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S55 PT #1 - Back To Where It All Began
(This post was last modified: 07-27-2020, 10:32 AM by Gwdjohnson.)

Gabe Johnson was a little nervous when he was asked to come back to his old high school to give a talk to the kids there, because he has residual PTSD over having been bullied and made fun of relentlessly by many from the school, students, teachers and principals alike, during his time there. Wanting to hide that that was the case and feign confidence, Gabe agreed to go give the speech. As it turns out, much like Gabe himself didn't forget his history with the school, the school itself didn't forget either. Before Gabe had time to say anything for the speech, he had dozens of rotten tomatoes lobbed at him, with many children and teachers scoring direct hits, before Johnson bolted out of the auditorium. However, before he could escape the premises, Johnson was intercepted by a group of 9th graders and effortlessly dragged to a toilet, where he was then given a good old swirly just like the old days. Gabe was then stuffed into a locker and was left soaking wet and crying for hours until his agent came with the school janitor to get him out. He then returned to Hamilton to get ready for their season opener the next day.

(208 words)

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Hellooooooo Titans!

I'm so happy to be back here to share my success story with you all. This school does great things for those who work hard and take advantage of these great opportunities provided.

I'll admit that I slunk through school, not caring about my grades. That all changed as I got older and realized that I needed a strong core to help me in every facet of my life. This school will do that for you. No one got into the teaching profession to hinder people but did get into it to make individuals grow. Take everything that they say and absorb it.

Your future starts here. It truly is what you make of it.

I encourage all of you to utilize this campus to the best of your ability and look to your teachers for guidance. They've been there before and are wiling to do whatever it takes to help you succeed.

Update PageWhalers | Wolfpack | Player Page

Jack Durden:

Season 24 - *4 Star Cup Champions - Vancouver Whalers*
Season 36 - *Challenge Cup Champions - Texas Renegades*
Season 36 - *Anton Razov Trophy Winner - Playoff MVP - Texas Renegades*
Season 41 - *IIHF Gold Medalist - Team United Kingdom*
Season 41 - *Triple Gold Member*
**Vancouver Whalers Hall of Fame**
**Texas Renegades Hall of Fame**
**Hall of Fame Member**

Who would have thought I would be back in this building? You know, I always though about coming back, however if Im being honest I thought the school would be closed. This place is so damn old and doesn't look any different from the time I left. None the less, I am here, and hopefully I can provide some insight to help kick your life off, and get you guys out of this school with a better future. Now, one of the first things that really got my life together was getting in shape, and it was no easy task at this school, specially with chicken finger Wednesday, we all know how good that chicken is! Now, I am assuming you all go to the mall for the lunch mostly as well? Well it all starts here, stop taking your car for a 5 minute walk to the mall. Start running there, or hell, even walk there. You are burning no calories during school, just eating more and more everyday, time to burn those calories. Thats the first tip, onto the next 56..

184 words

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Hello fellow Dons, it is a pleasure for me to come back and speak with you all today about some of the lessons I learned here that have helped me in achieving my dream of playing in the SHL.  While we have a great sports program and playing on great teams certainly helped with my hockey development, I instead want to focus on some of the lessons I learned in the classroom that have translated to the hockey world as well.

There is no shortcut to making it as a professional athlete.  It takes sacrifice and hard work along with your natural talents.  I know I am one of the very fortunate ones to have the natural talent but I learned the hard work and dedication from the classroom.  I had to work very hard to get good grades and pass classes which was not always fun but it taught me to apply that same dedication to my hockey play.  It has paid off obviously.

165 Words

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Gritty McGritterson Player Page
Gritty McGritterson Update Page

S53 Four Star Cup Champion- Detroit Falcons
S56 Challenge Cup Champion - Hamilton Steelhawks

Quote:Written Option A (150 words min.): What is the speech about? How are you going to try and inspire (or at least entertain) these kids? How does it go? Do you wind up mumbling on stage because you are a big buffoon who isn't can word good or are you an eloquent and captivating orator? Do you think the next [you] is out there in the audience listening?

