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S52 PT #1 - The Anthology Vol. I
(This post was last modified: 01-26-2020, 11:05 PM by hotdog.)

If things proceed as expected, S52 will be the end of an era for the SHL. We're excited about all that is to come in the future, but this, too, serves as a good time to look back and reflect on the past. The PTs of S52 will together comprise an anthology of sorts about your player's career to this point. Obviously, players are at a variety of different stages in their careers, so some people have more reflection to do than others, but the prompts will be appropriate for everyone, no matter their player's age. 
This week, in Volume I, let's start at the very beginning of your player's trajectory towards superstardom. 
Written task: Write 150+ words about your player's early childhood as they began their long journey to the SHL. What was it like the first time they picked up a stick or put on the pads? Was your player already a naturally-talented superstar before hitting double digits in age? Was your player a bit slower to pick up the sport? Focus in this PT on the earliest portion of your player's life and their relationship with the sport of hockey during that time.
Graphic task (these are gonna be a bit tricky to make relevant within this anthology theme but I'll do my best): Show us a scene from your player's early childhood that displays their relationship with the sport of hockey. Perhaps in their bedroom surrounded by posters of their favorite SHL teams or stars, or tentatively stepping onto the ice for the first time with their favorite team's sweater on. Something along those lines (make sure to at least work some SHL teams' logos or players in there somewhere).

You will receive 3 capped TPE for fulfilling all requirements.

This PT will close Sunday, February 2nd at 10pm ET.

Welfare claims from either PBE or NSFL are accepted! (if you’re claiming welfare and have a different username on the affiliate's site then you need to state that in your post to get credit.)

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thanks @Carpy48 and @frithjofr and @rum_ham and @Julio Tokolosh and @Briedaqueduc for the sigs
Armada Inferno Norway

Reginald MacIntyre was able to translate a few things over from the Scottish Highland sport of shinty, though getting on the ice and doing the same thing took much more time and put him behind the curve of other children his age. He had first fallen in love with the game of hockey on holiday to Sweden as he and his family went to a local club match on a lark. Learning to skate on ice was a challenge, especially as there were few places available in the country, though they found a place in Inverness to at least get him started. Once he learned to skate, he took on a youth club league. He took up defenseman from the start as he wasn't nearly as mobile or accustomed to the pace of actual play as other children his age who had been at it for at least a couple of years. There was one boy in particular, the son of Canadian ex-pats, who blew circles around everyone and he hated having to go against in particular. He drove MacIntyre to improve and work at it any chance he could, though, since it gave the newbie someone to aspire to beat.

Speedwagon Player Page | Speedwagon Updates Page 

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Written task: Write 150+ words about your player's early childhood as they began their long journey to the SHL. What was it like the first time they picked up a stick or put on the pads? Was your player already a naturally-talented superstar before hitting double digits in age? Was your player a bit slower to pick up the sport? Focus in this PT on the earliest portion of your player's life and their relationship with the sport of hockey during that time.

Hockey has been instilled in me ever since i was born in Vancouver, BC Canada. I began skating at the young age of 3 and have been in the game of hockey ever since then. From my parents recollection and old video tapes I stumbled and fell down a lot during my childhood days, but I kept working on skating and maintaining my balance while on skates. 
After I got the hang of skating, I started to use a hockey stick and puck handle with a puck. Fast forward a few years later and I was playing pee-wee hockey and dominating the league. I would have to say it was around this time of my life that I decided to take hockey seriously and pursue playing hockey into the junior level and aspirations of one day making it to the SHL. 
It still feels surreal to even be writing this as I remember watching the SHL on my TV when i was younger and now that I am actually here and have even managed to win a Challenge Cup still feels like a dream to me. Who knew a little kid from Vancouver, BC would end up playing in the SHL. 

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Thank you @Stadacona for the Chaewon player sig!


