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S58 PT #1 Empty Arenas

In this awfully strange and weird time nowhere is safe from the deadly virus ravaging the world currently, and this includes the Simulation Hockey League. As such there are no spectators allowed in the games and every team suddenly has an arena full of empty stands. One such team is the Chicago Syndicate. The Chicago Syndicate have decided to embrace the crime ridden nature of the city it lives in and use their empty space to store weapons, drugs, and used needles. This is good because not only does the front office make money renting their empty space out but it also goes along with their team identity of being a crime mob that Chicago's history is so well known for. Hopefully once this strange season ends everyone comes pick up their illegal weapons and drug paraphernalia so that once the customers and fans come back in the stadium it will be clean, unlike the streets of Chiraq.
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(Sig Credit: toedragon84)


PT pass

[Image: outlaws2.png]  [Image: switzerland2.png] [Image: monarchs.png]  Mathias Seger #15 | Player page | Update page [Image: outlaws2.png] [Image: switzerland2.png] [Image: monarchs.png]
[Image: Segi.gif] 
Sigs by Donini, RainDelay, Fever and OrbitingDeath

Gabe Johnson is obviousy a new arrival in Seattle after the big fee they paid for him, so it has been a bit of an akwkkward transition period getting acquainted with new faces in the team for him. This combined with the absence of fans makes it a bit difficult to adapt. However, Johnson has found inspiration in trying to force his love of popular music artist The Weeknd on all his teammates, and most notably general manager Tiggie Smalls. Johnson hopes that before games he can provide energy with songs from The Weeknd such as Blinding Lights, The Hills and Starboy, because The Weeknd is basically all he listens to nowadays. Due to the nature of Johnson only having two years left on his contract, Seattle agreed to play songs in the Weeknd to fill the empty stadium during COVID-19 times, because Johnson threatened to leave the team if they would not accomodate his love of The Weeknd. Johnson has said he is looking forward to walking out to Starboy reverberating throughout the closed off arena before every game.

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SMJHL hockey club named Quebec City Citadelles has a leadership group that has decided that because we are professional hockey players. everyone needs to take care of themselves when preparing for hockey matches without fans. Everyone has their own pre-match routines and sticking to them is very important during these times. Routines are important and that way everyone can feel comfortable before games and be ready to be best versions of themselves when stepping on ice. There really isn't a way to replace energy that fans can give so Citadelles aren't even tried to pretend so or innovate ideas how to replace that energy. They have just decided that players need to get used to play without fans and there is nothing you can do to replace energy from the fans. Last season that approach worked pretty well in the regular season but in the playoffs on semifinals game seven it clearly showed that fans weren't in the building to give some home ice advantage. Team hopes that fans can come back to stands in the end of this season but who knows what happens.

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This is a very difficult time for all of us, because without spectators hockey is no longer what it was before. Inside the team, we try to cheer each other up by telling some fun stories, anecdotes. But to get the push our fans gave us, we haven't found a recipe for it yet. It must only come with time, because it is difficult to get used to such circumstances. On the other hand, we are professional ice hockey professionals and we need to be able to stand together before each game. As many teams in the world use all sorts of IT solutions to this problem, I hope that team management will figure out for even launching audience sounds, or for digital screens, where viewers will be able to watch the game from home and all their faces will be in the stands. Encouragement and energy must be found in itself at such times, and one needs help.

It is a whole new chapter in Carolina Krakens saga. Over the course of their journey they have had packed seats all day long whenever gameday comes. Even during practice the most loyal fans come see their favourite Krakens in action before the real action even begins. Now, because of the current worldwide situation, there are no more fans in the stands of practice, and Kraken players do not have the mental advantage on their opponents anymore. In order in trying to gain that mental edge over their opponents, Carolina have made a deal with the local radio channel, who now broadcast Kraken games in their radio channel. Fans now have a chance to call the radio station before every game and say whatever they have to say for the Carolina Kraken, during their warmup and moments before the game players will be listening closely to what their fans have to say to them.

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In Nevada, the extra feeling and motivation to play well come from gambling. Some players like to put some money on the line, but something minor like having to collect the pucks after the next practice could be the wager. What the players actually bet on varies. A group of players might put on a bet to see who can score the most goals or get the most hits, winner takes it all. Playing poorly or harming the team somehow is a popular topic. If you for example take a penalty you could lose the bet, or if you miss a wide-open chance, then you might have to collect those pucks.

Options are endless, anything you can think of.

Not everybody takes part in gambling, but I have noticed that sometimes it helps to have extra ''pressure'' on, especially on those bets that do not have any money on the line. Nobody wants to let their teammates down, sometimes you want to focus on not taking those penalties.

I never put big sums of money on the line because I rarely win those bets. A couple of seasons ago I collected the pucks for at least ten practices in a row.

This time is quite difficult for all teams, because the game cannot be watched in person by the spectators and support their favorite team, it gives extra energy. But with us, the noise of the fans is artificially made with the help of drums and audio with all kinds of slogans, applause, whistles, etc. Also, the seats of the spectators are not covered, but cardboard people are placed in those places, which from a distance even seem real. Also, in some places there are players' shirts, which gives the feeling that we are not alone on the ice, but someone from the sidelines is watching this game. As well as very encouraging songs are closed during the warm-up of the game, the same is done during breaks. Often different people appear on the board during the game and they enjoy it. So that we can save this in some way and allow people to be on the board, we have also thought about it. Each of their homes, from their computer, their phone can connect to the website where the game is displayed and it is possible that you can go directly to the board during the game.

