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S57 PT #1 - Attributes Off The Ice

Screening, Getting Open, Passing, Puckhandling, Shooting Accuracy, Shooting Rage, Offensive Read, Checking, Hitting, Positioning, Stickchecking, Shot Blocking, Faceoffs, Defensive Read, Acceleration, Agility, Balance, Speed, Stamina, Strength, Fighting, Aggression, Bravery, Blocker, Glove, Poke Check, Rebound, Recovery, Low Shots, Reflexes, Skating, Mental Toughness.
Written task: You've spent lots of time pouring TPE into various attributes to boost your player's performance on ice, in sim. Which of our FHM attributes (listed above) would help your player out in an off-ice situation? Maybe it's high agility that allows you to wake up late and dart swiftly through traffic, positioning helping you in chess, or fighting helping you win a fight (!). Interpret those attribute labels as figuratively as you need to make it work, but make sure you're picking from that list above. (150+ words)
Graphic task: Show your player in an off-ice scene with a graphic pop-up displaying the FHM attributes helping them in that scenario.
You will receive 3 TPE for fulfilling all requirements.
Deadline: Sunday, December 6th at 11:59PM ET

Affiliate claims from either PBE or ISFL are accepted; link directly to your post and note if your username is different there.
If you have any questions/concerns, please PM me.

This task is for SHL players and send downs only, it is not for SMJHL rookies.

[Image: ekovanotter.gif]
thanks @Carpy48 and @frithjofr and @rum_ham and @Julio Tokolosh and @Briedaqueduc for the sigs
Armada Inferno Norway
(This post was last modified: 12-06-2020, 05:46 PM by sve7en.)

From starring in the Black Panther sequel, to being the center of attention on media days, to Hollywood premiers now that he lives in Los Angeles, Jimmy Wagner is no stranger to the camera at this point. His newest venture highlights one of his best attributes, his league best agility, in something entirely foreign to someone who's spent their entire life on skates: Dancing with the Stars. Known for his charm and being light on his feet, Jimmy will be joining a cast consisting of fellow hockey player Augustus Wang, ISFL star tight end Heath Evans, renowned singer Ciara, and politician and entrepreneur Andrew Yang. Wagner and Wang are the betting favorites in Vegas, with their elite athleticism, but Jimmy was known around the Charlotte area for loving to dance and he feels confident in his ability to take home the crown. Tune in next week to ABC for the first episode.

153 words

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(This post was last modified: 12-06-2020, 05:46 PM by hockeyiscool.)

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I believe my 16 TPE in Strength and 16 TPE in Stamina would make me a pretty legit weightlifter. It takes a lot of strength to be able to competitively weightlift, as you have to bench press, squat, clutch, deadlift, curl, and so many other tough exercises. My high strength will make it easier to do these difficult lifts, because strength is the key to weight lifting. On top of that, my high stamina makes it so I can do more reps of weightlifting in competitions. Another good stat I have is puckhandling, this would probably help in real life with carrying pucks around. If you don't have a bag to carry pucks around when going to practice, it can be tough to carry them from place to place. Puckhandling means I can carry them better. I also have good getting open, this could help when I'm playing some basketball with the boys. I think a lot of my stats would be useful off the ice!

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Pablo Salvatici would be an excellent actor and adult entertainer due to the TPE that he has invested in over his rather short career. Many of the attributes that this TPE has been invested in will bring him success and get him paid handsomely. To start, having a high stamina will help him last longer and keep performing at his peak as the shoot goes on. While others may tire, Pablo keeps trucking along. Bravery and mental toughness go hand in hand here, enhancing both his ability to perform in front of a crowd but also his ability to keep it together once the camera starts rolling. When those lights shine down on you you've got to be able to dial in and ignore surrounding distractions. Screening will help him decide who to work with, as he can't just shoot with any random girl (or guy, we don't judge here) that he meets. Finally, hitting will help Pablo keep hitting it day after day. All these attributes are things Pablo has worked on that will help him both on and off the ice.

