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S54 PT #1 - A New Focus

In this offseason I really tried to beef up and improve my physical game. Last season I tried to be extremely quick and agile, which worked for the most part, but I ran into trouble when I had to tangle with a stronger, tougher opponent. This season, I'm going to be more confident in my checking skills and I've got more muscle from top to bottom that I think will help stabilize me if I'm engaged with another skater. To practice these skills during the offseason, I came up with a few different workouts - one was fish rips, where you catch a fish and instead of biting right into it you rip it apart with your arms. They're so slippery and wet, and there's not much traction to get a grip, so it's harder than it sounds. Another was a bit less formal - I would just lay the smackdown on any of my brothers and sisters when I saw them around. Knock em to the ground. They're a resilient bunch and they know I'm just training for my career as a professional hockey player so they don't really mind.

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thanks @Carpy48 and @frithjofr and @rum_ham and @Julio Tokolosh and @Briedaqueduc for the sigs
Armada Inferno norway
(This post was last modified: 05-29-2020, 04:05 PM by DeletedAtUserRequest.)

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It’s kind of a weird one for me going into the SHL this season, as we came up with a build for my player that didn’t really use a redistribution, it just relied on me unbanking the 470 odd TPE I had available to use after three send down seasons in the SMJHL. There had been some talk about changing Kaarlo’s build from that of a perimeter shooter/sniper type player who focused heavily on goalscoring to a more two way oriented build, which would probably have required a redistribution but instead we stuck with what we’d used already and got Kaarlo working as a good goalscoring forward at the SHL level. I’m excited to see what Kaarlo’s first season in the big league will bring and how he performs. From a player perspective, last season’s first run went great as my player did really well in the SMJHL, but Texas as a team sucked. We’ve worked hard on improving that this season, and the results should be evident quickly. I’m ready for this second go around!

176 words

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User Perspective - With the end of the season Maine was in a tough spot considering that we didn't make the playoffs. In the off-season I was pretty happy with how my player preformed the last season, Kalashnikov ended up earning me 7 milestone TPE. I just was focused on increasing stamina as many players in the league i'm sure also were. I went ahead and also removed some face-off skill investment I had made, not knowing that I would literally never need to take a face-off due to how FHM is set up. Boosting up to 425 is pretty hype after sitting at 350 for most of last season, with well as getting the promotion up to Captain in off-season I am very excited for the future for the Maine Timber. We picked up some extremely active and talented prospects and are have some great potential in these next coming seasons to be a real powerhouse.

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     Platoon    Timber

User- The two first changes I decided to make were basically height and weight. I came into the league wanting to be a finesse type player so Daniel had a rather slender build to kick off his pro career checking in at 6'3" and 211lbs.  I recently changed that to a much bigger and tougher build at 6'4" 220lbs.  
I wanted to build a high offensive minded player but realized through each update that I made that I was having trouble ignoring the complete game that I personal love to play!  So slowly but surely I started attributing points to other areas of his game and realized that I need to get bigger and stronger to play this style and also maintain the offensive side of my game.  So basically in my redistribution of TPE for Daniel, I decided to spit up the points as follows:  In offensive ratings, Daniel scored a total of 82, in the defensive ratings he scored a total of 67 and for the physical ratings I generated a total of 74.  Hopefully this build will pan out and Daniel will become the star he is destined to become.

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    [Image: d9J5DHT.png]        norway      [Image: d9J5DHT.png]

I've never been an offensive player. I don't like it and I'm not good at it. I've always made my way by playing a strong and responsible defensive game. But they told me that just wouldn't be enough now, I've been drafted to the big leagues and every part of my game has to be as good as it can be. I also know I'll be going back to Colorado for a few seasons before getting the call up from Chicago. I'll have to take some offensive duties for the Raptors as I'm already deemed the second-best center on the team and everything points towards me centering the second line, which cannot exclusively be a shutdown one. So I've been working at it hard : shooting, passing, puckhandling and mostly screening. I really don't like screening, but that's what I've gotten better at this summer. I guess we'll see how all this goes when we start playing for real instead of doing drills.

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Martijn Westbroek made some changes this offseason but nothing too drastic. The biggest thing that changed was his spot in the lineup as franchise forward and former first line center Daniel Smeb broke his index and middle finger in a tragic snowboarding accident (he fell off the ski lift). Smeb could no longer take faceoffs which meant that Martijn was moving up to the role of first line center for the Chicago Syndicate. With this greater responsibility came a need to train harder than ever before over the summer and Martijn made sure that he spent every waking hour in the gym working on himself. He got stronger, he got more balanced, and he became a better checker (fore and back). He bench pressed until he could not press anymore benches. He squatted until he had literal noodles for legs which was counter intuitive as noodles aren't very strong. He got a goodlife fitness membership just so that people would take videos of him working out and then he couldn't be called lazy during the winter when his play inevitably took a turn for the worst. Martijn had his offseason all figured out.

