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SHL Advanced stats S50

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Full stats: Skaters | Goalies
Glossary: Skaters | Goalies

New stats this season
PKSA60 - PK shot attempts against per 60
PKS60 - PK shots on goal against per 60
PKG60 - PK goals against per 60

1. Team stats

*green - made the playoffs

1 Specters New Orleans Specters - 53.69
2 Stampede Buffalo Stampede - 52.65

3 Chiefs Minnesota Chiefs - 52.08
4 Jets Winnipeg Jets - 51.98
5 Wolfpack New England Wolfpack - 51.39
6 Blizzard Edmonton Blizzard - 50.86
7 Dragons Calgary Dragons - 50.20
8 Barracuda Tampa Bay Barracuda - 50.10

9 syndicate Chicago Syndicate - 50.05
10 Steelhawks Hamilton Steelhawks - 49.95
11 pride San Francisco Pride - 49.95
12 Rage Manhattan Rage - 49.75
13 Stars Toronto North Stars - 49.35
14 Panthers Los Angeles Panthers - 48.99

15 Platoon West Kendall Platoon - 46.15
16 Renegades Texas Renegades - 42.80

1 Barracuda Tampa Bay Barracuda - 1023
2 Blizzard Edmonton Blizzard - 1012
3 Stampede Buffalo Stampede - 1008
4 Rage Manhattan Rage - 1008
5 pride San Francisco Pride - 1008

6 Platoon West Kendall Platoon - 1005
7 Steelhawks Hamilton Steelhawks - 1005
8 Jets Winnipeg Jets - 1004
9 Specters New Orleans Specters - 999
10 Renegades Texas Renegades - 997
11 syndicate Chicago Syndicate - 996
12 Dragons Calgary Dragons - 996
13 Panthers Los Angeles Panthers - 993
14 Stars Toronto North Stars - 993

15 Wolfpack New England Wolfpack - 991
16 Chiefs Minnesota Chiefs - 961

1 Specters New Orleans Specters - 10.37
2 Barracuda Tampa Bay Barracuda - 10.33

3 Jets Winnipeg Jets - 10.18
4 Wolfpack New England Wolfpack - 9.96
5 Blizzard Edmonton Blizzard - 9.90
6 Platoon West Kendall Platoon - 9.88
7 pride San Francisco Pride - 9.87
8 Dragons Calgary Dragons - 9.40

9 Renegades Texas Renegades - 9.33
10 syndicate Chicago Syndicate - 9.25
11 Stampede Buffalo Stampede - 9.24
12 Stars Toronto North Stars - 9.20
13 Panthers Los Angeles Panthers - 9.08
14 Rage Manhattan Rage - 9.01
15 Steelhawks Hamilton Steelhawks - 8.97

16 Chiefs Minnesota Chiefs - 7.93

1 Barracuda Tampa Bay Barracuda - 0.920
2 Rage Manhattan Rage - 0.918
3 Stampede Buffalo Stampede - 0.916
4 Steelhawks Hamilton Steelhawks - 0.915
5 Blizzard Edmonton Blizzard - 0.913
6 pride San Francisco Pride - 0.909

7 Platoon West Kendall Platoon - 0.906
8 syndicate Chicago Syndicate - 0.904
9 Renegades Texas Renegades - 0.903
10 Jets Winnipeg Jets - 0.903
11 Panthers Los Angeles Panthers - 0.902
12 Dragons Calgary Dragons - 0.902
13 Stars Toronto North Stars - 0.901
14 Specters New Orleans Specters - 0.895

15 Wolfpack New England Wolfpack - 0.891
16 Chiefs Minnesota Chiefs - 0.881

2. Leaderboards (skaters)

CF% (min. 800 shot attempts)
1. Chiefs 57.09 Bobby Watson - RW
2. Chiefs 56.54 Collin Gibbles - RW
3. Chiefs 56.45 Mika Mayfield - LW
4. Specters 56.33 Richard Physt - D
5. Specters 55.62 Lil Manius - RW
6. Stampede 55.37 Charles Walker - D
7. Steelhawks 55.20 Robert Phelps - C
8. Steelhawks 55.13 Aaron Wilson - C
9. Steelhawks 55.01 Dale Miller - LW
10. Specters 54.99 Charlie Serpe - D