All over the post soviet countries, the ice hockey is one of the most prestigious sports and it requires big dedication from a young age. At the same time it requires finances as the equipment is not that cheap. Danila started his first ice hockey practices when he was just 5 years old. I mean if you could even call that a practice. It was more trying to stay on the skates and learn how to skate. It starts so early to get the kids to the lifestyle what is - ice hockey. Practice before school, then school, then practice after school. Danila's father wanted him to be a forward, but that is another reason why kids start so early, so the coaches can see where you would fit in the best. If you start older, you have made your choice for whatever reason you want to play that position, when in reality you might not be good in it. So the coach saw how good Danila's defensive game was with positioning himself in the right positions to stop the rivals and also he saw his bad shot that was lacking precision and power. Around age of 8 Danila started properly train as a defenseman and in merely 5-6 years he was one of the best young defense players in his age category in the whole Ukraine.

Knights - Player Page - Update Page - Knights

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(This post was last modified: 01-27-2020, 12:19 AM by Ferda.)

Us at the Bois News Network (BNN) have followed Augustus Wang's development from a young toddler as his parents are my fellow countrymen that immigrated from Hong Kong to Mississauga, Ontario, in hopes of giving their child the best future possible. The Wang Gang had a difficult time putting food on the table, but that didn't stop Augustus from learning how to play hockey. Augustus grew up in a relatively poor neighbourhood consisting mainly of minorities from disadvantaged backgrounds. Even though all of the kids, including Augustus, were feeling the pressures of poverty, they were all able to find solace in playing street hockey together every day after school against the rich kids in the neighbourhood up the hill. Augustus was a peculiar figure because he hit puberty relatively early and was very new to the sport of hockey. Although, this did not deter Augustus from learning how to play and defeat only made his desire to learn the sport even stronger. The only unfortunate thing was that due to his size and lack of money to buy equipment (heck he even has problems paying for that overpriced shit now), Augustus played with a wrong-handed stick. However, due to Augustus' size and strength due to his earlier growth spirt, him and his friends from the impoverished neighbourhood eventually won their first game because Augustus was too much to be contained that day as he steamrolled through the rich kids. After that fateful day, Augustus' friends decided to nickname him "Big Wanger", which is the nickname that he continues to go by today. One of the rich kids' parents (who chooses to remain anonymous), who happened to be the coach of the local minor hockey team, watched as his child got demolished by a big hit and decided that it would be in good faith to provide Augustus with the funds and opportunity to learn how to play ice hockey. Augustus' road to the SMJHL, and hopefully the SHL, has been full of turbulence, but he is a classic case of hard work and athleticism combined with the opportunity given by a generous parent. As a result of Augustus' experiences, he always plays with a chip on his shoulder because he has always been disadvantaged and underestimated throughout his entire life. All he wants to do is to prove everyone wrong and make his parents proud by playing the sport that he grew up loving, even though the odds have always been stacked against him.

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Armada        Canada        Stampede
Falcons        Usa
(This post was last modified: 01-27-2020, 02:50 AM by DeletedAtUserRequest.)

Scouts have been monitoring Mike Izzy’s progression since the age of 7 when he through his tamagachi into the net in what Tim Bits refs considered an age appropriate goal, leading his team to a 12-11 victory in the finals and establishing himself as a cerebral leader on the ice.

By the age of 14, Izzy signed a waiver to skip high school hockey and jump straight into the CCHA (Community College Hockey Association) where Izzy's 2 way game excelled.. Named Captain in his Junior season the scholarship offers began to pile in! Offers from the school of culinary arts, beauty school and a partial bowling scholarship from Wichita state made Izzys decision must see TV! which is why his choice to become a free agent in the Simulation Hockey League in S34 became a note worthy event.

Mike's hard nose game is reminiscent of others in the Izzy bloodline. Mikes dad won a college tournament in ping pong in his early 20's while Brother Barry played street hockey until his sophomore year of college where he took and passed a government exam which legally made him a mail man.