Aron Hernadivic, the big, bulky Czechian Left Winger, visits elementary schools in his home town of Pardubice, as well as elementary schools in his adopted city of Buffalo. In addition, Hernadivic has also partnered with the numerous children's hospitals of Buffalo and the surrounding area, as he visits the children weekly in order to keep their spirits up and their heads held high during their tough times. When visiting the schools in Buffalo and Pardubice, Hernadivic usually gives the kids the age-old tale of following their dreams, making sure they don't give up on what makes them happy, etc. However, Hernadivic also knows just how much of an influence he has on these kids, so Hernadivic makes sure to tell the kids to make sure they're being nice and polite, putting others needs ahead of their own. He also makes sure that these kids know the importance of healthy eating, influencing them to eat more fruits and vegetables and less chips and pop. He has developed a wonderful relationship with the kids at the schools and the various hospitals, and always looks forward to visiting. (185)

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Thanks to everybody for the sigs :peepoheart:

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"Hello, and good afternoon to everyone! I am really happy to be back here in Czech Republic. I absolutely love coming back here. All of you here who aspire here to become the new hockey greats are amazing people. But do you put enough effort in? Becoming a SHL player doesn't just mean playing ice hockey, being talented and hoping to get there. You need to be dedicated. Hard work gets rewarded. Having talent is an optional thing. I never was that much talented myself, but with all the hard work I improved my SHL draft ranking. Third round in the J, first round in the SHL. That proves that talent is not required. You have to work hard. Every day, every night. Being a hockey player isn't a job. It's a lifestyle. If you want to experience one, you have to be dedicated. Who knows? Maybe if you take my advice to your hearts some of you might end up being my teammates in the SHL. You never know."

Doing a podcast, ask me any question: HERE
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Thanks to @caltroit_red_flames and @sve7en for these amazing sigs!


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sigs either by @Wasty, @Nokazoa, @sulovilen, @Capt_Blitzkrieg, @sköldpaddor, @Ragnar, @enigmatic, @Lime or myself

Stars Lions Berserkers
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my portfolio | my sig shop | gfx discord
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[Image: AfpXX8l.png]
(This post was last modified: 07-27-2020, 11:50 AM by leviadan.)

*Burlok stands in front of the blackboard in his old Kindergarten class*

Uh, hi kids. My name is Burlok, and I'm a Four Star Cup champion and Texas Renegades prospect. I'm due to make the leap to the big leagues next season, and I used to go to school in this very room!

Today I wanted to talk about change, and growing. Because I know for you guys starting Kindergarten is a huge change, right? You're here without your parents, and for the first time you're in a whole different world than what you're used to. A lot of you are probably enjoying it and that's awesome, but I know that some of you probably aren't. That's OK too! Change is hard, and that never stops, not even for a big bearded SMJHL champion like me.

Like I said I'm due to move to the SHL after this year, and that scares me! I have a lot of friends in Detroit that I'm going to miss every day, and who knows if I'll be successful in the big leagues? It's uncertain and it's frightening. But what always helps me, and what I hope will help you too, is remembering that change doesn't mean it's over for good. Yeah I'll be in Texas next year, but I'll still be able to talk with all of my friends when I want to! And yeah I might not get as many points, but that's a chance for me to learn more about hockey and grow further than I have so far.

Same for you guys! Yeah you're at school on your own right now-- but at the end of the day you can still sit down in the home that you know, with the parents that you love, and talk about the day that you had. You'll always have that support from friends and family. Sure everyone around you is a new face, and you might not know exactly how to act in every new situation, but that's a chance to learn and grow just like I will be next year. If you hold on to the people and the things that you love, change doesn't have to be so hard.

New people and new opportunities means new chances to love and to grow beyond who you are now, and your teachers and your parents and I are here to support you all the way through that. So if your scared this year or next year, or any year after that, just remember that even me, big hockey star Burlok, is scared a lot too! But now you know my secret to feeling better, and you know that we'll both get through it together. Sound good?

*the class claps quietly. a student stands to ask a question.*

Um, Burlok? You said, uh, prospect? What's that?

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It's hard to write a passionate speech to today's youth. I would probably stay away from the rhetoric of hard work and put in the time in favor for a much simpler approach. My speech would be about choosing a dream and making it happen. That there are so many things that can be done in this world that is can paralyze a young mind with choices. To take this time to find the things you truly love and pursue a goal with ardour. Phineas has always been a good orator and speech writer. He would go up with poise and speak to these children in a no nonsense this is how followed my dream speech. He took his time to take questions in the middle of his speech because he wanted to make sure the children stayed involved. As he looked into the audience he didn't see anyone who was chomping at the bit to be a hockey player and he was ok with that. Because his dream doesn't have to be forced on anyone else. If they wanted to be hockey players it would be up to.them.

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Credit to Vulfzilla for the awesome render pic
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James Hagan travelled back to his hometown high school in Dallas, Texas, to give his little spiel of inspiration. He was already a bit chaffed at the school's administration, as they told him that he could not bring alcohol for the students, nor could he open his speech by shotgunning a beer. Disappointed, Hagan sipped fireball from a yeti cup like the lunatic he is. He decided to forego the usual crap that inspirational speakers like to vomit at teenagers, and instead decided to try and entertain everyone, and answer questions about the life of a professional athlete. There were many questions for him to tackle, many of them simply about training, how much work you do, and that sort of thing, but eventually he was asked about what he does outside of sports. It was here that he got real - he parties, drinks, goes out on the town, even when he has games, but he still lights the lamp the very next day. It was also here that he sprung his entertainment for the day, by throwing beer cans to the crowd and telling them to get after it.

