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S52 SMJHL PT 1 - Training Days

Training camp marks your first days on the ice with your new team. But it's not all work and no play. It's the perfect opportunity to get to know your new teammates, and it's the perfect opportunity for the vets to prank the new kids. Did you escape unscathed?


Written option: Recount an amusing story from training camp. Must include 150 words.
Graphics option: Create a graphic version of your team's week long training camp schedule.

4 TPE for doing the thing. (Just one of the options, not both.)

Only S52 SMJHL Rookies (S53 SHL Rookies) are eligible for this PT.

Do NOT claim TPE for this task until a post has been made in the claim thread.

Link PBE or NSFL submissions here to get credit for Welfare claims.

Deadline Sunday 2/2 @ 10pm PST

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Sigs by: King, Tweedledunn, Me
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We signed a free agent a little ways through training camp. Mattias Birdstrom. Cool guy, great pickup. When he got here it was a little past halfway through the day. We were all out on the ice and he had just shown up to the locker room. Somebody came out and mentioned the new guy was here. Poor Andrei. I guess he hadn't been paying attention to our signings, because he immediately perked up and gasped, "Sergei?" We immediately realized what was about to happen and skated over to calm him down and explain but it was too late. Andrei flew towards the locker room yelling, "Sergei! My brother! They have found you!" Mattias had barely made an appearance when Andrei knocked him over and landed on top. Andrei took one look and frowned. "You not Sergei," he pointed out. He crawled off of Mattias and dejectedly left for locker room. Mattias laid on the ground for a minute. He finally stood up and asked, "What was that?".

"That," I replied, "was Andrei."

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Germany Berserkers Stampede Stars Barracuda syndicate Blizzard
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Honestly, I hadn't interacted with Andrei much before joining the Bersekers. Just saw him here and there at the draft orientation, heard some stories about the guy that passed through the grapevine. Honestly didn't think much of it in all of the excitement of getting drafted but who else was the first to greet me when I joined the team?
"Oh! Andrei."

Right away you could tell this guy had a huge personality and this wasn't going to be like any other team. Like one day we had been coming in for our prospects camp and walked into the lockeroom with posters plastered all over the place. "have you see my brother?" came from behind us.
"Oh, Andrei."

By now with the new season about to start I think most of us have settled in. Some of us not so much. Our coach unfortunately seems to have a closed door meeting with a certain guy who's been egging for top line minutes with (Thomas) Vanice who has been on fire in the preseason. I always hear coach rub his temples after each meeting.


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(This post was last modified: 01-26-2020, 01:32 PM by Aephino.)

This past week, there was one memorable... incident. This day we were focused on fitness, so training was brutal that session; we must have done a dozen suicides back to back before coach finally called us over to have a water break. With all my remaining energy, I skated as fast as I could to the benches. Some of the trainers had been putting down our water bottles, but I practically yanked one out of their hands to start re-hydrating my body. I took a massive gulp, and as soon as I swallowed, I knew that something was wrong. I turned around to warn the other guys, but they had been just as eager as me to drink their water. Someone cried out "it's f****** pickle juice!" and just the image of pickles was enough for me. I vomited all of it back up and my face was flush with embarrassment and anger. I noticed Fred was a little late to the bench, so he asked for a new water bottle... I'm not pointing fingers, but I didn't see anyone else avoid the prank.

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Here's a fun story the team will be laughing about for a while. One day during the training camp was particularly physically intensive. We had just finished skating some suicides and coach called us all over to the bench to go over what we'd be doing next and to give us a much needed break. The trainers had already set out the water bottles so everyone was able to quickly grab one. I was one of the last guys to get there so I had just barely grabbed my bottle when I heard a couple of guys yell "What the F***?!?" 
I looked around and several people were spitting out their drinks. I even think I saw Edward Williams going to the bench to throw up. I opened up my bottle and saw that it wasn't water, but something yellowish. I took a whiff and nearly gagged. Someone had replaced all the water bottles with pickle juice. Everyone started shouting at each other trying to figure out who had done it. Apparently like there were several more people who hadn't drank any yet and everyone was blaming us.
We never did find out who did it. Personally, I think it was Magnus Liljestrom. I swear he was grinning while everyone was spitting and throwing up all over each other. At the end of practice, though, we all had a good laugh about it and I think it brought us closer together as a team.