But none of them had the talent of the youngest Izzy who was drafted by the Kelowna Knights with the 22nd pick. As early as the the Tamagachi goal.. those that followed Mike Izzy’s career path knew that the Augment was destined for greatness.

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(This post was last modified: 01-28-2020, 03:18 AM by Katth.)

Barry Batsbak is originally from Dutch descent as his grandparents immigrated to Canada 35 years ago. Dutch people are known to be good at speed skating and field hockey, but icehockey, not so much. Barry's parents took him skating when he was 3 years old and not much later he received his first hockey stick from his grandfather and together with his father tought him how to play hockey early on. Barry enjoyed it a lot to be playing hockey on the backyard rink that his dad and grandfather build. As soon as Barry was able to play hockey competitively it showed he had talent, but also the motivation to go the extra mile. After practice he would stay out on the ice and practice his slapshop or practice break aways. In his young years he broke many local minor hockey records. All of his trainers spoke highly of him and knew that some day he would be playing in the SHL and they were right.

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Barracuda Germany Scarecrows Knights

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S50 Challenge Cup Finals Game 7
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As a young kid in the Swiss mountains, we didn't get to see a lot of the SHL teams on TV. We did get to see a lot of Swiss hockey tho, living only a few miles away from the Vaudoise Aréna; home to the Laussanne HC.

Growing up in Lausanne, there was always some frienda father who'd hose down part of their backyard in the winter to make a rink for us to skate and play on. We'd wear hockey jerseys that were so big we had to wear a belt to keep us from tripping over them, playing with old, or broken, sticks we picked up after Lausanne HC's home games.

When I was 8 or 9 years old, one of my friends' dad too us to an open practice for one of the Lausanne youth teams. I loved it, playing with real equipment, in a real arena. Then and there, I knew this was what I wanted to do every day. So I bugged my parents all summer, and they signed me up for the next season. I had to play in secondhand equipment for the first few months, but once my parents saw how much I loved it they took me shopping for brand new gear.

I ended up playing my way all the way to the first team of Lausanne HC, before I moved here and got drafted into the SMJHL. But deep down inside, I'll always be that kid in an oversized jersey on a slab of frozen water in someones backyard.

Falcons Monarchs Switzerland   Switzerland Monarchs Falcons
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Falcons Monarchs Switzerland   Switzerland Monarchs Falcons
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Credit for the images goes to @Carpy48, @soulja, @fever95 and @Wasty

What a great point task as my player has not even played hockey while he was double digits in age, not even triple or quadruple digits. As Vorian Atreides is over 10000 years old (and lost track of his actual age) he might be the slowest player ever to pick up the sport. The earliest point in his career is straight before he signed up to the SMJHL, Atreides had never seen or played a game of hockey before, but he heard words of this league and it sounded like something he could definitely spend some time in. As he isn’t aging any further, he continuesly needs to keep finding new hobbies to find himself occupied.

So unlike all the other players who might have been fans of the Los Angeles Panthers for years, Atreides hardly had any connection to this league and it’s players. He didn’t know them but he was soon found out about it. After signing up to participate in the SMJHL draft it went fast for Atreides, and while he still nowhere is near a superstar, he is still in the early years for his hockey fandom, especially when you compare it to being around on this and other planets for the past 10000+ years.

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Update Thread - Player Page
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Former players:
Ivo Willems (S9 SMJHL) (S10-28 SHL)  
Xander Green  (S33-35 SMJHL) (S36-47 SHL)
Vorian Atreides (S49-51 SMJHL) (S52-61 SHL)


Henrik Lekberg Osterman was born and grew up in a rural part of central Sweden. Born just outside the small town of Filipstad in Värmland, his family had a long tradition of nordic skating and he began skating at the age of 3. He was first introduced to the sport of ice hockey at the game of 6 when his school won a trip to the local ice hockey club (FBK of the Swedish Hockey League) to watch a game. From that moment on he was hooked and his parents, although reluctant at first, signed him up to play for his local team in Filipstad. His play didn't stand out much at this age and he found it difficult to stick handle and to control the puck. Although this would change over time as he would spend countless hours at home practising his puck control. His greatest asset for most of his younger years in hockey was his skating. However, it is worth noting that he was still one of the least remarkable players on his team at this time.