RelCF (min. 800 shot attempts)
1. Renegades 9.94 Andreas Kvalheim - LW
2. Renegades 9.76 Iam Essellemm - RW
3. Steelhawks 8.92 Robert Phelps - C
4. Steelhawks 8.74 Aaron Wilson - C
5. Panthers 8.63 Borromini Cannellini - C
6. Steelhawks 8.32 Dale Miller - LW
7. Renegades 8.01 Josef Kubinec - LW
8. Chiefs 7.99 Bobby Watson - RW
9. Chiefs 6.98 Collin Gibbles - RW
10. Chiefs 6.84 Mika Mayfield - LW

P60 (forwards, min. 25 points)
1. Stars 3.26 Mikhail Lokitonov - RW
2. Specters 3.09 Piotr Czerkawski - RW
3. Stars 3.05 Mika Kandinsky - C
4. Specters 3.02 Lil Manius - RW
5. Specters 2.83 Michael Fox - RW
6. Stars 2.77 Xavier Paquette - RW
7. Wolfpack 2.76 Anders Christiansen - C
8. Jets 2.76 Noah Konn - RW
9. Wolfpack 2.69 Manuel Gotze - RW
10. Specters 2.68 Nicholas Williams - LW

P60 (defensemen, min. 20 points)
1. syndicate 2.43 Sami Owens - D
2. pride 2.19 Charlie Schieck - D
3. Platoon 2.09 Ludwig Koch Schroder - D
4. Blizzard 2.09 Jordan Von Matt - D
5. Barracuda 2.06 Kristaps Ball - D
6. Specters 2.05 Charlie Serpe - D
7. Steelhawks 1.97 Tig Murphy - D
8. Wolfpack 1.95 Maximilian Egger - D
9. Stampede 1.88 Charles Walker - D
10. Panthers 1.84 Jon Toner - D

PPP60 (min. 10 points)
1. Barracuda 9.45 Kristaps Ball - D
2. Stampede 8.40 The Dude - D
3. Steelhawks 7.81 Tig Murphy - D
4. Platoon 7.44 Gabriel Wong - RW
5. Stars 6.98 Zander Rhys - D
6. syndicate 6.73 Lallo Selman - LW
7. Specters 6.56 Nicholas Williams - LW
8. pride 6.52 Charlie Schieck - D
9. Panthers 6.49 Theo Morgan - RW
10. Stars 6.46 Mikhail Lokitonov - RW

Consistency (min 30 games)
1. Dragons 72% Shooter McGavin - LW
2. Stars 70% Mika Kandinsky - C
3. Wolfpack 70% Manuel Gotze - RW
4. Barracuda 68% Kristaps Ball - D
5. Platoon 68% Gabriel Wong - RW
6. Steelhawks 68% Robert Phelps - C
7. Stars 68% Mikhail Lokitonov - RW
8. Dragons 68% Mike Izzy - C
9. Specters 68% Nicholas Williams - LW
10. Panthers 66% Hiro Fujikawa - RW

Longest point streak
1. Stampede 11 Viktor Marius - LW
2. Platoon 10 Ludwig Koch Schroder - D
3. Platoon 10 Gabriel Wong - RW
4. Dragons 10 Shooter McGavin - LW
5. Jets 10 Noah Konn - RW
6. Barracuda 9 Kristaps Ball - D
7. Stampede 9 Hippo Passamus - C
8. Steelhawks 9 Dank Boija - RW
9. Wolfpack 9 Manuel Gotze - RW
10. 8 games - 7 players

Expected +/-
1. Chiefs +24 Bobby Watson - RW
2. Specters +23 Richard Physt - D
3. Chiefs +22 Collin Gibbles - RW
4. Chiefs +21 Mika Mayfield - LW
5. Steelhawks +20 Robert Phelps - C
6. Steelhawks +19 Aaron Wilson - C
7. Steelhawks +18 Dale Miller - LW
8. Specters +17 Lil Manius - RW
9. Specters +16 Bob Bergen - D
10. Wolfpack +16 Dick Clapper - LW

