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S53 PT #1 - Shelter At Home

Josef would just spend the lockdown time working out. With no rink to skate on he would be limited in what he could do but staying fit would be important. He's also a bit of a cook so with whatever was around the house, assuming supplies were still coming in, he'd experiment with a few new recipes. He'd probably stay in touch with management to see what he should be doing and see how everyone else was doing. Other than that, finding a new show to marathon and catching up on his watchlist. If he made it through all that, he'd jump back into Final Fantasy XIV and level a few new jobs. I'd imagine all that would get boring after a while so he'd probably end up just jumping into a book after a while. Even in lockdown, we are pretty lucky there there are plenty of things to do for the most part.

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Highlanders Patriotes

Renegades  raiders  Finland
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Joln would be doing something any good citizen would do: shitpost on the internet. After being cheated out of the Bojo Biscuit. he heads to the internet under the alias "SexMan," he made a post on the ever so popular SHL Forums talking about how he was snubbed from the Bojo, citing the ammount of registered shot blocks and the Grit/60 metric. Despite being continually mocked by the site for being a quote on quote dumbass, and should get laid, he still persisted his case, ignoring the amount of people that said they banged his mom. Eventually, the thread was locked by a moderator with an anime profile picture, which he insulted via PM, and got banned from the site. However, it was not all in vain: some members of the site, mainly trolls, began to spread the hashtag "#FreeJoln", causing a mass ban and became a meme on the site for months to come

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Cain is just hanging with his girlfriend in his NOLA home. He hasn't been out on the ice much, but has been playing video games with his teammates. He's playing hockey video games with Nicholas Williams and his sister Wendy Cain, and for some reason Nic isn't passing to anyone. Now Aleister is a normal person and just thinks Nic is trying to cheese it and failing, but for some reason Wendy is getting pissed off and thinks he isn't passing to her because she's a girl. Nic and Aleister debate this, but Wendy is getting more and more adamant that this is textbook sexism. It kind of ruins the mood so Aleister decides to log off and order a pizza and watch some TV for the rest of the night. He is lucky that he is wealthy because being without a job would be really stressful otherwise.

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UsaScarecrowsBlizzardSpecters | [Image: specterspp.png][Image: spectersupdate.png] | TimberArmadaSpectersFinland

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If there was a massive pandemic Commander Shepard would stay inside his ship with his crew for the majority of the time to not risk spreading the disease. Since Shepard is part cyborg he cannot get the virus. There is quite a lot to do on the ship hell they could even leave the planet for a few weeks until they can come back. Despite that Shepard would spend time in the simulations working on his defensive game. Shepard would also catch up with his best friend Garrus. They had a few binging nights talking about the good ol days of saving the galaxy. He also had Grunt keep him in peak physical shape practing some sparring and head buts. After all that Shepard would volunteer at the local Winnipeg hospital helping out where he can in his space suit to insure no contamination. Shepard also brought EDI with him and the AI worked tirelessly to find a cure.

[Image: shepard.png][Image: giphy.gif][Image: TFOzBaZ.gif]
Thanks to @FlappyGiraffe and @ToeDragon84 for the making these sick sigs!

Quote:                            First Goal (3rd Game): Commander Shepard 1 (Nick Brain 1, Noah Gallagher 2) at 8:48


Tor Tuck is handling the quarantine time a lot like he handles his normal time. After this many seasons in the league Tor Tuck has an extensive facility in his home so he can do all of the exercises he needs to stay in hockey shape. In addition, several years ago he got a rink put in in his basement so he can even strap on his skates and really get the feel there. Unfortunately, he knows a lot of his fans are suffering because they are missing out on games for tickets they have purchased years ago. Tor Tuck is trying to do online events with season ticket holders so they feel taken care of. Furthermore, Tor Tuck is ordering as much as he can from local businesses so they can stay afloat during this particularly trying time for them. So far Tor Tuck has been able to keep himself fit and sane but it looks like there is going to be a lot more of this so hopefully he can stay sane.

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Taking part of the offseason to quarantine at home with his soon to be wife Anna Kendrick; would be an easy task for Collin Gibbles. The couple would spend the time alone in their Minnesota home slightly outside of the Twin Cities. After ensuring that there were stocked up on plenty of perishable foods as well as some fresh produce, the couple would have the next 3 weeks alone with each other and their two labrador retrievers. The couple would use this time to rekindle their relationship and continue to plan out their upcoming private wedding. Collin would be sure to make use of the in home gym they had installed last summer to keep in shape for the coming season. He would also take some time to practice his cooking skills in an attempt to help the couple be more self sufficient during the global crisis. There would be many starry nights spent on next to a bonfire just appreciating the nature around them.

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Outlungus   Usa Monarchs  Grizzlies  
(This post was last modified: 03-29-2020, 10:51 PM by RaginCajun.)

Alexei would be having a tough time with the quarantine for sure. Being in a all new city such as Calgary and barely knowing anyone outside of the team and not being familiar with his surroundings would be a bit disconcerting during such a crisis. Add on the fact his family is all the way in St. Petersburg and it reminds the young Russian he is far from home and not at his typical advantage of just flying back and forth like he usually does during an offseason. Though Alexei has the typical Russian spirit of persevering even during the most brutal of conditions and would take up skyping his parents and extended family on a regular basis and would be doing his damndest to find what kinds of food Calgary has to offer since Carolina BBQ is no longer an option. Alexei has become addicted to chicken parms though and keeps demanding the Big Parm send platters of it as he describes the food to his family back in Russia as he gorges himself.

