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S55 PT #1 - Back To Where It All Began

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Thanks Wasty, Carpy, JSS, TurdFerguson, Geekusoid and Awesomecakes for the sigs!
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Quote:What is the speech about? How are you going to try and inspire (or at least entertain) these kids? How does it go? Do you wind up mumbling on stage because you are a big buffoon who isn't can word good or are you an eloquent and captivating orator? Do you think the next [you] is out there in the audience listening?

Before the season began JT went back home to Killarney to pay a visit to his childhood elementary school. While he's not a massive figure around town due to Ireland not exactly being a hockey hotbed, he is still quite well known and there is a small hockey community he is a part of. He's never really been one for big ra-ra, inspiring kind of speeches, and instead choose to talk of his experiences playing hockey in North America, what it takes to make it and how he got there, and kind of intertwined those experiences with a message for the kids on working hard and believing in yourself. Afterwards he took questions from the students for a while, took part in a floor hockey game with the students and staff, and signed autographs. He also donated some new hockey equipment for the school gym and some Blizzard merchandise to be raffled off for the kids.

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Credits to OrbitingDeath, Tweedle, Incite, Wasty, and Slothfacekilla for sigs!

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When Marner went back to his old high school, he was not yet a big house hold name in the SHL or even cracked the Calgary Dragons roster yet. While Mats Marner had been taken sixth overall in the season fifty four SHL draft and has a lot of potential as one of the Dragons most promising prospects right now he has not accomplished anything tangible in the SHL yet. So his message to the kids was that you need always be working hard to achieve your dreams and that even when you envision something and get on the right track towards accomplishing your goals you should never let up and keep pushing forward. Ultimately nothing is given to you in life and whether people believe in you or do not does not really matter at the end of the day as the only person that can make things happen is yourself so it is extremely important for you to believe in yourself and keep yourself accountable for your goals in life.

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Malamutes  Stars Malamutes  Stars

Well hello you diverse bunch of students from my hometown, my name is Luffy Richard, you may have heard of me. Probably not, because I did nothing of worth during my high school years besides disappoint everyone. Well, I am here today to inspire the hell out of the youths of today by saying: you can be as mediocre in high school as you want and still be a success. The teachers here are garbage and don't give a crap, except for you, Mr. Cassida, you rock.

I mean, look at me! I am a third line winger on a junior team that hasn't made the play-offs since I was drafted. I share a tiny apartment with a reporter who besmirches me every chance he gets. Also, his prose is lacking.

Now, your parents are going to get on your case--excuse me that's my microphone--and tell you to apply yourself. What they mean is: do what your told without thinking so you look good on paper. Forget about that. don't let yourself get burned out trying to memorize things. Its more important to learn the fundamentals and basics, even if you don't shine bright like a Diamond. Learn how to treat people with kindness, even the weird kid who plays hockey during lunch against the wall because someday he is gonna be a journeyman winger trying to rise above his late start.

because at the end of the day--you can turn off the power all you want, I am very loud--feeling good about yourself, how you treat others, the work you do, the hobbies you have, the way you deal with stress, is more important than the grades you get in high school. Many of you are going to go to college and find professors that will be as passionate as you about the things you care about, and others who will find trade schools that will give you the tools you need to live the life you want, and even others who want to create and put beautiful things in the world, all of these paths are valid. Don't let anyone tell you they're not. And if your high school invites you to speak to a bunch of kids who would rather be anywhere else than in an auditorium without air conditioning, at least entertain them by being arrested for poorly telling them the truth.

Luffy RIchard,


Yeah, I think that is how the speech would go.

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I am sure that Jimmy Slothface would be very awkward and fumble his way through any kind of inspirational message to school kids. He would probably write a speech about sticking to your dreams and goals, no matter what obstacles life throws at you. Something generic like that, but still actually has an application to Jimmy's real life too. But, Jimmy is not the best public speaker. He would probably stammer a little bit when he realizes how nervous he is, and he would probably talk fairly quickly throughout the speech. But, he would get through the whole ordeal, and hopefully a few of the kids in the audience connected with something he said. Jimmy would probably hang around after to see if any of the kids wanted to chat one on one or in smaller groups. He is much more comfortable that way. Maybe that would be the way that he would connect with the next "Jimmy Slothface." Or more likely the kids would just want to go do something else with their free time.

176 words

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Written Option A (150 words min.): What is the speech about? How are you going to try and inspire (or at least entertain) these kids? How does it go? Do you wind up mumbling on stage because you are a big buffoon who isn't can word good or are you an eloquent and captivating orator? Do you think the next [you] is out there in the audience listening?