IPPEV (forwards, min. 25 points)
1. Renegades 92.3% Vladislav Konstantin - RW
2. Blizzard 91.9% Tony Pepperoni - C
3. Chiefs 86.7% GOD McZehrl - C
4. Stars 84.2% Kevin Kazarian - C
5. Stars 82.3% Mikhail Lokitonov - RW
6. Jets 80.4% Noah Konn - RW
7. Steelhawks 80.0% Angelo Odjick - LW
8. Specters 80.0% Lil Manius - RW
9. Rage 79.4% Goku Muerto - C
10. Steelhawks 79.3% Sulak O'Hritea - RW

IPPEV (defensemen, min. 20 points)
1. Steelhawks 75.6% Tig Murphy - D
2. Panthers 75.0% Jon Toner - D
3. Blizzard 68.9% Tor Tuck - D
4. pride 68.4% Ray Bork - D
5. pride 68.2% Charlie Schieck - D
6. Platoon 66.7% Ludwig Koch Schroder - D
7. pride 64.7% Jack Tanner - D
8. syndicate 63.6% Sami Owens - D
9. Wolfpack 63.6% Maximilian Egger - D
10. Platoon 62.9% Karsten Kadinger - D

Primary assists
1. Stars 28 Mikhail Lokitonov - RW
2. Barracuda 26 Kristaps Ball - D
3. Platoon 25 Ludwig Koch Schroder - D
4. Dragons 24 Otis B.Driftwood - D
5. pride 24 Charlie Schieck - D
6. Renegades 22 Andreas Kvalheim - LW
7. Steelhawks 22 Robert Phelps - C
8. Stars 21 Mika Kandinsky - C
9. Chiefs 21 GOD McZehrl - C
10. Blizzard 20 Tony Pepperoni - C

Secondary assists
1. Stampede 21 Poopity Scoop - D
2. Panthers 18 Max Mauldin - C
3. Stars 18 Mikhail Lokitonov - RW
4. pride 18 Isak Odegard - D
5. Platoon 17 Rex Kirkby - D
6. Jets 17 Liam O'Callaghan - D
7. Barracuda 16 Kristaps Ball - D
8. Stampede 16 Cassius Darrow - D
9. Wolfpack 16 Guy Zheng - D
10. Dragons 16 Mike Izzy - C
11. Specters 16 Nicholas Williams - LW

5v5sh% (min. 25 goals for)
1. Specters 13.11 Michael Fox - RW
2. Specters 12.68 Charlie Serpe - D
3. Specters 12.65 Lyle Odelein III - D
4. Jets 12.39 Louie Garrett - RW
5. syndicate 12.28 Mikkel Haugen - C
6. Specters 12.03 Logan Jensen - RW
7. Jets 12.00 Jakub Novak - LW
8. Barracuda 11.98 Trevor Wilson - LW
9. Panthers 11.97 Max Mauldin - C
10. pride 11.91 Dominic Montgomery - D

5v5sv% (min. 100 shots on goal against)
1. Renegades 0.947 Patrick Brumm Jr - D
2. Rage 0.933 Reginald Rove - LW
3. Barracuda 0.933 Nolan Sawchuk - RW
4. Rage 0.932 Alex Winters - RW
5. Renegades 0.931 Conklin Owen - LW
6. Renegades 0.930 Troy Reynolds - RW
7. Barracuda 0.930 Flacko Lagerfield - LW
8. Barracuda 0.929 Miikka Salo - D
9. Stampede 0.929 Cassius Darrow - D
10. Barracuda 0.929 David Fantobens - RW
11. Barracuda 0.929 Olivier Cloutier - RW