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The day it happened was like any other day of training first.  I woke up early to eat my two loaves of bread, three bananas, pound of bacon, 10 eggs scrambled, and drink my gallon of whole milk just like I do before I start every day. Only this time, I forgot that coach moved the start of practice to one hour before the usual time.  I only realized this as the last drop of milk hit my tongue and it clicked, I was going to be late.  I rushed to get all my pads, sticks, and my skates situated then ran to my car and sped to the rink.  As I sprinted to the locker room and busted through the door, I felt immense relief as I had arrived just in enough time to quickly suit up and take the ice with the boys.

We were working on conditioning drills before a much needed water break when I felt something weird.  My stomach started to rumble and I realized I was going to shit my pants if I didn’t get to the bathroom immediately.  The dairy was NOT sitting well as I did not have enough time to digest before being thrown into conditioning drills. 

After flushing all my impurities down the toilet and saying a quick prayer to Odin, I went back to my locker area to grab the gallon of pickle juice I usually keep in my bag to help with cramps.  I looked and looked, even emptying my bag and it was nowhere to be found.  I figured I must’ve forgotten it this morning in my rush to get to the rink.

As I walked back to the ice, I got a great view of Edward Williams throwing up on the bench as the rest of the team was cursing up a storm.  I thought “Damn boys are we really this out of shape after doing our morning conditioning?”.

I grabbed a water bottle from a trainer before thinking about it too much, and what I tasted was not water.  No, it was the delicious salty brine that I had been looking for.  It was my pickle juice, and we had a juice thief on our hands.  I have my suspicions of who it is, I know I see Zoltan Topalo eyeing my pickle juice every practice.

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One day of training camp stands out because it was such a nice break from the others! One particular morning, at the end of practice, the coach only had us skate something like twelve suicides! I couldn't believe how lucky we were! I finished up the drill with a smile, trying to get the most out of the light workout.

I saw the staff lining up water bottles as we finished, and I couldn't wait to cap off the perfect practice with a full bottle of water. I took one sip and my eyes lit up. "It's fucking pickle juice!" I shouted with joy, as I downed the rest of my bottle and started on another that Williams had dropped. On my way off the ice, I made a point to thank the coach for the light practice and delicious treat. I couldn't be happier to be part of an organization that takes such good care of it's team!

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The first day of training camp was one that I'll surely never forget. We spent most of the day working on conditioning and learning the coach's system. By the time we were done and headed back to the locker room I was completely fried, I could barely lift my arms above my head and my legs felt like Jello. I got back to my stall and started pulling my gear off when a bunch of the vets grabbed me, hoisted me up into the air and rushed me into the showers. I was absolutely terrified! They pushed me up against the shower in the middle and taped me there butt naked. Then they turned the cold water on and everybody on the team came by and gave me purple nurples. Now everybody calls me "purps" and I'm not sure if my nipples will ever be the same.

Affliate PT task

Affiliation PT

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When i arrive to new team i tell coach : i am best player. I shoot, I hit, I score, I win. You put me 1st line with pass player, we win.
Coach tell me : no
I tell coach : if you not, you disappear like Sergei

hahaha is just prank

When coaches say they choose captain, i tell them i am Captain.
Coaches tell me : no
I tell coaches : if you not, you disappear like Sergei

hahaha is just prank

When i see team lines :
Center Left Wing Right Wing Time % Phy DF OF
1 Rintarou Okabe Thomas Vanice Cody 35 0 0 5
2 Riley Kuse Steve Harrington Slatt Potts 25 0 1 4
3 Johnny Patey (Clean) Andrei Kostitsyn Patric Twist 20 0 3 2
4 Riley Kuse Mattias Birdstrom Ryuuji Minamino 20 0 3 2

I tell Vanice and Harrington : let me play line 1
they say : no
i tell them : if you not, you disappear like brother Sergei

hahaha joke again

When sweg tell me he likes young women
i tell them :
me too !

