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S55 PT #4 - OK What's Your Expansion Team Idea

On a serious note, there are a couple of markets I've always thought the SHL should enter. I'd probably prefer to have an expansion team in the eastern conference due to the different opportunities that are available there, and I guess I'd start with one of Philadelpia, Montreal or New Jersey as the locations to look at. Of the three, I think Philadelphia has the most potential and relevance, as although Montreal is the biggest hockey market probably in the world, I think the fact we're just a little too closely removed from the Monreal Militia, Philly would be the one I'd lean toward. In terms of branding, I used to really dig the GOMHL team the Philadelphia Patriots, so maybe something themed around that like Philadelphia Americans would be cool and fits with the city's history quite nicely. I'd like to see a blue and red branding with white as a tertiary color, based on the colors of the US flag. Goal song would be something that would come later, but I've got a few ideas of things that could work. I wouldn't be surprised if one of the expansion GMs went down a similar route to this, but I guess we'll see what happens soon.

207 words

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PT pass

[Image: outlaws2.png]  [Image: switzerland2.png] [Image: monarchs.png]  Mathias Seger #15 | Player page | Update page [Image: outlaws2.png] [Image: switzerland2.png] [Image: monarchs.png]
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Sigs by Donini, RainDelay, Fever and OrbitingDeath

The Stockholm Sensations. Yes, that's right. The SHL are moving (back home) to Sweden, and what other place than the capital of Sweden.
Being its namesake, it is better late than never to put a team oversees from the North American continent and the Sensations are gonna follow up on their name and dazzle the opponents. There are of course other names you could choose. Vikings, Vasa, Rivers, Royal. But Sensations just sound the best together with Stockholm. Goalhorn? Waterloo by Abba of course. A huge Sweden native pop-band from the 70s. It just screams sensation! Colour scheme would be blue, white and gold with a Habs style jersey. Away jerseys should be more classic, but predominately be white and gold with some blue details. It needs to be a sensation, so let's create a spectacle of it!

The Stockholm Sensations, coming at you in great style, great songs and with the will of a viking!

[Image: K6ykz0o.png]
Theodor Larsson

I joked around quite a but about expansion teams and where they could go or what they could be called. I think team in Mexico would be cool, I know Frith submitted Mexico City and I loved it. I also like the idea of adding more Canadian teams to the league. Sure we have a few good ones in prime locations, but I feel we could add two more. Ottawa comes to mind for one of them, even though that would really clutter that area of the map with teams. If I had to pick a location for an expansion team, I would pick Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Why? Just say that name 3 times fast. That's why. For real though, I was thinking the Saskatoon Sasquatch. So many S's, so good. The mascot could literally be Bigfoot. Logo would be either a big foot print or a silhouette of Bigfoot walking behind a moon. Jersey colors I have no idea. I just like this idea.


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Specters Monarchs Berserkers Scarecrows [Image: italian-flag.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=tO...eKFgvtgqU=]

Specters Armada Scarecrows Czechia
Panthers Specters Jets Scarecrows Usa [Image: 4star.png] [Image: challengecup.png] [Image: challengecup.png]
RIP Dangel #AD26  |  RIP TDZ

During the expansion process I actually thought about this briefly and came to the conclusion that I don't really have a destination and/or team identity that I care about super much and therefore I would have taken this opportunity to try a different and somewhat new approach: Crowdsourcing the expansion team process. I would've given the entire SHL an opportunity to work together on the newest expansion franchise. This includes people making the case for their preferred locations, coming up with cool team identities that fit those places or just are neat overall, and work with the graphics crew to come up with cool logos and jersey designs that might single-handedly sway people in one direction or another just because they look so damn good. Of course that process would have likely created some extra drama as well as people fiercely defend their own or oppose other ideas, but as we have seen already but recently and in the past is that expansions rarely go without drama anyway - so why not at least have productive drama?

I do not really like this kind of PT, but I need the TPE so I will go above and beyond to answer this question. My totally awesome expansion idea would be the Mexico City Quetzalcoatl. Why Mexico? Because the SHL expanded and hockey culture has taken central america by storm. They want to join in with the USA and Canada because all countries with hockey teams are prosperous. The president of Mexico made a push in the youth leagues and built arenas all over the country. They pooled funds together to get the Mexico City arena up to code with all of the newest features. Not only would they get to rock green, red, and white as their colors (sorry Wild) but they get to be another bird that enters the league. Everyone knows hockey needs more bird teams. In terms of their brand they could go in two directions: The aforementioned bird, or the more literal meaning of flying snake. By going the fantasy route they stay true to this reality that it would be unimaginable for a team to pop up in Mexico.