PDO (min. 250 shots on goal for + against)
1. Specters 1047 Michael Fox - RW
2. Barracuda 1046 David Fantobens - RW
3. Barracuda 1043 Trevor Wilson - LW
4. Barracuda 1042 Nolan Sawchuk - RW
5. Jets 1040 Louie Garrett - RW
6. Specters 1038 Logan Jensen - RW
7. pride 1032 Vince Reaper - LW
8. pride 1032 Knute Knurtsson - C
9. Barracuda 1031 Maui - D
10. pride 1031 Dominic Montgomery - D

Steals (defensemen)
1. Chiefs 1009 Geoff Moore - D
2. Panthers 963 Jon Toner - D
3. Platoon 962 Rex Kirkby - D
4. Stars 938 Zander Rhys - D
5. Blizzard 934 Tor Tuck - D
6. Renegades 911 Piotr Horvat - D
7. Platoon 902 Ludwig Koch Schroder - D
8. Blizzard 887 Brady McIntyre - D
9. Stars 882 Donny McMasters - D
10. syndicate 875 Corey Kennedy - D

Steals (forwards)
1. Renegades 554 Andreas Kvalheim - LW
2. syndicate 454 Cameron Carter II - LW
3. Rage 447 Luke Thomason - LW
4. Jets 444 Noah Konn - RW
5. Blizzard 438 Teddy Cuddles - RW
6. Steelhawks 422 Robert Phelps - C
7. Renegades 400 Iam Essellemm - RW
8. Blizzard 398 Tony Pepperoni - C
9. Dragons 393 Mike Izzy - C
10. Stampede 388 Hippo Passamus - C

Turnovers (defensemen)
1. Panthers 918 Jon Toner - D
2. Platoon 914 Rex Kirkby - D
3. Chiefs 886 Geoff Moore - D
4. Blizzard 822 Tor Tuck - D
5. Platoon 816 Ludwig Koch Schroder - D
6. Barracuda 807 Kristaps Ball - D
7. pride 787 Ray Bork - D
8. Wolfpack 780 Tigole Bitties - D
9. pride 774 Charlie Schieck - D
10. Stampede 773 Poopity Scoop - D

Turnovers (forwards)
1. Renegades 642 Andreas Kvalheim - LW
2. syndicate 622 Cameron Carter II - LW
3. Stars 576 Xavier Paquette - RW
4. Panthers 575 Philipp Winter - LW
5. Barracuda 548 Flacko Lagerfield - LW
6. Stars 541 Lyndis Vakarian - LW
7. Steelhawks 521 Aaron Wilson - C
8. Steelhawks 518 Robert Phelps - C
9. Specters 513 Nicholas Williams - LW
10. Chiefs 509 GOD McZehrl - C

STL/TO (defensemen, min. 800 steals + turnovers)
1. Panthers 1.492 Oliver Cleary - D
2. Steelhawks 1.450 Gabriel Johnson - D
3. Steelhawks 1.450 Jimmy Cahill - D
4. Chiefs 1.409 Buck Maverick - D
5. Steelhawks 1.399 Jean-Pierre Gay - D
6. Specters 1.394 Lyle Odelein III - D
7. Stars 1.392 Wolfhard Richter - D
8. Stars 1.382 Donny McMasters - D
9. Chiefs 1.380 Igor Volkov - D
10. Rage 1.375 Craig Finley - D

STL/TO (forwards, min. 700 steals + turnovers)
1. Panthers 1.055 Borromini Cannellini - C
2. Steelhawks 1.019 Sulak O'Hritea - RW
3. Rage 0.985 Luke Thomason - LW
4. Specters 0.956 Lil Manius - RW
5. Jets 0.931 Noah Konn - RW
6. Renegades 0.917 Iam Essellemm - RW
7. Steelhawks 0.899 Dank Boija - RW
8. Jets 0.898 Commander Shepard - LW
9. Dragons 0.887 Mike Izzy - C
10. Blizzard 0.881 Teddy Cuddles - RW

Pass completions
1. Stars 2698 Mikhail Lokitonov - RW
2. Platoon 2643 Rex Kirkby - D
3. Chiefs 2450 GOD McZehrl - C
4. Panthers 2413 Jon Toner - D
5. Steelhawks 2403 Tig Murphy - D
6. Blizzard 2386 Tor Tuck - D
7. Steelhawks 2337 Robert Phelps - C
8. Barracuda 2326 Kristaps Ball - D
9. Panthers 2318 Max Mauldin - C
10. Blizzard 2286 Tony Pepperoni - C

