games? Favorite chips? What NHL team are you into?

Working, travelling, watching shitty TV and doing BJJ proly lol. Go caps

You can spend 1-5 seasons in juniors. Most elect to spend 2-3, but you may want to spend more time because you actually like juniors, or you might spend less because you are ambitious and want to make it to the SHL as fast as possible. How long do you think you'll spend in the J?

I think 3 at this point

Do you use Discord? If not, are you open to using it?

You know I use it

Do you have any interest in being a Falcon?

I have all the interest

Anything you'd like us to know going into this draft?

I’d like you to know I’m here for you man

Who is your Smash Bros main (if applicable)?

Never played sorry

Share your best joke or meme

Too good to post in public

[Image: VkRiFym.png]

[Image: dankoa2004.gif]

Do you have any previous sim league experience?
I do yes!

How much time do you think you'll be able to make for the SHL on a weekly basis?/size]
As much as I can, but no specific numbers. In general I have plenty of time.

What do you spend time doing on a daily basis? Favorite games? Favorite chips? What NHL team are you into?
Im involved with GTA 5 RP, now killling time with MU Online, enjoy board games, favourite chips are Adazi Cheese Balls and I am not onto no NHL team.

You can spend 1-5 seasons in juniors. Most elect to spend 2-3, but you may want to spend more time because you actually like juniors, or you might spend less because you are ambitious and want to make it to the SHL as fast as possible. How long do you think you'll spend in the J?
I want to spend as much time as it takes for me to get a cup.

Do you use Discord? If not, are you open to using it?
Yes and yes

Knights - Player Page - Update Page - Knights

[Image: 47963_s.gif]


Do you have any previous sim league experience?

How much time do you think you'll be able to make for the SHL on a weekly basis?/size]
like 7 minutes

What do you spend time doing on a daily basis? Favorite games? Favorite chips? What NHL team are you into?

You can spend 1-5 seasons in juniors. Most elect to spend 2-3, but you may want to spend more time because you actually like juniors, or you might spend less because you are ambitious and want to make it to the SHL as fast as possible. How long do you think you'll spend in the J?
half a season

Do you use Discord? If not, are you open to using it?

Do you have any interest in being a Falcon?

Player Page || Update Page

[Image: a5C9JXf.png]


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The Simulation Hockey League is a free online forums based sim league where you create your own fantasy hockey player. Join today and create your player, become a GM, get drafted, sign contracts, make trades and compete against hundreds of players from around the world.