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S55 PT #4 - OK What's Your Expansion Team Idea

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If I were to get an expansion franchise, I would name them the Seattle Tridents. I totally get that Tig just unveiled his expansion team, the Seattle Argonauts and that this would create a conflict, but this was something I had envisioned for a while (even prior to the announcement yes). I think Seattle is a fantastic city that truly loves and is passionate about their sports (Look at the Seattle Seahawks and Seattle Sounders attendance for example), it is also an ideal city that lies on the West Coast and has a lot going for it in general with the booming tech industry, how close it is to western Canada and all that. As for the colors, I would have to stick to the typical Seattle, aqua green-ish color while I kept the theme related to water/sea/ocean stuff by using a Trident, an ancient symbol that is related to Poseidon, the god of the Sea (and storms).

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Nour is pretty hot ngl

As my teammates probably know by now - I am generally quite an unoriginal person. I steal jokes from people, I steal bets from people, and in this task I would borrow historical team names from people. However, it would not be as obvious as the now-defunct Edinburgh Capitals: instead, I would choose to create a team named the Scottish Claymores. This would be in honour of the Scottish Claymores NFL Europe team from decades ago. It - of course - would be based in the capital of Scotland at Murrayfield Ice Rink, and would be named as such due to the two-handed sword of the same name in Scottish folklore. The goal horn undoubtedly would include ‘I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)’ by The Proclaimers and we would naturally given out tartan clothing to our guests from overseas. Ultimately, the Scots deserve a team to replace the Captials at the top level: Scots always provide great hospitality to their guests and look to watch violent sports (like Hockey) wherever they can to fill their lust for action. Hopefully the expansion committee would agree Scotland is the perfect place to go for the next expansion.

194 words

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If given the chance at creating a new franchise I would need to put in a good amount of thought. First and most important is the city, now many big markets are lacking a Major or Junior team. Some classics like Montreal or a southern market like Miami. My choice is Philadelphia, with over 6 million people in the metro area and no SHL team the closest being the Rage. The branding would like almost all Philadelphia teams to be based on the american revolution. Some examples being, The Cannons, Minutemen, and Freedom. The colors would be some mix of Red, White and Blue like the american flag. The Home jersey should be a darker blue to be contrasting to both the Rage and Wolfpack Jersey, with darker red and silver elements to it as well. There should be a fair amount of stars on the jersey/logos as well. Philadelphia has a large and passionate fan base and would serve as a great city for either a SHL or SMJHL team in the future.
175 words

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Scarecrows Usa Blizzard Panthers Patriotes Stars

If I was selected to pick an expansion team for the SHL it would be located in Victoria. Ideally, it would be more of an SMJHL team but it could work in the SHL too. For the team name, I would probably go with the Victoria Tsunami's. The reason for this is Victoria Island is overdue for a massive earthquake. Potentially as big as a magnitude of 9 which is likely to cause a massive tsunami. The reason I picked Victoria is because it's a unique location which I like rather than cities that have NHL teams. I also have lived in Victoria in the past for about 10 years and I'm in love with the area. For branding, the colour scheme would be blue, silver, and white with a logo of a massive wave that incorporates a V within it. The goal horn would be one of Nelly Furtados songs as she's probably the most famous artist from Victoria.

Falcons Canada
(This post was last modified: 08-23-2020, 09:10 PM by frithjofr.)

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Written task (150 words min.): If you were the GM of an expansion franchise, what would your new team be? Where would you place it? What's the team name? Why there? Why that name? Describe your branding, goal song, colors, etc.

If I were a new GM and tasked to coming up with an expansion franchise, I would make my franchise in Arizona. I picked Arizona because there is not a team there yet and the National Hockey League has a successful team located there and if they can do it so can we, right? I would name my franchise the Rattlesnakes, mainly since the national snake of Arizona is the Ridge-nosed rattlesnake and it sounds cool, Arizona Rattlesnakes! Another reason for bringing the franchise to Arizona is that there is a nice market there with the other sports teams, football and baseball (and yeah I know the baseball team is the Diamondbacks and pretty much the same thing but who caaaares...). Their colors would be blue (federal) and yellow. They would have the rattlesnake pattern near the bottom of their jersey and on the sleeves. The logo would be the rattlesnake bearing the colors of the team and maybe a grey to make the other colors pop. Not sure about the goal song, maybe the national song lol put probably not, but when they score make a rattle from the tail noise and then the noise of cracking a whip. I guess that works as a goal sound, but I do not know lol. I am ready to set a team up but run one not yet, not yeet!

