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The Final Big Slappy Hour (most likely)
(This post was last modified: 07-26-2020, 02:52 AM by Slappydoodle.)

Here it is:

The inaugural Big Slappy Hour was posted way back on Saturday July 11th, 2015 shortly after midnight. Most of the episode was recorded late on the evening of Friday the 10th.. Sitting in Bonk’s sunroom, in front of his computer, we packed a bowl, opened a couple of beers, pressed record and were off and running.

The last (at least for now) Big Slappy Hour was posted to SoundCloud on Saturday July 25th 2020. The recording having been started on Friday the 24th. We sat in Bonk’s sunroom, in front of his computer, packed a bowl, opened a couple of beers and pressed record.

In between those two dates, 180 other episodes were recorded, the vast majority right there in Bonk’s house (or La Casa De Los Bulldogs in the parlance of the show).

Over those five years much has happened in the league, in our lives and in the world. Bonk and I have both retired one player and are in regression with our second. We’ve won cups and lost them. Been nominated for awards and mostly lost them. We’ve grown older, grayer, fatter and yet somehow, are better looking than ever (well, at least I am).

It’s been a hell of a ride.

There are too many people to thank for all the good times and longevity of the show over the years. I’m going to name some, but please understand, if you’re left off, I’m just too stoned, lazy and dumb to get it all right.

Thanks and praise goes

to @Steelhead77 for all the support of the show and us. (And also for all the cans)
to @[.bojo] for taking good natured abuse with such class and humor
to @ztevans for guest hosting more than anyone and especially the conversations after
to @Avakael for the love and guest hosting from another continent
to @mpclardy wherever you are, playing 4d chess, no doubt
to @GCool for all the periodic table lessons
to @Ohtaay for all the eggnog
to @[mike izzy] for the unwavering support
to @Wasty for the tunes and the XFL updates
to @JKortesi81 for showing us what a good podcast sounds like
to @Rich for just being so fucking cool
to @[Alex Mack] for all the questions and awesome media
to @CFJ for the consistency
to @ArGarBarGar for mini-bonanza
to @Leppish for being true blue
to @r1c3bowl22 for the dark humor
to @701 R.I.P. my man
to all our other poddy discord pals, you know who you are and it’s just too many damn names to type

And our sincere thanks to about a hundred others. So, so many of you have contributed to the show in so many ways over the years. We appreciate everyone who ever posted in the questions thread, whether you were asking us something, telling us something, yelling at us, yelling at someone else, telling a joke or whatever. We appreciate everyone who ever listened to even a single episode and decided we weren’t for them. We especially appreciate all of you that have reached out over the years to offer some feedback of any kind. We’ve been feeding off the rest of the SHL’s energy for years like some podcasting parasites.

In closing I would like to personally thank my best friend for roughly thirty four years of friendship and five years of co-hosting. I love my Bonkie Poo.

Cheers to every mother fucking one of you

[Image: nQDbTbM.png]

[Image: hA5o4UG.png]

Historic moment. 182 episodes, incredible. 
I have listened to only a dozen or so, but always enjoyed them. The tune stills pops in my head now and then.
Thanks to both for what you have brought to the SHL!

Stars | Player | Update Thread | Gordie#6746 | Manual Lineup Sheet | HockeyNation | Grizzlies

I have no words, and probably won't until after I get to listen to it later tonight. I hope everything is okay up there, and that you're ending the podcast on your own terms.

[Image: avakaelsig.gif]


Cheers Thanks my boys

[Image: ezgif-6-09c631572c.gif]


@media graders

182 episodes, this May there last foe a bit.

Pay these men.


Heart Cheers Heart

Great epsiode! Great to listen to a BSH...