If (hopefully when) Magnus gets invited back to his high school alma-mater to speak to the kids that are currently there, he would like to emphasize the importance of being a team player. Of putting the team first, and not personal glory, no matter how much it may seem that standing out of the crowd of players seems important. That what the coaches and scouts watch for is not how good the player is individually (though there is some of that, to be sure) but how good they are in working together with other players, and whether or not they can understand what the coaches are asking them to do with the system.

Magnus will also try to emphasize that even though it may seem like it's all hard work at the start, there are always opportunities to have fun, and to bond with your fellow teammates. One of the best things that he has taken away from his SMJHL career so far is the bond between teammates who become friends, like he did with many of the players on the Detroit Falcons. That the players of his cohort on the Falcons would do almost anything for the other players on that team, since they have become so close.

Finally, he would like to emphasize that any opportunity, no matter how small, is something to be grateful for. It may not seem like a big deal when it is first shown, but it can lead to something different in the future!

251 words

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“A lot of people say that they would love to be in your shoes right now. Young and free, ready to enter the real world and excel. Your teens and twenties are the best times of your lives they say! Sure, that sounds great, but do you want to know what I think? Screw that. You still have a lot of work to do, and the best years of your life are waiting on the other side. You won’t be able to just walk into a job and excel. You are going to have to work hard, and maybe, just maybe, one day you will be lucky to enough to do something that you love every day. Look at me, you are all cheering me on and looking up to me because you seem to think I’ve accomplished so much. I’m nowhere near where I want to be. I’ve still got to put in a lot of work before I get there, and the same applies to all of you.”

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Delver Fudgeson didn't go to school until after his circus performing parents fell to their tragic deaths when he was 10 years old. His billionaire adoptive father put him into school after that, but it was mostly for show, as he spent most of his time training to become a pro hockey player. Still, he was asked to return to give a speech to all of the horrible, spoiled, rich brats in that private school that he rarely attended. The speech is mostly about how you can achieve anything you set your mind to, especially if your parents are going to pay for it. While Delver hates this mentality, he speaks clearly and is able to captivate these bored children into realizing how much of their lives have already been set up for success due to the situation they were born into. I sure hope the next Delver isn't out there listening, because if that were the case then there would be another orphaned circus acrobat who was taken in by a lunatic and trained to physical perfection by them to live out their own twisted desires through the youngster.

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Sig by @Evil_AllBran

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Since Mika was already heading back to Russia for a little bit to see some family and to be around the place he group up for a bit, it was natural that he'd go and meet with the high school that he grew up at. Siberia doesn't have a great deal of opportunity, so it was a nice day talking to the local kids. The speech was mostly about how hard work can take you a long way. Work hard, and when you think you've worked hard enough, work a little bit harder. That's how Mika made it to the SHL in the first place and it's the number one piece of advice he has for kids no matter what they want to do with their lives. He told them whether it was hockey, another sport, or any other profession in life, if you want to be successful you need to work harder than all the other people trying to do that same thing. The kids seemed to pretty receptive to it and they were impressed that Mika was able to go to North America out of Siberia to go play hockey professionally. It's not too often that someone from the area rises to international stardom. Mika was down to earth and just talked to the kids. He didn't make too grand of speeches but stuck around afterwards to talk to the kids and sign a few autographs here and there. The school and the students alike were grateful for the time Mika was able to spend with them.

Mika Kandinsky Stars 

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Young Logo has been invited back to his old high school to give a speech about his success on and off the ice and how being a positive member in the community doesn't only benefit the community but also yourself. To start the speech he makes jokes about how he never took high school serious often not doing homework but would rather joke around and just enjoy school versus stressing about it. If it wasn't for being a stud at hockey and getting recruited to the university of Michigan he isn't sure what exactly he would be doing in life currently. As hes always been passionate for music often writing lyrics and freestlying with friends who also appreciate the word play and the beats that other artists make. One thing Logo focuses on during his speech is talking about mental health because some people cant control some things and if your in a dark place try to change your surroundings because some people cant ever get out of the dark place and sometimes the light at the end of a tunnel is just your imagination and you can never escape the darkness.

While professional hockey players are few and far in between in Karlstraße's home country of Luxembourg, professional athletes are somewhat more common and well respected by lil' Luxembourgers. Over the last few seasons Karlstraße has become one of the premier defenders of the league and the country has taken notice. Earlier this year at the beginning of the school year his hometown highschool hosted him for an opportunity to speak to all the young folk aspiring to be a future professional athlete. All time greats Andy Schleck and Guy Hellers were in attendence as well and each took turns expressing the drive and dedication needed to succeed in the demanding world of professional sports. While Karlstraße wasn't exactly uber enthralling it seemed his words resonated well with the young crowd as many approached him afterwards with followup questions, especially with regards to living life in America.