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Williams has always been a hockey player. For the moment he was born his Grandpa made sure to teach him the sport. From watching the local Detroit club in the SMJHL, to rooting for the Calgary Dragons. Williams was always watching hockey. He picked up a lot of good things those early years just from watching. He was on skates at 3 years old and was quickly learning how handle the puck with his stick. By the time he was old enough to play in leagues, Williams quickly excelled to be the best player. He was always the fastest skater and one of the best shots. What set him apart from the rest of the young players was his ability to read plays, offensively and defensively. During his young days he made a friend from Chicago that played in net. That same net minder would stick with him in his Junior days as well as his professional days in New Orleans.


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Specters Monarchs Berserkers Scarecrows [Image: italian-flag.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=tO...eKFgvtgqU=]

Specters Armada Scarecrows Czechia
Panthers Specters Jets Scarecrows Usa [Image: 4star.png] [Image: challengecup.png] [Image: challengecup.png]
RIP Dangel #AD26  |  RIP TDZ
(This post was last modified: 01-27-2020, 10:26 AM by bluesfan55.)

Mitchell van der Heijden didn’t play hockey until he was 11. “Hockey has never been a huge sport in the Netherlands. So, of course, I started with football.” He was a star football player as a youngster in his hometown of Alkmaar, where he also excelled at field hockey. “Field hockey was great for me. It helped me become a leader, and stick handling in the game is extremely tough. That’s why I think my hands are as good as they are.” He picked up skating at the age of 9, at a local rink in his hometown, before finally lacing up the skates at 11 (as previously mentioned). “It was a struggle at first, cause I didn’t really enjoy the physical side of the game. Playing with a bunch of kids who knew I was more of a skill player and wanted to throw me off my game made me realize that I needed to bulk up. I wasn’t going to get pushed around much longer.” He says that playing on the Netherlands was fun, but not the challenge he needed. “It was too easy. The Dutch don’t prioritize hockey, hence why I moved to Switzerland to try it as a pro. I moved to Zurich and made it with ZSC, and played with them for a couple seasons. I loved my time in Switzerland. It helped me truly fall in love with the sport and made me realize that I could make it.”