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At least for a player in the SHL, quarantine is still a pretty big place. Luca Veccelli has a nice sized home outside of Manhattan near Maplewood, which gives him plenty of stuff to do. He's equipped himself with a nice home gym, which gives him plenty of room to keep up to game shape, hoping the season will come back soon. When the workouts are off, Veccelli still does what most people in their 20s do while stuck at home, he's watching Netflix and playing video games. If it weren't for the gloomy late winter/early spring weather, Veccelli could use his pool and other outdoor activities on his property. But really, Veccelli isn't much different from most people stuck at home. There's only so many different options for things to do while cooped up inside a house. And despite being a pro hockey player, Veccelli does still like to watch TV.

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Prince George Firebirds GM (S34-S36)
Toronto North Stars GM (S37-S43)
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Making bread of course. Ignore that I'm outside, the lighting was better and safety first, mask on.

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Outside of the business Jmac has with the SHL/SMJHL world, he loves to be somewhat of a hermit and play a lot of video games with his friends and hang with his girlfriend! Of course, since there is no going to the Detroit facility to work out and train, Jmac will have do it in his garage and backyard, as well as juggle some toilet paper with his hockey stick since that is the craze on social media these days. Now of course this can be hard on some days to not just want to lounge around the house and play video games all day, but his girlfriend helps keep in on track and go outside to run or swim and use weights in garage. Jmac has always had a big interest in cooking, and says that "If hockey wasn't his thing, he would have totally been a cook!". So, I would imagine he will be attempting to cook during this lock down for sure. Just like everyone else, Jmac will get through these hard times and come out even stronger. He is itching to get back to work but is okay to play a couple more games or Netflix shows about tigers lol.

Falcons (204 words) Chiefs

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Sig by @Ragnar / Avatar by @leviadan
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If we had to practice social distancing, I would be really heartbroken. I know it seems like as an enforcer, I am such an uncaring guy. But this couldnt be farther from the truth. I may be a violent guy, but that is just because I am just a physical person. Truly my favorite part of hockey isnt the smashing people in the face part, that is just an awesome side effect. The favorite part for me is all the close friendships you develop along the way, with both your teammates and fellow tough guys.

Being away from all these guys is really tough, and i've had a hole in my life it seems from chilling with all my Scarecrow brothers and sisters. To fill the void left, we have all tried to play a lot of NHL 20 together. Its a lot of fun for me, but the guys have wanted to stop playing because I keep causing so many penalties and losing us the EASHL matches. just like the real deal

Rintarou Okabe since going into isolation has been very bored. He’s watched a lot of television and played countless hours of video games. Okabe can’t even go to a gym to work on his form because all the gyms in his area has been shutdown until further notice. There is one thing that Okabe has been doing more than anything else is playing racing sims. He’s been practicing his heart out to maybe change his career some day. He’s always been fascinated by racing and the skills needed to be a professional racer. The current game he has been playing is gran turismo sport and Formula 1. He also has been reading about this new thing on the internet called simulation hockey. Apparently they use a sim engine called SimonT. After reading the shitshow that is Simon he said no thanks and went straight back to his video games. Okabe cannot wait until hockey is back.

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So as much as this quarantine was unexpected and puts a damper on Lando Norris' season, it ended up being one of the best things for him. Time back home with family at his parents farm. He took this time off as a chance to catch up with his family, play some games, continue his passion of making music and playing guitar as well as train long and hard every day for 3-4 hours. 

There are obviously a few downsides to this quarantine, Lando is stuck with back living with his 3 younger brothers and 2 younger sisters for many months, with no end in sight. He is unable to play the game he fell in love with at a young age with all his amazing team mates. He is unable to go see his friends but at least with the power of technology, they can have a weekly facetime sesh to catch up and play some games.

The main thing to get out of all this is that Lando Norris WENT HOME and is STAYING HOME.

What thomason has done in staying home is doing a lot of pushups. When he gets up in the morning, Thomason first starts with 100 pushups and 100 squats. He then eats a good breakfast and then goes and trains with puckhandling to keep my skills sharp. He goes around and in his apartment he goes on his stationary bike and starts riding it for an hour, getting his cardio in. He calls some of his teammates, and checks in with a couple rookies to see how they were handling being home more than often. Some of the rookies that Manhattan drafted he keeps in touch in. The group chat is always blowing up though. David Vent being one of the major talkers in there, as well as Phineas Gold. I tried to play some video games with Vent, but he keeps on beating me so I think im going to keep with card games.

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Czechoslovakia PROFILE || UPDATE || RAGE. Rage 
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Yeah, right. Like Fred Wanesly is gonna stay here in the United States for this whole stay at home situation. No way, he's getting on the next plane to Great Britain he can so he can go stay with family. He's got plenty of training stuff back at home, so he can still stay in shape, just like coach wants, but he'll do it from the comfort of home. Real home, not some small apartment in Detroit. Maybe he could even make it out to the old skating rink he used to spend his youth at (as long as it stays open) and get some real skating in while everyone Stateside has to wait. He still had his old indoor training setup, so he's covered there. Do things like puck handling and shooting in the basement converted to hockey-practice-room. Basically starting the off-season training regime a few months earlier than normal. All from the comfort of his real home with his very loving and super supportive family!

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