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S58 SMJHL PT #4 - OT6

Center - Scooby Doo - St. Louis Scarecrows
Right Wing - Vaseline Podcalzone - Newfoundland Berserkers
Left Wing - Twelve Forty-Seven Fifteen - Carolina Kraken
Right Defense - Bud Light Lime Bud Light Lime - Maine Timber
Left Defense - Ruggs McOoooh - Colorado Raptors
Goalie - Podan Podanović (me) - Detroit Falcons (skreeeee!!!!!!)

In the past, these 5 + Podan have interacted before, and it was an instant bond and life long friendship from the very first conversations they had. The fellowship and companionship these life long comrades formed was a direct result of the immediate empathy they were able to show each other for their obscure and unique names. These six have names shared with no others they've ever met, seen, encountered, or played with, in this league or otherwise. The obscurity inevitably led to much bullying throughout each players childhood, molding them into strong willed, thick skinned, empathetic, understanding, compassionate humans. Trial by fire, if you will.

The similar personalities would absolutely shine in game situations, with each individual playing selflessly and for the good of the team as a whole. This would be a case where the whole was greater than the sum of it's parts, as the team work would elevate to the next level, each player anticipating their teammates thoughts and actions before they took place. The smooth fluidity of their play would be unmatched, and unstoppable.

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My first choice of fantasy teammates would be Yuuto Kira Cloudera Jr. Currently plays right defense for the Quebec Citadelles. This player I would love to touch on their +33 rating and they seem to have a very similar pass-first attitude. 100% would destroy alongside.

Next, Playing Left wing from Kelowna, Vlastislav Malik. Dude's a beast. Just racks up the stats on a team where everyone shines. Would love to pass some pucks forward and stand back and watch the magic.

Thirdlyest, Daedalus James from Detroit playing right wing. Mostly because Daedalus was the coolest bad dude from bad 70's cartoons and always has a place in my heart. I'd pass to that Minotaur hater all day.

Fourthliest, Yanno Rosejac as my goalie. Currently plays for Colorado and is an absolute beast. The kind you don't want a breakaway because he'll eat you up and spit you out. The goalie you want on your team not against you.

Finallyest, Wile Coyote who plays centre for Vancouver Whalers. This dude got some tricks up his sleeve and would be a fun centre. Painting fake players benches just to watch the opponent skate into the boards. No production but much entertainment.

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I’m going to stick with my fellow Season 58 SMJHL draftees for this exercise. We have some impressive, young players in our class, players I believe would be competitive if mixed and matched on a pair of lines. That said, here’s my lineup.

Fedor Sotakov is obviously play the left wing on this squad. Fedor has decent size, but he’s not an overly physical player. He likes to handle the puck and is always seeking the snipe. He prefers teammates that can play fast and physical. He also needs linemates that can clean up on the defensive end of the ice.

At center, I’m putting Anaheim’s Ryuuji Kawashima out there. I like that he’s a big body forward with great puck handling and passing. I think he would control a lot of possessions and feed Sotakov a plethora of one-timers.

Alexis Saint-Michel of Vancouver is cruising up the right wing for me. He’s got great speed and would combine with Sotakov to create some fast hockey along the boards. I also think his puck handling and offensive read skills would see him and Fedor switch-off on power plays to move defenders and open shooting lanes.

For my defensive pair, I like Aleksandrs Balcers of Newfoundland on the left side and Anchorage’s Jay Sink on the right. Balcers gives me some size on the blueline and has the offensive skills to rocket the puck from the point. Having Jay Sink out there gives me a gritty, hard-checking defender that can handle the puck and get up ice. You hear the name “Jay Sink” and think “shit, that guy sounds tough”. I need tough on this team.

This lineup would be lethal. It has size, speed, puck handling, play-making, and guys that can snipe. Bring it on.

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Finland  Raptors  pride

Right Wing- Artemius Nystrom, Colorado Raptors
Left Wing- Samuel Savage, Newfoundland Berserkers
Center- Makrus "The Tater" Jager, Vancouver Whalers
Left Defense- Mikhael Petrov, Kelowna Knights
Right Defense- A-Rye Izzy, Kelowna Knights
Golie- Chimkin Tendy, Anchorage Armada

Makrus “The Tater” Jager is a rookie with only 9 games under his belt. He wants to build a team of other players that haven’t had a lot of time on the ice but are hungry to make a name for themselves. These players have been prioritized based on positive results with few games played. Nystrom and Savage have both only played 16 games. In those games they both have 4 points and are plus 2 and 4 respectively. Petrov and Izzy on the other hand have both been in over 30 games this season. Having more experienced players on defense gives our less seasoned players more leeway to take some chances. Lastly Chimkin Tendy has saved 93% of the shots taken at him. He might not be the most experienced goalie on the ice but he is a solid rock to grow this squad off of.