Armada Monarchs Germany

Armada Steelhawks Switzerland

Armada Specters Wolfpack Steelhawks Forge Switzerland

Scarecrows pride Chiefs Riot Stars Blizzard Ireland

ty to @High Stick King @EvilAllBran and @Ragnar for the sigs

I think my journey in hockey really started at around 3. I say it is around 3 because I don’t actually have a clear memory of it, but that’s when my father said he took me out to the local pond that winter. He said that he put on skates that were slightly took big on him and held me in his arms while he skated around. The entire time I was laughing and hollering. It was the start of a wonderful relationship between me and my father. After he got tired (my father swears he was in adequate shape back then but I’ve seen pictures) I took some time to get on the ice myself much to my father’s horror. After a quick fall, I got back up and was scooting away by sliding on my feet. After that, I was practically inseparable from the ice for the rest of the winter. My father bought me skates and every morning we would go to the pond super early and get some skating in. At first it was just the momentous achievement of not falling over! I can’t remember how many times I went home with a bruised butt, but the first time I made it around that small pond was huge! I think learning without handrails was an interesting choice as I never had boards to smack against. If I got tired it was run into the snow or just take a controlled fall. Although back in those days a “controlled fall” meant more of a plop onto my knees. It took me practically the entire winter just to get around that pond. I was small and got tired easily, but I improved every day. I was going to be like the big stars!
But before all this, it was my second winter with skates and I was raring to go. If last year I was able to skate around the pond, it was going to be this year that I did it more than once! I was still going at it slow, or that was my plan to. The first day we hit the ice, my father surprised me with a wooden stick. He told me that if I was going to pretend to be greatest hockey player I needed the tool that would earn me my name. So I spent about a month skating around with my father watching until I was feeling more confident and I even started to pick up some speed. Some days I even went around 2-3 times without falling. It was simpler times… It was December when I got the real surprise in that my dad had signed me up for a camp that helped young children learn to be better hockey minded skaters. It was here that I would pick up the basics of the game that I had watched on TV and would learn the foundations of my skills going forward.
When I was 7, I stopped playing soccer in the summers and started playing street hockey. There were some kids who played in the neighborhood and I was itching to get some more practice in. My father let me stop playing soccer and every day was spent playing with the “Young Hooligans”. That’s what we called ourselves. We would all wake up in the morning and go to our church parking lot to play. No pad slap shots to the thighs were no joke, but in our rules you took one for the team. Or at least that was the theory, but I still played my offensively minded right wing. It was playing here that I learned that getting hit and getting back up again was important. Other kids were starting to catch up to me and I had to double down if I wanted to be the best in my town. I asked my father to look into off-season training as well. I wanted to be serious and my father could not have been happier. The rest was history as I improved my skills while growing up. I hit my stride really going into high school and haven’t looked back since.

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Credit to Vulfzilla for the awesome render pic
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(This post was last modified: 01-27-2020, 10:36 AM by takethehorizon.)

Written task: Write 150+ words about your player's early childhood as they began their long journey to the SHL. What was it like the first time they picked up a stick or put on the pads? Was your player already a naturally-talented superstar before hitting double digits in age? Was your player a bit slower to pick up the sport? Focus in this PT on the earliest portion of your player's life and their relationship with the sport of hockey during that time.

Cillian Kavanagh did not have it easy growing up just outside of Belfast, Ireland. Ice hockey was simply not a sport that was played all that often. All throughout grade school Cillian played rugby and hurling as those were the sports Cillian's friends played. It was not until Cillian was in high school did he ever think of becoming a hockey player. As hockey was beginning to become bigger throughout Europe, Cillian dreamed of what it would be like to play on ice with these talented individuals. While not the greatest skater, Cillian was always in the top pairing on his hurling team because of his quick feet and fast reflexes. Young Kavanagh became acquainted with the goaltender position in hockey and his young legacy began. After school Cillian practiced his reflexes with a tennis ball on the back of the school at which he attended. His 'ma purchased a pair of roller blades and a net so that he may practice in his driveway. Cillian would invite his friends over to fire pucks at him everyday before and after school. Cillian bought his first pair of goaltender pads and headed to university in order to make a name for himself.

Word Count: 201

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Strom Chamberlain hadn't always enjoyed hockey.  There was a period in time in his youth that all he ever wanted to do was aspire to play in the NBA, despite being born and raised in the predominantly baseball oriented town that is St. Louis.  It wasn't until one of his closest friends took him along to at St. Louis Scarecrows game in February of 1999 during his 8th grade year that he became hooked.  He still played basketball, as there were no avenues at the time for high school based hockey teams, but the transition of his fandom grew apparent.  By the time his senior year rolled around in 2002, his posters had all transitioned to Scarecrow and Syndicate posters.  His friend, who got him hooked on the sport, made sure a couple times to get tickets to Syndicate games, and they always shared season tickets to the Scarecrows (since, they were far more affordable).

In college, Strom found his way in.  The local junior college had a hockey team.  He tried out initially as a defensive forward, but due to his size he lacked the speed and agility that was needed for quick turns on the ice.  His coach tried him out in team practices as a goaltender, and the rest is history.  From grade school fantasy, to first round pick by Winnipeg...all that is left for Strom to do, is play for his goal of being in the SHL has already been achieved.

WC: 248

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