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Luffy Richard Just Talking

Hello Whale gang, Luffy Richard here once again. I am just got back from the grocery store. I had to pick up a few things to make myself a healthy breakfast because it has been brought to my attention by the wonderful GMs of the Whalers that my diet is lowering my speed, agility, and stamina stat. I think that's ridiculous as the Simulation is the thing that is holding me back. Much like my uncle, who cheated at Mario Kart, the Simulation sees the potential in me and fears what an unrestrained Luffy Richard would do to the league. The Simulation is afraid I would find my way out and become a real boy. Oh, what a glorious day that would be.

Anyways, I bought myself a dozen eggs, some hot sauce (hot sauce is life), avocados, but only three because they go bad fast, turkey sausage, soyrizo,  and some random greens. Now, this morning I am going to be baking some avocados with egg. It is a quick easy meal that gives me a nice boost before my workout. I'll eat a more protein intense meal after my workout. I will also be having some oatmeal I made yesterday for the carbs. 

Now baking the avocado is easy you just preheat your oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C), then crack the eggs into a bowl, being careful to keep the yolks intact. I will be using four eggs and two avocados. Now, I'll arrange the avocado halves in a baking dish, resting them along the edge so they won't tip over. Gently take a spoon and move the egg yolks into the avocado hole until full. Season each filled avocado with chives, parsley, sea salt, and pepper. You can skip the chives and parsley if you want, but I think it adds some nice color to the egg whites and yolk. Okay, then we are going to gently place the baking dish in the preheated oven and bake until those eggs are cooked which will take about fifteen minutes. Sprinkle bacon over the avocado if you desire, but I stay away from pork. I think pigs are too cute to eat, which may make me a hypocrite because I think most animals are cute. Baby steps I suppose.

Anyway, I eat these tasty little treats with a spoon. Now with the extra avocado, I make what I call Luffy's Special Avocado snack. All you do is cut an avocado in half and sprinkle salt and pepper on it. Sometimes I add hot sauce. Sometimes I don't. It just depends on how my stomach is feeling. You have to make sure to take care of your digestive health!

Well, that's how I start my day. I'll be back when I'm finished eating these bad boys.

Okay, I have returned. Now, I like to go on long walks before training, so why don't you join me?

My neighborhood is nice. Lots of trees, and the people are friendly. There is a dog park pretty close to my apartment building that I like to stop by so I can watch the dogs play. I hid there when the cops were chasing me after I was drafted by the best SHL team to ever draft a Luffy Richard, the Toronto North Stars. Another nice thing about the neighborhood is the escaped love birds. I don't know how they survive the winter, but they are sure colorful little buddies. I like the chatter they make in the morning. I had a love bird once. She was a great little pal. She used to sit on my shoulder and watch television with me. She liked basketball more than she liked hockey because she liked the sound of the sneakers on the court. She would chirp back at them real cute like.

I like these walks because they help me digest, and they give me space to clear my mind. I'm a real big thinker, worrier, philosophizer, and daydreamer. During training, I need to stay focused, so my walks are where I let my mind wander. It is important to daydream. I encourage you all to sit at a window and just stare out. I used to stare out my bedroom window a lot growing up. It wasn't much of a view, so I started planting flowers and such to dress up the concrete wall. It is important to take care of the space you inhabit. If I have a bad game and I come home and my room and apartment are a mess, it puts me in a funk. Something as simple as coming home to a clean apartment after a bad day can help right my mood. I find improving things in small increments makes things less daunting. That's why I like checklists. If I see a big task broken down into smaller parts, it doesn't seem so big to me. Now, if you are still in a funk despite taking care of yourself and your personal space, don't be hard on yourself. Don't think you have to be perfect all the time. I know some of the toughest guys in the world, and if we expect them to be tough all the time, they would crack. 

We are all human, well virtual humans, sometimes you have a bad sim, and sometimes you earn three whales.

I'm no expert on any of this stuff. Just thinking out loud. Decluttering my head so I can focus on the things that are important to me. The season is about to begin, and I want to make a great leap forward. I've been working hard trying to do the little extra things to earn me more tpe and be the player everyone thinks I can be. Preseason is the most stressful time for me because there is more waiting around than during the season when I'm constantly traveling and playing games. It helps to be around the boys, even if we just sit in silence. I guess you can say I get the jitters easily, which can make me miserable. Once I'm on that ice, though, I'm free. It is just me and the boys versus them other boys competing and grinding it out to see who is better. Steel sharpens steel and all that. 

Alright, my walk is done. I'm going to eat a handful of almonds and start my stretching. I hope you enjoyed this walk with me, and that you try out those avocado eggs, I promise they are delicious. If you get a chance, go for a walk, or scream into a pillow. Whatever suits your mood. I will be seeing you all again soon. Until then, you can find me on the ice trying to get these stats up so the Simulation can't screw me as hard as it wants to. 

Luffy Richard,


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