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S53 PT #2 - April Fools

In 150+ words or with a graphic, describe or show an April Fools' Day prank that you've pulled on a teammate or one that you're planning to pull on a teammate this season!

You will receive 3 capped TPE for fulfilling all requirements.
This PT will close Sunday, April 5th at 11:59pm ET.
Welfare claims from either PBE or NSFL are accepted! (if you’re claiming welfare and have a different username on the affiliate's site then you need to state that in your post to get credit.)
If you have any questions/concerns, please PM me. Tasks with malicious intent will not be graded.

[Image: ekovanotter.gif]
thanks @Carpy48 and @frithjofr and @rum_ham and @Julio Tokolosh and @Briedaqueduc for the sigs
Armada Inferno Norway

Pt pass
(This post was last modified: 04-04-2020, 02:28 PM by frithjofr.)

no pt this week suckers

Darnell Johnson isn't much of a prankster. In fact, largely the opposite. While he might not be a captain in NOLA, he's still the Sheriff, and if he sees anybody trying to have fun at the expense of others... that's a paddlin'. But April Fools? That's a special day. A day to make exceptions. Take your glove off on the bench? Expect a squirt of water inside. Don't trust anything Darnell says. Water won't squeeze out of his bottle? Don't come take a look, or you'll get sprayed in the eye for sure. God help any rookies around, or they'll be on a scavenger hunt for double-thin tape or Darnell's dehydrated h20 drink mix. Not that any of those are great or original jokes, but a little bit of fun never hurt anybody. At least for one day of the year.

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(This post was last modified: 03-30-2020, 12:42 AM by Ferda.)


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Armada        Canada        Stampede
Falcons        Usa

guys theres no TP not PT

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Germany Berserkers Stampede Stars Barracuda syndicate Blizzard
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I had heard this was cancelled

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(This post was last modified: 03-30-2020, 12:39 AM by JamesT.)

In 150+ words or with a graphic, describe or show an April Fools' Day prank that you've pulled on a teammate or one that you're planning to pull on a teammate this season!

I'm not much of a prankster myself and have never pulled off an April Fool's Day prank, but this year I have decided to pull off a prank against my fellow  Blizzard teammate than Tony Pepperoni (sorry about this Tony). 

On April 1st, 2020 I am going to make sure that no pizza at our arena will have pepperoni toppings. This will require me communicating with the catering staff and telling them that if Tony asks how come there's no pepperoni to say that an issue with the delivery company who supplies the  Blizzard catering had a delivery issue. I know that Tony loves his pepperoni pizza before games and this will set him off, but I will come in with pizza in hand AND with pepperoni's on them.

Tony will likely be shocked that I was the culprit behind this April Fool's Day prank but this shows that a lot of people have their joking side. Hopefully I won't be on the receiving end of a prank by Tony anytime soon  Blush

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Thank you @Stadacona for the Chaewon player sig!

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PT pass

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(This post was last modified: 03-30-2020, 01:25 AM by Gwdjohnson.)

Gabe Johnson has the biggest April Fool's Day prank planned for this year, but the joke will not just be on one person, but rather the entirety of the Hamilton Steelhawks, notably their management. This ruse will also not be a one-day thing, but rather a whole season. The prank is simple: instead of being the top line quality defenseman he's expected to be by the Steelhawks back office, he will simply once again be a disappointment on the blueline, just like in basically every season before this one. Oh, the looks on their faces when they expect Johnson to have improved, only to be met with a harsh reality of Johnson being lackluster on defense while not producing nearly enough offensively to make up for it! Johnson assures that this is simply all going to be a prank, and if he wanted to be serious and play good hockey he obviously easily could be one of the league's elite dmen. He's just doing bad ironically...

(166 words)

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Cal doesn't really like April's fools. In fact, Cal hates this day and all the childish jokes. But last season, the entire Detroit Falcons team ganged up on him and played a prank on him. So this season, Detrpit Falcons Captain Cal Labovitch is opening the old bag of classic April's fools tricks. All off the oldest tricks in the book are going to be in play. From filling the fingers of @JMacNCheese s gloves with shaving cream, to putting tape on the edges of @dankoa s skates. The good old bucket of ice water on top of the door to catch GM @notorioustig is coming out to practice as well. Taking a piss inside @roastpuff s bag, smearing shoepolish inside of @Aephino s helmet, emptying a can of anti-freeze in the goalcrease.. Nothing is off limits. And by the time this day is over, his teammates will know never ever to mess with Cal on April's fools again.

Falcons Monarchs Switzerland   Switzerland Monarchs Falcons
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Falcons Monarchs Switzerland   Switzerland Monarchs Falcons
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Credit for the images goes to @Carpy48, @soulja, @fever95 and @Wasty

I got my whole team and ownership so good coming to the training camp after a long offseason. You should have seen their faces when I showed up to the locker room absolutely drunk and 1hr and 45min late, while our GM and coaches were giving their "start of the season" speech. While I stumbled towards my seat like an absolute rockstar hitting every obstacle on my way, I slap my team's owner on the back of his head yelling: "Woooo where's my money bitch!" (got him good). After that I threw up in one of the rookie's equipment bag (got him good too) and passed out on the floor. When I woke up after everybody already had left home, our GM wanted to have a couple words with me. He didn't fully understand my prank and told me that I really don't afford this kind of acting, being a backup goalie in a Junior league doesn't make me a superstar and that I haven't achieved shit. He asked if had anything to say for my self. I spread my arms and told him: "It's just a prank bro". Then I got fired and flew back to Finland.

Hahaa april fools haha got you! It didn't really happen!

[Image: HuuveriCUDA.png]
 Raptors Raptors Sweden Thanks to @JSS for the sig! Sweden Barracuda Barracuda 

Potts loves a good April Fool's joke. Although he has yet to pull any pranks on his berserker teammates, now that he's more established with the organization and his teammates I'm sure he has something up his sleeve. Before I get into what his plan is for this April Fool's lets take a look at some pranks he's pulled on people in the past. 2 years ago before graduating high school, Potts had this smoke of a girl friend named Addison Rae (ever heard of her? probably not, jk yes you have). Well, he told Addison he cheated on her with like 6 other girls that are each like 3/10's at best. However, it wasn't a joke it was the truth, haha? Alright, on another note I can promise you every single one of my teammates is gonna wake up on the morning of April fools with itching powder in their buckets, used condoms everywhere in the dressing room and some nice laxatives in the water bottles. Happy holidays zerkers!

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File updater claim

[Image: outlaws2.png]  [Image: switzerland2.png] [Image: monarchs.png]  Mathias Seger #15 | Player page | Update page [Image: outlaws2.png] [Image: switzerland2.png] [Image: monarchs.png]
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Sigs by Donini, RainDelay, Fever and OrbitingDeath

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