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S55 PT #1 - Back To Where It All Began
(This post was last modified: 07-27-2020, 04:49 AM by dankoa.)

Written Option: A

A trip back to the small town of Akaa, Finland was certainly one of the more interesting things done in the offseason by Kaarlo Kekkonen. He is unable to travel there as often as he would like to these days, so being given the opportunity to speak at his old high school was something that he jumped at the chance at. Kaarlo has some experience with dealing with the media that he's gained over the years, so the speech itself went fine and there were no worries about him stumbling over his words or anything like that (it definitely helped to be able to speak in his native Finnish language). It seemed like it went well and Kaarlo did a good job of getting his points across; at least the audience certainly seemed to enjoy it. It's always a good experience to try and inspire the next generation, and Kaarlo was also able to have some time speaking to a few of the hockey players there one on one and offer some advice if they wanted to pursue a career in the sport. All in all, it was a valuable experience that he was grateful to get the opportunity to take part in.

207 words

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It's a tough game, hockey. It's tough to make it in the minors, it's even harder to make it in the major leagues. People always said to me while I was growing up, I'd have it easy since my father was a professional hockey player and a Co General manager. I made the mistake of listening to them, and I tried to ride his coattails.

In life, you have to work for what you want. Don't let someone else's successes be what you try and use to get to where you want to be. You have to find the best in every day, and use every day to its fullest.

I'm really not good at motivational speeches, so I apologize to the staff here who thought they'd hear something phenomenal from me. I'm just a hockey player. And I'm just here so I earn some tpe.

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"I started out as a young kid with a dream. A dream to one day make the big leagues, and to get paid doing what I love the most. Playing hockey, assist goals. It wasn't until my coach, a former player with a failed career, told me about what actually makes a pro-player for me to truly understand what I was getting myself into. It's not just about playing hockey, scoring goals, blocking shots, winning games. It's about the camaraderie, the community and fans surrounding the team and the bond you create with them. You don't just play to win that single game for the W. You play that game to give something back to those who are there to support you on your teams journey."

"So I came to Maine with no expectations to put myself out there, to become something greater for the team. But I quickly found out through the help of the coaches, but mostly from the leaders what the expectations of me were. To play for the jersey, and to understand what that jersey meant for everyone around me."

- From speech by Alexander Oscarsson in Falun, Sweden

197 words

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Theodor Larsson

Every off season I travel back to North Battleford Saskatchewan to Connaught Elementary School to talk to young kids about what it's like being a professional athlete and what it was like for me in school. To me school in North Battleford was quite difficult as I immigrated to Canada from the Netherlands at a young age and struggled with everything. I hardly spoke the language, didn't have any friends and had to work real hard to get accustomed with Canadian culture. One thing I found out that helped me a lot was playing sports and in particular hockey. I played soccer in the Netherlands, as that is the biggest sport in Europe, but over here it was hockey, hockey and more hockey. Through my team I made friends and as I got to learn the language better things got easier for me too. I really appreciated that kids my age back then took the time and effort to make me feel at home. That's also the thing I always try to pass on to young kids is that no matter what background someone has, you always have something in common and that's where you can build a relationship on and that helping someone who struggles with in your eyes basic things goes a long way.

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Barracuda Germany Scarecrows Knights

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S50 Challenge Cup Finals Game 7
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I hopped on a plane the moment I got the email. My old school back in Michigan wanted me to give a speech to their kids about playing sports and staying active. When I landed at the airport there wasn't a limo sent to pick me up. One of the teachers volunteered to pick me up themselves and bring me to school. I was okay with it, the teacher in question was my old physical education teacher slash hockey coach. We had a few good laughs on the way there reminiscing about the old times and the pranks some of us players did to each other. When we arrived at the school it was time. I got into the auditorium where hundreds of teenage kids were sitting. I started the speech by introducing myself and who I played for. Explained how I grew up watching the local SMJHL team play and how it inspired me to play. I went into how being active in your community and helping others was not only good for the community, but for your conscience too. I ended by telling them that if anyone wanted an autograph come see me at lunch and I'd be happy to sign whatever.


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Specters Monarchs Berserkers Scarecrows [Image: italian-flag.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=tO...eKFgvtgqU=]

Specters Armada Scarecrows Czechia
Panthers Specters Jets Scarecrows Usa [Image: 4star.png] [Image: challengecup.png] [Image: challengecup.png]
RIP Dangel #AD26  |  RIP TDZ
(This post was last modified: 08-01-2020, 12:11 PM by Jobin.)