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Berserkers     -       syndicate      -     Berserkers

aight hosers, so in the simulation hockey league draft i went to the hamilton steelhawks. There I was told by the coach Golden Apricot to put more into my defensive stats, so that instead of Simon Takshak being a great meatball rolling around the ice, he'd be more like a great meatball rolling around the ice providing defensive utility.

I put a point into fighting as well

fighting is good. We in the hamilton steelhawks org have come to realize that penalty minutes (PIMS) are actually the most important stats - as we all know, fatigue is important in the FHM era, and when simon takshak takes a penalty the other team gets a power play. This leaves 5 of their players becoming fatigued, while only 4 of our players get fatigued! It's simple math, but really quite effective. Fighting and hitting is the new meta and i strongly advise yall to put tpe in it

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(This post was last modified: 05-26-2020, 05:19 AM by jeffie43.)

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Nour is pretty hot ngl

The user perspective for me is a quite basic one. I pride myself on being someone for being as useful as I can to whatever team I am on. Sure sometimes I am on garbage teams like I was previously with Yeti on NSFL but I still will do everything I can to make my dude regardless of TPE as useful as possible and SHL is no different. I have tried to make someone who will be able to defend whilst getting a good collection of points by focusing puck handling.

Jon is a bit of an all-rounded player in stats to about 15 minus a few pointless stats and I am hoping with time this means I can have Jon be as useful as possible of the Blizzard so we can win a few titles. I do not really know if there is an insane amount of points difference but the build I am using should make me quite decent going forward considering Jon killed it at the last IIHF too.

[173 words]

Raptors Proud S67 - S69 Colorado Raptors Captain  Raptors
Uk S57 Forward of the Season Award winner  Uk

Now I am free <3

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After a great first season of FHM, I felt some minor tweaks are needed for my player. While I did not post a ton of points this season, I am overall happy with my build. I said from the beginning I wanted to be like Datsyuk and have a ton of take aways, I had 36 which was the third most for a forward. While I did have a successful season, I believe I knew what I needed to change to be better. I already had all important stats at at least 16, I wanted to switch my shooting and passing around. I am being relied on as a playmaker and need to better that aspect of my game. With my second season of regression hitting and me beating out my regression last season, I believe I can still be a successful part of any team. These are my prime seasons and the changes I made to my build should keep my scoring 40+ points a season.


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Specters Monarchs Berserkers Scarecrows [Image: italian-flag.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=tO...eKFgvtgqU=]

Specters Armada Scarecrows Czechia
Panthers Specters Jets Scarecrows Usa [Image: 4star.png] [Image: challengecup.png] [Image: challengecup.png]
RIP Dangel #AD26  |  RIP TDZ

I had a pretty good idea of what to do last season so I really didn't need the free redistribution. We did a lot of tests in the Berserkers locker room to see what the best build for everyone and nobody could really determine much. I was still going to be a playmaker, that much was for sure. But every build we tried seemed to do well one sim and fail the next. Luckily my teammates were finding good builds. I think in the end we came up with something that will allow me to pass which is all I really need to do in our setup. It is up to the hockey gods to determine if I will pass successfully or not. Since I had my 350 to 425 move I think I just bumped up physicals and defense since my offensive skills were already plenty high. I should be much more well rounded this season to contribute to the team more as a whole and increase our odds of winning the cup this season.

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Germany Berserkers Stampede Stars Barracuda syndicate Blizzard
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PBE Affiliate

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Well I was extremely disappointed with the first season of FHM. Having the 2nd highest Tpe goaltender I expected way better results than I actually garnered. So it appears it may be several seasons of trial and error until the proper goalie ratios are discovered. That being said the first season I chose a Dominik Hasek style build that relied on reflexes and quickness. Hasek put up some amazing seasons and I thought a build of this type should translate well into FHM. That being said I did take advantage of the redo to alter the makeup of Vilde. The new build will be more of a traditional type build, focused on positioning and glove attributes to see if this will help lower the goals against. While Vilde did win 30 games last season that was more of a function of a h9igh scoring Dragons team. Vilde wasn't able to steal any close games and he gave up way to many goals. So hopefully with the new build the goals against will come down and Vilde will play a bit better and maybe steal a game or two.

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After the season I sat down with leadership and asked them their opinion on what went right & wrong for me in my 3rd junior season. Seeing as this season is my last shot to win a second 4 Star Cup, I wanted to get the coaches' opinion on my game and what I could change or do better. They told my that they're happy with my two way game but that I need to work on being more physical with and without the puck and to work on my defensive game. They said they liked the way that I was blocking shots, but they would like me to work less on reacting to a shot and more on attacking as a defender and breaking up the offense that leads to the shot. They proposed two key focus areas. One was that I hit the weight room hard this off-season to add some strength so I can win more of the tough puck battles in both ends. The other, more difficult one was the I run on ice drills working on my positioning and physicality defensively. They don't necessarily need me to start hitting everyone with the puck, but they'd like me to become more of an imposing defensive force and make life difficult for opponents looking to enter our zone. I agreed with their assessment and I've spend the past few months putting in the work to make S54 my most successful junior campaign yet.

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Sig Cred: Carpy, ML, RainDelay, Donini & Geekusoid
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