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S53 PT #2 - April Fools

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Michael fitted day!

03-30-2020, 10:00 AMZ0REM Wrote: I will never forget Michael Fitted day.  This was a prank that we pulled back in the time of our juniors.  We were a bunch of hot-headed cup winning jerks like 3 seasons ago so of course, we got up to no good.  This prank was a delicate one as we had to finesse him into it.  So, of course, this meant going out and getting trashed on March 31st to prime him for our great reveal the next day.  All throughout the night, we talked about hilarious things that we wanted to do as the new Krakens. There was so much room for tradition so we said we should start one off where someone skates on to the ice as our mascot when we line up for games around April 1st.  Being the obvious first choice to do it, it had to be Michael Fitted, but we knew that our Managers and Coaches probably would not find it as fun as we would so we had to hide our intentions.  So all day were making sure that the mascot costume and our managers were in separate locations.  When we had our pre-game talk we made an excuse for Michael Fitted to slip away. I had arranged with our announcers that this was going to be an epic prank and they were prepared.  Nevertheless when Michael skated on to the ice as Kracky the Kraken the whole crowd went wild and the other team couldn't help but laugh.  Our managers on the other hand were a little livid after the initial shock.

Next year we had decided we had to one up ourselves


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2x 4Star Cup Champ s49 s50

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Leopold Lockhart's roommate Dom Montgomery is super picky about his smoothies. He's got a very specific recipe that he follows to the letter every morning. The recipe involves like six different types of frozen fruit, but NO strawberries. Never a strawberry. Dom hates strawberries in his smoothies, says he can feel the seeds and is worried they'll get stuck in his teeth. So for April Fools day, Leo opened every single bag of Dom's frozen fruit, removed the fruit, and replaced it with strawberries. When Dom woke up that morning and went to make his smoothie, he just started sticking measuring scoops into bags on autopilot and didn't even notice he had a blender full of nothing but frozen strawberries until he went to pour the smoothie into a glass. Leo watched the whole thing from just outside of the kitchen. It took Dom a minute to realize what had happened, giving Leo time to enjoy the bewildered look on his face, and also time to run like hell when he realized it was likely a prank.

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Sven has never really been a big prankster. Mostly because he is quite bad at coming up with good pranks. But after a locker room conversation during this preseason, I think it was after game 4, he did come up with something he thinks would be hilarious. So the plan is to, during an upcoming training on April 1st, Sven is going to replace the contents of Cal Covid's(@Skeleton Party) water bottle. Everyone on the team knows that Cal is very specific about what he puts in his water bottle, and because of that, Sven will replace it with... water. Have you ever taken a bite or sip of something and have it taste completely different from what you expected? Which caught you completely of guard thinking your taste buds suddenly stopped working? That is the kind of reaction Sven is hoping for by messing with Cal's usual water bottle liquid of choice; vodka.

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Past Players


As per my previous PT... Mika Mayfield is in quarantine. Therefore this April Fools has been cancelled due to the disgusting Coronavirus. Just like everything else. If she were not having the time of her life taking a break by herself, she would probably pull a prank on her teammate Velveteen Dream. He knows how to have a good time and Dream doesn’t take things too seriously. I would do something to Dreams equipment. Right now he is practicing up with the Carolina Kraken. And I know his locker combo. (Dream should be careful what he posts on Snapchat). I might replace his blades or hide his skate strings. I’m not all that creative. Will probably get my teammate Jimmy Slothface to help me out. He is more creative. The two of us together can get up to no good. Well we have plenty of time to plan for April 1st 2021. As I stated earlier, this year is canceled. Bye.

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The kind of prank Maxime would pull would definitely be extravagant, expensive and completely over the top. The first thing Maxime would do before planning such a prank would be to have a big sniff of the old liquid gold. It really helps clear the air in his head and all of the smell receptors in his nose. After that, he'd make a call to his offshore accountant to wire him the funds for a rental of a zeppelin. Once he paid off enough government officials, he'd have them dock the blimp to the roof of the Big Parm. One by one he'd convince his teammates that they needed to come and see what was outside. Blimps are pretty quiet, so none of them would be tipped off at this stage. They'd obviously all be immediately impressed, and accompany him on board. Once everyone was on, he'd have security slam the doors shut, and then pull back a blanket in the middle of the room. What's under the blanket? Parachutes. What's that rumbling? Oh, that's the blimp's propellers firing up. Where are they going? To Edmonton. To pay the Blizzard a visit. But Maxime didn't pay off any Edmonton officials to dock on their stadium. That's what the parachutes are for. Bring the warfare old school to them. Battle of Alberta style baby. This isn't just a prank on the other Dragons, it's a prank on the whole of the province's major hockey.


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Maxime Bouchard
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Anaheim Alternate Captain, Strom Chamberlain (@"Geekusoid") escorts friend and team Captain, Rhys Pritchard (@notoriousTRON) off the ice
during the teams April Fools day "Dress for Success" promotional night citing :"Nothing successful comes from Toronto these days".