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Opening lines for my speech:

"Hi kids,

Some of you may recognize me; I'm Cal Labovitch, recently called up by the Minnesota Chiefs to play in the SHL and a current member of our Swiss national hockey team. A little over 4 years ago I left this school, this town, this country. I got drafted into the SMJHL with the Detroit Falcons and got my shot at living my dream: to be a professional hockey player. Four years later, that dream is still very much alive.

The school board has sent me a letter at the start of last season, learning they heard I won a cup and was making quite name for myself in Detroit, asking me to come visit this place again and offer you all some advice. Kids, I've never been the greatest student, I wasn't the smartest, or even the strongest. But I'll be damned if I didn't make sure I was the hardest working when it came to reaching my goals. Ever since I was young, got my first pair of skates and held a stick I wanted nothing more than to be a professional athlete. To spend my life playing hockey. And here I am, after working hard to reach my goals I've made it one step closer to that goal. And whatever your goal is, whoever you want to be and whatever you want to do, if you believe in yourself and work hard for it you can get there. And even if you don't, and it doesn't work out perfect, the learning experience will make you a bigger, better person."

Falcons Monarchs Switzerland   Switzerland Monarchs Falcons
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Falcons Monarchs Switzerland   Switzerland Monarchs Falcons
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Credit for the images goes to @Carpy48, @soulja, @fever95 and @Wasty

Option A: Oh good god I do not think that would end very well. Jon growing up was a nice pleasant kid who just wanted to help and was quite the optimist in life with helping and making people achieve his goals. But now he is a miserable bastard who just wants to get revenge on everyone he hates so you can only imagine what awful words of advice he would give the school.

I can imagine him being told to keep it light hearted but then just gushes to them about how life is pain. How people will try to fuck you over and that it is a dog eat dog world and only the stronger or incredibly lucky survive! They have to get prepared now or be devoured by the world!

After royally fucking up the kids' mentality for the future I think he would just say "you're welcome for the reality check and fuck you for wasting my precious time." to them.

Jon has issues.

[170 words]

Raptors Proud S67 - S69 Colorado Raptors Captain  Raptors
Uk S57 Forward of the Season Award winner  Uk

Now I am free <3

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Like most athletes, i think everyone was bad in school. Especially high school. I am a nervous public speaker and would need to calm the nerves somehow. For me, joking around and seeing people laugh or smile really makes me at ease with any given situation so a couple jokes about when I was in detention because of something stupid I did or maybe talk about how I was bad at school would make the kids chuckle a little, even if it is at me, it is going to lighten the mood for me to speak.
But other than that, I think the cheesy message of shooting for the stars and aiming for your dreams is the way to go. Playing professional sports or hockey is one of the toughest things to do. it will not come easy, thats forsure, but you need to dedicate your time and efforts, make some sacrifices and keep on working to improve everyday in order for you to get to where you want to be. Those 7 AM or 6 AM practices, the gym workouts early in the morning or even 2 times a day are a pain in the behind, but you need to get better and get to where you want to be so you need to do things you dont want to do.

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Thanks to @enigmatic , @Ragnar and @sulovilen for the sexy Signature

I've already given a speech to the high school that attended so this year I'm stopping by my elementary school. Well, my second elementary school. The elementary school I spent most of my time at shut down and is condos now. Damn you Boston development! Since I'm talking to kids ranging from ages 7 - 12 I am planning on keeping the talk light. A lot of believe in yourself type of things and loving yourself. Sadly even at this age kids can have their passion for their hobbies driven out of them. I really want to keep them excited and motivated about what they love to do. In the past I wasn't the greatest orator but after all my years doing interviews and public appearances I am much more comfortable speaking in front of people. Especially kids. Speaking to kids is easy. After my motivational speech I'll open the auditorium to questions and hopefully will get some good questions and no will you be my new dad kind of questions. After that I'll challenge kids from each grade to a 1 v all tug of war and see how they do. I'm also planning on setting up a obstacle course that has some similarities to SHL training to get kids exercising and motivate their interest in physical activity. I know the next SHL star is sitting in that auditorium. They just need to keep that spark alive.