Pass completion % (min 1000 attempts)
1. Platoon 86.45% Shouta Aizawa - C
2. syndicate 86.15% Mikkel Haugen - C
3. Barracuda 86.05% Matt Kholin - C
4. Platoon 86.04% Dayymo Ralchankinov - C
5. syndicate 85.87% Martijn Westbroek - C
6. Chiefs 85.43% Mika Mayfield - LW
7. Stars 85.41% Mikhail Lokitonov - RW
8. Stampede 85.16% Dermot Lavelle - C
9. Wolfpack 85.06% Gordie Boomhover - C
10. Blizzard 84.98% Hercules Rockefeller - LW

Shot assists
1. Steelhawks 155 Tig Murphy - D
2. Stars 143 Mikhail Lokitonov - RW
3. Platoon 138 Rex Kirkby - D
4. Dragons 136 Otis B.Driftwood - D
5. Panthers 129 Jon Toner - D
6. Barracuda 128 Kristaps Ball - D
7. Blizzard 122 Tor Tuck - D
8. pride 120 Charlie Schieck - D
9. Stampede 118 Poopity Scoop - D
10. Steelhawks 113 Robert Phelps - C
11. pride 113 Ray Bork - D

Zone entries (total)
1. Platoon 1070 Rex Kirkby - D
2. Panthers 1068 Jon Toner - D
3. Steelhawks 1065 Tig Murphy - D
4. Barracuda 1040 Kristaps Ball - D
5. Blizzard 976 Tor Tuck - D
6. Renegades 928 Harvey Danger - D
7. Chiefs 909 Geoff Moore - D
8. Dragons 895 Otis B.Driftwood - D
9. pride 895 Charlie Schieck - D
10. Panthers 893 Philipp Winter - LW

PK shot attempts against per 60 (min. 100 penalty kill minutes)
1. Stampede 111.89 Poopity Scoop - D
2. Stampede 120.42 Alexander Selich - RW
3. Wolfpack 120.54 Perry Morgan - D
4. Stampede 122.90 Viktor Marius - LW
5. Wolfpack 133.06 Ola Wagstrom - RW
6. Dragons 133.14 Otis B.Driftwood - D
7. Stampede 133.43 Alexis Metzler - D
8. Dragons 133.62 Mike Izzy - C
9. Jets 134.65 Louie Garrett - RW
10. Dragons 134.81 Shooter McGavin - LW

PK shots on goal against per 60 (min. 100 penalty kill minutes)
1. Stampede 56.76 Poopity Scoop - D
2. Wolfpack 56.79 Perry Morgan - D
3. Stampede 60.42 Alexander Selich - RW
4. Blizzard 60.50 Tor Tuck - D
5. Dragons 60.88 Otis B.Driftwood - D
6. Panthers 61.12 Borromini Cannellini - C
7. Blizzard 61.49 Brady McIntyre - D
8. Jets 61.59 Jakub Novak - LW
9. Jets 61.89 Louie Garrett - RW
10. Panthers 62.00 Jon Toner - D

PK goals against per 60 (min. 100 penalty kill minutes)
1. Panthers 3.36 Borromini Cannellini - C
2. Wolfpack 4.19 Tigole Bitties - D
3. Dragons 4.44 Shooter McGavin - LW
4. Panthers 4.50 Jon Toner - D
5. Dragons 4.58 Chico Smeb - D
6. Barracuda 4.86 Kristaps Ball - D
7. Steelhawks 5.09 Vegeta Muerto - D
8. Dragons 5.11 Mike Izzy - C
9. Stampede 5.45 Alexis Metzler - D
10. Dragons 5.57 Rainbow Dash - LW

3. Goalies

SV% = 0.905 (same as last season)
EVSV% = 0.907 (+ .001)
PKSV% = 0.897 (- .002)
PPSV% = 0.907 (- .023)