Chiefs (219 words) Chiefs

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08-24-2018, 01:08 PMWannabeFinn Wrote: Ah yes, the veteran meme player. A surefire bet for maybe 400 TPE Tongue
05-23-2020, 02:25 PMWannabeFinn Wrote: Scoop AINEC
[Image: Skree.gif] [Image: Skree.gif] [Image: Skree.gif]

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^^^^^ Thank you JSSSSS
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^^^^Credits to Snussu^^^^

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I've got so many ideas to choose from for this task, but you're only gonna get to see one of them today.  My idea for an expansion franchise would be the West Virginia Miners.  I feel like West Virginia is underrepresented across ALL major sports and now just the SHL (and our SMJHL affiliates too) so there is an immense opportunity to tap into a fresh market and finally give the sports fans of West Virginia a home team.  The name itself is pretty straightforward because West Virginia has a proud heritage of coal mining so why not give these guys who have spent generations down in the mines a mascot that truly represents both themselves and a pillar of the West Virginian life and culture.  Without going into too much detail because this PT is due in less than 3 hours branding wise we would have a bear to represent the beautiful wilderness that is found in West Virginia, they are wild and wonderful after all.  Picture Smokey the Bear, but with a pickaxe and also named Alley after the Allegheny mountains he supposedly lives in.  Finally for our team's colors obviously there is going to have to be black to represent the coal the state is known for (and also the black bears that are going to give us our mascot).  Beyond that the people of West Virginia absolutely LOVE their WVU Mountaineers so it makes a ton of sense to incorporate their deep blue and finally to round things green to capture the spirit of the beautiful wilderness that West Virginians have been working so diligently to destroy for 100+ years as part of the mining industry.

Word count: enough

For those who know me, I think the location of my expansion team will come as a shock to no one. It is the one and only greatest state in the Union, New Jersey.

I think, for a mascot/logo, we could tap into the rich history that this wonderful state has. No, I'm not talking about the Mob. Or even the Jersey Devil. We would be the New Jersey Cranberries. Did you know that New Jersey is the number one producer of cranberries in the US? And damn, is cranberry juice delicious.

For colors, we'd go with your standard red. Because ya know, cranberries. It'd be a darker red like the current Colorado Avalanche though. It would be more representative of that sweet cranberry juice that I love. Especially with vodka in it. Which may or may not be currently in my hand.

And as the cranberry on top of this expansion team sundae, the goal song would obviously be Zombie by the Cranberries. Honestly, I don't know why HO doesn't just award me a team now with this stellar idea.

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Recently there has been a lot of talk going around the SHL about expanding. With the up coming expansion, I have heard many possible locations being offered up. Some of these possibilities have potential, some are rather ludicrous, and others are out right dog shit. However, one location that keeps getting bandied about has managed to catch my attention, and that location is none other than Washington State. However, more often than not when Washington State is brought up as a potential location, it is in conjunction with Seattle. NO, people! Just NO! Let’s be perfectly honest here, there is nothing in Seattle but a bunch of Hipsters and Wannabes. Sure, it is a big city with fairly deep pockets, but there is not any real Hockey there. Putting a team in Seattle would be like putting another team in Atlanta, and we have how that works out. Instead let me offer you the true home of Hockey in Washington State. Close your eyes and envision a Hockey team clad in deep Forest Green, Black, and Teal, taking to the ice. The crowd noise deafening as the announcer introduces you to your very own Walla Walla Wahoos!                                                                                                                               197 Words

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The expansion team that luffy would endorse would be the seattle simps. Everybody on buffalo is a simp for some thing or another so it would be very fitting. The colors would be water colors the fans would want fro us because we simp them too. Basically every single wife or girlfriend of all the players and GMs would basically pick everything from the goal sound to the jerseys. Ya that's right you have a favorite number? not anymore because you are in simp town. Our mascot would be a rotating cast of all the wives and probably be 69 because thats the funny number. Our logo would be a giant fucking S because why simp that hard. The simps won't draft anybody based on talent during the expansion pick, just who basiucally loves their significant other the most. And we do that when we draft the fresh 18 year olds in the rookie draft as well. full simp mode for this team.

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I thihnbk that the Eastern area of Canada has been incredibly ignored within the SHL. We currently have a ton of players from their, but the representation for them in terms of a team is not there. While Halifax is a popular destination, it had had a failed SMJHL team. I think the key to success will be to bring a team to the hub city of the Maritimes, Moncton. Moncton is well placed where it is easy for people from Nova Scotia, PEI, and New Brunswick to get to. Bringing a team there will help excite the masses. The team will feature a black, red, and yellow colour scheme and be called the Mavericks with a angry horse being the the power behind the team to signify the grind and effort that the team constantly pushes forward. They will play out of the new arena in Moncton, though they might need to invest in some parking.

Battleborn  Finland     [Image: QwTZD8C.png]   [Image: uJXrVDL.png]  [Image: iemKOIk.png]     Finland  Battleborn

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I'd put my SHL Franchise in New York City as it is a relatively untapped market. While Buffalo and New England are nearby, Their sports markets have always been mostly separate from each other, and its unlikely New York SHL fans would have a hard time switching to rooting for their new hometown team. I would probably look to have either a patriotic name, such as the Liberty, or maybe one based on New York being the "Empire State". For the logo , I would try to utilize one of the cities major landmarks, such as the statue of liberty. The colors would be more complicated because the red, white, and blue color scheme is already in use by Baltimore, however I'd still be inclined to use it. maybe we would use some different shades if we had to. The goal song would be the chorus in "New York State of Mind" by Jay Z.

I realized after I quickly typed this out that I forgot about Manhattan, but fuck it im keeping it. its a good thing i'm not an expansion GM lol.

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Selected #14 Overall to the Colorado Raptors
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