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pride Armada  Player Page || Update Page  Germany pride

"Hello class! For those of you that do not know me, I am Edward Williams. But feel free to call me Teddy! I currently play hockey in the SMJHL over in the United States for one of the best teams in the league. Next season I will be called up to play in the SHL, the best hockey league in the world. 

There is only one way to make it to the top. I know it is cliche, but I have two words for you: hard work. I struggled a lot in school, and did not care to work very hard. But, I worked hard on the ice. You have to find what drives you and give it your all. Right now, you have to give everything to school. But do not worry, that will not last forever. It will give you the tools you need to put the same effort in other things, like hockey.

Today I will tell you about my journey from a kid who had no idea what to do with his life, to being the happiest man on the planet. And it all comes down to hard work and dedication."

Rest of speech redacted due to copyright.

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(This post was last modified: 07-27-2020, 05:07 PM by Toast.)

While in St. Paul for the Minnesota Chiefs pre-season training camp, Jack Klompus received an invitation to return to his elementary school to speak to the younger children. While not a major successful player like some of the Chiefs, it was still nice to have a home-grown talent who was draft to the Chiefs coming to speak at the school.

Klompus is not a fantastic speaker and was a little nervous during his speech. He doesn't often have much to say in the post-game interviews and not much changed with public speaking. However, the age group of the audience was approximately about 10 years old so it was fairly easy to entertain the crowd. Klompus spoke about never giving up on your dreams and putting in the effort to be successful both in your goals and in school. He brought his draft day jersey and a hockey stick, taking pictures with many of the students and even starting an indoor game to encourage physical activity.


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Mobius. Metropolis Zone City. After the first season with the Knights, Fleetway Super Sonic decided to take the first ship back to Mobius to do a few things here and there, so now here he is. It can't be fully placed but, it's something about this place that seems so... familiar... While SS hadn't fully regained his memories, he still had feelings like these when certain places came to mind. However, before things could be thought about, SS gets stopped by a person hopping out in front of him. It's an oldish armadillo man wearing business casual clothes and glasses that look like they've stood the tests of time.

"Hey! You're that defensemen for Kelowna, right? Super Sonic correct?" SS nods. "It's nice to get to meet an upcoming prospect like you! I've been following some of your stats and performances, and I'd say you did pretty decently despite that sweep in the playoffs." Super Sonic thanks the man for his compliment. "Say... I know this sounds crazy but, could you do me a favor?" "I'm a teacher for Metropolis High, and we've been looking for someone with a speck of fame to come and talk to the kids about their futures for our career week. We'll pay you for your services, all we ask for is for you to come tomorrow. Is that alright with you?" SS thinks for a moment... "Talking to kids about their futures? I don't think I exactly have the charisma or motivation skills to do that... But... I guess I could give it a try... Plus there's also the aspect of being paid..." SS agrees to the man's terms and says he'll be there. "Great! I'll give you the location and time tomorrow. Be there on time." they both walk away now with their plans in place.

The Next Day...

Metropolis High. It's a pretty huge school, and it's unlike what SS has seen before. The time is 1:30 PM, just like agreed upon in the texts from earlier. Super Sonic walks into the school looking upon the halls, lunchtime just happened so it's a flurry of students going to different places and doing different things. Eventually, SS makes it to the other section of the school that holds the gym, auditorium, empty stairways and looking at the walls, he can see things like jerseys of former students, a few team pictures from time periods, and a trophy case filled with different completion medals, awards, etc. He then finally makes it to the gym door where the teacher from yesterday is. "Ah great. You made it." "The kids are inside sitting on the bleachers, they're a group of freshmen and seniors so it shouldn't be too much trouble. I'll be at the door if you need me." SS nods and gives a thumbs up he grabs the door handle and takes a deep breath then exhales. "Here goes nothing..." The door opens and in goes the defenseman to stumble and try and talk about the future to children...

As Vent fly's home, he is excited to see his old high school. He remembers all the friends he made and the fun he had in the school. Some of his friends he made were Bernik Vrzala fellow SHL defensemen for the Calgary Dragons. As the flight ends Vent heads out of the airport and gets into a taxi and heads towards the school. Seeing all old places Vent and his friends used to hang out pass bye brought back so many memories. As the taxi came to a halt in front of the school Vent was flooded by cameras and reporters trying to as questions. Vent soaked in the view of his old school and started to walk towards the school. Walking through the doors and seeing some of his old teachers and saying hello and catching up with them. He could hear the kids screaming and he made him excited to talk to them. He remembers sitting and hearing people come to talk to him when he was younger. He hopes to at least get through to one kid and be able to change his life.

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