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Before heading up to Winnipeg to begin Season 55 of the SHL, rookie netminder Strom Chamberlain was invited back to his old high school in St. Louis, MO to speak to the student body about achieving their dreams.  Here is an excerpt from his monologue.

Quote:...I couldn't afford to go to an Ivy league school, or even one of the Big Ten schools with decent hockey programs.  In college, I was good as a Goaltender and even made All American my sophomore year.  Like most college players, I had big dreams of playing in the SHL, but while others received calls from team scouts and started setting up contracts through phone remained silent.  I won't sugarcoat for you the feeling of absolute anguish that I went through by the time my senior year happened and seeing teammates of mine get calls for the SHL draft, or playing overseas in IIHF...getting paid to play the sport they love while I remained here, my only fallback plan was the education and degree I was going to receive in the spring.  I didn't give up though.  I was able to play a couple years on local teams, however, I had become complacent knowing that as each year passed I would never make the dream happen....until it did...

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Pt pass

@dmills3 do your pts

Khm Khm…. Emmmmmm…. Greetings everyone! (Heavy microphone screetch) Ammmmm… I am Chris…. I mean Goodname…. I mean Chris Goodname. Few years ago I was You!
[points with finger in middle of auditory. Accidentaly everyone looks at the girl who seems like have been pointed. Mild confusion by everyone.]
Not You! You are girl! I mean I have nothing against girls! Just…. Ahem… You can’t be me! Well You can be if You really want.. Nowadays…
[starts nervously switching cards of speech]
Well! … I used to go to this school Edge school in Calgary. Yeeeah! And I had that great passion about hockey. I trained so much, I read books about greatest players. I skipped Ms. Cherkowski lessons to get extra minutes in training room. Sorry Ms. Cherkowski. Ammm. My point is … In this school .. It is possible to become a professional athlete and fulfill Your dreams, like I did. I haven’t achieved them all but I got pretty good start after this school. And Ms. Cherkowski is cool too. She thought me how to …. Animals… and… You know. My point is I’m giving thanks to this school about my recent success. I’ve got drafted by SMJHL and SHL. I played good last year and …. Thats… because…… ….. Because of….. Studies!
Can I finish now? Oh .. Turn off microphone first. Okay.. .Mhm… Okay.

[in audible speech]
[Turns back microphone and starts screech again]
And don’t do drugs! Thank You!
[Tries to turn off then principal comes and says he will have it!]

"Hi there kids. I'm sure you all know who I am. It's me, Mitchell van der Heijden, that one guy who scored the Challenge Cup-winning goal and then was traded literally hours later. Anyways, I used to go to this school, where I got bullied for playing ice hockey instead of football. Let's just say I didn't enjoy my time here. However when they asked me to come back and make this speech I decided to do it because I could brag about all of my major ice hockey accomplishments abroad. Let's see: I've won a Four Star Cup, IIHF silver medal, and that aforementioned Challenge Cup as well as SMJHL Awards Committee MVP and WJC Best Forward. I guess the whole story of this speech is follow your dreams and you'll be successful. Mine was to play pro hockey and now I'm a relatively well-known player who did a thing that everyone knows him for. So do what I did and let the fame roll your way."

Armada Monarchs Germany

Armada Steelhawks Switzerland

Armada Specters Wolfpack Steelhawks Forge Switzerland

Scarecrows pride Chiefs Riot Stars Blizzard Ireland

ty to @High Stick King @EvilAllBran and @Ragnar for the sigs

Written Portion B: Excerpt from speech

"Resilience. Work ethic. Challenge yourself. Challenge yourself to become better and better everyday no matter what you do. For me, it was waking up earlier than the other guy, hitting the rink and pushing myself until I had nothing left each and everyday. For you, that might mean studying more, while everyone is outside playing, grab a book and read; learn! Set your goals and force yourself to do great things in pursuance of those goals every day. Sometimes, no, it won't be fun. This is where the resilience and work ethic comes in. You may be tired, you may be out of breath, you may say it's not worth it to go further. Don't give up. Don't give in. Push through that barrier of uncomfortableness and drive straight to that wall knowing when you come out on the other side you'll be better off for it and that much closer to your ultimate achievement. You are young, you will make mistakes. Life is about making mistakes but then learning what went wrong and avoiding making those same mistakes in the future. Look for guidance from your parents, friends and peers. Life isn't meant to be done alone, it can't be done alone. Allow others in, push towards your goal each and every day and you will be successful. I promise."

(221 words)

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