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S51 PT #2 - New Attributes


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I think a cool attribute would be, for lack of a better term, "locker room presence". It would reflect somebody who is good in the room, is a good teammate, and a good leader. I'm probably stretching the capabilities of a sim engine, but it would be cool if it affected how well you played with other guys, how often you get passed to, if you're likely to drop the mitts for a momentum change, etc. In the FHM screenshots, it looks like there's Leadership and Team Player, so I guess it'd be pretty similar to that. But it'd be cool if you could take it even further and have it affect actual play on the ice.

As for me, I'd put a ton of TPE into that. Sasha Dangelchek isn't necessarily the most skilled player on the ice, but I'd make damn sure he's one of the most popular and well-liked. Even Dangelchek's opponents would want him to score because he has so much charisma. That's just how I roll, baby.

172 words

[Image: danglechek.png]

I think ideally we would split defensive abilities into several subcategories. Stuff like ice vision, positioning, self-loathing (leading to higher willingness to block shots), stick moves and such would be really nice to diversify defenseman and allow everyone granularity to their builds STHS doesn't even come close to dreaming about. Obviously I think these would have to get some sort of a collective defensive rating to make it a bit easier to read right away, and all 4 would be sort of sub-skills, so they would be easier to improve so one isn't stuck dumping TPE into stick moves forever and ever, but maybe trying to make it so you can't max out more than two of these and just have a little bit of an extra ability to differenciate between different defenseman in the league and see who does what, how he achieves it and what's the most succesful strategy that everyone copies almost instantly after it gets discovered. Oh well.

Manhattan Rage | General Manager
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thanks Sulovilen for the sig!
D | Manhattan Rage | Czechia

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thanks @Carpy48 and @frithjofr and @rum_ham and @Julio Tokolosh and @Briedaqueduc for the sigs
Armada Inferno norway

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LA Panthers Goaltender

I would like an attribute called either hockey IQ or intelligence. That's one of the intangibles, the difference between making a silly no-look pass Sergachev style or making a brilliant pass off the wall to an open man. The key to everything, to knowing what to do in all situations, to positioning yourself correctly in both zones, the key to outsmarting the opposing goalie to put the puck in the back of the net. It would effect every aspect of the player's game and their effectiveness in all situations, and I think it would go a long way to separating the veterans from the rookies as it would likely be built up after establishing the basics. Since I already have high ratings, maxed ratings in STHS, in every major category, I would immediately start pouring boatloads of TPE into intelligence. I think this would finally help my player have a higher shooting percentage and would also make him even more effective on the penalty kill for positioning reasons. It would help him intercept more passes by reading them as well, shoring up my defensive game.



The first stat we should add is the Marchand Index in which the higher you are the more ratlike your appearance and the more likely you are to steal cheese and horrify your opponents as you pin them to the boards and they scream for help. On top of that a Licking stat would also be useful in conjunction with the Marchand Index and fighting stat in which you can decimate an opponent’s game by sharing the flu or some other disease with them and give them a proper tongue bath. Other great stats would be the Ottawa Senators Status Quo stat for GMs in which the higher it becomes the more assets have to be sold off for nickels on the dollar and you pick up players that would rather commit suicide in a soggy Detroit Methadone Clinic than ever play for your team again. I think another interesting stat we could add would be a Gritty Factor in which the more you are able to jiggle your midsection and spin your eyes in random directions the better your contracts.

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welfare for Donini13 on PBE

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(This post was last modified: 12-06-2019, 06:49 PM by Fantobens.)

You could add a couple of attributes that could affect each other.
One could be constitution. And it’s counterpart could be dick index.
The higher your rating in dick index could affect players with lower constitution to take a penalty or give away the puck. Conversely, someone with a high dick index makes a play on someone with a higher constitution, it would have the same affect on the dick.
Dicks would also take more penalties but be able to swing momentum after an opponent scores.
High constitution would not only lessen penalties taken, but also negate a small percentage of an opponents checking and or toughness.
Lower dick index or constitution would have opposite adverse effects.
Someone with a low constitution would face opponents with a small increase in checking and toughness, and would also be weak towards players with high dick index.
Players with low dick index would see a small percentage loss to their own checking and tougness. But they would take less penalties.
Once your dick index is below 40 you will be known as a punk.
Punks leave the ice whenever someone with a high dick index or high constitution comes on the ice for the opposite team. The punk will also miss their next shift.
Because they are a punk.