Safe to say, he's not getting invited back.


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Jed Mosley was a stud in high school. He broke all kinds of offensive records on the back end and won two state championships in his junior and senior years of high school hockey. So naturally he would be asked back to speak to the kids there now and give them some advice on how to succeed in life regardless of what your goals are. There is just one problem.....Mosley is a hockey player and has been trained to be a hockey player. The conversation started out smooth enough where Mosley talked about all the good times he had here and how he was glad to be back but then when he was asked specific questions.....he answered like a hockey player. Things like "pucks in deep", "roll four lines" and "got some bounces to go our way" were said ad nauseam. It is clear that Mosley does not have a knack for public speaking and will most likely not be asked to speak at a school again.


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(This post was last modified: 07-27-2020, 12:14 PM by Tate.)

In terms of coming up with a motivational speech for students I would rely on an example that applies to both real world sports, as well as this simulation game for the SHL. There are three psychological methods that we must all apply when it comes to having success in any field we desire, they are a positive attitude, determination, and commitment. The first aspect of having a positive attitude is something that will help you succeed both on and off the ice. On the ice you want to be positive about what you are doing and how you are doing it, as well as not get down on yourself too hard and take things to a depressive level. It doesn't help you to beat yourself up, but it does help you to reward yourself and acknowledge the positives of your contributions. Off the ice a positive attitude will help you with teammates as well as taking constructive criticism or being "coachable." Determination is important because this will help you get to the next level in terms of competitiveness or drive. It is important to never give up, no matter how hard you might want to at times, and this matters in all facets of life. We tend to give up too easy, and so we must be determined to carry on and strive to be the best we can be. This also aligns with commitment. You must commit if you want to get better, all things take time and the only way to get better is to practice. It can take upwards of 10,000 hours to become a master in a skill, and you will never get there if you don't commit.

288 words

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Option A:

Dom Montgomery went back to his hometown in Michigan where he went to middle school before getting drafted by the Halifax Raiders. He's not the most energetic or inspiring speaker in front of a crowd larger than the locker room, but he had a lot to say to the kids. He told them about his journey into professional hockey, what it feels like to leave home and have to make a new family of teammates wherever you are in the world. He expanded on his coming out experience in the J as bisexual and how the league/fans reacted, the good and the bad, but mostly good and how he doesn't regret anything. He also talked about preparing for whatever happens - whether best friends get traded to new teams, whether your old SMJHL team moves down to Maine, and also what it has been like to play for nearly ten seasons on the Pride and move to Boston where his partner's family lives and how the Wolfpack was his SHL team growing up. He used a PowerPoint for the speech part and then they did a quick photo op followed by a scrimmage game for the hockey team to use their new equipment that Dom donated to the school along with a bunch of new computers for the school library.

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sigs by sulovilen, slothfacekilla, Flareon
avatar by prettyburn
Current: Wolfpack raiders Uk | Alumni: Inferno pride Knights Germany

Every off-season Esa Parmborg returns home to Hella Iceland to visit family and give back to the community. He's a big star in Iceland so these trips are a lot of fun for him and his countrymen. During these trips he speaks at his local middle school, which is also the elementary school and the high school. All ages of students attend the event and the cafeteria serves chicken parm in honor of the great Parmborg. It's quite the scene as the students always want to see how many parms Esa can eat, needless to say he always impresses. Parmborg looks to inspire kids both through his actions and his words, there could be the next great parm king out there you never know.. this year he spotted one little fat kid that had potential. After the eating spectacle is over he regains some class by eloquently speaking to the kids about his experiences playing across the ocean in north america in the shl. He explains how anything is possible if you work hard enough and eat as much as possible so you can grow big and strong. He later answers questions and then bench presses all the teachers, much to the enjoyment of the students. It's always a fun trip back to Hella Iceland.

---> ParmBorg Highlights <---
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#1 All-Time SHL Goal & Point Scorer 
- First 2,000 TPE Player in SHL History - 
- First 400 Goal Scorer in SHL History -
- Only 500 Goal Scorer in SHL History -
- First GM to Win 5 & 6 Challenge Cups -
Esa Anrikkanen Award - SMJHL ROY - Est. S34
Vidrik Onoprienko Award Winner - S45

Dragonite[Image: 271.png][Image: 291.png][Image: 321.png][Image: 401.png][Image: 42banner2.png][Image: r-Wt4-AB350oooo.png] Dragonite

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