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It's tough for the Renegades players to be facing another season without being able to have their fans join them to get in on the fun of the games. When so many people are suffering in more serious ways because of the pandemic however, the team is still going to be able to get on with the job at hand and focusing on winning as many games as they can, regardless of whether the fans are watching in the arena or on TV. The team's almost used to not having their fans their to cheer them on due to the same restrictions being in place for a few seasons, and it's made travelling, training and all other aspects of their hockey life very different but they're still very motivated to adapt and overcome the issues at hand in order to get themselves into a position where they can have fun playing and have as strong a season as possible also.

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It has been a weird year that's for sure. We knew that we'd be losing the home team advantage when it came to fans in the stands. I don't think anyone was prepared for what that meant for us, or any other team. We started combating the empty feeling by playing audio recordings of fans cheering on 2 hour loops before the game. That helped a little bit, enough to get us pumped up. Nothing seemed to help during the game. The loud speakers were playing fan noises and reactions from a soundboard, but it didn't feel the same. Regardless, we are still here to play and if that means we have to do it in front of nobody but ourselves and the coaching staff, so be it. One day, when the fans come back and the atmosphere is back where it should be, we'll all celebrate by offering free beer to fans for the first game.


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Specters Monarchs Berserkers Scarecrows [Image: italian-flag.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=tO...eKFgvtgqU=]

Specters Armada Scarecrows Czechia
Panthers Specters Jets Scarecrows Usa [Image: 4star.png] [Image: challengecup.png] [Image: challengecup.png]
RIP Dangel #AD26  |  RIP TDZ

Obviously, it's hard to get hyped for games without the fans buoying you on. They're always at the games to support you and while I've yet to experience the atmosphere at a fully packed stadium in Hamilton from the Steelhawks side, I'm sure it's as electric as people say it is. It's going to be interesting to see how the team gets pumped up without fans in the stadium; I'd assume that a lot of music will be played in the dressing room both before and after games in order to set the mood and get us hyped for the game to come. However, if I can do my role in making the team energy high before games, that would be great. I'm new to the team, yes, but I'm also just really excited to play for such a prestigious franchise like the Steelhawks. I hope my general excitement to play for the team every game rubs off on the rest of the guys.

Armada Monarchs

Armada Steelhawks Switzerland

Armada Specters Wolfpack Steelhawks Forge Switzerland

Scarecrows pride Chiefs Riot Stars Blizzard Ireland

ty to @High Stick King @EvilAllBran and @Ragnar for the sigs
(This post was last modified: 02-08-2021, 08:54 AM by Otrebor13.)

Nothing will ever replace the roaring crowd at a home game to get you pumped up or help give that extra bit of momentum when you need it. That being said, with the circumstances and the measures being taken by the league to ensure both the fans’ and the players and coaches’ safety, momentum and excitement will have to come from within.

In Hamilton we have a ton of high energy players on the team, but nobody brings the energy quite like A Jobin @Jobin. That’s right, our goalie is always high energy and ready to go. When you play him for the first time you think he’s a mad man. Jobin is constantly yelling from his crease, he’s trying to get everyone going, and constantly shit talking the opponent. Even when we’re in the offensive zone you can hear him heckling the opposing team’s players. This guy doesn’t like to lose, and he shows it every night. He would make a great captain, but it’s unfortunate he can’t be it since he’s a goalie.

[Image: Otrebor13.gif]

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PBE Affiliate PT

Answer's easy. We're gonna be so loud that the other team thinks the fans are there. Bing bang boom.

OR We'll provide QCC themed hazmat suits for every fan that comes (QCC fans only) and thus we'll have a fallout looking rink filled with fans. We're talking hazmat suits instead of jersey's. Each with the OWL on it. You can get it in home or away colors. Then the other teams will be so freaked out they'll forfeit on the spot. I mean it's really that easy. Simply brilliant. But honestly the best thing for everyone is that people stay home. Watch the games on TV, I'm sure the network will figure out a way to make sure that everyone who wants to watch can. Or you know just stream it. Like we, the Players, get paid either way. Hit us on social media. Let us know you're watching and supporting us. QCC FOR THE CUP


The team has recently undergone a sponsorship with what has been described as a high quality, mega caffeine energy drink that can get even the tamest up and partying. ShizYoPants is the future of pump up sessions. Days of Sandstorm by Darude and screaming in each other’s faces are gone. The future is here though. ShizYoPants provided a telepathic energy connection between all of those who’ve drank it in the past 24 hours. Some claim there is a cosmic element to it, but the Federal Drug Administration has denied the energy drink company to add that as a disclaim on their cans. Those Gatorade bottles you see on the benches are simply for show. Players, coaches and other staff know they are filled to the brim with the frothing ShizYoPants. As the name suggests, timing and consumption amount of this drink is of the utmost important as we wouldn’t want any accidents on the ice. The drink is expected to be available to all fans in the upcoming months.

169 words

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