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Hi, hhh81 here. There are SO MANY attributes I’m thrilled for if we switched sim engines. A lot of the things I wanted Darrow to thrive in just aren’t possible in STHS. I like that the defensive stats expand to 7 from 3 (Checking/Faceoffs/Defense), especially with Checking and Hitting being different stats. But, in all honesty, I’m most hyped for there to be attributes like shot blocking, stickchecking, and positioning, which would allow me to round out Darrow’s defensive game more completely than with the current model. I had a little goal to lead the league in shots blocked in juniors, but no one seemed to have any clue what attributes really influence shots blocked (still don’t, to this very day). I would probably try to max Positioning, Stickchecking, and Defensive Read as soon as I can to be rock solid in my own end.

Beyond that, I’m super interested in the mental attributes. I know that people keep saying those will either be hidden (which is stupid) or fixed for everyone (I don’t like that either), but I’m holding out a little hope we can have some influence on those, somehow.

The main thing this shift would do is abandon Cassius Darrow as a fantasy option. I wouldn’t devote as much to Scoring or Checking as I kinda have to now, considering the point in my development I am. Fantasy is going to be a mess anyway, so I’m not super concerned about being the next fantasy steal.

Platoon Elk Elk Platoon
Argonauts Argonauts

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Thank you karey, OrbitingDeath Ragnar, and sköldpaddor for sigs! 
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There are 2 attributes I would like to see added into the sim when/if we switch over. The first would be truculence. The higher it is, the more of a grinder you are and the better chance you have of having Brian Burke love you as a player. Now who doesn't want ot see Burkie happy? I think this is one of the better attributes that could be added into the sim. The second attribute would be, of course, intangibles. You had to see that one coming with the first attribute I had already added in. What are intangibles exactly? They are just hockey sense in a way, but deeper. No one really understands what either one of these are unless you have a 4d outlook of hte world such as Brian Burke. Players may have the eye test, but if they score low on either of these, they are completely useless and should never even sniff the SHL.

[Image: Bk1689.gif]

One stat that I believe would be fun to have would be a "Penalty Draw" or ability to draw penalties. I don't mean diving like Lapierre, or licking someone in the face like Marchand, but laying a big check and drawing retaliation, being too fast and getting hauled down.
Actually perhaps this category could be expanded on, there could be diving likelihood, and ability to cover up dives as well. There could be a weasel rating from Brodeur to Avery, because as annoying as they are they are valid strategies. You could draw a big penalty for your team late in a key game.
I do think ability to go out and draw a cross check because you plant yourself in front of the net and you are not going to be moved, or a trip because you are moving too fast is a nice ability to have and it could be an interesting addition to the 3rd or 4th lines. Not only did I kill off a shift and let the Mike Izzy's of the world rest up, but they are hitting the ice with a fresh power play, what a support move!

[Image: kAmrGQb.jpg]



Adding some of the less tangible attributes of a player would be very interesting I think, both on and off the ice. Here is a list of a couple of attributes that I think could really add some character to player character. And perhaps most importantly, it doesn't require users to write extensive background information pieces on their players, something that some people find very difficult to do. I would group these new attributes into their own category, which I will call Intangibles. These attributes will work much in the same way as the other player attributes do, however, when creating a new player they would be more flexible in order to create a unique feel for your player. They would not use the same TPE as the on-ice attributes but instead would be gained through a separate progression system. They would in no way be critical to player development but would provide a bonus for users that want to put the extra effort in to really creating a unique player avatar.

Intangible Attributes:

Psyche: How your player handles losing, losing streaks and chirping. Low totals would mean small penalties to all attributes during losing streaks as well as an increased chance of being goaded into taking penalties. Basically, a protective layer for frustration.

Chirping: A high value in the chirping attribute would increase the chance of drawing penalties from opposing teams as well as improving morale for your own team. Chirping is checked against Psyche and Discipline to determine if it is successful. If high enough, it can also provide a morale bonus for teammates. This would provide a small bonus for a very limited time.

Mad Lad points: Basically, this will increase the likelihood of a player being liked by his teammates. If this attribute is low, it can lead to increased morale decreases during losing streaks. If it is high, it will provide a buffer for losing as well as potentially give small bonus to players that are on the same line.

Combine this with the Morale and Leadership system that we are not currently using and voila! You have more depth in the league and more diversity in the playerbase.

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