Now Starting the hashtag ... #1moreBSH

[Image: OnGNB1G.gif]

[Image: cgv4vCv.png]|[Image: 95lCCDx.png]|[Image: KgwtJeY.png]

Wow the last episode... I must say it's been a joy to listening to my two good friends irl talk about a fake hockey league for over 180 hours... Although I've probably only listened to about half of them... No question BSH set the bar in podcasts and you guys should be very proud what you've brought to the league. Thanks for all the laughs and your great answers to all our questions over the years! Especially the ones about bonk and the museum of natural history exhibit! <3


---> ParmBorg Highlights <---
[Image: cgv4vCv.png] Goal[Image: 95lCCDx.png]
[Image: parmborg.gif]

[Image: steelhead77.gif]

#1 All-Time SHL Goal & Point Scorer 
- First 2,000 TPE Player in SHL History - 
- First 400 Goal Scorer in SHL History -
- Only 500 Goal Scorer in SHL History -
- First GM to Win 5 & 6 Challenge Cups -
Esa Anrikkanen Award - SMJHL ROY - Est. S34
Vidrik Onoprienko Award Winner - S45

Dragonite[Image: 271.png][Image: 291.png][Image: 321.png][Image: 401.png][Image: 42banner2.png][Image: r-Wt4-AB350oooo.png] Dragonite

Appreciate the mention, you guys are legends and i'm prepping to listen to this tomorrow with some beers. I feel bad i didn't have any questions for this one.

[Image: lebbish.gif]

I'm very honoured to have been mentioned in this thread. One of the lasting joys on this site. Congrats on a great run @Slappydoodle @Bonk

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Please take care of it. Here are some helpful links just in case.

Algonquin College Student Support Services - 613-727-4723
Crisis Text Line - Text 'HOME' to 741741
Distress Centre Ottawa and Region - 613-288-3311
Good2Talk - 1-866-925-5454
Kid's Help Phone - 1-800-668-6868
Mental Health Hotline Ontario - 1-866-531-2600
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 1-800-273-8255

Click here for a list of crisis centres within Canada
Suicide Prevention Resource Centre
Suicide Awareness Voices of Education

If you have the contact info to your local mental help centres, let me know!

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Player Page | Updates

[Image: 8y3FJne.jpg][Image: kA0CbGn.png][Image: aGT9Qsn.png]

@Slappydoodle @Bonk

Thank you so much for your service as, unquestionably, the media luminaries of the SHL -- if not of all time, then for the longest era of any two content creators.

You're welcome for the periodic table lessons. It was the highlight of my week for what I can definitely call the darkest time of my life. Getting cancer, trying to be candid with people here, dealing with a lot of stuff at home -- I didn't know what I was doing or how I was acting half the time. Except when I was asking you guys podcast questions and listening to your stories that you told together. Your friendship came through in your speaking tone (as well as the bong rips and beer run pauses, sure), and you passed that on to me, when nothing else did. Thank you.

Best wishes to your families, your new players, and your future endeavors.

Slappy noooooooooooooooo

Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab
[Image: 64012_s.gif]
Sigs by Me, Merica, High Stick King, Rum_Ham, Jess, vulfzilla, enigmatic, and Carpy
Stampede  Kraken
❤!! RIP to the big homies 701 and Mac !!❤

07-28-2020, 08:21 AMGCool Wrote: @Slappydoodle @Bonk

Thank you so much for your service as, unquestionably, the media luminaries of the SHL -- if not of all time, then for the longest era of any two content creators.

You're welcome for the periodic table lessons. It was the highlight of my week for what I can definitely call the darkest time of my life. Getting cancer, trying to be candid with people here, dealing with a lot of stuff at home -- I didn't know what I was doing or how I was acting half the time. Except when I was asking you guys podcast questions and listening to your stories that you told together. Your friendship came through in your speaking tone (as well as the bong rips and beer run pauses, sure), and you passed that on to me, when nothing else did. Thank you.

Best wishes to your families, your new players, and your future endeavors.

Just glad to hear you talk about the darkest time as something in your past.

We always had so much fun with your contributions, whether periodic table related or just talking some metal.

Take care of that remaining ball. Cheers

[Image: nQDbTbM.png]

[Image: hA5o4UG.png]

I listened to basically every word you spoke in these from the time I was drafted to WPG, till the ep where Bonk said he'd be interested in leaving us. I'd go to bed with these playing. I regretted not asking questions to begin with, since I listened so often. I was always conflicted on posting in your thread. Similar thing with Zach. I had weird ass topics, and didn't want to make Bonk wtf so hard every week he'd want leave us. That came true eventually anyways, something like "flappy is going to shit a brick hearing this" was said about being interested in a new team. I shat a couple bricks that day. That stung me, it was not easy to tune in afterwards. There was something so beautiful about being on a team with Bonk, knowing them majorly thru the podcast. Such an easy person to trust. I was always impressed with them, and respected the low maintenance, selfless vibe they had while building a star. I wanted to be like Bonk, they set the example for how I thought Jet players should be.