183 words

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For Jöörgüštrâäd DuBølk, his Stamina is his most important atribute. I feel that everyone here knows why....'s because he needs to keep up with his dogs! They're adopted from a local animal shelter (we don't stan breeders in his house), and their names are Agaton and Ebba. These two were the most energetic of the bunch at the shelter, and that definitely caught his eye. They're fairly small, so in contrast with Jöörgüštrâäd's large size, it makes the most adorable coupling of person and pups ever. In turn, these pups have a lot of energy, and they tend to run around a lot during the day. In turn, it gives Jöörgüštrâäd a bunch of exercise, and works his stamina on the daily, especially on days when he gives them a bath (they REALLY don't like baths). He also tends to go on long jogs with them, and given their size and energy, they typically last for at least 30 minutes of pure running.

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In another world, maybe Vlastislav Malik could have been a professional CrossFit athlete! With that combo of high agility (10) and balance (13), Malik could perform all sorts of cool workouts such as handstand walks, box jumps, wall-ball shots, etc. His excellent acceleration (11) and speed (11) will allow Malik to keep up a high pace during his workouts. Malik's good stamina (13) will keep him going for multiple high intensity workouts on a daily basis. Combine that with great strength (13), allowing Malik to start off with a high baseline of liftable weights, and you've got an athlete built to excel at CrossFit! In his off-time, Malik would be quite good at darts with that shooting range (9) and shooting accuracy (12)! Or even if he's losing, that checking (12) and hitting (10) would come in handy to sweep his opponent straight off his feet (his fighting (5) could do with some work, so its better to just go for the take-down). In conclusion, Malik would be an extremely fit athlete that's good at darts and can take care of himself in a brawl (well, not really).

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[Image: Eo2nBCt.png] [Image: gs89eGV.png] [Image: QtEp67y.png]

Now there are a few attributes that could help you in various situations. But for this, I'd pick fighting. Now imagine this. You're going downtown and you see someone steal an old lady's purse. He comes running your way and you stop him. Now, what's going to happen? he's going to try and fight you of course. There are two ways this goes, one way if you have a higher fighting skill and the latter with you having a lower fighting skill. If you have a higher fighting skill then you'd be able to grab his shirt or hoodie and throw a few haymakers as if you were on the ice. Now if you had a lower fighting skill like myself then you might have a chance to win, but you could also get socked in the chin and have to face the humility of the situation with losing a street fight as a hockey player.

GM of Canada in the WJC S56

S56 WJC Gold Medalist GM/Player for Canada

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Written task: You've spent lots of time pouring TPE into various attributes to boost your player's performance on ice, in sim. Which of our FHM attributes (listed above) would help your player out in an off-ice situation? Maybe it's high agility that allows you to wake up late and dart swiftly through traffic, positioning helping you in chess, or fighting helping you win a fight (!). Interpret those attribute labels as figuratively as you need to make it work, but make sure you're picking from that list above. (150+ words)

Being a professional hockey player requires one to be in tremendous physical shape and situational awareness. If I were to pick a few key attributes from FHM to use in off-ice situations, they would have to be: Stamina, Speed and mental toughness.

Stamina: Everyday tasks requires a certain amount of energy (such as cooking, doing laundry, vacuuming, taking out the garbage etc) so I would need decent stamina to be able to do these tasks!

Speed: Efficiency is key in almost everything and being able to do them in a quick manner would save so much time in a day. For example, typing at a good speed such as 90 WPM would be better than typing at 50 WPM.

Mental toughness: With all the physical aspects of playing hockey, many tend to forget or ignore how vital it is to make sure your mental health is strong as well. Being in a positive environment or talking things out when you're feeling down are some ways I would help make sure my mental is in the right space.

(177 words)

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Thank you @Stadacona for the Chaewon player sig!

I think my key attributes off the ice is my pure speed at 13 and my stamina at the same level, which would help me in basically all situations of life.

Heavy lifting at the local shop? Faster to the car.

A marathon? Sprint trough it.

Late to practice monday morning? Put the jogging boots on.