Quality starts (QS)
1. Jets 30 Walter Hobbs
2. Barracuda 29 Benjamin Blue
3. Steelhawks 29 Geezus Kryyst
4. Platoon 28 Beaujeaux Biscuit
5. Stampede 28 Cedric Robinson
6. Rage 28 Peter Larson
7. Blizzard 26 Tommy Tuck
8. Panthers 25 Knox Booth
9. Specters 25 Aleister Cain
10. Dragons 24 Kata Vilde
11. syndicate 23 Tibuk Soonika
12. pride 23 Chris Partridge
13. Stars 22 Harry Carpet
14. Chiefs 20 Sebastien Primeau
15. Wolfpack 19 Johannes Leitner
16. Jets 12 Vivian Leblanc

QS% (min 20 total starts)
1. Jets 69.77 Walter Hobbs
2. Barracuda 67.44 Benjamin Blue
3. Steelhawks 65.91 Geezus Kryyst
4. Rage 65.12 Peter Larson
5. Platoon 63.64 Beaujeaux Biscuit
6. Stampede 63.64 Cedric Robinson
7. Blizzard 59.09 Tommy Tuck
8. Panthers 56.82 Knox Booth
9. Specters 56.82 Aleister Cain
10. Dragons 54.55 Kata Vilde
11. syndicate 52.27 Tibuk Soonika
12. pride 52.27 Chris Partridge
13. Stars 50.00 Harry Carpet
14. Chiefs 46.51 Sebastien Primeau
15. Wolfpack 43.18 Johannes Leitner
16. Jets 38.71 Vivian Leblanc
17. Renegades 25.00 Eddy Ask Jr

Really bad starts (RBS)
1. Wolfpack 12 Johannes Leitner
2. Chiefs 12 Sebastien Primeau
3. pride 7 Chris Partridge
4. Stampede 6 Cedric Robinson
5. Steelhawks 6 Geezus Kryyst
6. Rage 6 Peter Larson
7. Blizzard 6 Tommy Tuck
8. Dragons 6 Kata Vilde
9. Jets 6 Vivian Leblanc
10. Specters 6 Aleister Cain

RBS% (min 20 total starts)
1. Jets 4.65 Walter Hobbs
2. Platoon 6.82 Beaujeaux Biscuit
3. Barracuda 6.98 Benjamin Blue
4. syndicate 9.09 Tibuk Soonika
5. Stars 11.36 Harry Carpet
6. Panthers 11.36 Knox Booth
7. Specters 13.64 Aleister Cain
8. Dragons 13.64 Kata Vilde
9. Blizzard 13.64 Tommy Tuck
10. Steelhawks 13.64 Geezus Kryyst
11. Stampede 13.64 Cedric Robinson
12. Rage 13.95 Peter Larson
13. pride 15.91 Chris Partridge
14. Jets 19.35 Vivian Leblanc
15. Renegades 20.00 Eddy Ask Jr
16. Wolfpack 27.27 Johannes Leitner
17. Chiefs 27.91 Sebastien Primeau

Goals saved above average (GSAA, min 20 starts)
1. Stampede 23.19 Cedric Robinson
2. Barracuda 19.90 Benjamin Blue
3. Jets 16.69 Walter Hobbs
4. Steelhawks 15.69 Geezus Kryyst
5. Blizzard 10.06 Tommy Tuck
6. Platoon 9.09 Beaujeaux Biscuit
7. Rage 8.77 Peter Larson
8. pride 4.24 Chris Partridge
9. Stars 2.82 Harry Carpet
10. Panthers 1.91 Knox Booth
11. Dragons 0.02 Kata Vilde
12. syndicate -0.51 Tibuk Soonika
13. Specters -8.36 Aleister Cain
14. Renegades -14.38 Eddy Ask Jr
15. Chiefs -16.23 Sebastien Primeau
16. Jets -18.33 Vivian Leblanc
17. Wolfpack -20.23 Johannes Leitner