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This season, the Chicago Syndicate have 3 fresh new rookies in their lineup: Akira Ren, Ryan Shepard, and Abel Skinner. The veterans on the team led by the always funny Jules Watt decided to play an April Fool’s prank on the rookies during their first regular season road trip. Watt texted the three rookies that the team was set to have a team meeting at the hotel before practice. When the three rookies arrived to the room, Watt with some help from Kit Smeb locked the rookies in the room so they couldn’t get out. In the mean time, other Syndicate members including Cameron Carter II, Parker Smeb, and Daniel Smeb took all of the rookie’s gear and duct taped it all together into a massive ball. Once the rookies managed to have hotel staff let them out of the room they rushed to the practice arena. To their horror they realized they had to untangle all of their gear which resulted in them being late for practice which earned them extra laps from head coach Luke Atmey.

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Sig Credits: Gorlab and Kylrad

Us veterans on the team like to keep the younger players on their toes by joking around with them every so often. Nothing is ever cruel or violent, they're all in good fun. It's lightens the mood and let's the new guys relax in a daunting new environment. A couple of seasons ago we hit a new comer with series of pranks one after the other.

We got word of a rookie joining the team, Julio Tokolosh. We were excited, he brought with him a lot of promise and skill. We knew that we wanted to make him feel welcomed and calm his nerves. We met him before training camp, hung out a bit, and then finally got together when camp started. We hit him right away. We were all at breakfast and he got up to get something, so we dumped a heaping amount of salt into his cereal. Our boy almost puked all over the table after he ate it. Next, we had taken his equipment and put it in a freezer and took it out just before we were getting ready. He put on his equipment and everything was frozen and freezing. He had to throw them off his skin before they stuck to him.

It's little, petty pranks, but just something we do to bond with the new players and bridge the age gap.

(228 words)

Guy Incognito - D - #24
Tampa Bay Barracuda
Season 81
Regular Season - [G 1] [A 10] [Pts 11] [+/- +1] [PIM 8] [Hits 15] [SB 48]

(This post was last modified: 03-30-2020, 11:42 PM by DeletedAtUserRequest.)

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Mike Izzy puts on a disguise that fools everyone... jumps over the counter and replaces Bradley Barkov's chicken strip combo with a vegan veggie burger and yams.


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This happened in Luca Del Vecchio’s second season in the SMJHL with the Kelowna Knights. Luca came in early to practice, like, much much earlier than anyone else, even the staff. Getting into the locker room, Luca put some itchy powder on the inside of Cillian Cavanagh’s hockey equipment and undergarments.
Later that morning, after the physical training, the players hit the ice. It wasn’t long before Cillian was jiggling around and attempting to scratch himself everywhere. This puzzled everyone except for Luca on the other end of the ice who burst out laughing. As his teammates joined in the giggling, Cillian had to be escorted off the ice and helped out of his gear before heading to the showers to remove the powder.
Needless to say, Luca had to go see the General Manager to explain himself and received a stern lecture from the coach as well. Was it worth the trouble? Absolutely. Did the rest of the team enjoy it? Definitely. Would Luca do it again? Most likely.
(170 words)

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I'm not much of an April Fools person, in fact I can only think of 3 pranks I have successfully pulled in my life, but they were stupid little things. I have seen some awesome pranks pulled on others which you would never expect would ever work. The classic toothpaste in an oreo and black ink in binoculars have given me an idea for this year. I have a prank planned this year on an unsuspecting SHL player. (I can't reveal who this player is, but they have it coming.) This prank may be the greatest prank ever pulled. I can only reveal that it involves a large tuna, one of those Chinese finger traps, cottage cheese, super glue, a bottle of liquid ass, glitter, and a few big secret ingredients which would give the prank away. I have it setup to live stream live on the internet for all to see.
(This post was last modified: 03-30-2020, 11:59 PM by Julio Tokolosh.)

I really wanted to photoshop something for this, but my internet history is sketchy enough. After (@Nokazoa) Jean-Paul Boivin's first practice, the veterans decided to raz him a little as he settled into the new locker room. When JPB went to the showers, he was surprised to see that rest of the team had their bathing suits on in the shower. JPB was a little rattled, as his teammates hadn't showered in trunks since he was in middle school. The following day, post-practice and still nervous about the new locker room, JPB donned his Canadian Flag skivvies to wear to the showers, but when he got there, everyone was butt-ass naked, and JPB looked like the lone goober once again. A good naked chuckle was had.

Other locker room tomfoolery includes a lot of clear tape on skates, and cutting the sleeves off of dress shirts, causing some awkward slips and ugly interviews.

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(This post was last modified: 03-31-2020, 09:24 AM by thiefofcheese.)

So I'm way behind most of the people here when it comes to doing April Fools jokes.  To be honest - it didn't really even occur to me until yesterday in the LR where a few teammates were sharing their great April 1st ideas.  So I spent a bunch of time thinking about this and still came up with nothing at all.  Realistically I need to be watching my back as I'm one of the rookies on the team and will likely be the but of some of the jokes.  However, I have to find something to pick on the old guys about.  To the Google! 

Well that didn't work out well.  They were either not bold enough, too bold, or require preparation and I'm way too lazy to do that.  And although I don't have a great "prank" to pull I did come up with a way to really annoy at least one of my teammates.  I'm gonna claim all my twitter deposits that I haven't done since at least the 1st of the year.  Suck it @Slowpoke!

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Sig credit: Ragnar, Carpy48, High Stick King

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