This podcast was a huge part of why I built my player, thank you for the kind words you spoke of me over the years. While it was rather indirect, in reference to my player I appreciate the meaning behind it. Whatever the fuck that means, right. Good times were had here eh.

[Image: 4sN9yMR.png]


#1morebsh ....... trending

[Image: OnGNB1G.gif]

[Image: cgv4vCv.png]|[Image: 95lCCDx.png]|[Image: KgwtJeY.png]

Love you guys

[Image: JbAlQ9E.png]

07-26-2020, 02:50 AMSlappydoodle Wrote: Here it is:

The inaugural Big Slappy Hour was posted way back on Saturday July 11th, 2015 shortly after midnight. Most of the episode was recorded late on the evening of Friday the 10th.. Sitting in Bonk’s sunroom, in front of his computer, we packed a bowl, opened a couple of beers, pressed record and were off and running.

The last (at least for now) Big Slappy Hour was posted to SoundCloud on Saturday July 25th 2020. The recording having been started on Friday the 24th. We sat in Bonk’s sunroom, in front of his computer, packed a bowl, opened a couple of beers and pressed record.

In between those two dates, 180 other episodes were recorded, the vast majority right there in Bonk’s house (or La Casa De Los Bulldogs in the parlance of the show).

Over those five years much has happened in the league, in our lives and in the world. Bonk and I have both retired one player and are in regression with our second. We’ve won cups and lost them. Been nominated for awards and mostly lost them. We’ve grown older, grayer, fatter and yet somehow, are better looking than ever (well, at least I am).

It’s been a hell of a ride.

There are too many people to thank for all the good times and longevity of the show over the years. I’m going to name some, but please understand, if you’re left off, I’m just too stoned, lazy and dumb to get it all right.

Thanks and praise goes

to @Steelhead77 for all the support of the show and us. (And also for all the cans)
to @[.bojo] for taking good natured abuse with such class and humor
to @ztevans for guest hosting more than anyone and especially the conversations after
to @Avakael for the love and guest hosting from another continent
to @mpclardy wherever you are, playing 4d chess, no doubt
to @GCool for all the periodic table lessons
to @Ohtaay for all the eggnog
to @[mike izzy] for the unwavering support
to @Wasty for the tunes and the XFL updates
to @JKortesi81 for showing us what a good podcast sounds like
to @Rich for just being so fucking cool
to @[Alex Mack] for all the questions and awesome media
to @CFJ for the consistency
to @ArGarBarGar for mini-bonanza
to @Leppish for being true blue
to @r1c3bowl22 for the dark humor
to @701 R.I.P. my man
to all our other poddy discord pals, you know who you are and it’s just too many damn names to type

And our sincere thanks to about a hundred others. So, so many of you have contributed to the show in so many ways over the years. We appreciate everyone who ever posted in the questions thread, whether you were asking us something, telling us something, yelling at us, yelling at someone else, telling a joke or whatever. We appreciate everyone who ever listened to even a single episode and decided we weren’t for them. We especially appreciate all of you that have reached out over the years to offer some feedback of any kind. We’ve been feeding off the rest of the SHL’s energy for years like some podcasting parasites.

In closing I would like to personally thank my best friend for roughly thirty four years of friendship and five years of co-hosting. I love my Bonkie Poo.

Cheers to every mother fucking one of you

Oh man, end of an era. Thanks for memories. Hopefully me & you Slappy can talk basketball again in the future.

 [Image: Crossfit.gif]

[Image: CFJ1.gif]

Thanks to prettyburn, TML, Carpy, JNH, Jepox, Engi, Karey, Flappy, Skolpadder, Mook, DollarAndADream, Smirnov and Toe for the sigs.

Crossfit's First Career SHL Goal, 4. Manhattan Rage , Crossfit Jesus 1 (Pedro Sarantez, Nucky Toohoots) at 5:51

Devitt's First Career SHL Goal, 5. Calgary Dragons , Prince Devitt 1 (Barry Batsbak 21, Mike Izzy 14) at 10:43


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