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G - Bigga Forya (Maine Timber)
LD - Jay Sink (Anchorage Armada)
RD - Luc Blouin (Detroit Falcons)
C - Daud Ramza (Carolina Kraken)
LW - Nikolaj Boyle (Vancouver Whalers)
RW - Walter Burke (Maine Timber)

I call this "Team: My friends from the International Simulation Football League" 

As one would expect, these are my friends! We'll be a great team. I think I might end up getting into my first career fight with Jay Sink. But that is only because he ever so slightly sucks. Outside of that, this lineup would have some of the best chemistry. You may have seen the Flying V, but with Boyle and Sink, you'll see the Flying G! (...M) in which the three of us just meme instead of taking the game seriously; yet we will still spout off about how much better of GM's we are compared to the PBE (Errybody catching strays!)

Ultimately, I feel like this team has some pretty great TPE and promise. In turn, this would end up leading to at least fifteen goals for each of us including Foryu, but moreover, we'd secure the first seed; no doubt about it in my mind.

196 Words

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For being a rookie with only 2 games played to date, this activity is obviously harder for me than for some others who somewhat know their way around the league. As a result, this selection is based off of stats and my deductions from them rather than my own experience in the league. As the forward core, I would have to go with Igor Petrov (LW), Zdenko Beranek ©, and Tres Sombreros (RW). These three players, all coincidentally from Quebec (I wonder why they're sitting at first in the East???), would both put the puck in the net as well as help out defensively. Petrov and Beranek are nearly point per game players while both putting up a mix of goals and assists. Sombreros has one of the best plus minuses in the league to date and putting him on a line with Petrov and Zdenko would be deadly. As for D, it would be myself (duh) and Grandmaster Funk (LD, New Brunswick). Funk is a machine on defense who can both play on the powerplay and penalty kill if need be. His other stats are phenomenal and hopefully I won't let him down too badly. This should come as no surprise but in net I would pick Damien Vertigo (G, Kelowna). The numbers speak for themselves and it's a big reason why Kelowna is first in the league. Anyways that's my dream team line-up! Now, to work on beating these guys ;P

(231 words)
(This post was last modified: 03-05-2021, 05:53 AM by KenitohMenara.)

For my ideal formation, I decided to keep it only to my fellow S59 rookies most because otherwise the picks would be a little too obvious and there are so many great players in the incoming S59 class that deserve to be highlighted.

At Right Winger would obviously be Alexis Saint-Michel. An all purpose right winger that becomes a nightmare for goalies to handle with his puck handling and rebound control that means goalies have to make 2 or 3 saves instead of 1 per play. On his other wing, I have Lebron Brady, a pure physical specimen who can make plays even when 3 players are draped over him which would pair well with ASM’s speed to cause defenses nightmares. Reidar Gronkjaer would be the center, a great playmaker who can make passes even when covered by both defenders and when he’s not even looking at the players he’s passing to.

My defensive pairing would be AJ Tirrell and Sekai Wollker. As much as I don’t like the Outlaws I cannot deny their talent. They are both phenomenal defensive guys who would compliment the forwards very well as the five of them could make plays all over the ice together.

Oh and goalie is very obviously Evgeni Petrov because the dude is beast who could be starting for most teams in the junior league with the season he's having.

Left wing - Janis Lux
Left defence - Aleksandrs Balcers
Center - David Ramza
Right defence - AJ Tirrell (me)
Right wing - Shaq O’Neal
Goalie - Benjamin Blue-II

Lux is a solid LW with 242 TPE . A well rounded player with a focus on offense. A pretty good start to this all rookie lineup. Balcers was the #1 overall pick and it would be an honor to be paired with such. In one of the streams I tuned into I watched Balcers score a hat trick. Ramza is one of the few rookie centers in the smjhl this season and I have seen him being active in the rookie discord. He seems like a nice guy with an actual center build so Ill go with him. At right wing I chose to go with Shaq O'Neal, I didn't look at stats at all for this one, I mean who cares about stats its Shaq! Who wouldn't want to play with the biggest player in the league. And to round out the team at goalie I would choose Benjamin Blue. As a recreate, Blue has plenty of experience and he seems to have really good stats for a rookie.

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Written option: Choose 5 other SMJHL players who are NOT on your team to complete a starting lineup that includes yourself. Use whatever criteria you want and tell us about it and/or how the six of you would get along if you did play together (150+ words).

So to start of with the obvious one is that Ryuuji Kawashima will be centering this starting lineup. As a playmaking center I looked at other players who could compliment and go off on Kawashima set up abilities.

Starting off with the Right Winger, it's Robot Sunfish. Sunfish is a two-way forward with a bit of an edge to his game. He is a 200 feet player who can go up and down the ice, bringing solid defensive presence and then go back up the ice find an open spot and work magic from there.

To compliment and finish out the forward trio we have Twelve Forty-Seven Fifteen, Fifteen is the sniper that compliments Kawashima's playmaking abilities. Expect a lot of passes to be fed to Fifteen to try and bolster his offensive numbers.

On the left side defense we have Bjørn Jakobsen, Jakobsen is a bit of a jack of all trades on the ice. He brings great offensive presence on the blue line, aswell as being a great defender when on the defense. Jakobsen will be moving through the channels and can expect drop passes from Kawashima to send pucks home from the blue.

and to duo with Jakobsen we have Finn von Murphenstein. Murphenstein and Jakobsen have similair playing styles, but can make it work with a bit of change in who gets the duties of being the defender and who gets the duty in being the quarterback as it were.