When league no update me, i tell them : please update
they tell me : no
I tell them : if you not, you disap-
they say : okay okay
they update me
league is big brain. league no disappear.

no prank to them

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Training camp has been a great experience to get to know the rest of the Raptors players and start to learn our system. I’ve been lucky to be also playing in the WJC on Team Sweden alongside Henrik Lundqvist Jr. and Henrik Lekberg Osterman, fellow Swedes and Raptors. Getting to play with two older Colorado players over in Moscow has given me a chance to get to know them better. Henrik Lekberg Osterman is also the Captain of the Raptors this year which made it even cooler getting to spend some time with him in Moscow.

Although with all the extra time I’ve spent with those guys, they now like to prank me extra hard. One night in Colorado after practice, they made me take them to this local burrito place. Just before we started eating, they asked me to go get fill up their drink. When I came back and took a bite of my burrito I realized they put some of the spiciest hot sauce I’ve ever had in there. Coming from a diet of meatballs and salted fish, I thought my mouth might fall off.

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Sven Svenson is the Proud Father of Johnny Wagner-Svenson

Sven Svenson Career Stats

Sweden Raptors pride
(This post was last modified: 02-03-2020, 12:38 AM by AlexF.)


During training camp, I felt homesick. I missed the food from home, and there wasn't any place nearby that I could get it. I got bored, and started snooping around in the locker room to see if anyone had anything that would alleviate my homesickness - that's when I found it. The gallon jar of pickle juice inside Toki's bag that screamed out "USE ME! I EXIST TO BE USED!" I knew better than to ignore the call of the prank - it would itch and nag at me otherwise. I went over to the big orange cooler that the team trainers would fill the on-bench water bottles with, and dumped the whole jar of pickle juice in there, before going and burying the empty jar in the bottom of the recycle bin. I did, of course, take a sip, and smack my lips before doing so. It was delicious. Pickly, briny, sweet, sour, the whole kit and caboodle.

Later on, during practice, the team looked pretty gassed after some suicides. I was doing okay, because I had built up my endurance a bit, but some people (looking at you, Williams) were really struggling, and were the first to the benches for water. Or should I say... "water." Williams took a big squirt, his face turned green (as a pickle! ha!) and puked. Success! Laughing

Zoltan and Burlok downed their bottles with glee, I guess those guys must really like the juice. I sipped mine carefully to avoid suspicion, but I couldn't stop smiling. I think Fred saw me, and he probably suspects me. Oh well, that just means he moves up the list in priority.

Oh, to cap it off, I found a can of surströmming in Toki's bag that I snagged! That should tide me over for a while before I start hankering for more Scandinavian food.

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First day of training camp. Meeting everyone for the first time and get to know my new teammates. In locker room I notice my place is next to fellow Finn Barkov and on the other side I find couple Scandinavians as well, Svenson from Sweden and Cerullo from Norway. We had some friendly banter before we hit the ice. As soon as I enter the rink I fall over. I didn't realize why this happened so I tried to get up only to fall again. Then I notice Svenson and Cerullo laughing behind me and saying: " Maybe you should remove your blade guards first hot shot." 

On the next day before practice I made sure I removed my blade guards before entering the rink. So I hit the ice and the same thing happens! I´m cursing on the ice in finnish as I crawl back to the bench. As Im wondering what hell happened Barkov skates by me and points towards two laughing guys who are on the ice, Svenson and Cerullo.  Those damn pranksters putted transparent tape under my blades! 

" Scandinavian prank war is on, perkele" I said to Barkov, who nodded in agreement.

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 Raptors Raptors Sweden Thanks to @JSS for the sig! Sweden Barracuda Barracuda 

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