Adjusted GAA (min 20 starts)
1. Stampede 2.54 Cedric Robinson
2. Barracuda 2.60 Benjamin Blue
3. Jets 2.70 Walter Hobbs
4. Steelhawks 2.70 Geezus Kryyst
5. Blizzard 2.79 Tommy Tuck
6. Platoon 2.83 Beaujeaux Biscuit
7. Rage 2.86 Peter Larson
8. Stars 2.94 Harry Carpet
9. pride 2.95 Chris Partridge
10. Panthers 3.00 Knox Booth
11. syndicate 3.05 Tibuk Soonika
12. Dragons 3.09 Kata Vilde
13. Specters 3.25 Aleister Cain
14. Chiefs 3.45 Sebastien Primeau
15. Wolfpack 3.51 Johannes Leitner
16. Jets 3.64 Vivian Leblanc
17. Renegades 3.72 Eddy Ask Jr

Rebound control (min 500 save attempts)
1. syndicate 80.81 Tibuk Soonika
2. Chiefs 80.75 Sebastien Primeau
3. Renegades 80.66 Eddy Ask Jr
4. Barracuda 80.02 Benjamin Blue
5. Platoon 79.96 Beaujeaux Biscuit
6. Dragons 79.13 Kata Vilde
7. Jets 79.06 Walter Hobbs
8. Specters 79.00 Aleister Cain
9. Rage 78.96 Peter Larson
10. Stars 78.84 Harry Carpet
11. Blizzard 78.76 Tommy Tuck
12. pride 78.70 Chris Partridge
13. Steelhawks 78.40 Geezus Kryyst
14. Jets 77.92 Vivian Leblanc
15. Wolfpack 77.01 Johannes Leitner
16. Panthers 76.74 Knox Booth
17. Stampede 72.75 Cedric Robinson

EVSV% (min 400 save attempts)
1. Jets 0.926 Walter Hobbs
2. Blizzard 0.924 Tommy Tuck
3. Barracuda 0.924 Benjamin Blue
4. Stampede 0.921 Cedric Robinson
5. Rage 0.921 Peter Larson
6. Steelhawks 0.917 Geezus Kryyst
7. pride 0.914 Chris Partridge
8. Platoon 0.912 Beaujeaux Biscuit
9. syndicate 0.906 Tibuk Soonika
10. Dragons 0.903 Kata Vilde
11. Stars 0.903 Harry Carpet
12. Panthers 0.902 Knox Booth
13. Specters 0.901 Aleister Cain
14. Wolfpack 0.889 Johannes Leitner
15. Jets 0.888 Vivian Leblanc
16. Chiefs 0.887 Sebastien Primeau
17. Renegades 0.884 Eddy Ask Jr

PKSV% (min 100 save attempts)
1. Stars 0.929 Harry Carpet
2. Panthers 0.922 Knox Booth
3. Stampede 0.920 Cedric Robinson
4. Platoon 0.916 Beaujeaux Biscuit
5. Dragons 0.912 Kata Vilde
6. Chiefs 0.905 Sebastien Primeau
7. Steelhawks 0.905 Geezus Kryyst
8. syndicate 0.903 Tibuk Soonika
9. Barracuda 0.896 Benjamin Blue
10. Wolfpack 0.889 Johannes Leitner
11. pride 0.887 Chris Partridge
12. Specters 0.883 Aleister Cain
13. Renegades 0.878 Eddy Ask Jr
14. Jets 0.872 Vivian Leblanc
15. Blizzard 0.868 Tommy Tuck
16. Jets 0.867 Walter Hobbs
17. Rage 0.861 Peter Larson

Saved by post
1. Stars 60 Harry Carpet
2. Dragons 57 Kata Vilde
3. Barracuda 51 Benjamin Blue
4. syndicate 44 Tibuk Soonika
5. Wolfpack 44 Johannes Leitner
6. Jets 42 Walter Hobbs
7. Specters 42 Aleister Cain
8. Panthers 41 Knox Booth
9. Stampede 41 Cedric Robinson
10. Platoon 39 Beaujeaux Biscuit
11. Blizzard 39 Tommy Tuck
12. pride 39 Chris Partridge
13. Steelhawks 38 Geezus Kryyst
14. Chiefs 38 Sebastien Primeau
15. Rage 34 Peter Larson
16. Jets 29 Vivian Leblanc