Realising you forgot your nephew at the shops 5 minutes before closing time? No worries.

You see? Useful in all situations. I don't think there's a situation where I can't see this come to use. I could be a really good runner with all this stamina and speed. Hidden talent and all that.

My stamina also helps me out in a lot of situations. Up here in Kelowna they don't take well to slacking in practice, so we gotta give our all on the ice every time we get to lacing the skates, even if it's the leisure sunday free for all skate. 13 in stamina really helps keep me fit for fight, even when the training sessions are scheduled all the time.

I think my best attribute would be getting open. Because my player is a bit shy off the ice and doesn't like large crowds. So to be able to get open and away from others is a life changing skill. Just imagine walking down a crowded street at rush hour having to dodge all these people that you do not want to rub shoulders with. My players ability to avoid all these people and large crowds is what makes him keep his sanity.

His offensive and defensive read also helps a lot in these situations. Just being able to predict when needed to be evasive is another key ability to stay the fuck away from people out in the open. My player is at it's best during pandemic times, safe at home away from strangers and play videogames all day with his buddies online while sipping on a hot choco.

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Barracuda Germany Scarecrows Knights

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S50 Challenge Cup Finals Game 7
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The ability to excel and find open areas on the ice to receive a pass is something that Alex Oscarsson does not take for granted, and utilizes every single time he steps into... the bar. He has an uncanny ability to get shots on the bartable for him to drink up, to find the bartenders and make sure they take his order first. An ability not seen often in man, he makes sure to use it every time he steps into a crowded bar.

His offensive prowess allows him to then carry these shots, drinks of beer or whatever was ordered from his group of people with great precision of skill. His passing and stickhandling helps with carrying it. His offensive read helps in not bumping into people when moving these forward. And when it comes to the finishing act of downing these shots, well... He has been taught by the best in this regard. After a not so good last season where he was weak in finishing his drinks, he hopes he has improved this ability to ensure he can stay out for as long as possible.

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Theodor Larsson

William Salming is a guy who is not at his best in situations which need physicality but he is at his best when he can use his brains. Salming's best physical attribute is balance (12) and it helps him to keep balance in life. All of his regular days are similar. He wakes up at the same time, do his stuff and begins spare time on afternoon. It is important to keep balance every day so you feel safety. However, his speed and acceleration are only 11 which means that sometimes it can take some time to start doing different kind of things but when he gets on full speed, you can't stop him because Salming's offensive and defensive read are excellent (13) and he really can produce stuff endlessly thanks to his brain capacity. He thinks about game on ice faster than most others and it reflects also off-ice when he for example writes different kind of articles or texts because he can read them through quickly on his mind thanks to his offensive and defensive read skills.

Words: 191

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This is an easy one for Kaarlo Kekkonen. As someone who spends huge amounts of time in the gym throwing weights around, there is no attribute more important to him than Strength. He has been known lately as caring more about the gains he's making in the gym and his physique than he does about playing the sport of hockey which might be something of a concern to his coaches but he's looking very swole at the minute and I think everyone's going to be really impressed with how he's looking when the season kicks off. There has also been some use for the Defensive Read attribute because of this situation. He has been able to defensively read his coaches angry reactions to his weightlifting endeavours and counter them expertly. He has worked hard on getting his strength to where it is and it's great to see it pay off, not in the ice but in the weight room where he's setting PBs every week.

165 words

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PT Pass

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Thank you all for the amazing sigs & player cards
Germany Citadelles  Stampede [Image: vhY18i8.png][Image: Raptors.png][Image: gs89eGV.png] [Image: eE2UQZC.png] Stampede Citadelles Germany

3. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 5 (Maximilian Wachter, Alexis Metzler) at 16:25
5. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 6 (Steven Stamkos Jr., Brynjar Tusk) at 19:48
8. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 7 (Brynjar Tusk, Alexis Metzler) at 13:55
9. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 8 (Anton Fedorov, Mikelis Grundmanis) at 15:12
10. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 9 (Dickie Pecker) at 19:43 (Empty Net)

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