[Image: seamsu_500.png?ex=66b438d3&is=66b2e753&h...96a382d50&]

Credit to Vulfzilla for the awesome render pic
[Image: gXlAFBa.png]|| [Image: 8CbZQAJ.png]

Personally I feel like this is a little more out there choice. Birmingham doesn’t have any significant
national sports teams in real life and indeed the whole state of Alabama is seen as somewhat of a pariah.
Like real life the SHL eastern teams are heavily centered around the North Eastern states and especially
with the move of West Kendall to Baltimore there is a dearth of SHL teams in the south east. Birmingham
would not only help balance out the division slightly it would also once again give Tampa a “local” rival.

With a metro population of just over a million people it is a fairly small city although it is in the same range
as Buffalo and New Orleans so there is precedent for teams in markets of this size. Birmingham historically was a major industrial center based around the iron, steel and railroad industries. The discovery of iron, coal and limestone deposits in the region lead to a burgeoning steel industry and in fact Birmingham was given the moniker of “Pittsburgh of the south”. The significance of Iron to Birmingham is underlined by the fact that The Tennessee Coal and Iron company was the preeminent
political and economic force in the city. Nowadays Birmingham has looked to modernise and it is now well
known as a medical research hub which has led to large amounts of urban renewal including the building
of a new arena. However there are still nods to its industrial past with the Vulcan statue (The Roman god
of fire, iron and blacksmiths) which is the largest iron ore statue in the world.

The colour scheme I have chosen is a reflection of the brand. The iron grey representing iron and
hammers. The orange representing the fire in the blast furnaces and the black representing the anvil.

[Image: 66624_s.gif]
[Image: 56096_s.gif]
Credit to Ml002, King, Wasty, Carpy, Bruins10, Rum_Ham, Turd Ferguson, Ragnar and Enigmatic for the sigs.
Forge Stampede Inferno Specters Wolfpack Platoon Armada Scarecrows Uk

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I made this a while ago. IDK if I used it for PT, but if so let me know. I make a lot of things. Anyway, this is the Montreal Metros. I think I would have redone the tower in the bg

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If you were the GM of an expansion franchise, what would your new team be? Where would you place it? What's the team name? Why there? Why that name? Describe your branding, goal song, colors, etc.

This one is sort of a toss up.  For the SMJHL expansion, I didn't apply for but I came up with the firefighting themed "Philadelphia Probies" modeled slightly after a mid-state triple-a baseball club in my state called the "Chiefs" under the same concept.  For the SHL though, I think I would have to keep the team in Philadelphia.  Its the birthplace of America so the team name would either be Militia, or Patriots.  Most likely the Philadelphia Patriots would be the what i would call them.

Branding would have some sort of image depicting a continental regular, or a continental militia man with colors mimicking that of the regular army dress:  dark blue on a white field with red trim and vice versa.  Goal song would probably be the Brickmaker March or something similar to that effect.

[Image: QsZ1vOb.jpeg]
[Image: lqfXIpe.jpeg]

If I were expansion GM I would locate my team in London Ontario and they would be named the Stones. I always thought a rock and roll branding would be cool for a sports team kind of like Kiss did with their arena football team. The logo is a no brainer with the famous red tongue on the front of all the uniforms. The fan give aways would be non ending with all the Rolling Stones merchandise available that we could co brand. Of course Stones music would feature predominately during the games and the goal song would probably be Start Me Up. The food would have an English theme to it with traditional pub fare transformed into arena food and we'd have the best fish and chips in Canada. We'd even have Maggie Trudeau involved with the team somehow since she was a known associate of the band in their hey day. I just think it would bring something truly unique to the SHL.

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So, I was lucky enough to have my opportunity to create the New England Wolfpack brand alongside some other fabulous folks a few years ago when we rebranded the Hartford Hydra. It was a lot of fun to be able to let the creative juices flow and to come up with unique, new branding ideas. Unfortunately, today it isn't quite as easy. There are simulation sports teams for what seems like every major sport these days and it's incredibly taboo to cross wires and have a team with the same name if it can be avoided whatsoever.

Right now, there are three locations in the SHL that are very clearly a void that require filling. These are Vancouver, British Columbia, Philadelphia PA, and Montreal, Quebec.

My first choice would be to bring the SHL back to the seacoast in BC. Enter the Vancouver Grizzlies. Color scheme would be Brown/Cream, similar to the kits of the Hershey Bears of the AHL.

Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights
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RIP Dangel. See you on the other side, brother

I did not apply for expansion; it seems like more work than I can put into the world right now. However, if I applied, I have a pretty good idea what I would use.

By now, many people know my SMJHL Expansion bid would be for the Cedar Rapids Crunchberries. It speaks for its GD self. But for SHL, I have to look a little bigger, and head back to my home state of Ohio. The lack of representation in the true Midwest makes me sad, so I have to honor the homeland. Others would apply with Cincinnati, Columbus, or maybe even Dayton (Akron Rubber Nipples is funny as shit, GO NIPPLES!), but I’m here to rep for the 216. My expansion team will be in Cleveland. Like most of my expansion ideas, I want the mascot and name to honor something special about the location. I thought about something like the Cleveland Burning River, using a royal blue color accented with red and orange. It’s a color palette that we don’t see a ton in the league. Still, that’s not the answer, either.

I’m going with the Cleveland Emeralds. Most from outside NE Ohio don’t know this, but Cleveland is surrounded by a large number nature reserves known as the Cleveland Metroparks system. These parks are affectionately known as the Emerald Necklace. They are beautiful, they are great, and they are honored here. I don’t have a jersey concept (that’s always going to be the weak point of my pitch), but I envision it would have to differ from the other two major green jerseys in the Eastern Conference (Boston and Buffalo) in significant ways. Maybe there would be white stripes with small emerald-shaped design across it? The primary logo would be a stylized gemstone (or maybe a tree with emeralds hanging from it? Idk). For secondary logos I’m thinking of something to represent the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame or a big ass tree, if not used as the primary logo.

The goal song would absolutely have to be from a Cleveland-area artist. I’m leaning toward something from Nine Inch Nails, but two other contenders would be Kid Cudi’s “Pursuit of Happiness” or “Hey Man, Nice Shot” by Filter. In all honesty, I probably go with the Filter song… because it’s so on the nose and it's a wave of sound that will get the crowd hyped (like Machinehead for so many rinks) but annoy the opposing teams.

Platoon Elk Elk Platoon
Argonauts Argonauts

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Thank you karey, OrbitingDeath Ragnar, and sköldpaddor for sigs! 
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(This post was last modified: 08-17-2020, 04:30 PM by leviadan.)

I think it's high time that the SHL expanded across the pond with my team, the Munich Fighting Monks.

Why Munich? The travel time will be crazy! It's across the ocean from every other team! To that I say, "Quiet nerd! Nobody cares about whatever astrophysics plane travel garbage you're on about!" The city is gorgeous, and it's already got a hockey tradition. This includes the existing six thousand capacity arena that I intend to double in size with funds collected in two ways.

1) Donations generated from local monastery attendees. Tourists love to pay for things.
2) For a 1% revenue share, Paulaner will be the sole beer provider for the stadium, and sponsor all of the new seats needed for arena growth.

Naturally the branding for a city with such a rich history should reflect that, so for our logo we'll be using a modified version of the city's ancient coat of arms.

[Image: city-coat-arms-munich-germany-emblem-nat...890210.jpg]


[Image: munichfm.png]

A few subtle additions have adapted this old monk on a shield into a modern and fearsome hockey monster. The blue and white is a nod to the city's Bavarian roots. I don't know why he's doing the middle finger... that's a part of the original design that we needed to keep. I don't know. The consultant monks said it was important.

Anyway thank you for your time, and I look forward to the Munich Fighting Monks home opener in S57!

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I decided to take a fun turn on this expansion pt. First of all, I think the SHL NEEDS a team in the midwest as it is currently wide open. I like the idea of Colorado personally because the higher population then surrounding states and of course the legalization of marijuana. In terms of cities within Colorado there are options like Denver, Colorado Springs, Boulder (big college city) and Aspen. Out of those I think Boulder or Denver would the most suitable for an SHL club. For name sake I like Boulder Blazers. You guessed it, Blazers because the logo would be an animated pot leaf (eyes and a mouth) holding a hockey stick. Colors would be green, white and black. We would get monster donations from Snoop Dogg, MGK, Pete Davidson and other big stars endorsing the newest 'marijuana influenced' SHL organization. Goal songs would be popular songs on the radio with weed twists. Because I got High by Afroman will play when the team gets a victory and marijuana smoke will pour down from the rafters getting the fans extremely stoned. Ok, maybe not that last part but a kid can dream, right?

(195 words)

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