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[Image: aawil.gif]

Haven't been able to find time to write an analysis for each team but some quick notes:

NOLA was once again the best possession team in the league but underperformed (it feels like simon hates you for no reason, you were definitely good enough to win at least once over the past 5 seasons)
Since S46 Tampa has had a high pdo every even season (S50, S48, S46) and low pdo every odd season (S49, S47) so will be interesting to see how they do in S51
NEW is still good but their sim luck regressed compared to S49
Minnesota was... a top 3 team and historically unlucky? (Watson - Gibbles - Mayfield was the best corsi line in shl, really surprising results)
WKP had a bad season for the first time in forever
Texas was historically bad

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[Image: aawil.gif]

This says my player should be good... I blame minny

[Image: badwolf221B42.gif]
[Image: DpCJiuF.png]

1st in steals for D-men and 3rd in turnovers. Yep sounds about right.

[Image: lebbish.gif]

@"aaronwilson" So by analytics, is it fair to say the Jets were a wild card team pushed out of playoff position by some bad special teams and rough goaltending in the first half of the season? I'm still not sure what half of these numbers mean lol.

[Image: 0K3YdqN.png]

Former Agent of Nick Brain: Center/Right Winger -  Aurora  Stars

14th in PDO and made the playoffs

Simon is crazy person

[Image: ml002.gif]
Credit to Copenhagen, Wasty, FlappyGiraffe, InciteHysteria, and caltroit_red_flames
 [Image: MM4nqx6.png] [Image: Niz2wua.png][Image: egAspOO.png] Knights
[Image: GZ9XvkA.png]


lol texas

Thank you post! Bowdown

[Image: zS2lCMp.png] 

[Image: carpy48.gif]
sigs either by @Wasty, @Nokazoa, @sulovilen, @"Capt_Blitzkrieg", @sköldpaddor, @Ragnar, @enigmatic, @Lime or myself

Stars Lions Berserkers
[Image: p1gG0LD.png][Image: DKMMlC3.png][Image: sXDU6JX.png][Image: ctsxTFg.png]
my portfolio | my sig shop | gfx discord
[Image: 3GX9nYb.png]
[Image: AfpXX8l.png]

11-13-2019, 04:41 AMCarpy48 Wrote: Thank you post!  Bowdown

I feel very differently

[Image: tomasnz.gif]

Player Page

Well that seems like good news considering how brutal my first half was.

Alonzo Garbanzo Final Tallies (Among Defensemen):
2nd in Goals (208), All-Time Assists Leader (765)*, All-Time Points Leader (973), 3rd in Hits (2587), All-Time Blocked Shots Leader (1882)*
*All-Time Leader Among All Skaters
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11-12-2019, 07:10 PMaaronwilson Wrote: NOLA was once again the best possession team in the league but underperformed (it feels like simon hates you for no reason, you were definitely good enough to win at least once over the past 5 seasons)

Sounds about right.

[Image: JKortesi81.gif]

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11-12-2019, 07:32 PMStadiumGambler Wrote: @"aaronwilson" So by analytics, is it fair to say the Jets were a wild card team pushed out of playoff position by some bad special teams and rough goaltending in the first half of the season? I'm still not sure what half of these numbers mean lol.

Your sv% at 5 on 5 was a bit low but it was offset by a top-3 shooting %, so your PDO (luck) is within the expected range. Because of that and positive corsi (51.98%) you finished with a positive goal differential at even-strength (+14 I believe), and it's fair to say that Winnipeg was a good team at even-strength. So the biggest reason Jets missed the playoffs is the league-worst PK% and PP that wasn't good enough to make up for the bad PK.

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[Image: aawil.gif]

Minny Second line literally tops the Corsi charts and we miss playoffs with like 5 games left in the season..... ooof. Hopefully next season the blood rituals to Simon work better.

[Image: spartangibbles.gif]
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