The goalie has to be Damien Vertigo, Vertigo is currently ripping up the juniors being one of the best goalies in the leauge. This line up will work together as a well oiled machine, with the offensive chemistry between sniper and playmaker, the two way who can help out and where needed and two defenders who can switch their duties and do great in both of them. Backed up by one of the greatest goalies.

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Thank you Fever, sköldpaddor and OD for the amazing sigs!
Heart  Militia Montreal Impact/Militia Militia-Old Heart

ISFL PT, username is SamTwoSix

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ISFL PT affiliate

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[Image: Darby-Reznor-MET-sig.jpg]

For my lineup, I will be sticking to playing with players with vaguely Irish prefixes (or suffixes, i.e Mc, O', etc.) in their last names (or anywhere in their name to be honest), even if they aren't actually Irish. I'm not quite sure why I chose to plan my team around such a theme but I really had no other ideas. 

At goalkeeper, I have chosen Bloody Oath of the Maine Timber. I chose Oath because no other goalkeeper really came close to matching my arbitrary criteria so I went with him. I also like his name and he's got a pretty good SV% at 0.913. 

At right defense, unfortunately, I had to choose myself; Dara McQuick. I would have preferred to go with O'Duck of Maine or McFife XVIIII of the Raptors, but alas, rules.

At left defense I would've gone with the obvious pick Lonnie O'Donoghue, my wonderful teammate but, again rules got in the way. Ultimately I went with Matty Sandeen. They simply caught my eye and I like the 22 points they've put up so far this season, also their name more or less matches the theme... kinda.

Back to the easy picks, at center, we have Cian McFelter of the Knights. I mean, it was meant to be. Also, 39 points so far this season bodes well for this team. 

Right-wing had some competition but I ultimately chose Maine's Ellis McPickle. They clearly match the theme and they'll link well with teammate Bloody Oath

Finally, at left-wing I've brought in Bas O'Bigbers who will be playing out of position (they usually play RW) in order to fill out my offense and meet my silly requirement. Again, a pretty good player who has put up 38 points so far for the Berserkers so I am more than happy bringing him on board. 

That's it. See ya.

Word Count 312

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The Venerable, Most Eloquent, Sir Aloyisius Hoglord The Third of House Zwijnjäger

C - Zdenko Beranek, Quebec City Citadelles
LW - Igor Petrov, Quebec City Citadelles
RW - Julian Kazarine, Maine Timber (myself)
LD - Terrence Smith, Colorado Raptors
RD - Robert Feltersnatch, Kelowna Knights
G - Damien Vertigo, Kelowna Knights

I'm going with the not-very-scientific method of picking players that are playing well this year!

I'm a playmaker, so I have to get myself a couple of good scorers to play with, and who better at scoring in the SMJHL than Igor Petrov, who leads the league in goals by 5 over the next closest player? Only four guys have 20 goals and he's at 28.

Zdenko Beranek is the next member of the SMJHL's top scoring trio that I'm going with, again due to the ability to put the puck in the net. He's also got a 65 defensive game rating so maybe he can provide some defensive conscience or something. I'm OK defensively but still developing at the SMJHL level.

LD Terrence Smith was chosen to take care of the defensive half of the ice. 20 points is a respectable offensive output while also putting up 114 hits, 45 takeaways, 120 blocked shots and a 75 DGR so he seems like a good candidate for the role. To compliment Smith, we've got Robert Feltersnatch from Kelowna playing the right side, who is more of a puck moving offensive blueliner. I might've picked Jasper Maximov... but I already took enough Quebec players.

I would've picked one of my Maine teammates in net if I were allowed because they have been facing a stupid amount of rubber this season with a rebuilding team and defense, and somehow still have save percentages around .915, which I think is crazy so good for you guys Bigga Foryu and Bloody Oath. But I'm not allowed to pick you here so I may as well go with the goalie that's 28-2-1 right? Damien Vertigo's stats this season are ridiculous, so... welcome to the squad.

323 words

If I had to pick four other players from other teams to play with, I think I'd have to go with big ol' Terry Smith (Colorado Raptors), Boris Petrov (Quebec), Kermit Murphy (Detroit), and Pasta The Turtle (Newfoundland? Netherlands? Whatever the hell NL is). Apparently I'm one player short of the pt goal, so I'll include Mew Two since I like Pokémon.

If you look at the list, you'll see that the guys I have are high on the hits list. I like the phsycial game, and I want to smash the opponents into oblivion. I'll be honest, I didn't look to see if they'd make a three forward and two defense line, because it really doesn't matter. We're going to pummel some poor blokes.

As far as chemistry, it doesn't really matter. Honestly, I almost hope we don't get along. We'd all be in competition to see who can hit people the most, or fight the most people. Respect is earned.

The main thing to consider here is what our goal is. Our goal is to punish the opposing team, and make them want to quit on every play. I feel like having a bunch of the most physical guys, and a guy named after a turtle, this is going to be an easy goal to accomplish. We might not score much, but we'll do our part to dominate.

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